The Best of  July 2015

Best of the Daily Double, July 2015

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The best articles from the the Daily Double and Photojournalism classes, First Session, 2015.

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  • The Best of

    July 2015

  • Best of the Daily Double Session One: July 2015

    Period ThreePatricia Cozy Cherry ArensEleanor Sheepie Berkenblit

    Lily Burrito Frappucino BiroSophie FINESHED Biro

    Anthony Best Hummus Ever BorrelliVirginia NUF Borrelli

    Lily Take It To The Brink BrinkmanCasey Charming Corcoran

    Natalie Belle DeanChristine Dalek Foster

    Bennett Bill Dye the Dippin Guy HimmelAlexandra Dunicorn Janower

    Nina El laberinto del fauno KahnFrancesca Loopy LodovicoCiaran String Bean Murphy

    Lily OH NO! OehlkersAaron Political Pen

    Orly Shine Bright Like a Diamond Shiner

    Period FiveWalker Nintendo Adams

    Christopher Big Bear ChenBenjamin He Who Must Not Be Named Fogler

    Eli BIRTHDAY BOY GrassiAlexander The Hatted Hailman

    Leah Woodward and Bernstein KoritzGabe Jacky Levine

    Zach Cook...ies LevineLeslie Muse Marsh

    Julia Too Scared of the Underworld MartinTawanda Homerun Masiiwa

    Michelle Over The MoonSarah Cartwheels Parrish

    Photojournalism ClassCaroline Big Money Bedikian

    Hannah Scotland IrelandIoana Hope We Spelled This Right Marinescu

    Sophia Noseworthy

    EditorsWalker Lily Anderson

    Lauren Jack BlackBen Bee Boy Boyd

    Jack John BealGus Ganna Laughlin

    Gabbie Just Watchin Goats MartucciAnna Madonna Oehlkers

    Chautauqua Zazar Zippley Ordway

    Special ThanksPrintsmith Needham

    Roxanne AurismaBen Oehlkers

    All of the States!By Sophie Biro and Orly Shiner

    Look for the articles with the special wavy border to learn interesting trivia about the 50 states sprinkled throughout this publication!

    Alabama - Alabama was the first school system to teach Italian. They did this because because no one could read the menus at the Italian restaurants.


    Editors NotesBy Sophie Biro

    I have to write an article like this every year just so remind everyone about these. Walker (the editor) sometimes writes notes on peoples articles (mostly mine) talking about what is wrong with the article. You dont really have to worry about them because (as I said before) usually I am the ONLY one that gets them. Want to know why? Because Walker is evil and knows I hate them, so he writes them on only my articles. Anyways, I just thought I should write an article to explain just how evil Walker can be.

    My NicknamesBy Ben Fogler

    Hi CRCAP!!! Hope youre doing well at camp! Wait a second. Why am I saying that? Of course youre doing well at camp! Anyway...I have to tell you something.

    You all know (or at least most of you do) that I have changed my nickname over the past few weeks. I am now deciding on a new nickname. Yes, yes, I know, everyone goes boo and all but before you stop reading this let me just tell you that this is the final nickname. Unfortunately, I have not decided on the new nickname so I cannot tell you what what it might be and end the matter there. Because I know that most of you may not like this I promise I will get back to you as soon as I can. And that is all. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Byebyebye!

    Goat-astropheBy Lily Oehlkers

    The other day at camp there was a CIT meeting. Me and Ben. O had to stay to wait for our sister, Anna O. Anna said she would catch up with us in a sec, so we headed for the car. When we got there, we saw two goats roaming around in the parking lot! We were confused because we didnt know if they were supposed to be out of the pen. I was told they were let out during the school year to eat the poison ivy, but we couldnt be sure quite yet. Me and another woman that was visiting campus tried to round the two goats up. Ben called Aaron to see what the heck they were doing out of the pen. Apparently, they werent supposed to be out of their pen and he was going to come over to get them back in. Jay (I presume) had to wait for Eliza and came to help us. As we held down the pen (electricity off of course) and we pushed the 2 goats in, the 2 other goats jumped out. As we tried to get ahold of the goats that had fled, the 2 original goats jumped out again and suddenly all four goats were out and about. Aaron had gotten there at this point and had already started to round one of the larger goats up. Ben attempted to hold back the other large goat and I eventually got one of the smaller goats into the pen and I used up all my strength just trying to hold it back and keep the pen down. Gabbie M. and Drew then came over and Drew tried taking the last goat. Anna came over and just stood and watched along with Gabbie M. Everything happened so fast and soon we finally got all the goats back in the pen. Lets just say, I had quite the story to tell my parents in the end.

    Interview on Kelsey T.By Walker Adams

    1. What is your favorite class at crcap?Creepy creatures

    2. How many cars do you have? 1 car

    3. What is your favorite retro game? Legends of Zelda: Ocarina of Time [N64]

    4. How many trees are in your yard?So many!

    5. What does the fox say? Nothing

    Alaska - One of the first states allow penguins to live with their residents. This is because they had no where to live because of the lack of aquariums. Arizona - Invented fish and

    chips because many of the residents hated fish, but loved french fries.

  • Interview with Ella the Guest DancerBy Leslie Marsh and Sarah Parrish

    1. How old were you when you started dancing and why did you start?I was 4 years old. Well literally since I could remember, Ive been moving. So my parents said that I needed to get into a dance class. The first dance program I did was tap because it was dance that went with the beat.

    2. What is a tip you would give to young dancers for their futures?Train very hard. Including not just physically putting yourself in classes, but eat healthy. And follow your gut and dive into your fear.

    3. What was your favorite part of your trip to Trinidad and what did you learn?My favorite part was performing for Benjai, hes a Soca artist. I learned to follow my passions, dreams, and goals no matter how hard it may be. I also learned to stay humble and to love who I am and where I come from.

    4. How many years did you work at CRCAP and what did you teach?5 years. I taught Power Tumbling, Acrobatics Club, and Little Hip Hop and Big Hip Hop.

    5. What are your plans for the future regarding dance?I hope to teach dance to kids all over the world. Hopefully also choreograph for artists.

    6. What is your favorite style of dance?Hip hop, Soca, dancehall and modern.

    7. What are your other interests and hobbies besides dance?Music and Singing! I am also a singer so I do them together. Also traveling and being outdoors and going on crazy adventures.

    An Interview with KevinBy Ciaran

    Was the ice cream social fun in your opinion?Kevin: Yes

    If you could meet any person, dead or alive, who would you meet?Kevin: Johann Sebastian Bach

    If you could have any superpower what would you have?Kevin: Total recall

    How long have you been teaching at CRCAP?Kevin: (Intermittently) five years

    Were you a camper, and if so, when did you start? Kevin: I was not (a camper).

    When you were in school,what was your favorite subject?Kevin: All of them

    What classes have you taught while you were a CIT/ counselor?Kevin: Freelancers, Production, Child Ballads, Show Tunes, Musical Parody, Electronic Music, Improv a Musical, String Beans, Mini Musical, Mini Showtunes, A Cappella, Video Music

    The evening news paperBy Zach Levine

    Chapter One: during the Festival Period, free games, playing Mario on Thursday, Week 3, Steve wanted to do this cool glitch so much, he kept stealing the controller so much it was very annoying, P.S not to be mean or anything, ok. When he was playing he killed himself to go back to level 2, since the glitch was on level 2, then festival period was over. To Be Continued.

    Chapter 2: Today during Daily Double, Barrett and Gus were fighting in the room next to the Daily Double room. Gus said get out and waved a flag at her so much the flag cracked in half.And I said around 20 times for her to get out of the room.

    Chapter 3: During the free game, Festival Period, we used a Nintendo and Id give it a five star rating out of 100. P.S. its the original Nintendo.

    Interview with Gus:What is your favorite color? purpleCan you reach your nose with your tongue? yesDo you like pineapples more then cookies? noAge? 17

    Interview with Lauren: yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Favorite kind of cookie? peanut butter chocolate chip!Favorite kind of muffin? cranberry!Favorite kind of munchkin? glazed!Favorite kind of food? raspberries!


  • The Ice Cream Social!!!!! (Super helpful for new campers)By Leslie Marsh

    The ice cream social is coming up this thursday(tomorrow)!! It takes place during festival period and it is always a blast!!! It is also a great way to make new friends, create inside jokes, and socialize with other campers that you might not normally talk to!

    Here is a list in order of steps that I suggest you should take in order to have the best time at the ice cream social!

    1. Make a new friend or a group of friends! I highly suggest finding a person that you just met to go with! If you just go with your best friend that youve known since preschool, you wont be able to make a new friend. You can also go with a group of new friends. Your group can be as large or small as youd like! Dont exclude anyone though! If you cant find anyone to go with, thats no problem! A lot of the counselors and CITs take large groups of kids to the party. You also, without a doubt, can come with me! The whole purpose and idea around the ice cream social is that you will leave with a new friend or many new friends!

    2. Think of three similarities that you have with your new friend or group! When you make new friends, it is always great to know about each other! Also, you are not allowed into the social without telling a counselor what your three similarities are. They can be as vague or vivid as youd like! For example, they can simply be: we are both girls, OR it can be: We both have the same birthday and our siblings do too. However detailed or non-detailed you make it, you will still be let in.

    3. Make up a special handshake with your new friend(s)! Another requirement to enter the social is that you must demonstrate your handshake. This handshake is be one that you will have forever with your new friend or group! It does not have to be complicated! A high five will get you in!

