Bible Stories Martinsburg Grace Brethren Church 300 S. Mulberry St. Martinsburg, PA 16662 www.mgbconline.com for Daily Family Worship Lazarus................................................... John 11 Peter’s confession.................. Matthew 16:13-20 The Last Supper....... John 13, Matthew 26:14-29 Mark 14:12-25, Luke 22:8-38 Abiding in Christ..................................... John 15 Jesus’ prayer........................................... John 17 Jesus goes to Jerusalem............ Matthew 21:1-11 Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:29-44 The money changers.............. Matthew 21:12-16 Luke 19:45-46 The Crucifixion......... Matthew 27, John 19:16-18 The Resurrection................ Matthew 28, Mark 16 Luke 24, John 20:1 to 21:15 Ascension................ Luke 24:51-53, Acts 1:1-11 Pentecost......................................... Acts 2:1-13 Peter’s sermon............................... Acts 2:14-36 The Church grows.......................... Acts 2:37-47 Ananias and Sapphira....................... Acts 5:1-16 The Seven chosen............................. Acts 6:1-15 Stephen put to death................................. Acts 7 Philip and the Ethiopian............................. Acts 8 Paul’s conversion.............................. Acts 9:1-30 Paul preaches Christ....................... Acts 9:20-31 Gentiles hear Gospel............................... Acts 10 The church of Antioch.................. Acts 11:19-30 Peter delivered........................................ Acts 12 Paul’s first missionary journey................. Acts 13 The Macedonian vision............................ Acts 16 Paul at Thessalonica................................ Acts 17 Paul at Corinth.................................... Acts 18 Paul at Ephesus................................... Acts 19 Paul defends himself to Jews............... Acts 22 Paul’s journey to Rome.................. Acts 23-28 Justification..................................... Romans 5 Sanctification................................... Romans 6 Glorification.................................... Romans 8 Consecration................................. Romans 12 The Fruit of the Spirit.................... Galatians 5 The Armor of God........................ Ephesians 6 Faith............................................ Hebrews 11 End times.................. Revelation 6, 13, 19-21

Bible Stories - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/martinsburggracebrethrenchurch/... · 2011. 3. 8. · Bible Stories Martinsburg Grace Brethren Church 300 S. Mulberry St. Martinsburg,

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Page 1: Bible Stories - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/martinsburggracebrethrenchurch/... · 2011. 3. 8. · Bible Stories Martinsburg Grace Brethren Church 300 S. Mulberry St. Martinsburg,

Bible Stories

Martinsburg Grace Brethren Church300 S. Mulberry St.

Martinsburg, PA 16662www.mgbconline.com

for Daily Family Worship

Lazarus................................................... John 11

Peter’s confession.................. Matthew 16:13-20 The Last Supper....... John 13, Matthew 26:14-29 Mark 14:12-25, Luke 22:8-38 Abiding in Christ..................................... John 15

Jesus’ prayer........................................... John 17

Jesus goes to Jerusalem............ Matthew 21:1-11 Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:29-44The money changers.............. Matthew 21:12-16 Luke 19:45-46The Crucifixion......... Matthew 27, John 19:16-18

The Resurrection................ Matthew 28, Mark 16 Luke 24, John 20:1 to 21:15Ascension................ Luke 24:51-53, Acts 1:1-11

Pentecost......................................... Acts 2:1-13

Peter’s sermon............................... Acts 2:14-36

The Church grows.......................... Acts 2:37-47

Ananias and Sapphira....................... Acts 5:1-16

The Seven chosen............................. Acts 6:1-15

Stephen put to death................................. Acts 7

Philip and the Ethiopian............................. Acts 8

Paul’s conversion.............................. Acts 9:1-30

Paul preaches Christ....................... Acts 9:20-31

Gentiles hear Gospel............................... Acts 10

The church of Antioch.................. Acts 11:19-30

Peter delivered........................................ Acts 12

Paul’s first missionary journey................. Acts 13

The Macedonian vision............................ Acts 16

Paul at Thessalonica................................ Acts 17

Paul at Corinth.................................... Acts 18

Paul at Ephesus................................... Acts 19

Paul defends himself to Jews............... Acts 22

Paul’s journey to Rome.................. Acts 23-28

Justification..................................... Romans 5

Sanctification................................... Romans 6

Glorification.................................... Romans 8

Consecration................................. Romans 12

The Fruit of the Spirit.................... Galatians 5

The Armor of God........................ Ephesians 6

Faith............................................ Hebrews 11

End times.................. Revelation 6, 13, 19-21

Page 2: Bible Stories - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/martinsburggracebrethrenchurch/... · 2011. 3. 8. · Bible Stories Martinsburg Grace Brethren Church 300 S. Mulberry St. Martinsburg,

