Biên bản họp ban chỉ đạo dự án số 3

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  • 8/6/2019 Bin bn hp ban ch o d n s 3


    vltr 0703511 BtcDlt .ix ciP NU c v,{



    Qur Nhor, 24/02,2011Thunim fhu6da),2412/2011U6i rrlongA Vrn fhdneURND inh BinhDinh Mzerirghall ,,1 f ProrincialPeopte Connittee

    I. Thnnt olin than du/ Pdrr?r,atrlsUBNDtinh idhDinhc6moitlai ier86 Kdhoachi DAuu vddaidienBOTdichiihnnmg Lh6ns 6th:j,nnin htundu.The epreentatives f the Miniry ol tlakhihs ahd hvcstment nrl the Mihistr! afFihah.e we.e hrn..l b! the Bitih Dinh PPChut thatlatuuh:eht

    2.CoqnrnPhil I.ianBt/telgian D.wlopJhed gerc!-Ong:DnkDeprez liutre daidien hudnsi /,4esi.|e,tcyeseitative- Ong:TranL Nam C n bi .11\IonEr\n\ | ProEanuc OlJiccr3,UBNDin lvnEnl fo c lc

    oig HdQu6c iie- ong:Nsuyan Lic hi- OnsrNguyeDllnuvui- 6nc: oMinn ua.

    st tien q$n I PPCondrcIatihq tepdtttt."lsPh6Chn ch JDNDi$ fcni rricrnc u,/vi.e Chann.n olrhePPC ChanhdhoJlle meetittq)P!6cheDhnn hdog JBNDinnvu ttea.lofthc lPa *crctoriaLPh6Girmd6cSdNN&PlNTDepln!Dne.tor ftheDARDPh6 iatu 6c SoTN&N4TDeNq Diectaraf1t1e.NREPh6Cirmd6cSo fdichinhDer\' Dired)r ol theDoF

    dErn t Pnje.l avttr oI th?ntq rcie.tsPh6ChntchUDND nlCn hirMi

  • 8/6/2019 Bin bn hp ban ch o d n s 3


    viceChann n of Pht Mt,DIC- 6ns NsuyanChi XO !hi' Ch'ltich UBNDhuyCDloii [email protected] ChondahafHoai honDPC-6nsLeMiDnTonn Ph6ChilichURND nyCn nNhmviceChai'nan olAn NhahDIIC-OngHulnl DncTri Ph6ChLlichUAND uyen ly Phudc/i.e Choirnan tfl lt PhrocDPCongD; vin Ld Ph6 hi tich ltJNDrrl6nTtr smvneChaknohofTdr SonDPC

    - OncNeuyan linl T\r Truons hdng isnc ghidp uyen hnCntIhadafPhucat lkttictDARD5.Brn quin fi dlr nnCiDnnrt vnve snridnl, BrnQI-DA iat\) tlSSPPPMVI

    6ngNguyEn inh1em Gii,ta6c Dr en ProjedDnechloncJozefDesmeL c6 #n Kt thDitQu6c6 /z- Vd ben rha AnbOBd QLDAtinh ,a1loJPPMU taffll. NOi nne tnft hop Content l the"LeethtP1, TuyOn 6li do,ntrcdich uocl,Ap:i r h bnybnotndOtenbtg,prqenling thePrcgresscPrt

    sauLhindu i do,nuc dich uoc ap dgidithidu ti cu6c opnvquvdnchoCidnr 6cBanQLDA kerrtui hrc hin v an ! cuoc opBd chidao antht2dannay didunsbnoctonmmot 6ooidungchinhtsau:,tfiet arcnin! tha neetiry, the .haiPet$n .f nk n.dkg asigne.l the lrajeclDir.ctor toFereht theprcgest rcpol sihcc hesec.nd 'SC ne.ting ThepraSrets ePoh- Gidi hierchung aduanlOae ie|| i{arnatioh 01 hePraject,. L t , o . d o . e' J ' a r d o r E1 t ' , . o ' { - J u a ' r - d ' . ' 6 c o o c a d d o l : '

    Repo.tah the csu|s olthe prciect c.nPkents si"cethe d PSCne.tinq;- K hoach o4tdong nadu n: Tnnhbdydiducninh hoach ostd6ng5 n,m (20092or;) c,r.;trin;-Kd hoacn oatdone hi i6t6 drnng iu nem20l ;

    Activiry ptanhihg: the rerjedlire yea. u.tirit, Plan C0A9 2014) ah.l the.l.tailedo.t^'iqddnfor the r! letnener l20ttlq o ( a o ' s . ! l . r i u | 6 1 s q r . ' \ . i 6 d ' ' l o a \ d i \ r 1 n d 'd ' b \ d r co ; ' r i " 0 l , u r L ' d ' \ ' r l " \ - \ _ I x l , c l r ' , c ' 0 " 1 ' \ d d d n v lFihancial report: aw^,iev ol the ojed Fogess, Jikarcial plan af the RelEianl,ndlat the l6t renakl ol2t)t l ant fihon.idt Ptan.fthe viethan*e lund lo. thevealMOts6kh6khnn, rch thric ronequdlrinh hlc hiendu nn vd kiannshiBanchidaoxdn xit. cho kian.

  • 8/6/2019 Bin bn hp ban ch o d n s 3


    Challerces aad diniulie! tuisiks .lwins the rreje.t n,Pte ?ntation, ah.lrcconnenddtiant propose.lbr the 'PMUti the anroral oJ he PSc

    Kd Lt sau L|oc opBCD an hLt ai,BanQI-DA inh dnli clLic idn klrai hvc hiar t6rc6choatd6ngddocRCb pheduydt Tuy nhin, n mols6noi dunenhi,chmdar kdnoach.Tind6 sidine6n 6nDidat 75.61%. 6nVidtNarn99-400/0.uong jhg oi tiend0 in khaiSincchc 2"' ?SC, hePPMUh.s inpl.ntented ll theplanned ctiritietwell: awerer,thete eete san. minar slips n the tpee.l afihplenentotion when@npared to theplanninEDisbtrsehehtNagrcss attained 75 6 %.f tlleplohn.d disbwsenent un.lq BelEianund and99Ja% of thc plavetl disbu5enent un lar Victnanese@ulupart Iund dnd it n rn.futtogeenaht wth the mplenentati.n .frhe d.tirities.