    4. Complete an obstacle course with your new buddy or group! There will be an obstacle course set up in the cafeteria. This is another requirement to get in! It is not hard at all but it allows you to bond with your new friend(s)!

    5. Get stamped! Once you have completed the similarities, the handshake, and the obstacle course, you cant forget to get your hand stamped! This stamp is what lets you into the social! It is usually a smiley face that one of the counselors will draw on your hand with a sharpie.

    6. Get ice cream! Now it is time for the best part of all: the ice cream! There are usually a few different flavors including vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry! Dont forget to pile your bowl high with all the toppings of your choice!

    7. Have fun socializing with all your new best friends while enjoying ice cream and watching the counselor band! The counselor band will perform on the tent stage and they are very entertaining! They play a number of different songs! Use this time to talk more with your buddies and to bond over the music and delicious ice cream! The band wont stop until the cowbell rings at the end of festival period!

    And there you have it! That is the full schedule of the ice cream social! If you follow it, I can guarantee you that you will have the time of your life! The ice cream social is not meant to be stressful and if you are having trouble finding a buddy, you can always go with a counselor or me! You also are not required to go to the social and there will be other festival period offerings! You can also go for just a portion of the period and then transition to another activity. Have fun!

    A Recipe For A Happy SummerBy Sophie Biro

    At least one session of CRCAP for funLots of ice cream for sweetness (unlimited amount)One vacation for relaxationTwo days of nothing for mental healthOne beach day for coolnessOne salad for nutrition (not required AT ALL) Two new friends for companyOne day of just watching TV because why notAt least 8 hours a sleep a day to prevent looking like a zombieOne sunburn for bragging rightsOne book for smartness


    Arkansas - First state to allow people to marry each other because they believed in love.

  • The Goat Field Trip: Goat Profiles in Collaboration between the Daily Double and Photojournalism classesBy Lily Oehlkers, Lily Brinkman, Eleanor Berkenblit, Virginia BorrelliPhotos By Hannah Ireland, Ioana Marinescou, Caroline Bedikian, Sophia Noseworthy

    Yesterday we went to the goats pen near the carpool circle. The goats have a big pen that they can run around in. There are four goats in the pen. What the goats do is head-but each other and bahahahaha. Lily B. did an interview with the black and white haired goat. The name of the goat is Black Collar (according to us).

    Do you like where you live, Black Collar?Bahahahahaha (yes). I have a lot of space.

    Do you like people?Black Collar licks his foot. No response, but he runs away.

    Lily O. did observations on the goats.

    A few interesting things happened while we were there. The black goat got up on his hind legs to get food (leaves) from a tree. This could be called an adaptation, something animals arent born with but teach themselves or are taught by others in order to survive. Black Collar was one of the smaller goats, and he had a different way of getting food.

  • Virginia observed the black goat.

    The black goat smiles a lot. He also has a small, tiny tail. Goats stand up on a tree to eat. This goat had surprisingly small ears. Other goats had huge ears. Goats make small noises without their mouth moving.

    Ellie did a profile of the bearded goat.

    The bearded goat has knobby knees with black on the front of his legs and two toes on each hoof. His hair is brown, lighter on the belly and the backs of the legs. He has a short, straight tail and, he wears a red collar. There is a black stripe down his back and his nose. The bearded goat has long ears, a black beard, and yellow eyes with ovular pupils. Being the smallest goat, he is antisocial and stands away from the other goats. The black goat (being larger) pushes him so that he stays near the little house dome in the center of the pen. Like the other goats, the bearded goat stands on his hind legs to eat leaves from the trees as well as eating leaves from the ground.

    We do not know who owns and takes care of the goats. If you have any information, please let us know. We are all very curious to know who takes care of the goats.

  • Breaking News for Ariana Grande Fans!By Leslie Marsh

    This Fourth of July, Ariana Grande made a decision that would haunt her life forever. While accompanied by her boyfriend, who is also one of her backup dancers, her disgusting remarks were caught on camera in an ordinary donut shop. All of a sudden, she reached for a donut off the counter while the employees had their backs turned. She never actually purchased the donut before taking a few sniffs and a lick from it. Then, to add to the repulsiveness, when an employee came out from the back of the store with a tray of more glazed donuts, she decided to blurt out the offensive words, I hate Americans. I hate America! making Independence Day not so patriotic. After realizing how disturbed her fans were, she attempted to apologize to her loyal fans in a video that she posted, stating that she is extremely proud to be American and that her remarks were taken out of context. After the crime went viral, she decided to opt out of performing in the MLB All-Star game concert, but claims that is has nothing to do with the donut shop incident. Instead, she says that it has to do with a recent surgery on her wisdom teeth, and Demi Lovato will be replacing her spotlight at the game this Saturday. Grandes fans will never look at her the same.

    WORLD NEWSHappy Birthday to the Oldest Person in the World!!By Leah Koritz

    Susannah Mushatt Jones turned one hundred sixteen today (July 6), and shes the oldest person in the world! Susannah lives in Brooklyn, New York, and has lived longer then all of her ten siblings. She now has more than one hundred nephews and nieces. Susannah was born in a little town near Montgomery, Alabama. After she graduated high school in 1922, every day shed work helping her family with their job: pick crops. But, she only worked picking crops for a short amount of time. After a year, she left to work as a nanny in New Jersey. Later, she moved to New York. After New York, Susannah decided to work with a group of people that were in her class during high school to help start a scholarship fund for African-American women to go to college who couldnt afford it. Susannah was living with no help until she was one hundred six. The second oldest living person in the world is Emma Morano-Martinuzzi, who is one hundred fifteen years old, and lives in Italy. The oldest person in recorded history is Jeanne Calment, who was one hundred twenty two years old when she died. She lived in France. Susannah is blind because of a condition called glaucoma. She is also hard of hearing. But, she has been very healthy for years. Susannah goes to the doctor only once every four months, and takes vitamins every day. When asked what the secret is to living this long, she says its not smoking, and sleeping a lot.

    If the 2015 MLB Playoffs Started TodayBy Chris Chen

    Here are my 2015 MLB Playoff Predictions if the regular season ended today.

    American League:Wild Card: 4. Minnesota Twins vs. 5. Houston Astros- Winner: Minnesota TwinsALDS: 1. Kansas City Royals vs. 4. Minnesota Twins- Winner: Royals 2. Los Angeles Angels vs. 3. New York Yankees- Winner: YankeesALCS: 1. Kansas City Royals vs. 3. New York Yankees- Winner: Royals

    National League:Wild Card: 4. Pittsburgh Pirates vs. 5. Chicago Cubs- Winner: PiratesNLDS: 1. St. Louis Cardinals vs. 4. Pittsburgh Pirates- Winner: Pirates 2. Los Angeles Dodgers vs. 3. Washington Nationals- Winner: DodgersNLCS: 2. Los Angeles Dodgers vs. 4. Pittsburgh Pirates- Winner: Dodgers

    World Series:1. Kansas City Royals vs. 2. Los Angeles Dodgers- Winner: Royals

  • Pluto Compilation!By Alexander Hailman

    A best-of exclusive compilation of two news articles I did on the New Horizons mission to Pluto.

    Spots on Pluto!

    The American New Horizons mission to Pluto has recently released two pictures of the dwarf planet Pluto and its moon Charon. That in itself is great: the fact that in this day and age unmanned missions periodically go out to the farthest reaches of the solar system. Whats weird is that four dark spots, in a line, each about 500km in diameter, have been spotted by the probes cameras. Scientists have been baffled as to why four dark circles of such similar shape, size and color should be seen on the dwarf planets surface, as well as why Pluto looks so different from its moon Charon, which we think may have formed in with Pluto. The spacecraft New Horizons is scheduled to fly past Pluto on the 14th of July. The images and information gained from this flyby, which will be transmitted the following day, will provide some clues or answers to these two questions. It may also enlighten us about other things, such as Plutos and Charons strange polar caps.

    More on Pluto

    On Monday, July 13th, the American probe (unmanned space vessel that gathers information) New Horizons performed a historic fly-by of the dwarf planet Pluto. It was carrying the ashes of the discoverer of Pluto, Clyde Tombaugh. This was on the 50th anniversary of the first fly-by of our nearest planet, Mars. The photos were transmitted to Earth the following day, as Pluto is billions of miles away. So far, in fact, that the speedy probe took 9 years to get to Pluto (it was launched in 2006). This was before Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet because of the fact that it is part of a belt of asteroids and other objects, such as Ceres of the asteroid belt and Pluto of the Kuiper belt. But back to news: the New Horizons mission settled a debate about Pluto: namely its size. Plutos diameter seems to be 2,371 kilometers, greater than previous estimates. Looking to the future: The information transmitted to Earth will be continued to be processed by top astronomists. In the meantime, New Horizons will continue to explore other objects in the Kuiper Belt. For Science!!!

    NFL NewsBy Casey Corcoran

    Russell Wilson is expected to make a five year contract with Seattle for $110 million dollars and $50 million guaranteed. If he gets the deal he wants, he will be the highest payed player in football. When it comes to money, this is what Wilson says to ESPN reporter, Marty Smith: I continue to love the game for what it is and continue to fight and continue to play no matter how much Im getting paid, no matter if its $25 million or if its $1.5 million.

