Betsy Paskvan Japanese Language Teacher Dimond High School Anchorage, Alaska Daughters: Danika, Kendra, Samantha NTPRS 2015 “Godzilla goes to D.C.”

Betsy Paskvan Japanese Language Teacher Dimond High School Anchorage, Alaska Daughters: Danika, Kendra, Samantha NTPRS 2015 “Godzilla goes to D.C.”

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Betsy PaskvanJapanese Language TeacherDimond High SchoolAnchorage, Alaska

Daughters: Danika, Kendra, Samantha

NTPRS 2015“Godzilla goes to D.C.”

Avant’-garde Storytellers

Robert Coles Harvard Professor and Child Psychiatrist

Vivian Paley

Joseph Campbell

Yakushima IslandFinding our

Stories in Japan

Yakushima Island (Mononoke Forest)

Finding our stories in Japan

Gojira aka Godzilla • 1954 birth and role of the monster. The name is

a hybrid of gorilla/ kujira(whale) Japan needed a symbol of the rage and destruction of the atomic bomb- Cold War nuclear hysteria was the impetus behind the monster

• 1952 The U.S. was testing nuclear weapons in the bikini/Marshall Islands- one fishing trawler did not get the warning- this reignited the fear and horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

• Tanaka, Honda, Tubaraya created Godzilla All references to Godzilla are properties of TOHO studios

We can 1. establish meaning, 2. ask a story

and 3. read and discuss in less time than it takes flee from Godzilla!

Godzilla Visits D.C.

1. Establish Meaning (TPR, PQA, Ask a Story)

san Title: Mr./Mrs./Ms.

imasuis, there is (for animate things)

tabetai wants to eat

ikimasu to go

arimasen there is not

ga, wa markers for topics - they are sometimes


Godzilla wa imasu.

imasu = to beikimasu = to gotabetai = wants to eatarimasen = is not, there is none wa=topic marker

imasu = to beikimasu = to gotabetai = wants to eatarimasen = is not, there is none wa=topic marker

Godzilla wa imasu. Godzilla wa D.C. ni ikimasu.

imasu = to beikimasu = to gotabetai = wants to eatarimasen = is not, there is none wa=topic marker

Godzilla wa imasu. Godzilla wa D.C. ni ikimasu. Godzilla wa tabetai!

imasu = to beikimasu = to gotabetai = wants to eatarimasen = is not, there is none wa=topic marker

Godzilla wa RAMEN wo tabetai.

Onaka peko peko!

imasu = to beikimasu = to gotabetai = wants to eatarimasen = is not, there is nonewa=topic marker

Godzilla wa ramen wo tabetai. Godzilla wa Lincoln Memorial ni ikimasu.

imasu = to beikimasu = to gotabetai = wants to eatarimasen = is not, there is none wa=topic marker

RAMEN wa arimasen.

Zannen desu nee? (Tr. “Aw, shucks.”)

imasu = to beikimasu = to gotabetai = wants to eatarimasen = is not, there is none wa=topic marker

Godzilla wa ramen wo tabetai. Godzilla wa Library of Congress ni ikimasu.

imasu = to beikimasu = to gotabetai = wants to eatarimasen = is not, there is nonewa=topic marker

RAMEN wa arimasen.

Zannen desu nee?

imasu = to beikimasu = to gotabetai = wants to eatarimasen = is not, there is none wa=topic marker

Godzilla wa ramen wo tabetai. Godzilla wa White House ni ikimasu.

imasu = to beikimasu = to gotabetai = wants to eatarimasen = is not, there is none wa=topic marker

Demo, RAMEN wa arimasen.

Zannen desu nee?

Onaka peko peko!

imasu = to beikimasu = to gotabetai = wants to eatarimasen = is not, there is nonewa=topic marker

Scott Walker wa White House ni imasu.

imasu = to beikimasu = to gotabetai = wants to eatarimasen = is not, there is none wa=topic marker

Godzilla wa Scott Walker wo tabetai….

Zannen desu ne…

imasu = to beikimasu = to gotabetai = wants to eatarimasen = is not, there is none

Godzilla wa imasu.Godzilla wa ramen wo tabetai. Godzilla wa Library of Congress ni ikimasu. Ramen wa arimasen.

Godzilla wa ramen wo tabetai. Godzilla wa Pentagon ni ikimasu. Ramen wa arimasen.

Godzilla wa ramen wo tabetai. Godzilla wa White House ni ikimasu. Ramen wa arimasen

Demo Scott Walker san wa imasu.Godzilla wa onaka peko peko. Godzilla wa Scott Walkersan wo tabetai.Heeeeeeeee???

Mira san wa imasu. Mira san wa tacos wo tabetai. Tacos wa

arimasen. Demo Blaine Ray san wa imasu. Blaine Ray san wa onaka peko peko. Mira san wa onaka peko peko. Taco Bell wa arimasu. Blaine san to Mira wa

Taco bell ni ikimasu. Heeeeeeee!

Let’s review what I did - Backward Design ish

1. Select or write a culminating reading that is culturally connected

2. Pull out the key structures from the reading

3. Define and/or TPR those structures: Establish Meaning

4. Personalize those structures with your students: Get (Ask) a story!

5. Break the reading into small segments with visual support: Read and Discuss

6. Read as a group Read and Discuss

1. Godzilla wa imasu. Godzilla wa tabetai.

2. Godzilla wa imasu. Obama san wa imasu. Scott Walker san mo imasu. Godzilla wa tabetai. Onaka ga pekopeko!

3. Godzilla to Obama san to Walker san wa D.C. ni ikimasu. Godzilla wa tabetai.

4. Godzilla to Obamasan to Walkersan wa D.C. ni ikimasu. Godzilla wa California Roll (no) sushi wo tabetai. Obamasan wa supamu musubi wo tabetai. Scott Walker san wa chiizu wo tabetai.

