FREE the complete visitors guide…. local & area maps pubs & restaurants days out & leisure activities (discount vouchers available) places to stay essential bits including bideford tide times bus times & supermarket opening times plus much more Bideford Bay companion 2015 Bideford Bay companion 2015

Bideford Bay Companion 2015

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The Complete Visitors Guide for the Bideford area The magazine includes * local & area maps * pubs & restaurants * days out & leisure activities (discount vouchers available) * places to stay * essential bits including bideford tide times * bus times & supermarket opening times plus much more Distributed to all the main tourist attractions and holiday accommodation across the North Devon area during the summer season.

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FREE the complete visitors guide….• local & area maps • pubs & restaurants• days out & leisure activities (discount vouchers available)

• places to stay • essential bits including bideford tide times• bus times & supermarket opening times plus much more

Bideford Bay companion 2015

Bideford Bay companion 2015

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Publisher: The Link Publications Editor: Nicola Gilbert Sales: Sean Gaskin ([email protected]) Editorial: Angela Shenton / Peter Rogers Tel: 01237 478906/07711 639934 Email: [email protected] Web: www.thelinkpublications.co.uk

Facebook/thelinkpublications Please Join Us! Twitter: @The_Link_Mag

F rom Appledore with it's quaint streets and busy estuary, to Northam an area of outstanding natural beauty with 650 acres of sand dunes, salt marsh

and beaches, to Westward Ho! with miles of clean, sandy beaches (blue flag rated) to Bideford with it's pannier market and wealth of independent shops and eateries to Torrington - The Cavalier Town. The A39 out of Bideford (The Atlantic Highway) will take you through picturesque villages with breathtaking coastal views down into Cornwall. This area offers something for everyone whether you are

looking for peace and quiet or high action days out - the choice is yours! I hope you will find this guide a handy source of facts and information to keep with you on your travels over the next few days or maybe revisit at a later date. I cannot profess to have included every facility and business in the area as there are so many and they are so diverse, but I can assure you wherever you go and whatever you do you will receive a warm, friendly Devon welcome. Enjoy your stay!

Welcome to…..

The Bideford Bay Companion 2015

Welcome to The Bideford Bay Companion. This magazine is designed to

help you get the most out of your stay with the least possible stress !

Photographs: Thanks to: North Devon Plus, Bideford Railway Heritage Centre, Ray Smith, Bideford Library, Clive Fairchild, Angela Shenton and Graham Hobbs (www.grahamhobbsphotography.co.uk) Map reproduced courtesy of the Atlantic Highway Web Site..Over 25,000 people each month use www.atlantic-highway.co.uk to source products, services and information. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party to loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. The Link does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this Publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other-wise - without the prior permission of the publisher. “The tidal information for Bideford is reproduced by permission of the control-ler of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office and the UK Hydrographic Office (www.ukho.gov.uk) © British Crown copyright. All rights reserved.” These tables have been prepared with as much care as possible, but the publishers

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Looking across the water you will see Instow, another quaint town which stakes its own claim to having the most beautiful stretch of sandy beach in Torridge. You will also not fail to notice the seabirds, and, at low tide, the waders in their tireless search for edible deli-cacies to be found in the mud.

During the summer you can take a ferry over to Instow from April to October, weather and tides permitting. For timetable & prices Go to www.appledoreinstowferry.com

Several times throughout the year the Quay plays host to a number of events such as the Appledore Book Festival plus other activities. It certainly is a great place to sit, and just watch the world go by as you soak up the summer sun.

Strolling around Appledore's narrow cobbled streets you will note that many of the Georgian and Victorian cottages have wide upper windows; these would have been originally used as sail makers’ lofts in days gone by. You will find shops selling gifts, crafts, original art work (Appledore has a thriving artistic community) and all manner of items. Appledore still has a mod-ern shipbuilding business; and boat repair yard.

The fascinating North Devon Maritime Museum not far from the town centre has a wealth of

information about Appledore’s long association with boat building, the historic Richmond Dock and all things nautical. In the past the economy relied heavily on merchant shipping, fishing and also salmon netting in the river. Not surprisingly, many say a large part of Appledore’s income in times past was derived from smuggling!

A walk up Irsha street just beyond the large Churchfields car park is to be recommended, it leads to the lifeboat house and a couple of great centuries old pubs along narrow streets of former fisherman’s cottages, many of which have been lovingly restored and now become popular holiday homes.

If it’s time for lunch or tea, sample one of the many fine Inns, tea rooms, or small restaurants for welcome refreshment, or why not enjoy that great British staple of fish and chips whilst sitting on the Quay.

Picturesque and quaint are just a couple of many adjectives used to

describe this historical fishing and maritime village. Take a leaf out of the

locals’ book and while away your time by sitting on Appledore Quay

watching the boats in the estuary. When the tide is in it is indeed a

beautiful sight to behold.

picturesque fishing village

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In ancient times Northam was probably the main settlement of the area

and dates back to Norman times being mentioned in the Doomsday book

as land owned by a Saxon lord. Historic settlement evidence can still be

found within the area. The parish of Northam covers roughly 2700 acres

and includes Appledore.

an anglo-saxon settlement

Northam Burrows lies at the mouth of the Taw and Torridge estuary, an area of outstanding natural beauty and within the UNESCO designated biosphere. Set in 650 acres of sand-dunes, salt marsh and pastures, with the imposing and fascinating Pebble Ridge on the seaward side, over which lies the 3km long Westward Ho! beach.

The Burrows is an ideal day out for every-body with its proximity to the beach, ease of parking and safe, clean bathing waters, (Blue Flag rated). At each end of the beach, the sand gives way to rocks, dotted with pools, perfect for spotting sea-shore wildlife, and perfect for those who are fossil and seashell collectors. Standing on the pebble ridge the sweeping expanse of Bideford Bay comes in to view. Looking south west, the craggy cliffs of Hartland Point can be seen, with its blinking lighthouse a reminder of the terrible losses this shipping graveyard has taken over the years, (Bideford had at least two light-houses at the mouth of the Torridge Estuary that guided ships over the ‘bar’ and along the river into port). Looking north west, Baggy Point with the faint silhouette of the Gower Peninsula of South Wales behind can be viewed, on a very clear day is needed! Whilst looking directly west, Lundy Island can be

seen emerging from the waves, a haven for nature lovers and bird watchers. With 2000 miles to the next landfall, the Atlantic Ocean produces a ceaseless barrage of rolling waves ideal for those seeking the thrills of surfing and surf canoeing, as well as those anglers seeking the elusive bass, with specimens of over 17lb recorded in recent years whilst the more sheltered estuary waters are perfect for sailing and light line fishing, for instance school bass and mullet. On the eastern side of the Burrows lies the Salt Marsh, known as the Skern, which is visited by large numbers of waders and other migratory wildfowl, making it an ideal location for Birdwatchers and walkers.

This richly diverse landscape has something for everyone.

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Westward Ho! is perhaps best known for being named after the book of

the same name written by the esteemed Victorian author Charles

Kingsley but it is also famous for its miles of sandy beach (which has

again retained its Blue Flag status) and when the tide is out it makes the

perfect locale for a timely stroll by the water’s edge.

a victorian coastal resort

There are stunning views across the Taw and Torridge estuary towards Saunton and Northam Burrows Country Park.

Just behind the pebble ridge is the cricket ground, home of Bideford, Westward Ho! and Littleham Cricket Club. It is a popular destination for touring sides, you will often find a match going on during the week in addition to the weekend league matches and youth games.

