LOGIC A Modern Approach Beginning Deductive Logic, Advanced via HyperSlate TM and HyperGrader TM Larry likes Lucy. Everyone likes anyone who likes at least one entity. Does everyone like Lucy? Prove it! Selmer Bringsjord Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu Joshua Taylor and camelid art by . . . KB Foushée LAMA-BDLA ver. of 011519NY; photocopying, distribution, resale prohibited

BeginningDeductiveLogic,Advanced · A Modern Approach BeginningDeductiveLogic,Advanced via HyperSlate TMand HyperGrader ... algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. The most

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Page 1: BeginningDeductiveLogic,Advanced · A Modern Approach BeginningDeductiveLogic,Advanced via HyperSlate TMand HyperGrader ... algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. The most


A Modern Approach

Beginning Deductive Logic, Advancedvia HyperSlateTM and HyperGraderTM

Larry likes Lucy. Everyone likes anyone who likes at least one entity. Does everyone like Lucy? Prove it!

Selmer BringsjordNaveen Sundar Govindarajulu

Joshua Taylorand camelid art by . . . KB Foushée

LAMA-BDLA ver. of 011519NY; photocopying, distribution, resale prohibited

Page 2: BeginningDeductiveLogic,Advanced · A Modern Approach BeginningDeductiveLogic,Advanced via HyperSlate TMand HyperGrader ... algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. The most


Copyright c� 2019 by Selmer Bringsjord & Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu & Joshua Taylor

All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Motalen LLC.www.motalen.com

ISBN 978-0-692-05943-2 (e-book, edition 011519)ISBN 978-0-692-05944-9 (SlateTM software system, edition 012516)

Page 3: BeginningDeductiveLogic,Advanced · A Modern Approach BeginningDeductiveLogic,Advanced via HyperSlate TMand HyperGrader ... algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. The most


0.1 Student/Instructor: This is the Advanced Version!

Please note this immediately: The book you’re currently reading, as indicated byits title, is an advanced version of beginning deductive logic (BDL) in the LOGIC: A

MODERN APPROACH (LAMA; rhymes with “llama”) paradigm.1 College or universitystudents lacking a demonstrable understanding of high-school mathematics in itsfull breadth (including therefore discrete mathematics) are advised to pursue theirinitial learning of deductive logic using the standard, non-advanced cousin of thepresent textbook. (Of course, alternatively, those without such understanding cansecure it by suitable remedial coverage of high-school mathematics, and can thenreturn here after remediation is complete and understanding is in place.) Needlessto say, college-level logic instructors of classes with undergraduate students whosehigh-school training in math is insufficient are urged to use the standard, non-advanced relative of the present textbook. The standard textbook2 presupposesexceedingly little on the part of learners who take it up, unfolds at a slower pace,and covers less content. The Slate software system, and Hypergrader (an onlineAI system that among other things automatically grades files created in Slate), canboth be used for the teaching of beginning deductive logic in both advanced andnon-advanced modes.

The phrase ‘demonstrable understanding of high-school mathematics in itsfull breadth’ is rather a mouthful, and stands in need of clarification. What do wemean? Let’s first divide the phrase into two parts: demonstrable understandingand high-school mathematics in its full breadth. Now we can explain each partseparately.

As to what’s meant by the second part of the phrase, ‘high-school mathematicsin its full breadth,’ that’s easy: we simply refer to the branches of mathematicstraditionally introduced in high school: viz., algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.Hopefully high school afforded coverage of elementary differential and integralcalculus, but this isn’t stricly required.3 In addition, it would be a good thing for

1Abbreviating, the present book is affectionately known as LAMA–BDLA.2LAMA-BDL3It would nonetheless be a very good thing if the student embarking upon stufy of formal logic via

LAMA-BDLA has digested elementary differential and integral calculus. The formal definition of alimit, which 99 times out of 100 is an early foundational concept in this calculus, turns out to involvedsophisticated quantification, and thus any student that truly grasps this concept has a leg up.


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students to have been taught, as is commendably done in some high schools,4

some mathematical statistics and computer programming,5 but neither of theseis required either. In fact, the present book includes a brief introduction to logicprogramming.6

Now we come to the first part of our phrase: What is it to have, as we say, demon-strable understanding of high-school mathematics? By this is meant that the studentis able to prove relevant theorems, for while the LAMATM paradigm is based upon anumber of pedagogical principles, first and foremost among them is what can belabelled the Driving Dictum:

If you can’t prove it, you don’t get it.

Using this dictum, it’s easy to ascertain whether or not a student (or, for that matter,a machine/AI does7) really understands core concepts in, for instance, algebra.Here’s a simple example, a problem early in the textbook Algebra 2 by Charles et al.(2012) that calls for a proof: Prove that the sum of two consecutive positive integersis invariably an odd integer. We assume that our readers can quickly accomplishthis.8 There are many, many requests for proofs in this Algebra-2 textbook (and forthat matter in all of its counterparts from other publishers), after this initial, easyone. Here are a few examples, each of which you should be able to establish after

4To its great detriment as a nation, and to the detriment of many young minds who deserve better,the notion that high-school graduates needn’t have more than a smidgeon of mathematics (proposed e.g.in Baker 2013) is now a cancer that has taken firm root in many U.S. schools and households. Perhapsequally pedagogically pernicious is the idea that some college-bound students in the States should beencouraged to follow a route to earning college/university mathematics credit that allows them to dodgealgebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. The most prominent such route is one in which college-bound students simply get some elementary coverage of statistics. Unfortunately, one noteworthyconsequence of this route is that it produces college graduates constitutionally unable to explain whyit’s not impossible that an arrow shot by an archer moves (!); see (Bringsjord & Bringsjord 2014).

