Bh Europe 03 Valleri

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  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 11

    Man in the middleMan in the middle attacksattacks

    nnWhat they areWhat they are

    nnHow to achieve themHow to achieve them

    nnHow to use themHow to use themnnHow to prevent themHow to prevent them

    Alberto Ornaghi Marco Valleri

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 22

    Table of contentsTable of contents

    Different attacks in different scenarios:Different attacks in different scenarios:LOCAL AREA NETWORK:LOCAL AREA NETWORK:

    --ARP poisoningARP poisoning -- DNS spoofingDNS spoofing -- STPSTP manglingmangling

    -- PortPortstealingstealing

    FROM LOCAL TO REMOTEFROM LOCAL TO REMOTE(through a gateway):(through a gateway):

    --ARP poisoning

    ARP poisoning -- DNS spoofing

    DNS spoofing -- DHCP spoofing

    DHCP spoofing

    -- ICMP redirectionICMP redirection -- IRDP spoofingIRDP spoofing -- route manglingroute mangling


    -- DNS poisoningDNS poisoning -- traffictraffictunnelingtunneling -- routeroute manglingmangling

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 33

    Once in the middle...Once in the middle...

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 44


    n It is the easiest attack to launch sinceall the packets transit through theattacker.

    nAll the plain text protocols arecompromised (the attacker can sniff

    user and password of many widelyused protocol such as telnet, ftp, http)

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  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 66



    Possibility to add packets to an already establishedPossibility to add packets to an already establishedconnection (only possible in full-duplexconnection (only possible in full-duplex mitmmitm))

    nn The attacker can modify the sequence numbers andThe attacker can modify the sequence numbers and

    keep the connection synchronized while injectingkeep the connection synchronized while injectingpackets.packets.

    nn If theIf the mitmmitm attack is aattack is a proxy attackproxy attack it is evenit is eveneasier to inject (there are two distinct connections)easier to inject (there are two distinct connections)

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 77


    nn The attacker can modify the payload of theThe attacker can modify the payload of thepackets by recalculating the checksumpackets by recalculating the checksum

    nn He/she can create filters on the flyHe/she can create filters on the fly

    nn The length of the payload can also beThe length of the payload can also be

    changed but only in full-duplex (in this casechanged but only in full-duplex (in this case

    thethe seqseqhas to be adjusted)has to be adjusted)

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 88

    Attacks examplesAttacks examples

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 99

    Attacks examplesAttacks examples (1)(1)Command injectionCommand injection

    nn Useful in scenarios where a one timeUseful in scenarios where a one timeauthentication is used (e.g. RSA token).authentication is used (e.g. RSA token).In such scenarios sniffing the password isIn such scenarios sniffing the password isuseless, but hijacking an alreadyuseless, but hijacking an alreadyauthenticated session is criticalauthenticated session is critical

    nn Injection of commands to the serverInjection of commands to the server

    nn Emulation of fake replies to the clientEmulation of fake replies to the client

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 1010

    Attacks examplesAttacks examples (2)(2)Malicious code injectionMalicious code injection

    nn Insertion of malicious code into webInsertion of malicious code into webpages or mail (pages or mail (javascriptjavascript,, trojanstrojans, virus,, virus,


    nn Modification on the fly of binary filesModification on the fly of binary files

    during the download phase (virus,during the download phase (virus,backdoor,backdoor, eccecc))

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 1111

    Attacks examplesAttacks examples (3)(3)Key exchangingKey exchanging

    nn Modification of the public key exchanged byModification of the public key exchanged byserver and clientserver and client. (. (egegSSH1)SSH1)

    Server Client



    KEY(rsa) KEY(rsa)

    Ekey[S-Key]Ekey[S-Key]S-KEY S-KEY S-KEY




  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 1212

    Attacks examplesAttacks examples(4)(4)Parameters and banners substitutionParameters and banners substitution


    Parameters exchanged by server and client can beParameters exchanged by server and client can besubstituted in the beginning of a connection.substituted in the beginning of a connection.(algorithms to be used later)(algorithms to be used later)


    Example: the attacker can force the client toExample: the attacker can force the client toinitialize a SSH1 connection instead of SSH2.initialize a SSH1 connection instead of SSH2.

