Your guide to the benefits of chewing

Benefits of Chewing

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  • Your guide to the benefits of chewing

  • The Benefits of Chewing Gum more than just fresh breath?

    2 benefits of chewing

    Weight Management Manage your calorie intake.

    Chewing gum can help cut out some calories and curb cravings for high-calorie snacks. An initial study, by Dr. Marion Hetherington, found chewing gum before snacking can help reduce hunger, diminish cravings for sweets, and decrease snack intake by 36 calories. In a follow-up study with restrained eaters, individuals who restrict their food intake in order to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, similar results were reported. More work is underway to explore the role of chewing gum in appetite control and weight control.

    Chewing gum while cooking to avoid nibbling can help people avoid the stealth calories.

    Other benefits Provide ear popping relief.

    Chewing gum has long been associated with reducing ear discomfort at high altitudes, especially when flying, because it stimulates the production of saliva. That leads to more swallowing which helps equalize the changes in pressure by activating the muscle that opens the tube connecting the back of the nose with the ear.

    Smoking cessation. Just chewing

    normal sugar free gum may aid those smokers trying to give up by helping to break the habit and preventing relapses.

    Acid Reflux. Chewing gum for up to an hour after eating can help relieve acid reflux as chewing gum stimulates saliva and this helps neutralize acid.

    This report provides a brief overview on these benefits and some additional reading should you want to go deeper.

    I hope you find the Benefits of Chewing Expert Report helpful.

    Yours truly, Gilbert Leveille, Ph.DExecutive DirectorWrigley Science Institute

    Welcome to the Wrigley Expert Report on the benefits of chewing gum. People chew gum for all sorts of reasons, including fresher breath, great taste, and to keep their mouth feeling clean. But increasingly, health professionals and consumers are finding other benefits of chewing gum. Here are some additional benefits which you may not be aware of:

    P4 Top Gum Facts

    P6 Oral Health

    P10 Alertness & Concentration

    P12 Stress & Tension

    P14 Weight Management

    P16 Other Benefits

    P18 Wrigleys Gum Brands

    P19 About Wrigley UK The Wrigley Science Institute


    benefits of chewing 3

    Oral Hygiene Reduce the risk of tooth decay,

    strengthen teeth, reduce plaque. After meals, you cant always use a toothbrush. Chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva, helping to neutralize plaque acids that may lead to tooth decay. The use of sugar-free chewing gum also has been shown to strengthen teeth and reduce development of plaque.

    Relieve a dry mouth and freshen your breath. Chewing gum moistens and refreshes the mouth and sweetens the breath. It helps relieve e dry mouth symptoms that can occur for many reasons as a side effect from hundreds of prescribed medications.

    Alertness and Concentration Increase your focus, concentration

    and alertness. Studies show chewing gum boosts blood flow to the brain by about 25 to 40 percent. Recently, there have been reports of school officials in the US giving students chewing gum as they believe the act of chewing may increase alertness, helping their students avoid zone-outs during tasks such as studying and test taking.

    Stress Ease your tension. Research

    has found chewing gum stimulates certain areas of the brain (as measured by an electroencephalograph). While stress is a fact of life, for lifes little tensions, such as commuting, travelling or preparing for an interview, chewing gum may offer some relief. One hypothesis is the act of chewing may help release nervous energy.

  • Top gum facts Dispelling popular Gum Myths When did people start

    chewing gum? How did Wrigleys start?

    Top facts Britons chewed their way through

    a massive 292.6 million worth of chewing gum in 2007, an increase of some 28.9 percent on 2001 figures*

    Dispelling Popular Gum Myths MYTH - If you swallow chewing gum,

    it takes seven years to digest. TRUTH - It passes through the

    digestive system in a few days. Chewing gum is composed of five basic ingredients, four of which dissolve in your mouth flavour, sweeteners, syrups and softeners. If you swallow the remaining gum base, it passes like roughage.

    MYTH - Chewing gum can make you hungry because it stimulates your salivary glands.

    TRUTH - The stimulation of saliva from chewing gum has not been shown to increase hunger. In fact, recent studies indicate chewing gum before snacking can help reduce hunger, diminish cravings, and decrease snack intake.

    MYTH - Chewing gum is bad for your teeth.

    TRUTH - Chewing sugarfree gum can actually help your teeth. Chewing sugarfree gum especially after eating stimulates saliva to

    neutralize plaque acids that harm teeth. It helps to strengthen teeth and helps to reduce cavities.

