BELAJAR CARA SAYA APRIL 9, 2013 MARIAH LEAVE A COMMENT Saya mempunyai beberapa panduan untuk menjadi pelajar cemerlang. Cuba ikuti langkah-langkah berikut: 1. Bertindak dari awal semester, kita telah mengetahui kalender akademik keseluruhan semester, jadi kita boleh merancang bila masa kuliah, peperiksaan, cuti, perayaan dan lain-lain. Oleh itu kita mengetahui bila masanya kita patut bersedia untuk menyiapkan tugasan, menghadapi peperiksaan dan membuat latihan amali. 2. Buat jadual harian bagi setiap jam tujuh hari seminggu. Masukkan semua subjek yang kita ambil termasuk luangkan masa untuk membuat kertas kerja atau latihan amali di luar waktu kelas. Ini untuk mengelakkan kita terlupa mengulang kaji mana- mana subjek dalam masa seminggu. 3. Rancang tugasan yang diberikan oleh pensyarah dari awal bagi setiap subjek, ini untuk mengelakkan kita membuat kerja di saat-saat akhir dan hasilnya kerja yang tidak memuaskan kerana pada minggu-minggu akhir mungkin akan banyak kelas tambahan dan beberapa ujian (kuiz) akan dijalankan. 4. Membiasakan diri mencari bahan tambahan bagi kuliah yang diajar, dekatkan diri dengan perpustakaan, dan membiasakan diri mencari bahan tambahan di internet. Pahatkan dalam minda, kita belajar di universiti hanya diberi panduan bukan disuap sahaja semuanya. 5. Jangan tinggalkan solat (pelajar Muslim), mana-mana solat yang tertinggal secara tidak sengaja seperti solat subuh, qadha’ dengan segera, pahat dalam hati kita tidak tahu bila saat kematian kita, dibimbangi kita akan berhutang dengan Allah SWT. Kalau boleh bacalah Al-Quran setiap pagi sebelum

Belajar Cara Saya

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Saya mempunyai beberapa panduan untuk menjadi pelajar cemerlang.

Cuba ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

1. Bertindak dari awal semester, kita telah mengetahui kalender akademik

keseluruhan semester, jadi kita boleh merancang bila masa kuliah,

peperiksaan, cuti, perayaan dan lain-lain. Oleh itu kita mengetahui bila

masanya kita patut bersedia untuk menyiapkan tugasan, menghadapi

peperiksaan dan membuat latihan amali.

2. Buat jadual harian bagi setiap jam tujuh hari seminggu. Masukkan

semua subjek yang kita ambil termasuk luangkan masa untuk membuat

kertas kerja atau latihan amali di luar waktu kelas. Ini untuk mengelakkan

kita terlupa mengulang kaji mana-mana subjek dalam masa seminggu.

3. Rancang tugasan yang diberikan oleh pensyarah dari awal bagi setiap

subjek, ini untuk mengelakkan kita membuat kerja di saat-saat akhir dan

hasilnya kerja yang tidak memuaskan kerana pada minggu-minggu akhir

mungkin akan banyak kelas tambahan dan beberapa ujian (kuiz) akan


4. Membiasakan diri mencari bahan tambahan bagi kuliah yang diajar,

dekatkan diri dengan perpustakaan, dan membiasakan diri mencari bahan

tambahan di internet. Pahatkan dalam minda, kita belajar di universiti

hanya diberi panduan bukan disuap sahaja semuanya.

5. Jangan tinggalkan solat (pelajar Muslim), mana-mana solat yang

tertinggal secara tidak sengaja seperti solat subuh, qadha’ dengan

segera, pahat dalam hati kita tidak tahu bila saat kematian kita,

dibimbangi kita akan berhutang dengan Allah SWT. Kalau boleh bacalah

Al-Quran setiap pagi sebelum membaca sesuatu yang lain, walaupun 2-3

ayat.  Jangan tidur selepas subuh, bersedia lebih awal untuk ke kelas. Jika

kelas bermula lambat, pergilah mencari kelas kosong untuk membuat

ulang kaji terlebih dahulu atau ke perpustakaan. Jangan hiasi waktu pagi

dengan perkara-perkara yang tidak berfaedah (lagha) seperti melayari

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facebook, laman-laman web yang tidak bermanfaat dsb., yang akan

merosakkan minda kita sepanjang hari itu.

