BETHANY NEWS the sovereignty of godinside this issue deacon's point of view from the editor’s desk deacon's point of view sunday school quarter preview bethany bible brain busters

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Page 1: BETHANY NEWS the sovereignty of godinside this issue deacon's point of view from the editor’s desk deacon's point of view sunday school quarter preview bethany bible brain busters

where wast thou when i laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.

who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?

whereupon are the founda-tions thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;

job 38:4-6

fall quarter 2016

BETHANY NEWSthe sovereignty of god

Page 2: BETHANY NEWS the sovereignty of godinside this issue deacon's point of view from the editor’s desk deacon's point of view sunday school quarter preview bethany bible brain busters

inside this issue

deacon's point of view

from the editor’s desk

deacon's point of view

sunday school quarter preview

bethany bible brain busters

your health is now

god's medicine cabinent

what's cooking?

did you know?

pet's corner

poetry corner

just for kids

genesis crossword puzzle

Scripture for the Quarter:

I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

Isaiah 42:8

Quote for the Quarter:

Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.

GOD (Isaiah 45:22)

Page 3: BETHANY NEWS the sovereignty of godinside this issue deacon's point of view from the editor’s desk deacon's point of view sunday school quarter preview bethany bible brain busters

“Be careful for nothing;(don’t worry) but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God”Philippians 4:6

In light of what’s going in this world and especially in this country from Police Brutality, The Presidential Election, Protest, Crazy weather, Fires and probably your own personal struggles, we really need to focus on the Sovereignty of God.

Sovereign(ty) meaning, supreme ruler, possessing supreme or ultimate power or as plainly stated by the late Dea.Gaines “God is in Control”. God has been speaking to us through our Sunday School Lessons in which the Theme for the Quarter is the Sovereignty of God and on Wednesday nights with the teaching of Dea.Howard on Christian Apologetics in which he’s currently teaching about the attributes of God.

Even as this is being written there is a report of another Elementary School shooting. All these issues raise con-cern and we are to be concerned but, DON’T WORRY “GOD IS IN CONTROL.”

Look back over your life hasn’t God already proven to you who He is. So, even though things might look bleak and spiraling out of control remember Philippians 4:6 “Be careful for nothing;(don’t worry) but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God”. Why? Because God is Sovereign.

Yours in Christ,Deacon Chris Norwood

deacon's point of view

Page 4: BETHANY NEWS the sovereignty of godinside this issue deacon's point of view from the editor’s desk deacon's point of view sunday school quarter preview bethany bible brain busters

Greetings my brothers and sisters,

I would first of all like to apologize for the newsletter being a month late. I take full responsibility for its tardiness. I do ask for your forgiveness and thank you for your patience. Since it is our fall quarter, we will focus on back to school, autumn and Thanksgiving Day.

I know that school has already begun for all of the students so I pray that all is well. I would like to remind us what Jesus says in Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteous-ness and all these things shall be added unto you.”

If we seek God and live our lives according to His will, He will take care of the rest of our needs. So as we seek the best possible educations for our children and ourselves, let us remember to put God first. As important as a secular education is, Christian education is far superior. Our Biblical learning will help us to understand and deal with the things that life throws our way. Godly wisdom will help us do well in this world.

Also, make sure that while we are dealing with the demands of school that we take the time to keep up with everything including important dates that can change over time. One example is the fact that the beginning FAFSA date for the school year 2017-2018 for college financial aid has been changed. It was January the 1st of each year but has been change to October this year, It is important that we know the right dates because scholarships and other monies are done on a first come first serve basis. We do not want to miss out on any possible opportunities. The new FAFSA date will begin this autumn.

As we look at the season of autumn, also known as fall, there is something else that we can do to seek God first. We can take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the changing seasons around us. God’s creation is amazing! We can see the changing leaves of the trees in the autumn. Some times they just turn brown and fall off but there are certain trees where the leaves turn brilliant shade of red, orange, burgundy and gold before falling to the ground. Take a drive and look around you or take a nice walk and see the changes in God’s creation up close and personal. When we take the time to meditate on the awesomeness of our God, we will be even more thankful for the God that saved us.

