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Aarthyas 72Accenture 53acquisitions 52Advance Institute 183, 188agent chains 182–3, 184, 192Akshaya project 114, 116–30amazon.com 52, 178American Express 51–2Andhra Pradesh (AP)

Biotechnology Park 139envy 195 n. 7informational development in

109–10, 113–30informational economy 133–52state-wide area network (APSWAN)

140AOL 51–2Arabian Gulf countries 42AT&T 157Australia

body-shopping 183, 184–5, 187,190–2

placement business 178, 179–82auto industry, innovations 34 n. 4

BangaloreCongress Party 151Electronics City 137social and economic tensions 150software export boom and labour

market 106software technology parks 159technopole model 67Texas Instruments 166

Barbie doll 40benching 184, 188–9, 190–1Bharat Electronics 166Bhatia, Sabeer 178Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) 26, 146,

151Bharti 52–3

Bhatinda 71–2, 84biotechnology 111, 138–9BIO-Village Project 69body-shopping

and development 18export orientation 91internal structure of body-shops

184–90and outsourcing 54software industry 158–9, 162uncertainty in the IT industry

175, 183–94worker strategies 190–3

brain drainand development 22, 29–30, 33software export boom 103, 104–7see also body-shopping; migration


income inequality 203–4per capita export 144

British Airways 52Bull, France 91Bundelkhand 71, 76business process operations (BPOs)

Andhra Pradesh 144–5export orientation 93outsourcing 45, 46–7, 49, 52,


Cadence Design Systems 165capability building 90Capability Maturity Model (CMM) see

Software Engineering Institute,Capability Maturity Model

carrier technologies 25–6, 28, 34caste system

Information Village ResearchProject 70

rural areas, informationaldevelopment in 113, 118



Note: ‘n.’ after a page reference indicates the number of a note on that page.

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Index 235

Centre for Development of AdvancedComputing (C-DAC) 34 n. 1

Centre for Monitoring IndianEconomy (CMIE) 101

Chinacompetition with India’s ICT

industry 30, 49development 30income inequality 203–4manufacturing sector 1–2, 200middle-class growth 145per capita export 144

Cisco System 138, 177Citibank 52civil service, Andhra Pradesh 139civil society organisations (CSOs)

62, 63, 65, 68–85, 108colonial legacy 157community information centres

(CICs), Kuppam 116Computer-aided Administration of

Registration Department (CARD)programme 140

Computer Maintenance Corporation(CMC) 157

Computer Policy (1984) 171–2 n. 6Computer Software Export,

Development and Training Policy(1986) 171–2 n. 6

Congress Party 147, 151consolidation 92–3contract consultants, IT industry

179–87convergence technologies 25–6corporate governance, as software

sector spillover 97cyber-libertarian development model

3rural poor, ICTs for the 61, 63, 73,

83Cypress Semiconductor 165

Dabur India Limited 53Daimler Chrysler 164Daksh eServices 52Dalits 70decoupling, and development 12,

13–17, 24–5, 27, 29, 31–2de-industrialisation 99, 200–1

Dell 52Delphi 164Department of Agriculture 79Department of Electronics

(DoE)/Department ofInformation Technology (DIT)156

Department of Rural Development79

dependency theory 64Deshpande, Vinay 55Development Alternative (DA) see

TARAkendras and TARAhaatdevelopment patterns 11–13, 31–4

economic transformation in theoryand practice 18–26

Indian ICT industry, key features13–17

neo-liberal developmentalism 2–3,63–8

policies for broad-baseddevelopment 26–30

see also informational developmentdiffusion of ICT

to other sectors 97–9, 107in rural areas 113, 118–24

digital capitalism 4, 208–12digital divide 3–4, 149, 198–200,

206, 207, 212–13groupthink 84

District Rural Development Agencies(DRDA)

micro-finance units 79TARAkendras 71–2, 80

dot-com companies 177–8Drishtee rural IT project 113Dutch disease model 99–100, 107dynamics of digital economy


East Asian development 21, 33industrial upgrading 19–20see also specific countries