6. Bagi pelajar non-Muslim, berdoa/sembahyanglah waktu pagi, sekurang-

kurangnya 10 minit luangkan waktu mengingati Tuhan. Juga jangan tidur

pada waktu pagi, dan bersedia awal untuk ke kelas, lain-lain sama seperti

no 5 di atas.

7. Jika boleh, ambillah masa 10-15 minit untuk tidur pada waktu tengah

hari (sebelum zuhur) atau selepas zuhur, kerana ia boleh menyegarkan

minda kita pada waktu awal malam. Ingat, bukan 2 jam ok.

8. Sebelum keluar bilik/rumah, semaklah barang-barang yang perlu

dibawa ke kelas, supaya tidak tertinggal nota kuliah atau peralatan lain

yang diperlukan semasa kuliah. Mana-mana barang yang tertinggal akan

menjejaskan mood kita ketika menghadapi kuliah tersebut.

9. Mengambil sarapan pagi yang sesuai diperlukan untuk membolehkan

kita belajar dengan selesa dan bertahan hingga waktu tengah hari. Jangan

tinggalkan sarapan pagi. Elakkan makan nasi lemak atau mana-mana

makanan yang melebih 500 kalori. Atau anda boleh melihat jadual waktu

anda dan mencari waktu sesuai untuk makan. Cuma jangan masuk kuliah

dalam keadaan kelaparan (atau terlalu kekenyangan), kerana ia boleh

menjejaskan tumpuan anda, oleh itu rancanglah waktu dan bersedialah

lebih awal. Jika berpuasa pastikan kita mengambil sahur yang secukupnya

di waktu akhir.

10. Berikan tumpuan sepenuhnya sewaktu di dalam kelas, anggaplah ia

adalah waktu-waktu yang sangat berharga dalam hidup kita, hargai

pensyarah dengan menghayati kelasnya.

11. Jika menghadapi sebarang masalah dengan kuliah atau tugasan,

selesaikan segera dengan pensyarah, jangan tangguhkan, sebarang

penangguhan mungkin menyebabkan anda terlupa, atau kemudiannya

berasa malas untuk bertanya.

12. Pakailah pakaian yang selesa ke kelas selain mengikut garis panduan

yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak universiti. Pakaian yang tidak selesa

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seperti seluar terlalu ketat, atau tudung yang memaksa kita membetulkan

beberapa kali, atau pakaian sendat, akan mengganggu tumpuan kita.

Dalam kata lain, pakaian kita tidak menyebabkan kita berasa serba salah

atau malu berada di depan kelas ketika membuat pembentangan atau

tugasan lain

Cara Belajar untuk Dapat A dalam Setiap Subjek

Semasa belajar di universiti, setiap subjek dibahagi kepada beberapa pecahan markah. Sebagai


1. Assignment 15% 

2. Project 15%

3. 5 Kuiz 10%

4. Midterm test 20%

5. Final Exam 40% 

Daripada peratusan di atas, 60% adalah coursework dan 40% adalah exam. Jadi total = 100%

Oleh itu, untuk skor A, anda mesti dapat total sekurang-kurangnya 80%. Mana nak cari 80% ni?

Huh.. nampak macam bukan senang nak dapat 80% dan ke atas bukan. Bagi penulis, ada

beberapa tip untuk mencapai target 80% ini. Kita ambil contoh di peratusan di atas iaitu 60%

cousework dan 40% exam.

Tip pertama: Skor coursework mesti dapat sekurang-kurangnya 50% daripada 60%.

Tip kedua: Skor exam sekurang-kurangnya 30% daripada 40%.

Daripada kedua-dua tip ini, anda sudah mencapai 80% dan boleh dapat pointer 4.00 dalam

subjek itu.

Persoalannya, bagaimana untuk mendapat markah 50% ke atas untuk coursework itu? Anda

mesti boleh jika anda:

1. Ada target dan matlamat untuk mendapat A.

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2. Rapat dengan pensyarah. Hanya coursework sahaja pensyarah boleh tolong. Pensyarah

suka kepada pelajarnya yang suka dan gembira belajar dalam subjek diajarnya.