    Troy Vincent, the NFLs vice president of football operations, criticizes the NFLPA (National Football League Players Association) about how they went about Roger Goodells ability to suspend players. Vincent was interviewed by ESPN.coms Ashley Fox and said about the NFLPAs spending on court fees, Look at the amount of money being spent on legal fees for a handful of people. Its millions and millions of dollars, and weve got players that are hurting. Weve got young men who dont know how to identify a good financial adviser. Men are in transition who arent doing well, and yet $8-10 million a year is spent in court fees about who should make a decision on someone, who in some cases has committed a crime.

    The Philadelphia Eagles sign John Moffitt, a 2011 third-round draft pick by the Seattle Seahawks to a one year deal. Moffitt used performance-enhancing drugs and was suspended by the NFL in his rookie year. In 2013, the Seahawks traded him to the Denver Broncos, but he retired after two games. At the time of his retirement, Moffitt said that he was concerned about his long term health.

    Thats all for today! I know that I said that I would have a sports newspaper pocket up on the Activity Center, but I havent gotten to do it yet. Sorry for the delay. I will try to get it up as soon as I can. Thanks!

    California - Created Coca-Cola because of their lack of water. Someday, they plan to fill all their rivers with it.

    Colorado - Hates skiing because they get bored of it. They want people to know that skiing isnt the only thing they do.

    Connecticut - The biggest state. Not only does it have the most land, but also the most jaguars of any other U.S. state. Delaware - Next to Florida,

    but it takes 6 hours to get there because of the intense winds.

    Florida - Is not next to Delaware, but is first cousins with Hawaii. Their aunt is California.

  • Arts and Entertainment

    The Enigma of Reactions after a Death of a StarBy Bennett Himmel

    How did people react when Michael Jackson was downward spiraling? They made fun of him. He was the butt of every joke. But once he died, everyone kept saying stuff like, Oh, he was so talented. Miss u MJ ;(. When Amy Winehouse died, everyone cried and now there is a movie about her. Why do us humans do things like this? We make fun of everyone who is really struggling, and then when they die, we cry and say nice things. Maybe we could have saved them. I guess it is human nature to cry when somebody dies, but why when we have made fun of them? MJ? He dangled his kid, Blanket over a balcony. Not to mention he named his kid BLANKET. He was going through some serious issues, and we all made fun of him. Then we all get sad once he died. Amy Winehouse we all made fun of. We made fun of her serious drug addiction and alcoholism, her hair, and we all joked about her and she cried. We even ignored her talent. Now, as we approach 4 years of her being dead, we have a movie out about her. Janis Joplin? Made fun of, then we mourn. Kurt Cobain? Same thing. It all is a shame. But, I guess that is just how we function.

    Letter to My Future SelfBy Patricia Arens

    Dear Patricia,

    Hello there! Is everything going fine? Thats what it looks like!

    I am amazed that you still like the same things you enjoyed doing 30 years ago, when you were about 14, just like me! You still love sports ( Swimming is your favorite, am I right? I hope so!) And you also went to see that exciting soccer game (Holland played against the United States in 2030 ... Holland won and they became world champions , but its all right). You love traveling, and that is why you went to visit a lot of places in the world . Did you really learn Japanese?! Thats incredible!

    I am glad to see that you were able to realize all the wishes you had when you were a child. You followed your passion for Physics and Maths You just cant imagine how happy I am about that. You went to Space, to do some research. Congrats!! Its amazing how hard youve been working in the past 30 years. You also met your role models: Brian May and Arjen Robben. Thank you for that!

    It looks like it is a really exciting life, doesnt it? Even if you are older now, you can still do whatever you like. (You are not that old, dont worry !!). Ive also got some advice for you: spend your time wisely! Dont lose it, because it will never ever come back to visit you! And dont move to Italy! Continue living in England it is such a nice country!

    I cant wait to go through your (my) life again. I am looking forward to it

    Best wishes,Past Patricia

    1776By Eleanor Berkenblit

    My dad is in a show called 1776, and I have been strongly encouraged to review it in the Daily Double to increase ticket sales. I went to opening night on June 26. It was really good and educational; there were songs and complex costumes. 1776 is about the making and signing of the Declaration of Independence. It is a local show by MMAS in Mansfield; the performance is done in the Bethany Church in Foxboro near the rotary. My dad plays Joseph Hewes, the Congressman from North Carolina. He and other southern delegates have perfected their southern accents for your enjoyment. My dad has been singing and reciting his five lines all around the house, so I know all of the songs. There are some good singers in the group who sing songs like Molasses to Rum, Cool Men, and a song about Thomas Jeffersons many talents. I hope that you come to see this awesome show! There are more shows on July 4 and 5, and I believe that there shows next weekend as well. Enjoy!

  • Actually Funny JokesBy Ali Janower

    Magic MirrorSo once there was this restaurant and in the

    restaurant there was this magic mirror. Not like an evil queens mirror, different. If you told a lie to it, it would suck you in. One day a brunette walked into this restaurant. She walked up to the magic mirror and said, I think Im the most beautiful woman in the world. And it sucked her in. The next day, a redhead walked into a restaurant. She walked up to the mirror and said, I think Im the most beautiful woman in the world and it sucked her in. Then the next day a blonde walked into the restaurant. She walked up to the mirror and said, I think- and thats when she got sucked in.

    That ones kinda a dumb blonde joke but it made me laugh, so I like it. Funny- Im a blonde :)

    Two Missionaries Two Missionaries in Africa get approached

    by a tribe of very hostile cannibals who put them in a large pot and make a fire under it. Trapped, the missionaries are left alone. A few minutes later, one of the missionaries starts to laugh and laugh and laugh. Uncontrollable laughter, while the other one is furious. How are you laughing at a time like this! We are being boiled alive! We will NEVER see our friends or families again! They will eat us! What is wrong with you?!

    The other missionaries replies, still laughing, I just peed in the soup!

    This one even made my mom laugh! Ha! Im sure Josh will love it!

    The Blonde On the first day of parachute jumping

    training, everyone listened intently to the instructor. He told them to start preparing their parachute at 300 ft.

    The blonde asked How do I know Im at 300ft?

    Thats a good question. When you get down to 300ft you can recognize the faces of the people on the ground

    After pondering his answer, she asked What happen if I dont know anyone on the ground?

    Also a dumb blonde joke. Good though I like the others better.

    The ChildrenChildren: You spend the first 2 years of

    their life teaching them to walk and talk. You spend the next 16 years teaching them to sit down and be quiet.

    Vegetarian JokeOne day the head of the vegetarian society got too

    curious. He just HAD to know what pork tasted like! After mental preparation, he tells his members he would be on a road trip for the weekend, packs a small bag and drives away, soon after sitting down at the restaurant he hears someone call his name. He turns around and sees one of his members!

    Come sit! he said, forgetting about the pork. The same moment the member sits down, the waitress came over with a huge fully roasted pig with an apple in its mouth. Oh look! All I ordered was an apple and it came with some pork!

    This one might be my favorite so far. Failing to clean up his act!

    Chihuahua JokeTwo men, Jim and John, were walking Jims dog

    when they passed by a restaurant.Ooo! Im hungry. Can we stop here for a bit? Jim

    says.Well, the sign says no dogs Ah that sign. said Jim Dont worry about it.

    And taking out a pair of sunglasses he walked up to the door. As he walked passed a waiter, he was stopped. Sorry, no dogs allowed. The waiter said.

    I am blind. This is my seeing eye dog. replied Jim.

    But its an American Fox hound. No one uses an American Fox hounds as a seeing eye dog.

    Oh, you must not have heard, this is the latest type! They do a very good job! seeing that it worked, John tried walking in with his chihuahua. Even before he could open his mouth the waiter said, Dont say that chihuahua is the newest type of seeing eye dogs.

    Thinking quickly, John responded in an angry voice, You mean they gave me a chihuahua?!

    All of the jokes found in this article were not directly copied. All are rewritten in Ali/Alex/The Daily Dunicorn

    Georgia - Founded by Jerry the Giraffe, who died in 1812 from the war of 1812. Hawaii - The coldest

    state in the world because the people there refuse to turn on their heat. Most people their either freeze to death or die trying to start a fire.

    Idaho - Hates dolphins because they make weird noises. You will only find one dolphin there named Lily, whose mouth is taped shut.

  • How do Computers Work?By Alexander Hailman

    How do computers work? Well, to start with, electricity powers microscopic switches called transistors to switch on and off, as well as electrical signal to travel between different chips of transistors to tell them which ones to turn on and off. This is how the binary system works; each 0 represents an off transistor, whereas a 1 is an on transistor. Every 1 or 0 is a bit. Computer code (in such languages as Java and C++) is translated into 1s and 0s. Each letter or symbol is a group of 8 1s or 0s, called a byte. The computer part itself connects to other devices, called peripherals. The peripherals can help you tell the computer what to do, like mice or keyboards, or they can convey information from the computer, such as screens or speakers. Some modern computers have most or all of these peripherals built in, though, especially laptops.

    To know how computers store and process this information, though, youll need to look at what parts a computer and what they do. The bulk of the data storage is on a hard drive, which is a disk of magnetized particles that go up and down to store binary data (much more efficient than transistors). It stores data such as documents and photos, but also the code of the programs or applications that you can run, or execute (hence .exe files). These programs are executed by the CPU, or processor. Other temporary data is stored in the computers RAM. Sometimes, if the temporary data isnt used, and theres too much for the RAM, the CPU redirects it to the hard drive. This is why people often talk about how many kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes of RAM a computer has. A PCI is a chip that connects to ports (such as USB ports) that allows peripherals to connect to the motherboard of the computer, which is a large chip that routes information to different parts of the computer. Sometimes a PCI can be internal, if the peripheral is built in. Between the PCI and the motherboard, though, there is probably a graphics card. This interprets how the screens pixels should display. Each pixel is made of three tiny, different-colored lights that each glow a different amount, tricking our eyes into mixing them up into a specific color. Now, all of this is a lot of parts, because the computer is constantly taking information, storing it, processing it, interpreting it, and displaying (or playing) it. Thus, theres always a fan inside the computer to keep it from overheating. This is why computers make that familiar whirring sound when they boot up, or when they have a particularly difficult task to do.