    . ttsDplan Nanc.,o nh6n oisi,e contponontof the rcj.ct:Cnc hrnhvien BcD denhsiii caophu@gphApi6Fcan rongchidn u@ nens aon l i ' L n . i o B ' ' . q . n \ r ' , , J r u t r , ' 6 1 . r o , n : , n ' ; ' i r . a ' r , b " iq1rc ho 'g q' d ' le r 'o r d61d , 1 i . r r t o \ i rn6 i ' rumcd i ' l u . l . ie ' . \umdlriDhndne aonh6nlhLtcechaldrilrin rd voi Tnmg amNLocsechn v sinnn6 i' ' u o r s ' o ' s . f o rd ; ' F u ' i ' ' r . 1 g r - ' l r . n c oo l . i r l -^ ' a , ' o . , n n .nnien. o phdixn li n6t s6vtn ilephft sidr ve thue, en hoisian u kli chuonsdnnr ' C , ; r r r . L e ' l l r m o . B d I d a o . - p " d r . d a r l " \ i l r . a 'n o po r r ! u ' . 1 u , 3 . o ' o i r u u C b . t l t t ' 1 4 ' g . , n ' l o s r i C nd 6 d r o n l . a ' r r ) . r , i " . . " v d ' l . h d n l . d i u d n c i i q ' . . r " ; o d r a r Ccnaciaidoan hi didmda.s dtrG in khaidrtc hianbidr hudnsThe PSC nenbe\ hishl! dnte.iate the netha.t lael o1 the awarchessni\jtgnrakE! proposeLl h! the PP\4U oml i1 Nni.,ldr the sedrchJbr sBtaindbilir,throryh the subcontrachngol the raarau to the F'Dn onmenldtPtulettian Agen.y(EPA) lo. dnrews raisia4 an s.lid waste and to the prorin ial Centet lorEni.annent dnLlRu.u! tlotet s,ppb, slttehs (?CERV4SS)br Narcness raisna anlat cleah wkt oeeft. dld the 6rd.en*s tdising Pto{an ok salil e6te vasap\a,ed ih ?SC2 lhe PPMU fd.ed 4 .teldy of n./e thah three nDhlhs on theptugtes af this pruject ..n!ohent, tue ta Prcbllns oh tat issres dtiry theprepantian of the imdenenlutiDh contrdct wth EP/' C"ftehtb, all problcns hdrebeensalw.l ah.l thepilot phasepragtesses arnolbi

    - l ' r . \ ' C r . r , J j n , r l h ' d . , o c 6 ' g r ' " ; r r " a ' a - l o a d 6 ' E r J a ' ' - o l' 1 r \ ; ' h r ' j r B d r ' l . d a o d i . hm r c d : a u J r d u o t r \ t . u q ' d v d r d e lvnne,phia inhcao itu kienroic Dguinvohha! ph,iFUracdeddmbrio han iigcdchoatdongndysaukhi siaidoan hi didn k& d c. baog6n crc ngu6ndn ngan dclrdrd rudc.v6n u Dh5n,on di ro hoicctc Dcubn dtrhq! phip knr.let the Belgiah ftkd k onty enoughar the ,fplenentatiah al the awareness cnilspi lo! oct ri t es n d efl t. ns/can unas l he l'SC recotnnrcndthat i'1 tdlt t. obtdihthe elicienq and the stlaihabilitr afthe Ptuiect, the arince n!.ls ta look.kt.therreso"rc$ to assure he hPtettentattan af thlse actirities an a larEe snte dler thepilot phdse, hchEivepublic tltinte paine6hif! o.\P.Bored actirities.

    - DTc da DshiBanQLD riDnkhuy;nkhicl Trung am Nudc sach d ve sinnn6 iirtrorg ndng h6n vA Chi cuc Bdo ve n6i rudng Lham ndo cec c6ng c! thuc thi tu@

  • 8/6/2019 Bin bn hp ban ch o d n s 3


    xnydme d cip qu6c ia i ip dung lnns ]to didukiend )]r,chukh6nsnen uxnydbg crc..6ng u huc hi nj,yBTCdis. inrile.l PMU 10?n autas . PCLRWASSndEPA aearkfulher*ith t.otsae'dopad at the natiandl lcrel and h.t to ihwnt all Nareness toisins tooh ittz{alpnilcial levl N.tional tooh torld be.dnpte.l top ovincial .ofltdlI l i ennJy,B .nQLDAtnc62 ' lF l iq rsuh6 l fdchoChuyens iananscaonars lscvn xay dvns nhl. th&c. nOnhopphdn nly sadult thuc hion tA hm trcnc thoi sianThe caFcit| u,il.linE and .,ltat e a$ RaisitlEspccialtt (CAS)of tht PPMU n nowassiled ht 2,lniat Assistants o t]1isconlpan.nt shall obtdin better rcsult in the n*l

    IIqn DhdtrXaydFngning lut:Copacil) Buildi,rs conpuEht .f thc t raiat:HiennayBanQLDA inhda.ghodn hien i: hoqch nnh 6ns aydhg nrng ucsiaid . , 0 , - 0 / . B . o ! . o u r , . " \ . . t , , g l n E , c d d . . o , . r , t t F r B . , d , ,' o ' r D ' ' f l J l u ' r B d o . ' o B J r" ' d . ' . ( r l o a . \ ' e ; ' . - \ c l " i C . h ohopphin y chuaduoc at Banchidao h6nBnhtl {riBnocr. khrinien xd}o u e x C L . 1 oD a rQ D A ' B I d d s t . ' o o - p l r p i a p i o r ' . . ', ' 3 r ' 4 o r ' C n a r E l ' . 0 1 o .I D \ ' r 1 \ ' l e /. r u ) ' o l . \ ' J i n n i t l o ' gthlF ti6pcen n ddo aophi $d drncvd di lliamquar hucG sa.sphdog pbrp idpcendnsqurl.Try nhidnBTCcnna.luan sai engphtos phaD dychuaduqcphtni n ' d ' n J , r u n r . i _ o : r ' h 'o i E ' r ' ' o | . \ r ' l i o 6 r ' a s d ; " n a n 2 0Dad. t d lo . . , ,4 r ,o J . , . ; , por o { F6 , d " tu . \ r ) . , g iae ,d l . ,Dnghiam itrinh d6,cirs [email protected] che i'i citr b6 BanQL,DA inhvi cnc.aquanci liCnquan.Neodi ra. BTC cdD h6ngbno vdd Bdr cli daove h6i thdopbiit tricn tndch6 d xiy dvnsnans qc clio3 dr 6n hu6c inhvuc nuncdo BTC 6 clic. hienh6 ithnodane ronggiaidoanchuin !.CuftehtlyhePPMU trii.lizinE thacoFa.itrhuilLlihga.tiokldh or 2011-2012ndraposed iL\ cohcept cporl os an"L. t.lhe Psc rcPa4 The.letaikd bLlgd pldh hoshot beehdoheNt. The PSCa.c4rts the canept e1afl far the cala.iry .lereloptnentyopasetl h! lhe PPMU. BTC erpressetl ts dqreciotion oflhe r,aPoiel eryciarbuil,ling canceptsnnd anraaches dn.l n te.l the ambitian to na'e avar lroh dd hachainnlgs ard rd! laurt h . nore holittic llor'.ver llTC e9r?$e.lth^ rclleckd n th! ottirit, ant1ffi1.iol ,lans Iot the Nserlesta al 2All The.sphatian tlhe ?tupase.l rnteg will ned:uPPot alqnli/ied ond eryrien&d e,pcts vh...tld or\ tith PPMU ttdlf ad relatedin.itutians llTC nfamerl the PSC h(t it it o.Snnizikgo workihop an i'6tttutionaldewlopnen! atul .apaciry nuil.lingl ) Projec^ in theldte. Pcto.Dithuc La l6i Phililpi,res i cha! uPropated s1urlr ouT ta Philiboinasand Eurape:o B f . d e 1 g \ i B , ' Q l D A r k l g ' Jr n l1 l i L , l : r ' 1 q ' a r i r ' a u . r + q iQ l D A ' m ; ^ r 1 2 . \ D 1 ' d ' u r e o r s o o J ' o u \ ' | ' " o . \ ' cchuy6n na tung 6 2011,nshia i ct 6 rhrng hi t6 chrc n6tchuy6ndi hvc6 nuo rsoAi.BTc c liLkndnelhCAn 16diC!neyvi dco {bnocao ai cu6chop,nenn dch nadq rn Id klronsdLl.Naoii E, cing kh6ng d ndi

