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poema anglosassone

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PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION.The favor with which the successive editions of "Bowulf" have been received during the past thirteen years emboldens the editors to continue the work of revision in a fourth issue, the most noticeable feature of which is a considerable body of explanatory Notes, now for the first time added. These Notes mainly concern themselves with new textual readings, with here and there grammatical, geographical, and archological points that seemed worthy of explanation. Parallelisms and parallel passages are constantly compared, with the view of making the poem illustrate and explain itself. A few emendations and textual changes are suggested by the editors with all possible diffidence; numerous corrections have been made in the Glossary and List of Names; and the valuable parts of former Appendices have been embodied in the Notes. For the Notes, the editors are much indebted to the various German periodicals mentioned on page 116, to the recent publications of Professors Earle and J. L. Hall, to Mr. S. A. Brooke, and to the Heyne-Socin edition of "Bowulf." No change has been made in the system of accentuation, though a few errors in quantity have been corrected. The editors are looking forward to an eventual fifth edition, in which an entirely new text will be presented. October, 1893.

NOTE TO THE THIRD EDITION.This third edition of the American issue of Bowulf will, the editors hope, be found more accurate and useful than either of the preceding editions. Further corrections in text and glossary have been made, and some additional new readings and suggestions will be found in two brief appendices at the back of the book. Students of the metrical system of Bowulf will find ample material for their studies in Sievers' exhaustive essay on that subject (Beitrge, X. 209-314). Socin's edition of Heyne's Bowulf (called the fifth edition) has been utilized to some extent in this edition, though it unfortunately came too late to be freely used. While it repeats many of the omissions and inaccuracies of Heyne's fourth edition, it contains much that is valuable to the student, particularly in the notes and commentary. Students of the poem, which has been subjected to much searching criticism during the last decade, will also derive especial help from the contributions of Sievers and Kluge on difficult questions appertaining to it. Wlker's new edition (in the Grein Bibliothek) is of the highest value, however one may dissent from particular textual views laid down in the 'Berichtigter Text.' Paul and Braune's Beitrge contain a varied miscellany of hints, corrections, and suggestions principally embodying the views of Kluge, Cosijn, Sievers, and Bugge, some of the more important of which are found in the appendices to the present and the preceding edition. Holder and Zupitza, Sarrazin and Hermann Mller (Kiel, 1883), Heinzel (Anzeiger f.d. Alterthum, X.), Gering (Zacher's Zeitschrift, XII.), Brenner (Eng. Studien, IX.), and the contributors to Anglia, have assisted materially in the textual and metrical interpretation of the poem. The subject of Anglo-Saxon quantity has been discussed in several able essays by Sievers, Sweet, Ten Brink (Anzeiger, f.d. Alterthum, V.), Kluge (Beitrge, XI.), and others; but so much is uncertain in this field that the II. THE FIGHT AT FINNSBURH: 2

Beowulf editors have left undisturbed the marking of vowels found in the text of their original edition, while indicating in the appendices the now accepted views of scholars on the quantity of the personal pronouns (m, w, , , g, h); the adverb n, etc. Perhaps it would be best to banish absolutely all attempts at marking quantities except in cases where the Ms. has them marked. An approximately complete Bibliography of Bowulf literature will be found in Wlker's Grundriss and in Garnett's translation of the poem. JAMES A. HARRISON, ROBERT SHARP. WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, LEXINGTON, VA., May, 1888.

NOTE TO THE SECOND REVISED EDITION.The editors feel so encouraged at the kind reception accorded their edition of Bowulf (1883), that, in spite of its many shortcomings, they have determined to prepare a second revised edition of the book, and thus endeavor to extend its sphere of usefulness. About twenty errors had, notwithstanding a vigilant proof-reading, crept into the text,errors in single letters, accents, and punctuation. These have been corrected, and it is hoped that the text has been rendered generally accurate and trustworthy. In the List of Names one or two corrections have been made, and in the Glossary numerous mistakes in gender, classification, and translation, apparently unavoidable in a first edition, have been rectified. Wherever these mistakes concern single letters, or occupy very small space, they have been corrected in the plates; where they are longer, and the expense of correcting them in the plates would have been very great, the editors have thought it best to include them in an Appendix of Corrections and Additions, which will be found at the back of the book. Students are accordingly referred to this Appendix for important longer corrections and additions. It is believed that the value of the book has been much enhanced by an Appendix of Recent Readings, based on late criticisms and essays from the pens of Sievers, Kluge, Cosijn, Holder, Wlker, and Sweet. A perplexed student, in turning to these suggested readings, will often find great help in unravelling obscure or corrupt passages. The objectionable and , for the short and the long diphthong, have been retained in the revised edition, owing to the impossibility of removing them without entirely recasting the plates. In conclusion, the editors would acknowledge their great indebtedness to the friends and critics whose remarks and criticisms have materially aided in the correction of the text,particularly to Profs. C.P.G. Scott, Baskervill, Price, and J.M. Hart; to Prof. J.W. Bright; and to the authorities of Cornell University, for the loan of periodicals necessary to the completeness of the revision. While the second revised edition still contains much that might be improved, the editors cannot but hope that it is an advance on its predecessor, and that it will continue its work of extending the study of Old English throughout the land. JUNE, 1885.

NOTE I.The present work, carefully edited from Heyne's fourth edition, (Paderborn, 1879), is designed primarily for college classes in Anglo-Saxon, rather than for independent investigators or for seekers after a restored or NOTE TO THE THIRD EDITION. 3

Beowulf ideal text. The need of an American edition of "Bowulf" has long been felt, as, hitherto, students have had either to send to Germany for a text, or secure, with great trouble, one of the scarce and expensive English editions. Heyne's first edition came out in 1863, and was followed in 1867 and 1873 by a second and a third edition, all three having essentially the same text. So many important contributions to the "Bowulf" literature were, however, made between 1873 and 1879 that Heyne found it necessary to put forth a new edition (1879). In this new, last edition, the text was subjected to a careful revision, and was fortified by the views, contributions, and criticisms of other zealous scholars. In it the collation of the unique "Bowulf" Ms. (Vitellius A. 15: Cottonian Mss. of the British Museum), as made by E. Klbing in Herrig's Archiv (Bd. 56; 1876), was followed wherever the present condition of the Ms. had to be discussed; and the researches of Bugge, Bieger, and others, on single passages, were made use of. The discussion of the metrical structure of the poem, as occurring in the second and third editions, was omitted in the fourth, owing to the many controversies in which the subject is still involved. The present editor has thought it best to do the same, though, happily, the subject of Old English Metrik is undergoing a steady illumination through the labors of Schipper and others. Some errors and misplaced accents in Heyne's text have been corrected in the present edition, in which, as in the general revision of the text, the editor has been most kindly aided by Prof. J.M. Garnett, late Principal of St. John's College, Maryland. In the preparation of the present school edition it has been thought best to omit Heyne's notes, as they concern themselves principally with conjectural emendations, substitutions of one reading for another, and discussions of the condition of the Ms. Until Wlker's text and the photographic fac-simile of the original Ms. are in the hands of all scholars, it will be better not to introduce such matters in the school room, where they would puzzle without instructing. For convenience of reference, the editor has added a head-line to each "fit" of the poem, with a view to facilitate a knowledge of its episodes. WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, LEXINGTON, VA., June, 1882.

NOTE II.The editors now have the pleasure of presenting to the public a complete text and a tolerably complete glossary of "Bowulf." The edition is the first published in America, and the first of its special kind presented to the English public, and it is the initial volume of a "Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry," to be edited under the same auspices and with the coperation of distinguished scholars in this country. Among these scholars may be mentioned Professors F.A. March of Lafayette College, T.K. Price of Columbia College, and W.M. Baskervill of Vanderbilt University. In the preparation of the Glossary the editors found it necessary to abandon a literal and exact translation of Heyne for several reasons, and among others from the fact that Heyne seems to be wrong in the translation of some of his illustrative quotations, and even translates the same passage in two or three different ways under different headings. The orthography of his glossary differs considerably from the orthography of his text. He fails to discriminate with due nicety the meanings of many of the words in his vocabulary, while criticism more recent than his latest edition (1879) has illustrated or overthrown several of his renderings. The references were found to be incorrect in innumerable instances, and had to be verified in every individual case so far as this was possible, a few only, which resisted all efforts at verification, having to be indicated by an interrogation point (?). The references are exceedingly numerous, and the labor of verifying them was NOTE I. 4

Beowulf naturally great. To many passages in the Glossary, where Heyne's translation could not be trusted with entire certainty, the editors have added other translations of phrases and sentences or of special words; and in this they have been aided by a careful study of the text and a comparison and utilization of the views of Kemble and Professor J.M. Garnett (who takes Grein for his foundation). Many new references have been added; and the various passages in which Heyne fails to indicate whether a given verb is weak or strong, or fails to point out the number, etc., of the illustrative form, have been corrected and made to harmonize with the general plan of the work. Numerous misprints in the glossary have also been corrected, and a brief glossary to the Finnsburh-fragment, prepared by Dr. Wm. Hand Browne, and supplemented and adapted by the editor-in-chief, has been added. The editors think that they may without immodesty put forth for themselves something more than the claim of being re-translators of a translation: the present edition is, so far as they were able to make it so, an adaptation, correction, and extension of the work of the great German scholar to whose loving appreciation of the Anglo-Saxon epic all students of Old English owe a debt of gratitude. While following his usually sure and cautious guidance, and in the main appropriating his results, they have thought it best to deviate from him in the manner above indicated, whenever it seemed that he was wrong. The careful reader will notice at once the marks of interrogation which point out these deviations, or which introduce a point of view illustrative of, or supplementary to, the one given by the German editor. No doubt the editors are wrong themselves in many places,"Bowulf" is a most difficult poem,but their view may at least be defended by a reference to the original text, which they have faithfully and constantly consulted. A good many cognate Modern English words have been introduced here and there in the Glossary with a view to illustration, and other addenda will be found between brackets and parenthetical marks. It is hoped that the present edition of the most famous of Old English poems will do something to promote a valuable and interesting study. JAMES A. HARRISON, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. ROBERT SHARP, University of Louisiana, New Orleans. April, 1883. The responsibility of the editors is as follows: H. is responsible for the Text, and for the Glossary from hrnan on; S. for the List of Names, and for the Glossary as far as hrnan.

ARGUMENT.The only national [Anglo-Saxon] epic which has been preserved entire is Bowulf. Its argument is briefly as follows:The poem opens with a few verses in praise of the Danish Kings, especially Scild, the son of Sceaf. His death is related, and his descendants briefly traced down to Hrogar. Hrogar, elated with his prosperity and success in war, builds a magnificent hall, which he calls Heorot. In this hall Hrogar and his retainers live in joy and festivity, until a malignant fiend, called Grendel, jealous of their happiness, carries off by night thirty of Hrogar's men, and devours them in his moorland retreat. These ravages go on for twelve years. Bowulf, a thane of Hygelac, King of the Goths, hearing of Hrogar's calamities, sails from Sweden with fourteen warriorsto help him. They reach the Danish coast in safety; and, after an animated parley with Hrogar's coastguard, who at first takes them for pirates, they are allowed to proceed to the royal hall, where they are well received by Hrogar. A banquet ensues, during which Bowulf is taunted by the envious Hunferh about his swimming-match with Breca, King of the Brondings. Bowulf gives the true account of NOTE II. 5

Beowulf the contest, and silences Hunferh. At night-fall the King departs, leaving Bowulf in charge of the hall. Grendel soon breaks in, seizes and devours one of Bowulf's companions; is attacked by Bowulf, and, after losing an arm, which is torn off by Bowulf, escapes to the fens. The joy of Hrogar and the Danes, and their festivities, are described, various episodes are introduced, and Bowulf and his companions receive splendid gifts. The next night Grendel's mother revenges her son by carrying off AEschere, the friend and councillor of Hrogar, during the absence of Bowulf. Hrogar appeals to Bowulf for vengeance, and describes the haunts of Grendel and his mother. They all proceed thither; the scenery of the lake, and the monsters that dwell in it, are described. Bowulf plunges into the water, and attacks Grendel's mother in her dwelling at the bottom of the lake. He at length overcomes her, and cuts off her head, together with that of Grendel, and brings the heads to Hrogar. He then takes leave of Hrogar, sails back to Sweden, and relates his adventures to Hygelac. Here the first half of the poem ends. The second begins with the accession of Bowulf to the throne, after the fall of Hygelac and his son Heardred. He rules prosperously for fifty years, till a dragon, brooding over a hidden treasure, begins to ravage the country, and destroys Bowulf's palace with fire. Bowulf sets out in quest of its hiding-place, with twelve men. Having a presentiment of his approaching end, he pauses and recalls to mind his past life and exploits. He then takes leave of his followers, one by one, and advances alone to attack the dragon. Unable, from the heat, to enter the cavern, he shouts aloud, and the dragon comes forth. The dragon's scaly hide is proof against Bowulf's sword, and he is reduced to great straits. Then Wiglaf, one of his followers, advances to help him. Wiglaf's shield is consumed by the dragon's fiery breath, and he is compelled to seek shelter under Bowulf's shield of iron. Bowulf's sword snaps asunder, and he is seized by the dragon. Wiglaf stabs the dragon from underneath, and Bowulf cuts it in two with his dagger. Feeling that his end is near, he bids Wiglaf bring out the treasures from the cavern, that he may see them before he dies. Wiglaf enters the dragon's den, which is described, returns to Bowulf, and receives his last commands. Bowulf dies, and Wiglaf bitterly reproaches his companions for their cowardice. The disastrous consequences of Bowulf's death are then foretold, and the poem ends with his funeral.H. Sweet, in Warton's History of English Poetry, Vol. II. (ed. 1871). Cf. also Ten Brink's History of English Literature.