    *According to ACNielsen Scantrack 2007 YTD w.e. 29.12.07 value sales

    benefits of chewing 54 benefits of chewing

    An ancient pleasurePeople have enjoyed chewing gum-like substances from very early times and in many lands. These included thickened resin and the milky juice (latex) from certain kinds of trees. Others were various sweet grasses, leaves, grains, and waxes.

    For centuries, the ancient Greeks chewed mastic gum (or mastiche, pronounced mas-tee-ka). This is the resin obtained from the bark of the mastic tree, a shrub-like tree found mainly in Greece and Turkey. Grecian women, especially, favoured chewing mastic gum to clean their teeth and sweeten their breath.

    Native American treatFrom the Native Americans of New England, the early colonists learned to chew the gum-like resin that formed on spruce trees when the bark was cut. Lumps of spruce gum were sold in the eastern United States during the early 1800s, making it the first commercial chewing gum in this country. In about 1850, sweetened paraffin wax became popular and eventually exceeded spruce gum in popularity.

    Chicle, the modern gumModern chewing gum began in the late 1860s when chicle was brought to the United States and tried as a chewing gum ingredient.

    Chicle comes from the latex of the sapodilla tree, which grows in the tropical rain forests of Central America. This tree is found mainly in those parts of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize that lie within the Yucatan Peninsula.

    Gum made with chicle and similar latexes soon won favour over spruce gum and paraffin gum. It made possible a smooth, springy, satisfying chew that the others

    lacked, and it held flavours longer and better.

    By the early 1900s, with improved methods of manufacturing, packaging, and marketing, modern chewing gum was well on its way to its current popularity.

    How did Wrigleys start?William Wrigley Jr. came to Chicago from Philadelphia in the spring of 1891. He was 29 years old, had $32 in his pocket and was a talented salesman.

    His father was a soap manufacturer, and at the start of his new business in Chicago, Mr. Wrigley sold Wrigleys Scouring Soap. As an extra incentive to merchants, Mr. Wrigley offered premiums. He knew his customers would be more likely to carry Wrigleys soap if they received a little something for nothing. One of these premiums was baking powder. When baking powder proved to be more popular than soap, he switched to the baking powder business.

    Then one day in 1892, Mr. Wrigley got the idea of offering two packages of chewing gum with each can of baking powder. The offer was a big success.

    Once again the premium - chewing gum - seemed more promising than the product it was supposed to promote. At that time, there were at least a dozen chewing gum companies in the United States, but the industry was relatively undeveloped.

    Mr. Wrigley decided that chewing gum was the product with the potential he had been looking for, so he began marketing it under his own name. His first two brands were Lotta and Vassar. Juicy Fruit gum came next in 1893, and Wrigleys Spearmint was introduced later that same year.

    When did people start chewing gum?

    In the very early days, William Wrigley Jr. personally did much of the selling to the trade.

    He had a gift for seeing his customers point of view and accommodating himself to their needs. As the company grew, Mr. Wrigley showed an unusual knack for inspiring enthusiasm in the people who worked with him. Mr. Wrigley was also one of the pioneers in the use of advertising to promote the sale of branded merchandise. He saw that consumer acceptance of Wrigleys gum could be built faster by telling people about the benefits of the product through newspaper and magazine ads, outdoor posters and other forms of advertising.

    Then, as more and more consumers began to ask for and buy Wrigleys chewing gum in the stores, the storekeeper would naturally want to keep a sufficient stock of Wrigley brands on hand.

    As the company continued to grow, it steadfastly applied this basic principle: Even in a little thing like a stick of gum, quality is important.

    If youd like to learn more, or want to discuss the additional benefits of chewing gum, please dont hesitate to contact:

    Alex MacHutchonWrigley 0118 9317042 [email protected]

    GolinHarris0207 067 [email protected]

    Top Gum Facts

  • 6 benefits of chewing

    Chewing gum, especially after meals, has clinically proven oral care benefits. There is overwhelming published scientific evidence from laboratory studies and clinical trials showing that chewing sugarfree gum has many beneficial qualities.