As Christians, we already know that Thanksgiving Day is not the only time that we should give God thanks. When we seek Him first in our lives, we live daily with an attitude of gratitude. We thank God for waking us up in the morning. We thank Him for caring of our families and us. We should always take the time to seek Him in prayer just to say “Thank You, Lord!” Certainly when we are seeking God first, we do not wait until the fourth Thursday in November to thank God for the meal we are about to eat. For a Christian, “everyday is a day of Thanksgiving!”

As always we desire to have this newsletter ministry meet the needs of our family. We pray that it informs, educates and entertains you. Please let us know if there is anything else that we can do to serve you better. May God continue to bless and keep you in His care. Yours in Christ,Sister Janice Stutts

the editor's corner

Page 5: BETHANY NEWS the sovereignty of godinside this issue deacon's point of view from the editor’s desk deacon's point of view sunday school quarter preview bethany bible brain busters

Chances are you're reading this while leaning over a table or slumped back in a chair. Your head is tilted forward; your shoulders are curved. If you're on a mobile device, your arms are bent by your side and your back hunch is even more profound. Am I right?

The position you're in is probably causing you pain, wheth-er you're aware of it yet or not. "Text Neck is not just a tex-ting problem," said Dr. Dean Fishman. "Text neck is a gaming problem. Text neck is an e-mailing problem."

A 17-year-old patient came in complaining of headaches and neck pain. As Dr. Fishman was trying to explain to the patient's mother exactly what the problem was. He glanced over and saw her posture. The teen was sitting in a chair, hunched over her smartphone, texting away. "I knew I had something," Fishman said.

Text neck “When you stand with good posture, there is a normal cur-vature in your cervical spine. From a side view, it looks like the letter ‘C,’ with the curve’s convexity at the front of the neck and the concavity at the back,” explains Dr. Dean Fishman, a chiropractor in Plantation, Florida.

With text neck, the normal curvature is lost, causing a host of problems over time, including neck and shoulder pain, headaches, mood disorders and premature disk degenera-tion that can lead to arthritis, bone remodelling and a hunched back.

With good, neutral spine posture— ears in line with shoul-ders and shoulder blades pulled back—the head weighs about 4.5 to 5.5 kilograms (10 to 12 pounds). Dr. Kenneth Hansraj, chief of spine surgery at New York Spine Surgery

text neck troubles

Submitted by Sis. Geneva Lee

& Rehabilitation Medicine in Poughkeepsie, New York, published a paper recently about the impact of forward head posture: When the head is flexed forward at an angle of 60 degrees, the effective weight of the head increases significantly, to 27 kilograms (60 pounds), putting extra stress on the cervical spine.

“For a teenager with their head down two to four hours daily, that can add up to [136,000 kilograms; 300,000 pounds] of repetitive stress over 5,000 hours during high school,” says Hansraj.

Don’t stick your neck out for techIn a case study at his practice, Fishman instructed half of the participants to use their device at eye level every time. The other half used their devices as usual. Both groups received physical therapy, exercises and chiropractic treat-ment. After one month, patients in both groups reported decreased pain and showed improved results for range of motion and X-ray findings, but those who used their devic-es at eye level experienced a significantly greater correc-tion in cervical spine curvature.

tips to help prevent text neck

Raise up your phone to eye level rather than staring down at a screen.

Just put the phone down. don’t use your smartphone as much..

Stretch, turn the head as far as possible to the left, then back to neutral, and then all the way to the right.

Stand up straight. Good posture, with the shoulders pulled back, keeps the body aligned in a neutral position.

Take a five-minute pause for every 15 minutes, get up, walk around

Excerpts from The Costco Connection, Jane Langille, Author

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ask yourself

In a world that seems to be out of control, evil, and just downright unfair, there are many who ask GOD; "Where are you? Why are we, the innocent, being persecuted and the guilty are getting away with murder, mayhem and madness."