BOWULF.I. THE PASSING OF SCYLD. Hwt! w Gr-Dena in ger-dagum od-cyninga rym gefrnon, h elingas ellen fremedon. Oft Scyld Scfing sceaena ratum, 5 monegum m gum meodo-setla oftah. Egsode eorl, syan rest wear fa-sceaft funden: h s frfre gebd, wox under wolcnum, weor-myndum h, o t him ghwylc ra ymb-sittendra 10 ofer hron-rde hy ran scolde, gomban gyldan: t ws gd cyning! m eafera ws fter cenned geong in geardum, one god sende folce t frfre; fyren-earfe ongeat, 15 t he r drugon aldor-lase lange hwle. Him s lf-fra, wuldres wealdend, worold-re forgeaf; Bowulf ws brme (bl d wde sprang), Scyldes eafera Scede-landum in. 20 Sw sceal geong guma, gde gewyrcean, fromum feoh-giftum on fder wine, t hine on ylde eft gewunigen wil-gesas, onne wg cume, lode gel sten: lof-d dum sceal 25 in m ga gehw re man geon. Him Scyld gewt t gescp-hwle fela-hrr fran on fran w re; h hyne tb ron t brimes faroe. sw se gesas, sw h selfa bd, 30 BOWULF. 7

Beowulf enden wordum wold wine Scyldinga, lof land-fruma lange hte. r t hy e std hringed-stefna, sig and tfs, elinges fr; -ldon lofne oden, 35 baga bryttan on bearm scipes, m rne be mste. r ws mdma fela, of feor-wegum frtwa gel ded: ne hy rde ic cy mlcor col gegyrwan hilde-w pnum and heao-w dum, 40 billum and byrnum; him on bearme lg mdma mnigo, him mid scoldon on fldes ht feor gewtan. Nalas h hine l ssan lcum todan, od-gestronum, onne dydon, 45 hine t frumsceafte for onsendon nne ofer y e umbor wesende: gy t he him setton segen gyldenne hah ofer hafod, lton holm beran, gafon on gr-secg: him ws gemor sefa, 50 murnende md. Men ne cunnon secgan t soe sele-r dende, hle under heofenum, hw m hlste onfng.

II. THE HALL HEOROT. ws on burgum Bowulf Scyldinga, lof lod-cyning, longe rge 55 folcum gefr ge (fder ellor hwearf, aldor of earde), o t him eft onwc hah Healfdene; hold enden lifde, gamol and g-row, glde Scyldingas. m fower bearn for-germed 60 in worold wcun, weoroda r swan, Heorogr and Hrgr and Hlga til; I. THE PASSING OF SCYLD. 8

Beowulf hy rde ic, at Elan cwn Ongenowes ws Heaoscilfinges heals-gebedde. ws Hrgre here-spd gyfen, 65 wges weor-mynd, t him his wine-mgas georne hy rdon, o t so geogo gewox, mago-driht micel. Him on md bearn, t heal-reced htan wolde, medo-rn micel men gewyrcean, 70 one yldo bearn fre gefrnon, and r on innan eall ged lan geongum and ealdum, swylc him god sealde, bton folc-scare and feorum gumena. ic wde gefrgn weorc gebannan 75 manigre m ge geond isne middan-geard, folc-stede frtwan. Him on fyrste gelomp dre mid yldum, t hit wear eal gearo, heal-rna m st; scp him Heort naman, s e his wordes geweald wde hfde. 80 H bot ne lh, bagas d lde, sinc t symle. Sele hlfade hah and horn-gap: heao-wylma bd, lan lges; ne ws hit lenge gn t se ecg-hete um-swerian 85 fter wl-ne wcnan scolde. se ellen-g st earfolce rge geolode, s e in y strum bd, t h dgora gehwm dram gehy rde hldne in healle; r ws hearpan swg, 90 swutol sang scopes. Sgde s e ce frum-sceaft fra feorran reccan, cw t se lmihtiga eoran worhte, wlite-beorhtne wang, sw wter bebge, gesette sige-hrig sunnan and mnan 95 loman t lohte land-bendum, and gefrtwade foldan scatas leomum and lafum; lf ac gescep cynna gehwylcum, ra e cwice hwyrfa. Sw driht-guman dramum lifdon II. THE HALL HEOROT. 9

Beowulf 100 adiglce, o t n ongan fyrene fremman, fond on helle: ws se grimma gst Grendel hten, m re mearc-stapa, s e mras hold, fen and fsten; ffel-cynnes eard 105 won-s lig wer weardode hwle, sian him scyppend forscrifen hfde. In Caines cynne one cwealm gewrc, ce drihten, s e h bel slg; ne gefeah h re f he, ac h hine feor forwrc, 110 metod for y mne man-cynne fram. anon unty dras ealle onwcon, eotenas and ylfe and orcnas, swylce ggantas, wi gode wunnon lange rge; h him s lan forgeald.

III. GRENDEL'S VISITS.115 Gewt nosian, syan niht becm, han hses, h hit Hring-Dene fter bor-ege gebn hfdon. Fand r inne elinga gedriht swefan fter symble; sorge ne con, 120 won-sceaft wera. Wiht unh lo grim and gr dig gearo sna ws, roc and re, and on rste genam rtig egna: anon eft gewt he hrmig t hm faran, 125 mid re wl-fylle wca nosan. ws on htan mid r-dge Grendles g-crft gumum undyrne: ws fter wiste wp up hafen, micel morgen-swg. M re oden, 130 eling r-gd, unble st, olode ry -swy , egn-sorge drah, III. GRENDEL'S VISITS. 10

Beowulf syan he s lan lst scawedon, wergan gstes; ws t gewin t strang, l and longsum. Ns hit lengra fyrst, 135 ac ymb ne niht eft gefremede mor-beala mre and n mearn fore f he and fyrene; ws t fst on m. ws a-fynde, him elles hw r germlcor rste shte, 140 bed fter brum, him gebacnod ws, gesgd slce sweotolan tcne heal-egnes hete; hold hine syan fyr and fstor, s m fonde twand. Sw rxode and wi rihte wan 145 na wi eallum, o t del std hsa slest. Ws so hwl micel: twelf wintra td torn geolode wine Scyldinga, wana gehwelcne, sdra sorga; form syan wear 150 ylda bearnum undyrne c, gyddum gemore, tte Grendel wan, hwle wi Hrgr; hete-nas wg, fyrene and f he fela missra, single sce, sibbe ne wolde 155 wi manna hwone mgenes Deniga feorh-bealo feorran, fo ingian, n r n nig witena wnan orfte beorhtre bte t banan folmum; atol gl ca htende ws, 160 deorc da-sca dugue and geogoe seomade and syrede. Sin-nihte hold mistige mras; men ne cunnon, hwyder hel-rnan hwyrftum scra. Sw fela fyrena fond man-cynnes, 165 atol n-gengea, oft gefremede heardra hy na; Heorot eardode, sinc-fge sel sweartum nihtum (n h one gif-stl grtan mste, III. GRENDEL'S VISITS. 11

Beowulf mum for metode, n his myne wisse); 170 t ws wr c micel wine Scyldinga, mdes breca. Monig-oft gest rce t rne; r d eahtedon, hwt sw-ferhum slest w re wi f r-gryrum t gefremmanne. 175 Hwlum he gehton t hrg-trafum wg-weorunga, wordum b don, t him gst-bona goce gefremede wi od-raum. Swylc ws aw hyra, h enra hyht; helle gemundon 180 in md-sefan, metod he ne con, d da dmend, ne wiston he drihten god, n he hru heofena helm herian ne con, wuldres waldend. W bi m e sceal urh slne n swle bescfan 185 in fy res fm, frfre ne wnan, wihte gewendan; wl bi m e mt fter da-dge drihten scean and t fder fmum freoo wilnian.

IV. HYGELAC'S THANE. Sw m l-ceare maga Healfdenes 190 singla sa; ne mihte snotor hle wan onwendan: ws t gewin t swy , l and longsum, on lode becm, ny d-wracu n-grim, niht-bealwa m st. t fram hm gefrgn Higelces egn, 195 gd mid Gatum, Grendles d da: s ws mon-cynnes mgenes strengest on m dge ysses lfes, ele and acen. Ht him y -lidan gdne gegyrwan; cw h g-cyning 200 ofer swan-rde scean wolde, m rne oden, him ws manna earf. IV. HYGELAC'S THANE. 12

Beowulf one s-ft him snotere ceorlas ly t-hwn lgon, ah h him lof w re; hwetton higerfne, h l scawedon. 205 Hfde se gda Gata loda cempan gecorone, ra e h cnoste findan mihte; ffty na sum sund-wudu shte; secg wsade, lagu-crftig mon, land-gemyrcu. 210 Fyrst for gewt: flota ws on y um, bt under beorge. Beornas gearwe on stefn stigon; stramas wundon sund wi sande; secgas b ron on bearm nacan beorhte frtwe, 215 g-searo geatolc; guman t scufon, weras on wil-s wudu bundenne. Gewt ofer w g-holm winde gefy sed flota fmig-heals fugle gelcost, o t ymb n-td res dgores 220 wunden-stefna gewaden hfde, t lende land geswon, brim-clifu blcan, beorgas stape, sde s -nssas: ws sund liden, eoletes t ende. anon up hrae 225 Wedera lode on wang stigon, s -wudu s ldon (syrcan hrysedon, g-gew do); gode ancedon, s e him y -lde ae wurdon. of wealle geseah weard Scildinga, 230 s e holm-clifu healdan scolde, beran ofer bolcan beorhte randas, fyrd-searu fslcu; hine fyrwyt brc md-gehygdum, hwt men w ron. Gewt him t waroe wicge rdan 235 egn Hrgres, rymmum cwehte mgen-wudu mundum, meel-wordum frgn: "Hwt syndon g searo-hbbendra IV. HYGELAC'S THANE. 13

Beowulf "byrnum werede, us brontne col "ofer lagu-str te l dan cwmon, 240 "hider ofer holmas helmas b ron? "Ic ws ende-s ta, g-wearde hold, "t on land Dena lra n nig "mid scip-herge scean ne meahte. "N hr clcor cuman ongunnon 245 "lind-hbbende; n g lafnes-word "g-fremmendra gearwe ne wisson, "mga gemdu. N fre ic mran geseah "eorla ofer eoran, onne is ower sum, "secg on searwum; nis t seld-guma 250 "w pnum geweorad, nfne him his wlite loge, " nlc an-sy n. N ic ower sceal "frum-cyn witan, r g fyr heonan "lase scaweras on land Dena "furur fran. N g feor-bend, 255 "mere-lende, mnne gehy ra "n-fealdne geht: ofost is slest "t gecy anne, hwanan owre cyme syndon."

V. THE ERRAND. Him se yldesta andswarode, werodes wsa, word-hord onlac: 260 "W synt gum-cynnes Gata lode "and Higelces heor-genatas. "Ws mn fder folcum gecy ed, "ele ord-fruma Ecgow hten; "gebd wintra worn, r h on weg hwurfe, 265 "gamol of geardum; hine gearwe geman "witena wl-hwylc wde geond eoran. "W urh holdne hige hlford inne, "sunu Healfdenes, scean cwmon, "lod-gebyrgean: wes s lrena gd! 270 "Habba w t m m ran micel rende V. THE ERRAND. 14

Beowulf "Deniga fran; ne sceal r dyrne sum "wesan, s ic wne. wst, gif hit is, "sw w slice secgan hy rdon, "t mid Scyldingum sceaa ic nt hwylc, 275 "dogol d d-hata, deorcum nihtum "awe urh egsan uncne n, "hy nu and hr-fyl. Ic s Hrgr mg "urh rmne sefan r d gel ran, "h h frd and gd fond oferswy e, 280 "gyf him ed-wendan fre scolde "bealuwa bisigu, bt eft cuman "and cear-wylmas clran wura; "oe syan earfo-rge, "ra-ny d ola, enden r wuna 285 "on hah-stede hsa slest." Weard maelode, r on wicge st ombeht unforht: " ghwres sceal "scearp scyld-wiga gescd witan, "worda and worca, s e wl ence. 290 "Ic t gehy re, t is is hold weorod "fran Scyldinga. Gewta for beran "w pen and gew du, ic ow wsige: "swylce ic magu-egnas mne hte "wi fonda gehwone flotan owerne, 295 "nw-tyrwedne nacan on sande "rum healdan, o t eft byre "ofer lagu-stramas lofne mannan "wudu wunden-hals t Weder-mearce. "G-fremmendra swylcum gifee bi, 300 "t one hilde-r s hl gedge." Gewiton him fran (flota stille bd, seomode on sle sd-fmed scyp, on ancre fst); eofor-lc scionon ofer hlor-beran gehroden golde 305 fh and fy r-heard, ferh wearde hold. Gmde grummon, guman netton, sigon tsomne, o t hy sl timbred geatolc and gold-fh ongytan mihton; V. THE ERRAND. 15

Beowulf t ws fore-m rost fold-bendum 310 receda under roderum, on m se rca bd; lxte se loma ofer landa fela. Him hilde-dor hof mdigra torht get hte, t he him t mihton gegnum gangan; g-beorna sum 315 wicg gewende, word fter cw: "M l is m t fran; fder alwalda "mid r-stafum owic gehealde "sa gesunde! ic t s wille, "wi wr werod wearde healdan."

