BERITA BERNAMA =================OOO,-==========KD=N==N=0=:0='40=V=80===== K ELUARAN OG OS 1980 Muka o DARI HATI KE HATI I KENDURI 2 THE DAY WHEN I CRIED IN THE PRESS BOX 5 MEMOIRS OF A RELUCTANT EAVESDROPPER: 8 BREAKING FAST AND HAVING SAHUR WITH CLASS 9 MORALIST II PERSONALITY OF THE MONTH /3 BERITA K ELAB 15 SEMUTALK 16 BERNAtM PUZZLE Pengarang: Hashim Hassan Penolong Kepada Pengarang: Sobrey Jaafar Pemberita Bulan ini: Zahoron Rozok Penyeloros: Norijoh Mohd. Noor

BERITA BERNAMA - infolib.bernama.cominfolib.bernama.com/.../images/buletin/beritabernama1980_ogos.pdf · Muharam hatta maulud atau Hari Keputraan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w ... It was one

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Pengarang: Hashim Hassan

Penolong Kepada Pengarang: Sobrey Jaafar

Pemberita Bulan ini: Zahoron Rozok

Penyeloros: Norijoh Mohd. Noor


Tidak berape hari lagi orang,-oranglslam akari rnenyambut Atdtlfitri atou yang biasa disebut oleh orang Melayu sebdgal Hari RciyaPoasa. Tujuan utama menyambut Hari Raya Puasa ini ialah untuk menanddkali tamatnya bulan Ramadan iaitu bulan yang pallng sud di dalam takwim Islam dan 'berjayanya orang-orang Islam yang menahan laper dan dahaga berpuasa sepenjang-panjang bulan Ramadan itu mematuhi rukun Islam yang ketiga.

Kepada orang-orang Islam, terutama sekali di Malaysia, Hari Raya Puasa ialah hari yang paling meriah sekali dalam satu~atu tahun itu. Di negeri kita ini sudah menjadi tradisi sejak zaman berzaman terutama sekali bagi orang-orang Melayu merayakan Hari Raya Puasa lebih meriah daripada Hari Ra~ Haji, Awol Muharam hatta maulud atau Hari Keputraan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. sekolipun. Sesungguhnya, kemeriahan dan penyambutan Hari Merdeka pada 31hb Ogos juga kalah dengan kemerJahan dankeserenokan yang terda'plt peda H(]ri Raya Puasa dan dua tiga hari berikutnya. Yang pulang ke-kampung, pulang ke' kampung; yetng melawat koto~ melawat koto; yang tiarah menziarah, ~iarah menziarah; yang berkumpul berkeluarga, berkumpul berkeluarga; bermaaf maafan, makan munum, bersuko ria dan bermacam-macam logi peda hari bdik bulan bdik ini.

n Juga, pada pagi Hari Raya Puas'ayang pertama masjid-masjid 'akan penoh sesak dengan umat Islam mengerjakan sembahyangsunat Aidil'fitri. Kadang-kadang orang-orang yang terlambdt datang itu terpaksa sembahyang dibelakang-belakang

.. ditengah-tengah panas. Ini adalah satu tradisi dan semangat yang ada disisi orang-oranq Islam terutama sekal,; orang-orang Melayu di negeri kita ini semenjak berkurun-kurun dahulu. Apablla tiba k~pada seriloohyang sunat Hari ~aya~uasa masjid-masjid akan penoh sesak dengan pemeluk-pemeluk Islam yang berpakaian serba baru da!1la~a serto sem~rbak dengan bou yang wangi. AlharOOulillah I.

Akan tetapi yang menghairankan ialah kemanakah perginya mereka yang berpakaian lawa dan baru serto berbau wangi todipada masa sembahyang fardu

, L. Jumaat? Mengapakah apabila sembahyang Hari Raye Puasa mel impah-Iimpah keluar orang sembahyang (pada hal sembohyang ini sunat), dan peda hari Jumaat pula banyak tempet yang kosong (pada hal sembohyang ini far~u)?