5Notice that we refer here to mathematical statistics. Plenty of classes and books devoted to teachingstatistics are unfortunately devoid of any mathematical rigor to speak of. As to computer science, we sayonly that having had some of it can’t hurt. Unfortunately, K–12 coverage of computer science in the U.S.is almost invariably informal, and as such doesn’t request of students that they prove anything. Given theDriving Dictum presented just below, this means that computer science in the U.S. is taught in a way thatfails to guarantee genuine understanding on the part of students. This situation is made all the worse bythe fact that the Advanced Placement computer science curriculum and exam is not based on either ofthe programming paradigms most naturally associated with rigorous proof (functional programmingand logic programming), but rather on the object-oriented paradigm.

6The first part of this introduction is provided in §2.8.7These days there’s much veneration of so-called “machine learning,” or just “ML,” on the strength of

the claim that computing machines who engage in ML learn sophisticated things (e.g. games of perfectinformation) with amazing speed. From the perspective of the Driving Dictum, such exuberance aboutML is suspicious. For an account of what is called ‘real learning,’ and an argument for the propositionthat ML-powered machines don’t really learn anything at all, see (Bringsjord, Govindarajulu, Banerjee &Hummel 2018).

8Pedantic, but in the clear, crisp style that will become our bread and butter as we progress:

Proof: Let n and n+1=m be two arbitrary consecutive positive integers (i.e., n , n+1 2Z+).We know from basic arithmetic that n +(n +1) = 2n +1. Obviously 2n is even, since it canbe divided without remainder by 2 (to leave n). But then 2n +1 must be odd. QED

For a somewhat more meaningful diagnostic challenge along the same lines: Prove that the sum of thecubes of any two consecutive positive integers is odd.

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some work:

• Prove that a triangle with vertices (3, 5), (-2, 6), and (1, 3) is a right triangle.(page 198)

• Prove that n 3�n is divisible by 3 for all positive integer values of n . (page


• Prove this factoring formula for the sum of cubes: a 3+ b 3 = (a + b )(a 2�

a b + b 2). (page 704)

The truth of the matter is that high-school mathematics, if one takes it seriouslyand excels, places the student in a position from which they can in turn excel inbeginning deductive logic at the college level, even when introduced in the advancedand comprehensive manner of the present book. The fundamental reason, putstarkly, is that this level of mathematics is filled with, indeed is directly based upon,deductive logic, and includes plenty of problems that are solved only by providingvalid proofs. This can be seen not only by visiting high-school textbooks for Algebra2, but also by perusing first-rate textbooks for high-school geometry, a very niceexample being Geometry: Common Core by Bass & Johnson (2012), whose secondchapter is entitled “Reasoning and Proof,” with sub-sections mastery of whichare ideal for learning deductive logic via the present textbook and its associatedsoftware.9

We end this section by using a convenient deductive inference schema almostalways covered in high-school mathematics. The schema is known as transpositionor contraposition, and allows one to deduce from a conditional statement if �then , where� and are themselves statements, this new conditional statement,the contrapositive of the original one: if not then not �. With this schema,then, we deduce from the Driving Dictum this statement:

If you do get it, you can prove it.

0.2 So, What’s Our “Modern” Approach?

It’s likely you’re able to read this sentence because you (or a benefactor who operatedon your behalf) parted with some hard-earned money. Courtesy of this transaction,you now have in your possession a book-software combination (LAMA-BDLA andHyperSlateTM) that, used in conjunction with the AI grading system HyperGraderTM,will introduce you to modern, formal, deductive logic in what seems to us to be aparticularly, if not a singularly, effective way. This trio has been well over a decadein the making, and the construction — since new logics and applications thereof, inboth cases from us and our collaborators, continue to arrive on the scene — is stillsteadfastly underway. Since we stand on the shoulders of many who came before us,there is a real sense in which the trio in question has been in the making for well over

9The sub-sections are, and we reproduce verbatim: 2.1 Patterns and Inductive Reasoning; 2.2 Con-ditional Statements, 2.3 Biconditionals and Definitions, 2.4 Deductive Definitions, 2.5 Reasoning inAlgebra and Geometry, and finally 2.6 Proving Angles Congruent. Any high-school student who hasmastered this chapter already knows a fair amount of what is covered in Chapter 2 in the present book.

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two millennia. Ancient thinkers may have been greatly mistaken about the physicalworld,10 but many of them were spot-on right about many aspects of deductive logic.Aristotle, a “mathematical spirit” who worked his wonders over 20 centuries ago, isvery much alive in the pages of the present book, and its corresponding software.11

Of course, as we soon enough explain, the specifics of Aristotle’s logic are certainlyoutmoded, and have been superseded by logics that do everything Aristotle’s could,and a whole lot more.12 The “whole lot more” first arrived on the scene, as far as wecan tell, in the mind of the last great polymathic genius: Leibniz. We view Leibnizas the inventor of modern formal logic, and as the primogenitor of our approach toreasoning, which is to see this reasoning as graphical and diagrammatic in nature.13

But while our modern approach to logic is indebted to the past, it in no way asksyou, a student of logic in the new millennium, to return to the past. Like you, wefind it empowering to use a modern mobile smartphone, and though such a deviceowes a debt to 19t h -century telegraph technology, it makes little sense to tap outa message to your friend in Morse code. Those days are gone. And likewise goneare the days of memorizing Aristotle’s syllogisms, since they are swallowed up andexceeded by even a tiny part of modern (formal) deductive logic.

Why didn’t we just take the rather less strenuous route of circulating and post-ing a recommendation on the Internet to the effect that all beginning students offormal deductive logic (you included) ought to simply purchase one of the manyother logic textbook/courseware pairs on the market? We cheerfully own up tothe answer, one that you you will no doubt have anticipated: Because we believeyou are better off learning beginning deductive logic under a modern approach(i.e., abbreviating, under LAMATM; pronounced to rhyme with the name of the fas-cinating sure-footed animal), with the software system known as ‘HyperSlateTM,’which you now (or soon will) have, and with the third member of the trio: theonline AI system able to diagnose and guide student work: HyperGraderTM. We

10Case in point, Aristotle’s attempt to solve Zeno’s paradoxes of physical motion is entirely deficient. Ifinterested, see (Bringsjord & Bringsjord 2014).

