In previous lectures, Claude Bernard’s many scientif- ic contributions have been highlighted. Among oth- ers he suggested in 1850 that the liver stores glucose and 7 years later, in 1857, he finally isolated glycogen [2]. Before that, in 1849, Claude Bernard reported his “Piqßre sucrØe” to the SociØtØ de Biologie, Paris [3]. In analogy to his experiments in which stimula- tion of the fifth cranial nerve caused saliva secretion, he assumed that stimulation of the vagus nerve would elicit glucose secretion from the liver. In unanaesthe- tised rabbits and dogs, the pricking of the bottom of the fourth ventricle resulted in pronounced hypergly- caemia and glucosuria within 20 min. The “diabetes” was transient and disappeared after a few hours. He later showed that this effect was mediated, not by the vagus, but by sympathetic nerves. His discovery of glycogen made Claude Bernard the true father of Diabetologia (2000) 43: 265–277 Review Beta-cell mitochondria in the regulation of insulin secretion: a new culprit in Type II diabetes C. B. Wollheim Division of Clinical Biochemistry and Experimental Diabetology, Department of Internal Medicine, University Medical Centre, Geneva, Switzerland Ó Springer-Verlag 2000 Abstract Insulin is stored in secretory granules in the beta-cell and is secreted by exocytosis. This process is precisely controlled to achieve blood glucose homeostasis. Many forms of diabetes mellitus display impaired glucose-induced insulin secretion. This has been shown to be the primary cause of the disease in the various forms of maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) and has also been implicated in adult-onset Type II (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus. Glucose generates ATP and other metabolic coupling factors in the beta-cell mitochondria. By plasma membrane depolarisation ATP promotes Ca 2+ influx, which raises cytosolic Ca 2+ and triggers insulin exocy- tosis. Through hyperpolarisation of the mitochondri- al membrane glucose also increases the Ca 2+ concen- tration in the mitochondrial matrix activating Ca 2+ - sensitive dehydrogenases in the tricarboxylic acid cy- cle. The resulting generation of glutamate partici- pates in Ca 2+ -stimulated exocytosis. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) encodes some of the polypeptides of the respiratory chain enzyme complexes. Muta- tions in mtDNA lead to maternally inherited diabetes mellitus characterised by impaired insulin secretion. The impact of altered mtDNA on insulin secretion has been shown in mtDNA-deficient beta-cell lines which have lost glucose-stimulated insulin secretion but retain a Ca 2+ -induced insulin secretion. A cellular model of MODY3 expressing dominant-negative hepatocyte nuclear factor-1a (HNF-1a) also dis- played deletion of glucose-induced but not Ca 2+ -in- duced insulin secretion. Reduced mitochondrial me- tabolism explains this secretory pattern. Thus, geneti- cally manipulated beta-cell lines are essential tools in the investigation of the molecular basis of beta-cell dysfunction in diabetes and should explain the role of other transcription factors in the disease. [Dia- betologia (2000) 43: 265–277] Keywords Beta-cell dysfunction, mitochondrial me- tabolism, mitochondrial DNA, exocytosis, ATP, cyto- solic Ca 2+ , mitochondrial Ca 2+ , r 0 cells, HNF-1a, MODY. Corresponding author: Professor C.B. Wollheim, Division of Clinical Biochemistry and Experimental Diabetology, Depart- ment of Internal Medicine, University Medical Centre, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland 30th Claude Bernard Lecture given during the 34th Annual Meeting of the EASD, Barcelona, September 1998 and dedi- cated to the memory of my late mentor, Professor Albert Re- nold, who gave the 5th Claude Bernard lecture in 1973 [1] Abbreviations: TCA, Tricarboxylic acid; K ATP , ATP-sensitive K + ; HNF-4a, hepatocyte nuclear factor 4a.

Beta-cell mitochondria in the regulation of insulin ... · Beta-cell mitochondria in the regulation of insulin secretion: a new culprit in Type II diabetes C.B. Wollheim Division

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Page 1: Beta-cell mitochondria in the regulation of insulin ... · Beta-cell mitochondria in the regulation of insulin secretion: a new culprit in Type II diabetes C.B. Wollheim Division

In previous lectures, Claude Bernard's many scientif-ic contributions have been highlighted. Among oth-ers he suggested in 1850 that the liver stores glucose

and 7 years later, in 1857, he finally isolated glycogen[2]. Before that, in 1849, Claude Bernard reportedhis ªPiqßre sucrØeº to the SociØtØ de Biologie, Paris[3]. In analogy to his experiments in which stimula-tion of the fifth cranial nerve caused saliva secretion,he assumed that stimulation of the vagus nerve wouldelicit glucose secretion from the liver. In unanaesthe-tised rabbits and dogs, the pricking of the bottom ofthe fourth ventricle resulted in pronounced hypergly-caemia and glucosuria within 20 min. The ªdiabetesºwas transient and disappeared after a few hours. Helater showed that this effect was mediated, not bythe vagus, but by sympathetic nerves. His discoveryof glycogen made Claude Bernard the true father of