Eastern Europe, competition withIndia’s ICT industry 30

economic globalisation 66education and training

and development 12, 20, 21, 27,28–30, 33

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236 Index

education and training – continuedand outsourcing 53–4rural areas, informational

development in 113, 121,122, 130

software industry 105, 157e-governance 62

rural demand for programmes128–30

electronic design and automation(EDA) tools 165

Electronics City, Bangalore 137Electronics Commission 99electronics industry 105Embalam centre 70, 74embedded systems 164–6entrepreneurship

and economic change 209résumé forwarders 192as software industry spillover 97

equity issues 3–4Andhra Pradesh 150and development 26, 28informational development 201–8see also digital divide

eSeva programme 140European Molecular Biology network

(EMBnet) 138–9export orientation 88–9, 107–8

declining growth of software andrise of ITES 93–4

product market, factor market andIT export boom 99–107

recent trends in IT software andservice sector 89–93

software sector and linkages 94–9

feudal societies 206–7, 213flexible accumulation 176foreign exchange

and development 26and migrants 42and outsourcing 56software sector 94, 102

fully automated system for transport(FAST) 140

Gandhi, Rajeev 99Gates, Bill 177

General Agreement on Trade inServices (GATS) 215 n. 9

General Electric (GE) 51, 144General Motors 164global finance capital and IT 176–8Gonniana TARAkendra 77–8groupthink 83–4growth patterns see development

patterns; informationaldevelopment

Gupta, Rajat 138Gyandoot e-governance project 113

hardware industrydevelopment 13, 14–15and software export boom 105

Haryana 113HCL Technologies 52Heckscher–Ohlin model of

international trade 196Hewlett Packard (HP)

Andhra Pradesh 114, 116, 123offshoring 52

HI-TEC City, Hyderabad 137, 144Hotmail 178HSBC 51Human Development Reports (HDRs)


institutions for development 137,140, 144

investments in IT 109, 114, 134Software Technology Parks 137,


IBMdeparture from India 156, 157global software industry 154International Institute for

Information Technology 138manufacture of PC components

14outsourcing 52–3return to India 162School of Enterprise Wide

Computing 138ICICI Knowledge Park 141i-community project 114, 116–30I-Flex 91

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Index 237

illiteracy and literacyAndhra Pradesh 135and development 20rural areas, informational

development in 113, 118,121–2, 130

import substitution 156and education system 28hardware sector 14

inclusive community (i-community)project 114, 116–30

income distributionglobal 35see also equity issues

increasing returns 198–9, 200, 206,208–12

Indian Institute of InformationTechnology (IIIT) 137–8, 142

Indian Institutes of Management138

Indian Institutes of Technology andScience 138

Indian School of Business (ISB) 138,142

Indian Telephone Industries 166India Semiconductor Association

(ISA) 165–6industrial capitalism 1, 3, 4, 197–8,

213dependency theory 64and inequality 206–7outsourcing 58productivity increases from ICTs

61industrialism 1–2

dematerialisation of economy199

stage theory 85 n. 5inequalities see digital divide; equity

issuesinformational development 196–9,

212–14digitisation of inequality 206–8increasing returns and dynamics of

digital economy 208–12and new international division of

labour 199–206in rural areas see rural areas,

informational development in

Information Technology Act (2000)169

information technology-enabledservices (ITES) xi, 2, 34 n. 3

Andhra Pradesh 144–6, 148, 150development 17emergence 134export orientation 93–4, 97, 107outsourcing 35–6, 43–50, 53–7

Infosysbanking software 55, 91growth 48Hyderabad 137skills development 52

Infotech 137Information Village Research Project

(IVRP) 63, 68–70, 84local elites and kiosk management

70–1state–CSO relations 79–80success narratives 80–2sustainability 83and TARAkendras, comparison

between 72–9innovation

auto industry 34 n. 4and development 25, 26–7, 28,

209–10increasing returns 211, 212and inequalities 206knowledge capitalism 197software industry 163–4, 165,

168Institute of DNA Finger Printing

138–9institutions for development, Andhra

Pradesh 136–41Intel 14, 165Intellect Inc. 33intellectual property rights (IPR)

211, 212, 215 n. 9International Credit and Investment

Corporation of India (ICICI)141

International Development ResearchCentre (IDRC), Canada 68, 81

International Institute forInformation Technology (IIIT)138, 142

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238 Index

International Monetary Fund (IMF)66

International Standards Organisation,ISO-9001/9000-3 standards 155,161

Ireland, Republic of 16

Japanimports from India 93market for ICT industry 14,

16–17, 30Jha, Satish 85 n. 1joint ventures 93Junglee 178

Ka-band satellite communications113

Kankeyan 69Karnataka

envy 195 n. 7software export boom and labour

market 105–6Kellogg Graduate School of

Management 139Kerala

competition with Andhra Pradesh146

informational development in109, 113–30

land reforms 129knowledge capitalism 1, 197, 199,

208–12, 213knowledge workers 197–8Kondratiev cycles 25Kuppam, informational development

in 109, 113–30Kuznets curve 201–2

labour costsand development 22, 32export orientation 93, 103, 104,

105and outsourcing 37–8, 40, 47–8,

49, 58–9landholdings, and informational

development in rural areas122–3

Lehra Mohabbat TARAkendra 77, 78literacy see illiteracy and literacy

lock-in effects, and development 12London Business School 193Lucent Australia 190