11The phrase ‘mathematical spirits’ is due to mathematician David Hilbert, who used it in the dra-matic opening of his famous 1900 Paris lecture, delivered to direct future mathematical minds tosuch problems as the 23 grand ones he then proceeded to list. Hilbert was addressing the Inter-national Congress of Mathematicians. An online English version of Hilbert’s address is available athttp://aleph0.clarku.edu/⇠djoyce/hilbert/problems.html. The logician Kurt Gödel, some of whoseseminal work we shall have occasion to study later, was soon able to make stunning progress on some ofHilbert’s challenges.

12We thus for good reason regard study of Aristotle’s logic to be otiose for non-historians, and hencerefrain from covering Aristotle’s logic in the present textbook. And excellent, short overview is providedin (Smith 2017). This overview includes presentation of a roadmap that will enable interested readers tostudy all the parts of Aristotle’s writings that deal with logic. More specifically, all that Smith (2017) dealswith can be found in (McKeon 1941).

13The classic starting point for the study of Leibniz and his contribution to modern formal logic is(Lewis 1960). However, this starting point, we now know, massively understates the degree to whichLeibniz invented key aspects of modern formal logic. As detailed more recently by Lenzen (2004), Leibnizanticipated by approximately one-and-a-half centuries the propositional calculus (!), the inventor ofwhich had been been presumed to be Boole (a presumption made courtesy of Boole 2010). (Boole’sclassic book is available free from http://www.gutenberg.org.) As Lenzen also points out, Leibniz alsoanticipated another part of modern formal deductive logic: modal logic. Modal logic is introduced inthe present book (Chapter 5).

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firmly believe that this approach is pedagogically superior to all the alternatives.In the book you’re viewing, our approach, and HyperSlateTM and HyperGraderTM,are specifically harnessed to teach you beginning (formal) deductive logic. There isplenty of important logic that isn’t deductive, and of course plenty of deductive logicthat’s well beyond the introductory level (and plenty of informal stuff that’s called“logic”; in fact the phrase ‘informal logic’ is sometimes used), but basic (formal)deductive logic is the absolute cornerstone of all rational thought on our planet(and for that matter on any others that might have intelligent life!) — yesterday,today, and tomorrow. Take it away, and in one fell swoop you sweep away the formal(= exact) sciences, computer science (composed, so the not-inaccurate slogan goes,of logic + electrical engineering), the physical sciences (which to the extent thatthey are sound, are based in the exact sciences), rigorous philosophy, and more.14

Some of the additional things that would be destroyed by the absence of deductiveformal logic are exceedingly practical. For instance, since the only way we have,and will ever have, to establish that software is correct and will behave in the futureas we wish it to, is to deduce that the software in question is correct using formallogic, the ubiquity and centrality of software in human life confirms the importanceof what you are about to learn. While at present our daily lives are only sprinkledwith the appearance of autonomous AIs/robots, the time is fast coming when ourexistence will be intertwined with, and increasingly dependent upon, such artificialagents, and we will want to be quite certain that these agents will behave correctly.But since the behavior of these agents will hinge in turn on the correctness of thecomputer programs that regulate them, and since, again, such correctness can beestablished only via the use of formal, deductive logic, our lives will in a very realsense rest in the hands of logic. If no one has told you this before, that is mostunfortunate, but now you know. Good thing you’re reading what you’re reading.15

We do gladly concede that there is much value in informal logic (and indeedSlate has been invented, refined, and implemented to support humans in doinginformal reasoning), but the power of informal logic is in our view enjoyed in earnestonly by one who first understands the formal, rigorous machinery that gives theinformal level the matchless power it has. Learning informal logic before learningthe basics of formal logic is by our lights like learning to count before learningsuch arithmetical facts as that (a) 3 is greater than 2 and that (b) 2 is greater than1: Perhaps a child can in some sense count by mouthing “1, 2, 3” without a priorunderstanding of and implicit assent to (a) and (b), but on the face of it such apedagogical progression is backwards. The child here is just making sounds withoutreal understanding. Likewise, in the realm of logic, the student of informal logicshouldn’t be taught to mouth assent to such things as that from “All men are mortal”and “Matt is man” it follows that “Matt is mortal” without understanding that this istrue because the underlying formal pattern

14You would also sweep away rigorous economics, since without formal logic we lose real analysis,game theory, decision theory, and so on, but we have found that our readers are profoundly mixed onwhether or not it would be bad to lose economics.

15For further reading, see (Bringsjord 2015, Govindarajulu & Bringsjord 2015, Arkoudas & Bringsjord2007).

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All As are Bs.e is an A.e is a B.

is valid. This particular formal structure was seen to be at the heart of humanreasoning and rationality by Aristotle over (to say it again) two millennia ago. Whatmakes the pattern a formal one, and therefore serves to classify the pattern aspart of formal logic? You doubtless know the answer: because no matter whatyou substitute in for the collections A and B and the entity e , the conclusion willindeed follow from the two premises. Unless the student comes to understandthe domain-independence of formal logic, no real learning of formal logic hashappened. This implies that those educational games and activities that seek tofoster learning of logic and mathematics by “concretizing” problems and problem-solving, in the absence of cultivating abstract, domain-independent capability, areat best profoundly incomplete and misleading, and profoundly destructive at worst.A five-year-old who is told such things as that the small yellow wooden circle cango either on this square or that square (where e.g. the squares are cells in a grid thatcan either be filled or vacant), and then dutifully places the circle in one of the twoallowed locations, doesn’t need to have a genuine and general understanding ofBoolean disjunction, which applies as nicely to simple games as it does to advancedmathematical physics. Without such understanding, our five-year-old really doesn’tknow what he’s doing. And worse, if the human avoids sustained training in formallogic, he or she can fail to do any better at 55 than at five.16

Summing up: Both because of the nature of our approach and courseware, andthe importance of what you will be studying, you (and perhaps your benefactor)have made a wise investment.