    Today, the benefits of all sugarfree chewing gum, and Wrigleys Orbit Complete specifically, are recognized by the British Dental Association (BDA - www.bda.org), the British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF - www.dentalhealth.org.uk), the British Dental Hygienists Association (BDHA - www.bdha.org.uk) and the World Dental Federation (WDF - www.fdiworldental.org), based on its contribution to good oral healthcare. In addition, in the UK, Wrigleys Orbit Complete sugarfree chewing gum has received Accreditation from the British Dental Health Foundation which agrees that Wrigleys Orbit Complete sugarfree chewing gum helps reduce plaque.

    Reducing the risk of tooth decayTooth decay occurs when essential minerals are dissolved from the tooth enamel by acids produced by the bacteria in plaque. Teeth are at their most vulnerable directly after meals and snacks when plaque acid levels rise dramatically. It can take up to two hours for these acids to be either flushed away or neutralised, during which time teeth are vulnerable to these plaque acids.

    However, it is not always convenient to use a toothbrush after every meal and snack; chewing sugarfree gum can remove these acids within minutes, thus slowing down the process of tooth decay.

    This is because chewing is a natural mechanism for ridding the mouth of plaque acids. It stimulates saliva production by up to ten-fold and increases oral pH (makes the mouth environment less acidic) which is a

    key to maintaining and improving oral health.

    Saliva has three main protective functions:

    1. It dilutes and flushes out food debris, dietary carbohydrates and sugars.

    2. It contains a mild alkali (hydrogen carbonate) which neutralises acids in the mouth.

    3. It contains minerals such as calcium, phosphate and fluoride all components of tooth enamel which can help repair early decay and strengthen teeth.

    A healthy adult produces around 500 ml of saliva per day, which can be stimulated by any food or drink.However the most effective way of stimulating saliva is by chewing sugarfree gum. Research has proven that when sugarfree gum, such as Orbit Complete, is chewed by healthy people, the flow of saliva increases from a resting value of 0.4-0.5ml/minute to approximately 5-6ml/minute, increasing the production of saliva by up to 10 times the normal rate in the first few minutes of chewing. This increased chewing effort, through frequent consumption of sugarfree chewing gum over a prolonged time period, results in a

    functional increase in resting salivary flow rate and pH, and a smaller plaque acid response to sucrose consumption.

    The role of saliva in tooth decay and gum diseaseA healthy mouth depends on the balance between demineralisation when the tooths mineral content is dissolved away - and remineralisation reformation of tooth mineral. If these systems are disrupted, it can have a detrimental effect on oral heath.

    Oral HealthChewing gum can help improve oral health fighting tooth decay and freshening breath

    Increasing numbers of dental professionals recommend Wrigleys Orbit Complete sugarfree gum as part of an oral care routine to aid dental hygiene and help prevent tooth decay.

    benefits of chewing 7

  • 8 benefits of chewing

    Tooth decay (dental caries) occurs when so much of the tooths essential minerals have been dissolved away that first a lesion and then a hole has formed. It is caused by the presence of acids which are produced by specific types of bacteria on the tooths surface. These bacteria form organised colonies referred to as dental plaque. This plaque not only provides a home for oral bacteria but acts as a medium holding the acid they produce against the tooths surface.

    Gum disease is the inflammation and destruction of the tissue supporting the teeth. One of the main causes is the build-up of mature plaque deposits around the teeth.

    A key factor in the development of decay lies in the correct balance of acid demineralisation and remineralisation of the teeth which is in turn dependent on the pH of dental plaque. Caries occur when there is an imbalance between the demineralisation of the enamel surface following acid generation in the plaque and remineralisation produced by the return of mineral ions into enamel from the plaque and saliva.

    Studies have shown that salivary stimulation of chewing sugarfree gum after the consumption of carbohydrate and sugar-containing

    foods not only prevents the fall in plaque pH, but also results in an increased remineralising effect as it increases the number of remineralising ions present in the mouth.

    The raising of the pH, as saliva stimulated by sugarfree chewing gum does, can lead to a decrease in the incidence of caries. The most solid scientific evidence for the caries reduction effect comes from long-term clinical trials where actual

    cavities were measured in the real world environment in groups that chewed sugarfree gum similar to Wrigleys sugarfree chewing gum.

    These studies were conducted in different countries and populations with the same results of reducing cavities whenever sugarfree gum was chewed after eating.

    The findings published by Szoke, Banoczy and Proskin (2001) showed a reduction of nearly 40% in dental caries in a Hungarian population of school children who chewed gum for 20 minutes after meals (see chart).

    As depicted above, chewing sugarfree gum has been associated with a reduction in the quantity and development of plaque, and a reduction in the acid-forming ability of plaque.

