Bibliography of the current world literature This bibliography is drawn from the journals listed opposite and is selected from a comprehensive bibliography that is compiled by neurobiologists and is available on diskette. The bibliography is based on literature entered into our database between 1 st December 1992 and 30th November I 993 (articles are generally added to the database about two and a half months after publication). In addition, the bibliography contains every paper annotated by reviewers; these references were obtained from a variety of bibliographic databases and published between the beginning of the review period and the time of going to press. The bibliography has been grouped into topics that relate to the reviews in this issue. . papers considered by the reviewers to be of special interest. . . Papers considered by the reviewers to be of outstanding interest. The number in square brackets following a selected paper, e.g. [7], refers to its number in the annotated references of the corresponding review. Contents Cognitive neuroscience Neuroimaging, brain mapping and model@ Learning and memory Arousal systems and priming Language and communication Attention and neglect Neuroimaging, brain mapping and modelling Related reviews: Integrating human brain maps (pp 151-156), Computational modelling (pp 212-217)t, and Imaging recovery of function following brain injury (pp 226-230V ABLE KP, ABLE MA: Daytinw Calibration of MaRnetic Orientation in a hiigcmxy Bird Requires 1 View of Skylight P&riuticm. Nalure 1993, 364:523-525. ABROVSDN, CHOUu., K, ROUGEPONT F, SlMON H, LEMOAL M. HERMAN Jp: Effects of IntracerebmJ Dopvninergic Grafts on Behaviounl Deficits Induced by Nemutal (t Hydroxydopvninc Lesions of the Mcsotelencephalic D”pantine@ Pathway. Neurascience 1993, 54:49+511. ALBANE%A, GRANATA R, GREGORIB, PlCChRDlMP, COLoslMO C, TONALI P: Cbrmxic Administration Of 1m~~he”yl-l,2,3,6-teulhydmpyridince t” Monkeys -Behavioural, Morpholcgical and Biochemical Carelates. Newv.sc&nce 1993, 55823-832. ALOlSl AM, LUFO C, CARLI G: E5ects of Fomtalin-Induced Pai” o” Explontoty Behaviwr in Rabbits. NeworepOn 1993, 4:73!+742. BACINSKAS A, Grn’nusr A, SVllKlS G: Bi-Stable Dendrite in Gmstant Fkctric Fiild - a Model Analysis. Normscience 1993,53:595-603. BANKES SC, MARGOUASHD: Pwanxhic Modcling “f the Tentpoml Dynvnics of Netmmal Resp”“ses Us@ Gmnectio”ist Ardtite-. J Neuropbysror 1993, 6wBo-991. BELL CC, CAPUTI A, GRANT K, SEXtrUeR J: StoraRe of a Se”scxy Patter” by And-Hebbian Synaptic Plasticity inyl~~h.ProcNrUIAcadSciUSA1~3, 90:465&4654. BLOKLAND A, RAAtJMAKuIs W: p,““d Mxivati”” in Rats d DiITercnt A#es. Psycbobio@y 1993, 21:22%232. Bowat J (ED): Special Issue. Trertds Neumccl1992, . 15:411-464. [ltl. BnENNAN JF, BYRNES JJ,JASTREBO FF PJ: Salicylate-induced Phantont Auditory Effects on Reinforced Behavin in prcwculli and postwc~inR Rat.% psyC/,“b,o&’ 1993. 21:6&a CASAMENTI F, StXt.t C. VANNWXH I MG, BARTOUNI 1, PEPEU G: Lan~Tbm E?hanol Consumptiat by Rats - Et&x on 277 278 282 283 284 The visual system and object recognition Frontal lobe function, cognitive development and cerebral lateralization Aging and disorders of cognitive function Consciousness and cognitive function Miscellaneous Cognitive neuroscience Acetykholine Releve Invivo, Choline Acctyltransferdse Activity, and Behavior. Neuroscience 1993, 56~465-471. CHANCEB, ZHUhNG Z, UNAH C, ALTERC, LIPTON L: C”!$nition-Activated Law-Frequency Modulation of tight Absorption in Humor Brain. Pmc Nail Acad .w us A 1993, 90:377M774. CHURCHLAND PS, SEJNOWSKI TJ: The Computational Bmin. . Cantbridgc, MA: MIT Press. 1992. 15tl. CONSTABLE RT, MCCARTHYG, ALLISON T, ANDERSON AW, . GORE Jc: Functional Brain hItlRi”R at 1.5T USi" C.,““e”ti”“ll Gmdknt Echo MR bItlRi”g Techniques. Mann Resotr Ima~iw 1993. 