The wide expanse of sand makes it a hive of activity. Bathing, surfing, canoeing, kitesurfing and para-karting are just some of the sports you can become in involved with or simply observe.

For those ramblers who enjoy walking, the South West Coast Path runs through Westward Ho! and for those of you with time and energy to spare you could choose to continue head-ing east to Minehead, or simply go west by following the coast-line for around a hundred miles as far as Land’s End.

Enjoy the walks and fabulous views of Kipling Tors, the prominent backdrop hill named after writer Rudyard Kipling who spent time at Westward Ho! during his childhood. Westward Ho! is the

archetypal family holiday destination. Over the last century the town has enjoyed considerable development and regeneration to include cara-van parks, holiday homes and luxury apartments overlooking the Bay and promenade. Local residents, tourists, families of all ages, even retired couples frequent water fronted pubs, fish and chip takeaways, amusement arcades, numerous holiday shops and cafes, proving this resort to be the perfect family destination.

Whenever you visit, you will be sure to be charmed by the friendliness of the locals and thrilled by the breathtaking scenery and beaches.

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Because of its numerous links to Sir Walter Raleigh, Francis Drake and Elizabeth I, the Spanish Armada, the tobacco and pottery trades, and the lost settlement on Roanoke Island North Carolina, Bideford has its own Heritage Trail where history comes alive at key points along the way.

One of Bideford’s most notable landmarks is the ancient Long Bridge, which was constructed in medieval times and went on to become one of the finest and longest span arch bridges in the Country (677 feet). Spanning the river with its 24 arches, (all of which are different sizes!), the bridge was then widened in the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries to meet the demands of the growing town.

Don’t be misled by Bideford’s sleepy veneer, for nestled in its many streets is a vibrant and buzzing community, an eclectic selection of independent shops and restaurants and of course it’s thriving pannier market at the top of the town.

An afternoon can be whiled away at Victoria Park, whilst you kick back and enjoy the surroundings. The children can either play in the open air pool, or burn off some energy in one of the two dedicated play areas.

Locals and visitors to the Bideford area often use the old Bideford

Railway Station (now the Bideford Railway Heritage Centre) as a starting point to amble along the Tarka Trail, the old disused railway line.

Head in one direction and the Trail leads to Great Torrington and it’s former Railway Station and you can also hire bikes at the Torrington Cycle Hire.

Head in the other direction and the Trail goes through Instow (whose signal box is Grade II listed), Fremington and into Barnstaple. Cream teas and other refreshments can be found in both directions.

The Bideford Railway Heritage Centre always seem to do a brisk trade serving teas and refreshments, it offers service with a smile inside the little railway carriage. The history of Bideford’s railway line is also told through a series of photographs inside the carriage.

the little white town Bideford is known as the Little White Town thanks again to writer Charles

Kingsley whose marble statue presides over the edge of the river and

quay. An historic port and market town with over 500 years of history set

on the banks of the river Torridge with its tree lined, mile long quay still

retaining much of its original heritage.

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During the summer traditional fetes and fairs abound so look out for posters ad-vertising the dates and be sure to experience a little bit of local tradition. The pubs and restaurants in these villages are also well worth checking out.

Horns Cross is a delightful little place that you should not miss. From the village centre a small lane leads off from the main A39 that takes you to Peppercombe, a pretty wooded valley that leads down to the sea.

Another historic village worth visiting is Bucks Mills. This tiny village is totally unspoilt and the walk down from the car park through the village to a small and rocky beach is a delight. Of special interest is the little evocative cabin of artists and lifelong friends Judith Ackland and Mary Stella Edwards which was their home from the 1920s and which is now looked after by the National Trust.

Further on and you will reach Clovelly, set into a steep hillside, Clovelly is one of the most famous villages in the world. The single cobbled high street winds its way down the hillside through whitewashed cottages festooned with fuchsias and geraniums.

Traffic is banned from the village with visitors parking at the top of the hill adjacent to the Visitor Centre.

Tucked away in the north west corner of Devon, the village of Hartland and the Hartland Peninsula extends for miles. It offers a wide variety of landscape, extensive coastal scenery, secluded beaches, coastal walks, wild moorland, ancient woodland and forestry walks. The area is far from light and industrial pollution and offers many bright starlit nights in a silence removed from the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Both The Big Sheep and The Milky Way, near Bideford are family favourites in all weather.

The A39 leaving Bideford along the Atlantic Highway will take you

through picturesque villages with breathtaking coastal scenery which

stretches out to the sea. It’s well worth visiting some of these villages that

still retain their rural charm, look out for Parkham, Monkleigh,

Frithelstock and Buckland Brewer.

linking devon and cornwall

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Appledore RNLI Discover Station located at the end of Irsha Street. Call for information on 01237 473969 www.appledorelifeboat.org.uk

Clovelly RNLI Observe Station located at the base of the main cobbled street, turn right and station is visible. Call for information on 01237 431828

Beach Safety Remember FLAGS on lifeguard-patrolled beaches

Find and swim between the red and yellow flags

Look at the safety signs

Ask a lifeguard for advice

Get a friend to swim with you

Stick your hand up and shout for help if in difficulty

Don’t forget your bucket and spade as children will be in their element and love taking part in beachside activities such as sandcastle competi-tions or paddling in the water while mum and dad just relax in their deckchairs sunning them-selves, eating Cornish pasties or just watching the sailboats gliding by.

When the tide is out the beaches and sand dunes can be seen to stretch out for miles, and it can be the perfect time for dog walkers to let their pets run and have their freedom. It is also a time for children to make discoveries in rock pools, or collect shells and fossils. Although the

days are long gone when donkeys or Punch and Judy shows could be found on any beach amusing visitors, today we watch the surfers, the beach combers or sand artists designing their sculptures. Or beach netball anyone? Whilst later in the day or early evening is the perfect time for beach parties or beach BBQs.

The key beaches in the area - Croyde, Saunton Sands, Instow, Westward Ho!, Sandymouth and Bude, all have their special qualities and wow factors, but perhaps the best kept secret is Bucks Mills. When the tide is out be prepared for a pleasant surprise!

discover amazing coastline

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The area is home to many local artists, potters and craftsmen; discover art and craft shops in the quaint streets of Appledore to the town centre and Pannier Market of Bideford, from Instow’s Quayside to Torrington’s Pannier Market. For the more retail minded there are a generous

shops. Every major town has a bank, post office, doctor’s surgery, dentist, vet, taxi firm, florist, convenience store or supermar-ket. Why not make use of the excellent bus services, it is an great way to tour the countryside whilst saving on petrol, especially so if you have a free bus pass!

markets, galleries, local stores...

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Interesting places to visit for free!

These days, families are more financially hard pressed than ever, so it’s good to

know that there’s still plenty to do and see in the Bideford area for free!

Our top ten choices of free local attractions include: 1. Free parking is available on The Pill in central Bideford on Saturday afternoons, and all day Sunday, making it ideal for visiting the Victoria Park, Burton Art Gallery, shopping in the town or just

strolling along the quay. (EX39 2PF)

2. Burton Art Gallery and Museum - If it’s raining outside, then the Burton Art Gallery and Museum is a great place to visit on the inside. Find out about the fascinating history and background of Torridge,

with exhibits and exhibitions. A nice French style cafe is located within the Burton. (EX39 2QQ)

3. Victoria Park - Located next to the river in the heart of Bideford, this lovely park makes a ideal

location for family afternoon out. Take a picnic, and enjoy the swings, paddling pool, trampoline, skateboard park as well as Bide-Fort. It’s all set in beautifully presented park with flowering borders, shrubs and trees. (EX39 2QQ)

4. Chudleigh Fort, East The Water - Set in a small park, this five sided fort once defended Bideford and the river during the Civil War. Great views over Bideford, and an ideal picnic spot for the kids!