I caution all who claim Jesus as Saviour to search your scrip-tures and know that Yeshua (Jesus) has warned us that these things would happen before His return.

Let us learn the lesson that GOD had to teach our Uncle Job to be still and know that He is GOD.

"Moreover the LORD answered Job, and said,Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him? he that reproveth God, let him answer it.

Then Job answered the LORD, and said,Behold, I am vile; what shall I answer thee? I will lay mine hand upon my mouth. Once have I spoken; but I will not answer: yea, twice; but I will proceed no further.

Then answered the LORD unto Job out of the whirlwind, and said,Gird up thy loins now like a man: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me.

Wilt thou also disannul my judgment? wilt thou condemn me, that thou mayest be righteous?

Hast thou an arm like God? or canst thou thunder with a voice like him?

Deck thyself now with majesty and excellency; and array thy-self with glory and beauty.

Cast abroad the rage of thy wrath: and behold every one that is proud, and abase him.

Look on every one that is proud, and bring him low; and tread down the wicked in their place.

Hide them in the dust together; and bind their faces in secret.

Then will I also confess unto thee that thine own right hand can save thee."

Job 40:1-14

Page 7: BETHANY NEWS the sovereignty of godinside this issue deacon's point of view from the editor’s desk deacon's point of view sunday school quarter preview bethany bible brain busters

The overall theme for this Fall Quarter is The Sovereignty of God. Sovereignty meaning- supreme power, authority, rule, control, domination and other synonyms one can use but, this is and always will be an attribute of God.

Just think, by the time this quarter is over there will be a new President. With much uncertainty one must put his or her trust in God who as Pastor Phillips used to say “rules and super rules.”

Unit I: Sept. 2016 the theme is plainly The Sovereignty of God. Already in progress this unit is giving evidence that God is Sovereign. How The Kingdom of Peace 9/4 Isa 11:1-9 would come to fruition because of Him. The Mountain of God 9/11 Isa 25:6-10a a place to look forward to because He’s given us evidence through the formation of The Foundations of the Earth 9/18 Isa 40:21-31. Finally He keeps His promise as we see with the institution of The Everlasting Covenant 9/25 Isa 61:1-4, 8-11.

Unit II: Oct. 2016 the theme is The Sovereignty of Jesus. Why? Because He is The Express Image of God 10/2 Heb. 1:1-9 He is The Builder of the House 10/9 Heb 3:1-6, Matt 7:24-29, The Great High Priest 10/16 Heb 4:14-5:10, The High Priest Forever 10/23 Heb. 7:1-3, 19-28, and let us not forget The Author and Finisher of our Faith 10/30 Heb 12:1-13.

Unit III: Nov. 2016 Theme is Jesus, Alpha and Omega. In this unit we will have more to look forward to. For starters, the Making All Things New 11/6 Rev. 21:1-8, The New Jerusalem 11/13 Rev. 21:9-14, 22-27. If you don’t know about Living Waters 11/20 Rev. 22:1-7 come and learn about what the Alpha and Omega 11/27 Rev. 22:12-21 has in store for you! see you in sunday school!

Deacon Chris Norwood

What did Jesus tell his disciples would happen in the heavens immediately prior to his second coming?

• The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light.• The stars shall fall from heaven.• The powers of the heavens shall be shaken.• All of the above.

What did Jesus say the angels would do at the time of His sec-ond coming? • Rejoice and be exceedingly glad.• Judge the living and the dead.• Gather His elect from the four winds.• All of the above.

Who will come with Jesus when He returns?

• The anointed cherub that covereth.• All the holy angels.• God the Father.• All of the above.

Of whom did Jesus say that He would be ashamed on that day?

• All creatures great and small.• Whoever has only hay and stubble in their hands.• Whoever is ashamed of Him and His words.• Lucifer

What sound will accompany the return of the Lord?

• The angels will sing.• A great sound of a trumpet.• The thundering of horses hooves.• Men screaming for fear.

When Jesus ascended to heaven, a cloud received Him, and the people who witnessed were told that He would come again in like manner as they had seen Him go. Who spoke to them?