Madhya Pradesh 113Maharashtra 113Malappuram, informational

development in 109, 113–30Malaysia

middle-class growth 145Multimedia Corridor 145

manufacturing sectordecoupling from ICT industry 13,

14international division of labour

200–1outsourcing 39–41, 42–3, 48–9software export boom 105, 106

Mattel 40Mehta, Dewang xiMetamore 137Metcalf Law 83Mexico

income inequality 203–4liberalisation of economy 205–6

MicrosoftHotmail acquired by 178Hyderabad 137, 144International Institute for

Information Technology 138placement agents 179profit reports (2001) 177School of Software Technology

138Wintelism 14

migration patternsfrom Andhra Pradesh 114, 136outsourcing 42software industry 158, 161–2, 163uncertainty in the IT industry

174, 175, 178–94see also body-shopping; brain drain

Ministry of Labour, Employment andRehabilitation 98–9

modernisation theory 64monopolisation, software packages

168Moore’s Law 215 n. 5Motorola 138, 165

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Index 239

M. S. Swaminathan ResearchFoundation (MSSRF) seeInformation Village ResearchProject

Multimedia Corridor, Malaysia 145Murthy, Narayana xi, 54–5

Naidu, N. Chandrababu 110HI-TEC City, Hyderabad 137informational economy in Andhra

Pradesh 135ousted from office 133, 147, 148

NASDAQ 177National Association of Software and

Service Companies (NASSCOM)educational needs 27export data 101, 102formation 159outsourcing 47

National Democratic Alliance 146National Semiconductor 165National Task Force on Information

Technology and SoftwareDevelopment (NTIT&SD)

hardware industry 105software industry 169

Nattaimai 69neo-liberal developmentalism 2–3,

213social enterprise model 63–8

Netherlands, natural gas exports 100Nike 40Nokia 33

offshoring 35–6, 56–8conceptual issues 37–8export orientation 91–2, 93global market 44Indian example 46, 47, 49–51,

53information capitalism 198model 18, 21software industry 153, 159–62sustainability of Indian boom

49–51and technological change 39, 41,

42, 43–4‘open lift’ strategy 190–1Oracle 137, 138

original equipment manufacture(OEM) 215 n. 9

outlocation 36, 44conceptual issues 37and technological change 39, 42,

44outsourcing 35–6, 56–9

conceptual issues 36–9and development 12, 13–14, 18,

21, 24–5global market 44–5Indian case 46–56information capitalism 198sustainability of Indian boom

49–56and technological change 39–44uncertainty in IT industry 175

path-dependence 12personal digital-assistants 113Philippines, competition with India’s

ICT industry 30, 49, 146placement business, IT 175, 178–82,

185–6agent chains 182–3, 184

Polaris 91Pondicherry

informational development 113Information Village Research

Project 68–71, 73–84Poornankuppam centre 73–5post-industrial 199–200poverty 109

alleviation through knowledge210

Andhra Pradesh 135and development 20, 26, 28, 33neo-liberal development discourse

2see also rural poor, ICTs for the

PSINet 138

quality certification, software industry155, 161

QUANGOs 80‘quiet exit’ strategy 190–1

Rajasthan, personal digital-assistants113

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240 Index

Rao, Mohan 166reputation, software industry 158–9research and development see

innovationrésumé forwarders 191–3Ricardian model 20Ritchie, Dennis 157rural areas, informational

development in 109–11, 130–1Andhra Pradesh and Kerala

113–30demand for information 124–30potential and challenges 111–13,

124–30rural poor, ICTs for the 61–3

Information Village ResearchProject (IVRP) 63, 68–71,72–83

neo-liberal developmentalism63–8

social enterprise model 63–8state–CSO relations 79–80success narratives 80–3sustainability 80–3TARAkendras 63, 71–3, 76–9, 80,