Here is a list of some of the greatest stories in the Old and New Testament for you to use in your families own daily worship:

The Passover...................................... Exodus 12

The Exodus.............................. Exodus 12:31-51

Crossing the Red Sea.......................... Exodus 14

The wilderness...................... Exodus 15:22-17:7

The Ten Commandments........... Exodus 20:1-17

The golden calf................................... Exodus 32

Spies sent to Canaan....... Numbers 13:1 to 14:45

Balaam and the donkey ............. Numbers 22-23

The fall of Jericho.................................. Joshua 6

Deborah and Barak................................ Judges 4

Gideon................................... Judges 6:1 to 8:35

Samson.......................................... Judges 13-16

Ruth.......................................... Ruth 1:1 to 4:22

Hannah and Samuel....................... 1 Samuel 1-2

David chosen by God.............. 1 Samuel 16:1-13

David and Goliath............................ 1 Samuel 17

David and Jonathan.... 1 Samuel 18:1-9, 20:1-23

David’s and Mephibosheth................. 2 Samuel 9

David and Bathsheba........................ 2 Samuel 11

Absalom’s conspiracy...................... 2 Samuel 15

Solomon............ 1 Kings 1:28-40, 3:2-15, 9:1-9

Solomon builds the temple................... 1 Kings 6

Queen of Sheba......................... 1 Kings 10:1-13

Elijah and the prophets............ 1 Kings 18:17-40

Elijah taken to heaven.................. 2 Kings 2:1-11

The widow’s oil.................................... 2 Kings 4

Old Testament

Creation........................................ Genesis 1:1-3

Adam and Eve............................. Genesis 2:7-25

The Fall of man.................................... Genesis 3

Cain and Abel...................................... Genesis 4

Noah and the flood....................... Genesis 6 to 8

God’s covenant with Noah........... Genesis 9:1-17

Tower of Babel............................ Genesis 11:1-9

Abraham’s call............................ Genesis 12:1-3

God’s covenant with Abraham............ Genesis 15

Sodom and Gomorrah..... Genesis 18:16 to 19:29

Isaac’s birth.................................Genesis 21:1-8

Abraham being tested............... Genesis 22:1-19

Jacob and Esau.........................Genesis25:19-34

Jacob deceives Isaac................. Genesis 27:1-40

Jacob’s ladder......................... Genesis 28:10-22

Jacob wrestles the angel.......... Genesis 32:24-32

Jacob’s name changed..............,........ Genesis 35

Joseph and his brother................. Genesis 37-50

Birth of Moses....................................... Exodus 2

God speaks to Moses........................ Exodus 3-4

The ten plagues.............................. Exodus 6-11

The healing of Naaman......................... 2 Kings 5

The axehead recovered.................. 2 Kings 6:1-7

Hezekiah and Josiah.......... 2 Kings 18-20; 22-23

Job afflicted by Satan................... Job 1:1 to 2:13

Esther............................................... Esther 1-10

God speaks to Job...................... Job 38:1 to 42:9

God blesses Job.............................. Job 42:10-13

Ezekiel’s vision of dry bones....... Ezekiel 37:1-14

Daniel’s resolve...................................... Daniel 1

Fiery furnace.......................................... Daniel 3

Daniel in the lion’s den........................... Daniel 6

Jonah in the belly of the fish..... Jonah 1:1 to 2:10

New Testament

Birth of John the Baptist.............................Luke 1

Birth of Jesus Christ.............Matthew 1-2, Luke 2

Baptism of Jesus................................. Matthew 3

Temptation of Jesus Christ.................. Matthew 4

Sermon on the mount......................... Matthew 5

The Lord’s prayer................................ Matthew 6

The Twelve are chosen............... Matthew 10:1-4

Jesus’ first miracle..................................... John 2

Jesus and Nicodemus................................ John 3

Jesus calms the storm.............. Matthew 8:23-27 Mark 4:35-41 Luke 8:22-25Feeding five thousand............ Matthew 14:15-21 Luke 9:12-17Transfiguration of Jesus Christ........ Mark 9:2-10 Luke 9:28-36