Diabetologia (2000) 43: 265±277


Beta-cell mitochondria in the regulation of insulin secretion:a new culprit in Type II diabetesC. B. Wollheim

Division of Clinical Biochemistry and Experimental Diabetology, Department of Internal Medicine, University Medical Centre,Geneva, Switzerland

Ó Springer-Verlag 2000


Insulin is stored in secretory granules in the beta-celland is secreted by exocytosis. This process is preciselycontrolled to achieve blood glucose homeostasis.Many forms of diabetes mellitus display impairedglucose-induced insulin secretion. This has beenshown to be the primary cause of the disease in thevarious forms of maturity-onset diabetes of the young(MODY) and has also been implicated in adult-onsetType II (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus.Glucose generates ATP and other metabolic couplingfactors in the beta-cell mitochondria. By plasmamembrane depolarisation ATP promotes Ca2+ influx,which raises cytosolic Ca2+ and triggers insulin exocy-tosis. Through hyperpolarisation of the mitochondri-al membrane glucose also increases the Ca2+ concen-tration in the mitochondrial matrix activating Ca2+-sensitive dehydrogenases in the tricarboxylic acid cy-cle. The resulting generation of glutamate partici-pates in Ca2+-stimulated exocytosis. MitochondrialDNA (mtDNA) encodes some of the polypeptides

of the respiratory chain enzyme complexes. Muta-tions in mtDNA lead to maternally inherited diabetesmellitus characterised by impaired insulin secretion.The impact of altered mtDNA on insulin secretionhas been shown in mtDNA-deficient beta-cell lineswhich have lost glucose-stimulated insulin secretionbut retain a Ca2+-induced insulin secretion. A cellularmodel of MODY3 expressing dominant-negativehepatocyte nuclear factor-1a (HNF-1a) also dis-played deletion of glucose-induced but not Ca2+-in-duced insulin secretion. Reduced mitochondrial me-tabolism explains this secretory pattern. Thus, geneti-cally manipulated beta-cell lines are essential tools inthe investigation of the molecular basis of beta-celldysfunction in diabetes and should explain the roleof other transcription factors in the disease. [Dia-betologia (2000) 43: 265±277]

Keywords Beta-cell dysfunction, mitochondrial me-tabolism, mitochondrial DNA, exocytosis, ATP, cyto-solic Ca2+, mitochondrial Ca2+, r0 cells, HNF-1a,MODY.

Corresponding author: Professor C. B. Wollheim, Division ofClinical Biochemistry and Experimental Diabetology, Depart-ment of Internal Medicine, University Medical Centre, 1211Geneva 4, Switzerland30th Claude Bernard Lecture given during the 34th AnnualMeeting of the EASD, Barcelona, September 1998 and dedi-cated to the memory of my late mentor, Professor Albert Re-nold, who gave the 5th Claude Bernard lecture in 1973 [1]Abbreviations: TCA, Tricarboxylic acid; KATP, ATP-sensitiveK+; HNF-4a, hepatocyte nuclear factor 4a.

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intermediary metabolism. He considered the liver tobe an organ of internal secretion, a concept nowadaysreserved for endocrine function such as insulin secre-tion from the beta cell.

Figure 1 illustrates the ultrastructure of the betacell with its main intracellular organelles. Insulin issynthesised in the endoplasmic reticulum and trans-ported to the Golgi complex from which the insulin-containing secretory granules are formed by budding.Only a small proportion of the stored insulin is secret-ed into the islet capillaries during stimulation as indi-cated in a striking high magnification electron micro-graph showing part of a beta cell with two secretorygranules (Fig.2). One has just fused with the plasmamembrane and the granule core containing insulin incrystalline form is being washed out into the extracel-lular capillary space [4]. This process is referred to asexocytosis and is under intense study [5±9]. Figure 3shows, in addition to secretory granules, beta-cell mi-tochondria which are the focus of this lecture. The

outer and inner membranes of the mitochondria canbe distinguished, as well as the inner membrane in-vaginations called cristae. The enzyme complexes ofthe respiratory (electron transport) chain are locatedon these cristae [10].

Impaired insulin secretion in Type II diabetes mellitus

A brief discussion of impaired glucose-induced insu-lin secretion in Type II diabetes sets the stage forthis review. It is well established that the first phaseof insulin secretion is impaired both in patients in aprediabetic state and after manifestation of Type IIdiabetes [11, 12]. Such investigations were, however,generally done during i. v. glucose tolerance tests ormore prolonged glucose infusions. These approachesgive an inaccurate assessment of the second phase in-sulin release because of hyperglycaemia later in thetest due to reduced initial insulin secretion [12].When mildly Type II diabetic patients, treated bydiet alone, were subjected to hyperglycaemic clamp,both phases of insulin secretion were considerably in-hibited (Fig.4) [13]. This was seen at glucose concen-trations of 7.5, 10 and 15 mmol/l. Both insulin secre-tion and tissue sensitivity to insulin are now knownto be genetically controlled.