• The serpent.• The archangel Gabriel.• Two men dressed in white.• A voice from heaven.

In Revelation, John said, "Behold, he cometh with clouds; and _____ shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen."

• His true disciples• They that whipped him• Those who wish to see him• Every eye

sunday school quarter preview bethany bible brain busters

spring quarter 2016

Page 8: BETHANY NEWS the sovereignty of godinside this issue deacon's point of view from the editor’s desk deacon's point of view sunday school quarter preview bethany bible brain busters

There are 7 color types: The medically desired color of poop should mimic a bar of milk chocolate.

Green Poop:If your poop is green, it moved through your intestines too fast to complete the process of turning brown.

Black Poop:Black stool usually means there is an excess of dried blood present in the poop. Or it could be something as benign as hemorrhoids,or certain OTC medications such as pepto bismol, can turn your stool black. This color is temporary and harmless and may stay several days until after you stop using Pepto. In any case contact your Doctor if your stools remain black.

Yellow Poop:Poop can be a yellow color when fat is not being absorbed from the poop. Yellow poop is usually a sign of a medical problem that needs attention sooner rather than later. If stool is present for more than 2 days, please contact your medial provider.

White Poop or Clay-Colored Poop:This type of poop is present when the liver does not release enough bile salts into the stool in your intestines. This is usually a sign of a more serious medical problem, so please contact your provider.

Blue Poop:Some forms of edible dye, when consumed in large amounts, are known to cause poop to turn blue, especially if they pass quickly through the digestive tract. As long as blue poop is genuinely blue (not blue-green) it is no cause for concern.

Red Poop:Bright red poop is usually a sign of bleeding in the lower intestine. The cause of this bleeding is usually hemor-rhoids. Please notify your doctor if you have concerns or need more info about this problem.

keeping it real - it's all about the poop

Although March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month, I feel anyday is a good time to talk about poop. It says a lot about your gastrointestinal and digestive tract. I know this is embarrassing to discuss, but just know that there is no reason to be ashamed to ask questions about bowel movements. During my reseach, I found some important facts about the almighty stool/poop I would like to share. Sis.Shelia Greer

There are 7 Different Shapes and Consistency

Type 1: Hard Poop (pebble poop) is passed in separate hard lumps similar to pebbles. This kind of stool is pain-ful to pass. It has sat in the large intestines and colon for an extended period of time and this causes you to be constipated.

Type 2: Firm Poop (lumpy, sausage shaped poop) is connected together but still rather lumpy. It spent too much time drying in the intestines, but it has not dried out enough to break apart into small pieces. This often hurts the most since it is large and quite firm.

Type 3: Cracked Stool is an even, round sausage shape but has cracks on the surface. Most often seen with con-stipation that is caused by a sedendary lifestyle or poor diet), cracked stool requires strain as it passes but is not painful.

Type 4: Healthy Poop is sausage or snake shaped and about the diameter of a banana. Optimal healthy poop will remain intact as it is flushed, indicating that it had the desired amount of water and nutrients inside when passed. This poop will have a soft and smooth look and will resemble soft serve ice cream.

Type 5: Soft Blob Poop is when stool passes in the form of soft blobs with defined edges, it is a slightly loose stool. It is common for individuals who have bowel movements two to three times a day. This form of bowel movement usually follows major meals of the day.

Type 6: Mushy Stool with fluffy pieces that run together into a pudding shaped consistency is an early stage of diarrhea. When mushy stool occurs, it is often hard to control the urge or timing of the bowel movement. It has passed through the colon quickly, due to stress or a dra-matic change in diet or activity level.

Type 7: Liquid Poop is the most advanced stage of diarrhea. It has no solid form and passes without control. Diarrhea occurs when the small intestines flush out the food without being properly processed. Liquid can be absorbed by the large intestine, but most pools in the rectum, causing explosive diarrhea that is not controlla-ble. Remember to replace fluids lost during diarrhea with water or gatorade to prevent dehydration. Always con-tact your medical provider if you have concerns.