    The server replies in this way:The server replies in this way:nn SSH-1.99 -- the server supports ssh1 and ssh2SSH-1.99 -- the server supports ssh1 and ssh2

    nn SSH-1.51 -- the server supports ONLY ssh1SSH-1.51 -- the server supports ONLY ssh1 The attacker makes a filter to replaceThe attacker makes a filter to replace1.991.99withwith1.511.51

    nn Possibility to circumventPossibility to circumvent known_hostsknown_hosts

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 1313

    Attacks examplesAttacks examples (5)(5)IPSECIPSEC FailureFailure

    nn Block theBlock the keymaterialkeymaterial exchanged on theexchanged on theport 500 UDPport 500 UDP

    nn End points think that the other cannot startEnd points think that the other cannot startan IPSEC connectionan IPSEC connection

    nn If the client is configured in rollback mode,If the client is configured in rollback mode,there is a good chance that the user will notthere is a good chance that the user will not

    notice that the connection is in clear textnotice that the connection is in clear text

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 1414

    Attacks examplesAttacks examples (6)(6)PPTP (1) -PPTP (1) - descriptiondescription


    Uses GRE as transport layer (no encryption,Uses GRE as transport layer (no encryption,no authentication)no authentication)

    nn Uses the same negotiation scheme as PPPUses the same negotiation scheme as PPP

    ((reqreq,, ackack,, naknak,, rejrej))

    nn Negotiation phases are not authenticatedNegotiation phases are not authenticated

    nn MS-CHAPv2 mutual authentication canMS-CHAPv2 mutual authentication canttprevent this kind ofprevent this kind of mitmmitm

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 1515

    Attacks examplesAttacks examples (6)(6)PPTP (2) -PPTP (2) - attacksattacks


    During negotiation phaseDuring negotiation phase Force PAP authentication (almost fails)Force PAP authentication (almost fails) Force MS-CHAPv1 from MS-CHAPv2 (easier to crack)Force MS-CHAPv1 from MS-CHAPv2 (easier to crack)

    Force no encryptionForce no encryption

    nn Force re-negotiation (clear text terminate-Force re-negotiation (clear text terminate-ackack)) Retrieve passwords from existing tunnelsRetrieve passwords from existing tunnels

    Perform previous attacksPerform previous attacks

    nn ForceForcepassword changepassword changeto obtain password hashesto obtain password hashes Hashes can be used directly by a modified SMB or PPTPHashes can be used directly by a modified SMB or PPTP


    MS-CHAPv2 hashes are notMS-CHAPv2 hashes are not usefullusefull(you can force v1)(you can force v1)

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 1616

    Attacks examplesAttacks examples (6)(6)PPTP (3) -PPTP (3) - attackattackexampleexample

    Server ClientMITM


    req | auth | chap

    nak | auth | pap

    req | auth | pap

    ack | auth | pap

    req | auth | fake

    nak| auth | chap

    req | auth | pap

    ack | auth | pap

    Force PAP from CHAP

    We dont have to mess with GRE sequences...

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 1717

    Attacks examplesAttacks examples (6)(6)PPTP (4) - L2TPPPTP (4) - L2TP rollbackrollback


    L2TP can useL2TP can use IPSecIPSecESP as transport layer (strongerESP as transport layer (strongerthan PPTP)than PPTP)

    nn By default L2TP is tried before PPTPBy default L2TP is tried before PPTP

    nn Blocking ISAKMP packets results in anBlocking ISAKMP packets results in an IPSecIPSecfailurefailure


    Client starts a request for a PPTP tunnel (rollback)Client starts a request for a PPTP tunnel (rollback)

    nn Now you can perform PPTP previous attacksNow you can perform PPTP previous attacks

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 1818

    Attacks examplesAttacks examples (6)(6)PPTP (5) -PPTP (5) - toolstools

    nn EttercapEttercap ((http://ettercap.sf.net HydraHydrapluginspluginssuitesuite

    nn AngerAnger((http://

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 1919

    Attack techniquesAttack techniquesLOCAL SCENARIOLOCAL SCENARIO

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 2020

    LocalLocalAttacksAttacks(1)(1)ARPARP poisoningpoisoningnn ARP is stateless (we all knows how it works and what theARP is stateless (we all knows how it works and what the

    problems are)problems are)

    nn Some operating systems do not update an entry if it is notSome operating systems do not update an entry if it is notalready in the cache, others accept only the first receivedalready in the cache, others accept only the first receivedreply (reply (

    nn The attacker can forge a spoofed ICMP packets to force theThe attacker can forge a spoofed ICMP packets to force thehost to make an ARP request. Immediately after the ICMP ithost to make an ARP request. Immediately after the ICMP itsends the fake ARP replaysends the fake ARP replay

    nn Request attack againstRequest attack against linuxlinux(IDS evasion)(IDS evasion)

