BFG Scenario Conquest

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  • 8/4/2019 BFG Scenario Conquest


    Scenario: Conquest

    FORCES: There are no attackers and defenders in this scenario. Each fleet may consist of 750 points worth of ships and are trying to

    capture a neutral word. The only problem is that this world is not defenseless.

    BATTLEZONE: One medium sized planet will placed in the center with a Space Station and a mine field protecting it. Roll a D6 for

    each 2X2 section of the table, on a 4+ roll on the following chart.

    Location: Inner BiosphereD6 Roll

    1 Roll 1-3 Radiation Burst // Roll 4-6 Solar Flare

    2 Asteroid Field

    3 D3 Asteroid Fields

    4-6 D3 Gas/Dust Clouds

    FIRST TURN: Players each roll a dice. The player with the highest roll determines who takes the first turn.

    SPECIAL RULES: The planet is of medium size and has a gravitational field of 15cm. Once a ship is within 15cm it is considered to be

    in orbit and may make a free turn towards the planet at any time during its movement. A ship may also elect to remain stationary

    instead of moving but is treated as defenses on the gunnery table.

    Space Station: The Space Station is neutral and will fire all of its weapons at the beginning of each game turn at the closest target.

    The Space Station will remove D3 blast markers from its base before it fires any weapons. The Space Station will also launch allavailable bombers each turn and those bombers will move in each players ordnance phase. The Space Station never needs to reload

    its ordnance and will never go on special orders. The space station never suffers critical hits.

    Space Station:

    Mine Field: In the ordnance phase, roll a dice for each enemy ship within 30cm of the edge of the minefield. On a roll of 5 or 6 the

    ship has been detected. Add +1 is the ship is on All Full Ahead and deduct -1 if it is on Burn Retros orders, also subtract -1 if the ship

    is an Escort. For each ship detected place one orbital mine in contact with the minefield as close to those ships as possible.

    Suppress Minefield: Mine fields may be fired at like ordnance and hit on a 6+ like ordnance. For each hit place a blast marker in

    contact with the mine field. Deduct -1 from all dice rolls to be detected per blast marker in contact with the mine field. In each end

    phase the mine field will lose D6 blast markers.

    Mines: Orbital mines move 10 cm towards the closest ship each ordnance phase. If a mine comes into contact with a vessel that

    vessel may fire its turrets to defend itself. If a hit is rolled then the target vessel takes 4 hits against its armour. If the turrets do not

    hit the mine, then the vessel takes 8 hits instead. Holofields ignore mines on a 2+. Mines may be targeted with shooting like all other

    ordnance. Shields will protect against mines that hit the ship.

    GAME LENGTH: Game lasts 6 turns and count only the VP of ships within orbit of the planet

    VICTORY CONDITIONS: For each ship in orbit of the planet count VP as follows:Ship with no damage: 100% // Ship with any damage: 90% // Ship that is crippled: 50%

    RENOWN: +1 / -0

    Hits Speed Shields Armour Turrets

    Defense / 8 0 3 5+ 4

    Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Arc

    Weapons Battery 30cm 10 All Around

    Lance Battery 45cm 3 All Around

    Launch Bays Bombers: 20cm 4 Squadrons -