BFG Scenario Break Through

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  • 8/4/2019 BFG Scenario Break Through


    Scenario: Break ThroughThis Scenario may be played 2x with different opponents.

    FORCES: There are no attackers and defenders in this scenario. Two fleets of 750 Points are attempting to break through

    each others defenses in order to secure neutral planets.

    BATTLEZONE: These blockades are protecting the Outer Reaches of the solar systems and terrain will be rolled for as

    below. On a 4+ roll each 2x2 section will have terrain rolled for randomly.

    1-2: D3 Asteroid Fields 3: 1 Gas/Dust Cloud 4: D3 Gas/Dust Clouds 5-6: Planet (Max 1 per table)

    FIRST TURN: Players each roll a dice. The player with the highest roll determines who takes the first turn.

    SPECIAL RULES: None for this Scenario

    GAME LENGTH: Game lasts 8 turns or until both players have left the table.

    VICTORY CONDITIONS: Each player is attempting to exit the opponents side of the table with as many ships as possible

    while stopping the opponent from doing the same. For each of your ships that exit the opponents side of the table

    score an equal amount of victory points for that ship according to the following rules:

    100% per Ship with no damage / 90% per Ship with any damage / 50% per Ship that is crippled

    Note: No victory points will be awarded for disengaging your ships (you save the ship but lose out on victory points)

    Note #2: If one player leaves or disengages all of his ships before turn 8 than the other player may still move his ships

    until turn 8 in an attempt to get off his opponents table edge.

    RENOWN: +0 / -1 An additional loss of renown for allowing the enemy to secure planets. Also Score Renown according

    to the Renown table in the campaign directions for this store.

    REWARDS: The victor will be allowed to secure a neutral planet that is already connected to one of their own planets.

    Count only the victory points that you have more than your opponent. (example, Player A got 550 VP and Player B got

    400 VP, this would mean Player A won with 150 VP and would receive 1 planet)

    1-200 Victory Points : 1 Planet 201+ Victory Points : 2 Planets

    Harvest Fleets: Harvest Fleets still secure Tech/Biomorph points as usual through destroying opponents ships. Harvest

    fleets that are victorious in this scenario may claim the appropriate number of planets from their opponent and steal 3x

    its resources for this week only. Hive worlds may NOT be chosen unless they dont control any connecting planets by the

    controlling player.

    After Game: All destroyed ships/escort squadrons are still reduced down to leadership 6 and must be recorded with a

    new name in your fleet registry. If the destroyed ship had refits or crew skills than roll to see if those are lost according

    to the campaign rules. All ships that survive may roll to either gain leadership or lose leadership according to the

    campaign rules. Score an equal amount of Structure and Tech points according to the planets that you control. Do not

    score points for planets that Harvesters are stealing resources from this turn. Ships do not get fully repaired this week

    for free; you MUST use your remaining structure points to repair your ships. Unused points may be cached for next