11:451-459. 1111. DALF. AM, SERENO MI:-h&“veti Iacalization of Cortical l 0 Activity by Combining EEG and MEG with MRI Conical Surface Reconsuwtion: a Lineat Approach. J Corn Neumsct 1973, 5:162-176. 1401. DERIUEN M, DURIEUX C, DAUGE V, ROQUFSBP: Involvement of D(2) Dtmantinemic Receptors in the Emotional and Motivatio”;l Respo&s [“diced by Injection of CCKS in the Pmterior Put of the Rat Nucleus Accumbens. Bmitt Res 1993> 617:181-188. DFSCHUTTER E, ANGSTADT JD, CAtABReiE RL: A Model of Graded Synaptic Transntissicm for usz in Dynandc Netwxk Si”tulatio”s. J Neun@ysfol1993, 69:122+1235. DlClOVANNl V, C&L&NO R, DFSALVIA MA, GIUSIINO A, LACOMBA C, RENNA G, CUOMO V: Neurdxhaviot’al Changes Pmduced in Rats by Prenatal Exposute to Cadmn Monoxide. Emln Res 1993,616:126131. ECELHMF M, Bon% A: A Look info the Cockpit of the Fly: . Visual Orientation, Ngorithnts, uld ldenttied Neurons. J Neumvcl1993, 13:4+63-4574. I7tl. E~CHENBAUM H: Thinkinn Abwt Brain Cell Assemblies .%ience 1993,261:99+*4. FElNSTEfN A, RON M, THOMPSON A: A Seria, Study of Psychometric and Magnetic Resonance 1”I@“R ChanRes in Multipk Sclerosis. Bmin 1993, 116:569-&2. Fzw,s W, DANEK A, SCHEIDTMANN K, HAMBURGER c: . Motor Recovery FdkX”i”R C-apS”lat Stroke. Role d Descendi”~ Pathways fmm Multipk Motor Areas. Bmfn 1993, 116%~382. [18ttl. FU P, BARDAKJlAN BL, CARLENPL: Etha”ol Uncouples De”tate Granttie Neattom by Incmsing Jtmcd”nal Reskance - a Mdtid System Mcidel Approach. NeumFck?r~ce1992, 51:47-54. GE~RG~~O~LOSAP, TNRA M, LUKASHIN A: C”@itive . Nettmphysiology of the Mota Conex. Science 1993. 260:47-52. IlOt]. 284 285 286 288 289 GLOUUS G: Towed a Noncomputational Cognitive . Newience. J Cop Nmrmsci 1992, 4:299-310. [6tl. GLUCK MA, GRANGER R: Computational Models of the . Neural Bases of Lea+ni”R and Memory. Annu Reu Neumcci 199j. 16:667-%X. IlRt]. GOULD JL: Magnetic Senses - Birds lost in the Red. Nalrwe 1993, %4:491492. GREENF~ELDL MD, ROtZEN I: Katydid Synchronous Chorusing is an Ev”lutiawily Stable 0”tc”me of Female Choice. Nalure 199*)j2 364:61%619 HARPERDN, D.URYMPLI%LFORD JC, MCLEAN AP: The Effect of Medial Seotal and Mamntillaw B&Y Lesions on the Serial pdsition Curve in Rats. Psycl0bioi0~~ 199j, 21:130-138. HE~NZE HJ, MUNTE TF: Ekctmphysiological Correlates of Hkratchical Stimulus Pmcessing Dissociation Between Onset and Later Stages of Global and Local Tug* &ocCsSi”R. Netwo@ycbolo~ia 193, 31:841-852. HUYARD Sk Ekctrical and MaRnetic Brain RecordinRs: . Contributions t” Cognitive Neuroscience. Cuw Oj)i?r Nnrtnbiol1993, 5217-224. [341. HlNKE RM, HU XP, ST,LLMAN AE, KIM SG, MeRKLEH, SALMI R, UGURSR K: Functional Ma@xtic Resnnance ImaRinR of Bmcas Area D”ti”R lntemal Speech. Neumre$mrl 1993, 4675-678. JACORS RA, JORDAN Ml: ComputationaJ Consequences of 1 Bias Toward Short Connections. J Cogn Neumsci 1992, 4:323-336. JACQU~N MF, MCCASL,ND JS, HENDERSON TA, RHOADES RW, WOOLSEYTA: 2.DG Uptake Patterns Related t” Si”~lc Vibrissae During Explontory Behaviors in the Hamster Trigminal System. J Camp Ntwvll993, 332:~58. JUDGESJ: Neunl Networks - Stitch in Tii Saves Design. Nalure 1992, 3M):104. K-Et, R, MARcARl J, PORT N: A Newal Netwxk Model d conical Activity During Reach@. J Co@2 Neunxci 1993, 5:14-u. Kw JJ, LUG” PN, PLAYFORDED, PASSlNGHAM RE, . COLDSTE~N EH. FRACKOWIAK RSI. BROOKS DI: Conical Function in kyotrophic Latei Sclermis. &in 199j. 116:65-. [14ttl. KIM SG, ASHEJ, HENDRICH K, ELLERMANN JM, MEFXLE H, “CuRBlL K, GEORGOPOUL~S AP: Functiona, Magnetic Rewnvlce 1”@“R Of Mc+m Conor Hemispheric Asynmtetry md Handedness. Science 1993, 261:61%17. KWONC KK. BE!_L~VE.AU JW, CHkXER DA, GOLDBERG IE, l 0 WE~SKOFF RM, PONCELET BP, KENNEDYDN. HOPPEL BE, COHEN MS. TUREiER R. Er AL: Dynandc Magnetic 0 Current Biology Ltd ISSN 0959-4388 277