    lia. ha 6 iing siiia di lhlm .ldan hvc la vi phd@gPhdp i;p cd. xey dms nangluc rdnequatdlgc Lrinh iy trong.hianhrscxdy dvns mdi crlaDd QLDA tdrD:c biel BTC ret ngacnhind6 i di ddncngansach uocd ruet sn dungcho

  • 8/6/2019 Bin bn hp ban ch o d n s 3


    chuyijndi rbqc L6:dnns xrc dinh c6c rtch niien. bdi vi xdc dinh dnc rich nhiadD n$l brdciil quanLronc a .idn khli 16lpnudnsphap 6p canxaydmg ninstTC requcsted PMU ta .lartf! thLnud lor nr.t! hu6 inaicaling rhotthe! ortaaized 2 eud! tots anA propases 2 rore i" the iext 6 manthsinplyiaE an artqe of I i,kmatianat aud! taur per 6 nanths BTC wndas i{this x jutilied, sikc. l'l'MU dko indicates n report not to hare sulliciekt ,ndt.Neither k it cleaf how thcscau$, tous tinkwith theyaposed ospiratiohs oJbcusah a hote holktic apprcach to institulional derelapneat, asprapose.l h the he||CR rtares rhare.l *jth rhe PSC rlchbers. IJTC k aspeciay lEprisea by theTtapslrl budget ines de|inirian ol rcspohtibilities, ehile thi: x aactl, one afthecru.i.lsleprneeLtaaf.nag..tidtlemehiatioho!thehetprop.te,lCBapprcach.

    o B . 1 Q D ^ ' i L l " o . B f 1 ; ' g h , r l } l d n ' i , ' " S ' r ' 1 B l - . ; To . oquacrc chuyen i rhrc G ln lnphun d ntr6c godi ln rtu b6 ich tong qundtrhriCn knaidd nn o dnl, dic bit n m6 hinh:lT li6l giAfr,Ui sriduns,lAi hC), uy. I n o " J \ ; . l ' i ' . 6 r c . ' c ' J 'L r ' r l , r , s , . i , . ,The t'MU ih irs replt nlehtioketl hdt the lessonshe IPMU leornt ry la hoe iomrhe abtuatl !ud! t.u^ are rery rseful ta the real inpletnehrati.r .Irh! ptoj..r, inpdti.ular the JA fuarce rcuie ah.l ...tcb ln!te), the solkl vastetredtnent places anl th. nonagetnent and operatia, dler ikrenneht na.lals

    o v : ; ) . B d ' Q l D ^ r i . i n s l r B r n . . d ! u r : ' h 8 : 1 Q D A h '6 , \ r n o ' 6 . \ ' r e ' d " h u . t C 1 l F ' o ' r . " B o l i o . d C r h a n q f a l t o crip kinnnghi6nlhcn va inl luc cdpnrcc vAvsinhm6ilrudns,decbiet d c6nsrrc qutn t, lan hnnb audiu rtr.Diy li n]rftrs i.I vrc m6imd nlng trc hu- 6 dtinhcdnyau.can heihQc ailhCm.f t ^ " l o r " . 1 1 l V U , " q L , , . L d P a t f t t r t , k , - . a a E a ' - , a a e . , a 1local and intematiokal strdr tou an taLer suppt and salid vaste cspecioll!telatlLl thepo:t inftlhent rldkagemehtndop.rutianbe.ausethesessnesteconplete, hev at theprcrince anl rheprcrin.iat capdcit, an it 6 sti ruthet loe

    o BTC knuyn neli rins cac ludng xdynung ning llc pndi luOn heosdt crc hoardo.Cdu tn. duatronddnh ii nhucau6 chnc A lheche, ic dnnr ich riCnvdnhu .eucac lccdqudch iu l r i t chnh iemthuc lh icnchoa tddnsndyBTC rerlies that Capacit! Dcretopheht ihiliati*r slnuld al*alt beahchoted hpnject d.tivities, based oh ineit hnal dn.l orEanizationalcapacrty ds:esunentana ah the .lefhitiok ofrespansibititues mt the naedso[ the dEenciet etpantibtefar the ,,plcnentotion aJ dcti,ities.Ei lhan ouan huc aden hilipoincs:

    Strdr tours to ?hilippines:o B o Q l D A r ' d ; . r r , - , ' , r ' 6 . 1 D a , . l . d r ' r ' a r r lr G \ ! r o r J ' 6 Q ! ili thny qi m sr.rhaneia" li lhililpines choctc.c,n bO ianquand6n idudu rnII6c Mon Chuyan i than quar hvc G niy bandauchi d0 xuit t0 ohirc hodu nl lu r o i Pnrv ) lv l 1 ]4o l l J ' r l ' 8 . re ' l j ) 'oons i . i r t \ ia \ .phrjhop vdi dv in Cip nuocvn Ve si$ tinh Bidr Diih (VlE0703sl) vd dv dnihny rqi LunnRu ai tinh NinhThlan ryIEo4o2l l). BTc ddnheidcaodi xuatdcht. h6ithdo huan ichocic thnnh ion hanCirch0yon i

    The PPMU prop.lli a ttudr lat on llM ta the Philiwines lor the acta^ aftheHa. lrlon lilat pt.jecr The tliridti|e althis endr laur lals eith the Ph" ill