Sukar saya hendak menjawab pertanyaan ini. Kolou dopot dijawab pun soya hanyo dapot menjawabnya secara tidok langsung ia itu dengan membuat kiasan kerana adalah lebih baik pertanyaan seperti inidijawab menerusi kiasan atau sindiron; Jawabnya: "Tepuk Dada Tanya Seiera II dan "Nak Hen~ak Seribu Daya, Tak Hendak Seribu Heloh. II


lid Mubarok, soya ucapkan, Minai Aidin Walfa Izin, soya sarnpaikan; Maju jayalah rakyat, soya pahonkan, Amon Makmurlah Malaysia, soya do'akan •

.. r se+t Hari Raya Aidifitri, Ma 'of Lahir Batin!

~iL~Jt.\¥. (~ . ,--­

(Pak Hashim Hassan)


.Kenduri Roger/Nori� ...�

Bilik Lat'ihan, 24 Julai (Bernama) Kira-kira 60 orang petugas dar; semua jabatan di Bernamo, t~rmasuk mereka yang tidak dapot pulang ke rumah kerana hujan di sebelah petang hari ini .mengerumuni tempat ini kerana jamuan b'rbuka puasa.

Jamu~n itu dibiayai oleh w~kil Bernama di Manila, Encik Safar Hashim dan wakil ~e Jakarta, Encik Jamalud~,in Ali, dan juac;lab disf;ldiakan oleh Wak Majid, tuanpunya Majid...Walk-in. Juadah, termasuk kari daging, 9yam goreng, acar, agar-<Jgar, rambutan, buah korma dan,sirap Bandung.•

'. . I. .... 1 ..

Seorang jLiru~akap penganjur kenduri.berkata samputan adalah luariangka sehinggakan Wak Majid terpaksa memberl penjelasan '!pinggan ada 40 buah,sehaja, kerana order untuk 40 orang ." .


> • Akibatriya, ada antara tetamu yang ferpaksa makan mengikut gi Iiran dan ado yong mungkin terki Ian teropi memberi alason "s9)1O tidak makan ,nasi untuk berbuko ...

tPihak' penganjur sungguh aib, menan9gung derita batin dan menjadi sasaran sungutan . mer~ka _yang miss-soroo.

Namun begitu, niaf baik Pak Safar dan Bung Jamal (Pak Din) yang mujur tidak beroda di mojlis itu, untuk mengadakan moreh bagi kawan-kawan mereka, sangat disanjungi semua •. ~

Untuk, mer,eka, balasan komi hanyalah ucapan selamat bertugas di luar negeri dan ma ju jaya. ~- Bernama.




It was' unusually cold that morning. It was raining too • Not a tropical downpour and not an equatorial drizzle either. But one would be soaked to the skin just the some if one ventul'ed to go into the open without an umbrella. That was what the weather was like in Kuala lumpur that earty morning of August 31, 1957 - 23 years ago this month.

I had come all the way from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur to report for Radio Malaya which at that· time comprised both the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur radio stations the independence of Malaya from Britain. Kuala Lumpur'!; Radio Malaya was shorthanded to cover the myriad of events celebrating the occasion that many of us from the Singapore end and elsewhere hod to be sent to assist. Engineer~, technicians, announcers, broadcasters and scriptwriters were despatched to Kuala Lumpur,:from Singapore, Penang and Melaka •. Among the helpers from outside Kuala Lumpur I was the only newsman.

To me it was a great honour to be selected by Radio Malaya of Singapore to� cover the historica I event. I r,membered driving up in my faithful Fiat 600� on 28th August, 1957 and arriving at the Coliseum Hotel at Jolon Tuanku Abdul� Rahman (then Batu Road) after about nine hours of driving via Melaka, crossing� the Muar River and Batu Pahat River by ferry and travelling over stretches and� stretches of winding roads.�

I remembered reporting the ceremony of hoisting the Malayan Flag and lowering down of the Union Jack at the Selangor Club Padang when OIiIr "BigBen ll struck 12 on the night of August the 30th. I remembered re-porting the concert at the Lake Gardens where the late P. Ramlee sang "lbu" accompanied by Radio Malaya's Orchestra under the leadership of Alfonso 50 llano • I remembered reporting the installation ceremony of the First Yang DIPertuan Agung In a specially built hall on the lawn of Istana Negara and later the hall was dismantled and reassembled to become the present Dewan Tunku Abdul Rahman. I remembered reportfng the ceremony at Istano Negara where the Yang 01 Pertuan Agung appointed the late Tun Leong Yew Koh as the Governor of Melaka and the late Raja Tun Ucla as the Governor of Pulau Pinang. I remembered reporting the appointment at� the Istana Negara by His Majesty the Yang Di Pertuan Agong of Tunku Abdul� Rahman as the Prime Minister and Tun (then Dato) Abdul Razak Hussein as the� Deputy Prime Minister. I remembered reporting the arrival at the old airport�

.� of the Duke of Gloucestor who came to represent Britain's Queen Elizabeth to hand over the instrument of independence to'.our Prime Minister. I remembered so many things because they were all historical epochs, too important to be forgotten and too indelible to be erased from the minds.



But what remained fresh in my memory to this very day was that cold, chilly,� fal,ny morning of August 31, 19570 Reporters and photographers had earlier� been Instructed by the Press Officer, /tAr 0 D'Astugues, an expatriate, to be� at the Information Department at 6 a om And so sharp at 6 that morning I� presented myself at the Information Department (where Bank Negara now stands),� in my dark brown baju Melayu, kain songket, black songkok and a new pair� of suede shoes, all set to do a good job and so happy that my country was going� to be free after some 446 years offorelgn domination and anxious to see the� Duke hands over the Instrument or letter of independence from the British� monarch to the Tunku thus formalising the birth of our new nation 0 After an� hour or 50 of waiting while the rain continued to fall and the cold showing no� sign of abating we were transported to the newly-completed Stadium Merdeka� In army vehicles 0 At the stadium liCIt In the crowded press box with dozens of� journalists, local and overseas 0�

The handing over of the Instrument of Independence ceremony was the climax of the Merdeka celebrations 0 It WOl the occasion the entire about-to-be-born nation was waiting for 0 All the rulers of the Malayan states In their resplendent royal dress, bemedalled, besashed and parasol led, together with the Duke of G loucestor In his white uniform and plumed helmet and the British High Commissioner, Sir Dc,,"CI,ld McGillivray, In his black colonial governor's uniform, were seated on a long dais In the centre of the field 0 The Duke made no speech 0

When the moment came he just stood up, handed over the Instrument of Independence In a scroll to the Tunku and sat down again 0 With this brief gesture, symbolic as I.t onl,y was, Malaya was returned, to Its rightful ownen 0 Looking back, many of the royalties Including their umbrella bearers who were on the daIs that August morning had passed away. Even the Duke and Sir Donald had died. Only the Tunku, now In hIs 77th year, Is stili goIng strong.

But what moved me so much during the ceremony was not the shoutIng out of the word "Merdeka II seven times by the Tunku and chorused after every shout by the jubilant crowd or his lump-in-the-throat reading of the proclafmatlon of Independence or the eerIe boom-boom of the artillery 0 It was the listenIng to the new national anthem of our new nation being publrcly and officIally played to usher in the country's freedom and to witness the hoisting of our new flag and watching it slowly ascending the pole and finally fluttering proudly in the winds while the band sentimentofly rendered "Negara Ku" with everyone stonding at attention that stirred my emotion. It was one moment in my adult life that I did not bother to wipe the tears that had rolled down my cheeks and I simply could not care less whether those in the press box saw me cry 0 It was a moment

\� \ \


worth crying. A cry of joy and happiness. A cry of hope and faith in the future. A cry of triumph and pride. A cr y that! transmitted a message ,that at long last we were now free to govern our country in anyway we see fit and to shape our destiny in anyway we see compatible with our. way of life.


; I have, never cried again since that August morning in 1957.' But it is one i' August morning that I shall remember as long as I live. -- Hashim Hassan.




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, '

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'r'£1m III Vt Sa. P.,"­

I PlAl4.K ? - ~.. ~ .. -, ...~.. ~, ., ........ ,.\ I�-' .......... " . .,).,.....�

.~ .. "'. , ---.--- ----------~----


I used to enjoy reading the papers in the library but I am not sure I Call take� in any more of the telephone conversations there. I haven't listened in to� the calls deliberately. Perish the thought, I'd never stoop to eavesdropping'� It's just that the reading table is next to the enquiry desk and you just can't� help catching some lines here and there. Well, listen to this .........•�

LI BRARY STAFF: .•.• the record says you borrowed the file on June 25 and� today's July 1st. Do you think you could return it today?"�

VOICE ON THE� IIAi -yah, why don't you check before you phone '. I returned OTHER END:� it on the 26th, I think I haven't time for this kind of talk ....