But why specifically is the LAMATM paradigm, and specifically HyperSlateTM

and HyperGraderTM, better? We have already hinted at our answer above, and inthe title of the present book: because this pair, falling squarely in the pardigm inquestion, takes a modern approach to teaching logic. But what does that mean?The hallmarks of what we call a “modern” approach, in addition to the DrivingDictum introduced above (again: “If you can’t prove it, you don’t get it”), includethe following ten properties:

1. Use and Learning of Automated Reasoning Technology.

2. Coverage of Large Space of Modern Logics, and Three Families Thereof.

3. Use of Flexible, Graphical Workspaces for Human-Computer Collabora-tion.

4. Learning of Logic via Playing Truly Challenging Games on Planet Earth —Rather Than The Sort of Simple Games Traditionally Targeted by AI.

5. A Grounding in the Cognitive Science of Human Reasoning and Decision-Making.

6. LAMATM, HyperSlateTM, and HyperGraderTM Are Based on Deep Mathemat-ical Theories of Cognition and Computation.

16Beware, then, of educational games to purport to cultivate, in those that play them, skill at formalreasoning.

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7. Extending Formal Deductive Logic Beyond the Merely Symbolic/Linguisticto the Pictorial/Diagrammatic.

8. Extending Formal Deductive Logic to Bridge to Uncertainty/Probability inInductive Logic.

9. Seamless Innteroperability and Integration with a Corresponding Type ofLogic-based Computer Programming.17

10. Logic as the Emerging Foundation for Rigorous Science.

We now unpack each of these ten properties in turn, albeit very briefly in each case.

0.2.1 The Hallmarks of Our Modern Approach, Unpacked

1. Use and Learning of Automated Reasoning Technology. Today, humanity has computerprograms able to do things which in the past were the sole province of human beings.It has probably not escaped your notice, for example, that the best checkers player,chess players, and Go players on our planet are no longer human but rather are com-puters; and perhaps you know that recently even in a game like Jeopardy!, which putsa premium on the use of human language, computers can perform at an impressivelevel.18 One of the things that computing machines can now do that not all that longago used to require rarefied human cognition is proving theorems. Machines can’tyet match humans in the proving of robust theorems (in fact, they aren’t even close;we’ll get to this issue later, when you know a bit more formal logic), but nonethelessit’s undeniable that machines can now routinely prove theorems that not all that longago required significant human ingenuity.19 HyperSlateTM and HyperGraderTM havebeen engineered, and this textbook written, to leverage this progress in support ofstudent learning.20 In short, and put bluntly: No student these days should learn logicwithout specifically learning how to collaborate directly and deeply with intelligentmachines able themselves to reason deductively. Put in analogical terms: the point islittle different than the fact that no pilot should learn how to fly a plane without learn-ing specifically how to collaborate with smart software in doing so (e.g. the softwarethat controls autopilot functionality), or that no engineer should be trained withoutlearning how to use a calculator and beyond. One of the most amazing (and by ourlights, distressing) facts about American post-secondary education is that, even today,as the field of artificial intelligence (AI) is thriving and marching steadily upwards,many students at high-schools, colleges, and universities in the U.S. are learning logicusing only paper and pencil.

2. Focus on Modern Logics, and Three Families Thereof. Lots of logic textbooks spendconsiderable time on logics like Aristotle’s Theory of the Syllogism, which we alluded

17The type of computer programming is a generaliztion of what is called logic programming: viz. puregeneral logic programming, or just ‘PGLP’ for short.

18IBM’s Watson system beat the best human Jeopardy! players; the system is explained at the “Scientific-American” level in (Ferrucci et al. 2010). For commentary on Watson in connection with the AI HAL 9000in Kubrick’s 2001, commentary offered before the actual competition that Watson won, see (Bringsjord,Clark & Taylor 2010).

19Luger (2008) makes the point that automated theorem proving is a crucial component of the sortof human-level AI that many are after, and provides a new overview of the earliest days of automatedtheorem proving.

20LAMATM is also attuned to progress in what is known as model finding, which we see as includedwithin automated reasoning, at least for the family of extensional logics.

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to earlier. This simple logic debuted, as has been noted, rather long ago. It’s alwaysgood to know one’s history, but the fact is that logic has advanced rather far in the2000-plus years since Aristotle’s small (but seminal) system was presented. In fact, asGlymour (1992) has elegantly explained, Aristotle’s primitive logic was insufficientlyexpressive to rigorously explain why even ancient Euclid’s reasoning (in showingsuch propositions as that the sum of the interior angles of a standard triangle is 180degrees) is so compelling. To hammer home the point again: The fact is, when studentsstart learning physics at the college level today, they don’t go back and learn whatthe ancients were doing. The reason is simple: the work of the ancients has beenforever superseded by a host of innovations. This book includes coverage of modernlogical systems that have superseded old logics like those presented by Aristotle andothers. More specifically, we cover modern classical extensional logic, invented inthe 20th century to represent and rigorize mathematical reasoning (and now usedto do lots of real-world things; we’ll get to that); and we also cover basic intensionallogic, which also entered the picture in the 20th century, but for different purposes:to systematize the concepts of possibility, necessity, knowledge, belief, obligation,and so on, and to systematically represent what is meant by sentences in naturallanguages like English.21 These two families of logical systems are unified by theuse of HyperSlateTM, which allows the user to select a particular logical system whenstarting a new workspace. As far as we know, HyperSlateTM is the only software inexistence that allows a human to pilot an intelligent computer which provides, at once,access to many different logics at the same time.22

We said there are three families of logics introduced herein. What’s the third? It’sinductive logic, and while the the present version of this textbook goes very light onthis third family, the some key information is provided to the student. The reason forthe light coverage is that inductive logic is non-deductive, and this textbook, as itstitle suggests, is intended to serve mostly as an introduction to beginning deductivelogic. Nonetheless, it’s important for the student of elementary deductive logic tounderstand some inductive logic, if for no other reason than to see that beginninginductive logic is quite a different beast.23

3. Use of Flexible, Graphical Workspaces for Human-Computer Collaboration. Real hu-mans doing real deductive reasoning in the real world don’t simply list out, line-by-line,

21Natural languages stand in contrast to formal languages. The latter, examples of which you willsoon get to know quite well, have a fully specified alphabet and grammar. A programming language isfor instance a formal language.