VI. BOWULF'S SPEECH.320 Str t ws stn-fh, stg wsode gumum tgdere. G-byrne scn heard hond-locen, hring-ren scr song in searwum, he t sele furum in hyra gryre-geatwum gangan cwmon. 325 Setton s -me sde scyldas, rondas regn-hearde wi s recedes weal, bugon t bence; byrnan hringdon, g-searo gumena; gras stdon, s -manna searo, samod tgdere, 330 sc-holt ufan gr g: ws se ren-rat w pnum gewurad. r wlonc hle ret-mecgas fter elum frgn: "Hwanon ferigea g f tte scyldas, "gr ge syrcan and grm-helmas, 335 "here-sceafta hap? Ic eom Hrgres "r and ombiht. Ne seah ic el-odige "us manige men mdiglcran. "Wn' ic t g for wlenco, nalles for wrc-sum, "ac for hige-rymmum Hrgr shton." 340 Him ellen-rf andswarode, wlanc Wedera lod word fter sprc, VI. BOWULF'S SPEECH. 16

Beowulf heard under helme: "W synt Higelces "bod-genatas; Bowulf is mn nama. "Wille ic secgan suna Healfdenes, 345 "m rum odne mn rende, "aldre num, gif h s geunnan wile, "t w hine sw gdne grtan mton." Wulfgr maelode (t ws Wendla lod, ws his md-sefa manegum gecy ed, 350 wg and ws-dm): "ic s wine Deniga, "fran Scildinga frnan wille, "baga bryttan, sw bna eart, "oden m rne ymb nne s ; "and andsware dre gecy an, 355 " m se gda gifan ence." Hwearf hrdlce, r Hrgr st, eald and unhr mid his eorla gedriht; ode ellen-rf, t h for eaxlum gestd Deniga fran, ce h dugue aw. 360 Wulfgr maelode t his wine-drihtne: "Hr syndon geferede feorran cumene "ofer geofenes begang Gata lode: "one yldestan ret-mecgas "Bowulf nemna. Hy bnan synt, 365 "t he, oden mn, wi mton "wordum wrixlan; n him wearne getoh, "nra gegn-cwida gldnian, Hrgr! "Hy on wg-geatwum wyre incea "eorla gehtlan; hru se aldor dah, 370 "s m heao-rincum hider wsade."

VII. HROTHGAR'S WELCOME.Hrgr maelode, helm Scyldinga: "Ic hine ce cniht-wesende. "Ws his eald-fder Ecgo hten, VII. HROTHGAR'S WELCOME. 17

Beowulf " m t hm forgeaf Hrel Gata 375 "ngan dhtor; is his eafora n "heard hr cumen, shte holdne wine. "onne sgdon t s -lende, " e gif-sceattas Gata fyredon "yder t ance, t h rttiges 380 "manna mgen-crft on his mund-grpe "heao-rf hbbe. Hine hlig god "for r-stafum us onsende, "t West-Denum, s ic wn hbbe, "wi Grendles gryre: ic m gdan sceal 385 "for his md-rce mdmas bodan. "Bo on ofeste, ht hig in gn, "son sibbe-gedriht samod tgdere; "gesaga him ac wordum, t he sint wil-cuman "Deniga lodum." wi duru healle 390 Wulfgr ode, word inne bad: "ow ht secgan sige-drihten mn, "aldor ast-Dena, t h ower elu can "and g him syndon ofer s -wylmas, "heard-hicgende, hider wil-cuman. 395 "N g mton gangan in owrum gu-geatawum, "under here-grman, Hrgr geson; "l ta hilde-bord hr onbidian, "wudu wl-sceaftas, worda geinges." rs se rca, ymb hine rinc manig, 400 ry lc egna hap; sume r bidon, heao-raf holdon, sw him se hearda bebad. Snyredon tsomne, secg wsode under Heorotes hrf; hyge-rf ode, heard under helme, t h on heoe gestd. 405 Bowulf maelode (on him byrne scn, searo-net sowed smies or-ancum): "Wes Hrgr hl! ic eom Higelces "m g and mago-egn; hbbe ic m ra fela "ongunnen on geogoe. M wear Grendles ing 410 "on mnre el-tyrf undyrne c: "secga s -lend, t es sele stande, VII. HROTHGAR'S WELCOME. 18

Beowulf "reced slesta, rinca gehwylcum "del and unnyt, sian fen-loht "under heofenes hdor beholen weore. 415 " m t gel rdon lode mne, " slestan, snotere ceorlas, "oden Hrgr, t ic shte; "foran he mgenes crft mnne con: "selfe oferswon, ic of searwum cwm, 420 "fh from fondum, r ic ffe geband, "y de eotena cyn, and on y um slg "niceras nihtes, nearo-earfe drah, "wrc Wedera n (wan hsodon) "forgrand gramum; and n wi Grendel sceal, 425 "wi m gl can, na gehegan "ing wi yrse. Ic n , "brego Beorht-Dena, biddan wille, "eodor Scyldinga, nre bne; "t m ne forwyrne, wgendra hlo, 430 "fro-wine folca, n ic us feorran cm, "t ic mte na and mnra eorla gedryht, "es hearda hap, Heorot f lsian. "Hbbe ic ac gehsod, t se gl ca "for his won-hy dum w pna ne rce; 435 "ic t onne forhicge, sw m Higelc se, "mn mon-drihten, mdes ble, "t ic sweord bere oe sdne scyld "geolo-rand t ge; ac ic mid grpe sceal "fn wi fonde and ymb feorh sacan, 440 "l wi lum; r gely fan sceal "dryhtnes dme s e hine da nime. "Wn' ic t h wille, gif h wealdan mt, "in m g-sele Gatena lode "etan unforhte, sw h oft dyde 445 "mgen Hrmanna. N mnne earft "hafalan hy dan, ac h m habban wile "drore fhne, gif mec da nime; "byre bldig wl, byrgean ence, "ete n-genga unmurnlce, VII. HROTHGAR'S WELCOME. 19

Beowulf 450 "mearca mr-hopu: n ymb mnes ne earft "lces feorme leng sorgian. "Onsend Higelce, gif mec hild nime, "beadu-scrda betst, t mne brost were, "hrgla slest; t is Hrlan lf, 455 "Wlandes geweorc. G Wyrd sw ho scel!"

VIII. HROTHGAR TELLS OF GRENDEL.Hrgr maelode, helm Scyldinga: "for were-fyhtum , wine mn Bowulf, "and for r-stafum sic shtest. "Geslh in fder f he m ste, 460 "wear h Heaolfe t hand-bonan "mid Wilfingum; hine Wedera cyn "for here-brgan habban ne mihte. "anon h geshte S-Dena folc "ofer y a gewealc, r-Scyldinga; 465 " ic furum wold folce Deninga, "and on geogoe hold gimme-rce "hord-burh hlea: ws Heregr dad, "mn yldra m g unlifigende, "bearn Healfdenes. S ws betera onne ic! 470 "Sian f he fo ingode; "sende ic Wylfingum ofer wteres hrycg "ealde mdmas: h m as swr. "Sorh is m t secganne on sefan mnum "gumena ngum, hwt m Grendel hafa 475 "hy no on Heorote mid his hete-ancum, "f r-na gefremed. Is mn flet-werod, "wg-hap gewanod; he Wyrd forswop "on Grendles gryre. God ae mg "one dol-scaan d da getw fan! 480 "Ful oft gebotedon bore druncne "ofer ealo-w ge ret-mecgas, "t he in bor-sele bdan woldon "Grendles ge mid gryrum ecga. "onne ws os medo-heal on morgen-td, 485 "driht-sele dror-fh, onne dg lxte, VIII. HROTHGAR TELLS OF GRENDEL. 20

Beowulf "eal benc-elu blde besty med, "heall heoru-drore: hte ic holdra y l s, "dorre dugue, da fornam. "Site n t symle and ons l meoto, 490 "sige-hr secgum, sw n sefa hwette!" ws Gat-mcgum geador tsomne on bor-sele benc gery med; r sw-ferhe sittan odon ry um dealle. egn nytte behold, 495 s e on handa br hroden ealo-w ge, scencte scr wered. Scop hwlum sang hdor on Heorote; r ws hlea dram, dugu unly tel Dena and Wedera.

IX. HUNFERTH OBJECTS TO BOWULF. Unfer maelode, Ecglfes bearn, 500 t ftum st fran Scyldinga; onband beadu-rne (ws him Bowulfes s, mdges mere-faran, micel f-unca, foron e h ne e, t nig er man fre m ra on m middan-geardes 505 gehdde under heofenum onne h sylfa): "Eart s Bowulf, s e wi Brecan wunne, "on sdne s ymb sund flite, " r git for wlence wada cunnedon "and for dol-gilpe on dop wter 510 "aldrum ndon? N inc nig mon, "n lof n l, belan mihte "sorh-fullne s; git on sund ron, " r git agor-stram earmum ehton, "m ton mere-str ta, mundum brugdon, 515 "glidon ofer gr-secg; geofon y um wol, "wintres wylme. Git on wteres ht IX. HUNFERTH OBJECTS TO BOWULF. 21

Beowulf "seofon niht swuncon; h t sunde oferflt, "hfde mre mgen. hine on morgen-td "on Heao-r mas holm up tbr, 520 "onon h geshte sw sne el "lof his lodum lond Brondinga, "freoo-burh fgere, r h folc hte, "burg and bagas. Bot eal wi "sunu Banstnes se gel ste. 525 "onne wne ic t wyrsan geinges, "ah heao-r sa gehw r dohte, "grimre ge, gif Grendles dearst "niht-longne fyrst nan bdan!" Bowulf maelode, bearn Ecgowes: 530 "Hwt! worn fela, wine mn Unfer, "bore druncen ymb Brecan spr ce, "sgdest from his se! S ic talige, "t ic mere-strengo mran hte, "earfeo on y um, onne nig er man. 535 "Wit t gecw don cniht-wesende "and gebotedon (w ron bgen gt "on geogo-feore) t wit on gr-secg t "aldrum ndon; and t gefndon sw. "Hfdon swurd nacod, wit on sund ron, 540 "heard on handa, wit unc wi hron-fixas "werian hton. N h wiht fram m "fld-y um feor flotan meahte, "hraor on holme, n ic fram him wolde. " wit tsomne on s w ron 545 "ff nihta fyrst, o t unc fld tdrf, "wado weallende, wedera cealdost, "npende niht and noran wind "heao-grim andhwearf; hro w ron y a, "Ws mere-fixa md onhrred: 550 " r m wi lum lc-syrce mn, "heard hond-locen, helpe gefremede; "beado-hrgl brden on brostum lg, "golde gegyrwed. M t grunde tah "fh fond-scaa, fste hfde 555 "grim on grpe: hwre m gyfee wear, "t ic gl can orde ger hte, "hilde-bille; heao-r s fornam "mihtig mere-dor urh mne hand. IX. HUNFERTH OBJECTS TO BOWULF. 22


X. BOWULF'S CONTEST WITH BRECA.THE FEAST."Sw mec gelme l-getonan 560 "ratedon earle. Ic him node "doran sweorde, sw hit gedfe ws; "ns he re fylle gefan hfdon, "mn-ford dlan, t he m gon, "symbel ymb-s ton s -grunde nah, 565 "ac on mergenne mcum wunde "be y -lfe uppe l gon, "sweordum swefede, t syan n "ymb brontne ford brim-lende "lde ne letton. Loht astan cm, 570 "beorht bacen godes; brimu swaredon, "t ic s -nssas geson mihte, "windige weallas. Wyrd oft nere "unf gne eorl, onne his ellen dah! "Hwere m ges lde, t ic mid sweorde ofslh 575 "niceras nigene. N ic on niht gefrgn "under heofones hwealf heardran feohtan, "n on g-stramum earmran mannan; "hwere ic fra feng fore gedgde, "sies wrig. mec s obr, 580 "fld fter faroe, on Finna land, "wadu weallendu. N ic wiht fram "swylcra searo-na secgan hy rde, "billa brgan: Breca n fre gt "t heao-lce, n gehwer incer 585 "sw dorlce d d gefremede "fgum sweordum ....... ". . . . . . . n ic s gylpe; "ah num brrum t banan wurde, "hafod-m gum; s in helle scealt 590 "werho drogan, ah n wit duge, "Secge ic t se, sunu Ecglfes, "t n fre Grendel sw fela gryra gefremede, "atol gl ca ealdre num, "hy no on Heorote, gif n hige w re, 595 "sefa sw searo-grim, sw self talast. "Ac h hafa onfunden, t h f he ne earf, X. BOWULF'S CONTEST WITH BRECA.THE FEAST. 23