I got a story to finish ••••. go and check the 1ibrary basket. I left it there, I -think. Okay? II (slams down the phone)

(Must have been a fi erCe rnan there, furiously banging away at his typewriter. His voice goes beyond the phone and pricks my ear-drums so.)

Now, I hope the Library staff will 9ive up alittlebit and give me some peace.� Before I can go on to page 13, he's Qt itagain:- .�

LIBRARY STAFF:� "I. say,. there, Joe, we've just got back the file on Port� Klang you borrowed yesterday. Do you mind putting back� all the news clippings in the correct filing order after use.� They're all messed up and it's difficult "�

"How dare you accuse me like that. I Idt t~,:~ fil,; iI' th" basket yesferday evening after using it. >/.:; ".'.',,r;ri,,,1 must have messed up your clippings. Don't blame me don't bug me. No time for you lah .. ,.,. ",

This time our earnest library staff must surely give up. Great, Icon finish my paper in peace and quiet. Just when I'm onto the cartoons, he goes o9Oin;­

LIBRARY STAFF:� " ..... Just a reminder the book you borrowed "Forgetting", No Excuse - The Autobiography of Mary Scott" is 3 weeks overdue. Could you return it as soon as possible os someone else has reserved it."

"';:1J ( '.1..,\,


VOICE ON THE II Ot dah lu.po. Will bring tomorrow lah. Okay?


(C~me tomorfow, and this scenario's gonna repeat itself. I can assure you. For some people "tomorrow II means some indefinite time in the future) .

So for a while, there IS a lull. I can at least cover my cartoon's with quiet ,Q.musement. I wa.s about to goon to the Sports Pages at the bock when a chop s:lUntered in new boots and all (I see the conspicuous shine) and with a thunderous 'voice, greeted the Library stoff at the desk, "Se lama t Pagi, Halid TengokI.

kasut soya -- baru beli -- fashion Bolly dari London .• ,., Iowa tak , ••• ,. Baru datang dari England -- mohal juga kau tahu berapo ringgit aku boyar ~ntuk ni -~ sekaro.ng poket dah 'kosong 11

(Don't kid him, It's c1earance-of-old-stock sales at Central and your Bolly sho:s corne cheaply with 50% discount .' ••••• ).

Now, I give up. Knowing this chap to be not only extremely loquacious but also speaks with a voice that makes the cei ling shake, I make my exit. I can do the Sports Pages some other time when the risk of a falling ceiling is less,


Th~se. conversations would die a natural deatb if. reporters would cooperate by )

(i) RetlJrni,ng files to the Librqry personallY'instead Of leaving th<:m jf, , I·

the Librar>: baskets. Someone els-e might decide to keep the fj Ie fJnd hence it may never reach the Library, Some one else might refer to the file and mess up the cuttings and hence you get the blame. You may need the file again. What if it is lost or if you need to trace a particular story - if cuttings are not chronologically arranged this will be a difficult task. Library baskets on editorial floor are for useful materials reporters obtain on their assignments which can be sent to the Library for safekeeping. They are not for files, books etc borrowed from the ;.Li:bra.-y (lnd'~ .under you name.

---- -

I f . I· 7I •

(i i) Files shoul,d be returned as soon as you are finished with them, preferably within 24 hours. If you keep'them unnecessarily, you deprive another reporter from using it out of a genuine need and you also delay the filing of latest news items on that subject by library _stqff •

(i i i)� Books may ,be renewed after 2 weeks if no one else has reserved them,

-.� .p !ea~~ phone. the Library if you Ire too hard-pressed to spare 5 mins to do the actual renewal.