(EX39 4AT)

5. Tarka Trail - With over 30 miles to explore, it makes for a great walk or cycle ride. Go as far (or as

near) as you want, and the views and wildlife are great to explore. The Bideford Railway Heritage Centre is well worth a visit en-route. Cycle hire is available at East The Water, Torrington Station and Fremington Quay. (EX39 4BB)

6. Appledore Lifeboat Station - The lifeboat station at the far end of the village is home to two lifeboats. Discover where the equipment is housed, and how rescues are co-ordinated from Appledore.

(EX39 1SB)

7. Northam Burrows Country Park - Covering some 253 hectares of salt marsh, sand dunes, grasslands and grassy coastal plains, this Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) has a wealth of wildlife,

flora and fauna to discover. Park off-site, then walk-in to avoid the car park and toll-road charges. (EX39 1XS)

8. Tors View Park - Probably Bideford’s best kept secret and only known to a few. This small beauty spot is located high above Westward Ho! and has outstanding views right across Bideford Bay. (EX39 1XJ)

9. South West Coast Path - Although you might find the full 630 miles a bit of a challenge, the

section around Bideford has some outstanding scenery, taking in Appledore, Westward Ho! and beyond. Look out for the brass footsteps mounted in the pavements around Bideford.

10. Bucks Mills - A quaint little village which leads down to the sea close to Clovelly, with free parking in the car park at the top end. Look out for the waterfall on the shoreline. (EX39 5DY)

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June 4th -6th Royal Cornwall Show

6th -7th Lundy Gig Row

6th -14th lfracombe Victorian

12th -14th South Molton Olde English Fayre

13th Classic Car weekend at Lynton &


13th Point to Point at Umberleigh

14th Seaweed Festival at Clovelly

14th Classic Cars at Big Sheep

19th -21st Goldcoast Oceanfest, Croyde

The Surf and Music Festival at

Croyde Bay. 01271 817000


26th -28th Midsummer Charity Weekend at

Hartland Abbey

27th -28th Vintage Rally at Chapleton

28th Ironman Exmoor- Wimbleball

28th N Devon Marathon, Woolacombe

July 4th Bideford Heritage Day


4th -11th St Peter's Fair Week, Holsworthy

10th -12th Tiverton Balloon & Music Festival

11th Yeovilton Air Day

19th Clovelly Maritime Festival

23rd -27th Somersault at Castle Hill Garden

25th Mid Devon Show Tiverton

26th Bideford Water Festival

25th -26th Vintage weekend - RHS Rosemoor

26th Porlock Horse Show

27th Woolsery Show , Clovelly Court

29th Dunster Country Fair


1st Birdman Competition at Ilfracombe

6th Honiton Show

5th North Devon Show

8th -9th Lifeboat Weekend Clovelly

8th Hartland Carnival

9th Appledore & Instow Regatta

15th Okehampton Show

16th Appledore Carnival

The Appledore Carnival sets off

At 4pm with the Carnival Party in

the evening with Live Music & Food

with the Grand Prize Draw.

16th Rescue Day - Ilfracombe sea front

13th Exford Show

21st Dunster Show

22nd Clovelly Gig Regatta

27th Displays of Falconry at


27th Holsworthy and Stratton Show

27th Ilfracombe Carnival

28th -31st Sunwest Beer and Music Festival

29th Torrington Bonfire - Trumpton

29th Bradworthy Carnival

29th -30th Food & Craft Fair at Atlantic


30th & 31st Castle Hill Dog Funday

30th & 31st North Devon Grand Tour of


September 4th -6th RHS Rosemoor West Country

Craft Fair

5th Giant Veggie Competition at

Big Sheep

6th Lobster & Crab Feast, Clovelly

4th -6th RHS Rosemoor West Country

Craft Fair

12th Motor Bike Show at Ilfracombe

11th -13th Festival of Piping and Drumming

12th Bideford Carnival starts

at 6.00pm. Fireworks at about

9.30pm (once it's dark enough).

19th Barnstaple Carnival

20th Rosemoor Westcountry Food


20th Big Sheep- N Devon Wedding


25th Real Ale & Cider Weekend at


26th South Molton Carnival

26th -17th Lynton - Barnstaple Railway

Autumn Gala

26th -4th Appledore Book Festival

Idyllically situated on the Taw

and Torridge rivers, with breath

taking sunsets and huge

tides, Appledore is a unique

place to hear authors discuss

their work and creativity. Join

novelists, historians,

broadcasters, poets and



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The BAR-B-QUE specialists

Everything for your BBQ this summer:

Sizzling Steaks, Kebabs and Ribs

Delicious home-made Burgers

Award winning Sausages Choose from 17 different varieties

Homemade pasties, sausages rolls, scotch eggs, faggots and our very

own Hoggs Pudding

Meat platters for those special occasions


Opening hours: Mon-Fri 7am-5pm Sat 7am-3pm; Sun 9am-12pm

01237 474039

Nelson Road, Westward Ho!

~Pannier Pantry~~Pannier Pantry~~Pannier Pantry~~Pannier Pantry~

• Outside Catering • Homemade Celebration • Cakes Made to Order • Sandwich Round • Homemade Pies & Pasties • A Selection of Cold Meats & Sausages • Homemade Chutneys & Marmalades • Cheese, Olives, Jams & Honey

All Produce Locally Sourced

Tel: 01237 473957 Butchers Row, Pannier Market


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Appledore Instow Ferry

www.appledoreinstowferry.com Use the mobile website from any smart phone to check the timetables, ferry status (the ferries do not operate if the wind is gusting at more than Force 5), a calendar of events for Appledore and Instow, the history of the ferry and the source of some of the funding.

FARES :- (All single) Adults-£1.50, Under-1’s Free, 1 to under 4-50p, 4 to under 16-£1.00, Bikes -£1.50, Dogs/Buggies- Free (Skippers discretion)

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Get around North Devon with

Photo: Flickr / Travels with a dog and a Camera. All information correct as of May 2015. Please visit www.stagecoachbus.com/southwest for latest information.

Westward Ho!


Hele Bridge

DartmoorNational Park











































OtterySt Mary



























BucklandSt Mary















Exmoor National Park









Great Torrington


Saunton Braunton


South Molton







Clovelly FairyCross



Weare Gi�ard




Mill on the Mole

Stibb Cross






The Milky WayAdventure Park



Occasional journeys

Dartington Crystal


Quince Honey Farm
























21AppledoreWestward Ho!


21 21A


Occasional journeys



Halwill Junction





21 (21A- Evenings and Sundays)








Cheriton Bishop

4A 4B







13 18




















Towards Boscastle, Tintagel, Camelford and Wadebridge



Our extensive bus network connects youto destinations right across North Devon

If you travel regularly on our buses, our great value megarider season tickets will save you money. Valid for unlimited travel within the North Devon megarider zone, they are available as 1, 4, 13 or 52 week tickets. Buy online at www.buymymegarider.com and get your ticket delivered direct to your door.

Our 1 and 4 week megarider tickets have now gone Smart. StagecoachSmart is a new way of buying and using yourmegarider. It’s a travelcard with an electronic chip that stores your Stagecoach tickets for use on the bus. All of our 4 weekmegarider tickets bought online have gone Smart and, once you’ve got your card, you can top up on the bus or in one of our Travelshops. Alternatively, sign up for megarider Xtra and your ticket is automatically topped up every month.