Bibliography of the current world literature

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Page 1: Bibliography of the current world literature

Bibliography of the current world literature

This bibliography is drawn from the journals listed opposite and is selected from a comprehensive bibliography that is compiled

by neurobiologists and is available on diskette. The bibliography is based on literature entered into our database between 1 st

December 1992 and 30th November I 993 (articles are generally added to the database about two and a half months after

publication). In addition, the bibliography contains every paper annotated by reviewers; these references were obtained from

a variety of bibliographic databases and published between the beginning of the review period and the time of going to press.

The bibliography has been grouped into topics that relate to the reviews in this issue.

. papers considered by the reviewers to be of special interest.

. . Papers considered by the reviewers to be of outstanding interest.

The number in square brackets following a selected paper, e.g. [7], refers to its number in the annotated references of the

corresponding review.


Cognitive neuroscience

Neuroimaging, brain mapping and model@

Learning and memory

Arousal systems and priming

Language and communication

Attention and neglect

Neuroimaging, brain mapping and modelling Related reviews: Integrating human brain maps (pp 151-156), Computational modelling (pp 212-217)t, and Imaging recovery of function following brain injury (pp 226-230V

ABLE KP, ABLE MA: Daytinw Calibration of MaRnetic Orientation in a hiigcmxy Bird Requires 1 View of Skylight P&riuticm. Nalure 1993, 364:523-525.

ABROVS DN, CHOUu., K, ROUGEPONT F, SlMON H, LEMOAL M. HERMAN Jp: Effects of IntracerebmJ Dopvninergic Grafts on Behaviounl Deficits Induced by Nemutal (t Hydroxydopvninc Lesions of the Mcsotelencephalic D”pantine@ Pathway. Neurascience 1993, 54:49+511.

ALBANE% A, GRANATA R, GREGORI B, PlCChRDl MP, COLoslMO C, TONALI P: Cbrmxic Administration Of 1m~~he”yl-l,2,3,6-teulhydmpyridince t” Monkeys -Behavioural, Morpholcgical and Biochemical Carelates. Newv.sc&nce 1993, 55823-832.

