Bhakt Bhakt i i Marga Marga The way of devotion.

Bhakti Marga The way of devotion.. Bhakti The way of devotion is practised by most Hindus. Key idea is that you love God, and God loves you back; because

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Page 1: Bhakti Marga The way of devotion.. Bhakti The way of devotion is practised by most Hindus. Key idea is that you love God, and God loves you back; because

Bhakti Bhakti MargaMarga

The way of


Page 2: Bhakti Marga The way of devotion.. Bhakti The way of devotion is practised by most Hindus. Key idea is that you love God, and God loves you back; because


• The way of devotion is practised by most Hindus. Key idea is that you love God, and God loves you back; because of that love God will eliminate your karma, and give you Mukti (union with Bhagavan)

• Vaishnava Bhakti is usually focussed at Krishna or Rama; we will concentrate on Krishna.

Page 3: Bhakti Marga The way of devotion.. Bhakti The way of devotion is practised by most Hindus. Key idea is that you love God, and God loves you back; because

KKrishnrishna Bhaktia Bhakti

• Most obviously present in the west through the activities of ISKCON (international Society for Krishna Consciousness), which is a part of the Gaudiya Vaişnava Sampradaya; a devotional movement reaching back to the 16th Century.

• Key aim of devotees is to focus their mind utterly upon Krishna as Bhagavan; the one Lord.

Page 4: Bhakti Marga The way of devotion.. Bhakti The way of devotion is practised by most Hindus. Key idea is that you love God, and God loves you back; because


Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare,

Hare Rama, Hare Rama,

Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

The essential teaching of Iskcon is

“Chant and be happy”.

Consciousness of the divine will be

achieved through the chanting of the Maha mantra; the

names of God. This should be done as

often as possible, in order to bring God to

the front of the devotee’s mind.

Page 5: Bhakti Marga The way of devotion.. Bhakti The way of devotion is practised by most Hindus. Key idea is that you love God, and God loves you back; because

Nama Japa.Nama Japa.• The private chanting

of the mantra using a Mala; rosary of 108 beads.

• Initiated Iskcon devotees aim to chant 16 rounds per day.

Page 6: Bhakti Marga The way of devotion.. Bhakti The way of devotion is practised by most Hindus. Key idea is that you love God, and God loves you back; because

KirtanaKirtana• Mantras may also be

sung congregationally, this is called Kirtana.

• The public performace of Kirtana is a major feature of ISKCON outreach.

Page 7: Bhakti Marga The way of devotion.. Bhakti The way of devotion is practised by most Hindus. Key idea is that you love God, and God loves you back; because

DarDarshan / shan / MurtiMurti

• Receiving darshan (eye contact with the divine) of a Murti (image) is very important.

• Temple (and home) images are treated with great respect; bathed, dressed, worshipped, and treated as honoured guests.

Page 8: Bhakti Marga The way of devotion.. Bhakti The way of devotion is practised by most Hindus. Key idea is that you love God, and God loves you back; because


• Puja is worship offered to the deity at a shrine, and may include offerings of:

Water (to wash & drink)Fire (aarti)

Food (praşadam)Kirtana & Mantra

Clothing & “punkah” (fanning)Incense

Page 9: Bhakti Marga The way of devotion.. Bhakti The way of devotion is practised by most Hindus. Key idea is that you love God, and God loves you back; because

AartiAarti• Aarti is the offering of

fire to the Deity. The fire is waved in front of the murti, while mantras are chanted, before being presented to the congregation, who pass their hands over it, collecting hot air, before passing over their heads.

Page 10: Bhakti Marga The way of devotion.. Bhakti The way of devotion is practised by most Hindus. Key idea is that you love God, and God loves you back; because

PraPrashshadam.adam.• Prashad is the

offering of food to the deity, which is then shared by the congregation; thus eating “God’s food”.

• ISKCON practice is to only eat Prashad.

Page 11: Bhakti Marga The way of devotion.. Bhakti The way of devotion is practised by most Hindus. Key idea is that you love God, and God loves you back; because

““Regulation of Life”.Regulation of Life”.

• Most vaishnavas also practice quite an austere lifestyle, the following are prohibited to members of ISKCON;

• Gambling• Drugs• Sex (Outside marriage, and not for

procreation)• Meat, fish, eggs, garlic.

Page 12: Bhakti Marga The way of devotion.. Bhakti The way of devotion is practised by most Hindus. Key idea is that you love God, and God loves you back; because

““Regulation of Life”.Regulation of Life”.

• There are also activities which are encouraged;

• Reading sacred texts • Association with other devotees

(satsang)• Setting an example through their

lives. • Listening to teaching by a guru.

Page 13: Bhakti Marga The way of devotion.. Bhakti The way of devotion is practised by most Hindus. Key idea is that you love God, and God loves you back; because

GuruGuru• The teacher or Guru is very

important; you must learn from a properly initiated Guru within the tradition, and they are treated with great respect.

• Many ISKCON devotees hold both Sri Chaitanya and Srila Prabhupada Bhaktivedanta Swami to be avatars of Krishna.