Buy fromyour driver... North Devondayrider £3.80North Devon 1 week

megarider £12.00

Buy online...Longer term North Devon megariders can be bought frombuymymegarider.com

4 week £43.00megarider Xtra £43.0013 week £138.0052 week £480.00


FOLLOW US @stagecoachsw

towards Okehampton

North Devon Route MapExcluding Barnstaple Town Services

towards Exeter

Bridgerultowards Boscastle, Tintagel, Camelford and Wadebridge

Page 21: Bideford Bay Companion 2015

Get around North Devon with

Photo: Flickr / Travels with a dog and a Camera. All information correct as of May 2015. Please visit www.stagecoachbus.com/southwest for latest information.

Westward Ho!


Hele Bridge

DartmoorNational Park











































OtterySt Mary



























BucklandSt Mary















Exmoor National Park









Great Torrington


Saunton Braunton


South Molton







Clovelly FairyCross



Weare Gi�ard




Mill on the Mole

Stibb Cross






The Milky WayAdventure Park



Occasional journeys

Dartington Crystal


Quince Honey Farm
























21AppledoreWestward Ho!


21 21A


Occasional journeys



Halwill Junction





21 (21A- Evenings and Sundays)








Cheriton Bishop

4A 4B







13 18




















Towards Boscastle, Tintagel, Camelford and Wadebridge



Our extensive bus network connects youto destinations right across North Devon

If you travel regularly on our buses, our great value megarider season tickets will save you money. Valid for unlimited travel within the North Devon megarider zone, they are available as 1, 4, 13 or 52 week tickets. Buy online at www.buymymegarider.com and get your ticket delivered direct to your door.

Our 1 and 4 week megarider tickets have now gone Smart. StagecoachSmart is a new way of buying and using yourmegarider. It’s a travelcard with an electronic chip that stores your Stagecoach tickets for use on the bus. All of our 4 weekmegarider tickets bought online have gone Smart and, once you’ve got your card, you can top up on the bus or in one of our Travelshops. Alternatively, sign up for megarider Xtra and your ticket is automatically topped up every month.

Buy fromyour driver... North Devondayrider £3.80North Devon 1 week

megarider £12.00

Buy online...Longer term North Devon megariders can be bought frombuymymegarider.com

4 week £43.00megarider Xtra £43.0013 week £138.0052 week £480.00


FOLLOW US @stagecoachsw

towards Okehampton

North Devon Route MapExcluding Barnstaple Town Services

towards Exeter

Bridgerultowards Boscastle, Tintagel, Camelford and Wadebridge

Page 22: Bideford Bay Companion 2015

From Monday 1st September 2014

Ilfracombe or Georgeham & Croyde • Braunton •Barnstaple • Fremington • East the Water • Bideford • Northam • Appledore (21A)

Ilfracombe • Braunton • Barnstaple • Fremington •

Instow • Bideford • Northam • Westward Ho! (21)

Route 21

This is a condensed version of our North Devon Wave timetable, valid from 3rd May 2015. Certain journeys on this service also go to Braunton, Fremington, Instow, Northam, Georgeham, Croyde and East the Water. Times at Ilfracombe will vary across peak summer season (July/August). To view our latest timetables and to plan your journey in detail please visit www.stagecoachbus.com/southwest. Liable to change without further notice.

Journeys between Ilfracombe, Barnstaple, Bideford, Westward Ho! or Appledore

Journeys between Appledore or Westward Ho!, Bideford, Barnstaple and Ilfracombe

sundays and Bank HolidaysService No. 21 21 21 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aAppledore Seagate Hotel 0848 0948 1048 1148 1248 1348 1448 1548Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 0826 0926 1026 1126 1226 1326 1426 1526Bideford Quay 0845 0910 0945 1010 1045 1110 1145 1210 1245 1310 1345 1410 1445 1510 1545 1610Barnstaple Bus Station 0805 0830 0900 0923 0953 1023 1053 1123 1153 1223 1253 1323 1353 1423 1453 1523 1553 1623 1653Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 0843 0908 0938 1006 1036 1106 1136 1206 1236 1306 1336 1406 1436 1506 1536 1606 1636 1706 1735

Service No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aAppledore Seagate Hotel 1648 1748 1841 1941 2041 2141 2241Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1626 1726 1811 1911 2011 2111 2211Bideford Quay 1645 1710 1745 1805 1828 1855 1928 1955 2028 2055 2128 2155 2228 2255Barnstaple Bus Station 1723 1753 1823 1901 1931 2001 2031 2101 2131 2231Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1805 1835 1905 1935 2005 2035 2105 2135 2205 2305

Mondays to Fridays except Bank HolidaysService No. 21 21 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a

Sch Sch SchAppledore Seagate Hotel 0635 0650 0700 0725 0745 0805Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 0632 0650 0706 0711 0721 0720 0740 0800Bideford Quay 0625 0650 0653 0708 0709 0725 0720 0732 0734 0740 0740 0745 0800 0805 0820 0825Barnstaple Bus Station 0640 0705 0725 0735 0745 0805 0822 0823 0825 0825 0835c 0845 0905 0915Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 0720 0747 0807 0826 0846 0906 0926 0946

Service No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aAppledore Seagate Hotel 0825 0850 0904 0924 44 04 24 1344 1404Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 0820 0841 0901 0921 41 01 21 1341 1401Bideford Quay 0840 0845 0902 0910 0922 0928 0942 0948 02 08 22 28 42 48 until 1402 1408 1422 1428Barnstaple Bus Station 0925 0935c 0945 0955 1005 1015 1025 1035c 45 55 05 15 25 35c 1445 1455 1502 1515Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1006 1026 1046 1106 26 46 06 1526 1552

Service No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 Appledore Seagate Hotel 1424 1452 1512 1532 1552 1607 1627 1647 1707Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1421 1441 1507 1527 1547 1603 1623 1643 1703 1723Bideford Quay 1442 1448 1502 1513 1527 1533 1547 1553 1607 1615 1625 1631 1645 1651 1705 1711 1725 1731 1745Barnstaple Bus Station 1525 1535c 1545 1600 1610 1620 1630 1640 1650 1707 1717 1727 1737c 1747 1807 1827Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1611 1627 1652 1712 1732 1749 1809 1829 1849 1906

Service No. 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aAppledore Seagate Hotel 1727 1747 1806 1833 1933 2033 2141 2241 2341Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1743 1805 1825 1905 2005 2105 2211 2311Bideford Quay 1751 1805 1811 1825 1830 1845 1851 1925 1951 2025 2051 2125 2155 2228 2255 2328 2355Barnstaple Bus Station 1901 1931 2001 2031 2101 2131 2201 2231 2331Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1940 2005 2035 2105 2135 2205 2235 2305 0005

then up to every

10 mins


saTurdaysService No. 21 21 21 21 21 21a 21 21a 21 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aAppledore Seagate Hotel 0651 - 0721 0752 0812 0832 - 0852 0904Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 0635 0705 0735 0807 0827 0847 0901Bideford Quay 0653 0705 0723 0735 0753 0813 0828 0833 0848 0853 0908 0913 0922 0928Barnstaple Bus Station 0520 0620 0650 0720 0745 0805 0825 0845 0855 0905 0915 0925 0935c 0945 0955 1005 1015Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 0556 0656 0726 0756 0826 0846 0906 0926 0946 1006 1026 1046