    Dry Mouth (Xerostomia) Xerostomia is the medical term for

    a dry mouth due to a lack of saliva, a problem which affects over 10 million people in the UK.

    It can lead to bad breath, a dramatic rise in the number of cavities as the protective effect of saliva is no longer present, and can make the mouth more vulnerable to infection and ulceration. It can also cause difficulty in chewing and swallowing.

    People get dry mouth when the glands in the mouth that make saliva are not working properly. It is often a side effect of medication. For

    Dental Caries Imbalance between acid demineralisation of teeth and remineralisation of caries lesions

    Acid demineralisation:

    The pH of dental plaque falls each time acids accumulate in the plaque due to bacterial acid production following the consumption of fermentable carbohydrates and rises when acids are washed away and neutralized by saliva, which contains the important buffering component, bicarbonate


    Remineralisation is the process by which calcium and phosphate ions, found in saliva, start to repair the damaged mineral crystals in the enamel of the teeth.

    The concentrations of ions, which make up the lattice structure of hydroxyapatite (Ca2+, PO43-, OH) are higher in stimulated saliva than in unstimulated saliva.

    Stimulated saliva is a more effective medium for remineralising enamel crystals damaged by initial caries attack.

    A key ingredient of Wrigleys sugarfree gum is the presence of several types of polyols, mainly sorbitol and xylitol. Research shows that xylitol prevents harmful bacteria from growing. It also reduces plaque as it can help prevent harmful plaque from building up on teeth.

    Where to find additional information: http://www.betteroralhealth.info/orbit/chewing-gum-and-current-thinking.html


    Dawes, C; Macpherson, MD (1992): Effects of Nine Different Chewing-Gums and

    Lozenges on Salivary Flow Rate and pH, Caries Research,

    26(3): 176-182.

    benefits of chewing 9

    Dodds, MW J; Hsieh, SC; Johnson, DA (1991): The effect of increased mastication by daily gum-chewing on salivary gland output and dental plaque acidogenicity. J Dent Res, 70: 1474-1478.

    Manning, RH; Edgar, WM (1993): pH changes in plaque after eating meals, and their modification by chewing sugared or sugar-free gum. Brit Dent J, 174: 241-244.

    Leach, SA; Lee, GTR; Edgar, WM (1989): Remineralisation of artificial caries-like lesions in human enamel in situ by chewing sorbitol gum. J Dent Res, 69: 1064-1068.

    Edgar, WM; Dawes, C; OMullaneD (2004, third edition): Saliva and Oral Health, British Dent. Journal Publication, London.

    Beiswanger, BB; Elias, A; Mau, MS; Katz, B; Proskin, HM; Stookey, GK (1998): The effects of chewing sugar-free gum after meals on clinical caries incidence. JADA, 129:1623-1626.

    Szoke, J; Banoczy, J; Proskin, HM (2001): Effect of after-meal sucrose-free gum-chewing on clinical caries. J Dent Res, 80(9): 1725-1729.

    Kandelman, D; Gagnon, G (1990): A 24-month clinical study of: the incidence and progression of dental caries in relation to consumption of chewing gum containing xylitol in school preventive programs, Jl Dent Res, 69(11): 1711-1775.

    Sderling, E; Mkinen, KK; Chen, C-Y; Pape, HR; Loesche, W; Mkinen, P-L (1989): Effect of sorbitol, xylitol and xylitol/sorbitol chewing gums on dental plaque. Caries Res, 23: 378- 384.

    Bjornstrom, M; Axel, T; Birkhed, D (1990): Comparison between saliva stimulants and saliva substitutes in patients with symptoms related to dry mouth. A multi-centre study. Swed Dent J, 14: 153-161.


    example, more than 400 medicines can cause the salivary glands to make less saliva including those for high blood pressure and depression.

    Treatment for dry mouth involves the use of both saliva substitutes and saliva stimulants. Patients with little or no responsive salivary gland tissue will need saliva substitutes.

    Chewing sugarfree gum can help moisten and refresh the mouth and sweeten the breath. Studies have shown that chewing gum is one of the most preferred treatments for xerostomia. Chewing sugarfree gum, such as Orbit Complete, increases salivary flow in patients with xerostomia by up to 7 times, providing relief from the symptoms and protection from other clinical complications.

    For further information on the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of dry mouth, a comprehensive website, Drymouth.info, was developed by the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company.

