Bell RingerDate: November 30th, 2015 1) WELCOME BACK!!! Hope you had a relaxing Thanksgiving Break, now time to get back to Social Studies… 2) Take out

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Amendment #1 Amendment #2 Amendment #3 Amendment #4 Amendment #5 Amendment #6 Amendment #7 Amendment #8 Amendment #9 Amendment #10

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Bell RingerDate: November 30th, ) WELCOME BACK!!! Hope you had a relaxing Thanksgiving Break, now time to get back to Social Studies 2) Take out a new sheet of paper and title it Bell Ringers 11/ /4, answer this question on it. Question: How was your break, did you do anything exciting or go anywhere? Take out this sheet we labeled Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists. on 11//15, review it for two minutes, I will question you afterwards. Box 1: Federalists Viewpoints Box 2: Notes Box 3: Anti-Federalists Viewpoints Box 4: Why Anti-Federalists wanted a bill of rights Done Reviewing?: I am going to assign you a group number, remember this number Amendment #1 Amendment #2 Amendment #3 Amendment #4 Amendment #5 Amendment #6 Amendment #7 Amendment #8 Amendment #9 Amendment #10 GROUP 1: Focus on this guiding question: What was the viewpoint of the Federalists concerning the ratification of the ? Fill box 2 with at least three things from the reading. GROUP 2: Focus on this guiding question: What was the viewpoint of the Anti-Federalists concerning the ratification of the Constitution? Fill box 2 with at least three things from the reading. GROUP 3: Focus on this guiding question: Why did the Anti-Federalists want to include a bill of rights in the Constitution? Fill box 2 with at least three things from the reading. Writing Task Write a well-crafted informative response. Well-crafted means that your sentences fit together instead of jumping around. Informative means facts should come from the documents; your opinions are not required. Response means you answer the prompt; dont just write what you feel like writing. Prompt: Explain the viewpoints of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists regarding the ratification of the Constitution. In your response, explain why the Anti-Federalists found it necessary to include a bill of rights. What would it be like in your community if there were no rules? How should the government work if there were no laws for citizens to follow? What would it be like if the government or other citizens could do whatever they wanted? What if community leaders could stay in their jobs as long as they wished? What if the police could enter your house at any time? What if some people were punished for crimes and others were not? WANTED : A Just Right Government Wanted: A government that much Has enough ________ to do its job Has enough ________ to do its job Doesnt give anyone too ______ power Doesnt give anyone too ______ power Considers the needs of all _________ Considers the needs of all _________ Lets people have a ________ Lets people have a ________ Protects individual __________ Protects individual __________ say states power rights In 1777, the Americans wrote their first plan for government in a document called the Articles of Confederation The Articles of Confederation? Whats a confederation?? A confederation is a _________ of individuals _______ together for a _________. The First Attempt: The Articles of Confederation group united purpose Each state was _________________ and had its own ________________. Each state was _________________ and had its own ________________. Each state would send _______________ to the Congress of the Confederation. Each state would send _______________ to the Congress of the Confederation. The Congress was the only ____________ government. There was no ___________. The Congress was the only ____________ government. There was no ___________. In Congress, each state got _______ vote. In Congress, each state got _______ vote. independent government representatives central President one Congress had no way to __________ its _______! Congress had no way to __________ its _______! Congress had no power to collect _________ to pay for the military! Congress had no power to collect _________ to pay for the military! The Articles could only be _________ if ______ the states agreed! The Articles could only be _________ if ______ the states agreed! States get to keep their ______ and ____________ States get to keep their ______ and ____________ No _____________ telling the states what to do No _____________ telling the states what to do Congress had the power to create a _________ to ________all the states Congress had the power to create a _________ to ________all the states The First Attempt: The Articles of Confederation Hey, this sounds great!Wait! Not so fast independencepower government military protect enforcelaws taxes changed ALL Under the Articles of Confederation, a President would lead the country. True False States would be independent under the Articles of Confederation. True False True False The Articles of Confederation were easy to change. True False The more people a state had, the more votes it got in Congress. Congress did not have the power to collect taxes. True False Congress could pass laws and force states to follow