Service No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aAppledore Seagate Hotel 0924 44 04 24 1344 1404 1424 1444 1504Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 0921 41 01 21 1341 1401 1421 1441 1501Bideford Quay 0942 0948 02 08 22 28 42 48 until 1402 1408 1422 1428 1442 1448 1502 1508 1522 1528Barnstaple Bus Station 1025 1035c 45 55 05 15 25 35c 1445 1455 1505 1515 1525 1535c 1545 1555 1605 1615Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1106 26 46 06 1526 1546 1606 1626 1646

Service No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aAppledore Seagate Hotel 1524 1544 1604 1634 1704 1734 1833 1933 2033Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1521 1541 1601 1621 1651 1721 1800 1820 1905 2005Bideford Quay 1542 1548 1602 1608 1622 1628 1642 1658 1712 1728 1742 1758 1822 1840 1851 1925 1951 2025 2051Barnstaple Bus Station 1625 1635 1645 1705 1715 1725 1740c 1755 1825 1901 1931 2001 2031 2101 2131Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1706 1726 1746 1806 1832 1859 1935 2005 2035 2105 2135 2205

Service No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aAppledore Seagate Hotel 2141 2241 2341Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 2105 2211 2311Bideford Quay 2125 2155 2228 2255 2328 2355Barnstaple Bus Station 2201 2231 2331Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 2235 2305 0005

then up to every

10 mins


sundays and Bank HolidaysService No. 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aIlfracombe St James Place Gardens 0750 0850 0915 0945 1015 1045 1115 1145 1215 1245 1315 1345 1415 1445 1515 1545Barnstaple Bus Station 0750 0820 0840 0910 0940 1010 1040 1110 1140 1210 1240 1310 1340 1410 1440 1510 1540 1610 1640Bideford Quay 0830 0858 0923 0948 1023 1048 1123 1148 1223 1248 1323 1348 1423 1448 1523 1548 1623 1648 1723Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 0912 1002 1101 1202 1302 1402 1502 1602 1702 Appledore Seagate Hotel 0843 0939 1039 1139 1239 1339 1439 1539 1639 1739

Service No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1615 1645 1720 1810 1840 1910 1940 2010 2040 2110 2140Barnstaple Bus Station 1710 1740 1823 1853 1923 1953 2023 2053 2123 2153 2223Bideford Quay 1748 1823 1853 1927 1953 2027 2053 2127 2153 2227 2253Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1802 1905 2005 2105 2205 2305Appledore Seagate Hotel 1839 1939 2039 2139 2239

Mondays to Fridays except Bank HolidaysService No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aIlfracombe St James Place Gardens 0530 0550 0650 0711 0731 0751 0811Barnstaple Bus Station 0545 0555 0620 0631 0646 0649 0706 0718 0728 0741 0756 0803 0816c 0823 0833 0843 0853 0903 0913Bideford Quay 0615 0630 0650 0706 0720 0725 0745 0756 0808 0820 0840 0841 0900 0901 0916 0921 0936 0941 0956Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 0628 0703 0735 0811 0835 0856 0916 0936 0956 Appledore Seagate Hotel 0644 0720 0740 0800 0824 0857 0917 0935 0955 1015

Service No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 0831 0851 0911 0931 51 11 31 1251 1311Barnstaple Bus Station 0923 0933 0943 0953 1003 1013 1023 1033c 43 53 03 13 23 33c 1343 1353 1403Bideford Quay 1001 1016 1021 1036 1041 1056 1101 1116 21 36 41 56 01 16 until 1421 1436 1441Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1016 1036 1056 1116 36 56 16 1436 1456Appledore Seagate Hotel 1035 1055 1115 1135 55 15 35 1455

Service No. 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 Sch Sch Sch

Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1331 1351 1411 1431 1451 1511 1531 1556Barnstaple Bus Station 1413 1423 1433c 1443 1453 1503 1513 1523 1533c 1533 1543 1553 1603 1613 1623 1633c 1648Bideford Quay 1453 1501 1513 1521 1536 1541 1556 1601 1616 1612 1616 1616 1621 1636 1641 1656 1701 1716 1726Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1516 1536 1556 1616 1627 1636 1656 1716 1741Appledore Seagate Hotel 1509 1529 1555 1615 1635 1635 1635 1655 1715 1735

Service No. 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1616 1636 1656 1716 1736 1815 1845 1915 1945 2015 2110 2140 2210 2240Barnstaple Bus Station 1658 1708 1718 1728 1738c 1748 1758 1808 1828 1905 1935 2005 2035 2105 2153 2223 2253 2323Bideford Quay 1741 1746 1801 1806 1821 1826 1838 1846 1908 1943 2015 2043 2115 2143 2227 2253 2327 2353Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1801 1821 1841 1901 1958 2058 2158 2305 0005Appledore Seagate Hotel 1800 1820 1839 1854 1924 2029 2129 2239 2339

then up to every

10 mins


saTurdaysService No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 0601 0701 0731 0801 0831 0851Barnstaple Bus Station 0545 0625 0645 0700 0715 0730 0738 0753 0803 0813 0823 0833c 0843 0853 0903 0913 0923 0933 0943Bideford Quay 0617 0700 0717 0735 0747 0805 0816 0836 0841 0856 0901 0916 0921 0936 0941 0956 1001 1016 1021Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 0631 0731 0801 0831 0856 0916 0936 0956 1016 1036Appledore Seagate Hotel 0715 0750 0820 0855 0915 0935 0955 1015 1035

Service No. 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 0911 0931 51 11 31 1451 1511 1531 1551Barnstaple Bus Station 0953 1003 1013 1023 1033c 43 53 03 13 23 33c 1543 1553 1603 1613 1623 1638 1653Bideford Quay 1036 1041 1056 1101 1116 21 36 41 56 09 16 until 1621 1636 1641 1656 1701 1721 1731Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1056 1116 36 56 16 1636 1656 1716 1746Appledore Seagate Hotel 1055 1115 1135 55 15 35 1655 1715 1740

Service No. 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1611 1631 1701 1716 1745 1815 1845 1915 1945 2015 2110 2140 2210 2240Barnstaple Bus Station 1708 1723 1738c 1753 1808 1823 1835 1905 1935 2005 2035 2105 2153 2223 2253 2323Bideford Quay 1751 1801 1821 1831 1848 1901 1917 1943 2017 2043 2117 2143 2227 2253 2327 2353Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1816 1846 1916 1956 2056 2156 2305 0005Appledore Seagate Hotel 1810 1840 1905 1929 2029 2129 2239 2339

then up to every

10 mins


www.stagecoachbus.com/southwestFollow us on TwiTTer @stagecoachsw

Codes: School holidays only Sch Schooldays only C Change of bus required at Barnstaple bus station

Page 23: Bideford Bay Companion 2015

From Monday 1st September 2014

Ilfracombe or Georgeham & Croyde • Braunton •Barnstaple • Fremington • East the Water • Bideford • Northam • Appledore (21A)

Ilfracombe • Braunton • Barnstaple • Fremington •

Instow • Bideford • Northam • Westward Ho! (21)

Route 21

This is a condensed version of our North Devon Wave timetable, valid from 3rd May 2015. Certain journeys on this service also go to Braunton, Fremington, Instow, Northam, Georgeham, Croyde and East the Water. Times at Ilfracombe will vary across peak summer season (July/August). To view our latest timetables and to plan your journey in detail please visit www.stagecoachbus.com/southwest. Liable to change without further notice.