22 The deductive logics you will be learning each fall into one of two main families just mentioned:extensional or intensional. Within the first family, coverage is provided first of logics that have noquantification (viz., propositional calculus and pure predicate calculus), and then of full first-orderlogic (with subsequent coverage of second-order logic and beyond: see Chap. 4). Within the family ofintensional logics, this book introduces propositional modal logic, propositional deontic logic, propo-sitional epistemic logic, and finally quantified modal logic. All of these logics are finitary in nature:they don’t permit expressions that are infinitely long. Yet some of the most interesting and powerfullogics are infinitary ones. E.g., the logicL!1! allows conjunctions (such as ‘1 is greater than zero and 2is greater than zero and . . .’), and also allows proofs that are infinitely long. Summing up, then, we canpicture the Universe of Logics as shown in Figure 2.

23Very briefly, deductive reasoning, when valid, can’t possibly be called into question, because itpartakes of inference schemata, such as modus ponens, that are indubitable and invulnerable.24 Thisschema says that if we know that � implies , and we have �, it absolutely, positively must be thecase that . Inductive reasoning, in stark contrast, includes such inference schemata as that if it’soverwhelmingly likely that if� holds so does , and� does in fact hold, it follows (inductively!) that holds. Chapter 9 is where a glimpse of inductive logic is given.

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sequences of formulas when doing so. Yet if you look at standard approaches to teach-ing deductive logic, and the software touted in these approaches, you would think thatreal-world deductive reasoning is all and always nothing more than a one-dimensionallist of formulas, with a bit of indentation. No; the real world is richer than this, beyondbelief. If you look at the notebooks, scratchpads, blackboards, whiteboards, and evencomputer screens of highly effective human reasoners, you rarely find the kind of rigidtext-only linear lists of formulas that have been, and unaccountably continue to be,the hallmark of most if not all other logic books and courseware. Slate is a step inthe direction of our vision for a cognitively plausible workspace that is tremendouslyopen-ended and genuinely intelligent and collaborative. In Slate, formal proofs aredirected hypergraphs whose vertices contain sentences and, often, other relevantinformation. (Don’t worry in the least if you don’t presently know what a hypergraphis. All will be gradually explained in due course!) At the same time, Slate can be usedto constuct trees. This means for instance that instead of the traditional harsh divisionseen in standard approaches between a linear step-by-step proof on the one hand, andentirely different formats for semantics (e.g., truth tables) on the other, Slate’s graphscan be used to express proofs and express semantics in the form of trees. In addition,in Slate, formal interpretations or models can also be constructed in graphical form.

4. Learning of Logic via Playing Truly Challenging Games — Rather Than the Sort ofSimple Games Traditionally Targeted by AI. The LAMATM paradigm includes a com-mitment to learning formal logic in part by playing games; but not easy (or, for thatmatter, so-called “serious”) games, and not games on which mindless trial-and-errorand plug-and-chug can secure success. Educational games under the LAMATM ap-proach must be sufficiently hard and, in keeping with the Driving Dictum, successin LAMATM games must require the gamer to demonstrate mastery by justifying thecorrect answers given, or moves made.25 LAMATM games are provided separatelyfrom the present LAMA-BDLA textbook, and separate as well from HyperSlateTM andonline intelligent software that complements HyperSlateTM (e.g., HypergraderTM). Itis recommended that the first game students play in the LAMATM series of games isCatabot Rescue 1, Beginner.26 For more on genuinely challenging reasoning games,see (Govindarajulu 2013).

5. A Grounding in the Cognitive Science of Human Reasoning and Decision-Making.LAMATM is based on what decades of research in cognitive science and artificial intelli-gence has informed us about human reasoning and decision-making. Piaget believedthat neurobiologically normal human beings provided with a general and standardK-through-12 education (and with sufficient nutrition, shelter, and so on) would effort-lessly become competent deductive reasoners and problem-solvers at a level beyond

25Some readers may be familiar with logic puzzles in which a story that frames the problem is firstgiven, then a set of clues, and the challenge is to e.g. pin down who did what when with what. Before theadvent of apps on smartphones and tablets, these puzzles were seen almost exclusively in magazine-stylehard-copy form. These sorts of puzzles have also been a mainstay in certain standardized exams, e.g.the GRE and LSAT. Those who learn sufficient formal logic thereby cultivate a capacity to excel on theseproblems (Bringsjord & Bringsjord n.d., Bringsjord 2001), but since the customary presentation of theseproblems lacks a demand that the supplied answer be justified by a proof, the problems in question, inthe LAMATM paradigm, are far from a pedagogically perfect fit. Readers/students who enjoy such puzzlesare therefore encouraged to try to prove that their moves and answers are correct, using HyperSlateTM.

26For more information, visit http://www.catabotrescue.com. Human prowess at Catabot Rescue,which can become quite remarkable, has a number of interesting implications for education and cogni-tive science; for more on this, see (Govindarajulu & Bringsjord 2016).