3. Assignment dan projek adalah suatu yang senang untuk dapat markah tinggi, kerana

markah kedua-dua ini adalah berdasarkan penilaian pensyarah sendiri. Jika beliau tidak

suka pelajarnya, sukarlah untuk mendapat A.

4. Minat, suka dan gembira apabila study pasti A digenggaman anda.

Jangan tertekan jika tidak dapat apa yang dikehendaki. Berserahlah kepada tuhan dan jangan

lupakan-Nya. Sesungguhnya tuhan sahaja yang sebaik-baiknya perancang kehidupan kita.


Di atas merupakan komen yang saya terima. Saya tahu ramai sangat di luar sana mahu mencapai CGPA yang

tinggi dan sekurang-kurangnya atas 3.00.

Bagi pendapat saya,

alang-alang masuk universiti,

belajar sepenuh masa,

mendapat biasiswa JPA atau pinjaman PTPTN,

ibu dan ayah memberi sokongan penuh termasuk kewangan

pelajar tersebut perlu mendapat keputusan yang baik dan cemerlang.

Bedasarkan soalan di atas, setelah 3 semester belajar, Hana telah mendapat CGPA 2.80. Jadi dia perlu

mengharungi sekurang-kurangnya 3 semester lagi untuk melengkapi 3 tahun pengajian atau 5 semester lagi

untuk melengkapi 4 tahun pengajian.

Jawapan saya ialah, Hana perlu mendapat GPA 3.7 ke atas pada setiap semester berturut-turut sehinggalah

tamat pengajian. Memang ia agak mustahil dengan banyak alasan yang boleh diberi namun itulah jawapannya.

Berikut beberapa tip yang saya anjurkan untuk Hana ikuti:

1. Setkan target untuk setiap subjek yang diambil pada semester akan datang. Tulis dan tengok setiap hari.

Contoh: Mathematics dapat A dengan 99%.

2. Assignment kena mulakan dari awal. Mesti jumpa pensyarah untuk bertanya dan berkongsi idea

bagaimana anda menjawab soalan assignment tersebut.

3. Sebelum hantar assignment, pastikan anda berjumpa dengan pensyarah untuk menanyakan samaada

assignment anda menepati kehendak pensyarah. Mungkin ada satu atau dua perkara anda tidak


4. Sebelum final exam, pastikan anda bertanya dengan pensyarah anda, apakah tajuk-tajuk yang akan


5. Gunakan teknik belajar yang berkesan dan pemahaman yang mantap. Kalau anda faham, anda akan

sentiasa ingat. Bagaimana nak faham? Caranya anda boleh mengajar rakan seperti pensyarah mengajar


Kadang-kadang kita sudah usaha, tapi masih tidak mencapai target yang dikehendaki. Maka ingatlah itu bukan

kuasa kita. itulah dinamakan rezeki kita dan takdir kita. Walaupun kita mendapat CGPA bawah 3.00 apabila

menamatkan pengajian, kita janganlah terlalu kecewa atau merendah diri. Sebaliknya carilah kekuatan diri yang

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lain seperti pandai bercakap depan orang ramai, pandai berniaga, pandai memasak, pandai menjahit dan


Jangan lupa untuk meningkatkan amalan rohani kita pada setiap hari. Di samping, solat fardu, solat sunat seperti

dhuha dan taubat jangan lupa buat setiap hari. Zikir dan selawat sekurang-kurangnya 100 kali sehari. Hal ini

dilakukan supaya memudahkan perjalanan kehidupan kita sama ada semasa belajar dan bekerja nanti.

Semoga saudara dan saudari dapat manfaat sedikit sebanyak daripada bacaan ini.

Terima kasih membaca 

We've all experienced classroom study in school, but online learning is something completely different. Here are six practical tips for online study success.

1. Motivation is key

Online learning suits self-starters and people who really want to learn, but it can be a challenge too because the motivation and discipline all has to come from you.

The great thing about this is that the commitment and self-motivation required to make the grade in online learning is extremely attractive to employers. Remember that by attaining an online qualification, you've already demonstrated the drive to work independently and efficiently. This alone gives you a great advantage over other applicants.