  • 8/6/2019 Bin bn hp ban ch o d n s 3


    nrisatian prujett (rtEa4A221l), hut lhis ltdt tarr k aka cansidered o be rer!suitabte or thepnjeca lrssl nl Bitth Drlh (vt8070351J) ond or the trnh RaIriEati.n ptuiecl h Ninh lhuan UE01a2t1t) the ISC awlords th?PPMUsinitiatire la precedc this slu\' lout b) a dalicate.l Preryrdtary ratkih.l lor nsDi ttrtunourn thdc liad6ncheu tot to L"rope:

    o B . ' Q l D c - l d c x ' d 6 . n r r o r r r a ' d i r ' f l .q t r l r r a d a n d ; ' i ,nhiin xaydhs nrng ucqudn l vd in hdnh hoEnndaoUBND inh,BanQLDAtn$vd cncbCn 6 inquan Mucdichcnachuyni ndynhlnlhamquan,hoc apkinh nshiomvd ecm6hinhqldn i. venhiII cacc6nB rinh inh vuc crp nwc vdchir rdi dn. ddns hoi dr;t chrt hon nnn m6i quanha girr viat Nan vi Bi n6ichungvdrinh inhDiih vdi Bin6i rineThc PtjMIt ptoposed d strdr taw b E .oPe ih otrler ta build the capacitr afmanogenentan.l .p.falioh lbt the leo'le^.1the PPC, PPMU ad lakeholdersThe apic oJ he t1r4' bt n on tlanaE nentando?et.iion nodels afwater srypltand s.ti.l t'6k nanagenent. It also aihs ta strenEthenhefrien,l:hiP bavdhl/ielnan and Relgiak n Eenercland l)etweenBnlh Diah prorince and RelArm ih

    o Di: i?o diu kian cno hnh dao tini lrong vidc chi dao cec di! phuons P dung d6hinhquan i !i lan ha,nh d hieuq0d.Be QLDA drh dd nshi BCD phedllcth ader to fdcilitate the prcrincial lea'1e6 in the sleerihg to the dktrick anellciekt mahogen@tand operdtian the PPMU rcqtusts the rK: to apyore this

    o l l e o J , ; r . r l r ' 6 ' J D D , l u d l 6 ' 3 . ' c o ! l ) d ' \ d \ b a o J r o l s c 6 n jr - r , d J . l " u o L d i l . r' t . ! p r . v d . 5 r \ a r a r . rq r r o . E : u q t 'li, vAnhdnh. bd,o vdns saudil! tu t6t thi dt tin ndi c6 hiduqueLeu ai11k the ainian aflhe chdimon ofthe PSC hat thepast'iryestne|t nanngehentand opratioh ih eater supp, ahd salid vaste sectu are ret! ih2artant 4 thenanag.nent anl .petutiot k .lane ||el!, the uok.t sustaindbiliry sha be

    o i a o c t ' i6 d . . 1 | 1 r d l " q " ' o . r l ' g l r L l a d A u l ' d ;r g l .L I " Q l D A ' , 1 's l . r . r I n | ' \ , d f n m 6 ' h o i ' h ; n \ ; m d \ i r " hqudn i cher1hii rin vd capnuochiandaneap dune ai VitNm !d lnng du enian co sd tl6, phen nh ni,u cAu, acdinhsidi pnap 6l nlir dd dr! hc nhucaL,xaydsng rneluc vd hC hd uoc inn bay onc chiaDLocxavduns tng urnoi cir. BanQI-DA nn.hp kehoaclirinhBTCpha dytrudc hi huchien.r i u - ' r m r . h r ' , n " o . o ' d " - r q J " o . l . o \ " n i ' g l 1 l u n cJ 6 n r n n l r i d 6 c l " n / ; r ' ' n . ! r i ' ' a " d ' B l ' r 3 J . . )r ' o r e U "c l n - q b ' n C . ' ' o u o ' l J , A \ - C t I ' a d , o . " "F t i t r j d , t / . d \ i , t , , r , ' t : ' , r m r ' i 1 \ f l ' . 1 o . '' , i ' l d 6kl,6ne ; la tir nhitUr idenripdunc orsdia!kien huc i6n naBinhDinhBI C Uryan khichBM QLDA lj.h lhiii hop voi dt ,n xey dtng nins lLrc iq ' 1 . i . a i c DCr 'Lo \d o ' . 1 'g r l \ i1 \ - \ ' ;n ' ' v l ro8nr I d : ra. l . F T 0 n r v - d r . - ' " ' o u l c r u o r E F : . ' g r 'qlrn li cacbe h6ng ichvu c6ng rong umg lalltehre the PPMU .ah orgonize hePrapasetlstu6 1au. b Lut.|e, BTC requesrhat n shouldcdt', aut studiet dkd hold a Prepador! \rarkshoPan the cunehttr

  • 8/6/2019 Bin bn hp ban ch o d n s 3


    oppliell rhodeb af Mler suPplt' and toti.l ||ane nanagehekt i,1 Vietnon aid theprckct arca Basedan hir th. PPMUshaud acilitatehe.ellectiohsh heneedfot imprownent, aeJinehaw bee rcpl! ta the l inditrtiahdl ah.l coPacit!b,il.linE frane.l in the ?npased net CB & tD ltateg akd th.h rcntunit thepropasdl to BTCfot np?ronl before mPten.dation rhit.]so imPlies tow wa .1 be .ansile.ed reqdred alhoryh BTC aPPreciateshe idea oj,ieh^hip relations thisporible !n, to"r should not nTerarily be h tiu.qe,||hich tnight hat hdve he non usaful ho.lels oh O&Mfar l/ictnau, ar not be theben n.del to.,lopt ta the adninitit^a & lbdul cohtett af Binh Dinh ThePPMU s encoula4.1tocoortlinate ih cxs. afo posible nrd, tour \9i|h hepnjec| t/lL08A37I CdpacityDetelaryent af,vater MdndsenentandSetuiceshNihh Thtoh Pra'nEe , r,|1i.h .lso hos relohd projed abjedies with teaant toJuture hahasehcnt al Eoranne,t suwtied Pubtic semi.e slstent an.1erenltattyto etuisas. ojaint laur het*.eh th. ta,aPrcjects

    C6chq rhongcip nftc n6ns h6r:Rurol lfttar Schetn.s:Hedilnqcao tilc si$ hoalhuvenhnCdi:Ptu Cat |oter suplv:

    o C6ng ic diu rh;uxey ;p, mu! s;mhdng oa i tu vansian salcna 6ns nnCap loc snrh orrhtryanhnC6lhiCn .ngduQcriankhai. iaidoane6m /14g,ji hau. a md Lhiu ddi;n n ldo nsiy24/2/20!lco nh ieu nd hau am sianua hd sonoi rhiu, uy.nhidnnideir hoj ianddngheu hi chicb l nhd haur ' d n g i a o o \ o . o d ' ' v ! ' o \ 6 o d r ' l ; ' l t i - g 6 l l I n ' 9 4 $ r h u ) C 'nhn iu thaneiadau hdu ddrinbeo anhLa$ rrcns Auhau. 6sonli &iusekhilngyucIu crc nhA haL, nphi sd du thiu bdne i6neAnlr nd chi cin ,iicvi6t.Chndauu sedich aig iengAnhh6somdi hau,.crcoidune hinhdcecphanquanrens 'lt h6sodt dr6u dbno do enh iah6sodu hiu'renderihglat constructiongoadspracw.DrcntdndsuPetvisbn/the Phu ColRunninEva?r Suptupraject s an< ing Sk .f theo*tan tendt pactuget eftprblishedand brls ||ere rcceivedThebitlt wercapened h 242/201 Thre w.renlan! teh.lere$ bqing lhe tender nritalion l..unehts Lrt oht, aJiw bids teftreceiv! bids.lidnal nrlude h. Enslishr?ni.h ds cqtited tIC propasettl,at, in the.futurc, toJacilit1te th. pdrtictpotian olth! thdere^ dh.lPramote heconpetition in ktuIetnq, the tenLle.nvitatiaa dacunent! lha1l not rcqur'e thc bidsih Et1gli,\hdnslaEe, hut .hU in vthddesa lahgase Theptaject oene.s shdllprepare Ensl*h trahslatian ofthe tender Nitatin d.c,nehts, the main contenlsana the nlpa4dntparts .fthe 1 D dna hid erattatioh rrocess