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full first-order logic (e.g., see Inhelder & Piaget 1958).27 Unfortunately, Piaget was alittle too sanguine. While he carried out numerous experiments showing that manyyoung people do indeed develop an impressive capacity for some deductive reasoning,even Piaget himself conceded toward the end of his career that his subjects were notrepresentative of the general population. LAMATM is based on the neo-Piagetian viewthat if students are appropriately trained (courtesy of books and software of the sortthat you now own and/or have access to!), they can indeed become first-rate deductivereasoners. There is a lot of evidence supporting this view, including recent neuro-scientific evidence.28 As to theories of reasoning directly at odds with the LAMATM

paradigm, there are some. The best-known of these is so-called mental models theory(MMT), originally introduced by Johnson-Laird (1983). A core tenet of MMT is that thehuman mind isn’t fundamentally equipped with the capacity to reason deductively ina manner aligned with classical deduction as seen in formal logic and mathematics.Johnson-Laird and colleagues are quite aggressive and open about their disdain forformal logic (e.g. see Khemlani, Byrne & Johnson-Laird 2018). For work in the cognitivescience of reasoning that accords with the LAMATM paradigm, and hence is at oddswith MMT, the reader can consult the truly excellent work of Lance Rips (?, 1994).29

The LAMATM paradigm in addition reflects the theoretical position, in the cognitivescience of comparative reasoning and decision-making, that reasoning and decision-making at the human level is qualitatively distinct from such activity that is merely atthe animal level. The essence of the mastery of formal logic is command of abstractstructures (e.g., the inference pattern alluded to in the previous paragraph) that, asthe empirical research in animal cognition shows, no animals can grasp. A clevercanine can come to know that if the ice on a pond looks a certain way, walking onthat ice is a bad idea, and so if Rover comes upon such a pond, it clicks for him thatwalking on it is a bad idea, and he remains on the firm ground of shore.30 But the dogwill never grasp the abstract inference schema operative here, which is none otherthan modus ponens. The LAMATM paradigm, put simply, is one suitable for humans,not nonhuman animals. For more on the cognitive science of human versus animalreasoning and decision-making, see (Penn, Holyoak & Povinelli 2008), which is writtenin opposition to Darwin’s (1997) exuberant but misplaced praise for the reasoning

27Piaget held that humans develop cognitively through a serious of stages. In the fourth stage, humancognition is distinguished by a use of formal deductive logic in the third logical system we will be studyingherein: namely, full first-order logic. See note 22.

28For an account of, and evidence in favor of, neo-Piagetianism, see (Bringsjord, Bringsjord & Noel 1998,Rinella, Bringsjord & Yang 2001, Bringsjord & Yang 2003). For neuroscientific evidence, see (Mukherjee2009). On the other hand, there is also a mountain of evidence that if students don’t receive suitabletraining in formal logic, they often rely on forms of inference that are invalid. This is of course entirelyunsurprising. Without effective mathematical education of the right sort, ostensibly bright humansnaturally believe such things as that when an arrow is in motion after being shot, it occupies a series ofdiscrete places at each of the discrete moments composing the interval of time consumed by its trajectory.But such a belief implies that motion is impossible. Given the differential and integral calculus, we knowthis view is silly, and indeed self-contradictory (for a full discussion, see Bringsjord & Bringsjord 2014).

29The inquisitive reader may wonder why, specifically, Rips’s work is in line with LAMATM, whereasMMT is inconsistent with this paradigm. The answer can be barbarically (but hopefully informatively!)encapsulated by way of reference to the proof pattern known as indirect proof (also known as proof bycontradition and reductio ad absurdum), as follows: Rips’s position is that human beings are capable offor instance solving reasoning problems that call for inference patterns such as this, which is at the veryheart of the LAMATM paradigm, while MMT maintains that the natural or “logically untrained” humanmind can make no sense of this pattern whatsoever.

30This is an example given by Darwin himself, in an attempt, a failed one, alas, to show that the caninemind isn’t qualitatively different that yours and ours; see (Darwin 1997).

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power of dogs.

6. LAMATM, HyperSlateTM, and HyperGraderTM Are Based on Deep Mathematical Theoriesof Cognition and Computation. This isn’t the place to explain the mathematics inquestion; we convey only the core idea here in rapid, intuitive fashion; sedulousreaders are invited to carry out further investigation.31 Our quick, intuitive explanationis based on Figure 3.This figure takes the agent and HyperSlateTM workspace, together, as capable of solv-ing problems supplied from some outside source; we can refer to this source as theenvironment. The environment supplies problems to be solved by the duo of humanand HyperSlateTM; this collaboration, note is indicated in Figure 3. In the abstract,challenges are in the form of a question; this is also shown in the figure. The questionis usually whether some given statement p , expressed as a formula�p , can be provedfrom some given set of statements, expressed as a set � of formulae. When the giveninformation is absent, we have a case where � is the empty (= null) set ;. In that casethe challenge is to prove�p without the benefit of some starting premises or axioms.Sometimes the human agent in this scheme can operate mechanically, with minimumingenuity. This is the case when the human operating with HyperSlateTM can followan algorithm. In the course of this book, students will acquire a number of algorithmswhich, when followed (or executed), allow significant progress to be made toward asolution to the problem confronting the student. This said, even beginning deductivelogic includes challenges that cannot be met by any algorithm. (The discovery of thisfact was momentous in the history of formal logic and computation, and is discussedlater.) We’ll get to such challenges soon enough; they are part of the fun of studyinglogic!

7. Extending Formal Deductive Logic Beyond the Merely Symbolic/Linguistic to the Picto-rial/Diagrammatic. One of the most astounding things about the field of logic is thatwhile it has been going strong for well over two millennia, only the tiniest speck of thediscipline during that rather long stretch has been devoted to the study of reasoningover pictorial information. Everything other than this speck has been taken up inreasoning over representations that are symbolic (or, as it’s sometimes said, sententialor linguistic). In LAMATM, logic is based on representations that are symbolic andpictorial, and in Chapter 8, such heterogeneous logic is introduced, and students aretaught how to construct proofs that employ both diagrams and formulae.