~ • 1 I I

( iv)� We don It expect 100% si lence i'n the Library as this is a news Library, But neither do we expect to compete with the news floor in the production and dissemination of noise (and1news of course), So we would appreciate a certain measure of volume control to ensure that other Library users (like reluctant eavesdropper) who may wan 'to read the papers in peace and quiet can do'so. (Also to ena\:)le' Library staff to carry out their daily duties without the risk of falling

'I' I)ce.l lOgs� • C .1. c� I.Jc

I i� ~I



BERNAMA District Correspondent for Bukit Mertajam Encik R: Muniandy was awarded Pingat Jasa Masyarakat (P JM) by the Yang DiPertua Negeri on his 63rd birthday, He is the second BERNAN\A. journalist in Penang with a PJM title. The first is Syed 'I mran whb<retEdve8 'his aw~rd in 1976.

. .� , , .

'. I

To Muniandy, syaOOs:. HBK "� I )

I� r' ~ , H.



.) -- -'- -_� .. _--,

.) '1 I •� I I I" "sound� practice makes a clear distinction between news reports I

and expressions of opinion. news reports should be free from opinions I or bias� of any kind." ....-,- canons of american journalism. 1

I L ._. _ .. _ .. . I _____ --J



At least one high-class hotel in the city has adjusted its coffee-house fare to suit end-of-the~ay-breakfasttakers in the Puasa Month. Certainly the Layong-Layong Coffee House at the Kuala Lumpur International Hotel in Jalan Raja Muda must have have have the widest range of traditional Malay food offered by any of the major hotels in town.

Their menu, varied each day of the week, reflects traditional Malay Puasa fare which has more variety than that normally served on non-puasa days.

Kurma, cendol, air bandung, pengat keledek, bubur pulut hitam, tapai, sago gula melaka, are some of the sweet samplings you can ring the changes in the week at Layang-Layang.

But of course that's not all. Aport from the 'musts' like rice and the 'Iauk' dishes, there are also the courageous side dishes -- budu, cencalok, petai, samba I belacan, tempoyak, and kerabu pucuk paku which traditionally can only be found in private homes.

These side dishes are all strong stuff with a fierce taste and an equally fierce following, or objections '. The faint of heart and weak-stomoched are not encouraged to get acquainted with them. Otherwise you might end up joining the Gastric Club which seems to swell annually in membership come Ramadan.

But for those away from home and miss these "character mites, II and can afford the $10.50 per head price of the buffet-style, many-splendoured, stretched­out breakfast, Loyang-Layong Coffee House offers just about the best, may b(: the only one, they can find in any hotel in town.

The Kuala Lumpur International Hotel Operations Manager, Encik Ismail Hamzah, one of the new breed of "Hot-Cat" cotering execs, says the hotel's Puasa special has had a full-house response almost everyday since it began.

"We are open 24 hours so customers may also take their sahur here, II Encik Ismail says.

Sahur is served as a set supper at $8.50 per head. Mmm, looks Iike you have to spend $19 per day on food alone this Puasa Month if you are going to stick around the La yang-La yang . -- Bernama more


Some people do apparently. "We have quite a few regular customers, " says Encik Ismail who sports a beige double-breasted suit.

Thatls what people call, but only a few can be: class.



o I bled my fingers today . Splitting a hair into fours. I labelled them . Fire, Earth, Air and Welter. I ca II ed forth a hundred Botak Heads. And multiplied them by a quarter, Aligning each behind the four banners Fire, Earth, A ir and Water. But they turned them into slogans, Declaring the one was holier Than the other. They dug trenches And unrolled the barb-wires, As if Heaven and Hell Were set apart by a split hair's micron. "Wake up, " the man in white shook me in my knot, IlITis ti me for your Mogadon. II





I slipped again today;�-, fell i'nto a hole�And spoke from there.�But aU 'saw were the birds�Pecking at my words�Stuck on the wa\l .�I looked at the sky�And knew' hod to climb�Back, up, and out.�


," · . ."



Meet K. Kandiah Bernama Penang's T.P. operator, sub-editor, Accounts Clerk, 4-D bookie, adviser extraordinary, former amateur Bo>:er etc. etc.

Most reporters in the Bernama bureaus would agree with me that the TP operator is something of an anchor man, one who spots the errors wither grammatica I or spelling. Besides he can also be useful in going to the bank, post office or even giving directions.

Kandiah, who is Penang bureau's first TP operator has about 30 year of experience behind him, including loyal service in several old newspapers such as the Malaya Tribune, Singapore Standard, Malayan Times and the Eastern Sun. Kandiah also did a short stint as on Estate conductor.