them. True False The Articles of Confederation created the first American government. True False There were some good things and some bad things about the Articles of Confederation. In general, people felt like the government wasnt working! Congress is too weak to end the conflicts between our states! But there was no easy solution Large states should have more say! Small states should have more say! More help for fishermen! More help for farmers! Up with central government! Down with central government! We need a President! Who needs a President? States Had Different Needs Some states depended on, while others mostly grew. fishing crops States Had Different Sizes Some states had people, while others had. many few People Had Different Opinions Some people Others thought a central government was. feared necessary a central government. A central government will have too much power! Well lose our freedom! But well never get anything done if no one is in charge!! Everybody thought the central government should have more power. True False Some people were afraid states might lose their independence. True False Different states had different needs for government to meet. True False The states all got along with each other. True False The government created by the Articles of Confederation had everything under control among the states. True False Something needed to change, but people didnt want a central government to have too much power! The states decided to put aside some of their differences and come together to try to solve the problem of forming a new government Articles of Confederation New Idea A New Idea! 1 Branch Legislativemakes laws 3 Branches A New Idea! Legislative: Makes laws Judicial: Interprets laws Executive: Carries out laws But Wait! How many should each state get in the legislature? votes Each state gets to send representatives to the legislature. Which states would have the most power if The more people a state had, the more representatives it got? The more people a state had, the more representatives it got? Answer: The more people, the more power! Each state gets to send representatives to the legislature. Which states would have the most power if Each state got one vote, no matter how small? Each state got one vote, no matter how small? Answer: People in the small states would have more power. The Virginia Plan The New Jersey Plan Battle of the Plans Legislative branch has ___ chambers Legislative branch has ___ chambers Number of votes for each state depends on the states ___________ Number of votes for each state depends on the states ___________ ________ states would have more power ________ states would have more power population 2 Larger Legislative branch has ___ chamber Legislative branch has ___ chamber Each state gets ___ vote Each state gets ___ vote ________ states would have more power ________ states would have more power 1 Smaller 1 (Virginia was a large state, and New Jersey was a small state. Surprise!) All states should have the same power Larger states should have more power Is it more fair for every state to have the same amount of power no matter how few people live there, or should states with more people have more power? WHY? There were a lot of differences to overcome and a lot of compromises to makebut finally The Constitution of the United States of America Legislative: Makes laws Judicial: Interprets laws Executive: Carries out laws Divide Congress Into Two Houses Senate House of Representatives Each state gets 2 votes. The more people the state has, the more votes it gets! And thats not all The Constitution Solution Not only did the Constitution resolve the problem of the legislature, but it solved some other problems as well Did the Articles of Confederation require states to treat other states the same as their own citizens? Yes No The Constitution requires each state to treat ________ of other states the ______ as it treats its own citizens. citizens same The Constitution Solution How many states had to agree in order for the Articles of Confederation to be changed? All states A majority of states The Constitution can be changed if ________________ of the members of Congress and ________________ of the states agree. two-thirds (2/3) three-fourths (3/4) The Constitution Solution Did the Articles of Confederation require states to follow the laws Congress passed? Yes No The Constitution says that the laws passed by Congress are _________ to laws passed by the _______. superior states The Constitution Solution The new Americans made compromises and found solutions for their new government. Lets review the final product of the Constitutional Convention! A Laws are made by the _______ branch. B executive legislative Laws passed by Congress are _____ to state laws. superior inferior AB Congress has ______. 1 chamber 2 chambers AB Each state gets two votes in the __________. House of Representatives Senate AB In the House of Representatives, the number of votes each states gets is based on its ________. population taxes AB A change to the Constitution must be approved by ___________. All states of states AB Although they managed to solve the problems created by the Articles, there were still many decisions to be made before everyone accepted the Constitution!