Until next time let's stay on top of these issues!

Resources:Prevention Mag, Unity Point Health

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Since everyone has different medical needs, this information is not to take the place of your doctor's orders.

For Healthy Skin:If you are suffering from blemishes, dark spots, pimple outburst etc, dab a few drops of this essential oil on a cotton swab and apply it over the affected areas on the skin.

Relief From Razor Burns:Razor burns and ingrown hair can become quite uncomfortable and painful, after shaving dab a few drops of tea tree essential oil on a piece of cotton and apply on the infected areas. This will provide a soothing sensation to your skin. For ingrown hair, dilute the oil in water, and then apply it on the affected areas.

Keeps Bugs Away:Tea tree oil acts as a natural insect deterrent, thus keeping mosquitoes, flies, lice and bugs away. Simply mix a few drops of this oil with a carrier oil like mineral oil or sunflower oil and apply it on the skin.

Reduces Acne:Take 2-3 drops of tea tree oil and 1 tbsp each of honey and yogurt. Apply this on your acne using fingers tips. Do not apply a thick layer. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and rinse off your face. This mask can relieve you from acne in just few weeks time.

Skin Treatments:Tea tree oil can be a good cure for corns, chapped lips, warts, etc.. Tea tree oil benefits your skin in more ways than one. So look up tea tree oil next time you face any skin prob-lem.

benefits of tea tree oil

god's medicine cabinet Anything God made is better than anything man made

Each quarter we will be informing you of some natural ways to get and stay healthy. You may just find that if you use what is in GOD's medicine cabinet you will start to feel bet-ter and put your body on the road to the healthy way GOD intended it to function.

Sis. Teresa Phillips

Cures Dry Skin:Simply add 5 spoons of tea tree oil to one spoon of almond oil and massage it gently onto your skin. Leave it on for some time and bath normally. Regular use will help you keep your skin hydrated for longer time.

Hair growth:It actually helps in unclogging hair follicles and nourishes your roots. Take few drops of tea tree oil, mix it with any carrier oil and simply massage it onto your scalp. You will feel a great refreshing and tingling effect on your scalp. However, you must remember to add carrier oil because tea tree oil for hair growth or otherwise by itself is extremely strong.

Words of caution before you use tea tree oil:• Tea tree oil is only meant for topical use. NEVER consume it.

• Make sure you never use it directly. Always mix carrier oil with it before application.

• Too much of tea tree oil can prove to be harmful. Always use moderate quantity. Best is to consult your physician to know the exact amount that is best for your hair.

• When you first start using tea tree oil for your hair, it may leave your hair a little dry. Don’t freak out. Give it sometime.

Page 10: BETHANY NEWS the sovereignty of godinside this issue deacon's point of view from the editor’s desk deacon's point of view sunday school quarter preview bethany bible brain busters

what's cooking?

pizza bread bowl

1 bread boule

1 cup marinara sauce

8 oz fresh mozzarella

6 oz pepperoni

½ onion, sliced

½ cup basil

1 cup cooked sausage

1 green bell pepper, sliced

1 cup white cheddar, shredded

preheat oven to 350°f.

slice the top of the bread bowl off and remove the insides.

spread ½ cup of the marinara on the bottom of the boule, then lay-er with half of the mozzarella, 5 ounces of the pepperoni, onions, basil, sausage, peppers, the other ½ cup of marinara, the remaining mozzarella, and half of the white cheddar, and place the cap of the bread boule on top.

wrap the bread bowl in foil, then press with a heavy object for 30 minutes.

remove the foil and sprinkle the remaining cheddar and pepperoni on top.

bake for 30 minutes, until cheese is golden brown.

cool for 10 minutes, slice, then serve!

teriyaki chicken and veggie stirfry 3 chicken breasts, cubed

salt, to taste pepper, to taste

1 teaspoon crushed garlic

½ cup soy sauce

⅓ cup honey

1½ tablespoons sesame seeds

1 onion, sliced

2 small bell peppers, thinly sliced

2 cups broccoli

1 green onion, thinly sliced

cooked white rice

in a pan, cook cut chicken over medium-high heat until almost done.