Journeys between Ilfracombe, Barnstaple, Bideford, Westward Ho! or Appledore

Journeys between Appledore or Westward Ho!, Bideford, Barnstaple and Ilfracombe

sundays and Bank HolidaysService No. 21 21 21 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aAppledore Seagate Hotel 0848 0948 1048 1148 1248 1348 1448 1548Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 0826 0926 1026 1126 1226 1326 1426 1526Bideford Quay 0845 0910 0945 1010 1045 1110 1145 1210 1245 1310 1345 1410 1445 1510 1545 1610Barnstaple Bus Station 0805 0830 0900 0923 0953 1023 1053 1123 1153 1223 1253 1323 1353 1423 1453 1523 1553 1623 1653Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 0843 0908 0938 1006 1036 1106 1136 1206 1236 1306 1336 1406 1436 1506 1536 1606 1636 1706 1735

Service No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aAppledore Seagate Hotel 1648 1748 1841 1941 2041 2141 2241Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1626 1726 1811 1911 2011 2111 2211Bideford Quay 1645 1710 1745 1805 1828 1855 1928 1955 2028 2055 2128 2155 2228 2255Barnstaple Bus Station 1723 1753 1823 1901 1931 2001 2031 2101 2131 2231Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1805 1835 1905 1935 2005 2035 2105 2135 2205 2305

Mondays to Fridays except Bank HolidaysService No. 21 21 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a

Sch Sch SchAppledore Seagate Hotel 0635 0650 0700 0725 0745 0805Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 0632 0650 0706 0711 0721 0720 0740 0800Bideford Quay 0625 0650 0653 0708 0709 0725 0720 0732 0734 0740 0740 0745 0800 0805 0820 0825Barnstaple Bus Station 0640 0705 0725 0735 0745 0805 0822 0823 0825 0825 0835c 0845 0905 0915Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 0720 0747 0807 0826 0846 0906 0926 0946

Service No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aAppledore Seagate Hotel 0825 0850 0904 0924 44 04 24 1344 1404Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 0820 0841 0901 0921 41 01 21 1341 1401Bideford Quay 0840 0845 0902 0910 0922 0928 0942 0948 02 08 22 28 42 48 until 1402 1408 1422 1428Barnstaple Bus Station 0925 0935c 0945 0955 1005 1015 1025 1035c 45 55 05 15 25 35c 1445 1455 1502 1515Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1006 1026 1046 1106 26 46 06 1526 1552

Service No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 Appledore Seagate Hotel 1424 1452 1512 1532 1552 1607 1627 1647 1707Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1421 1441 1507 1527 1547 1603 1623 1643 1703 1723Bideford Quay 1442 1448 1502 1513 1527 1533 1547 1553 1607 1615 1625 1631 1645 1651 1705 1711 1725 1731 1745Barnstaple Bus Station 1525 1535c 1545 1600 1610 1620 1630 1640 1650 1707 1717 1727 1737c 1747 1807 1827Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1611 1627 1652 1712 1732 1749 1809 1829 1849 1906

Service No. 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aAppledore Seagate Hotel 1727 1747 1806 1833 1933 2033 2141 2241 2341Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1743 1805 1825 1905 2005 2105 2211 2311Bideford Quay 1751 1805 1811 1825 1830 1845 1851 1925 1951 2025 2051 2125 2155 2228 2255 2328 2355Barnstaple Bus Station 1901 1931 2001 2031 2101 2131 2201 2231 2331Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1940 2005 2035 2105 2135 2205 2235 2305 0005

then up to every

10 mins


saTurdaysService No. 21 21 21 21 21 21a 21 21a 21 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aAppledore Seagate Hotel 0651 - 0721 0752 0812 0832 - 0852 0904Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 0635 0705 0735 0807 0827 0847 0901Bideford Quay 0653 0705 0723 0735 0753 0813 0828 0833 0848 0853 0908 0913 0922 0928Barnstaple Bus Station 0520 0620 0650 0720 0745 0805 0825 0845 0855 0905 0915 0925 0935c 0945 0955 1005 1015Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 0556 0656 0726 0756 0826 0846 0906 0926 0946 1006 1026 1046

Service No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aAppledore Seagate Hotel 0924 44 04 24 1344 1404 1424 1444 1504Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 0921 41 01 21 1341 1401 1421 1441 1501Bideford Quay 0942 0948 02 08 22 28 42 48 until 1402 1408 1422 1428 1442 1448 1502 1508 1522 1528Barnstaple Bus Station 1025 1035c 45 55 05 15 25 35c 1445 1455 1505 1515 1525 1535c 1545 1555 1605 1615Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1106 26 46 06 1526 1546 1606 1626 1646

Service No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aAppledore Seagate Hotel 1524 1544 1604 1634 1704 1734 1833 1933 2033Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1521 1541 1601 1621 1651 1721 1800 1820 1905 2005Bideford Quay 1542 1548 1602 1608 1622 1628 1642 1658 1712 1728 1742 1758 1822 1840 1851 1925 1951 2025 2051Barnstaple Bus Station 1625 1635 1645 1705 1715 1725 1740c 1755 1825 1901 1931 2001 2031 2101 2131Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1706 1726 1746 1806 1832 1859 1935 2005 2035 2105 2135 2205

Service No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aAppledore Seagate Hotel 2141 2241 2341Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 2105 2211 2311Bideford Quay 2125 2155 2228 2255 2328 2355Barnstaple Bus Station 2201 2231 2331Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 2235 2305 0005

then up to every

10 mins


sundays and Bank HolidaysService No. 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aIlfracombe St James Place Gardens 0750 0850 0915 0945 1015 1045 1115 1145 1215 1245 1315 1345 1415 1445 1515 1545Barnstaple Bus Station 0750 0820 0840 0910 0940 1010 1040 1110 1140 1210 1240 1310 1340 1410 1440 1510 1540 1610 1640Bideford Quay 0830 0858 0923 0948 1023 1048 1123 1148 1223 1248 1323 1348 1423 1448 1523 1548 1623 1648 1723Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 0912 1002 1101 1202 1302 1402 1502 1602 1702 Appledore Seagate Hotel 0843 0939 1039 1139 1239 1339 1439 1539 1639 1739

Service No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1615 1645 1720 1810 1840 1910 1940 2010 2040 2110 2140Barnstaple Bus Station 1710 1740 1823 1853 1923 1953 2023 2053 2123 2153 2223Bideford Quay 1748 1823 1853 1927 1953 2027 2053 2127 2153 2227 2253Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1802 1905 2005 2105 2205 2305Appledore Seagate Hotel 1839 1939 2039 2139 2239

Mondays to Fridays except Bank HolidaysService No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21aIlfracombe St James Place Gardens 0530 0550 0650 0711 0731 0751 0811Barnstaple Bus Station 0545 0555 0620 0631 0646 0649 0706 0718 0728 0741 0756 0803 0816c 0823 0833 0843 0853 0903 0913Bideford Quay 0615 0630 0650 0706 0720 0725 0745 0756 0808 0820 0840 0841 0900 0901 0916 0921 0936 0941 0956Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 0628 0703 0735 0811 0835 0856 0916 0936 0956 Appledore Seagate Hotel 0644 0720 0740 0800 0824 0857 0917 0935 0955 1015

Service No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 0831 0851 0911 0931 51 11 31 1251 1311Barnstaple Bus Station 0923 0933 0943 0953 1003 1013 1023 1033c 43 53 03 13 23 33c 1343 1353 1403Bideford Quay 1001 1016 1021 1036 1041 1056 1101 1116 21 36 41 56 01 16 until 1421 1436 1441Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1016 1036 1056 1116 36 56 16 1436 1456Appledore Seagate Hotel 1035 1055 1115 1135 55 15 35 1455