    Computers are very complicated, and Ive probably missed a few things, but as I said in some other article, I hope Ive enlightened you!

    Writers Block/Listen to my Music!!By Aaron Pen

    Im stuck right now and Im going insane. Ive been staring at a blank screen for too long and finally got a little bit of motivation from the music Im listening to. A rap metal group called Hollywood Undead takes up 100% of all of the songs I listen to right now and I thought itd be right to give my take on a review of these guys.

    There is no neutral for Hollywood Undead. You either love their absurd lyrics, unique instrumental and beats, and their attitude to hate and love the world at the same time. Or you hate the messages in their songs, you hate their dissing, or you hate their pretentious style of music.

    The group consists of 6 MCs who started making music as a joke on the social media website MySpace. These 6 men always wore masks in their pictures and eventually, on their album covers and went by their stage names: Johnny 3 Tears, Charlie Scene, J-Dog, Da Kurlzz, Funny Man, and Deuce (who was replaced by Danny after their second album). The style of their music hasnt changed since their time on MySpace. They have always found a way to make catchy, rowdy and downright immature songs with Everywhere I Go No.5 and Christmas in Hollywoodin their first album to Up In Smoke Comin In Hot and even in the song How We Roll in their album that came out 4 months ago.

    Despite all of this, they have deeper songs. Dark humored songs, angry songs, or songs that sent a message about todays society that are made just as well as the songs that were meant to party with. The song City was a song that featured the three main rappers of the group about a corrupt government who criminalize rebels trying to make the right decision and save lives by burning the city to ashes. And the song Coming Back Down was a song in honor of somebody dying through the perspective of somebody who wishes they were still alive.

    Yeah, sure. They have a very large range of subjects in their songs. But none of that would be worth talking about if the quality of their songs wasnt good. I feel like their music would appeal to fans of rock and fans of rap alike. They have the pseudo rapping that captures the poetic side of rap and they have the instrumentals of rock to have a catchy riff in their songs and in my opinion, I think they combine those two elements of music so well. Not as well as a group like Run DMC, but thats really impressive since they started making music as a joke!

    If youre considering listening to Hollywood Undead I would recommend it. But the targeted audience for their music are 18+ year olds that can handle extreme content in their music. I shouldnt be recommending this, but I dont have anything else to write about. If you have the time you should check them out, you wont regret it.

  • A FAnnetBy the Daily Dunicorn and Bunnytail

    A FAnnet is a variation of a sonnet, because in Poetry Plus we got annoyed with sonnets. You may not understand the characters or why the plot is what it is, but thats okay. Hope you enjoy!

    Special Snowflake was really sad,he was stuck in a situation that was very bad. Special Snowflake got caught in a spooder weeb, and all he could do was cry HELP! and plead.

    Then a SWF named Wocket came out of Chesss pocket,He screamed, Oh theres no need to fear, super Wocket is here!

    But stuck little snowflake thought Wocket meant evil,though the only evil was Wewevel the Deevil. NO! He screamed, Please spare me, please do!And Wocket replied, Are you a maniac too?

    So the SWF started in, to unthread and unlace,They knew the spooder would come, so they began to race.Sure enough, Special Snowflake was fine, because of Wockets help it took ten seconds time.

    Special Snowflake began to understand: SWFs meant no harm, and that is the end.

    How to be Belle from Beauty and The BeastBy Natalie Dean

    Hey beauties, ever wanted to be Belle from Beauty and the Beast (BATB)? Well, if yes, you are at the right place! Belle is my favorite Disney princess, and if anything, my idol! I love her to death and ever since I found a large obsession with her I have been trying to act like her! So, if any of you want to be like her, keep reading for six simple steps to be Belle! (And my best friend lol xD)

    Step 1: You have to act like her; Be kind, smile, dont be flirtatious, be positive, respective (especially towards your parents), Read a lot, be strong, honest, and dont judge someone by their looks!

    Step 2: Embrace natural beauty! If you want to have any particular LOOKS like her, Ill give you examples. For hair, it is always in a ponytail and she usually has a bow the colour blue. Her skin is smooth and fair. If you want to wear makeup, go for a light blush, some BB cream, brown eyeliner, mascara, pink lipgloss. But if anything, you should embrace your beauty and the beauty of others if you want to TRULY be like her.

    Step 3: Try and mimic her fashion sense. First, dont wear clothes to revealing. First of all, it brings eyes staring, and second it isnt something she would really wear. Second, wear feminine clothings with bright colours. Examples, a baby blue or yellow like her ball gown.

    Step 4: Accessories with style by not wearing too much but maybe a bow in your hair, a necklace or pearl earrings. During the ballroom scene, Belle wears beautiful pearl earrings, and throughout the movie wears a heart necklace and a bow in her hair.

    Step 5: Walk with elegance and grace! Dont slouch but keep year head tall and hold your shoulders back!

    Step 6: Just enjoy acting like her for then soon you will find yourself like her! That is what I have done. :)

    Thank you for reading, and I hope if you have the wish to be like Belle (like me) you found this helpful. xx

    Illinois - No one has a name. Everyone calls people dude or miss. Indiana - In a recent survey

    taken, 100% of people in Indiana said that they would rather live in Jamaica, and 90% said they had a pet fish named Bob.

    Iowa - Iowa was originally named Snuffleufagus. Its five founders were named Bradney, Carol, Susan, Rocko, and Chandler. Snuffleufagus was their stuffed animal.

    Kansas - The first state to allow singing. All the other states only permitted yodeling.

    Kentucky - Their state animal is a squirrel because all the other ones were taken. Louisiana - Was the first

    state to plant apple trees because everyone was bored of grapes.

    Maine - In Maine, there are no lobsters after almost everyone was killed by them in 967 BCE.

  • Fiction

    The Great Ant Apocalypse of 1929By Eli Grassi

    Have you ever heard of the great ant apocalypse of 1929? Probably not; most people tried to forget it and no one ever passed the story down to their children so it has been lost in history for over 94 years. But now, since Im am a great spy and detective, I give you . . . . . . THE GREAT ANT APOCALYPSE OF 1929!! It started as just another day; everybody was doing their job to get money and so on and so on. Nobody knows where it came from or why, but on that day it started raining. It doesnt sound too weird but bear with me here Im trying. Heres the part that makes it weird . . . there wasnt a cloud in the sky. Nobody knew why it was raining but they didnt care; as long as it did not affect their lives they were cool with it. Lets just say that they werent cool with it but they didnt know that yet - they still thought it was just weird rain. It wasnt. It was some sort of weird chemical that looked like water, tasted like water, and (with the exception of ants) when drank, acted like water. But now lets talk about the exception of ants. When ants drank the water (which for some reason they all did) it mutated them. It made them smarter than the smartest human, twice the size as the biggest human, and also remodeled their bodies so they had arms and legs and opposable thumbs! So, what did the ants decide to do first with their new found power? Take revenge of course! Take revenge on the humans for stepping on them for years. The ants came charging into towns all over the world, taking the humans by surprise - big surprise! The humans were in shock; giant, smart, mutated ants were attacking them; it was something out of a sci-fi movie. But the humans werent stupid; they immediately acted and started open firing on them with all of their weapons. But it was not working. The bullets were bouncing off the ants new thick armored bodies. This pleased the ants. The humans didnt know what to do! They couldnt use bombs, because they didnt want to start using nuclear weapons then they had an idea - they could defeat them with poisonous gases! Brilliant! They gave all the soldiers and humans gas masks and bio suites and big tanks of neurotoxin and told them to spray it at the ants. Quickly the ants numbers dropped until they were all gone. Except that they werent. The neurotoxin didnt kill them; it just turned them back to normal ants. And thats the great ant apocalypse of 1929. Thank you for your time.

    One Weird House, Part 1By Lily Brinkman

    As I walked down the curvy stairs every other one creaked. I had been walking down the basement stairs of my new house. The stairs led to a wall. There was no light in the basement because this house had no electricity. There had to be a basement though. There were windows in the bottom of the house so there had to be a basement. I walked back up the stairs with an weary feeling in me. Hopefully the upstairs wasnt mysterious. Mom and I walked up the stairs to the second floor as my dad and sister started getting chairs out of the moving van. The second floor had a long hallway that led to three bedrooms. Hopefully My sister and I wouldnt be sharing a room again. I hoped that everything worked out in this old house. A few weeks later I decided to go back into the basement and check it out again this time with the lights on. Lights had been installed. It wasnt a wall but it was a door in front of me. I raced up the stairs to ask my dad if there was a key to get into the basement. Dad, is there a key to the basement, I said. Probably, He responded.

    Whats that supposed to mean, what I mean is do you have the key.

    No one ever gave us a basement key when we bought this house. I went upstairs to find anything that looked like a key. Nothing.