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 2121

    LocalLocalAttacksAttacks(1)(1)ARPARP poisoningpoisoning

    nn Useful to sniff on switched LANsUseful to sniff on switched LANs


    The switch works at layer 2 and it isThe switch works at layer 2 and it is

    not aware of the poisoning in thenot aware of the poisoning in the

    hostshosts ARP cache (unless some ARPARP cache (unless some ARP


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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 2222

    LocalLocalAttacksAttacks(1)(1)ARPARP poisoningpoisoning-- toolstools


    EttercapEttercap ((http://ettercap.sf.net PoisoningPoisoning SniffingSniffing


    FilteringFiltering SSH sniffing (SSH sniffing (transparenttransparentattackattack))

    nn DsniffDsniff(( PoisoningPoisoning SniffingSniffing

    SSH sniffing (SSH sniffing (proxyproxyattackattack))

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 2323

    LocalLocalAttacksAttacks(1)(1)ARPARP poisonpoison- countermeasures- countermeasures


    YESYES- passive monitoring (arpwatch)- passive monitoring (arpwatch)nn YESYES- active monitoring (ettercap)- active monitoring (ettercap)

    nn YESYES- IDS (detect but not avoid)- IDS (detect but not avoid)

    nn YESYES-- StaticStaticARPARP entriesentries(avoid it)(avoid it)

    nn YESYES- Secure-ARP (public- Secure-ARP (public keykeyauthauth))

    nn NONO-- PortPortsecuritysecurityon theon the switchswitchnn NONO-- anticapanticap, antidote,, antidote, middlewaremiddlewareapproachapproach

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 2424

    LocalLocalAttacksAttacks(2)(2)DNSDNS spoofingspoofing



    If the attacker is able to sniff the ID of the DNS request,he/she can reply before the real DNS server

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 2525

    LocalLocalAttacksAttacks(2)(2)DNSDNS spoofingspoofing-- toolstools

    nn EttercapEttercap((http://ettercap.sf.net PhantomPhantompluginplugin

    nn DsniffDsniff(( DnsspoofDnsspoof

    nn ZodiacZodiac((

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003


    LocalLocalAttacksAttacks(2)(2)DNS spoofingDNS spoofing - countermeasures- countermeasures

    nnYESYES-- detectdetectmultiplemultiple repliesreplies(IDS)(IDS)

    nnYESYES- use lmhost or host file- use lmhost or host file forforstaticstatic

    resolutionresolutionofof criticalcriticalhostshosts


  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 2727

    LocalLocalAttacksAttacks(3)(3)STPSTP manglingmangling

    nn It is not a real MITM attack since theIt is not a real MITM attack since theattacker is able to receive onlyattacker is able to receive only


    nn The attacker can forge BPDU with highThe attacker can forge BPDU with high

    priority pretending to be the new rootpriority pretending to be the new rootof the spanning treeof the spanning tree

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 2828

    LocalLocalAttacksAttacks(3)(3)STPSTP manglingmangling-- toolstools

    nn EttercapEttercap((http://ettercap.sf.net LamiaLamia pluginplugin

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 2929

    LocalLocalAttacksAttacks(3)(3)STPSTP manglingmangling-- countermeasurescountermeasures

    nnYESYES - Disable STP on VLAN without- Disable STP on VLAN withoutloopsloops

    nnYESYES- Root Guard, BPDU Guard.- Root Guard, BPDU Guard.

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 3030

    LocalLocalAttacksAttacks(4)(4)PortPortstealingstealingnn The attacker sends many layer 2 packets with:The attacker sends many layer 2 packets with:

    Source address equal to victim hostsSource address equal to victim hostsaddressaddress Destination address equal to its ownDestination address equal to its own macmacaddressaddress

    nn The attacker now hasThe attacker now hasstolenstolenvictim hostsvictim hostsportsports

    nn When the attacker receives a packet for one of the victims itWhen the attacker receives a packet for one of the victims itgenerates a broadcast ARP request for the victimgenerates a broadcast ARP request for the victims IP address.s IP address.

    nn When the attacker receives the ARP reply from the victim, theWhen the attacker receives the ARP reply from the victim, the

    victimvictims port has been restored to the original binding states port has been restored to the original binding state

    nn The attacker can now forward the packet and restart theThe attacker can now forward the packet and restart thestealing processstealing process

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 3131

    LocalLocalAttacksAttacks(4)(4)PortPortstealingstealing-- toolstools

    nn EttercapEttercap((http://ettercap.sf.net ConfusionConfusionpluginplugin

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 3232

    Local Attacks (4)Local Attacks (4)Port stealingPort stealing - countermeasures- countermeasures

    nnYESYES- port security on the switch- port security on the switch

    nn NONO- static ARP- static ARP

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 3333

    AttackAttacktechniquestechniquesFROM LOCAL TO REMOTEFROM LOCAL TO REMOTE

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 3434

    Local to remote attacks (1)Local to remote attacks (1)DHCP spoofingDHCP spoofing


    The DHCP request are made in broadcast.The DHCP request are made in broadcast.