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2. Set realistic study goals

Different online courses have different workloads. Make sure you know how much time is required so you can balance study with other commitments. For example, if you work full-time and have a family or an active social life, don't trick yourself into thinking you can manage 25 hours of study each week.Unsure about the time you can devote? Consider signing up for just one unit at a time when you first start your course. See how you go about fitting it into your life – you can increase your workload as you grow more confident in your time management abilities.

To find out about the hours required for a specific course, contact a SEEK Learning consultanttoday.

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3. Make online study part your daily routine

Set aside time for online learning just as you would for attending classes. Give yourself ample time to sit down and read through your materials, so you understand everything clearly.

Identify the time of day you will devote to studying. Ask yourself: are you a morning person or a night owl? Then schedule in your study at a time when you’re performing at your peak.

Don’t forget to factor in time for healthy snacks and breaks – they help keep you awake and focused.

4. Understand how online study works

Before you start your course, find out about:

Submitting coursework

Accessing discussion groups

Contacting instructors

Accessing library facilities

Changing enrolment details.

Getting all this down pat before you start will help you feel in control and ready to focus on your course.

Make sure you understand in advance how your course will be assessed. Are exams held at particular times? Do you have to enrol for them? Are there any 'contact hours' at all? Are there times when participants need to be online at the same time?

For more details, contact a SEEK Learning consultant for obligation-free information about course structures and assessment requirements.

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5. Get help from people in your study network

Make the most of the support you can get through your online course provider. Lecturers and tutors can guide you through coursework, while support staff can assist with study tips, professional contacts and administrative issues.

Students can also help each other via online chat rooms, forums and social media groups.

As an online learner, your tutors understand you have other commitments. If things get on top of you, let them know. You might be able to negotiate an extension.

6. Reward yourself for success

Online study requires discipline. So reward yourself every time you achieve a study goal – this will motivate you to keep going and complete your course. It can be as simple as enjoying a piece of cake for getting through the week's readings, or treating yourself to a massage for getting an assignment in. It's important to reflect on what you’ve learnt and be proud of yourself.

Discover what employers really think about online study, and the real facts about online courses. Or for more information on online study, contact a SEEK Learning consultant today.

See our online coursesLike

10 Helpful Study Tips for Online StudentsAugust 8, 2013 by CCU CAGS

Working toward a degree of higher education isn’t always easy. Chances are you have a job and household responsibilities. Online degrees, such as those offered at Colorado Christian

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University, are the answer for many busy adults. However, you do face the challenge of organizing your time and studying on your own. Here are some helpful study hints make it easy:

1. Make flash cardsIt might seem juvenile, but the act of writing information onto easy-to-carry cards helps cement the information in your brain and is one of the easiest helpful study tips there is. It also gives you a handy, portable set of study terms that you can pull out anytime you have a few free minutes to study.

2. ReadWhether they are hard copies or the online version, the information contained within the textbooks for your courses are full of valuable information that help you gain an understanding of the subject.

3. Switch between classesSpending hours on one class might be counter intuitive. Instead, study material for each of your classes for short blocks of time and alternate between them. This gives your brain a break from one subject, which helps hold your attention.

4. Don’t procrastinateInstead of waiting until the night before an exam to study, take the time to look over the material for a few minutes each day. This will keep you from pulling an all nighter and keep the information fresh.

5. Get comfortableFind a place to study where you feel comfortable. You’re much more likely to stick with it this way.

6. PracticePut together practice tests using your materials. Then, put away your books and notes and see how well you do. This way, you’ll know what you need to spend more time on.

7. OrganizeDesignate a folder for each class, so your study materials are easy to find.

8. Take breaksToo much at one time can overload your brain. Take a walk or have a meal midway between your session then finish up with a fresh brain.

9. Manage your timeWork study time into your schedule so it doesn’t fall by the wayside amidst your other obligations.

10. Join a study groupEmail classmates and set up a time to get together and share helpful study tips. This lets you quiz each other and is a good way to gain a better understanding of the material.


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4 Time Management Tips for Online StudentsProcrastinators, learn how to stay on top of your online classes.

Online courses give students the flexibility to take their class anytime, anywhere. The trick, students say, is staying on top of them.

Doing so requires discipline, commitment, and organization—traits any successful student should possess, no matter what path they're taking to complete their degree.