    Once upon a time in a rabbit hole, not far from where you are sitting right now, there was a poor family of rabbits. Their names were Poppy (the dad rabbit), Goppy (the mom rabbit), and their son Hoppy. Hoppy was born into a poor rabbit family, so his life was kind of tough. He didnt have a lot of toys and his parents didnt have enough money to send him to bunny school. So Hoppy spent most of his time dreaming. Hoppy didnt have a lot of stuff but he did have his dreams. He dreamed of adventures. He wanted to go on a real one. One day he snapped; he ran away from home looking for adventure. Out of impulse, he jumped over the boundary. The boundary was a line that all bunny rabbits have been told never to cross or the might die. But without thinking he jumped right over and started running. But a coyote intercepted him and ate him. Within less than a second Hoppy was dead. Never to see the light of day again. The end.

  • DainJerUs: Chapter 1 By Bennett Himmel

    I remember Dain Jerson the best. Thats why I need to solve his murder. My name is Cheri Vanilla. Dain was my best friend. When he disappeared, the FBI knocked on my door, asking if I...murdered...him. I said no, and they confidently put ME in charge of the team solving who killed him. I first went on to his iCloud, and onto his find iPhone. It was last spotted at Hefty Jeffys Mexican BBQ. If you look in the exact mainframe camera (which only I know how to do), you see it is inside of a piece of spi-si! meat. The person who stuffs the spi-si spice in the meat is Andrew Bergen. I went down to Hefty Jeffys Mexican BBQ to talk to Andrew. He had always HATED Dain. HEY! I HATE DAIN, BUT I DIDNT KILL EM! AND WHY DOES HIS PHONE IN THE MEAT MATTER, HE COULD BE ALIIIIVE FOR ALL I KNOWSES! Andrew screeched.

    Then let me talk to Jeffy. I say, in a monotone voice,

    Ay! I dont know Cheri, he was here, ordered some spi-si and lef! I dont know wah happen with heem! Jeffy said, weird accent booming.

    MORE. I shout.FEEEN! OKEEN!


    Thank you. I smiled, as I walked out of the wooden shack.

    Small corner of imaginationBy Patricia Arens

    It all began during a busy busy day. I was at work and everybody wanted something from me. I am a journalist and an editor for the most popular newspaper in my town. I love my job, but we have been out of paper twice today and the coffee machine was not working. When I was trying to fix the printer (it was out of order too), my grandpa suddenly called me. I started feeling like Geronimo Stilton, the famous mouse who wrote the Fantasy series. (If you havent read them yet, you should commence reading those books immediately, they are so much fun!). At 7 pm I finally closed the front door and I started walking home. On my way I admired the colourful flowers which decorated the whole nature. Their smell was unique. I started making plans for the evening. I was looking forward to having a delightful dinner (maybe lasagna or pizza, since I love Italian food). I wanted to turn my oven on, but it was not working. (It was surely plugged in!) I was really tired, so I decided to make myself a sandwich. I didnt have any cheese (too bad), so I used ham and lettuce. After my poor dinner I went to the bathroom to take a relaxing shower to calm myself after this unlucky day. But I had no water at all! I was so upset about this situation, so I cried: Stoop!!! and everything around me vanished: the sink, the shower, the house, the street. I suddenly found myself in a mysterious place, full of mist. Somebody called my name. The voice sounded very familiar! It was Geronimo Stilton in person (in mouse). I was so amazed that I didnt know what to say! He told me that it was my unique chance to be the knight without fear or blame for once, in his place! How generous! I started thinking about all my adventures, about all the amazing creatures I was going to meet and help! In the end, it seems like it hasnt been such an unlucky day at all!

    The Files of A.R.C.H.I.V.E. Part OneBy Casey Corcoran

    0810 hours

    I looked behind me, the guy in the blue Toyota coming closer and closer as I begged my sister to go faster. She pressed her foot against the gas pedal even harder. Suddenly, a big white van came slamming into the blue Toyota my sister had nicknamed The Blueberry. A man with with a blue bandana emerged from the white van and took the man in the The Blueberry. Blueberry-man struggled and tugged and pulled, with no success. He was dragged into the back of the white van, which who knew, what was inside. Step on it! I yelled to my sister, who had stopped the car to see what was going on.

    My sister stepped on the gas pedal, harder than ever, as the man wearing the bandana got back inside the white van and drove toward us once again.

    0830 hours

    My sister and I made it to safety once we pulled into the nearest camp parking lot: Their destination. We had just been driving around, my sister driving me to my friends house. Suddenly someone started to follow us. I was the one who noticed first, my sister also realizing the man was following us too.

    The man couldnt follow us, my sister said to me once we were at safety, He doesnt have a child to drop off.

    Why did he follow us anyway? We know nothing important, I said confused.

    My sister just glared at me, as if that wasnt true She had known something about the guys trying to follow us And who knew what else.

  • Story, Part OneBy Leah Koritz

    Nobody wanted to go to school on a Monday morning, except for Lilly. She usually hated Mondays, but because it was the last day of school, it was an exception.

    The fluorescent green lighting on Lilys alarm clock showed six twenty eight: two minutes before it was supposed to go off. She closed her eyes for the last two minutes of her peace, and then woke up to her brother, Adam joyfully singing a song to her.

    Good morning, Lilly! Good morning, Lilly! Wake up! Its the last day of school! Summer is soon! Cmon, Lilly! Adam sang as she ignored him.

    Cmon! Wake up! Lilly! Now, his singing turned into screaming, and the screaming turned into fake-crying. Finally, Lilly let up.

    Okay. Fine. She threw the covers off of her. Already, her last-day-of-school-perfect-day had gotten to a bad start. Adam stopped crying as soon as Lilly stood up. All over again, he started singing the song, except, instead of wake up, it was lets go.

    Youre crazy, Adam. You dont even have any school to go to. Your school ended weeks ago. Why are you so excited?

    Kindergarten. Next year. Im excited. Adam shrugged. Ever since about a month ago, Adam had been talking nonstop about kindergarten, and how he wanted the teacher Lilly had: Mrs. Barellire. Hed also been talking about how he hoped his best friend, Jim was in his class. The only things Adam knew about kindergarten was that kindergarten was in a different school, and there were different classes, unlike his preschool. Other then that, Adam was clueless. He probably thought it was just like preschool, which it is, except for the actual learning.

    You know Adam, you have a whole summer before you start kindergarten. And also, youre not guaranteed to have Mrs. Barellire, and you also probably wont have Jim in your class. Lilly walked out the room to go brush her teeth. She felt horrible about how she was treating Adam, but the remorse she felt was tiny compared to her mood. It was funny how just one little thing made Lilly mad for the entire day.

    Lilly expected Adam to be crying, but he followed her right down the hallway. He ran in front of Lilly, causing her to stop.

    I thought about what you said, and youre right. I might not have Mrs. Barellire, but Im sure the other teachers will be good. Also, if Jim isnt in my class, Ill sneak him in. I promise. Adam said. His face was serious.

    Really, Adam? Do you really think you could sneak Jim into your class? Lilly wasnt expecting an answer, but she got one.

    Yes. Ill dress him up. Ill say theres an addition to the class. Okay? That made Lilly smile. She couldnt argue with that.

    Okay, I guess so. Adam went back to his room. Lilly got ready for the day, and went downstairs. Adam was at the table, eating breakfast.

    Im coming with you, Lilly. To school. Adam smiled with a milk mustache.

    To be continued...

    The cozy cherryBy Patricia Arens

    Yesterday night I had a talk with a very friendly ant. Unfortunately, she was so small, that I couldnt understand her very well. Thats why I ate some magic beans, which turned me into a small version of myself. The view when you are tiny as an ant is amazing! You have to pay attention every time in order not to be crashed by someone bigger, though.

    Anyways, this tiny universe has a lot of untold stories that we, humans, have never heard about. My friendly ant ( I call her Mary) brought me to her house (she is a very independent creature, so she doesnt like to live with her humongous family). It was a cozy apple. While we were having a delightful dinner, it suddenly started raining. The wind was blowing with an amazing power, so our apple started to roll. We jumped out as soon as we could. Luckily, we werent injured. But now we had a problem! We had no house to live in! Poor Mary, she was so happy just a few minutes ago, but now she was crying. She has been living in the apple for her whole life!

    I asked her if she wanted me to help her search for a new home. She agreed immediately. We started looking in my garden. I saw a very big cherry, big enough to give shelter to a whole population of ants. Mary was very excited when she saw it. We started eating the inside. But we were full after only a few bites, because we are so tiny. We called all the other small insects and friendly creatures. Together, we did a really great job and we managed to help poor Mary. It is such a cozy home right now! Marys cozy cherry.

    Now I am big again, but I still go to Marys cherry to visit her and her friends. Sometimes we even have dinner together!

  • A Sheepie StoryBy Eleanor Berkenblit

    This story is dedicated to my sister on her birthday, Tuesday, July 7. It is also a birthday present because I know that she loves sheep.

    Once, in a field, there were some sheep. Their shepherd was a girl named Isabel. Isabel cared about her sheep, and did not use her cane to beat them as many other shepherds did. One of her sheep, named Bluebell, asked her why.

    Isabel, she said, Why do you not beat us?

    I think that it is cruel and unfair to beat my sheep if they have done nothing wrong. replied Isabel.