Accordingly, beta-cell dysfunction, as well as insu-lin resistance, have been proposed as primary causes

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Fig. 1. Field of a beta cell in a thin section for electron micros-copy showing the main intracellular membrane compartments:rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), Golgi complex, insulin-containing secretory granules (sg) and mitochondria (m).Also visible is a part of an endothelial cell delimiting a capil-lary lumen (En). Normoglycaemic rat. The bar represents1 mm. Unpublished document by L. Orci

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of Type II diabetes [14, 15]. Hyperglycaemic clampexperiments in first-degree relatives of Type II dia-betic patients showed normal glucose tolerance butthere was a clear 25 % reduction in both phases of in-sulin secretion (Fig.5). This multicentre study con-

cluded that, in the group with a first-degree relativewith Type II diabetes, impaired insulin secretion wasabout four to seven times more common than insulinresistance [16]. These results concur with other as-sessments of beta-cell function in similar cohorts andencourage further research into the mechanism of in-sulin secretion [14].

Consensus model for the mechanism of insulinsecretion

The beta-cell is poised to sense glucose to accomplishthe moment-to-moment adaptation of insulin secre-tion to blood glucose fluctuations. This is made possi-ble through particular expression profiles of carbohy-drate transporters and enzymes [17, 18] in the beta-

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Fig. 2. Detail of the periphery of a beta cell showing an insulin-containing secretory granule in the process of exocytosis. Thesecretory granule membrane (sgm) and plasma membrane(pm) are separate in the granule to the left but fused in thegranule to the right, exposing the secretory granule core (sgc)to the extracellular space. Normoglycaemic rat. The bar repre-sents 0.5 mm. Reprinted with permission from L. Orci [4]

Fig. 3. Detail of the beta-cell cytoplasm showing insulin-con-taining secretory granules (sg) and mitochondria (m). The mi-tochondrial outer and inner membranes are visible, the innermembrane folded into mitochondrial cristae. Normoglycaemicrat. The bar represents 0.5 mm. Unpublished document by L.Orci

Fig. 4 A, B. Plasma insulin concentrations during hyperglycae-mic clamp studies at plasma glucose 7.5, 10 and 15 mmol/l. ADiet-treated Type II diabetic patients. B Control subjects.Modified and reprinted with permission from Hosker et al.[13]


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cell (Fig.6). Three main molecular characteristics ofglucose metabolism of the beta cell are of impor-tance. Firstly, in beta cells like in hepatocytes, glucoseequilibrates across the plasma membrane becauseboth cell types express the high capacity, low affinityglucose transporter GLUT 2 [17]. In human betacells, GLUT 2 is only moderately expressed andGLUT 1 dominates [19]. Secondly, glucose phospho-rylation to glucose-6-phosphate is catalysed by highKM hexokinase IV called glucokinase (GK) whichconstitutes the flux determining step for glycolysis[17±20]. This enzyme was early proposed to be theªglucose sensorº [18] and it is now known that muta-tions in glucokinase underlie the impaired insulin se-cretion in MODY2 patients [21]. Thirdly, pyruvategenerated by glycolysis is channelled to the mito-chondria. Indeed, more than 90% of glucose carbonsentering the beta cell are converted to CO2 in the mi-tochondria [22]. In addition, the beta cell has ex-tremely low concentrations of lactate dehydrogenase(LDH), the enzyme catalysing the conversion ofpyruvate to lactate [22±24]. Furthermore, monocarb-oxylate transporter activity in the plasma membraneis low, which explains why pyruvate and lactate arenot insulin secretagogues in native beta cells [23, 24].Pyruvate, which enters the mitochondria, provides

substrate to the Krebs or tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cy-cle. This generates ATP and other mitochondrial fac-tors, which promote insulin secretion [17, 18, 22, 25,26]. Substrate shuttles across the inner mitochondrialmembrane also participate in the generation of mito-chondrial signals by glucose [17, 27].