    - ruv;nkliosar lhiSt a bdnvelhi cine vddrtbnn c6nq inhNansdo hdchLia ldcH6cMin:Dclo o d.ip, ot,to vo .lo'] tana

    o B l . o e - C r . r B \ D l ' r C 1 P r r v . n o 1 l: , g r h o d 6 r B r ,d r l . o a l - r i1 6 b J ' t s 1 ' o ' c \ E o r o " o l e ( r 1 l u ' g . a p l o ! \ t a | ' o 1 1 6M ; 4 l n odnnscncqu) dinnhienhdohTronsbin hq! d6ng dni BTC rudcdevc6 hot s6diduknoan jn phdidvocdiEuchlnh.d6ng iq noi dunegita bnn i6nsAnh !tbdn ians Vit ohd. fi6ne nhaL. i vdy,dd phbtrs s@ di ro cho ddn vi tu vnrciig nhudd.dAy nannian lo,chndi ! tu vd donvi tu vancansnh hodn hien d

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    IJTC requasts thal Pht M! DrC inne.liately lih.lize nP coniact for theconsrltancy semice oh surrcy, detaiba derigh ahd cae estiuate af Ha. M.nrasemon h tine *i!h tii.ufle,'t reEutathhr lrn1e prcvisiahsaftte drolt cantadfat the c.nsuttanct' setrice as (popased initiailt to lllc) need ta be r?rnetFutherrnor! th! l/ierloncse \w:n1 a,1.1he Ltlglkh wtsion wte incansislenlbetuun .a.h olht. Thteloa, in .taet b droid hkh risr6lbr the ca6utuon1 n.lin on1?rb accele.ate thc pragress.n is te.t,ned far theprcje.t oener and thec.nsuhant turiee linalize ntl ti9n hec.htact assaon spasible.

    cnchOh6nsxnj ch& rni rir:Soli.l llost. Trcabnezt s.teh6:BanQLDA tinh hicn dane ho 6pQuyhoach hi idt quin li cMl thdi rin 4 huyn, N t _ { " t r v i . A l N . o n . i J Js o r Q , r o , . n . , i a , J u o j f , : , . o . ,Quyhoach 6ne hdqudn i chir ihri dn cnckhu d6 thi vi c6nsnshiep rndiabnnrinhRi r Dinh dennnn2020 TheoQuyhoach6ns hecna idr, cecc6nsnshehiCndaidvocdd xuiLsn d!nc.n6t cdch 6 chon ocnhim gidn lhiau ulie chdl hdidend i . l n ' d f O r ' ' o a c lo r l l p i d ' r r o 0 . e ! l r o h r m - q n / ; r ' r t ' ! d n r\ u l . l i r ' \ i ' : ' 2 0 f o r ' a ' n l - 1 ) ! f . L v . ' l l o r ' d$ ' \ u . . n e r b J 1(inl phnc u chLi h6ng va n diasioi hdnhchirh.The PPMU i .levlapins Dttrt Salid Wast. MonaEenent ta^ lor the.f.,tdttictt, thich areparl afthe roiIt\rone sectar anpanentThese lonswillbedatlapad ds nrc, as posible tohlbftl the lrarrt ial S.liA Vanz M.ndgahehlMast?r plan The prorincial naiel plan prapases la use releelirel! rP ta datepra.esing te.hhalaai.s that ninihne the solid vane atnont to ba buried h alsoprapases o sele.l lhe salid \oste tredthlentlakls sa that eacht6te ttedtnentPlahtwil serw one area basetl.h i^ ltttinE rortirt (i! not a.cordrlg to tha odninntaliftCiamd6cdu an hjnh bdl vd chi6n uacquen i cht thaidn dtrqcBanQLDA tinnl . ' r ' L , o r r ' o . 6 . r r . r r I 1 2 - 0 . _ l . r e l l L h J ' r r C v a o \ i r ie ' m l \ 6 ' d m s ' l ; r r 1 ; ' . ' . l l r o 6 n - + , b r " f i i f n . o a o c 6 n " ; n' t ,hm, girnnghao,vdsidmdiCn ichddnn hoch6nEp'the prcject dnedor explaihs ,1e solttt tuste hahagehcnt strotes adoPkd b! ttEprojectsin.e he astwtkhop haldran 2l ti|l23/2/2at : il will be hased s nucha\ possiblean tha ftdtdioh of \ata ta hnali thtaush the rala/hatian aflheoryakic waste the.?b, j.atihq jab!, tudr(in( pavery ondrellucn\ the area retld ed

    Theo ki6ncna Cien d6cdtr rn, BinhDitrh , tinh deu ien rcDB i nudc tF QDvhoach 6ns thdqdrn li chat Lhri .in, vn ciry li tinn dtu ti6n tsng cd nuoc thtc hiqnlat Quyhoach hi ii qutn i chat hii I,n cho4 nuyCnDay dec xen ld m6t vidrdt rcho idr vi chonhd ii tro.BanQLDA inh sen0lqc thuc hidu an m6l cich ,5 t; lLd6drp lu in ia . r inhdud6 ldncosongu6nneansnchc6s inv : \c rcQnyhoachchi i6t dms duoc ap.BCD h6ng hit choden khaihqpFnen unn i chat$di rinding thdi lai cd 4 hulen Hodi NIon, Phn Mi, An Nhm vi Tay So ihca nntr de xlat\ r J D r O D A r n } . - . B a n Q l D a I ' ' p l " i l l p d i t r . : , \ o d d d ' gu , : , u : l . o o . & e - r , r . t . i ' i : ! . . i C r J o L , ; o s ; n 1 . o p " p .Tlreo bro cro rai cu6chop. dricQuyho?chchi d;t dans nshien criru hiLning sri dnnschungbei ch,5niF cho hai huyenhonchai hulcn lrd lenTheprcjcct directat pnikls Dut thot Bihh Dihh \|as the in Ptaril.e ta dewlop aProrincial Solid lldst. ManosemehtMaiet ptan .id it is haw the/i$t prorin e 1.