    Increasing numbers of


    professionals recommend Wrigleys Orbit Complete sugarfree gum as part of an oral care routine to aid dental hygiene and help prevent tooth decay.

    A key ingredient of Wrigleys sugarfree gum is the presence of several types of polyols, mainly sorbitol and xylitol. Research shows that these compounds prevent harmful bacteria from growing and also can help prevent harmful plaque from building up on teeth.

  • benefits of chewing 11

    Research has shown that chewing gum can increase peoples ability to retain and recall information.1

    Anecdotally, teachers have in some cases reversed traditional policies against allowing children to chew gum in class and some are now encouraging students to chew gum during tests as a way to increase focus, concentration and alertness.

    The act of chewing gum increases blood flow to the brain, and some believe this may help supply additional oxygen to the brain.

    The most authoritative research into the positive effects of chewing gum on concentration and recall is reported in a joint study by the University of Northumbria in Newcastle and the Cognitive Research Unit in Reading in March 2002.2

    Lucy Wilkinson, Prof Andrew Scholey and Keith Wesnes found that chewing gum while performing memory tests increased long and short term memory by up to 35 per cent.

    The experiments involved the participation of 75 adults. One third chewed gum during 20 minutes of memory and attention tests, one third mimicked chewing movements, and the remainder did not chew.

    The tests included questions relating to short-term memory such as words and pictures and the so-called working memory, for example the ability to remember a telephone number. The results showed that gum chewers scores were 24 per cent higher than the control group on tests involving immediate word recall and 36 per cent higher on tests involving delayed word recall.

    Japanese and Chinese researchers have shown that chewing gum increases blood flow to the brain by about 25 to 40 per cent.(3), (4)

    Using computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET)* scanning, the Japanese study showed that brain activity in the hippocampus increases while people chew. When chewing was restricted but with jaw movement still allowed, it decreased significantly and when people finished chewing gum the

    level returned to its original state.3

    Two experiments conducted examined whether chewing spearmint gum can affect the initial learning or subsequent recall of a word list. Participants in the first experiment chewed gum at both the learning and the recall stages while in the second experiment they only chewed once. Results showed that chewing gum at initial learning was associated with superior recall which continued if they chewed at the recall stages. However, if they switched and only chewed gum once either at the initial learning stage or the recall stage it led to poorer performance.

    * A computed tomography (CT) scan uses a combination of x-rays and computers to give the radiologist a non-invasive way to see inside your body. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a powerful imaging technique that holds great promise in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.

    References:1. Baker, JR; Bezance, JB; Zellaby, E; Aggleton, JP (2004): Chewing gum can produce context-dependent effects upon memory. Appetite, 43(2): 207-210.

    2. Wilkinson, L; Scholey, A; Wesnes, K (2002): Chewing gum selectively improves aspects of memory in healthy volunteers. Appetite, 38(3) 235-236.

    3. Sasaki A (2001): Influence of mastication on the amount of hemoglobin in human brain tissue. J Stomatological Society, 68:72-81.

    4. Yue, Z; Huang, L; Zhou, X (2006): Regional brain activities during gum chewing. Psychological Science, 29:1153-1156. 4.

    Alertness and Concentration

    Chewing gum stimulates brain activity and may help improve alertness and concentration

    Prof Scholey, currently at the Brain Sciences Institute in Melbourne, Australia and whose main research focuses on treatments which enhance mental performance, said that it was extremely clear that chewing gum targeted memory. We found a very clear pattern of improved memory when gum was chewed. People recalled more words and performed better in tests on working memory when they chewed gum, he said. We think it is the effect of chewing which causes this, rather than anything in the gum itself.

    10 benefits of chewing

  • 12 benefits of chewing

    In 1939, research by an American psychologist, Dr Harry Levi Hollingworth of Columbia University in New York, found that chewing relaxes people while they are working. In his study, The Psycho-Dynamics of Chewing, Dr Hollingworth showed that chewing reduces muscular tension and helps people feel more at ease. (1)

    More recently, research has shown that chewing gum stimulates certain areas of the brain (as measured by electroencephalogram [EEG]. Research has shown that sensory stimulation of taste and smell possess properties that influence brain function during chewing gum - above and beyond the act of chewing itself.(2)

    In addition, scientists in Spain discovered neurochemical evidence in rats that suggests chewing eases the effects of stress on the brain. Their findings showed that chewing weakened the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine in the rat brain during a brief period of stress.(3)

    Stress is the bodys reaction to emotional, physical, social or mental stimulus. It occurs daily and can be either acute, the result of a one-time event that

    comes and goes rapidly, or chronic, when one has to cope with on-going difficult situations. Symptoms include increased adrenaline, heart-beat, blood pressure, and cholesterol as well as increased muscle and nerve tension.