Service No. 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 Sch Sch Sch

Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1331 1351 1411 1431 1451 1511 1531 1556Barnstaple Bus Station 1413 1423 1433c 1443 1453 1503 1513 1523 1533c 1533 1543 1553 1603 1613 1623 1633c 1648Bideford Quay 1453 1501 1513 1521 1536 1541 1556 1601 1616 1612 1616 1616 1621 1636 1641 1656 1701 1716 1726Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1516 1536 1556 1616 1627 1636 1656 1716 1741Appledore Seagate Hotel 1509 1529 1555 1615 1635 1635 1635 1655 1715 1735

Service No. 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1616 1636 1656 1716 1736 1815 1845 1915 1945 2015 2110 2140 2210 2240Barnstaple Bus Station 1658 1708 1718 1728 1738c 1748 1758 1808 1828 1905 1935 2005 2035 2105 2153 2223 2253 2323Bideford Quay 1741 1746 1801 1806 1821 1826 1838 1846 1908 1943 2015 2043 2115 2143 2227 2253 2327 2353Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1801 1821 1841 1901 1958 2058 2158 2305 0005Appledore Seagate Hotel 1800 1820 1839 1854 1924 2029 2129 2239 2339

then up to every

10 mins


saTurdaysService No. 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 0601 0701 0731 0801 0831 0851Barnstaple Bus Station 0545 0625 0645 0700 0715 0730 0738 0753 0803 0813 0823 0833c 0843 0853 0903 0913 0923 0933 0943Bideford Quay 0617 0700 0717 0735 0747 0805 0816 0836 0841 0856 0901 0916 0921 0936 0941 0956 1001 1016 1021Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 0631 0731 0801 0831 0856 0916 0936 0956 1016 1036Appledore Seagate Hotel 0715 0750 0820 0855 0915 0935 0955 1015 1035

Service No. 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 0911 0931 51 11 31 1451 1511 1531 1551Barnstaple Bus Station 0953 1003 1013 1023 1033c 43 53 03 13 23 33c 1543 1553 1603 1613 1623 1638 1653Bideford Quay 1036 1041 1056 1101 1116 21 36 41 56 09 16 until 1621 1636 1641 1656 1701 1721 1731Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1056 1116 36 56 16 1636 1656 1716 1746Appledore Seagate Hotel 1055 1115 1135 55 15 35 1655 1715 1740

Service No. 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 21a 21 Ilfracombe St James Place Gardens 1611 1631 1701 1716 1745 1815 1845 1915 1945 2015 2110 2140 2210 2240Barnstaple Bus Station 1708 1723 1738c 1753 1808 1823 1835 1905 1935 2005 2035 2105 2153 2223 2253 2323Bideford Quay 1751 1801 1821 1831 1848 1901 1917 1943 2017 2043 2117 2143 2227 2253 2327 2353Westward Ho! Youngaton Road 1816 1846 1916 1956 2056 2156 2305 0005Appledore Seagate Hotel 1810 1840 1905 1929 2029 2129 2239 2339

then up to every

10 mins


www.stagecoachbus.com/southwestFollow us on TwiTTer @stagecoachsw

Codes: School holidays only Sch Schooldays only C Change of bus required at Barnstaple bus station

Page 24: Bideford Bay Companion 2015


To advertise call 01237 478906 or email [email protected]

June 2015

July 2015

Heights are given in metres, GMT is used

and the daylight saving offset should be set to 1 hour to allow for British Summer time

Page 25: Bideford Bay Companion 2015

25 Please mention The Bideford Bay Companion when responding to adverts

August 2015

September 2015

Heights are given in metres, GMT is used

and the daylight saving offset should be set to 1 hour to allow for British Summer time

Page 26: Bideford Bay Companion 2015


To advertise call 01237 478906 or email [email protected]

Libraries Libraries Libraries Libraries (renewals 0845 155 1001)(renewals 0845 155 1001)(renewals 0845 155 1001)(renewals 0845 155 1001)

AppledoreAppledoreAppledoreAppledore 01237 47744201237 47744201237 47744201237 477442

Mon closed

Tues 10am-1pm

Weds 2pm-5pm

Thurs 10am-12pm

Fri closed

Sat 10am-12pm

BidefordBidefordBidefordBideford 01237 47607501237 47607501237 47607501237 476075

Mon, Tues 9:30am-6pm

Thurs, Fri 9.30am-6pm

Sat 9.30am-1.30pm

ChemistsChemistsChemistsChemists BidefordBidefordBidefordBideford

Lloyds Pharmacy 01237 42122101237 42122101237 42122101237 421221

Clarence Wharf

Boots the Chemist 01237 47201901237 47201901237 47201901237 472019

High St

Co-Op Pharmacy, 01237 47363501237 47363501237 47363501237 473635

High St

Lloyds Pharmacy 01237 47200201237 47200201237 47200201237 472002

Abbotsham Rd

Farmers' MarketsFarmers' MarketsFarmers' MarketsFarmers' Markets

Bideford QuayBideford QuayBideford QuayBideford Quay

2nd & 4th Saturday of each month

from Easter to September 9am - 2pm

Tel: 01237 42874301237 42874301237 42874301237 428743

Barnstaple Pannier MarketBarnstaple Pannier MarketBarnstaple Pannier MarketBarnstaple Pannier Market

Local produce market all year

Tuesday & Saturday

Tel: 01271 37908401271 37908401271 37908401271 379084

Hartland Parish HallHartland Parish HallHartland Parish HallHartland Parish Hall

1st Sunday of each month from

April to October 10am - 1pm

Tel: 01237 441786Tel: 01237 441786Tel: 01237 441786Tel: 01237 441786

Asda Chemist 01237 42772001237 42772001237 42772001237 427720

Atlantic Village, Bideford


Boots the Chemist 01237 47434001237 47434001237 47434001237 474340

Bay View Rd


Lloyds Pharmacy, 01805 62217401805 62217401805 62217401805 622174

High St

Westward Ho!Westward Ho!Westward Ho!Westward Ho!

Arnolds Pharmacy 01237 47382901237 47382901237 47382901237 473829

Nelson Road

EmergencyEmergencyEmergencyEmergency Emergency Services 999999999999

Fire, Police, Ambulance, Coastguard

Bideford Police Stn 101101101101

Pannier Market DaysPannier Market DaysPannier Market DaysPannier Market Days


Tuesday & Saturday Pannier Market BarnstapleBarnstapleBarnstapleBarnstaple

Monday Arts & Crafts Tuesday General Market Wednesday Antiques Thursday Arts & Crafts Friday & Saturday General Market TorringtonTorringtonTorringtonTorrington

Thursday General Market Friday Flea Market Saturday General Market

NorthamNorthamNorthamNortham 01237 47511101237 47511101237 47511101237 475111

Mon 10am-1pm

Tues closed

Wed 10am-6pm

Thurs closed

Fri 10am-5pm

Sat 10am-1pm

TorringtonTorringtonTorringtonTorrington 01805 62210701805 62210701805 62210701805 622107

Mon closed

Tues 10am-6pm,

Weds closed

Thurs 10am-5pm

Fri, Sat 10am-1pm

Health ServicesHealth ServicesHealth ServicesHealth Services Northam Health Ctr 01237 47499401237 47499401237 47499401237 474994