    nn If the attacker replies before the real DHCPIf the attacker replies before the real DHCP

    server it can manipulate:server it can manipulate:

    IP address of the victimIP address of the victim

    GW address assigned to the victimGW address assigned to the victim DNS addressDNS address

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 3535

    Local to remote attacks (1)Local to remote attacks (1)DHCP spoofingDHCP spoofing - countermeasures- countermeasures

    nnYESYES - detection of multiple DHCP- detection of multiple DHCPrepliesreplies

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 3636

    Local to remote attacksLocal to remote attacks (2)(2)ICMPICMP redirectredirect

    G1 AT




    The attacker can forge ICMP redirect packet in order toRedirect traffic to himself

    ICMP redirect to AT

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 3737

    Local to remote attacksLocal to remote attacks (2)(2)ICMPICMP redirectredirect-- toolstools

    nn IRPASIRPAS icmp_redirecticmp_redirect((PhenoelitPhenoelit))((

    nn icmp_rediricmp_redir((YuriYuriVolobuevVolobuev))

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 3838

    Local to remote attacks (2)Local to remote attacks (2)ICMP redirectICMP redirect - countermeasures- countermeasures

    nnYESYES- Disable the ICMP REDIRECT- Disable the ICMP REDIRECT

    nn NONO- Linux has the- Linux has thesecure redirectsecure redirectoptionsoptions

    but it seems to be ineffective against thisbut it seems to be ineffective against thisattackattack

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 3939

    Local to remote attacksLocal to remote attacks (3)(3)IRDPIRDP spoofingspoofing


    The attacker can forge some advertisementThe attacker can forge some advertisementpacket pretending to be the router for thepacket pretending to be the router for theLAN. He/she can set theLAN. He/she can set the preference levelpreference leveland theand the lifetimelifetimeat high values to be sureat high values to be sure

    the hosts will choose it as the preferredthe hosts will choose it as the preferredrouter.router.

    nn The attack can be improved by sendingThe attack can be improved by sendingsome spoofed ICMP Host Unreachablesome spoofed ICMP Host Unreachablepretending to be the real routerpretending to be the real router

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 4040

    Local to remote attacksLocal to remote attacks (3)(3)IRDPIRDP spoofingspoofing-- toolstools

    nn IRPASIRPAS bybyPhenoelitPhenoelit((

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 4141

    Local to remote attacks (3)Local to remote attacks (3)IRDP spoofingIRDP spoofing - countermeasures- countermeasures

    nnYESYES - Disable IRDP on hosts if the- Disable IRDP on hosts if theoperating system permit it.operating system permit it.

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 4242

    Local to remote attacksLocal to remote attacks (4)(4)ROUTEROUTE manglingmangling

    The attacker can forge packets for the gateway (GW)pretending to be a router with a good metric for a specified

    host on the internet

    The netmask should be big enough to win against other routes



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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 4343

    Local to remote attacksLocal to remote attacks (4)(4)ROUTEROUTE manglingmangling

    nn Now the problem for the attacker is to send packetsNow the problem for the attacker is to send packets

    to the real destination. He/she cannot send itto the real destination. He/she cannot send it

    through GW since it is convinced that the bestthrough GW since it is convinced that the best

    route is AT.route is AT.




    AT2 Tunnel

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 4444

    Local to remote attacksLocal to remote attacks (4)(4)ROUTEROUTE manglingmangling-- toolstools



    nn NemesisNemesis((

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 4545

    Local to remote attacksLocal to remote attacks (4)(4)ROUTEROUTE manglingmangling-- countermeasurescountermeasures


    YESYES - Disable dynamic routing- Disable dynamic routingprotocols on this type of scenariosprotocols on this type of scenarios

    nnYESYES - Enable some ACL to block- Enable some ACL to blockunexpected updateunexpected update

    nnYESYES - Enable authentications on the- Enable authentications on theprotocols that support themprotocols that support them

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 4646

    Attacks techniquesAttacks techniquesREMOTE SCENARIOSREMOTE SCENARIOS

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 4747

    Remote attacks (1)Remote attacks (1)DNS poisoningDNS poisoning


    Type 1 attackType 1 attack The attacker sends a request to the victim DNSThe attacker sends a request to the victim DNSasking for one hostasking for one host