"Being a good student, whether you're online or in person, are pretty much similar things," says Tamara Popovich, associate director of student services for ASU Online, the distance learning arm ofArizona State University.

But unlike their peers in the classroom, who have regular face time with instructors, online students receive no in-person reminder of when papers are due or tests are scheduled.

[See which schools have the Top Online Education Programs.]

"The big myth is it's easier to go online, because you can do it at your own pace," Popovich says. "You do have more flexibility, but it's not any easier … It's harder, because you're on your own; you're left to your own devices."

A need for flexibility is one factor fueling the growth in online education—online enrollment hit an all-time high in 2010 with more than 6.1 million students—but a lack of direct oversight can make it easy for them to fall behind.

[Learn the ins and outs of financing your online degree.]

Throw in everyday distractions typical for an online student—full-time jobs, kids, family activities—and the work can easily pile up. These time management tips from online learning veterans can help you stay ahead of the game:

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1. Make a plan: Online students need structure, and a study calendar is a great way to create it, says Christina Robinson Grochett, University of Phoenix's territory vice president for the Gulf Coast.

Check your syllabus before your course kicks off, and commit to due dates on your calendar. Then, designate study times for each class, and stick to them.

"I set aside a specific block of time every day, usually after the kids' bedtime, to work on my classes," says Natalie Fangman, mother of three and an online nursing student at Northeast Iowa Community College in Peosta. "I treat that time just like I would if I were in the actual classroom."

Sticking to her plan helped her juggle work, family, and multiple online courses without falling behind, Fangman says.

2. Check in daily: One draw of online classes is that students only need Internet access to connect to their courses.

If you have an iPhone or Android device, leverage it to stay organized, Robinson Grochett recommends.

[Read about four technology must haves for online students.]

"With all of the mobile devices we have, somebody can go to a baseball game and still be checking in," she says. "Not necessarily doing full-blown homework—just checking in and staying current."

Turning school into a daily activity makes it less overwhelming, and it prevents students from getting caught off guard by syllabus changes, says ASU Online's Popovich.

"Getting into a rhythm helped keep me on schedule and, most importantly, fight my urge to procrastinate," says Alex Bonine, who took online classes while earning his bachelor's in electrical engineering at Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg.

3. Look ahead: Knowing what is due in six weeks, not just the next day, can help students maximize their time, Robinson Grochett says.

"Many times people don't read ahead to see what's next, so what they end up doing is replicating work that they've already done," she says.

And once you know when an assignment is due, don't wait until the day before to start working on it.

[Avoid these big mistakes online students make.]

"If you have class, and you know it's due Tuesday night, well, don't make Monday night your night that you're going to finish your homework," Robinson Grochett says. "Sunday is a great day to say, 'I'm gonna go ahead and knock it out.'"

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4. Speak up: If you struggle or fall behind, don't stay silent.

"Students are always hesitant to ask for help," says Popovich, with ASU Online. "They start to drown and they take drastic measures, or they don't take measures at all. Either way, they end up making a mistake."

Time management

Don't procrastinate- look through your study materials as soon as you get them and plan Get Started. Today. Now! Reading through the study guide, or re-visiting the assignment topic

will be getting you somewhere. If you have any questions, contact the support staff at CSU to get some tips or guidance

Get organised. Improve your time management skills and get yourself organised. This sometimes means changing the way you have done things in the past or how you go about the task

Keep your tasks bite-sized. It is amazing how much you can achieve if you set aside one hour of time somewhere in each day. All those little bites make a meal out of study.

For larger tasks, like assignments and set aside blocks of quality time without interruptions - perhaps at a library or even on campus

Help yourself 'get in the zone' by creating a study atmosphere. Have a special place to study with all you need on hand, put on some quiet music or use aromatherapy to get yourself focused.More about managing your study

Get support

image: http://www.csu.edu.au/__data/assets/image/0020/9551/3.6.4-DE-study-tips2.jpg

Let your friends and family know what you're doing and why. Let others know what you need in terms of time; renegotiate household tasks with partners and children; and let your friends know you won't be up for a big night out just before an assignment is due.

Contact your lecturer if you have any difficulties with the interpretation of an assignment question or the academic content. Staff contact details and consultation times are included in your subject outline.