5. Godzilla to Obamasan to Walkersan wa D.C. ni imasu. Restaurant ni ikimasu. Sushi no restaurant ni ikimasu. Godzilla wa California Roll (no) sushi wo tabetai. Obamasan wa supamu musubi wo tabetai. Scott Walkersan wa chiizu wo tabetai. Onaka ga pekopeko!

imasu = to beikimasu = to gotabetai = wants to eatarimasen = is not, there is none Mo= alsoOnaka ga pekopeko= is hungry

Embedded Reading Structures:

6. Godzilla wa imasu. Godzilla wa tabetai. Obamasan to Walker san mo tabetai. Godzilla to Obamasan to Walkersan wa D.C. ni ikimasu. Resutoranto (restaurant) ni ikimasu. Makudonarudo ni ikimasen. Popeyes Furaido Chikin ni ikimasen. Sushi (no) resutoranto ni ikimasu. Godzilla wa California Roll (no) sushi wo tabetai. Obamasan wa supamu musubi wo tabetai. Scott Walkersan wa chiizu wo tabetai. Resutoranto wa chiizu ga arimasen. Sushi ga arimasu! Supamu musubi mo arimasu! Demo chiizu wa arimasen. Walkersan wa onnaka ga pekopeko desu. Zannen desu neee

Students can translate #6 for an assessment, can continue the story, can retell #5 to each other “blind” style, can draw pictures or a story map of this to get more reps and confirm comprehension.

Embedded ReadingStructures:imasu = to be imasen = to not beikimasu = to go ikimasen to not gotabetai = wants to eatarimasen = is not, there is none Mo= alsoOnaka ga pekopeko= is hungry

1. Godzilla wa imasu. Godzilla wa tabetai.

2. Godzilla wa imasu. Obama san wa imasu. Scott Walker san mo imasu. Godzilla wa tabetai. Onaka ga pekopeko!

3. Godzilla to Obama san to Walker san wa D.C. ni ikimasu. Godzilla wa tabetai.

4. Godzilla to Obamasan to Walkersan wa D.C. ni ikimasu. Godzilla wa California Roll (no) sushi wo tabetai. Obamasan wa supamu musubi wo tabetai. Scott Walker san wa chiizu wo tabetai.

5. Godzilla to Obamasan to Walkersan wa D.C. ni imasu. Restaurant ni ikimasu. Sushi no restaurant ni ikimasu. Godzilla wa California Roll (no) sushi wo tabetai. Obamasan wa supamu musubi wo tabetai. Scott Walkersan wa chiizu wo tabetai. Onaka ga pekopeko!

imasu = to beikimasu = to gotabetai = wants to eatarimasen = is not, there is none Mo= alsoOnaka ga pekopeko= is hungry

Embedded Reading Structures:Students will use these structures for their own embedded story. Use the template below to support.

4 Strategies for asking or creating a story

1. Get the story from your actors after PQA. Have a star student write it on the board.

2. Get the story from pairs’ stories Pairs use structures to create the story

3. Get the story from a superstar or two in the moment

4. Use a popular movie, song or poem to build a story before class like I did with Godzilla

9 Strategies for Read and Discuss

1. Read each line of the story supported with visuals as a group confirming comprehensibility via translation

2. Read the entire passage as a group. Confirming via translations, comprehension checks, contrastive grammar and verbal “cloze” reading

3. Have students alternate reading sentences or paragraphs to partner and have one translate. Use this as an SEL moment: one with most siblings reads, one from farthest hometown reads, one who speaks most languages reads, one who travelled the most weeks this year reads, the one who is oldest in the family and so forth. This build community while getting reps.

4. Have students do a blind retell in pairs with a story map.5. Have one student do a blind retell in front of class while whole

group gets another input rep from projected story6. Embedded readings can be discussed also. Start with pairs

reading to each other then expand the activity to whole group with you leading the reading and repeating every time you can the key structures.

7. Students can translate a final iteration of the embedded reading8. Students can add an embedded reading9. Students can create their own story from the structures using the

embedded reading as scaffolding.

A Typical Comprehensible Input WeekOne Week of Stories

Monday:• What did you do on the weekend?• Introduce song—cloze activity• Step 1: Gesture & PQA new vocabulary• Step 2: Ask the story—background infoTuesday:• Sing & gesture song• Review background info from yesterday• Step 2: Ask the story—introduce problem, attempt to solve problem,and finally solve problemWednesday:• Timed-writing uncorrected- this is for expression only not acuracy• Sing & gesture song• Step 3: Read & discuss—extended reading: background infoThursday:• Sing & gesture song• Step 3: Read & discuss—extended story: read, translate, discussFriday:• “Kindergarten Day”• Free Voluntary Reading• Song competition• Story strip• Step 3: Read & discuss—novel

2. Ask a story (using helpful circling words)

Japanese English

dare who

nani what

doko where

itsu when

doushite why

hai, iie, maa-maa, heeee

yes, no, so-so, whoa!!