83, 84Russia, competition with India’s ICT

industry 30

salaries see labour costsSatyam Corporation 141, 145

International Institute forInformation Technology 138

Schumpeter, Joseph 209Schwarzenegger, Arnold 152semiconductor industry 165–6service sector

export orientation 88–93, 97outsourcing 39, 41–4, 46–8, 51,

53–5, 59see also software services industry

Silicon Valley 150simputer 112Singapore

diffusion of ICT 98middle-class growth 145

Smartgov programme 140‘SMART’ initiatives 139–40social enterprise models 63–8, 84

social venture capital 62Software Engineering Institute,

Capability Maturity Model (SEI-CMM) 155, 161

software industryAndhra Pradesh 136, 141–5, 148,

149, 150barriers to entry 55–6bottleneck 154–5commoditisation 43–4and development 11–18, 21–4,

26–8, 32, 34export orientation 88–108linkages 94–9, 107outsourcing 35, 36, 46, 47, 55–6,

57political economy 153–71

software services industry 2Andhra Pradesh 144–6and development 13, 15–16, 17,

22–3export orientation 88–93, 07, 108outsourcing 53–5

Software Technology Parks (STPs)159–60, 162

Bangalore 159Hyderabad 137, 159

South Koreaelectronics production 156industrial clusters 20manufacturing sector 21software industry 170

stage theory 85 n. 5state

computerisation 98–9, 107–8and development 19–22, 26–30,

32–4export orientation 90, 99, 105informational economy in Andhra

Pradesh 135, 139–40, 141,150, 151

offshoring 57–8, 59rural areas, informational

development in 110, 123,128–30

rural poor, ICTs for the 62, 79–80,83, 84

software industry 157, 159, 165,169

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Index 241

ST Microelectronics 165subcontracting, and development

13–14Sun Microsystems 195 n. 2Sustainable Livelihoods Foundation


Taiwandevelopment 30hardware industry 14industrial clusters 20manufacturing sector 21middle-class growth 145software industry 170

TARAkendras and TARAhaat 63,71–2, 84, 113

and IVRP, comparison between72–9

state–CSO relations 80sustainability 83

Task Force on Human ResourceDevelopment in IT 105

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)exports 158growth 48skills development 52software packages 91

technological change 39–41, 170skill-biased 205

technopoles 66–7telecom connectivity in rural areas

112Telugu 195 n. 7Telugu Desam Party (TDP) 133,

146–7, 151‘tertialisation’ of the economy 201Texas Instruments (TI) 162, 165, 166Thatcher, Margaret 213Thirukanchipet centre 73–4, 75–7Thompson, Ken 157Trade-Related Intellectual Property

Rights (TRIPs) 215 n. 9trades unions

informational development 205offshoring 59

training see education and trainingtransportation sector 39, 43turnkey contracts, software industry


uncertainty in the IT industry174–6, 193–4

agent chains, body-shops andbenching 182–90

global capital 176–8macro labour control system

178–82micro labour control mechanisms

184–90worker strategies 190–3

unionsinformational development 205offshoring 59

United Kingdomde-industrialisation 200imports from India 93Indian immigrants 175informational development 203ITES 146

United Nationseconomic globalisation 66Human Development Reports 65–6

United States of Americade-industrialisation 200imports from India 13, 14, 30, 54,

93Indian immigrants 114, 136,

161–3, 174–5, 180–1, 184, 189informational development

201–3, 205ITES 146outsourcing 12, 18, 38–42, 48–51,

56–9placement agents, IT 179Schwarzenegger’s election in

California 152semiconductor industry 165Silicon Valley 150software industry 156, 160, 161–2,

165, 168–9uncertainty in IT industry 174–5,

178–81, 184, 189Unix 157–8untouchability 70Uzhavar Uthavi Agam (UUA) 79

value added 200and outsourcing 40–1, 44, 53software industry 159

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242 Index

Vanenburg 137Veerampattinam centre 74, 75,

82venture capital

Andhra Pradesh 139dot-com companies 178software industry 166

voice over Internet protocol (VoIP)113

wages see labour costsWarana region, IT network for

sugarcane workers 113waterfall model of software

engineering 154–5West Bengal, land reforms 129

Wharton School of Business 138Wintelism 14Wipro

growth 48Hyderabad 137skills development 52

wireless in local loop (WiLL)technology 112–13

WNS 52World Bank 66World Corps India 114, 123World Trade Organisation (WTO)

66, 215 n. 9

Y2K problem 156Yunus, Muhammad 85 n. 6