Beowulf "atole ecg-rce ower lode "swe onsittan, Sige-Scyldinga; "nyme ny d-bde, n negum ra 600 "lode Deniga, ac h on lust wge, "swefe ond sende, secce ne wne "t Gr-Denum. Ac him Gata sceal "eafo and ellen ungera n "ge gebodan. G eft s e mt 605 "t medo mdig, sian morgen-loht "ofer ylda bearn res dgores, "sunne swegl-wered san scne!" ws on slum sinces brytta gamol-feax and g-rf, goce gely fde 610 brego Beorht-Dena; gehy rde on Bowulfe folces hyrde fst-r dne geht. r ws hlea hleahtor; hlyn swynsode, word w ron wynsume. ode Wealhow for, cwn Hrgres, cynna gemyndig, 615 grtte gold-hroden guman on healle, and frolc wf ful gesealde rest ast-Dena el-wearde, bd hine blne t re bor-ege, lodum lofne; h on lust geeah 620 symbel and sele-ful, sige-rf kyning. Ymb-ode ides Helminga dugue and geogoe d l ghwylcne; sinc-fato sealde, o t s l lamp, t ho Bowulfe, bag-hroden cwn, 625 mde geungen, medo-ful tbr; grtte Gata lod, gode ancode ws-fst wordum, s e hire se willa gelamp, t ho on nigne eorl gely fde fyrena frfre. H t ful geeah, 630 wl-row wiga t Wealhon, and gyddode ge gefy sed, Bowulf maelode, bearn Ecgowes: "Ic t hogode, ic on holm gesth, "s -bt gest mid mnra secga gedriht, X. BOWULF'S CONTEST WITH BRECA.THE FEAST. 24

Beowulf 635 "t ic nunga owra loda "willan geworhte, oe on wl crunge, "fond-grpum fst. Ic gefremman sceal "eorlc ellen, oe ende-dg "on isse meodu-healle mnne gebdan." 640 m wfe word wl lcodon, gilp-cwide Gates; ode gold-hroden frolcu folc-cwn t hire fran sittan. ws eft sw r inne on healle ry -word sprecen, od on s lum, 645 sige-folca swg, o t semninga sunu Healfdenes scean wolde fen-rste; wiste t m hl can t m hah-sele hilde geinged, sian he sunnan loht geson ne meahton, 650 oe npende niht ofer ealle, scadu-helma gesceapu scran cwman, wan under wolcnum. Werod eall rs. Grtte giddum guma erne, Hrgr Bowulf, and him h l bad, 655 wn-rnes geweald and t word cw: "N fre ic negum men r ly fde, "sian ic hond and rond hebban mihte, "ry -rn Dena bton n . "Hafa n and geheald hsa slest; 660 "gemyne m ro, mgen-ellen cy , "waca wi wrum! Ne bi wilna gd, "gif t ellen-weorc aldre gedgest."

XI. THE WATCH FOR GRENDEL. him Hrgr gewt mid his hlea gedryht, eodur Scyldinga t of healle; 665 wolde wg-fruma Wealho scan, cwn t gebeddan Hfde kyninga wuldor Grendle t-ganes, sw guman gefrungon, sele-weard seted, sundor-nytte behold ymb aldor Dena, eoton weard bad; 670 hru Gata lod georne truwode XI. THE WATCH FOR GRENDEL. 25

Beowulf mdgan mgnes, metodes hyldo. h him of dyde sern-byrnan, helm of hafelan, sealde his hyrsted sweord, rena cyst ombiht-egne, 675 and gehealdan ht hilde-geatwe. Gesprc se gda gylp-worda sum Bowulf Gata, r h on bed stige: "N ic m an here-w smum hngran talige "g-geweorca, onne Grendel hine; 680 "foran ic hine sweorde swebban nelle, "aldre benotan, ah ic eal m ge. "Nt h ra gda, t h m on-gan sla, "rand gehawe, ah e h rf se "n-geweorca; ac wit on niht sculon 685 "secge ofersittan, gif h gescean dear "wg ofer w pen, and sian wtig god "on sw hwere hond hlig dryhten "m ro dme, sw him gemet ince." Hylde hine heao-dor, hlor-bolster onfng 690 eorles andwlitan; and hine ymb monig snellc s -rinc sele-reste gebah. N nig heora hte t h anon scolde eft eard-lufan fre gescean, folc oe fro-burh, r h fded ws, 695 ac he hfdon gefrnen, t he r t fela micles in m wn-sele wl-da fornam, Denigea lode. Ac him dryhten forgeaf wg-spda gewiofu, Wedera lodum frfor and fultum, t he fond heora 700 urh nes crft ealle ofercmon, selfes mihtum: s is gecy ed, t mihtig god manna cynnes wold wde-ferh. Cm on wanre niht scran sceadu-genga. Scotend sw fon, 705 t horn-reced healdan scoldon, ealle bton num. t ws yldum c, t he ne mste, metod nolde, se syn-scaa under sceadu bregdan; ac h wccende wrum on andan 710 bd bolgen-md beadwa geinges. XI. THE WATCH FOR GRENDEL. 26


XII. GRENDEL'S RAID. cm of mre under mist-hleoum Grendel gongan, godes yrre br. Mynte se mn-scaa manna cynnes sumne besyrwan in sele m han; 715 wd under wolcnum, t s e h wn-reced, gold-sele gumena, gearwost wisse f ttum fhne. Ne ws t forma s, t h Hrgres hm geshte: n fre h on aldor-dagum r n sian 720 heardran hle, heal-egnas fand! Cm t recede rinc sian dramum bed led. Duru sna onarn fy r-bendum fst, syan h hire folmum hrn; onbrd bealo-hy dig, h bolgen ws, 725 recedes man. Rae fter on on fgne flr fond treddode, ode yrre-md; him of agum std lge gelcost loht unf ger. Geseah h in recede rinca manige, 730 swefan sibbe-gedriht samod tgdere, mago-rinca hap: his md hlg, mynte t h ged lde, r on dg cwme, atol gl ca, nra gehwylces lf wi lce, him lumpen ws 735 wist-fylle wn. Ne ws t wyrd gn, t h m mste manna cynnes icgean ofer niht. ry -swy behold m g Higelces, h se mn-scaa under f r-gripum gefaran wolde. 740 N t se gl ca yldan hte, ac h gefng hrae forman sie sl pendne rinc, slt unwearnum, bt bn-locan, bld drum dranc, syn-sn dum swealh: sna hfde 745 unlyfigendes eal gefeormod ft and folma. For nar tstp, XII. GRENDEL'S RAID. 27

Beowulf nam mid handa hige-htigne rinc on rste; r hte ongan fond mid folme, h onfng hrae 750 inwit-ancum and wi earm gest. Sna t onfunde fyrena hyrde, t h ne mtte middan-geardes eoran scata on elran men mund-gripe mran: h on mde wear 755 forht on ferhe, n y r fram meahte; hyge ws him hin-fs, wolde on heolster flon, scan dofla gedrg: ne ws his drohto r, swylce h on ealder-dagum r gemtte. Gemunde se gda m g Higelces 760 fen-spr ce, up-lang std and him fste wifng. Fingras burston; eoten ws t-weard, eorl furur stp. Mynte se m ra, r h meahte sw, wdre gewindan and on weg anon 765 flon on fen-hopu; wiste his fingra geweald on grames grpum. t ws gocor s, t se hearm-scaa t Heorute tah: dryht-sele dynede, Denum eallum wear, ceaster-bendum, cnra gehwylcum, 770 eorlum ealu-scerwen. Yrre w ron bgen, re rn-weardas. Reced hlynsode; ws wundor micel, t se wn-sele wihfde heao-dorum, t h on hrsan ne fol, f ger fold-bold; ac h s fste ws 775 innan and tan ren-bendum searo-oncum besmiod. r fram sylle bag medu-benc monig mne gefr ge, golde geregnad, r graman wunnon; s ne wndon r witan Scyldinga, 780 t hit mid gemete manna nig betlc and bn-fg tbrecan meahte, listum tlcan, nyme lges fm swulge on swaule. Swg up stg nwe geneahhe; Nor-Denum std 785 XII. GRENDEL'S RAID. 28

Beowulf atelc egesa nra gehwylcum ra e of wealle wp gehy rdon, gryre-lo galan godes andsacan, sige-lasne sang, sr wnigean helle hftan. Hold hine t fste 790 s e manna ws mgene strengest on m dge ysses lfes.

XIII. BOWULF TEARS OFF GRENDEL'S ARM. Nolde eorla hlo nige inga one cwealm-cuman cwicne forl tan, n his lf-dagas loda nigum 795 nytte tealde. r genehost brgd eorl Bowulfes ealde lfe, wolde fra-drihtnes feorh ealgian m res odnes, r he meahton sw; he t ne wiston, he gewin drugon, 800 heard-hicgende hilde-mecgas, and on healfa gehwone hawan hton, swle scan, t one syn-scaan nig ofer eoran renna cyst, g-billa nn grtan nolde; 805 ac h sige-w pnum forsworen hfde, ecga gehwylcre. Scolde his aldor-gedl on m dge ysses lfes earmlc wuran and se ellor-gst on fonda geweald feor sian. 810 t onfunde s e fela ror mdes myre manna cynne fyrene gefremede (h ws fg wi god) t him se lc-homa l stan nolde, ac hine se mdega m g Hygelces 815 hfde be honda; ws gehwer rum lifigende l. Lc-sr gebd atol gl ca, him on eaxle wear syn-dolh sweotol, seonowe onsprungon burston bn-locan. Bowulfe wear 820 g-hr gyfee; scolde Grendel onan feorh-soc flon under fen-hleou, XIII. BOWULF TEARS OFF GRENDEL'S ARM. 29

Beowulf scean wyn-las wc; wiste geornor, t his aldres ws ende gegongen, dgera dg-rm. Denum eallum wear 825 fter m wl-r se willa gelumpen. Hfde gef lsod, s e r feorran cm, snotor and swy -ferh sele Hrgres, genered wi ne. Niht-weorce gefeh, ellen-m rum; hfde ast-Denum 830 Gat-mecga lod gilp gel sted, swylce oncy e ealle gebtte, inwid-sorge, he r drugon and for ra-ny dum olian scoldon, torn unly tel. t ws tcen sweotol, 835 syan hilde-dor hond legde, earm and eaxle ( r ws eal geador Grendles grpe) under gapne hrf.

XIV. THE JOY AT HEOROT. ws on morgen mne gefr ge ymb gif-healle g-rinc monig: 840 frdon folc-togan feorran and nan geond wd-wegas wundor scawian, les lstas. N his lf-gedl srlc hte secga negum, ra e tr-lases trode scawode, 845 h h wrig-md on weg anon, na ofercumen, on nicera mere f ge and gefly med feorh-lstas br. r ws on blde brim weallende, atol y a geswing eal gemenged 850 htan heolfre, heoro-drore wol; da-f ge dog, sian drama las in fen-freoo feorh legde h ene swle, r him hel onfng. anon eft gewiton eald-gesas, 855 swylce geong manig of gomen-we, fram mere mdge, marum rdan, beornas on blancum. r ws Bowulfes m ro m ned; monig oft gecw, tte s n nor be s m tweonum XIV. THE JOY AT HEOROT. 30

Beowulf 860 ofer eormen-grund er n nig under swegles begong slra n re rond-hbbendra, rces wyrra. N he hru wine-drihten wiht ne lgon, gldne Hrgr, ac t ws gd cyning. 865 Hwlum heao-rfe hlapan lton, on geflt faran fealwe maras, r him fold-wegas fgere hton, cystum ce; hwlum cyninges egn, guma gilp-hlden gidda gemyndig, 870 s e eal-fela eald-gesegena worn gemunde, word er fand se gebunden: secg eft ongan s Bowulfes snyttrum styrian and on spd wrecan spel gerde, 875 wordum wrixlan, wl-hwylc gecw, t h fram Sigemunde secgan hy rde, ellen-d dum, unces fela, Wlsinges gewin, wde sas, ra e gumena bearn gearwe ne wiston, 880 f he and fyrene, bton Fitela mid hine, onne h swylces hwt secgan wolde am his nefan, sw he w ron t na gehwm ny d-gesteallan: hfdon eal-fela eotena cynnes 885 sweordum ges ged. Sigemunde gesprong fter da-dge dm unly tel, syan wges heard wyrm cwealde, hordes hyrde; h under hrne stn, elinges bearn, na gende 890 frcne d de; ne ws him Fitela mid. Hwre him ges lde, t t swurd urhwd wr tlcne wyrm, t hit on wealle tstd, dryhtlc ren; draca morre swealt. Hfde gl ca elne gegongen, 895 t h bah-hordes brcan mste selfes dme: s -bt gehld, br on bearm scipes beorhte frtwa, XIV. THE JOY AT HEOROT. 31

Beowulf Wlses eafera; wyrm ht gemealt. S ws wreccena wde m rost 900 ofer wer-ode, wgendra hlo ellen-d dum: h s ron h. Sian Heremdes hild swerode eafo and ellen. H mid eotenum wear on fonda geweald for forlcen, 905 snde forsended. Hine sorh-wylmas lemede t lange, h his lodum wear, eallum elingum t aldor-ceare; swylce oft bemearn rran m lum sw-ferhes s snotor ceorl monig, 910 s e him bealwa t bte gely fde, t t odnes bearn geon scolde, fder-elum onfn, folc gehealdan, hord and hlo-burh, hlea rce, el Scyldinga. H r eallum wear, 915 m g Higelces manna cynne, frondum gefgra; hine fyren onwd. Hwlum fltende fealwe str te marum m ton. ws morgen-loht scofen and scynded. ode scealc monig 920 sw-hicgende t sele m han, searo-wundor son, swylce self cyning, of bry d-bre bah-horda weard, tryddode tr-fst getrume micle, cystum gecy ed, and his cwn mid him 925 medo-stg gemt mga hse.