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    dewt.p Distncl Sotid Wale Ma,tugenahtpla larjbu disbits throrshthe ptaje.Nfh^ is .asi.lered un hoiat lor the trorince dd the donor Ihe PI'MU shallinplenled theptuject in the bet nanner ta enhdn.e hat honar Basedan theprcject\ awildble bkiset antl ttv D^oict Solil Waie Mahag.tneht Detailed Plahsunder dcwlopmenl, thz PSC agrels la ihplehtht the solid edste nahdgenenlconponent ot the fout .lis1rtdt .[ ,1h Nhan, lloai Nhoh, Phu M] ah.l Ib), S.nsin taneouslydspaposed bt the PPMU Fat thi! the PPMUTiI hnre to prop.lethe priaritf dctirili.s Jiant the dillerent DSWMP rithin the lrrts dlhe atu ahtebdge1. )t eqlaihe.l ih thetaje..\ proEress epart presenteda the PSC the aurD^b i.t Sotid wun! Managlheht plans ore stutirina thepasibilitr to shdre dndJillshetueen uo t more dnbi.^Ctc phnd.g ti6n chung:l u - g d J , l ' t o ' g r r 1 l t ' . " t r a r , : ' d 6 " ' r ' d ; ' 1 6 g ' - e r d u i '(gidins6n hi daL % dng ngen tchdu dn$u I nam uni ho?td6nd vd i6n dO dankhaihoaldong.Drc biar d c6ng tc deLr hauaid6i vdi dichvu vv6n kheo al hietkC bdn! thi c6ngvi dv torn c6ng liiin NeDccip 116 hna nudc H6. Mdn (nat ddn1 8 l \ d e ' a r d o l a o I L d r r I o J | | n e " d a r g t o m y . , ' o o n g p 6 n , , ,r l . t o a , u t l n h e d ' r . ' . \ i c i - \ i r i C r d ' l o r ' . o n d . r d . : p 1 u 6 . i , i \ o a rhuynPhnCAtd6nkhi tij dhft diu lhitr xay 6pi hoic n klri nd thiu ddnkni ki k6tholrddnedich u ft vin Ul Quyho4ch hi ri6tguen i chAi Mi dn dp nuyon aunat rhoisianurd dii. NCu.dinh ii nriL.echkhAch u& thi v{ti ri6nd6 hd vey, rMatctnsbi ddtnlcii ld niiCulinh kltn truongBTC teprete,ktloh etpesed .ohcems avzr orercll disbursene prosre$ (6% aItotot budset dfit L5 yeal and inplenentatian prcses. Esp.ciallr Hoc Mon Dahrekhduine (18 honths), falloee.l b! tiore thah 2 n.rths ta adatt rhe cahtru.t ta.hsendtions giv" l\ BTC, btu aho the rctatiety tong protesr beL'9eenhelnatizdtion of ddaileLl lesiill .kt Phu Cat wokr Supplydnd the tentlu ldunchingarthe acl,al cohnrudiok at the tinre bdraehlhalhihg.onsultahc! khdat lor DSVMPand openiry ofafe^, ||hi.h all eare at least extetnal npresion aJ dck af \ene afNhan etchuns i clc dtr n din tu thi diap vAnene tc piri nqen:Geh.rul cannena an inveshent pilat proiectsan l disbusenent:o r ' u - s , ' i e ' , r q d . ' . . r i . : n " | . ' " " - , ' ; . o c p 1 ; b . t f f i " i d ; 1 d e n.h in , ' ; 'o ' r ! f . ' 1s0 rL do p l - ' l . . t r t . , " . l oprJhan 6pou6csinliboathDyen hnC duc.mdrong.tn5xnlen?xt ndi P\iididu chidr ve ple duyet ai d\r n deu u. dendCn viec rin khai hdc hien hoplhtnndybi chln ta E6ng hoi,c6ng 6cdau heu aidich vu tu len kndo atdriCl benve thi c6ns ! du loancong rinnNars cAp 6 chntnudc Ha. MOn fingnetihdi sianhondu kidnvi kb6c6 thechapnhdnDanQLDA inh vd cacchndau dcin nit ra cac bii hoc kinh nghian ru ctc lrudng hltp nd! dA k nh di di6n rrons

    Duriis the inplenlehtation af rie ?tokd in the Past, thete vete saneddhinktrctire problent cdurihq delars sone .onpa"enls rlsultihg indisbu$enent .leloys Tht Phr ( at rater etppl! en?.nent wa: dtenaed on J to7 cahnuhes, \|hich nec?ritatett the rerhkn oi th: Ferio'sq apptowd inr$lnenlplan 7hh aprov! roces! \dt, trhich ?atpa"ed tha inplenentatian afth^ p/aje.! cohpanent. At the san! tihe feteh.leting o! lta. Moh Danl detdileddesign aha toak a ntuch bhger period tlnn etpeckd 'nd thon Ikeptable. fhe

  • 8/6/2019 Bin bn hp ban ch o d n s 3


    PPMUanA te prcj.ctawners hautdearn.,1these le$ans o owrconl.sidilarv a p r d C r D . b l ' d : r r ' r B J 'O l n \ r r , ' ; L d v r ' " ' r r d 6 C ' l9 t r ; 'cec drn tu hAnnchnrh,$in sidi nansdm cho cncc6ng trinh dau tr Nnnscap h6chiRnuocH6cMdnvi llC h6ns apnu6csinhhoalhuy6.Phi Cdl.ln this fegotu, B1C requens that the PPMU cndc@o^ la speedLp the'e ptu.esses teuAih4 . ac.elefate.l dtbursenenB oh rhe inrelnehafar Hac Maa Dau khabihktran ah.l or Ph, Cat tratet Sullply Srsl.ns\ l r ' 1 d 4 g . r c d o i ' : d o ' ; r , i , l e o d t r E ; l o a . \o ; a .U r . . t r 'lnongbnove cncquy dihhgia a. du nn tn phia li hidnnay chatcheh6 ltudcday,ddi h6i phii du,Jc ili lrinhhdp i.lrinh len.Hdid6ngB0 tniorg Ri rn..6 tkienciaDai si qu,inNgensnch dndtrtaiLhoi idn d6ngdu 6nsaphnichuyanaichoChuoA tinh Hqp rc ChidinhcnaBi dephnn dchocacduenndi.Ih geherdt BTc etpects a e1ll.icn1 di\hurtene,t ytasress which respeci theiknial r.iecl plahhihs t7C inlbrncd thz PSC hatproject extcnsions csulationsan th! Belginn side ure do.e sererc hdn ih thepastah.l will heeda n titdted dhtlvell justlied arsunentnti.n, to be subthitted b the h1his1.t in Relgirn antllequirinE yppo4fron theF)nbossyerel F nds not spenrat theend aflhz project||iI be rcturcd to thc ICP or "o Rr Q]-DA inhddkinsdhodnhiJr tatct cechq phan do hng 8/2014heonhu an kt eill iep ii.h cu dr. 6ng rinhCip nuoc i.h hoar ul6nPhn & sad u o . r i r , . i s 6 o d w d . d ' . i r p r ' l r r i J ' r , d o ' _ dl ) : 0 ' : . o n l o r \ i l . o r . h d d - r ' B . D i ' p $ I ' ) s H o f l ; n q ' ; I . h ;dtii rir cnnesd drdc tridnkhaigop hrdl I giajdoan ho cd 4 huyeD hi kh6ngphitrchia hinn2 giaidod nhutruocday.The PPMU nill dpeck ta conplete dtt the p.oje.t ..n1panen1th ti,1e in Au:lltl2011 ot ca],ni1reLl n rh! ,lEreement:Phu Cot Water supply nr.stn.nlfuiUbe implenlentedi o si"E|e hale or the 7..mhtuhesan.l h!..r1tletel ihDacehbar 412 rl1i.h viq bc ealier thanthe 'evio'sl! dpprowd chedulehesolri watte nanaEerlnr rtdn: \'il alsa be derelapedand inplenentedJbr the otdkti.^ tog.thet ih ohe sinqlephasa tuhet tltuh ih tra repatue phasas,as