    The attacker spoofs the reply which is expectedThe attacker spoofs the reply which is expected

    to come from the real DNSto come from the real DNS

    The spoofed reply must contain the correct IDThe spoofed reply must contain the correct ID(brute force or semi-blind guessing)(brute force or semi-blind guessing)

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 4848

    Remote attacks (1)Remote attacks (1)DNS poisoningDNS poisoning


    Type 2 attackType 2 attack The attacker can send aThe attacker can send adynamic updatedynamic update

    to the victim DNSto the victim DNS

    If the DNS processes it, it is even worstIf the DNS processes it, it is even worst

    because it will be authoritative for thosebecause it will be authoritative for those


  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 4949

    Remote attacksRemote attacks (1)(1)DNSDNS poisoningpoisoning-- toolstools



    nn ZodiacZodiac((

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 5050

    Remote attacksRemote attacks (1)(1)DNS poisoningDNS poisoning - countermeasures- countermeasures


    YESYES - Use DNS with random- Use DNS with randomtransaction ID (Bind v9)transaction ID (Bind v9)

    nnYESYES -- DNSSecDNSSec (Bind v9) allows the(Bind v9) allows thedigital signature of the signature of the replies.

    nn NONO- restrict the dynamic update to a- restrict the dynamic update to arange of IP (they can be spoofed)range of IP (they can be spoofed)

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 5151

    Remote attacksRemote attacks (2)(2)TrafficTrafficTunnelingTunneling

    Router 1





    Fake host


    Tunnel GRE

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 5252

    Remote attacksRemote attacks (2)(2)Traffic TunnelingTraffic Tunneling - tools- tools

    nn EttercapEttercap((http:// ZaratanZaratanpluginplugin

    nn TunnelXTunnelX((http://www.phrack.com

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 5353

    Remote attacksRemote attacks (2)(2)TrafficTrafficTunnelingTunneling-- countermeasurecountermeasure


    YESYES- Strong passwords and community on- Strong passwords and community onroutersrouters

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 5454

    Remote attacksRemote attacks (3)(3)ROUTEROUTE manglingmangling

    nn The attacker aims to hijack the trafficThe attacker aims to hijack the trafficbetween the two victims A and Bbetween the two victims A and B

    nn The attack will collect sensitive informationThe attack will collect sensitive information

    through:through: traceroutetraceroute



    nn Quite impossible against link state protocolsQuite impossible against link state protocols

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 5555

    Remote attacksRemote attacks (3)(3)ROUTEROUTE manglingmangling


    Scenario 1 aScenario 1 a(IGRP inside the AS)(IGRP inside the AS)

    A B

    The attacker pretends to be the GW



  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 5656

    Remote attacksRemote attacks (3)(3)ROUTEROUTE manglingmangling


    Scenario 1 bScenario 1 b(IGRP inside the AS)(IGRP inside the AS)

    A BR1



  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 5757

    Remote attacksRemote attacks (3)(3)ROUTEROUTE manglingmangling


    Scenario 2 aScenario 2 a((the traffic does not pass thru thethe traffic does not pass thru theAS)AS)

    AS 1 AS 2

    BG 1 BG 2

    BG 3

    AS 3



  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 5858

    Remote attacksRemote attacks (3)(3)ROUTEROUTE manglingmangling


    IRPASIRPASdidi PhenoelitPhenoelit((

    nn NemesisNemesis((

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 5959

    Remote attacksRemote attacks (3)(3)ROUTE manglingROUTE mangling - countermeasure- countermeasure

    nn YESYES- Use routing protocol authentications- Use routing protocol authentications

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    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 6060


    nn The security of a connection relies on:The security of a connection relies on:

    a proper configuration of the client (avoiding ICMP Redirect, ARPa proper configuration of the client (avoiding ICMP Redirect, ARPPoisoning etc.)Poisoning etc.)

    the other endpoint infrastructure (the other endpoint infrastructure (eses. DNS dynamic update),. DNS dynamic update),

    thethe strongnessstrongnessof a third party appliances on which we donof a third party appliances on which we dontthave access (have access (eses.. TunnellingTunnellingand Route Mangling).and Route Mangling).

    nn The best to protect a communication is the correct andThe best to protect a communication is the correct andconscious use ofconscious use of criptographiccriptographicsuitessuites both client and server sideboth client and server side

    at the network layer (at the network layer (ieie.. IPSecIPSec))

    at transport layer (at transport layer (ieie. SSLv3). SSLv3) at application layer (at application layer (ieie. PGP).. PGP).

  • 7/24/2019 Bh Europe 03 Valleri


    Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003Blackhat Conference - Europe 2003 6161


    Alberto OrnaghiAlberto Ornaghi