XV. HROTHGAR'S GRATULATION.Hrgr maelode (h t healle gong, std on stapole, geseah stapne hrf golde fhne and Grendles hond): "isse ansy ne al-wealdan anc 930 "lungre gelimpe! Fela ic les gebd, XV. HROTHGAR'S GRATULATION. 32

Beowulf "grynna t Grendle: mg god wyrcan "wunder fter wundre, wuldres hyrde! "t ws ungera, t ic nigra m "wana ne wnde t wdan feore 935 "bte gebdan onne blde fh "hsa slest heoro-drorig std; "wa wd-scofen witena gehwylcne "ra e ne wndon, t he wde-ferh "loda land-geweorc lum beweredon 940 "scuccum and scinnum. N scealc hafa "urh drihtnes miht d d gefremede, " w ealle r ne meahton "snyttrum besyrwan. Hwt! t secgan mg "efne sw hwylc mga, sw one magan cende 945 "fter gum-cynnum, gyf ho gy t lyfa, "t hyre eald-metod ste w re "bearn-gebyrdo. N ic Bowulf "ec, secg betsta, m for sunu wylle "frogan on ferhe; heald for tela 950 "nwe sibbe. Ne bi n nigra gd "worolde wilna, ic geweald hbbe. "Ful-oft ic for l ssan lan teohhode "hord-weorunge hnhran rince, "s mran t scce. self hafast 955 "d dum gefremed, t n dm lyfa "wa t aldre. Alwalda ec "gde forgylde, sw h n gy t dyde!" Bowulf maelode, bearn Ecgowes: "W t ellen-weorc stum miclum, 960 "feohtan fremedon, frcne gendon "eafo unces; e ic swor, "t hinc selfne geson mste, "fond on frtewum fyl-wrigne! "Ic hine hrdlce heardan clammum 965 "on wl-bedde wran hte, "t h for mund-gripe mnum scolde "licgean lf-bysig, btan his lc swice; "ic hine ne mihte, metod nolde, "ganges getw man, n ic him s georne tfealh, 970 "feorh-genlan; ws t fore-mihtig XV. HROTHGAR'S GRATULATION. 33

Beowulf "fond on fe. Hwere h his folme forlt "t lf-wrae lst weardian, "earm and eaxle; n r nige sw ah "fa-sceaft guma frfre gebohte: 975 "n y leng leofa l-getona "synnum geswenced, ac hyne sr hafa "in ny d-gripe nearwe befongen, "balwon bendum: r bdan sceal "maga mne fh miclan dmes, 980 "h him scr metod scrfan wille." ws swgra secg, sunu Ecglfes, on gylp-spr ce g-geweorca, sian elingas eorles crfte ofer hahne hrf hand scawedon, 985 fondes fingras, foran ghwylc; ws stde ngla gehwylc, sty le gelcost, h enes hand-sporu hilde-rinces egle unhoru; g-hwylc gecw, t him heardra nn hrnan wolde 990 ren r-gd, t s hl can bldge beadu-folme onberan wolde.

XVI. THE BANQUET AND THE GIFTS. ws hten hree Heort innan-weard folmum gefrtwod: fela ra ws wera and wfa, t wn-reced, 995 gest-sele gyredon. Gold-fg scinon web fter wgum, wundor-sona fela secga gehwylcum ra e on swylc stara Ws t beorhte bold tbrocen swe eal inne-weard ren-bendum fst, 1000 heorras thlidene; hrf na gens ealles ansund, se gl ca fyren-d dum fg on flam gewand, aldres or-wna. N t y e by XVI. THE BANQUET AND THE GIFTS. 34

Beowulf t beflonne (fremme s e wille!) 1005 ac gesacan sceal swl-berendra ny de geny dde nia bearna grund-bendra gearwe stwe, r his lc-homa leger-bedde fst swefe fter symle. ws s l and m l, 1010 t t healle gang Healfdenes sunu; wolde self cyning symbel icgan. Ne gefrgen ic m ge mran weorode ymb hyra sinc-gyfan sl geb ran. Bugon t bence bl d-gende, 1015 fylle gef gon. Fgere ge gon medo-ful manig mgas ra sw-hicgende on sele m han, Hrgr and Hrulf. Heorot innan ws frondum fylled; nalles fcen-stafas 1020 od-Scyldingas enden fremedon. Forgeaf Bowulfe bearn Healfdenes segen gyldenne sigores t lane, hroden hilte-cumbor, helm and byrnan; m re mum-sweord manige geswon 1025 beforan beorn beran. Bowulf geah ful on flette; n h re feoh-gyfte for scotendum scamigan orfte, ne gefrgn ic frondlcor fower mdmas golde gegyrede gum-manna fela 1030 in ealo-bence rum gesellan. Ymb s helmes hrf hafod-beorge wrum bewunden walan tan hold, t him fla lfe frcne ne meahton scr-heard scean, onne scyld-freca 1035 ongan gramum gangan scolde. Heht eorla hlo eahta maras, f ted-hlore, on flet ton in under eoderas; ra num std sadol searwum fh since gewurad, 1040 t ws hilde-setl hah-cyninges, XVI. THE BANQUET AND THE GIFTS. 35

Beowulf onne sweorda gelc sunu Healfdenes efnan wolde; n fre on re lg wd-ces wg, onne walu follon. And Bowulfe bga gehwres 1045 eodor Ingwina onweald getah, wicga and w pna; ht hine wl brcan. Sw manlce m re oden, hord-weard hlea heao-r sas geald marum and mdmum, sw hy n fre man lyh, 1050 s e secgan wile s fter rihte.

XVII. SONG OF HROTHGAR'S POETTHE LAY OF HNAEF AND HENGEST. gy t ghwylcum eorla drihten ra e mid Bowulfe brim-lde tah, on re medu-bence mum gesealde, yrfe-lfe, and one nne heht 1055 golde forgyldan, one e Grendel r mne cwealde, sw h hyra m wolde, nefne him wtig god wyrd forstde and s mannes md: metod eallum wold gumena cynnes, sw h n gt d; 1060 foran bi andgit ghw r slest, ferhes fore-anc! fela sceal gebdan lofes and les, s e longe hr on yssum win-dagum worolde brce. r ws sang and swg samod tgdere 1065 fore Healfdenes hilde-wsan, gomen-wudu grted, gid oft wrecen, onne heal-gamen Hrgres scop fter medo-bence m nan scolde Finnes eaferum, he se f r begeat: 1070 "Hle Healfdenes, Hnf Scyldinga, "in Fr..es wle feallan scolde. "N hru Hildeburh herian orfte "Eotena trowe: unsynnum wear "beloren lofum t m lind-plegan 1075 "bearnum and brrum; he on gebyrd hruron XVII. SONG OF HROTHGAR'S POETTHE LAY OF HNAEF AND HENGEST. 36

Beowulf "gre wunde; t ws gemuru ides. "Nalles hlinga Hces dhtor "meotod-sceaft bemearn, syan morgen cm, " ho under swegle geson meahte 1080 "moror-bealo mga, r ho r m ste hold "worolde wynne: wg ealle fornam "Finnes egnas, nemne faum num, "t h ne mehte on m meel-stede "wg Hengeste wiht gefeohtan, 1085 "n wa-lfe wge forringan "odnes egne; ac hig him geingo budon, "t he him er flet eal gery mdon, "healle and hah-setl, t he healfre geweald "wi Eotena bearn gan mston, 1090 "and t feoh-gyftum Folcwaldan sunu "dgra gehwylce Dene weorode, "Hengestes hap hringum wenede, "efne sw swe sinc-gestronum "f ttan goldes, sw h Frsena cyn 1095 "on bor-sele byldan wolde. " he getruwedon on tw healfa "fste friou-w re; Fin Hengeste "elne unflitme um benemde, "t h wa-lfe weotena dme 1100 "rum heolde, t r nig mon "wordum n worcum w re ne br ce, "n urh inwit-searo fre gem nden, "ah he hira bag-gyfan banan folgedon "oden-lase, him sw geearfod ws: 1105 "gyf onne Fry sna hwylc frcnan spr ce "s moror-hetes myndgiend w re, "onne hit sweordes ecg syan scolde. " ws gefned and icge gold "hfen of horde. Here-Scyldinga 1110 "betst beado-rinca ws on b l gearu; "t m de ws -gesy ne "swt-fh syrce, swy n eal-gylden, "eofer ren-heard, eling manig "wundum wyrded; sume on wle crungon. 1115 XVII. SONG OF HROTHGAR'S POETTHE LAY OF HNAEF AND HENGEST. 37

Beowulf "Ht Hildeburh t Hnfes de "hire selfre sunu sweoloe befstan, "bn-fatu brnan and on b l dn. "Earme on eaxle ides gnornode, "gemrode giddum; g-rinc sth. 1120 "Wand t wolcnum wl-fy ra m st, "hlynode for hlwe; hafelan multon, "ben-geato burston, onne bld tspranc "l-bite lces. Lg ealle forswealg, "g sta gfrost, ra e r g fornam 1125 "bga folces; ws hira bl d scacen.

XVIII. THE GLEEMAN'S TALE IS ENDED."Gewiton him wgend wca nosian, "frondum befeallen Fry sland geson, "hmas and ha-burh. Hengest gy t "wl-fgne winter wunode mid Finne 1130 "ealles unhlitme; eard gemunde, "ah e h ne meahte on mere drfan "hringed-stefnan; holm storme wol, "won wi winde; winter y e belac "s-gebinde o t er cm 1135 "ger in geardas, sw n gy t d, " e syngales sle bewitia, "wuldor-torhtan weder. ws winter scacen, "fger foldan bearm; fundode wrecca, "gist of geardum; h t gyrn-wrce 1140 "swor hte, onne t s -lde, "gif h torn-gemt urhton mihte, "t h Eotena bearn inne gemunde. "Sw h ne forwyrnde worold-r denne, "onne him Hnlfing hilde-loman, 1145 "billa slest, on bearm dyde: "s w ron mid Eotenum ecge ce. "Swylce ferh-frecan Fin eft begeat "sweord-bealo slen t his selfes hm, XVIII. THE GLEEMAN'S TALE IS ENDED. 38

Beowulf "sian grimne gripe Glaf ond slf 1150 "fter s -sie sorge m ndon, "twiton wana d l; ne meahte w fre md "forhabban in hrere. ws heal hroden "fonda forum, swilce Fin slgen, "cyning on corre, and so cwn numen. 1155 "Scotend Scyldinga t scypum feredon "eal in-gesteald eor-cyninges, "swylce he t Finnes hm findan meahton "sigla searo-gimma. He on s -lde "drihtlce wf t Denum feredon, 1160 "l ddon t lodum." Lo ws sungen, glo-mannes gyd. Gamen eft sth, beorhtode benc-swg, byrelas sealdon wn of wunder-fatum. cwm Wealho for gn under gyldnum bage, r gdan twgen 1165 s ton suhter-gefderan; gy t ws hiera sib tgdere ghwylc rum try we. Swylce r Unfer yle t ftum st fran Scyldinga: gehwylc hiora his ferhe trowde, t h hfde md micel, ah e h his mgum n re rfst t ecga gelcum. Sprc ides Scyldinga: 1170 "Onfh issum fulle, fro-drihten mn, "sinces brytta; on s lum wes, "gold-wine gumena, and t Gatum sprec "mildum wordum! Sw sceal man dn. "Bo wi Gatas gld, geofena gemyndig; 1175 "nan and feorran n friu hafast. "M man sgde, t for sunu wolde "here-rinc habban. Heorot is gef lsod, "bah-sele beorhta; brc enden mte "manigra mda and num mgum l f 1180 "folc and rce, onne for scyle "metod-sceaft son. Ic mnne can "gldne Hrulf, t h geogoe wile "rum healdan, gyf r onne h, "wine Scildinga, worold ofl test; 1185 "wne ic, t h mid gde gyldan wille "uncran eaferan, gif h t eal gemon, "hwt wit t willan and t wor-myndum XVIII. THE GLEEMAN'S TALE IS ENDED. 39

Beowulf "umbor wesendum r rna gefremedon." Hwearf b bence, r hyre byre w ron, 1190 Hrrc and Hrmund, and hlea bearn, giogo tgdere; r se gda st Bowulf Gata be m gebrrum tw m.