    . l ' . J r \ i 1 , r ' o ' s 0 l n s o , n q r d g d . a . o i ' a r s l o " d . r \ i a b i . 1 s ' nnhien et IiD bncao do dih bd&1e na 14ftphrl. Do dd. BCD nhic nho BdQLDA unncdi diynhanh i6nd6duannhim han hidnh hu@gcrla an ph d6ncdc o h6idi! td cnadd n n6ichuns.Haweve. tecenly the nateri.1, equipnent ondJuelrrices in*eated a lat du? t.theFice ihJldtion. The 1'9C the PPMU to spee.lq theprcges aho iaonter ta tinit the kf,encc aJ thescptnt luchati.hs oh the averull prcject\i nr. s rc nt appor1un cs

    T6 chic D6iI qi , ainakt dtrdnD6ntldrs8/20ILdstnd,dildohoaldnnsduqc nxm,C6vii Kithuit Qn6cabRtc ane en hubacna {r !1l0nc. uyhoachhi elquin i chal rii cap ftiel kocli tiotcLla 6nsinh Ne.C aph6c|ua nudcllocM6ncnng dduochoin hidr,chuonglnnhlngcao hanhilcdans uqci6n khti,BanQIDA tlnhc[ng dd chi ti6t hoa luocphudngphdpdep cdi xey dLngning luc Vi vay, BCDpheduyel Cxuatcri! BTC e lidc 16clrL?c.Dinniagira k' vio qui lv/2011nhrh Lrnscudie c6ns {c der khri ds dn Ee thm hiondannciegiiiak}. cecben


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    . o . i r q ' J ' . u J o J p ' ; . \ E n o b r t ! P ' ? r d o ' g n r ' i m r C o g dr y s q u - . o ' 6 . ' i - K r I ' d r Q d oF p ' ; ; D . k n o t d . \ i c ' " a r n I n o _Trumg dai din lhrirng lrn BTC.R, ,4ugn 2a1t, th. rrcjectshal hurebeen mPlenekte.lbr 2 tea{ the TAwiltnat his lastt ear af conndd DSVMP will hehalized Hac Man Detailled destq"fnaLzed, inplehentatian of aworenetsujsihg prcgran angoinq I PMU vi ha@fu het elabonted d marc i,\titrtional apptuach 1. CB The PSC appraws thcpropasdl ron tTC kt .ryanhe the nidtertn rariew in th? tan qnrter .l 2at t basist in inptarinE proiett itnplenentation. Far the ntdtem reriet, tht Prajectstaleholders shorld prupatu ien repar6 an their inplene\tatian orer lhe pdstperiad, vhile BTC ffA ||i|t nake a li5t proposal of ToR ar MIR with the RTC

    va cic ain daoum t6ne cAn uocBCDphe ulcr:ReFardine o he tportant hercs rcede.lta be @p..t.lbv tha PSC:

    o v c | e . ' t , S r J r ' r l - " C r o | B n J ' r i ' J " . r u ' C r ' o . r o o c0 'yerd ' a de06 ' - t ' !o ' , lo uT .1 . h ' in l r m r i ' dJ r1 T leo ;k : : JaB l ' . d o . a . A i d C n 6 r o i l o l r V i e r \ a r ' - | + i . , . L h i \ e | \ a n . , h l . p r -v . " d n ' h g u r ' . \ i 1 - l . R d , i C r r m r n l d r L 6 u . f r ' i . \ D i r r r o , Equu li vd b6 i v6ndni nnechodu dn.Resorains the deductiok af the diltri.l ahhtul tlanhed.antribrtiok n theFajeclfron the annuot buagd allocala.l to the ditnel BTC inlornt that it c.h!i.le^ thequstian on hor the l/i.hldhesecontributtanwtll ba nobihza.lan int.mdlVi.tnonese ndlter. h.w!ra. rthchpr.potinE the deductionoIlhe.lnt.ict bu.lgets,the prorinceshoutd .nsi.|e. the awn{\hq of lhe .tistnlJ in nanagihg leirca n butan ta theF. , ec

    o ve!ie.chi lriL idnphucapnsoniCidchocaccinb6 BanQLDAlinh htmg lldgli nguoD6n Bi lheoquy dinhhion hnnh nachidr phdVilNafr lnninh mrcains xe 6 ld du rn: lhco i kienciraBfC. ddy khdngphdiD cacvendCdo BCDgini q!r6r, nd ld cdc c6ns viCc noi bOcn. Ban QLDA tiDn, duqc thlrc hign thoquydinnhienhinh cnaviatNm vi scdvockien to6nResor.linq the rcqren af the IPMU ta dgee to Pay ore4ine alloraacesJar thepraject sraffpdid br G.B lt*lik li\e tith the.urrcnt liethdmese csulationsandthe uethom of thept.jat cdr: BTc i' ofthe.rinion that hese.rehat ssu* ortha PsC, but intcriot natet: lot the PPMU, wher! it rill hare la abide to WrcE atiohr and ||hich ri bepal .Jthe audit rttJi.ahoh!

    o vd chnrh ach hu6vddd xuir nriEnhu6 hophAn6n d6i ingcilavjet Nan Theoi kidncnaBTC,diy khnnsphii i vli. ilc drl ra cho BTC.TheoHiep{iinhCq he,phin v6nddngg,jpcnaphiaBi sdkh6nsduc sndungde chi r, thua, h6ng iCnqDand6n hAnr6n 6i necrjavierNa'n vtn dendyscdo hnh daophi!ri.h gidio ' . . r e . o i D d K i ' o ! ' a d D ' i i D l l d ' l r t | ' l a r A T ' l u i ' i " gL i 6 1 E n e n d _ , I d i C l . ' e l i n a ' l \ t 6 ' s d i ' : : 1 d 6 \ \ ' i . r . g a r cReEnnlrtg Tft ReEine dnd the Propasal to atuhercle dho the vtetnan.secant'ibdnn.f tues, BTC Lta.skal .onsidet this nn qrc the Stforev* that the Belgiahcoktributbhtri hot he use.lfar tdes b doet nal relotalo l]te viethanese canbibuti.n lhe Prorircidl auth.tities will need a see whatpossibleandredlktic with MPI & MaF, brl BTC vsas thal thit hew discrssionon@t tuotl.|katfu ht! ke stat af the dnit,ctioh works