How, then, is glucose metabolism coupled to insulinsecretion? The universal intracellular second messen-ger Ca2+ [28] is the crucial trigger for the exocytosis ofinsulin [5]. The concentration of ionised Ca2+ in the cy-tosol is raised by glucose in the following way. The in-creased TCA cycle activity leads to the production ofreducing equivalents NADH and the reduced form offlavin adenine dinucleotide (FADH2) in the mito-chondrial matrix [29±31]. Thereby electrons are trans-ferred to the electron transport chain which also re-ceives electrons from the glycerol phosphate shuttle[17, 27]. This has two consequences. Firstly, ATP isgenerated and transferred to the cytoplasm [25]. Sec-ondly, the membrane potential across the inner mito-chondrial membrane (Dym) is hyperpolarised, becom-ing more negative inside [26, 30, 32]. The cytosolicATP, or rather the ATP:ADP ratio increases [18, 33],causing closure of ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels.This was first shown in 1984 in excised beta-cell plas-ma membrane patches [34] and in glucose-stimulatedintact cells [35]. Closure of KATP channels depolarisesthe plasma membrane potential and causes typicalelectrical activity first observed 30 years ago [36]. Thedepolarisation evokes the opening of voltage-sensi-

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Fig. 5. Plasma glucose and insulin concentrations during hy-perglycaemic clamp studies in first-degree relatives of patientswith Type II diabetes (·, n = 50) and control subjects (k,n = 50). Means ± SEM. Reprinted with permission from Pi-menta et al. [16]

Fig. 6. Metabolism-secretion coupling in the beta cell. Glucose(Glc) is phosphorylated by glucokinase (GK). Glucose 6-phos-phate (Glc-6P) is converted to pyruvate (Pyr) through glycoly-sis and is transported into the mitochondria to provide sub-strates to the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. The generatedelectrons are transferred to the respiratory chain (e-transport)which can also be directly stimulated by redox shuttles. Hyper-polarisation of the mitochondrial membrane potential (Dym)increases in [Ca2+]m. The ATP-sensitive K+ channels are closedthrough metabolism. They are directly controlled by sulpho-nylureas and diazoxide. Their closure depolarises the plasmamembrane potential (Dy). The voltage-gated Ca2+ entry raisescytosolic Ca2+ and triggers insulin exocytosis. Leu = Leucine

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tive Ca2+ channels, which are mainly of L-type [37, 38]and Ca2+ enters the cell along its electrochemical gra-dient. In the presence of ATP, Ca2+ stimulates exocyto-sis of insulin granules [5, 39]. The Ca2+ is, however, notonly required for exocytosis but also seems to act as amessenger molecule inside the mitochondria, as firstsuggested for heart and liver cells [40]. This, as dis-cussed below, occurs by mitochondrial membrane po-tential-driven Ca2+ entry and activation of the TCAcycle. It should be noted that, in contrast to glucose,the amino acid leucine, a physiological insulin secreta-gogue, is not transformed in the cytoplasm but directlyenters the mitochondria. The subsequent generationof acetyl CoA stimulates the TCA cycle [41]. Conse-quently, the same down-stream effects as seen withglucose are set in motion. Leucine can thus be used toprobe for defects in the metabolic pathway of glucosethat precede the TCA cycle. Unfortunately, few clini-cal studies in diabetic patients have been done withleucine [42]. Instead, arginine is frequently used [12].Arginine is only weakly metabolised by beta cells.The cationic amino acid depolarises the membranepotential following its accumulation in the beta cell,resulting in an increase in cytosolic Ca2+ [43]. Finally,sulphonylureas bind to the sulphonylurea receptor(SUR), a component of the ATP-sensitive K+ chan-nels, thereby promoting their closure and membranedepolarisation. The sulphonylurea analogue diazox-ide has the opposite effect, causing channel openingand hyperpolarisation (Fig.6) [44].

From the model to some illustrations of the model.Primary islet preparations have been extremely valu-able models for biochemical studies. The laboratoriesof B.Hellman [45]. W.Malaisse [46] and F.Matschins-ky [18], as well as many others have advanced ourknowledge of stimulus-secretion coupling in the betacell.

Over the last two decades permanent beta celllines have proved to be essential for such studies asthey can be genetically manipulated with great ease.We use a highly differentiated rat insulinoma cellline, INS-1, which was established in our laboratory[47]. These cells respond to an increase in the glucoseconcentration from 2.8 to 10 mmol/l with a biphasicinsulin secretion (Fig.7) [47, 48]. For assessment ofsignal transduction, the cells were stably transfectedwith proteins permitting the monitoring of intracellu-lar messengers. Using luciferase-expressing cells,P.Maechler showed that glucose increases cytoplas-mic ATP in living cells [25]. This precedes the rise incytosolic Ca2+ measured with the Ca2+-sensitivephotoprotein aequorin. The biphasic increase in cyto-solic Ca2+ is associated with a biphasic increase in theCa2+ concentration inside the mitochondria [48,49].Leucine, like glucose, raises the cytosolic and mito-chondrial Ca2+ concentrations [49]. The cytosolicCa2+ rise, together with the coupling factors of mito-chondrial origin [32], evoke insulin secretion (Fig.7).