XIX. BOWULF'S JEWELLED COLLAR. THE HEROES REST.Him ws ful boren and frond-lau wordum bewgned and wunden gold 1195 stum geawed, earm-hrade tw, hrgl and hringas, heals-baga m st ra e ic on foldan gefrgen hbbe. N nigne ic under swegle slran hy rde hord-mum hlea, syan Hma twg 1200 t re byrhtan byrig Brsinga mene, sigle and sinc-ft, searo-nas fealh Eormenrces, gecas cne r d. one hring hfde Higelc Gata, nefa Swertinges, ny hstan se, 1205 sian h under segne sinc ealgode, wl-raf werede; hyne Wyrd fornam, syan h for wlenco wan hsode, f he t Fry sum; h frtwe wg, eorclan-stnas ofer y a ful, 1210 rce oden, h under rande gecranc; gehwearf in Francna fm feorh cyninges, brost-gew du and se bah somod: wyrsan wg-frecan wl rafedon fter g-sceare, Gata lode 1215 hre-wc holdon. Heal swge onfng. Wealho maelode, ho fore m werede sprc: "Brc isses bages, Bowulf, lofa "hyse, mid h le, and isses hrgles not "od-gestrona, and geoh tela, 1220 XIX. BOWULF'S JEWELLED COLLAR. THE HEROES REST. 40

Beowulf "cen ec mid crfte and yssum cnyhtum wes "lra le! ic s lan geman. "Hafast gefred, t feor and nah "ealne wde-ferh weras ehtiga, "efne sw sde sw s bebge 1225 "windige weallas. Wes, enden lifige, "eling adig! ic an tela "sinc-gestrona. Bo suna mnum "d dum gedfe dram healdende! "Hr is ghwylc eorl rum getry we, 1230 "mdes milde, man-drihtne hold, "egnas syndon gew re, od eal gearo: "druncne dryht-guman, d sw ic bidde!" ode t setle. r ws symbla cyst, druncon wn weras: wyrd ne con, 1235 ge-sceaft grimme, sw hit gangen wear eorla manegum, syan fen cwm and him Hrgr gewt t hofe snum, rce t rste. Reced weardode unrm eorla, sw he oft r dydon: 1240 benc-elu beredon, hit geond-br ded wear beddum and bolstrum. Bor-scealca sum fs and f ge flet-rste gebag. Setton him t hafdum hilde-randas, bord-wudu beorhtan; r on bence ws 1245 ofer elinge y -gesne heao-stapa helm, hringed byrne, rec-wudu rymlc. Ws aw hyra, t he oft w ron an wg gearwe, g t hm g on herge, g gehwer ra 1250 efne swylce m la, swylce hira man-dryhtne earf ges lde; ws so od tilu.

XX. GRENDEL'S MOTHER ATTACKS THE RING-DANES. Sigon t sl pe. Sum sre angeald fen-rste, sw him ful-oft gelamp, XX. GRENDEL'S MOTHER ATTACKS THE RING-DANES. 41

Beowulf sian gold-sele Grendel warode, 1255 unriht fnde, o t ende becwm, swylt fter synnum. t gesy ne wear, wd-c werum, tte wrecend gy t lifde fter lum, lange rge fter g-ceare; Grendles mdor, 1260 ides gl c-wf yrme gemunde, s e wter-egesan wunian scolde, cealde stramas, sian Cain wear t ecg-banan ngan brer, fderen-m ge; h fg gewt, 1265 morre gemearcod man-dram flon, wsten warode. anon wc fela gesceaft-gsta; ws ra Grendel sum, heoro-wearh hetelc, s t Heorote fand wccendne wer wges bdan, 1270 r him gl ca t-gr pe wear; hwre h gemunde mgenes strenge, gim-fste gife, him god sealde, and him t anwaldan re gely fde, frfre and fultum: y h one fond ofercwm, 1275 gehn gde helle gst: h han gewt, drame bed led da-wc son, man-cynnes fond. And his mdor gy t gfre and galg-md gegn wolde sorh-fulne s, suna da wrecan. 1280 Cm t Heorote, r Hring-Dene geond t sld sw fun. r sna wear ed-hwyrft eorlum, sian inne fealh Grendles mdor; ws se gryre l ssa efne sw micle, sw bi mga crft, 1285 wg-gryre wfes be w pned-men, onne heoru bunden, hamere geuren, sweord swte fh swn ofer helme, ecgum dyhtig andweard scire. ws on healle heard-ecg togen, 1290 XX. GRENDEL'S MOTHER ATTACKS THE RING-DANES. 42

Beowulf sweord ofer setlum, sd-rand manig hafen handa fst; helm ne gemunde, byrnan sde, e hine se brga angeat. Ho ws on ofste, wolde t anon fore beorgan, ho onfunden ws; 1295 hrae ho elinga nne hfde fste befangen, ho t fenne gang; s ws Hrgre hlea lofost on geses hd be s m tweonum, rce rand-wiga, one e ho on rste brat, 1300 bl d-fstne beorn. Ns Bowulf r, ac ws er in r geteohhod fter mum-gife m rum Gate. Hram wear on Heorote. Ho under heolfre genam ce folme; cearu ws genwod 1305 geworden in wcum: ne ws t gewrixle til, t he on b healfa bicgan scoldon fronda forum. ws frd cyning, hr hilde-rinc, on hron mde, syan h aldor-egn unlyfigendne, 1310 one dorestan dadne wisse. Hrae ws t bre Bowulf fetod, sigor-adig secg. Samod r-dge ode eorla sum, ele cempa self mid gesum, r se snottra bd, 1315 hwre him al-walda fre wille fter wa-spelle wyrpe gefremman. Gang fter flre fyrd-wyre man mid his hand-scale (heal-wudu dynede) t h one wsan wordum hn gde 1320 fran Ingwina; frgn gif him w re fter nod-lau niht get se.

XXI. SORROW AT HEOROT: AESCHERE'S DEATHHrgr maelode, helm Scildinga: "Ne frn fter s lum! Sorh is genwod "Denigea lodum. Dad is sc-here, XXI. SORROW AT HEOROT: AESCHERE'S DEATH 43

Beowulf 1325 "Yrmenlfes yldra bror, "mn rn-wita and mn r d-bora, "eaxl-gestealla, onne w on orlege "hafelan weredon, onne hniton fan, "eoferas cnysedan; swylc scolde eorl wesan 1330 "eling r-gd, swylc sc-here ws. "Wear him on Heorote t hand-banan "wl-g st w fre; ic ne wt hwder "atol se wlanc eft-sas tah, "fylle gefr gnod. Ho f he wrc, 1335 " gystran niht Grendel cwealdest "urh h stne hd heardum clammum, "foran h t lange lode mne "wanode and wyrde. H t wge gecrang "ealdres scyldig, and n er cwm 1340 "mihtig mn-scaa, wolde hyre m g wrecan, "g feor hafa f he gest led, "s e incean mg egne monegum, "s e fter sinc-gyfan on sefan grote, "hreer-bealo hearde; n so hand lige, 1345 "s e ow wl-hwylcra wilna dohte. "Ic t lond-bend lode mne "sele-r dende secgan hy rde, "t he geswon swylce twgen "micle mearc-stapan mras healdan, 1350 "ellor-g stas: ra er ws, "s e he gewislcost gewitan meahton, "idese onlcnes, er earm-sceapen "on weres wstmum wrc-lstas trd, "nfne h ws mra onne nig man er, 1355 "one on ger-dagum Grendel nemdon "fold-bende: n he fder cunnon, "hwer him nig ws r cenned "dyrnra gsta. He dy gel lond "warigea, wulf-hleou, windige nssas, 1360 "frcne fen-geld, r fyrgen-stram "under nssa genipu nier gewte, "fld under foldan; nis t feor heonon XXI. SORROW AT HEOROT: AESCHERE'S DEATH 44

Beowulf "ml-gemearces, t se mere stande, "ofer m hongia hrmge bearwas, 1365 "wudu wyrtum fst, wter oferhelma. " r mg nihta gehw m n-wundor son, "fy r on flde; n s frd leofa "gumena bearna, t one grund wite; "ah e h -stapa hundum geswenced, 1370 "heorot hornum trum holt-wudu sce, "feorran gefly med, r h feorh sele, "aldor on fre, r h in wille, "hafelan hy dan. Nis t horu stw: "onon y -geblond up stge 1375 "won t wolcnum, onne wind styre "l gewidru, o t lyft drysma, "roderas rota. N is r d gelang "eft t num! Eard gt ne const, "frcne stwe, r findan miht 1380 "sinnigne secg: sc gif dyrre! "Ic f he fo lanige, "eald-gestronum, sw ic r dyde, "wundnum golde, gyf on weg cymest."

XXII. BOWULF SEEKS THE MONSTER IN THE HAUNTS OF THE NIXIES.Bowulf maelode, bearn Ecgowes: 1385 "Ne sorga, snotor guma! slre bi ghw m, "t h his frond wrece, onne h fela murne; "re ghwylc sceal ende gebdan "worolde lfes; wyrce s e mte "dmes r dae! t bi driht-guman 1390 "unlifgendum fter slest. "rs, rces weard; uton hrae fran, "Grendles mgan gang scawigan! "Ic hit gehte: n h on helm losa, "n on foldan fm, n on fyrgen-holt, 1395 XXII. BOWULF SEEKS THE MONSTER IN THE HAUNTS OF THE NIXIES. 45

Beowulf "n on gyfenes grund, g r h wille. "y s dgor geyld hafa "wana gehwylces, sw ic wne t!" hlop se gomela, gode ancode, mihtigan drihtne, s se man gesprc. 1400 ws Hrgre hors geb ted, wicg wunden-feax. Wsa fengel geatolc gengde; gum-fa stp lind-hbbendra. Lstas w ron fter wald-swaum wde gesy ne, 1405 gang ofer grundas; gegnum fr ofer myrcan mr, mago-egna br one slestan swol-lasne, ra e mid Hrgre hm eahtode. Ofer-ode elinga bearn 1410 stap stn-hlio, stge nearwe, enge n-paas, un-c geld, neowle nssas, nicor-hsa fela; h fara sum beforan gengde wsra monna, wong scawian, 1415 o t h f ringa fyrgen-bamas ofer hrne stn hleonian funde, wyn-lasne wudu; wter under std drorig and gedrfed. Denum eallum ws, winum Scyldinga, weorce on mde, 1420 t geolianne egne monegum, oncy eorla gehw m, syan sc-heres on m holm-clife hafelan mtton. Fld blde wol (folc t s gon) htan heolfre. Horn stundum song 1425 fslc fyrd-lo. Fa eal gest; geswon fter wtere wyrm-cynnes fela, sellce s -dracan sund cunnian, swylce on ns-hleoum nicras licgean, on undern-m l oft bewitiga 1430 sorh-fulne s on segl-rde, wyrmas and wil-dor; he on weg hruron bitere and gebolgne, bearhtm ongeton, g-horn galan. Sumne Gata lod of fln-bogan fores getw fde, XXII. BOWULF SEEKS THE MONSTER IN THE HAUNTS OF THE NIXIES. 46

Beowulf 1435 y -gewinnes, t him on aldre std here-str l hearda; h on holme ws sundes s nra, hyne swylt fornam. Hre wear on y um mid eofer-sprotum heoro-hcyhtum hearde genearwod, 1440 na gen ged and on ns togen wundorlc w g-bora; weras scawedon gryrelcne gist. Gyrede hine Bowulf eorl-gew dum, nalles for ealdre mearn: scolde here-byrne hondum gebrden, 1445 sd and searo-fh, sund cunnian, so e bn-cofan beorgan ce, t him hilde-grp hrere ne mihte, eorres inwit-feng, aldre gescean; ac se hwta helm hafelan werede, 1450 s e mere-grundas mengan scolde, scan sund-gebland since geweorad, befongen fra-wrsnum, sw hine fyrn-dagum worhte w pna smi, wundrum tode, besette swn-lcum, t hine syan n 1455 brond n beado-mcas btan ne meahton. Ns t onne m tost mgen-fultuma, t him on earfe lh yle Hrgres; ws m hft-mce Hrunting nama, t ws n foran eald-gestrona; 1460 ecg ws ren ter-tarum fh, hyrded heao-swte; n fre hit t hilde ne swc manna ngum ra e hit mid mundum bewand, s e gryre-sas gegn dorste, folc-stede fra; ns t forma s, 1465 t hit ellen-weorc fnan scolde. Hru ne gemunde mago Ecglfes eafoes crftig, t h r gesprc wne druncen, h s w pnes onlh slran sweord-frecan: selfa ne dorste 1470 under y a gewin aldre genan, driht-scype drogan; r h dme forlas, XXII. BOWULF SEEKS THE MONSTER IN THE HAUNTS OF THE NIXIES. 47

Beowulf ellen-m rum. Ne ws m rum sw, syan h hine t ge gegyred hfde.

