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Bhai Gurdas 20-03-13

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(Var 1, Pauri 3)

Of the eighty four lacs life classes, birth as a human is the best.

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(Var 1, Pauri 15)Lost opportunity comes not again.

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(Vaar 1, Pauri 16)

Now listen to the discipline of kaliyug wherein nobody cares for the rituals. Without loving devotion none will get any place anywhere. Because of the disciplined life in the previous ages, the human form has been obtained in kaliyug. Now if this opportunity slipped, no occasion and place would be made available. As has been said in the Atharvaveda, listen to the redeeming features of kaliyug. Now feelingful devotion only is acceptable; yajna, burnt offering and ritual worship was the discipline of the earlier ages. If somebody now, in spite of being a doer, erases himself from his self and prefers to be called lowly, only then he can remain in the good books of the Lord. In Kaliyug, only repeating the name of Lord is considered grand.

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(Vaar 1, Pauri 4)All prevading Oankar through His One Word created the whole expansive cosmos. Through the five elements, as the quintessence, He permeated in the three worlds and their denominations. That creator could not be seen by anyone who for expanding Himself created the infinite nature(prakrti). He made myriad forms of nature. From His each one hair, He created millions of worlds. And then in each one universe, He comes in tens of forms. He has created many noble personalities such as Vedavyas and Muhammad dear to the Vedas and the Qatebs respectively. How wonderfully the one nature has been expanded into many.

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With your tongue you chant the artificial Names given to You. (SGGS 1083)


'Sat Naam' is Your perfect, primal Name. (SGGS 1083)

He Himself created Himself; He Himself assumed His Name.Secondly, He fashioned the creation; seated within the creation, He beholds it with delight.You Yourself are the Giver and the Creator; by Your Pleasure, You bestow Your Mercy.You are the Knower of all; You give life, and take it away again with a word.Seated within the creation, You behold it with delight. ||1|| (SGGS 463)

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(Vaar 1, Pauri 43)Baba (further) said, O respected Nath! Please listen to the truth that I utter. Without the true Name no else miracle I have. I may wear the clothes of fire and build my house in the Himalayas. I may eat the iron and make earth move to my orders. I may expand myself so much that I could push the earth. I may weigh the earth and the sky against few grams of weight. I may have so much of power that I push aside anybody by saying. But without the true Name, these all (powers) are momentary like the Shadow of the clouds. (Vaar 1, Pauri 43)

, , , , , Baba (further) said, O respected Nath! Please listen to the truth that I utter. Without the true Name no else miracle I have. I may wear the clothes of fire and build my house in the Himalayas. I may eat the iron and make earth move to my orders. I may expand myself so much that I could push the earth. I may weigh the earth and the sky against few grams of weight. I may have so much of power that I push aside anybody by saying. But without the true Name, these all (powers) are momentary like the Shadow of the clouds. ,

(Vaar 24, Pauri 8)The true word has been handed over Satguru by the Adi Guru (God) as if the coin has been issued from the mint. Now siddhs naths and incarnations (of gods) etc have stood before him with folded hands And this command is true,immutable and inevitable.

(Vaar 19, Pauri 16)The true name of the creator Lord is received from the gurmukhs, Amidst the gurmukhs the Oankar Word is remembered. Amid the gurmukhs the word is pondered upon and the consciousness is merged in it,Living the truthful life of the gurmukhs, the truth is accomplished in life. Gurmukh is that door of liberation through which one automatically enters his innate nature (the divine self). He base of name (of the Lord) is attained from gurmukhs and one does not repent in the end.

By the grace of the true Guru, following the wisdom of the Guru and in the holy congregation alone the disciple spirit is attained.

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, , , , Asanelephantcannotbecontainedinthestomachofanant,asasmallflyinginsectcannotlifttheweightofamountain, asamosquitostingcannotkillthekingofsnakes,aspidercanneitherwinatigernormatchwithit, asanowlcannotflyandreachthesky,norcanaratswimacrosstheoceanandreachthefarside, SoaretheethicsofloveofourbelovedLorddifficultandbeyondforustounderstand.Itisaveryserioussubject.Asadropofwatermergeswiththewateroftheocean,sodoesadevotedSikhoftheGurubecomesonewithhisbelovedLord.(75) ,

(Vaar 1, pauri 17) , - - ,

During the down fall of an age, people setting aside the duties of the age behave contrary to their nature.The world gets engrossed in remorseful activities and sin and corruption prevail. Different sections (castes) of society develop hatred for one another and finish themselves through squabbles as the bamboos, due to their mutual friction, producing fire burn themselves as well as others. Condemnation of the knowledge starts and in the darkness of ignorance nothing remains visible. From that knowledge of the Vedas which gets man across the world ocean even the knowledgeable people get away. So long God does not descend on earth in the form of true Guru, no mystery can be understood. The Guru and God are one; He is the true master and the whole world craves for Him. He rises like sun and the darkness is dispelled.

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