Ca2+ activation of mitochondrial metabolism

Is the rise in mitochondrial Ca2+ involved in signalgeneration? It was first shown by Jean-Claude Hen-quin [50, 51] and Toru Aizawa [52] and their collabo-rators that glucose could stimulate insulin secretionin a KATP-channel independent manner. In a nowwidely used experimental paradigm, diazoxide wasadded to inhibit the closure of KATP-channels by glu-cose (Fig.6). This agent eliminates glucose-inducedelectrical activity, the rise in cytosolic Ca2+ and insulinrelease. Instead, the plasma membrane potential(Dy) is depolarised by K+ causing an increase in cyto-solic Ca2+ to permissive concentrations. Despite thepresence of diazoxide, the addition of stimulatoryglucose concentrations promotes insulin secretion,resembling the slowly increasing second phase of se-cretion (Fig.8) [50, 51].

What is the mechanism underlying the KATP-chan-nel independent stimulation of insulin release? We hy-pothesised that a permissive increased cytosolic Ca2+ isrequired for activation of Ca2+-sensitive enzymes inthe mitochondrial matrix. These enzymes are pyru-vate dehydrogenase (PDH) which catalyses the con-version of pyruvate to acetyl CoA, the two TCA cycleenzymes, NAD-isocitrate dehydrogenase which gen-erates a-ketoglutarate and a-ketoglutarate dehydro-genase producing succinyl CoA [40, 49, 53±56]. Toshow the role of Ca2+ in mitochondrial activation, weused the TCA cycle intermediate succinate which en-ters the cycle at the succinate dehydrogenase step(Fig.9). The latter enzyme links the TCA cycle andthe respiratory chain, of which it constitutes complexII [10]. Succinate, in contrast to its methyl derivatives,does not enter intact beta cells and therefore permea-bilised cells were used. Native beta cells or INS-1 cellswere permeabilised with Staphylococcus aureus a-tox-in [32]. The a-toxin makes small holes in the plasmamembrane but leaves the organellar membranes in-tact. This allows the clamping of the cytosolic concen-trations of ions and nucleotides such as Ca2+ and ATP

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Fig. 7. The increases in cytosolic ATP, cytosolic Ca2+, mito-chondrial Ca2+ and the generation of other coupling factorsall contribute to biphasic glucose-stimulated insulin secretion

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whereas the pores do not allow passage of proteins(Fig.10). At the permissive Ca2+ concentration of500 nmol/l succinate metabolism was increased four-fold compared with 100 nmol/l Ca2+ [56], the restingintracellular Ca2+ concentration of the beta cell [5].This was measured as 14CO2 production from [14C]-la-belled succinate which reflects the activity of the twoCa2+-sensitive TCA cycle enzymes (Fig.9). Similar re-sults have been published previously [55] for the acti-vation of pyruvate dehydrogenase by Ca2+ in perme-abolised HIT-T15 cells, a hamster beta-cell line.

Mitochondrial activation directly stimulatesinsulin exocytosis

Is the increased metabolism of succinate accompa-nied by stimulation of insulin secretion? In the per-meabilised INS-1 cells, succinate hyperpolarises the

Dym which on the other hand, is completely depolar-ised by the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide p-trifluorom-ethyl oxyphenyl-hydrazone (FCCP) (Fig.11). Thesuccinate-induced hyperpolarisation explains therise in mitochondrial Ca2+ [32, 49, 56]. Succinatecaused a pronounced biphasic stimulation of insulinsecretion (Fig.11). This stimulation was shown to de-pend on both the rise in mitochondrial Ca2+ and pro-vision of carbons to the TCA cycle [32]. We can con-clude from these and other experiments that in-creased succinate metabolism in the mitochondrialeads to stimulation of the electron transport chainresulting in the hyperpolarisation of the Dym. Thisdrives Ca2+ uptake by the mitochondria. The mito-chondrial Ca2+ increase acts in a feed-forward man-ner to stimulate the TCA cycle (Fig.9). This in turngenerates a mitochondrial factor which activates theexocytotic release of insulin. The same sequence ofevents is seen in intact cells stimulated with glucose,i. e. hyperpolarisation of Dym and increased mito-chondrial Ca2+ and TCA cycle-dependent generationof a coupling factor distinct from ATP [32, 48, 49,56]. The mitochondrial factor was subsequently iden-tified as glutamate [57].