XXIII. THE BATTLE WITH THE WATER-DRAKE.Bowulf maelode, bearn Ecgowes: 1475 "geenc n, se m ra maga Healfdenes, "snottra fengel, n ic eom ses fs, "gold-wine gumena, hwt wit ge spr con, "gif ic t earfe nre scolde "aldre linnan, t m w re 1480 "for-gewitenum on fder st le; "wes mund-bora mnum mago-egnum, "hond-gesellum, gif mec hild nime: "swylce mdmas, m sealdest, "Hrgr lofa, Higelce onsend. 1485 "Mg onne on m golde ongitan Gata dryhten, "geson sunu Hrles, onne h on t sinc stara, "t ic gum-cystum gdne funde "baga bryttan, brac onne mste. "And Unfer l t ealde lfe, 1490 "wr tlc w g-sweord wd-cne man "heard-ecg habban; ic m mid Hruntinge "dm gewyrce, oe mec da nime." fter m wordum Weder-Gata lod efste mid elne, nalas andsware 1495 bdan wolde; brim-wylm onfng hilde-rince. ws hwl dges, r h one grund-wong ongytan mehte. Sna t onfunde, s e flda begong heoro-gfre behold hund missra, 1500 grim and gr dig, t r gumena sum l-wihta eard ufan cunnode. Grp tganes, g-rinc gefng atolan clommum; n y r in gescd hlan lce: hring tan ymb-bearh, 1505 t ho one fyrd-hom urh-fn ne mihte, locene leoo-syrcan lan fingrum. Br so brim-wylf, ho t botme cm, hringa engel t hofe snum, XXIII. THE BATTLE WITH THE WATER-DRAKE. 48

Beowulf sw h ne mihte n (h s mdig ws) 1510 w pna gewealdan, ac hine wundra s fela swencte on sunde, s -dor monig hilde-txum here-syrcan brc, hton gl can. se eorl ongeat, t h in ni-sele nt-hwylcum ws, 1515 r him n nig wter wihte ne sceede, n him for hrf-sele hrnan ne mehte f r-gripe fldes: fy r-loht geseah, blcne loman beorhte scnan. Ongeat se gda grund-wyrgenne, 1520 mere-wf mihtig; mgen-r s forgeaf hilde-bille, hond swenge ne oftah, t hire on hafelan hring-m l gl gr dig g-lo. se gist onfand, t se beado-loma btan nolde, 1525 aldre scean, ac so ecg geswc odne t earfe: olode r fela hond-gemta, helm oft gescr, f ges fyrd-hrgl: t ws forma s dorum mme, t his dm lg. 1530 Eft ws n-r d, nalas elnes lt, m ra gemyndig m g Hygelces; wearp wunden-m l wr ttum gebunden yrre retta, t hit on eoran lg, st and sty l-ecg; strenge getruwode, 1535 mund-gripe mgenes. Sw sceal man dn, onne h t ge gegn ence longsumne lof, n ymb his lf ceara. Gefng be eaxle (nalas for f he mearn) G-Gata lod Grendles mdor; 1540 brgd beadwe heard, h gebolgen ws, feorh-genlan, t ho on flet gebah. Ho him eft hrae and-lan forgeald grimman grpum and him tganes fng; oferwearp wrig-md wigena strengest, 1545 fe-cempa, t h on fylle wear. Ofst one sele-gyst and hyre seaxe getah, brd and brn-ecg wolde hire bearn wrecan, XXIII. THE BATTLE WITH THE WATER-DRAKE. 49

Beowulf ngan eaferan. Him on eaxle lg brost-net brden; t gebearh fore, 1550 wi ord and wi ecge ingang forstd. Hfde forsod sunu Ecgowes under gynne grund, Gata cempa, nemne him heao-byrne helpe gefremede, here-net hearde, and hlig god 1555 gewold wg-sigor, wtig drihten; rodera r dend hit on ryht gescd, y elce syan h eft std.

XXIV. BOWULF SLAYS THE SPRITE.Geseah on searwum sige-adig bil, eald sweord eotenisc ecgum y htig, 1560 wigena weor-mynd: t ws w pna cyst, bton hit ws mre onne nig mon er t beadu-lce tberan meahte gd and geatolc gganta geweorc. H gefng fetel-hilt, freca Scildinga, 1565 hroh and heoro-grim hring-m l gebrgd, aldres orwna, yrringa slh, t hire wi halse heard grpode, bn-hringas brc, bil eal urh-wd f gne fl sc-homan, ho on flet gecrong; 1570 sweord ws swtig, secg weorce gefeh. Lxte se loma, loht inne std, efne sw of hefene hdre scne rodores candel. H fter recede wlt, hwearf be wealle, w pen hafenade 1575 heard be hiltum Higelces egn, yrre and n-r d. Ns so ecg fracod hilde-rince, ac h hrae wolde Grendle forgyldan g-r sa fela ra e h geworhte t West-Denum 1580 oftor micle onne on nne s, onne h Hrgres heor-genatas slh on sweofote, sl pende frt folces Denigea fy f-ty ne men and er swylc t of-ferede, 1585 XXIV. BOWULF SLAYS THE SPRITE. 50

Beowulf llcu lc. H him s lan forgeald, re cempa, t s e h on rste geseah g-wrigne Grendel licgan, aldor-lasne, sw him r gescd hild t Heorote; hr wde sprong, 1590 syan h fter dae drepe rowade, heoro-sweng heardne, and hine hafde becearf, Sna t geswon snottre ceorlas, e mid Hrgre on holm wliton, t ws y -geblond eal gemenged, 1595 brim blde fh: blonden-feaxe gomele ymb gdne ongeador spr con, t hig s elinges eft ne wndon, t h sige-hrig scean cme m rne oden; s monige gewear, 1600 t hine so brim-wylf broten hfde. cm nn dges. Ns ofgafon hwate Scyldingas; gewt him hm onon gold-wine gumena. Gistas stan, mdes soce, and on mere staredon, 1605 wiston and ne wndon, t he heora wine-drihten selfne geswon. t sweord ongan fter heao-swte hilde-gicelum wg-bil wanian; t ws wundra sum, t hit eal gemealt se gelcost, 1610 onne forstes bend fder onl te, onwinde wl-rpas, s e geweald hafa s la and m la; t is s metod. Ne nom h in m wcum, Weder-Gata lod, mm- hta m, h h r monige geseah, 1615 bton one hafelan and hilt somod, since fge; sweord r gemealt, forbarn brden m l: ws t bld t s ht, ttren ellor-g st, s r inne swealt. Sna ws on sunde, s e r t scce gebd 1620 wg-hryre wrra, wter up urh-daf; w ron y -gebland eal gef lsod, acne eardas, se ellor-gst oflt lf-dagas and s l nan gesceaft. XXIV. BOWULF SLAYS THE SPRITE. 51

Beowulf Cm t lande lid-manna helm 1625 sw-md swymman, s -lce gefeah, mgen-byrenne ra e h him mid hfde. odon him tganes, gode ancodon, ry lc egna hap, odnes gefgon, s e h hyne gesundne geson mston. 1630 ws of m hrran helm and byrne lungre ly sed: lagu drsade, wter under wolcnum, wl-drore fg. Frdon for onon fe-lstum ferhum fgne, fold-weg m ton, 1635 ce str te; cyning-balde men from m holm-clife hafelan b ron earfolce heora ghwrum fela-mdigra: fower scoldon on m wl-stenge weorcum geferian 1640 t m gold-sele Grendles hafod, o t semninga t sele cmon frome fyrd-hwate fower-ty ne Gata gongan; gum-dryhten mid mdig on gemonge meodo-wongas trd. 1645 cm in gn ealdor egna, d d-cne mon dme gewurad, hle hilde-dor. Hrgr grtan: ws be feaxe on flet boren Grendles hafod, r guman druncon, 1650 egeslc for eorlum and re idese mid: wlite-son wr tlc weras onswon.

XXV. HROTHGAR'S GRATITUDE: HE DISCOURSES.Bowulf maelode, bearn Ecgowes: "Hwt! w s s -lc, sunu Healfdenes, "lod Scyldinga, lustum brhton, 1655 "tres t tcne, hr t lcast. "Ic t unsfte ealdre gedgde: "wigge under wtere weorc gende "earfolce, t-rihte ws "g getw fed, nyme mec god scylde. 1660 "Ne meahte ic t hilde mid Hruntinge "wiht gewyrcan, ah t w pen duge, XXV. HROTHGAR'S GRATITUDE: HE DISCOURSES. 52

Beowulf "ac m gee ylda waldend, "t ic on wge geseah wlitig hangian "eald sweord acen (oftost wsode 1665 "winigea lasum) t ic y w pne gebr . "Ofslh t re scce ( m s l geald) "hses hyrdas. t hilde-bil "forbarn, brogden m l, sw t bld gesprang, "htost heao-swta: ic t hilt anan 1670 "fondum tferede; fyren-d da wrc, "da-cwealm Denigea, sw hit gedfe ws. "Ic hit onne gehte, t on Heorote mst "sorh-las swefan mid nra secga gedryht, "and egna gehwylc nra loda, 1675 "dugue and iogoe, t him ondr dan ne earft, "oden Scyldinga, on healfe, "aldor-bealu eorlum, sw r dydest." ws gylden hilt gamelum rince. hrum hild-fruman, on hand gyfen, 1680 enta r-geweorc, hit on ht gehwearf fter dofla hryre Denigea fran, wundor-smia geweorc, and s worold ofgeaf grom-heort guma, godes andsaca, morres scyldig, and his mdor ac; 1685 on geweald gehwearf worold-cyninga m slestan be s m twonum ra e on Sceden-igge sceattas d lde. Hrgr maelode, hylt scawode, ealde lfe, on m ws r writen 1690 fyrn-gewinnes: syan fld ofslh, gifen gotende, gganta cyn, frcne gefrdon: t ws fremde od cean dryhtne, him s ende-lan urh wteres wylm waldend sealde. 1695 Sw ws on m scennum scran goldes urh rn-stafas rihte gemearcod, geseted and ges d, hwm t sweord geworht, rena cyst rest w re, wreoen-hilt and wyrm-fh. se wsa sprc 1700 sunu Healfdenes (swgedon ealle): "t l mg secgan, s e s and riht "freme on folce, (feor eal gemon XXV. HROTHGAR'S GRATITUDE: HE DISCOURSES. 53

Beowulf "eald el-weard), t es eorl w re "geboren betera! Bl d is r red 1705 "geond wd-wegas, wine mn Bowulf, "n ofer oda gehwylce. Eal hit geyldum healdest, "mgen mid mdes snyttrum. Ic sceal mne gel stan "frode, sw wit furum spr con; scealt t frfre weoran "eal lang-twidig lodum num, 1710 "hleum t helpe. Ne wear Heremd sw "eaforum Ecgwelan, r-Scyldingum; "ne gewox h him t willan, ac t wl-fealle "and t da-cwalum Deniga lodum; "brat bolgen-md bod-genatas, 1715 "eaxl-gesteallan, o t h na hwearf, "m re oden. mon-dramum from: "ah e hine mihtig god mgenes wynnum, "eafeum stpte, ofer ealle men "for gefremede, hwere him on ferhe grow 1720 "brost-hord bld-row: nallas bagas geaf "Denum fter dme; dram-las gebd, "t h s gewinnes weorc rowade, "lod-bealo longsum. l r be on, "gum-cyste ongit! ic is gid be 1725 "wrc wintrum frd. Wundor is t secganne, "h mihtig god manna cynne "urh sdne sefan snyttru brytta, "eard and eorl-scipe, h h ealra geweald. "Hwlum h on lufan l te hworfan 1730 "monnes md-geonc m ran cynnes, "sele him on le eoran wynne, "t healdanne hlo-burh wera, "ged him sw gewealdene worolde d las, "sde rce, t h his selfa ne mg 1735 "for his un-snyttrum ende geencean; "wuna h on wiste, n hine wiht dwele, "dl n yldo, n him inwit-sorh "on sefan sweorce, n gesacu hw r, "ecg-hete owe, ac him eal worold 1740 "wende on willan; h t wyrse ne con, "o t him on innan ofer-hygda d l XXV. HROTHGAR'S GRATITUDE: HE DISCOURSES. 54

Beowulf "weaxe and wrida, onne se weard swefe, "swele hyrde: bi se sl p t fst, "bisgum gebunden, bona swe nah, 1745 "s e of fln-bogan fyrenum scote.

XXVI. THE DISCOURSE IS ENDED.BOWULF PREPARES TO LEAVE."onne bi on hrere under helm drepen "biteran str le: him bebeorgan ne con "wom wundor-bebodum wergan gstes; "ince him t ly tel, t h t lange hold, 1750 "gy tsa grom-hy dig, nallas on gylp sele "f tte bagas and h for-gesceaft "forgyte and forgy me, s e him r god sealde "wuldres waldend, weor-mynda d l. "Hit on ende-stf eft gelimpe, 1755 "t se lc-homa l ne gedrose, "f ge gefealle; fh er t, "s e unmurnlce mdmas d le, "eorles r-gestron, egesan ne gy me. "Bebeorh one bealo-n, Bowulf lofa, 1760 "secg se betsta, and t slre gecos, "ce r das; oferhy da ne gy m, "m re cempa! N is nes mgnes bl d "ne hwle; eft sna bi, "t ec dl oe ecg eafoes getw fe, 1765 "oe fy res feng oe fldes wylm, "oe gripe mces oe gres fliht, "oe atol yldo, oe agena bearhtm "forsite and forsworce; semninga bi, "t ec, dryht-guma, da oferswy e. 1770 "Sw ic Hring-Dena hund missra "wold under wolcnum, and hig wigge belac "manigum m ga geond ysne middan-geard, "scum and ecgum, t ic m nigne "under swegles begong gesacan ne tealde. 1775 "Hwt! m s on le edwenden cwm, "gyrn fter gomene, seoan Grendel wear, "eald-gewinna, in-genga mn: "ic re scne singles wg XXVI. THE DISCOURSE IS ENDED.BOWULF PREPARES TO LEAVE. 55

Beowulf "md-ceare micle. s sig metode anc, 1780 "cean drihtne, s e ic on aldre gebd, "t ic on one hafelan heoro-drorigne "ofer eald gewin agum starige! "G n t setle, symbel-wynne droh "wgge weorad: unc sceal worn fela 1785 "mma gem nra, sian morgen bi." Gat ws gld-md, gong sna t, setles nosan, sw se snottra heht. ws eft sw r ellen-rfum, flet-sittendum fgere gereorded 1790 nowan stefne. Niht-helm geswearc deorc ofer dryht-gumum. Dugu eal rs; wolde blonden-feax beddes nosan, gamela Scylding. Gat ungemetes wl, rfne rand-wigan restan lyste: 1795 sna him sele-egn ses wrgum, feorran-cundum for wsade, se for andrysnum ealle beweotede egnes earfe, swylce y dgore hao-lende habban scoldon. 1800 Reste hine rm-heort; reced hlfade gap and gold-fh, gst inne swf, o t hrefn blaca heofones wynne bl-heort bodode. cm beorht sunne scacan ofer grundas; scaan netton, 1805 w ron elingas eft t lodum fse t farenne, wolde feor anon cuma collen-ferh coles nosan. Heht se hearda Hrunting beran, sunu Ecglfes, heht his sweord niman, 1810 loflc ren; sgde him s lanes anc, cw h one g-wine gdne tealde, wg-crftigne, nales wordum lg mces ecge: t ws mdig secg. And s-frome searwum gearwe 1815 wgend w ron, ode weor Denum eling t yppan, r se er ws XXVI. THE DISCOURSE IS ENDED.BOWULF PREPARES TO LEAVE. 56

Beowulf hle hilde-dor, Hrgr grtte.