reduce heat to medium and stir in the crushed garlic.

add in the soy sauce, honey, and 1 tablespoon of the sesame seeds. stir until thickened.

remove the chicken from the pan, leaving the sauce, and add the vegetables to the pan.

cover the pan for several minutes and cook until the veg-etables begin to soften, then remove the lid and stir until the sauce is thick again.

split the rice, vegetables, and chicken evenly between 4 con-tainers. top with a sprinkle of sesame seeds and sliced green onion.

refrigerate for up to 4 days.


This quarter's receipes are from Tasty

Here is a receipe that will be good to package up and eat for lunch or a quick dinner during the week

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did you know? pet corner

fall safety tips

As fall begins to settle in you need to be aware of the dog-related hazards the seasonal change may bring.Below are some of the most common safety hazards from PureLife4Pets. Follow these safety tips to keep your dog happy and healthy throughout the season.

Cooler Weather Means an Increased Need for Pro-tection from the ElementsAs the weather gets more severe and the days get shorter it’s important for both you and your dog to wear protective gear during walks outside. This includes warm clothing, reflective gear, flashlights and light up collars or leashes.

Calm Down Your Pet’s Seasonal AllergiesIs your cat or dog sneezing and coughing? Does she have watery eyes or discharge from her nose? If so, your pet is most likely suffering from seasonal allergies.Tree and grass pollen, as well as mold and ragweed pollen, are among the most common causes of fall allergies. Consider providing your pet with an omega-3 health supplement just for dogs and cats. It can help support a pet with seasonal allergies.

Pay Close Attention to Candles and Bonfires Many dogs can become panicky at the sight of fire and flames. Be sure to close any fire pits when unattended and blow out candles before leaving the house.Also make sure to turn off any and all electric indoor heaters when you leave your house to keep your pet safe from any potential accidents.

Be Aware of Pine Needles and Other Chocking HazardsDogs love running around in a pile of leaves during the cool fall season. However, if ingested the sharp edges of pine needles and pinecones could damage a dog’s gastrointestinal tract. Also keep in mind that acorns are toxic to dogs and can cause intestinal blockage.

Keep Those Pesky Fleas Away!Because fleas begin breeding in the spring, they are at their peak numbers in the fall. Flea protection is a must to prevent fleas on your dog or cat. Take your pet for a visit to the veterinarian for a checkup and flea preven-tion medication.

You will help keep your pet safe, warm, happy and healthy during the fall months by following these basic tips!

sister carol reed is retirng her baking apron.

“It’s been a joyful 45 years in the baking business and I have loved making so many sweet crave appetites happy, but it’s time to hang up my trusty apron.Love you all,”

Sis. Carol ReedP.S. “From time to time on special events, I may surprise you!” #Nooo! #missingcookies

feel free to share

As has been stated in the past, our Did You Know column is an opportunity to make an-nouncement and share information. Please feel free to use this opportunity to share information you have.

Over the next year, we will also be us-ing this column to share the careers and professions of our membership. We are so blessed at Little Bethany to have members in numerous careers. In our Winter Quarter, we will begin by learning about the mem-bers who work in the medical, health care fields. Until then, may God continue to bless and keep us all.

queen of the choir

Sis.Angelina Bryant has been crowned Queen of the Bennett College Gospel Choir

#thequeen #sangitlina

Sis. Jacqueline Phillips

Page 12: BETHANY NEWS the sovereignty of godinside this issue deacon's point of view from the editor’s desk deacon's point of view sunday school quarter preview bethany bible brain busters

you are god alone

poetry corner

You are not a God created by human handsYou are not a God dependent any mortal manYou are not a God in need of anything we can give by Your plan thats just the way it is

You are God alone from before time beganYou are on Your throneYou are God alone and right nowthrough the good times and badYou are on Your throneYou are God alone

You're the only God who's Power none can contendYou're the only God who's Name and Grace will never endYou're the only God who's worthy of anything we can giveYou are God that's just the way it is.