Bideford Medical Ctr 01237 47636301237 47636301237 47636301237 476363

Bideford Hospital 01237 42020001237 42020001237 42020001237 420200

North Devon District 01271 32257701271 32257701271 32257701271 322577

Hospital, Barnstaple

Torrington Cottage 01805 62220801805 62220801805 62220801805 622208


NHS Direct 0845 46470845 46470845 46470845 4647

Northam Dental Ctr 01237 47678601237 47678601237 47678601237 476786

VetVetVetVet Torridge Veterinary Clinic, Bideford

01237 47207501237 47207501237 47207501237 472075

Surf ReportsSurf ReportsSurf ReportsSurf Reports www.eyeballhq.tv


Radio Radio Radio Radio ---- LocalLocalLocalLocal Heart FM 96.2 - 97.3 FM

BBC Radio Devon 85.5 - 103.4 FM

The Voice 106.1 FM

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27 Please mention The Bideford Bay Companion when responding to adverts

Post OfficesPost OfficesPost OfficesPost Offices Abbotsham (EX39 5AP)Abbotsham (EX39 5AP)Abbotsham (EX39 5AP)Abbotsham (EX39 5AP)

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9am-5.30pm

Wed 9am -1pm

Sat 9am-12.30pm

Johns of Appledore (EX39 1QS)Johns of Appledore (EX39 1QS)Johns of Appledore (EX39 1QS)Johns of Appledore (EX39 1QS)

Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm

Sat 9am-12.30pm

Bideford, Old town (EX39 3BM)Bideford, Old town (EX39 3BM)Bideford, Old town (EX39 3BM)Bideford, Old town (EX39 3BM)

Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm

Sat 9am-12.30pm

Bideford, The Quay (EX39 2EX)Bideford, The Quay (EX39 2EX)Bideford, The Quay (EX39 2EX)Bideford, The Quay (EX39 2EX)

Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 9am-5.30pm

Tue 9.30am-5.30pm

Sat 9am-12.30pm

Buckland Brewer, Mobile serviceBuckland Brewer, Mobile serviceBuckland Brewer, Mobile serviceBuckland Brewer, Mobile service

The van visits the village green:

Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri at 1.50pm

and on Thurs at 3.05 (EX39 5LP)(EX39 5LP)(EX39 5LP)(EX39 5LP)

Bucks Cross (EX39 5DP)Bucks Cross (EX39 5DP)Bucks Cross (EX39 5DP)Bucks Cross (EX39 5DP)

Mon-Fri 8am-6pm

Sat 8am-1pm

Clovelly, mobile (EX39 5TL)Clovelly, mobile (EX39 5TL)Clovelly, mobile (EX39 5TL)Clovelly, mobile (EX39 5TL)

Thurs 4pm-5pm Fri 4pm-5pm

ETW Barton Tors (EX39 4HA)ETW Barton Tors (EX39 4HA)ETW Barton Tors (EX39 4HA)ETW Barton Tors (EX39 4HA)

Mon-Wed & Fri 9am-5.30pm

Thurs 9am-1pm. Sat 9am-12.30pm

Hartland (EX39 6BD)Hartland (EX39 6BD)Hartland (EX39 6BD)Hartland (EX39 6BD)

Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm

Sat 9am-12.30pm

Instow (EX39 4HY)Instow (EX39 4HY)Instow (EX39 4HY)Instow (EX39 4HY)

Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm

Sat 9am-12.30pm

Northam (Coscutters) (EX39 1AR)Northam (Coscutters) (EX39 1AR)Northam (Coscutters) (EX39 1AR)Northam (Coscutters) (EX39 1AR)


7 days a week

Torrington (EX38 8HN)Torrington (EX38 8HN)Torrington (EX38 8HN)Torrington (EX38 8HN)

Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm

Sat 9am-12.30pm

Westward Ho! (EX39 1LQ)Westward Ho! (EX39 1LQ)Westward Ho! (EX39 1LQ)Westward Ho! (EX39 1LQ)

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Sat 9am-12.30pm

Woolsery (EX39 5QS)Woolsery (EX39 5QS)Woolsery (EX39 5QS)Woolsery (EX39 5QS)

Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm

Sat 9am-12.30

ChurchesChurchesChurchesChurches Appledore Baptist Church EX39 1RJ 01237 479 571

St Marys Appledore (C-of-E) EX39 1RL 01237 470 183

Bideford Baptist EX39 2JR 01237 473 195

Bideford Methodist Church EX39 2AN 01237 478 453

Lavington URC (Calvanist) EX39 3LR 01237 780 621

Sacred Heart Catholic Church EX39 2NW 01237 472 519

Salvation Army c/o Bideford Baptist Church EX39 2JR 01392 822 110

Society of Friends Bideford (Quakers) EX39 2DJ 01237 425 883

St Marys Bideford (C-of-E) EX39 2BP 01237 474 078

Buckland Brewer Methodist Church EX39 5LX 01805 628 041

Bethel Free Church (Evangelical) EX39 4DP 01237 472 308

St Andrews (C-of-E) EX39 5DA 01237 431 160

St Nectans (C-of-E) EX39 6DU 01237 431 160

Hartland Methodist Church EX39 6AB 01237 441 271

Holy Trinity (Taize & Celtic Services) EX39 5JA 01237 473 786

Jehovah's Witnesses EX39 1SU 01237 425 202

Northam Methodist Church EX39 1DP 01237 281 262

St Margaret's (C-of-E) EX39 1JL 01237 476 749

Holy Trinity (C-of-E) EX39 1LB 01237 476 749

Westward Ho! Baptist Church EX39 1LQ 01805 603 314

All Hallows (C-of-E) EX39 5QF 01237 431 160

Woolsery Methodist Church EX39 5QP 01237 441 030


Bicycle Hire (see page 16)Bicycle Hire (see page 16)Bicycle Hire (see page 16)Bicycle Hire (see page 16)

Torridge Cycle Hire 01805 622633

Car Hire (see page 17)Car Hire (see page 17)Car Hire (see page 17)Car Hire (see page 17)

Blights Car Hire (Ford) 01237 472282

Bus & Rail (see page 20Bus & Rail (see page 20Bus & Rail (see page 20Bus & Rail (see page 20----23)23)23)23)

National Rail enquiries 03457 484950

Stagecoach (Buses) 01271 329089

Taxis (see page 17)Taxis (see page 17)Taxis (see page 17)Taxis (see page 17)

Kirkham Taxi’s 01237 422889

Boat Trips (see page 30)Boat Trips (see page 30)Boat Trips (see page 30)Boat Trips (see page 30)

Lundy Island trips 01237 423233

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To advertise call 01237 478906 or email [email protected]

Throughout North Devon during the Summer months there are Summer fetes, music or art festivals, Sandcastle competitions, craft fayres, agricultural or horticultural exhibitions, open air theatre or music concerts, town carnivals, even regattas to name just a few events.

a wide range of leisure choices

Whilst the Bideford Bay Companion focuses on the area of Torridge, by going further a field into Cornwall or past Barnstaple towards Ilfracombe, Woolacombe and even Exmoor, visitors will find they are spoilt for choice in days out and will want to return to the West Country again and again.

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Please mention The Bideford Bay Companion when responding to adverts

From villages, towns to holiday resorts, there is something for every discerning palate. Whether you seek all day breakfasts, light lunches, a late brunch, scrumptious Devon cream teas, or even four course dinners, from small cosy coffee shops to luxury hotels, friendly local staff go out of their way to please all visitors.

Many local pubs and restaurants serve fresh local seafood as well as produce from around the region and some eating establishments offer stunning views and a lazy ambience as you enjoy your meal while others offer great entertainment. So go and sample the great food this area has to offer.

ample places to eat, drink and stay




LUNCHTIMES Mon-Sat 12-9pm

Sun 12 Noon - 2pm

EVENINGS 5pm-9pm

3 Meeting Street, Appledore EX39 1RJ

Telephone 01237 423548

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