    We appreciate your kindness, but what about Benjamin? My lamb, Benjamin, keeps running off with another herd and you do not say anything to him. I think that you should beat him to tell him not to run off. But Isabel refused, saying that surely he will stop running off with the other pack when he sees how green the grass is and how fresh the water is with her herd. The next day Benjamin was gone. The leader of the neighboring herd brought Benjamin to Isabel who thanked him. Bluebell snapped, You should not run off with other packs Benjamin. Isabel has my permission to beat you. I will not beat you, Benjamin, because surely you can see that the grass is much fresher here and the water much cleaner. And Benjamin agreed. The next day Benjamin was gone again. At noon he came home; he was munching on some half dead grass. Benjamin! You should not disappear like that! Isabel, beat him and tell him not to run off! I will not, Bluebell, because surely he can see that the grass is much fresher and the water is much cleaner. And Benjamin agreed. The next morning Benjamin was gone yet again. That evening, Benjamin wandered home. Benjamin! Why must you insist on not coming home? Beat him Isabel! I will not beat him. Benjamin, you must stay with this pack. I have cause to beat you, but I will be kind in light of your absences. There are plenty of reasons for you to stay; look at the water, the grass. And most importantly, you have your family and friends. I will not beat you, but I hope that you learned that you should stay with your family and friends no matter how much greener the grass looks on the other side.

    Maryland - The first piece of land was found by a girl with blue hair named Mary Shcloopinhogger.

    Massachusetts - Is the only state that has a girl named Orly Shiner (THIS IS ACTUALLY TRUE WE LOOKED IT UP ON http://howmanyofme.com/search/)

    Michigan - Only state that drinks milk. All the other states are hooked on soy milk.

    Minnesota - Created mini baking soda containers to put in your fridge. Thats why they always have good smelling feet.

    Mississippi - The state with the shortest name. This is because the founders were lazy when coming up with the name because it was the last thing they did at their 24-hour press conference.

    Missouri - Is actually called Sapopa, but they dont want you to know that because its really personal. So dont tell anyone. Montana - Is really a

    country. They dont tell you this because they would be the smallest country, which is considered an insult.

    Nebraska - All of Nebraska goes to bed at 7:30 P.M. This is because they all wake up at 7:30 A.M and it is a state law to stay up for exactly 12 hours a day.

    Nevada - Woody Allen was born in Nevada.

    New Hampshire - New Hampshire does not have a football team. They cant afford the stadium and they believe all the players would get attacked by moose.

    New Jersey - Mice are illegal in New Jersey. This is because in 1936, a wave of mice came into the governors house and killed his wife.

    New Mexico - New Mexico is really Old Mexico- It was created 100 years before Mexico was, but since it has more technology they call in New Mexico.

    New York - Invented popsicles. This is because in 2038, an apple juice factory lost their heat in the middle of winter and the apple juice froze thus creating the first popsicle. North Carolina - Is really

    South Carolina - but they changed it in 1500 when the president had vision that made everything look upside down, so it just stuck.

  • The Dover Public LibraryArticle and Pictures by Hannah Ireland, Ioana Marinescu, Caroline Bedikian, and Sophia Noseworthy for

    Photojournalism class

    The Dover Library; the place where many kids and adults come to read and do activities. Have you ever wondered about its history? How the library came to be the way it is? Here are some facts about the beautiful and wonderful Dover Library.

    The Dover library was built in 1965 and renovated in 1995.

    They changed a lot throughout the library.

    Added electronics such as iPads, windows computers, and gaming systems.

    They put out different objects in each section that matches the category to take home.

    The library has board games and super awesome funtime that usually includes sixty to ninety people.

    They keep many cooking and kitchen tools you can borrow for two weeks. They even have a power washer that people can use for their one time use.

  • Other options include borrowing board games and gaming consoles. You can actually play the wii, xbox, and video games right in the library downstairs.

    Nothing is better than having food so they make bread on Wednesdays and all people are free to bring in any snacks or food.

    Library director: Cheryl Abdullah talked to us a lot about the economic decision it was to provide kids with technology, books, and the internet. 15 years ago the Gates Foundation decided to give every library at least one computer.

    Cheryl when taking control of the library, changed it so that all members could have fun while being at the library. Loudness is encouraged.

    They rarely say no to anything

    The library is also bigger than it seems from the outside, it is better and far more big than you would expect. It was for sure worth the visit.

  • OpinionA Book Review of Out of My Mind By Lily Brinkman

    A little time ago I read the book Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper. I think that this is one of my favorite books because of how she, Melony, the main character, is always thinking about something important. In this book it shows the struggles of a young girls life but the twist is that she has cerebral palsy. When Melony was born she was not able to control her muscles and that left her paralyzed. But being paralyzed didnt hold her back, Melony is not able to talk and this is what held her back. At Melonys school everyone mistreats her because they think she is extremely dumb. The thing about this book is that when Melony cant talk she has no way to tell anyone anything but when a machine helps her talk it is obvious that she isnt dumb. One of my favorite moments in this book is when Melony says that she loves her parents. This moment is so heartwarming because of how happy this made her parents. I rate this book a 10 out of 10 because of this amazing story. I hope you read it.

    Ivy and Beanby Julia Martin

    Do you love to read? Then you should totally go to your local library (or any library) and check out the Ivy and Bean series by Annie Barrows and Sophie Blackall. It is a funny, exciting and page-turning series that I think everyone should read.

    First of all, Ivy and Bean are hilarious. It seems as if they are always getting into some type of mischief. First they make Beans sister Nancy eat worms, then they get trapped in the attic and stow away at a museum. Talk about trouble-makers! Ivy and Bean are so brave too. They do things I could never do! For example, putting a ghost back into the underworld by making a potion that created a portal? No way! I would be too scared.

    Next, Ivy and Bean are never bored - at least, thats what it seems. From creating a gymnastics club, to turning a dirt pile into a volcano, they always know how to have fun. Also, Ivy and Bean are so unalike, it makes the book so much better. While Ivy loves to read, Bean would rather go play in the mud.

    Finally, Ivy and Bean are exciting. All of their adventures will leave you wondering what will happen next. If you have read the series already, you know all of their adventures will leave you on the edge of your seat. They might get in trouble along the way (a LOT of trouble!) but they are still the greatest characters I know.

    I hope that after you read this book review you will read the Ivy and Bean series. As I said before, it is a funny, exciting, page-turning series that everyone needs to read.

    The Advice ThingBy The Advice Person

    There is an advice column at the stairs that go to the Daily Double room. If you need help with anything, just write it down and stick it in the thing that says questions and you will eventually get an answer. And I got 2 questions today!!! So the first one is

    Question: I feel like nobody likes me.

    Answer: Dear Anonymous: well, that isnt really a question, but I will still give you advice. So, try talking to someone who looks like they would be a nice friend. And I bet a lot of people like you! You can also try playing with someone and you can become friends!! Or sit next to someone at lunch and talk to them! I hope you take my advice!!!

    Question: Do you like pineapples?

    Answer: Yes.

    North Dakota - North Dakota lives in cartoon. This is because in 119 somebody named Catalogus Fransalio was watching cartoon network and his T.V exploded so all the chemicals came out and everybody drank them.

    Ohio - When Ohio took the MCAS, they got a 10% because the thought the wrong answers were right and the right answers were wrong. The 10% came from their essays, because even though they were wrong, they were VERY convincing.


    FAIR WARNING: This movie has quite a few gory and scary scenes, so proceed with caution. Also, SPOILERS AHEAD

    So, a few weeks ago, I decided to watch Pans Labyrinth. I had heard many good things about it, and had been interested in it since I saw information about it the Guinness Book of World Records when I was 8. Im now 13, so watching this has sure taken its time. Let me tell you, it was WORTH IT. Its now one of my favorite movies ever. Anyway, onto the review.

    For those of you who have never heard of this movie (and when you finish reading the premise, stop reading), its about a young girl named Ofelia who moves from the city to a country mill with her mother. Her father had died in the war (World War 2), as this takes place in 1944 Spain. Oh, and this movie is completely in Spanish. Ofelias mom had remarried, and to the ruthless Captain Vidal. On the way to the mill, Ofelia starts to notice some strange and magical things like fairies and an odd statue. One night, a fairy lures her into a labyrinth, and thats all I can really tell you without any spoilers. Okay, if you havent seen it yet, move on to another article now.

    One of my favorite things about this movie is fantastical drive. In the beginning of Pans Labyrinth we see a fairytale unfold; Princess Moanna is intrigued by the human world, and escapes the Underworld. Sadly, the bright sunlight blinds her, and she forgets who she is, living a normal life until she died. When Ofelia meets the Faun in the Labyrinth, he tells her that SHE is Moanna. Also, the monsters in this movie are hands-down brilliant. The Faun was definitely one of my favorite characters. I didnt get to learn much about him, but I wanted to. Fauns are pretty rad. But it was the Pale Man that really sold me. His appearance, backstory, and overall eeriness was actually enough to scare Stephen King (look it up, it actually happened). The giant toad was cool too, but no one really cares about the Toad. Sorry.

    Another thing I loved was the characters. Ofelia is what I would call a precious cinnamon roll. Shes smart, brave, albeit impulsive, and has a heart of gold. Her death (in the human world, at least) punched me right in the feels. At least she returned to the Underworld and became a princess. Additionally, I adored Mercedes and Doctor Ferriero. Sadly though, Ferriero was killed. Come to think of it, only two major characters make it through the film. The crafting of Captain Vidal was great as well. I hated him from the moment he appeared on screen, especially when he was rude to Ofelia.

    Now, a collection of random thoughts about that movie that I was too lazy to put into paragraphs: My favorite scene was the last one, when Ofelia meets the Faun in the center of the Labyrinth to give the blood of an innocent, while Vidal chases her. I could handle most of the gory scenes, save the one where Vidal gets his cheeks split open. That was nasty. Good thing he died! Right now I have that death lullaby Mercedes sings stuck in my head. I watched this movie three times in two weeks. I am slightly obsessed with the visuals. Send help.