    The impact of stress is different for all individuals and everyone has their own methods of coping with stress, with stress tolerance and stress management varying between individuals. For many people it is important to learn how to handle stress to be able to adequately manage the ups and downs of daily life.

    An act as simple as chewing gum can in some instances help to alleviate some every day stressful situations. It can offer a quick fix for assuaging the build up of pressure on a day to day level.

    A panel of psychiatrists and psychologists quoted by historian Robert Hendrickson in The Great

    American Gum Book 4 suggests three reasons why people chew gum. These are:1. To relieve feelings of loneliness and

    boredom.2. Relief from tension by discharging

    nervous energy.3. To provide a quick, socially

    acceptable outlet for anger and irritation.

    The US Armed Forces began supplying chewing gum to its servicemen in World War 1 in a bid to ease tension as well as keep them alert. It is still included in field and combat rations today.

    Stress and Tension

    Chewing gum can help provide relief during the stresses and tensions of everyday life

    A panel of psychiatrists and psychologists quoted by historian Robert Hendrickson in The Great American Gum Book suggests three reasons why people chew gum (4). These are:

    References:1. Hollingworth, HL (1939): Chewing as a technique of relaxation, Science, 90: 385-387.

    2. Morinushi, T; Masumoto, Y; Kawasaki, H; Takigawa, M (2000): Effect on electroencephalogram (EEG) of chewing flavoured gum. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 54(6) 645 - 651.

    3. Gomez, FM; Giralt, MT; Sainz, B; Arrue, A; Prieto, M; Garcia-Vallejo, P

    (1988): A possible attenuation of stress-induced increases in striatal

    dopamine metabolism by the expression of non-functional

    masticatory activity in the rat. J Dent Res, 77: 1454-1464.

    4. The Great American Gum Book, Hendrickson R, Chilton Book Company (1976).

    1. To relieve feelings of loneliness and boredom

    2. Relief from tension by discharging nervous energy

    3. To provide a quick, socially acceptable outlet for anger and irritation

    benefits of chewing 13

  • 14 benefits of chewing

    Chewing gum can help reduce snacking. It is generally accepted that people cant eat whilst chewing gum, and by substituting it for a high-calorie snack, chewing gum can help reduce overall calorie intake.

    For example, chewing gum while cooking to avoid nibbling can help people avoid the stealth calories that also can undermine efforts to control calories.

    As more people become aware of the importance of their health, diet and wellbeing, products low in calories like chewing gum have grown in popularity as an alternative to high calorie snacks.

    A piece of gum is between five and ten calories. In fact, just chewing gum can use about 11 calories an hour.

    Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota discovered that chewing gum raises the metabolic rate by about 20 per cent.(1)

    Initial research from the University of Liverpool (2) showed that chewing gum resulted in a slight, but measurable decline in calorie consumption.

    Dr. Hetherington and colleagues recruited 60 healthy men and women aged 18 to 40 to test the effects of chewing gum on post lunch appetite and snacking. Participants ranged in size from a very lean body mass index (BMI) of 17 to an obese BMI of 33. In the control conditions, the study participants did not chew gum before eating either a sweet or savoury snack. In the gum conditions, they chewed gum at three separate hourly

    intervals and then ate the snacks. The study found that chewing gum

    cut the amount of calories which would have been gained by snacking by about 36 calories compared with not chewing gum. The researchers also found that afternoon hunger ratings were significantly lower in the chewing-gum condition compared with the no-gum group.

    In a follow-up study with restrained eaters, similar results were reported (3). Restrained eaters are individuals who restrict their food intake in order to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. The effect of chewing gum was to significantly reduce snack intake by 25 calories. Specifically sweet snack intake was reduced by 39 calories, although salty snacks were decreased by 11 calories. In addition, hunger and desire to eat were significantly suppressed by chewing gum at one, two and three hour intervals after lunch. Overall, these two studies demonstrate the potential role of chewing gum in appetite control and weight management.

    The results suggest that chewing gum may help curb the desire to eat and lower energy intake from snacks consumed after lunch. Chewing gum could be a useful tool to suppress appetite and reduce food intake as part of a strategy for weight management.