Kandiah, 51 and a very happy father of 9 chi Idren has been wi th Bernama since June 1969 and has had the opportunity to work under four Bureau Chiefs, namely Khoo Boon Choo, K. C. Leong, Gauldin Miranda and presently with Hoo Ban Khee.

During the years he had the pleasure of working with more than 50 reporters and ex-staff who had served in the Penang bureau such as Siva, Kadir Jasin, Amin, Bala, Anne Koh, Saiad, Tan Jooi Long, Nik Mohamad, Rashid Ali, Mazlan Salleh and so on.

Many Bureau Chiefs, reporters, office boys, stringers and retainers have come and gone, but old faithful Kandiah still sticks on and he fondly remembers all the antics af the many reporters anci Bureau Chiefs who served the Penang office.

What makes Kandiah so special and invaluable is his cheerful disposition and keen alertness and the ability to understand that a late lunch is not much to fuss about when there are stories waiting to be punched out. This alone is a very important feature in the case of a big story breaking and if it coincides with one's lunch. There is many a time when Kandiah only takes his lunch break at 2.30 p.m. after dedicately punching out the stories.

Besides his routine vocation as a teleprinter operator, Kandiah also handles the office petty cash accounts, does the ship in Port roundup, make tea and is sometimes the Acting Bureau Chief when we ::Ire out.


Very rarely does he miss out on spelling errors and does not fail to draw our attention when there is somethirg suspect with 0 sentence construction or if the na mes of the rood are not correct.

The office which is usually left in a mess after we return home is always spotlessly clean the next morning and Kandiah is there before everyone else with his

. faithful iron horse parked outside.

Come Saturdays and Sundays Kandiah is indispensable to 4-0 enthusiasts with his ever reliable book which contains numbers related to either a dream or an incident •

Kandiah can a Iso be consulted when it comes to shopping. He knows practica lly every nook and corner of the island and where to get the best buys .

Besides being a dedicated member of Bernama, Kandiah is equally a dedicated father to his chi Idren as can be seen with the amount of shopping he does for them. He is always buying fruits, clothing or something for his family.

It is also due to Kandiah that we have coffee, tea, Horlicks, Milo or Ovaltine twice daily. There are times when he digs into his pockets to subscribe the drinks and all our fellow reporters and guests who drop in during tea time are also a.::commodated with a nice hot drink prepared by him.

When I think of all of Kandiah's valuable assets there are no words to describe� it. May be just a jolly good fellow whom nobOdy can deny. -- ART.�



Diucapkan selamat bertugas kepada enam orang petugas baru iaitu Sukardi Abdul Ghani, Fauziah Mahmood, Zakaria A bdul Wahab, Wan Raza Ii Sula iman, Noraini Ahmad Shariff dan Amar Hamzah Md. Sap. '

Mereka semua adalah pemegang Diploma School of Mass Communication ITM dan Sukardi adalah pemegang Biasiswa BERNAtv'IA.

/3 •.,


Billiards� Bernama

.~ .� Kejohanan sulung Billiard Dunia dilangsungkan dalam tahun 1870. (Sebelum itu billiard dieja 'Balliard I, tetapi orcing kita lebih mudah menyebut Ibeliad ').

Supaya turut tercatit dolom sejaroh, Kelcib Kakitangan Bernamo'telah m~9aia kejuClroan sulung billiard sesama para petugas pertubuhan in; secara kalah mati mulai 2 julai. ' .

Empat puluh orang petugas semua jabotan mengambil bahagian, ada diantaranya memang bakat-bakot tersorok don ,yang lainnya jogoh heboh-hebohon.

Trofi Pok Hoshim Hasson menjadi rebutan. Mulanya, Ketua Pengarang disuruh turut menunjukkan kehandalannya tetapi beliau enggon pula kerano takutkalau­kalau trofi itu tidak berpindoh tangan.

Tidak pula diketahui selama manakah kejohanan sulung billiard dunia itu ,. berlangsung, tetapj kejohanan billiard Bernama berlarut samapi hampir tigd


Kesudahannya, tapis demi tapis, saudara Zainuddin Noor dan saudara Daud Selamat, kebetulan pula kedua-duanya dari jabatan Percitakon, berentdp.~

lima s,et da lam perlawanan akhir pada 21 Julai.