    I could go on about Pans Labyrinth for days, but that would take up too many pages. To all the fans of the film reading this, congratulations, you have successfully read through my dumb rambling.

    Food RecommendationsBy Anthony

    FRENCH FRIES: The best french fries are at the Needham Golf Club. They taste best with ketchup. They are very thick, NOT thin.

    You can also go to Shake Shack and dip your french fries in a shake and it tastes so good. some people (editors note: Walker) think it tastes awesome in a chocolate shake because you get that sweet and salty taste.

    NOT FRENCH FRIES: and the fish tacos at Annas Taqueria taste very good with the hot sauce. The spice gives it a great spicy taste. Ooooh, spicy!!!

    And Georges Pizza in Natick is great! Milanos Pizza in Dublin, Ireland is great

    too!!!!!!! And in Roslindale, MA they have a place

    called Fornax Bakery and they have the an egg, cheese and avocado sandwich on an english muffin and its the best!!

    In Needham there is a place called Center Cafe and their chicken parmesan - right when you put it into your mouth you get that great taste.

    The restaurant Juniper in Wellesley has the best hummus ever and they also have the best homemade pasta ever!! The lamb bolognese will melt in your mouth. its not just regular food because it has really interesting spices.

    Daikanyama is a Japanese restaurant and its in the Chestnut Hill Mall and the pumpkin tempura sushi with raspberries and mangos tastes so good!!

    Just so you know, at one of the entrances to the Old Building is a food recommendation box.

  • What I Would Do in Bill Gates HouseBy Ciaran Murphy and Casey Corcoran

    Ciaran:First, I would ask if his exercise area had a baseball field.

    Then, I would play home run derby. Then, if Casey was with me, we would explore high and low. Our goal would be to find all of the 24 bathrooms, 7 bedrooms, 6 kitchens, and then I would swim in the 18x60 square foot pool. Then, I would exercise on the treadmills, walking. Then, I would tell Casey that I was going to try to find the 2 secret bookcases in his library, and ask if he wanted to join me. If we found the bookcases, then I would read the 1500s book by Leonardo Da Vinci that Gates bought for 30.8 million dollars. Then, I would agree with Casey to hide in 1 or 2 of the 66,000 Square feet of floor space in the house. I bet that it would take hours for him to find me if I go far enough away!!! I do have a problem with laughing when Im hiding while the person who is trying to find me is in the same room. Thats why I dont win in hide and seek much. Thats also why my family does not play hide and seek in my family much, but if I was in Bill Gatess house, I could have a 65,998 of 66,000 chance. Then, we would have a snack in the closest one of the 6 kitchens in his house it would be about 3:00 PM when we would finish we would play with a tennis ball that I would bring. Then, if we could not find all of the things on the list to find we would try to finish it at 3:30. Then, when we finished, we would have dinner in a different kitchen, and it would be a huge feast. Then, we would sit by one of the 6 fireplaces and warm up a little bit, it being about 50 or 60 degrees outside. Then, we would have dessert and start unpacking our overnight items that, for me, would be: a sleeping bag, my pillow pet, and if it got really cold, I would bring a hot water bottle to warm up my feet, but that would mean it would have to be -45 or under, which would be a possibility in Washington State. Then, the next day we would try more to find the 2 secret bookcases if we had not found them the day before. Then, if we had not gone to the underground part of the house and explore on the first day because we got interrupted by, say, an I need a snack moment, we would go. Or lunch time. That could be a possible. Only by a small breakfast, though. Now that I think about it, a bathroom break could do it too. Just before lunch, Casey and I would share jokes and laughs. Then, we would eat lunch. That would be simple just maybe a ham sandwich, some fresh milk, and a cookie would do. I would know that there 6 kitchens for snacks to hold me over until dinner. That would be fine with me, as long as I didnt disrupt one of our games. If I really had to we would both get a snack, just in case Casey needed one too. That would be during a game of walking tag. Then we would have a banquet for dinner then we would go to bed. On the final day of our stay we would look at everything in the house, only interrupted by a simple lunch of a turkey sandwich, a glass of fresh milk, and of course, a cookie, and dinner would be steak, hamburgers, salad, chips, bacon, sausages, and an ice cream sundae for dessert. Then we would be driven to the airport with our families and then we would fly home.

    Casey:If I were at Bill Gatess house, I would walk

    in the main entrance and basically just pretend it was a really cool maze. I would explore the different rooms and I would try to get to know the house like it was the back of my hand (although how well do you really know the back of your hand)? I would try not to get into anything I wasnt supposed to, but I would try to find some secret rooms. I would go to the library, where there are two secret rotating bookshelves. After that I would try to find Ciaran in an epic game of hide and seek.

    The Martian Book ReviewBy Gabe Levine

    Ok, so I read a book called The Martian, and OMG IT WAS SO GOOD!

    It takes place around 3 or so years in the future. So, there was a series of missions to Mars called Ares. Ares one and two both got home fine. On the mission ares three there was a dust storm with high very high winds! One of the crew members named Mark Watney gets a antenna blown at him during the dust storm. The antenna going through him and his bio-monitor (The thing that shows how high his heartbeat is or something) makes it seam to his crew as though Mark had died. (Because the Antenna went through the bio-monitor which makes it seem as though his heart has stopped) The blow from the antenna with almost no gravity evidently blew him back pretty far. With his crew having to leave, and him Mark being stranded on Mars and the next ares mission being in four years, it seems as if Mark Watney wont survive. But there has to be a chance

    Quiz PollBy Francesca Lodovico

    I took a poll on who takes the quizzes from the Daily Double. Heres the results:

    Yes: 17 people (writers and editors)Sometimes: 1 personNo: 1 person

    I interviewed Ciaran to find out why he doesnt like quizzes. Me: Why dont you like quizzes?Ciaran: Because they disrupt my writing.

    Well, Bye!

  • Makeup mistakes you dont realize you are makingBy Natalie Dean

    Hey, beauties. Time for some of my makeup advice for beginners or others who regularly wear it. Today I will be telling you the mistakes you may not realize you are making. I hope when reading this article it will help those who may have questioned some of these or just wondered. So if you are interested, keep reading! :D

    1. Wearing the wrong foundation shade. I COMPLETELY advise that you wear foundation to match YOUR skin colour. Wearing one that is completely different from your colour makes you look cakey and slightly strange. Wear your own shade!

    2. Applying makeup on dry skin. Put lotion on before you apply makeup. It makes your skin smooth plus helps the makeup stay longer.

    3. Wearing blue eyeshadow. Ok, there is nothing really wrong with this, other than it looks really unnatural and if you want that natural colour, blue eyeshadow is really not the best. Especially a very vibrant blue.

    4. Trying to plump your lips. No, just dont. It is strange and unnatural. There is no need to make your lips bigger, just embrace the natural shape! You are all gorgeous!!

  • How to rule this school year!By Natalie Dean

    Hey lovelies! Ready to learn how to rule this school year without being an absolute Queen Bee? You are at the right place! :D

    1. Expand your circles of friends: Friends are the best, and most amazing things EVER! You can chat up those girls you want to be friends with but havent got a chance to talk to.

    2. Sign up for clubs: Signing up for clubs are great ways to get new friends. I am signed in the Yearbook and Debate club and they are so much fun (or I am sure they will be because I havent gotten to be in it yet because I am just going into 9th grade)

    3. Beware over extending yourself: Be careful, remember. You will get stressed. And that isnt good. Just balance things out, dont do too much.

    4. Dont hold a grudge: Yeah, she may have told your crush you like him. But that was in the past. Quote Elsa here, THE PAST IS IN THE PAAASSSTTT!!!! So get over it and dont let it ruin a possibly great friendship! Start fresh!

    5. Be supportive: Support your friends, family, and yourself! Be supportive to them like you would hope they would be to you.

    6. Raise your hand in class: Dont do it in a snobby know-it-all way, but if you know the answer, dont be shy to raise your hand!

    7. Get rid of cliques: No one cares who the populars, or the geeks, or the jocks are. You can all be friends.

    8. Lunch seats: Dont sit in one spot and act as if there are assigned seats. Also, if you want to expand circles, sit with others and get to know them.

    9. Dont talk just through phone: Dont be on your phone 24/7. If someone is talking to you, put it down and look at them, and TALK.

    10. Dont hold yourself back: Dont make excuses not to do something, think about how much fun this thing you are missing out could be!

    11. SMILE!: if you wanna be noticed, well, no better way is there than smiling. It shows you are a kind person, and happy to be there and see them. It will make people happy to see someone giving them a warm smile! :) :D

    12. Show up to your besties events: Time is the best gift to give.

    13. Help the new and lost: I was a new kid once so I remember how hard it was fitting in. If you see someone confused or upset, invite them with you and help them out. Help someone how you would of liked to be helped.

    14. Stop with the Gossip: No one likes gossip. Its mean, ugly, and LIES.

    15. Be the Host: Make some group events! Invite people to your house or to go to the mall. Be the driver, be the conversation starter. Be the fun person! xD

    16. Volunteer: I dont mean volunteering at a food kitchen (Which is good) but during class, if a teacher or student asks for first, raise your hand and volunteer yourself.

    17. Watch the Body Language: You want to rule, keep that head high, dont roll those eyes and slouch. Walk with pride and happiness. And dont be rude with your body towards others. Wrap your arm around them, dont push them.