    Research on energy intake and chewing conducted by Dr. Lavin and colleagues at Slimming World in the UK (4) examined subjects consuming

    WeightManagementAt 5 to 10 calories per piece, chewing gum can serve as an alternative to a high calorie snack

    Research suggests that chewing gum may help curb the desire to eat and lower energy intake from snacks consumed after lunch.

    References:1. Levine, J; Baukol, P; Pavlidis, I (1999): The energy expended in chewing gum. N Engl J Med, 341: 2100.

    2. Hetherington, MM; Boyland E (2007): Short-term effects of chewing gum on snack intake and appetite. Appetite, 48(3):397-401.

    3. Hetherington, MM; Regan MF (2007): Effect of chewing gum on short-term appetite control and reduced snack intake in moderately restrained eaters. Obesity, 15: 510-P.

    4. Lavin, JH; French, SJ; Ruxton, CH; Read NW (2002): An investigation of the role of oro-sensory stimulation in sugar satiety? Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord, 26:384-388.

    60 calories of sucrose (table sugar) either in solution, as jelly, or chewy candy compared to a plain water control prior to eating a test meal. Results indicated that energy intake was significantly reduced by chewy candy (13%) compared to sucrose in solution and by 10% compared to water. Chewing sweets before the test meal reduced energy intake, while drinking a sweet solution did not. (4) Sensory-specific satiety may be involved in chewing sweets and appetite control. As a food is eaten, its pleasantness declines relative to other foods (sensory-specific satiety). This decrease in pleasantness is coupled with a decline in desire to eat that food but not to eat other foods. When offered the same food again, this food will be rejected, but other foods may be accepted.

    benefits of chewing 15

  • 16 benefits of chewing

    Ease ear poppingChewing gum has long been associated with reducing ear discomfort at high altitudes, especially when flying. The discomfort is caused by rapid pressure changes in the cabin as you ascend and descent.

    Normally, the pressure in the middle ear is equal to the pressure outside of the ear. The Eustachian Tube, a hollow structure of bone and cartilage that connects the middle ear with the rear of the throat, helps to regulate the pressure in the middle ear and equalize air pressure on either side of the eardrum by pulling air in from the nasal passages.

    Chewing gum increases your saliva production which in turn increases your swallowing. It is this chewing action that activates the muscles around the Eustachian tube, allowing it to open and regulate pressure.

    Relieve acid refluxAcid reflux is a type of indigestion which occurs when

    the stomach churns up acid or refluxes it into the oesophagus, causing a burning sensation in the chest or throat. It occurs after eating, usually after a big meal or eating too quickly, and about one third of people experience this type of indigestion every six months.

    Chewing gum for up to an hour after eating can help relieve acid reflux as chewing gum stimulates saliva and this helps neutralise acid. (1)

    Aid smoking cessationThe benefits of nicotine gum in helping smokers give up their habit are well known. It doubles the chances of quitting compared with willpower

    alone. But just chewing normal sugarfree

    gum can

    Other Benefits ofChewing Gum

    Chewing gum for up to an hour after eating can help relieve acid reflux as chewing gum stimulates saliva and this helps neutralize acid.

    References:1. Avidan B, Sonnenberg A, Schnell TG, Sontag SJ (2001): Walking and chewing reduce postprandial acid reflux. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 15(2):151-155.

    2. Cohen LM., Britt DM., Collins FL Jr., Stott HD, Carter LC (1999): Chewing gum affects smoking topography. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol, 7(4):444-447.

    3. Cohen LM, Collins FL Jr., Britt DM (1997) The effect of chewing gum on tobacco withdrawal. Addict Behav, 22(6):769-773.

    benefits of chewing 17

    How gum can help...

    also help prevent those trying to give up smoking from relapsing. This is because most smokers develop an oral fixation and get used to having something in their mouths. Chewing gum can fulfil this craving and helps avoid eating sweets or other high calorie snacks which is one of the reasons why some people put on weight when they quit smoking.

  • benefits of chewing 1918 benefits of chewing

    Extra Extra sugarfree chewing gum provides long lasting breath freshening. Launched in the UK in 1990, Extra Peppermint was followed by a Spearmint variant (1994), Cool Breeze (2001) and Ice (2005). Wrigleys Extra is the No.1 sugar confectionery brand in the UK.