Trofi Hashim Hassan menjadi milik Zainuddin. Daud tewas tiga set berbalas satu. Saudara Hishamuddin Aun dansaudara Iso Hashim turut tergolong sebago; dua dad empat orang pemain billiard terbaik di Bernama. -- Roger GinS€09.

Sdri Zainab Haji Yaacob copy-typist sementara II mengucap)~an terima kasih atas derma simpati

yang telah diberikan oleh petugas-petugas

BERNAMA� kepadanya setelah beliau kehilanqan

duit gaji pada 28 Julai. Pengarang Bahagian

Pemberi taan, Encik Jamil Abdullah menyampaik an

hasil kutipan derma kilat kepada Sdri Zainab

pada 29� Julai.


Pengarang Lawan Pentadbiran

Ketiadaan Trofi Rahman Sulaiman di soot akhir (tidak sempat dibeli) tidak langsung mematikan semangat Pentadbiran hendak terus kekal sebagai Juara Bolasepak Antara Jabatan Bernama.

Pengarang pula masuk padang KTM di Brickfields peda Jumaat II Julai, sebagai underdogs, tidak mahu menunjukkan taringnya walaupun hampir keseluruhan skuadnya diwakili oleh pemain kesebelasan pertama Bernama.

Azam Pengarang untuk menang didorong oleh duo sebeb. Pertama, Pengarang tidak pernah menang kejuaraan ini sekali pun sebelum II Julai. Kedua kerana mahukan salah seorang pemain Pentadbiran tidak mungkin nozarnya hendak menyukur sebelah misainya jika pasukannya tewas.

Saudara Sobrey Jaafar menawarkan dirinya untuk menjadi pengadil (tawaran ini disambut dingin oleh setengah pihak yang bertanding). Seperti mana­mana perlawanan pun memang ada pengadil-pengadil sambilan di luar gelanggong. Begitu juga perlawanan Pentadbiran-f'engarang. Namun begitu, saudara Sobrey menunaikan tanggungjawabnya sedaya upaya.

?engarang mengalahkan Pentadbiran 7-2 kali ini. Senarai penjaring gol bagi Pengarang hinggakan tak ternama. Gal-gal Pentadbiran disumbatkan oleh saudara Zainuddin Noor. -- Roger Ginseng.



Pasukan Bola Jaring Bernama yang ditubuhkan kira-kira sebulan lalu mengucapkan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada dermawan-dermawan di bawah yang telah memberikan sumbangan $10 seorang.

Mereka ialah; Pengarang Processing, Chan Kwan Hoi dan tiga orang NE baru - Syed Jami I, Safar Hashim dan Jaafar Hussein (Jeff to you).

Dari derma ini Pasukan ini telah berjaya membeli dua buah bola yong akan digunakan ketika menjalani latihan. Terima kasih sekali lagi .

P.s. Pengarang Tugas-tugas Khas, En Musa Scully juga menderrna $10.

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I.� Signifies urgency in BERNAtv\A copy

2.� Bel ief.3. The body managing a large

irrigation scheme.5.� Officer commanding6.� A play on words.8.� 1mporta nt part of wri ti ng aid.

10.� Feloniously plunder.12.� A catapult in reverse.15.� Reporting truthfully is

Bernama's aim.16.� One of ASEAN's projects.17.� He ranks between Marquis

and Viscount. 20.� Nought.22.� Roofing material.24. Hey, ------ Woman: a song .

.25. Equal27.� Plural for purpose.29.� A Ma\aysian title.

go \'t:nd • rodlZ i 32.� Preposition.


\ .� Not necessarily a colour 33 . Legumious plant

4.� The low 34. Adverb for negative 7.� George Bush also ---

35. Frightening 9.� Man's best friend.II.� One of subs I duties. 13.� Negative14.� Commendable 18.� Father Dicetak dan dikeluarkan oleh BERNAI'M,19.� Part of a Chinese name. Bangunan MCOBA, 42 Jolon Syed Putro,21.� A news agency P. O. Box 24, Kua\a Lumpur 01-02.23.� A concei ted person.26.� In actual fact, really.28.� Preposition30.� The Orient31.� Heat