  • 8/6/2019 Bin bn hp ban ch o d n s 3


    lll, K6r rtn cnr Brn chidno crr.llsirtr rr t/ta.1,SCSau ni hdo uan, an hidao i den ic k{ uan htr a!:A!.r dkc,sioh, theSktiry Ca"lrlitteeanied to theottNina canctusians:

    L BCE h6nc hat be uyCl eo io iCn O huc ien lran i.n qi cu6c op, au et. e . ' o d r d o i g . ' d d u p r i a " r o d ' - l t r r ' l d ' ' f l F J n : . ' 6 . - o p B r D l 1 12i7he PSC aglees with the ptuarcs rerart pre:entedby the PPMU, nost oI theactirnies.flhe ptojecthdre heehe,fo ed occardinEo thepldnapplawd br the

    2. BcDcinsneu mots6 n lai!ai6i dO huc ien ionqD&d6n hn1uc dnh hJnhvd ning luc sidi ncen,d6ns hoi olic nhdBdnQLDAtinh honn$inn cachoatdonsrrons nu6n hii noisian d enkeho4chiThePSC iscrssians lso axe.l sauesho c.nlinsson nptenentation peedelatedto o.lhlhishatiw proccdwesa11t1wrdll disbusenenl proArets dnd renihds PPMUaffkali.ihg pnject d.lirities vithrl a.1wl tine fraue;r B . O p n i d ' y e r f C l o r o - d . 1 d . ' r " b l a r C d ; . ' d . o lThe PSc dppnft! the Lletailed..tiritr plon far the rst senesterof20l1:4. BCDphdduy&(6 hoachdichinh6 (hrngdiu nln 201I cna 6n Bi vi K6 hoach6ndOi ng Viol Nam nEn 2011da duc tinh biy kongbeocro RiCng C roach oaldbnc5ndn{200920 la )sedwcphddyersa !kh idanhi rg inak}dsk in t6ch tc!io lla{ne 1/201i1he PSc apprcves he lihan iat ptan lot rhc Retsidnun t Jbr the t6t enestq o!zAtt ahd or the lietnahese lund far the),ear 20tl which \|ere pr"se,ted in thercpoa The rcrie.l 5 leat a.tiritj' pldr C009-20!1) shall be dwrowd aJier themrlternt re'iew bas..l on a areniev vhi.h shall be aryakized t5. BCE h6ngdrit td chLlc 6rnr ie sinaki cnadu nnvdo heng1 r01 l:The PSCatptows to hare nidternt reriew ill Navenher 2011:6. BCD h6ngnhat di beoceo nniniem aydungnzngluccnaBd QLDA inl:

    The PSCdgrees 9ith thecondpt tupart for the capactr dewlopttent Foposedb! the7. BCD rh6ng ni cho ian khaiddns o?(hor phin q0dn i chiL hdi in tai 4 hDyenlloii Nhoo,PhnMy. an Nho vn l]AySor tcn cos0ng!6n ldn srn c6 cnadudnvdtuan hn heoQuyhoachd.s thequin i chtr hni in cnatnhlThe PSC agees to inplenenl the soti.i \|6te ,landEenent conpanent at th. Jorldnbicts.t,4n Nhoh, .ai Nhoh PhuM! an.l rar Soksinulldneausb,osyopavd brthe l4^4u, in accoraahcewilh the a'ailabte b*1se1oI lhe Pde.t ah./ o oving theprin.iple! olthe Prcihcial Solid rvasteMdhagehenthastel Pkn:8. Dd ildn bdo inl hieu qudvd tinh banviiDe cho du an, iec nnan r6ng c6c hod dOnCn6ng aonnin dtu saugiai doanLhididfr sephdi.cin.d6n ec rgu6n 6n b6 suncDCD khuyCnnshi phit tinh nen lin.kiem cic nsu6. v6n hqp thAp khac nndn dimbdo$an r6nsc6choatd6ne ty ia tAtcncac tthi rrin li6nquanrong , sau tran;

    tn .rdet 1. Dhtaih nte eJ/iciencr n'1 the sustainabili, af theprcjed thefrll s@tea||are&ss raisinE a.liitie! as rcquited aliet theri1., Phdse ill tequirc dd.litianol|r'tult llon the dittricts The PSC econnends that the prcrjnce loaki lar athtl

  • 8/6/2019 Bin bn hp ban ch o d n s 3


    /esat.ces la asstrc the enehsiokafthese esenlial aearehes raisihg actirjties to rheaI cahcerhed aw6 dtu]con1n1urcs urinqandaller the cahpletiot afthe prcject:t. BCE kn6ne phe duyel chuydn di rhan quan,hec tap kinn nshiem va aic mo hl.nquAn i vd vdn hdnh cdp nu@ vd chAt hii i:n tai chauAu. Bfl QLDA rin! cin phdinehi6ncrjru im hidtr vi rd chnc m6r h6i thnova &c n6 binn qudn i chfu thii .in vdcip nudc hien ddg dp dung,.hnin xdc dinn nuc rieu. dia diam, d6i tlMg cu lhd vd

    cec n6 hlnh cta chuye. di de lem cdll cLi ap kd hoach linn BTC xon xdt pheduyetThe PSCdoes not awrow the n,Lli tot an hanagenenl and aperofian nodels oIwater suppu anl solid \|astc to Durope ThePPW shoLtdlirst carry outprclininarystulies ohd ha|.! a prcparatort eartshop on the cutentltLawlie.l madels of vatersupplt ah.] soli.l nane nanogehekt Bosed an this the PPMU shoul.l .lelihe theobjectiEs, places, tarca ga"ps ah.l na.lelsJbr the sru' bw ak l theh rc tubnit theptopolal 1aBTClor aploral belorc rnpledchtatioh.

    lO.BCD m i vaThu qunn i v, crc khuy6n ehicnaKidm o6n, dngLhirilbnc i! BmQ DA", l -

    , r1a l l J rs r ,d . : , r \ "o a . L .h l je l c \ r tyThe PSC aok nate of the nanosznehl leuer and dudn tecohtuen.lationt ah./ utEesthe ,PMU to respect hese c.anm.nintiont

    Bidnbdnndyduocdp hd$ 12bnn@gitt4nhrnhaD,niddn rcdm vilienqMn.TheninutesMre na,1ento 12 caties with the cqualvli.lit, and sent o the relating

    Miiktry oI Pk"nine a Inv8tneat


    Cdqu,nPh6r r i8nU i - A ICftudneDziniin - Residentcptetentati'e