Role of mitochondrial DNA in insulin secretion

It is thus clear that the respiratory chain is crucial forsignal generation not only from succinate but alsofrom glucose. The five enzyme complexes (CI toCV) of the chain are localised on the cristae of the in-ner mitochondrial membrane and the electron flux

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Fig. 8 A, B. Effects of high glucose (G20 mmol/l) on insulin se-cretion (A) at permissive cytosolic Ca2+ (B). Cytosolic Ca2+

was increased by the addition of K+ (30 mmol/l) but was notchanged by high glucose as diazoxide (250 mmol/l) was presentthroughout. The stimulation of insulin secretion (A) is thus in-dependent of the activity of ATP-sensitive K+ channels underthese conditions. A ·, 20 mmol/l glucose; 0.6 mmol/l glucose.B ¾, 20 mmol/l glucose; - - -, 6 mmol/l glucose. Reprinted withpermission from Henquin et al. [51]

Fig. 9. Schematic representation of the tricarboxylic acid(TCA) cycle. Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), preceding theTCA cycle, as well as FAD isocitrate dehydrogenase and a-ke-toglutarate dehydrogenase are activated by Ca2+. The lattertwo enzymes generate electrons and CO2. Note that succinatedehydrogenase constitutes complex II of the respiratory chain

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establishes a proton gradient across the inner mem-brane by extrusion of protons at complexes I, III andIV (Fig.12). This proton gradient provides the energyfor ATP synthesis from ADP and inorganic phos-phate at complex V, the ATP synthase [10, 58]. Col-lapse of the proton gradient results in dissipation ofthe membrane potential (as elicited by FCCP) andblocks ATP synthesis [25]. The respiratory chaincomplexes are comprised of about one hundredpolypeptide subunits of which 13 are encoded by themitochondrial DNA, the remainder by the nuclearDNA. Nuclear DNA regulates the replication, tran-scription and translation of the mitochondrial DNA.This occurs through the import of proteins from thecytosol. Together the nuclear and the mitochondrialDNA accomplish the expression of the respiratorychain enzymes and normal oxidative phosphorylation[58±60]. Defects in oxidative metabolism lead to vari-ous disease phenotypes involving mainly organs ofhigh energy need such as muscle, neurons and endo-crine cells [58±61].

The first mitochondrial disease was described byRolf Luft and associates in 1959 who reported a hy-permetabolic syndrome in a patient with normal thy-roid function [62, 63]. In 1992, linkage was describedbetween mitochondrial DNA mutations and diabetesfor both a deletion [64] and a point mutation [65].The mitochondrial genome is a compact double-stranded DNA containing almost exclusively codingregions. In addition to the 13 polypeptides of the re-spiratory chain enzyme complexes, the mitochondrialDNA (mtDNA) encodes 22 transfer RNAs and tworibosomal RNAs [58±61]. A mutational hot spotseems to be the tRNALeu(UUR) [61, 66].

Mitochondrial diabetes accounts for approximate-ly 1 to 2% of all cases of diabetes [58, 66]. The diseaseis maternally inherited due to the transmission modeof mtDNA. The patients show progressive impair-ment of insulin secretion and the type 2 phenotypemay eventually deteriorate to overt insulin depen-

dence. There is a frequent association with nervedeafness. The mitochondrial DNA mutations includedeletions, substitutions and point mutations, e. g. inposition bp3243 of tRNALeu(UUR). Patients with themutation in position bp3243 in the tRNALeu(UUR)

gene have impaired insulin secretion during an oralglucose tolerance test. The impairment was found tobe most pronounced in diabetic patients also suffer-ing from deafness [66]. To gain further insight intothe function of the mitochondria that carry DNA mu-tations, clonal cell lines (cybrids) have been estab-lished which harbour these mitochondria [67]. Skin fi-

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Fig. 11 A±C. Succinate hyperpolarises the mitochondrialmembrane potential (A), raises intramitochondrial Ca2+ (B)and stimulates insulin secretion (C) in INS-1 cells permeabi-lised with Staphylococcus aureus a-toxin. Rh 123 = rhodamine123. Modified and reprinted with permission from Maechleret al. [32]

Fig. 10. Scheme of an insulin-secreting cell in which the plasmamembrane has been premeabilised with Staphylococcus aureusa-toxin. The pores allow the equilibration of the intracellularand extracellular spaces with respect to small solutes such asCa2+, ATP and succinate




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broblasts, like all cells from patients with the 3243point mutation in the tRNALeu(UUR), are heteroplas-mic, that is, mutated and non-mutated mitochondrialDNA coexist within the same cell. In a patient withthis mutation, 63% heteroplasmy of mtDNA was re-ported in beta cells, a value much higher than in theother tissues examined [68]. To enrich for mutatedDNA, the skin fibroblasts were enucleated to yieldcytoplasts containing the mitochondria. These cyto-plasts were then fused with recipient cells, an osteosa-rcoma cell line, which had been depleted of mito-chondrial DNA (r0 cells) by treatment with ethidiumbromide [67]. This agent binds to DNA and becauseof the low repair capacity of mitochondrial DNAthere is elimination of mitochondrial but not of nucle-ar DNA [69]. After fusion of patient cytoplasts withthe recipient mitochondria-free r0 cells, cybrids wereestablished. These were selected for clones with thehighest degree of heteroplasmy, approaching 100%mutated mtDNA and were compared with cybridscontaining 100% non-mutated (wild-type) mtDNA.The cell lines replenished with mutated mtDNA ex-hibit considerably reduced oxidative phosphorylationas reflected by reduced O2 consumption [67]. The mi-tochondria harbouring mutated mtDNA also present