Learning Skills Advisors can assist you in preparing assignments, provide guidance on how to write a report or essay or how to structure a written piece work. There is also available specific support for English skills and mathematics/statistics.

Your subject forum is another avenue of support and assistance open to you. Other students are often helpful in discussing and clarifying assignment expectations.More on study support, and getting in touch with the uni

Get the most out of the tools and services

Get to know the resources available to you - and use them!

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Student Services can answer general (non-academic) questions Library: Speak to library staff and investigate borrowing facilities and online library

resources Learning Skills provides self-help 'how to' guides with strategies and techniques that will allow

you to better participate in academic activities Subject forums: You will find out so much more from being involved with the CSU community,

and may meet people in your area studying for the same course who can offer advice and support

Computer training: You will need to use various software packages during your studies. CSU provides web based training which covers aspects of Microsoft Office products.

Develop the right attitude

Think positively and reward yourself for each achievement. You are studying for yourself, so give yourself a pat on the back each time you take a step towards your end goal then move on

Get motivated! Think about why you are studying and who you are studying for- YOU! Be flexible! Study routines are important, but if something comes up that interrupts your study

plans, work around it. Try to avoid frustration and feeling like you're falling behind. Just rearrange your time, reset the goals and move forward again

Be clear about your goals. Think about why you're enrolled at university, what you want to achieve in the next year, three years, or five years. Doing a degree is a long-term commitment, but setting small goals and working towards achievable interim milestones can be a useful strategy of breaking the big task into smaller ones

Be realistic. Successful students have realistic expectations of themselves and of the tasks they undertake, and they can adjust their expectations if circumstances change

Be persistent. Successful students are able to sustain the effort and keep on spending time on task over a long period of time, the three years or longer that it takes to complete a course of study.

Maintain a balanced life

As a student, you should try and engage in a balanced lifestyle, one that has a suitable study program tied to healthy recreational activities.

Stay healthy. Eat well, exercise regularly, and get enough rest. Around your study commitments, you should schedule some kind of regular physical activity.

Plan for time away from your books. No-one can study all the time. Arrange an evening with friends, an afternoon at the park with the children, a trip to the movies, or a lie-in on Sunday. Any change can be therapeutic and you will return to study feeling as though you have already accomplished something.More on study life balance


Read the assignment task as soon as you receive your study materials. Keep the task in the back of your mind as you progress through the subject.

Don't leave your assignments to the last minute. The earlier you get started on your assignment, the better. Don't underestimate how long it will take you to fully research, draft and polish your work.

Exam success

Past Exam Papers: If these are available, it's is a good idea to go over past exam papers so you have an idea of the kinds of questions that may be asked and what will be expected of you.

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It's never too early to start preparing for exams. Check in your subject outline as soon as you receive it to find out if you will be having an exam, and schedule in appropriate amounts of study time on your timetable leading up to the exam.

Exam Stress: Some people become stressed prior to and during an exam. CSU's Student Counsellors has some great exercises for staying sane which you can incorporate into your study routine

Read more at http://www.csu.edu.au/distance-education/starting-at-csu/distance-education-study-tips?GVYJ1v6TVF7R3S4M.99

5 Great Study Tips For Online Students InfographicPosted on October 1, 2014


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5 Great Study Tips For Online Students Infographic

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1. Develop a schedule

o Set aside a specific time every day. Schedule your study time. And stick to it!

o A schedule provides limits. When tempted to do anything other than study tell yourself: “I’m at

school right now.”

2. Create a workspace

o Improve focus by separating your schoolwork from other responsibilities.

o Stay organized by keeping your supplies in one spot.

3. Set goals and rewards

o Keep track of your progress by setting daily, weekly, monthly, and long-term goals.

o Reward yourself when you reach attainable goals. Rewards can be simple: a special snack or

extra study breaks.

4. Visualize your motivation

o Place a picture of what motivates you in your workspace to remind yourself of what you’re

working toward.

o Change or update your picture if your reasons for finishing school change or as you complete

your short-term goals.

5. Practice makes perfect

o It can be challenging to study at home- but it’s a skill that can be learned! Keep calm and study


o Find a groove that works for you and your family with practice and patience.

Via: www.car