XXVII. THE PARTING WORDS.Bowulf maelode, bearn Ecgowes: "N w s -lend secgan wylla 1820 "feorran cumene, t w fundia "Higelc scan. W ron hr tela "willum bewenede; s wl dohtest. "Gif ic onne on eoran wihte mg "nre md-lufan mran tilian, 1825 "gumena dryhten, onne ic gy t dyde, "g-geweorca ic bo gearo sna. "Gif ic t gefricge ofer flda begang, "t ec ymbe-sittend egesan y wa, "sw ec hetende hwlum dydon, 1830 "ic senda egna bringe, "hlea t helpe. Ic on Higelce wt, "Gata dryhten, ah e h geong sy , "folces hyrde, t h mec fremman wile "wordum and worcum, t ic wl herige, 1835 "and t goce gr-holt bere "mgenes fultum, r bi manna earf; "gif him onne Hrrc t hofum Gata "geinge, odnes bearn, h mg r fela "fronda findan: feor-cy e bo 1840 "slran geshte m e him selfa dah." Hrgr maelode him on andsware: " word-cwydas wittig drihten "on sefan sende! ne hy rde ic snotorlcor "on sw geongum feore guman ingian: 1845 " eart mgenes strang and on mde frd, "ws word-cwida. Wn ic talige, "gif t gegange, t e gr nyme, "hild heoru-grimme Hrles eaferan, "dl oe ren ealdor nne, 1850 "folces hyrde, and n feorh hafast, "t e S -Gatas slran nbben "t gecosenne cyning nigne, "hord-weard hlea, gif healdan wylt "mga rce. M n md-sefa XXVII. THE PARTING WORDS. 57

Beowulf 1855 "lca leng sw wl, lofa Bowulf: "hafast gefred, t m folcum sceal, "Gata lodum and Gr-Denum "sib gem num and sacu restan, "inwit-nas, he r drugon; 1860 "wesan, enden ic wealde wdan rces, "mmas gem ne, manig erne "gdum gegrtan ofer ganotes b; "sceal hring-naca ofer hau bringan "lc and luf-tcen. Ic lode wt 1865 "g wi fond g wi frond fste geworhte " ghws unt le ealde wsan." gt him eorla hlo inne gesealde, mago Healfdenes mmas twelfe, ht hine mid m lcum lode sw se 1870 scean on gesyntum, snde eft cuman. Gecyste cyning elum gd, oden Scildinga, egen betstan and be healse genam; hruron him taras, blonden-feaxum: him ws bga wn, 1875 ealdum infrdum, res swor, t h seoan geson mston mdige on mele. Ws him se man t on lof, t h one brost-wylm forberan ne mehte, ac him on hrere hyge-bendum fst 1880 fter dorum men dyrne langa beorn wi blde. Him Bowulf anan, g-rinc gold-wlanc grs-moldan trd, since hrmig: s -genga bd gend-fran, s e on ancre rd. 1885 ws on gange gifu Hrgres oft gehted: t ws n cyning ghws orleahtre, o t hine yldo benam mgenes wynnum, s e oft manegum scd.




XXVIII. BOWULF RETURNS TO GEATLAND.THE QUEENS HYGD AND THRYTHO.Cwm t flde fela-mdigra 1890 hg-stealdra hap; hring-net b ron, locene leoo-syrcan. Land-weard onfand eft-s eorla, sw h r dyde; n h mid hearme of hles nosan gstas grtte, ac him tganes rd; 1895 cw t wilcuman Wedera lodum scawan scr-hame t scipe fron. ws on sande s -gap naca hladen here-w dum, hringed-stefna marum and mmum: mst hlfade 1900 ofer Hrgres hord-gestronum. H m bt-wearde bunden golde swurd gesealde, t h syan ws on meodu-bence mme y weorra, yrfe-lfe. Gewt him on y -nacan, 1905 drfan dop wter, Dena land ofgeaf. ws be mste mere-hrgla sum, segl sle fst. Sund-wudu unede, n r wg-flotan wind ofer y um ses getw fde; s -genga fr, 1910 flat fmig-heals for ofer y e, bunden-stefna ofer brim-stramas, t he Gata clifu ongitan meahton, ce nssas. Col up gerang, lyft-geswenced on lande std. 1915 Hrae ws t holme hy -weard gearo, s e r lange td, lofra manna fs, t faroe feor wltode; s lde t sande sd-fme scip oncer-bendum fst, y l s hym y a rym 1920 wudu wynsuman forwrecan meahte. Ht up beran elinga gestron, frtwe and f t-gold; ns him feor anon XXVIII. BOWULF RETURNS TO GEATLAND.THE QUEENS HYGD AND THRYTHO. 59

Beowulf t gescanne sinces bryttan: Higelc Hrling r t hm wuna, 1925 selfa mid gesum s -wealle nah; bold ws betlc, brego-rf cyning, ha on healle, Hygd swe geong, ws, wl-ungen, ah e wintra ly t under burh-locan gebiden hbbe 1930 Hrees dhtor: ns ho hnh sw ah, n t gna gifa Gata lodum, mm-gestrona. Mod ry o wg, fremu folces cwn, firen ondrysne: n nig t dorste dor genan 1935 sw sra gesa, nefne sin-fra, t hire an dges agum starede; ac him wl-bende weotode tealde, hand-gewriene: hrae seoan ws fter mund-gripe mce geinged, 1940 t hit sceaen-m l scy ran mste, cwealm-bealu cy an. Ne bi swylc cwnlc aw idese t efnanne, ah e ho nlcu sy , tte freou-webbe fores onsce fter lge-torne lofne mannan. 1945 Hru t onhhsnode Heminges m g; ealo drincende er s dan, t ho lod-bealewa l s gefremede, inwit-na, syan rest wear gyfen gold-hroden geongum cempan, 1950 elum dore, syan ho Offan flet ofer fealone fld be fder lre se geshte, r ho syan wl in gum-stle, gde m re, lf-gesceafta lifigende brac, 1955 hold hah-lufan wi hlea brego, ealles mon-cynnes mne gefr ge one slestan b s m twonum eormen-cynnes; form Offa ws geofum and gum gr-cne man, 1960 XXVIII. BOWULF RETURNS TO GEATLAND.THE QUEENS HYGD AND THRYTHO. 60

Beowulf wde geweorod; wsdme hold el snne, onon om r wc hleum t helpe, Heminges m g, nefa Grmundes, na crftig.

XXIX. HIS ARRIVAL. HYGELAC'S RECEPTION.Gewt him se hearda mid his hond-scole 1965 sylf fter sande s -wong tredan, wde waroas. Woruld-candel scn, sigel san fs: h s drugon, elne geodon, t s e eorla hlo, bonan Ongenowes burgum on innan, 1970 geongne g-cyning gdne gefrnon hringas d lan. Higelce ws s Bowulfes snde gecy ed, t r on worig wgendra hlo, lind-gestealla lifigende cwm, 1975 heao-lces hl t hofe gongan. Hrae ws gery med, sw se rca bebad, fe-gestum flet innan-weard. Gest wi sylfne, s scce gens, m g wi m ge, syan man-dryhten 1980 urh hloor-cwyde holdne gegrtte maglum wordum. Meodu-scencum hwearf geond t reced Hrees dhtor: lufode lode, l-w ge br h lum t handa. Higelc ongan 1985 snne geseldan in sele m han fgre fricgean, hyne fyrwet brc, hwylce S -Gata sas w ron: "H lomp ow on lde, lofa Bowulf, " f ringa feorr gehogodest, 1990 "scce scean ofer sealt wter, "hilde t Hiorote? Ac Hrgre "wd-cne wan wihte gebttest, "m rum odne? Ic s md-ceare "sorh-wylmum sa, se ne truwode XXIX. HIS ARRIVAL. HYGELAC'S RECEPTION. 61

Beowulf 1995 "lofes mannes; ic lange bd, "t one wl-g st wihte ne grtte, "lte S-Dene sylfe geweoran "ge wi Grendel. Gode ic anc secge, "s e ic gesundne geson mste." 2000 Bowulf maelode, bearn Ecgowes: "t is undyrne, dryhten Higelc, "m re gemting monegum fra, "hwylc orleg-hwl uncer Grendles "wear on m wange, r h worna fela 2005 "Sige-Scildingum sorge gefremede, "yrme t aldre; ic t eal gewrc, "sw ne gylpan earf Grendeles mga " nig ofer eoran ht-hlem one, "s e lengest leofa lan cynnes, 2010 "fenne bifongen. Ic r furum cwm, "t m hring-sele Hrgr grtan: "sna m se m ra mago Healfdenes, "syan h md-sefan mnne ce, "wi his sylfes sunu setl get hte. 2015 "Weorod ws on wynne; ne seah ic wdan feorh "under heofenes hwealf heal-sittendra "medu-dram mran. Hwlum m ru cwn, "friu-sibb folca flet eall geond-hwearf, "b dde byre geonge; oft ho bah-wrian 2020 "secge sealde, r ho t setle gong. "Hwlum for dugue dhtor Hrgres "eorlum on ende ealu-w ge br, " ic Fraware flet-sittende "nemnan hy rde, r ho ngled sinc 2025 "hleum sealde: so gehten ws, "geong gold-hroden, gladum suna Frdan; "hafa s geworden wine Scyldinga "rces hyrde and t r d tala, "t h mid y wfe wl-f ha d l, 2030 "scca gesette. Oft n seldan hw r "fter lod-hryre ly tle hwle "bon-gr bge, ah so bry d duge!




XXX. BOWULF'S STORY OF THE SLAYINGS."Mg s onne ofyncan oden Heaobeardna "and egna gehwm ra loda, 2035 "onne h mid f mnan on flett g , "dryht-bearn Dena dugua biwenede: "on him gladia gomelra lfe "heard and hring-m l, Heaobeardna gestron, "enden he m w pnum wealdan mston, 2040 "o t he forl ddan t m lind-plegan "sw se gesas ond hyra sylfra feorh. "onne cwi t bore, s e bah gesyh, "eald sc-wiga, s e eall geman "gr-cwealm gumena (him bi grim sefa), 2045 "onginne gemor-md geongne cempan "urh hrera gehygd higes cunnian, "wg-bealu weccean and t word cwy: "'Meaht , mn wine, mce gecnwan, "'one in fder t gefeohte br 2050 "'under here-grman hindeman se, "'dy re ren, r hyne Dene slgon, "'woldon wl-stwe, syan wier-gyld lg, "'fter hlea hryre, hwate Scyldungas? "'Nu hr ra banena byre nt-hwylces, 2055 "'frtwum hrmig on flet g , "'morres gylpe and one mum byre, "'one e mid rihte r dan sceoldest!'" "Mana sw and myndga m la gehwylce "srum wordum, o t s l cyme, 2060 "t se f mnan egn fore fder d dum "fter billes bite bld-fg swefe, "ealdres scyldig; him se er onan "losa lifigende, con him land geare. "onne bo brocene on b healfe 2065 "-sweord eorla; syan Ingelde "wealla wl-nas and him wf-lufan "fter cear-wlmum clran weora. "y ic Heaobeardna hyldo ne telge, "dryht-sibbe d l Denum unf cne, XXX. BOWULF'S STORY OF THE SLAYINGS. 63

Beowulf 2070 "frond-scipe fstne. Ic sceal for sprecan "gn ymbe Grendel, t geare cunne, "sinces brytta, t hwan syan wear "hond-r s hlea. Syan heofones gim "gld ofer grundas, gst yrre cwm, 2075 "eatol fen-grom, ser nosan, " r w gesunde sl weardodon; " r ws Hondsco hild ons ge, "feorh-bealu f gum, h fyrmest lg, "gyrded cempa; him Grendel wear, 2080 "m rum magu-egne t m-bonan, "lofes mannes lc eall forswealg. "N y r t gn del-hende "bona bldig-t bealewa gemyndig, "of m gold-sele gongan wolde, 2085 "ac h mgnes rf mn costode, "grpode gearo-folm. Glf hangode "sd and syllc searo-bendum fst, "so ws oroncum eall gegyrwed "dofles crftum and dracan fellum: 2090 "h mec r on innan unsynnigne, "dor d d-fruma, gedn wolde, "manigra sumne: hyt ne mihte sw, "syan ic on yrre upp-riht std. "T lang ys t reccenne, h ic m lod-sceaan 2095 "yfla gehwylces ond-lan forgeald; " r ic, oden mn, ne lode "weorode weorcum. H on weg losade, "ly tle hwle lf-wynna brac; "hwre him so swre swae weardade 2100 "hand on Hiorte and h han onan, "mdes gemor mere-grund gefoll. "M one wl-r s wine Scildunga "f ttan golde fela lanode, "manegum mmum, syan mergen cm 2105 "and w t symble geseten hfdon. " r ws gidd and glo; gomela Scilding "fela fricgende feorran rehte; "hwlum h