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Fig. 12. Scheme of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Theenzyme complexes CI to CVare located at the inner mitochon-drial membrane and the flux of electrons along the chain estab-lishes the proton gradient which generates the membrane po-tential (inside negative). Þ electron flux; proton flux. Re-printed with permission from Rötig et al. [58]


Fig. 13. A Loss of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in INS-1 r0 cells (rho). B K+-stimulated insulin secretion is preservedin the r0 cells devoid of mitochondrial DNA. ± ± INS-1;±k± INS-1 rho. Reprinted with permission from Kennedy et al.[26]



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altered morphology. When stained with the mito-chondria dye Mito Tracker they are small and round-ed, resembling those of the r0 cells. This contrastswith the normal mitochondria which have rod and fil-ament-like shapes [67].

Beta-cell model of mitochondrial diabetes

The importance of intact mtDNA for normal insulinsecretion can also be studied directly in insulin-secret-ing cells using a similar approach. Our group estab-lished mitochondrial DNA-deficient r0 INS-1 cells.Again, the mitochondria of the r0 cells were smalland round, contrasting with the typical rod shape ofthe control cells. These r0 cells were indeed deficientin oxidative phosphorylation as shown by the absenceof detectable cytochrome c oxidase activity. Further-more, glucose failed to hyperpolarise Dym and didnot increase ATP concentrations in INS-1 r0 cells[26]. Thus glycolysis alone is not sufficient to generateappropriate increases in ATP. Do INS-1 r0 cells se-crete insulin? Glucose-stimulated insulin secretionwas completely abolished in the r0 cells, whereas de-polarisation with potassium, which raises cytosolicCa2+ independent of cellular metabolism [48, 51], still

evoked insulin secretion (Fig.13). Thus the chemicalelimination of mitochondrial DNA leads to completeinhibition of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion[26]. Some experiments have, however, shown thatformation of cybrids between enucleated donor cellscontaining normal mitochondria and r0 cells of themouse beta-cell line MIN6 permitted restoration ofglucose-induced insulin secretion [70]. These experi-ments thus unequivocally show the pivotal role of themitochondria in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.

Maturity-onset diabetes of the young

Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) is amonogenic, autosomal dominant, early onset form ofType II diabetes which was first described by StefanFajans in 1975 [71]. It could account for 2 to 5% ofType II diabetic patients [72]. In 1992 MODY2 waslinked to mutations in glucokinase [73]. In 1996, thegenes for MODY1 and MODY3 were identified, re-spectively as hepatocyte nuclear factor 4a (HNF-4a)[74] and HNF-1a [75]. The MODY4 subform is alsoa transcription factor, namely IPF-1/IDX-1/PDX-1/STF-1/IUF-1 (a dear child bears many names!) [76].Mutations in IPF-1 have very recently been suggest-ed to confer susceptibility to late-onset Type II diabe-tes [77, 78]. The rare MODY5 subform has beenlinked to HNF-1b [79]. The genes for additionalMODY sub-types are now being described [80]. TheMODY2 subform is less severe [21] than the others[74, 75], many of which can eventually require insulintherapy [81, 82]. Except in MODY2, microvascularcomplications are generally present [81, 82]. In allcases, the pathophysiology involves beta-cell dys-function. Patients with MODY3 barely respond toglucose with stimulation of insulin secretion, whereas

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Fig. 14. Scheme for the controlled overexpression of a domi-nant-negative HNF-1a mutant. INS-1 cells stably expressingthe reverse tetracycline transactivator (rtTA) were transfectedwith the gene encoding dominant-negative HNF-1a mutantplaced under the control of the tetracycline operator (TetO).Tetracycline doxycycline produces dominant-negative HNF-1a (s) which forms non-functional dimers with the endoge-nous, wild-type HNF-1a ( ). Thereby the transcription ofHNF-1a target genes is suppressed

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the marker-positive subjects without diabetes re-spond normally at intermediate glucose concentra-tions. Above 8 mmol/l, they also, however, have con-siderable inhibition of insulin secretion during gradedi.v. glucose infusions [83]. The MODY3/HNF-1agene comprises ten exons. Mutations have been de-scribed in the promoter region and in all exons [75,81, 82]. The gene encodes a dimerisation domain atthe N-terminus of the protein, a DNA-binding do-main in the middle of the molecule and a C-terminaltransactivation domain [81, 84]. Mutations can causeloss of function either by haploinsufficiency, that is,reduced gene dosage, or through a dominant-nega-tive mechanism.