    The Wrigley Company has a long and proud UK history. Wrigleys Spearmint gum was first launched in the UK in 1911 and by 1925 business had reached such a level that it was decided to build a Wrigley factory in the UK itself. The first factory was built in Wembley, North London with work starting in 1926 and opening in 1927.

    In 1970 the company relocated the factory and UK head office to Plymouth in the South West of England where over 600 people are now employed. The move gave Wrigley employees a quality of life not generally associated with manufacturing, and the opportunity to build a state of the art factory.

    Parts of the grounds have even been transformed into a wildlife habitat.

    The factorys constant investment in the latest technologies ensures the business continuing ability to innovate and maintain its place on the world stage as a globally competitive facility.

    But the factory in Plymouth is not just an important centre of manufacturing for The Wrigley Company in the UK. With around 25% of chewing gum produced in Plymouth exported overseas, the UK factory plays a key role in Wrigleys business development across Europe.

    About Wrigley UK

    The Wrigley Science Institute (WSI) is the first organisation of its kind focused on advancing the research and understanding the benefits of chewing gum. It is headed by Executive Director, Gilbert A. Leveille, PhD, one of the worlds most respected nutrition and food science professionals, Dr. Leveille leads an advisory panel of top scientists from around the globe, including researchers from the US, the UK, and China.

    By the end of 2007, the Wrigley Science Institute has funded fifteen groundbreaking research studies. This research includes four studies in the US and UK to investigate the potential role of chewing gum in appetite control and weight management; five studies in the UK and Asia to examine the role chewing gum may have in increasing focus and concentration; five studies in the US and UK to assess how chewing gum may help reduce stress and one study in the US to explore the effect of chewing gum on reducing bacterial inflammation in the oral cavity and its

    potential relationship to disease risk. Each research study uses state-of-the-art methodology in its respective field and researchers will complete the studies and present findings at major international scientific conferences.

    Chewing gum is a simple act many of us do every day, yet we rarely think about its potential benefits. Not long ago, the same could have been said about drinking water, but today we know how important and beneficial it is to overall well-being. Chewing gum may be similar and it could help people achieve multiple wellness benefits, said Dr. Leveille. Its wonderful to see Wrigley take the industry lead in this new area and the potential for scientific discovery makes me tremendously excited to be a part of the Wrigley Science Institute.

    For information on the Wrigley Science Institute please contact Alex MacHutchon on 0118 9317042 or email: [email protected]

    Wrigley Science Institute

    Orbit Orbit was originally launched in 1977 and in 2007 was re-launched as new Orbit Complete a new sugarfree gum which contains Xylitol which is proven to reduce the build up of plaque.

    Orbit Complete delivers 3 key consumer benefits; convenience, dental care and health. Orbit Complete introduces a brand

    new format to the range, a 14 tab envelope pack. Each tab comes

    individually wrapped and perfectly sized to be used throughout the

    day to prevent plaque.The Orbit Complete range

    includes 3 tab formats - Spearmint (2006), Peppermint

    (2006), Strong Mint (2006) and a 10 pellet blister pack

    format - Fresh Mint (2006).In 2008 Orbit Complete

    launched two new mouth-watering flavours

    Strawberry and Lemon & Lime offering a fabulously fruity new way to help fight plaque.

    Airwaves Airwaves sugarfree gum delivers a menthol hit for an invigorating kick. Launched in 1997, Airwaves Menthol & Eucalyptus was a huge success with consumers.

    The current range also includes Cherry Menthol (2003) and Black Mint (2006). Spearmint, Doublemint and Juicy Fruit

    Wrigleys Spearmint Gum was the first brand to be launched in the UK in 1911. Its success was followed by the launch of Doublemint in 1960.

    The classic Spearmint flavour has been enjoyed around the world for over 100 years (it was one of Wrigleys original brands). Doublemint too has been enjoyed by generations of consumers and is available in over 140 countries.

    Juicy Fruit was launched in the UK in 1964 but is actually one of Wrigleys oldest brands. Its distinct flavour has been enjoyed by consumers worldwide since 1892.

    Wrigleys gum brands

    Extra Fusion Extra Fusion sugarfree chewing gum is available in delicious blends of tasty fruit flavours that give you a truly fresh taste experience. Launched in August 2007, Extra Fusion Raspberry Blackcurrant Grapefruit flavour and Orange Pineapple Banana flavour are exciting additions to the Wrigley gum range.