You're unchangeable, unshakeable, unstoppablethats who You are

William McDowell - You Are God Alone Lyrics

christian humor

Page 13: BETHANY NEWS the sovereignty of godinside this issue deacon's point of view from the editor’s desk deacon's point of view sunday school quarter preview bethany bible brain busters

As Christians, we should always give thanks to God for His blessings! In our nation, in the fall of each year, the last Thursday of November has been set aside to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

It is a wonderful time to give God thanks by worshipping Him in His house. It is also an opportunity to spend time with and eat special meals with family, friends and loved ones.

Jesus gave us an example of giving God thanks over our meals. Unscramble these letters to make words and complete the scripture?

"__________ he __________ the _____ , and, ________ _______ , and gave it to _______ saying, _______ ye

______ of it ’;”

just for kids

1) krndi 2) snktah3) hmet4) eavg

5. pcu6. adn7. ookt8. lal

Page 14: BETHANY NEWS the sovereignty of godinside this issue deacon's point of view from the editor’s desk deacon's point of view sunday school quarter preview bethany bible brain busters



2 Father of Seth

4 Biblical unit of length

6 God's sign in the sky

8 First patriarch

11 Eden tempter

12 In the beginning God created the ___ and the ___.

14 Lot's wife became a pillar of ____

16 Tower site

18 A name that does not belong

19 Wife of Isaac


1 He dreamed of a stairway to heaven

3 Adam's and Eve's garments (2 words)

5 Where Noah's ark landed

7 Abraham's firstborn son

9 Oldest man in Bible

10 He killed Abel

13 City destroyed by fire

15 Noah's ____

16 "Bless you Brother" in a text message

17 First murder victim

18 Son of Adam and Eve

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happy birthday


Bro. Shon Buford 1st Sis. Angelina Bryant 1stSis. Carla Stutts 2ndDeacon Luster Howard 3rdSis. Tanisha Phillips 4thSis. Gracie M. Washington 5thSis. Asia Freeman 7thSis. Ronny Knox 10thBro. George Washington 15thBro. Samuel Greer 16thSis. Gracie K. Washington 17th Bro. David Branner, Jr. 18thBro. Isaac Greer 20thSis. Jayme Wynn 29thSis. Simone Johnson 30th


Sis. Teresa Turner 19thBro. Leon-John Phillps 21stSis. Halimah PetersSis. Anne Esco


Sis. LaCresha Phillips 1st Sis. Danielle Kelly 16thDeacon Robby Norwood 18thSis. Tammy Harlan 24thBro. Christian Jones 24thSis. Trejay Stutts 27th

calendar of events

septemberlaymen's annual day 25th

octobercosmopolitan fellowship 2ndmatthew zion fellowship 16thwomen's annual day 23rd

novemberthanksgiving service 24th church's anniversary 27th

church services

sundaySunday School 9:30Morning Worship 11:00

monday Sunday School Preview 6:30

wednesday Basic Bible Study 5:45Topical Bible Study 6:30Prayer Service 7:30

saturday Food Distribution 10:30

newsletter ministry members

Sis. Janice Stutts, EditorSis. Kim Foster Bro. Stephen GreerBro. Jamai JamisonSis. Rae JonesSis Patricia SmithSis. Teresa PhillipsSis. Michelle Norwood

Bible Busters: All of the above, Gather His elect from the four winds, All the holy angels, Whoever is ashamed of Him and His words, A great sound of a trumpet, Two men dressed in white, Every eye

Just for kids:(“And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them saying, ‘Drink ye all of it’;” Matthew 26:27)

Throwback photo

Page 16: BETHANY NEWS the sovereignty of godinside this issue deacon's point of view from the editor’s desk deacon's point of view sunday school quarter preview bethany bible brain busters

bethany newsfall quarter

september-october-november 2016

1636 Armstrong AvenueSan Francisco, Ca 94124

Dr. Rev. Andrew Smith, Pastor