ALOlSl AM, LUFO C, CARLI G: E5ects of Fomtalin-Induced Pai” o” Explontoty Behaviwr in Rabbits. NeworepOn 1993, 4:73!+742.

BACINSKAS A, Grn’nusr A, SVllKlS G: Bi-Stable Dendrite in Gmstant Fkctric Fiild - a Model Analysis. Normscience 1993,53:595-603.

BANKES SC, MARGOUASH D: Pwanxhic Modcling “f the Tentpoml Dynvnics of Netmmal Resp”“ses Us@ Gmnectio”ist Ardtite-. J Neuropbysror 1993, 6wBo-991.

BELL CC, CAPUTI A, GRANT K, SEXtrUeR J: StoraRe of a Se”scxy Patter” by And-Hebbian Synaptic Plasticity inyl~~h.ProcNrUIAcadSciUSA1~3, 90:465&4654.

BLOKLAND A, RAAtJMAKuIs W: p,““d Mxivati”” in Rats d DiITercnt A#es. Psycbobio@y 1993, 21:22%232.

Bowat J (ED): Special Issue. Trertds Neumccl1992, . 15:411-464. [ltl. BnENNAN JF, BYRNES JJ, JASTREBO FF PJ: Salicylate-induced

Phantont Auditory Effects on Reinforced Behavin in prcwculli and postwc~inR Rat.% psyC/,“b,o&’ 1993. 21:6&a

CASAMENTI F, StXt.t C. VANNWXH I MG, BARTOUNI 1, PEPEU G: Lan~Tbm E?hanol Consumptiat by Rats - Et&x on






The visual system and object recognition

Frontal lobe function, cognitive development and

cerebral lateralization

Aging and disorders of cognitive function

Consciousness and cognitive function


Cognitive neuroscience

Acetykholine Releve Invivo, Choline Acctyltransferdse Activity, and Behavior. Neuroscience 1993, 56~465-471.

CHANCE B, ZHUhNG Z, UNAH C, ALTER C, LIPTON L: C”!$nition-Activated Law-Frequency Modulation of tight Absorption in Humor Brain. Pmc Nail Acad .w us A 1993, 90:377M774.

CHURCHLAND PS, SEJNOWSKI TJ: The Computational Bmin. . Cantbridgc, MA: MIT Press. 1992. 15tl. CONSTABLE RT, MCCARTHY G, ALLISON T, ANDERSON AW, . GORE Jc: Functional Brain hItlRi”R at 1.5T USi"

C.,““e”ti”“ll Gmdknt Echo MR bItlRi”g Techniques. Mann Resotr Ima~iw 1993. 11:451-459. 1111.

DALF. AM, SERENO MI:-h&“veti Iacalization of Cortical l 0 Activity by Combining EEG and MEG with MRI

Conical Surface Reconsuwtion: a Lineat Approach. J Corn Neumsct 1973, 5:162-176. 1401.

DERIUEN M, DURIEUX C, DAUGE V, ROQUFS BP: Involvement of D(2) Dtmantinemic Receptors in the Emotional and Motivatio”;l Respo&s [“diced by Injection of CCKS in the Pmterior Put of the Rat Nucleus Accumbens. Bmitt Res 1993> 617:181-188.

DFSCHUTTER E, ANGSTADT JD, CAtABReiE RL: A Model of Graded Synaptic Transntissicm for usz in Dynandc Netwxk Si”tulatio”s. J Neun@ysfol1993, 69:122+1235.

DlClOVANNl V, C&L&NO R, DFSALVIA MA, GIUSIINO A, LACOMBA C, RENNA G, CUOMO V: Neurdxhaviot’al Changes Pmduced in Rats by Prenatal Exposute to Cadmn Monoxide. Emln Res 1993,616:126131.

ECELHMF M, Bon% A: A Look info the Cockpit of the Fly: . Visual Orientation, Ngorithnts, uld ldenttied Neurons.