Beta-cell model of MODY3

Our group investigated the dominant-negative actionof HNF-1a mutations to examine the role of thetranscription factor in gene expression and metabo-lism-secretion coupling in the beta cell [85]. Con-trolled overexpression of HNF-1a mutations wasachieved (Fig.14). In a two-step procedure, the dom-inant-negative HNF-1a was placed under the controlof the reverse tetracycline transactivator. When suchINS-1 cells are exposed to doxycycline, a tetracyclineanalogue, the increased binding of the reverse tetra-cycline transactivator promotes transcription of thedominant-negative HNF-1a. As this expression ex-ceeds that of the endogenous wild-type HNF-1a,non-functional dimers are formed. Hepatic nuclearfactor 1a can only activate transcription after dimeri-sation. Because the dominant-negative HNF-1a mu-

tants are devoid of DNA-binding capacity, the com-plexes can no longer attach to the HNF-1a bindingsites in the specific promoter regions of the targetgenes [84]. The transcription of insulin, of the glu-cose transporter GLUT 2 and of liver-type pyruvatekinase was suppressed in INS-1 cells after treatmentwith doxycycline [85].The induction of dominant-negative HNF-1a also affects metabolism-secretioncoupling.

Two days of induction of dominant-negative HNF-1a considerably reduced both glucose and leucine ox-idation (Fig.15). This was measured as the produc-tion of 14CO2 from 14C-labelled nutrients. Similarly,ATP production during stimulation with either glu-cose or leucine was completely abolished. This wasassociated with suppressed glucose-stimulated insulinsecretion. The effect evoked by leucine was alsostrongly inhibited. The cells still synthesised andstored insulin as potassium depolarisation-mediatedsecretion was much less affected (Fig.15) [85].

We can surmise that HNF-1a not only controls theexpression of insulin and the glucose transporterGLUT 2 but also controls generation of metaboliccoupling factors in the mitochondria (Fig.16). Aftersuppression of HNF-1a function TCA cycle activityis decreased, as reflected by reduced CO2 productionfrom glucose and leucine. Consequently, the ATPproduction evoked by both glucose and leucine wasabolished. This results in impaired membrane depo-larisation and cytosolic Ca2+ rises elicited by the twonutrient secretagogues [85]. It has been observedthat both glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and cy-tosolic Ca2+ rises are abrogated in islets from HNF-1aknock-out mice [86]. These mice are diabetic but incontrast to MODY3 patients heterozygous mice arenormoglycaemic. Although MODY is a monogenicdisease, it can teach us many lessons for the better un-derstanding of the more common forms of Type II di-abetes. In particular, the role of transcription factorsin the aetiology of the disease must be further investi-gated [77, 78].

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Fig. 15. Nutrient oxidation, ATP generation and insulin secre-tion are inhibited after induction of dominant-negative HNF-1a in INS-1 cells. Mitochondrial oxidation was measured asCO2 production from 14C-labelled glucose and leucine. &Non-induced; induced. Reprinted with permission fromWang et al. [85]

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One of Claude Bernard's principles for medical sci-ence was the importance of the close relation be-tween the clinic and the research laboratory. Thisconcept is of high actuality in diabetes research wherethe description of specific clinical phenotypes has ledto the discovery of the MODY diabetes genes. Theimpact of mutations in these genes on beta-cell func-tion will most certainly help to clarify the role of themitochondria in the common polygenic form of TypeII diabetes. This should be achieved through identifi-cation of new target genes for HNF-1a and the othertranscription factors which have been linked to themonogenic MODY syndromes. Further clinical stud-ies with leucine and other insulin secretagogues ofknown mitochondrial action should help explain theproposed dysfunction of mitochondrial signal genera-tion in the beta cell of the Type II diabetic patient.The definition of new metabolic coupling factors ofmitochondrial origin [57] will also further our under-standing of clinical conditions with impaired insulinsecretion or with hyperinsulinism [87].

Acknowledgements. I am greatly indebted to the European As-sociation for the Study of Diabetes and to the Paul NeumanFoundation for the honour of having been selected as 1998Claude Bernard lecturer. I should like to reiterate my gratitude

to my mentor, the late Professor Albert Renold, who not onlyintroduced me to diabetes research but also supported and en-couraged me for the first sixteen years of my academic career. Iwould also like to mention two other mentors, Professor G.Sharp of Cornell University and Professor T. Pozzan of the Uni-versity of Padua who introduced me to various aspects of bio-chemistry and cell biology. I am also grateful to Professor L.Orci of the University of Geneva. It is impossible to enumerateall collaborators over the years who have contributed to theconcepts presented in this lecture but I am particularly gratefulto my present collaborators Dr P. Meachler, Dr J. Lang, Dr H.Wang, Ms K. Hagenfeldt, Dr H. Ishihara and Dr P. Antinozzi. Iam particularly indebted to Ms J. Gunn for invaluable help inthe screening of the literature and the preparation of manu-scripts.

The support to my research by the Swiss National ScienceFoundation is gratefully acknowledged.


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