    18. Be stocked: Be the person everyone goes to when they need a extra pen or piece of paper or other things.

    19. HAVE FUN!: School isnt ALL that bad. It isnt your favorite place, but have some fun with everyone!

    Thank you for reading this, hope you enjoy and takes these into consideration!xx

    Oregon - Cant eat fried chicken. Theyre actually vegetarian but no one knows why.

    Pennsylvania - Is where Walker grew up! His address is 7 Walker Lane, and his zipcode is 11111. He moved to MA because the taxes were lower.

    Rhode Island - Dogs were created in Rhode Island. I know what youre thinking dogs were created along with every other animal, or so you thought. In 1764 there was a man named Sarah Palin and the beakers in his laboratory fell and the chemicals mixed together along with a piece of bacon thus creating the dog.

  • Veronica Mars is Destroying My Existence: ONLY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SEEN EVERY EPISODE+THE MOVIE (part one)By Nina Kahn

    (this article will be focusing on the major non-villains)Okay, if youre reading this and you havent

    finished watching Veronica Mars, STOP READING.So...here I shall discuss the characters, plot lines,

    and other stuff about the always fabulous Veronica Mars. As you may know, Im obsessed. Really, its a problem. This show is just too good. Part one of this lil series of articles will be focusing on the major characters. Here we go!

    Veronica Mars: As the main character, one expects her to be the best. Veronica is just that! Shes clever, funny, and though she can shut out others, extremely compassionate. Shes had to put up with a lot of crap over the years and is the most hardcore person on the show. Girls got skills.

    Logan Echolls: *agitated sigh* This ones tough. Logans a very well-written character; Hes evil, but warmhearted. Hes impulsive, yet wise. He has DEFINITELY had his dark times (most of the show tbh), but he does everything with somewhat good intentions. Once you finish the movie, youll definitely be a Logan fan. Hes definitely a problematic fave.

    Stosh Piz Piznarski: Aww, Piz. A precious cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure. My awkward, artsy child. Sure, he beat up Logan a few times, but to be fair, it was self-defense. Logan was a jerk for a good portion season 3. Its kind of sad that we didnt see Piz that much, but during his time on the show, he made it in my Top 10 VMars characters. Its saddening that he was only in season 3 for a small time AND the movie for like, 10 minutes. Needless to say, Im a Piz fangirl.

    Wallace Fennel: Good ole Wallace. His friendship with Veronica is one of the best Ive seen. Their combined sass, wit, and bravery make them the dream team of the show. That said, Wallace sometimes made rash decisions, like skipping town with his newly found biological dad. At the end of the day, though, hes a great person.

    Keith Mars: Keith is the dad we all wish we had (it rhymes!). Hes sweet, funny, and generally the only decent father on the show. Seriously, all the other dads are awful.

    Cindy Mac Mackenzie: Much like Piz, Mac is a cinnamon roll (I should stop using that phrase). Shes also wicked smart and adorably awkward. We dont see Mac be emotional in many scenes, which is disappointing, but, again like Piz, what we do see is great.

    Eli Weevil Navarro: Okay, let me get this out. WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED IN THE END OF THE MOVIE. HE JUST LEFT ON HIS BIKE. *calms down* So, Weevil is awesome. Hes kind, hes courageous, and he has a strong sense of right and wrong. He always stood up for Veronica and wasnt afraid to show his sensitive side, even if it contradicted his biker outer shell. #weevil4life

    Our Land, Our Blood

    Heaving chests of last breathsAnd blood painted on this neighborhood warGunshots are the metronome to a rhapsody Where we live, and call homeLord save us, one more timeAmerica, bless us tooNone of us wanna die,But death to us is too trueBless us, for the violence on the streets Speak for a higher meaningThan thugs with tattoosAnd people doing what they want to doCompared to the actions of a man, with nothing to loseAnd a father losing his life to boozeWe the people want to choose A life to live, not the lives that we lose Not the homicide highlights on the 11 oclock Breaking News No longer than we want to be threatened By leaving our homesAnd snarling at our children Dont leave the house alone!

    With a dying breath, theres nothing bitter in Mikes voiceBefore were in peace, before we deport the soldiers from the wars in the EastWe have to end our wars going on at home

    -Aaron Pen

    South Carolina - Everything is South Carolina costs $10, whether its a house, an apple, or a airplane ticket.

    South Dakota - Beneath the soil of South Dakota, there are many dinosaurs living there. They eat mice. In fact, they eat 1,000,000 a day- each!

  • Fun and Games

    Top Ten Signs That Youre a VampireBy Christine Foster

    1. You drink human blood.2. Religious symbols cause you physical pain.3. You dont age.4. Your name is NOT Christine.5. You sparkle and/or get third degree burns in the sunlight.6. Your name IS Ebony Way7. You wear eyeliner all over your face.8. You have a severe allergy to Italian food.9. You are strangely attracted to Kristen Stewarts character in

    Twilight10. You have fangs.

    If 3.5 or more apply, youre probably a vampire.

    Which Ye Olde Meme R U?By Nina Kahn and Christine Foster

    What are you doing on a typical Saturday?A) Singing n dancingB) Watching cartoonsC) Not caring. ALL I DO IS WIN.D) Eating a cheeseburger

    Pick a celebrity.A) Celine DionB) SkrillexC) DWAYNE THE ROCK JOHNSOND) Jennifer Lawrence

    Pick a meme.A) Mmm watcha sayB) Over 9000C) NOPE! Chuck TestaD) Doge

    What is your weakness?A) Im clingyB) Im kind of violentC) Im apatheticD) Im awful at spelling and grammar

    Whats your favorite song?A) How do I Live Without You (Leann Rimes)B) Burning Up (Jonas Brothers)C) I Dont Care (Fall Out Boy)D) Nyan Cat

    Mostly As-You are Rickrolling! Mostly Bs- You are Im Firin mah Lazers! Mostly Cs-You are Honey Badger Dont Care!Mostly Ds: You are LOLCatz!

    Would You Rather?By Walker Adams

    Would you rather ...

    Do pi or eat pie?

    Wear pink or pink?

    Go to jail or sleep with a clown?

    Leslies Thoughts on LifeBy Ben Fogler

    Hello, CRCAP! Today I am doing a sort of interview on Leslie Marshs life.

    LESLIES INSPIRING QUOTE: Life depends on how you choose to live it.

    An observation of Leslies life: Types in words. Briefly looks at me. Says words. Types in more words. Does something weird with computer. (May

    think she has done something Wrong.) Annoys me for the rest of the period with sidekick

    AH (short for Alex Hailman).

  • Top Ten Things To Do on a Summer Weekend with Your FamilyBy Eleanor Berkenblit

    10.) Yard work and reading: It is actually fun to weed in the yard or clear a path in your back woods. I also like to sit and read on the sunny deck with a cold drink. When the whole family is out there reading (or in the hammock) it is so peaceful. Especially in the afternoon.

    9.) Beach trip: Take a trip to the beach and splash in the waves! It is so fun to pack a picnic lunch and spend the day at the beach. There is something for everyone: sandcastles, swimming, burying each other (or dad!). And most importantly, there is ice cream! Who could go wrong with that?

    8.) Dessert competition: Ever heard of the show on Food Network called Chopped ? That is what we did at our house. We had our parents pick a mandatory ingredient (or two), and my sister and I competed. We had to make a dessert that tasted delicious and was colorful and fun. You could also reverse it so that your parents compete. It is a great way to bring the family together (even if you do pick a winner).

    7.) Picnic: Pack up some lunch and snacks, head to the park, and set up camp. There are plenty of beautiful parks and reserves near me, and Im sure there are some near you. The whole family can find something to do after eating. If there is a lake or a pond near by, that might be a nice place to go. You can swim, play frisbee, play tag, and more. You could also bring a friend along for more fun.

    6.) Adventure: Go on a little adventure. Explore places near you that you have never been. For example, my family and I biked to King Philips Road and we found a secret path to King Philips rock! Right near our house! It was lots of fun to hike through the woods together without knowing where we were going. That type adventure is great for everybody.

    5.) Hike: Its great to get outside with a hike. If there is a nature center near you, that would be a great place to go. Near me there is Mass Audubons Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary. It is a nature reserve, and they a have beautiful wooded trails. There is also a camp with great counselors.

    4.) Swimming: Jump in a pool or a lake with your family and have tons of fun! It is a great to cool off on a hot day, and there are plenty of pool games to play. You can even make some up!

    3.) Kayaking: Its a great workout for your arms. You can swim afterwards. Bring a water gun and squirt each other when you least expect it. During a sunset, it is beautiful to be on the water.

    2.) Biking: Get some exercise or use them as a mode of travel. Bikes are great for a sunny day, but dont forget to bring lots of water! My family goes to Cape Cod for a week each summer and the Cape Cod Rail Trail is a great place to bike.

    1.) Water gun/water balloon fight: Put some buckets in the driveway or around the yard, blow up some balloons, grab your family and maybe a friend, and have a great time. We bought special water balloon fillers that come with 300 water balloons, and we have a few water guns. It is great to cool off. I love to run around to house to ambush my parents. Its so fun!

    Or...you could try all of these to have a blast! Make this summer a ton of fun with your family!

    Are you a vampire?By Lily Biro and Orly Shiner

    Do you eat chicken wings often?A. I eat them rarelyB. NOC. Yes

    What type of computer do you like?A. AppleB. DellC. Microsoft

    What is your favorite thing to hold paper together?A. StapleB. Paper clipC. Glu