J Neumvcl1993, 13:4+63-4574. I7tl. E~CHENBAUM H: Thinkinn Abwt Brain Cell Assemblies

.%ience 1993,261:99+*4. FElNSTEfN A, RON M, THOMPSON A: A Seria, Study of

Psychometric and Magnetic Resonance 1”I@“R ChanRes in Multipk Sclerosis. Bmin 1993, 116:569-&2.

Fzw,s W, DANEK A, SCHEIDTMANN K, HAMBURGER c: . Motor Recovery FdkX”i”R C-apS”lat Stroke. Role

d Descendi”~ Pathways fmm Multipk Motor Areas. Bmfn 1993, 116%~382. [18ttl.

FU P, BARDAKJlAN BL, CARLEN PL: Etha”ol Uncouples De”tate Granttie Neattom by Incmsing Jtmcd”nal Reskance - a Mdtid System Mcidel Approach. NeumFck?r~ce 1992, 51:47-54.

GE~RG~~O~LOS AP, TNRA M, LUKASHIN A: C”@itive . Nettmphysiology of the Mota Conex. Science 1993.

260:47-52. IlOt].






GLOUUS G: Towed a Noncomputational Cognitive . Newience. J Cop Nmrmsci 1992, 4:299-310. [6tl. GLUCK MA, GRANGER R: Computational Models of the . Neural Bases of Lea+ni”R and Memory. Annu Reu

Neumcci 199j. 16:667-%X. IlRt]. GOULD JL: Magnetic Senses - Birds lost in the Red. Nalrwe

1993, %4:491492. GREENF~ELDL MD, ROtZEN I: Katydid Synchronous Chorusing

is an Ev”lutiawily Stable 0”tc”me of Female Choice. Nalure 199*)j2 364:61%619

HARPER DN, D.URYMPLI%LFORD JC, MCLEAN AP: The Effect of Medial Seotal and Mamntillaw B&Y Lesions on the Serial pdsition Curve in Rats. Psycl0bioi0~~ 199j, 21:130-138.

HE~NZE HJ, MUNTE TF: Ekctmphysiological Correlates of Hkratchical Stimulus Pmcessing Dissociation Between Onset and Later Stages of Global and Local Tug* &ocCsSi”R. Netwo@ycbolo~ia 193, 31:841-852.

HUYARD Sk Ekctrical and MaRnetic Brain RecordinRs: . Contributions t” Cognitive Neuroscience. Cuw Oj)i?r

Nnrtnbiol1993, 5217-224. [341. HlNKE RM, HU XP, ST,LLMAN AE, KIM SG, MeRKLE H, SALMI

R, UGURSR K: Functional Ma@xtic Resnnance ImaRinR of Bmcas Area D”ti”R lntemal Speech. Neumre$mrl 1993, 4675-678.

JACORS RA, JORDAN Ml: ComputationaJ Consequences of 1 Bias Toward Short Connections. J Cogn Neumsci 1992, 4:323-336.

JACQU~N MF, MCCASL,ND JS, HENDERSON TA, RHOADES RW, WOOLSEY TA: 2.DG Uptake Patterns Related t” Si”~lc Vibrissae During Explontory Behaviors in the Hamster Trigminal System. J Camp Ntwvll993, 332:~58.

JUDGE SJ: Neunl Networks - Stitch in Tii Saves Design. Nalure 1992, 3M):104.

K-Et, R, MARcARl J, PORT N: A Newal Netwxk Model d conical Activity During Reach@. J Co@2 Neunxci 1993, 5:14-u.


Function in kyotrophic Latei Sclermis. &in 199j. 116:65-. [14ttl.

KIM SG, ASHE J, HENDRICH K, ELLERMANN JM, MEFXLE H, “CuRBlL K, GEORGOPOUL~S AP: Functiona, Magnetic Rewnvlce 1”@“R Of Mc+m Conor

Hemispheric Asynmtetry md Handedness. Science 1993, 261:61%17.


BE, COHEN MS. TUREiER R. Er AL: Dynandc Magnetic

0 Current Biology Ltd ISSN 0959-4388 277