8. Extending Formal Deductive Logic to Intersect with Uncertainty/Probability. Standardpractice in the coverage of high-school mathematics is to try to distinguish betweendeductive and inductive reasoning.32 Deduction is said to be a process of inferring“facts” from “facts” in such a way that the inferences are certain. In constrast, to induc-tively reason to some proposition from some information means that that proposition

31Where should they start? They will need to learn formal deductive logic one “notch” beyond astandard introductory logic course, but full assimilation of the present book, which as we have noted isadvanced, will suffice. Assimilation of only the non-advanced introductory content under the LAMATM

paradigm would require a second course in formal logic, often called “intermediate” formal logic.Autodidacts can e.g. consult either or (better) both of (Boolos, Burgess & Jeffrey 2003) and (Ebbinghaus,Flum & Thomas 1994). Second, they will need a solid upper-undergraduate course in the theory ofcomputation; a candidate book is (Lewis & Papadimitriou 1981). Third, they will need to become familiarwith what are today called Kolmogorov-Uspenskii machines; one should begin with the locus classicus:(Kolmogorov & Uspenskii 1958).

32Note e.g. the first section heading ‘2.1 Patterns and Inductive Reasoning’ given in the progressionreproduced in footnote 9. In addition, online mini-lessons available from The Khan Academy attemptto distinguish between inductive versus deductive reasoning (e.g., see this tutorial).

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is only for instance likely given the information, even if the information is 100% true.This distinction is invariably made in such a way that an insuperable divide is formedbetween the two modes of reasoning, with logic pushed completely over to the deduc-tive side of the house, and things like statistics and probability are left to tend to theother side. It’s amazing but true that this unwise and inaccurate division is made aswell by seemingly competent scientists and engineers. The problem with the divisionis simply that logic covers both deductive and inductive reasoning; it’s just that the lat-ter type of reasoning is covered not by standard deductive logic, but rather by inductivelogic. LAMATM is based on a treatment of logic that unifies deductive and inductivereasoning, and the kernel of the unification is explained in Chapter 9, in which somesimple inductive logics in the LAMATM style are presented. (Naturally enough, sincethe present book is an introduction to deductive logic, the treatment of inductive logicis minimal.) It is these inductive logics that allow the deductive-inductive unificationto be accomplished.

9. Seamless Innteroperability and Integration with a Corresponding Type of Logic-basedComputer Programming. Some of our readers will have some familiarity with com-puter programming; and some of these readers will specifically be acquainted withthe fact that computer programming can be pursued within fundamentally different(indeed, in many ways radically different) paradigms. For example, in the imperativeor procedural paradigm, which is unfortunately almost without exception what istaught to youth in the pre-secondary and secondary grades in technologized nations,the basic idea, put simply, is that a computer program consists in a series of instruc-tions to do this, then that, then this, with the possibility for branching and iterationincluded in this step-by-step approach. For instance, a procedural program to com-pute the exponentiation function exp(n , m ) = n m on positive integers might codifythe following basic do-this-then-that algorithm:33

A: Set the value of result to n .

B: If m = 1, PRINT result and STOP.

C: Set counter to 2.

D: Multiply result ⇥n ; and set result to this product.

E: If counter = m , PRINT result and STOP; otherwise, increment counter by 1,and go to line D.

Let’s call this algorithm ‘A,’ and let’s assume that some procedural program PA thatregiments the algorithm A is available. Now suppose that Johnny is wondering whether25 equals 32; perhaps he has received this question from his teacher: “Is 25 equal to32?”. One possible move in response is for Johnny to follow A by hand and see whathe gets, and then give his answer to the teacher. Another possible move is to give asinput 2 and 5 to PA and see what he gets as output. If he doesn’t make a mistake in hismanual implementation of A on this input, and if the program PA doesn’t malfunction(and he has made no mistake when suppplying the input to the program), Johnnywill reply with a Yes to his teacher. However, what if the teacher is just a bit moredemanding? Specifically, what if she says to Johnny: “Are you sure? How do youknow that the correct answer is Yes?” Now Johnny has a problem. He will need tomove beyond the procedural paradigm in order to answer the teacher’s follow-upquestion. He will need to somehow prove that the affirmative answer is correct, and

33This is a very naïve algorithm, but for expository purposes is adequate.

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the only way he can do that is to turn to logic. The beauty and power of the approachto programming that LAMTM fits is that when the computer provides an answer onthe strength of executing a pure general logic program, a proof that that answer iscorrect is automatically provided as well. This is so because the answer is producedvia automated deduction, and the deduction to produced the answer is in fact a proof,one that is retained, checked, and verified. Such programs are at the heart of whatBringsjord calls pure general logic programming, or just PGLP for short.

PGLP is an extension of the programming paradigm known simply as ‘logic program-ming.’ Logic programming is a programming paradigm is one in which a programthat captures the exponentiation function includes two components: namely, oneconsisting of a set � of declarative formulae that formally define the positive integersand the relevant arithmetic (addition, multiplication, exponentiation) on them; and,secondly, a process that searches for a proof of an given individual formula � from�. (In the case of Johnny,� would of course express the informal statement that tworaised to the fifth power is 32.) In the pure logic programming paradigm for com-puter programming, only the first of these components is something humans need tobother themselves with. Unfortunately, pure logic programming is something that’snot achieved by the most popular “logic progrmmaing” language, Prolog. The reasonis that in using Prolog, humans must in fact concern themselves with the secondcomponent. Beyond pure logic programming is what we have alluded to already, justabove: again, pure general logic programming, or again, simply the acroynm ‘PGLP.’.PGLP includes the purity that inheres in being able to blithely ignore the second com-ponent, and includes the formalisms that allow the human programming to generalizeaway from standard first-order logic and fragments thereof to any formal logic obeyingcertain conditions. Given that there are logic-programming languages that are lessexpressive and hence less powerful even than Prolog (e.g., Proplog, which is has noprovision for quantifiers and identify), we have the following basic progressionP aswhat summarizes our discussion:

Figure 1: The Logicist Programming ProgressionP

——PGLP (pure general logic programmg)


pure logic programming"

Prolog (logic programming)"

Proplog etc. (restricted logic programming)——

Now, what is the relationship between the LAMATM paradigm, specifically includingthe present book, and the progression shown in Figure 1? The present book, LAMA-BDLA, will position those readers who assimilate it to move on directly to a deepunderstanding of the entire progressionP , and to corresponding skill at using logic-programming languages like Prolog. However, notice that we say that the readerwill be in position to acquire deep understanding. We don’t say that assimilation ofLAMA-BDLA gives the student all that is needed. The reason is that the key theorems

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the underlie logic programming and Prolog aren’t covered in the current version ofLAMA-BDLA.34

10. Logic as the Emerging Foundation for Rigorous Science. Finally, our modern approachreflects the fact that formal logic is the lingua franca of all intellectual pursuits thatstrive for true rigor. As an example, physics, at the start of our new millennium, is beinggradually expressed in formal logic; this is true, for instance, for quantum mechanicsand special and general relativity (e.g. see Andréka, Madarász & Németi 2007, Andréka,Madarász, Németi & Székely 2011). A second example is one we have already alludedto above: The verification that software and software-based beings (e.g., robots) willbehave as we desire them to behave is advancing on the strength of the only effectiveresource we have to meet such a challenge: formal logic. We believe that students ofbeginning deductive logic must be given a sense of the connection between formallogic and rigorous science and engineering. This textbook reflects this belief.

Figure 2: The Universe of Logics

We present now a simple, anticipatory example that briefly shows the first fiveof the properties just enumerated, in action.

0.3 The Hallmarks in Action in an Example

To begin, take a look at Figure 4. This figure shows an argument, built in a graphicalworkspace, where that argument is expressed as a hypergraph, for a conclusion

34E.g., Herbrand’s Theorem is fundamental to logic programming, and is not covered in the currentversion of LAMA-BDLA.

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Figure 3: Pictorial Encapsulation of the Underlying Mathematics of LAMA and Slate

that we claim follows conclusively from the three shown premises. The graph hasfive nodes; three are labelled PREMISE1, PREMISE2, and PREMISE3; each of these, asyou might guess, contains a premise. A fourth node is labelled CONCLUSION, andnaturally enough contains the conclusion of the argument. A fifth node, rather moremysterious, contains this: FOL ` X . We’ll return to the meaning of this informationmomentarily. Study the graph a bit more. Do you agree that the conclusion, whichexpresses the proposition that Larry and Lucy like each other, can be correctlydeduced from these premises?

Perhaps you aren’t sure how to answer, because the phrase ‘can be correctlydeduced’ is a bit unclear to you. (It should be at least somewhat unclear to you,since making it clear is one of the reasons for the remainder of the present book!)We can begin to fix that immediately. What we mean is this: Is it true that if thethree premises are assumed to be true, then it must be true that Larry and Lucylike each other? This is just another way of asking whether mutual liking betweenLarry and Lucy can be correctly deduced from the three premises, because anytime a statement can be correctly deduced from a set of premises, that statementabsolutely, positively must be true if the premises are true.

We assume that your answer to this question is in the affirmative. (If you disagree,you haven’t done enough thinking about the figure. So you might wish to return toit now before proceeding.35)

Now, let’s see how the first five properties above, all hallmarks of LAMA, are putinto action in connection with this example. Giving each of these five propertiesmnemonic labels, and keeping them in the order in which they were presented

35If, after sustained thinking about whether, given the premises here, Larry and Lucy must like eachother, you fail to apprehend that indeed they must, you should probably find a fellow human fluent inEnglish, and in conversation with him or her make sure you understand in this case what the Englishmeans.

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above, we can list them now economically as follows. After the shorthand list, wedeploy the label in our discussion, bolding each occurrence of a label.

1. automated reasoning

2. modern logics

3. graphical workspaces

4. cognitive science and AI

5. underlying mathematical theory

First, it should come as no surprise to you that despite whatever other powersSlate has, it doesn’t have the power to understand all of English as easily as a humancan. Slate does understand many formal languages, and advanced versions of Slatedo understand parts of English, but here in this introductory book we will be workingwith a version of Slate that doesn’t automatically convert English into formal logic.More generally, we will be working with a version of Slate that doesn’t automaticallyconvert sentences in — what we have already called — natural languages (a classthat includes not only English, but German, Norwegian, Japanese, etc.) to formulaein formal logic. Given this, for us in this book, part of the point of studying formallogic is to gain an ability to cast important parts of a natural language (in our case:English) into formal logic. And specific to the case at hand, we have therefore takenit upon ourselves to convert the English you see in Figure 4 to formal logic.

It turns out that though Aristotle was a smart chap, his logic (which you’ll recall isThe Theory of the Syllogism) is not up to the challenge of representing the argumentabout Larry and Lucy seen in Figure 4. But one of the modern logics that Slatehas facility with, aforementioned full first-order logic (or, for short, FOL), has littleproblem with our specimen involving Larry and Lucy. If you now look again atFigure 4, you’ll see that three arcs flow into that mysterious node that contains ared X immediately after this:


What on earth does this mean? Well, we just introduced you to the abbreviation‘FOL.’ What you know at this point is that this is an abbreviated name for a particularlogic (first-order logic). (Of course, you don’t know anything significant about FOL,but that’s fine; this is after all just the Preface.) What Slate as an automated reasoneris saying here via its red cross after FOL ` is this: “Dear User, the argument that youhave given me is not a valid deduction in the logic FOL. Sorry.”

However, when we translate the English into FOL for Slate, the system is smartenough to instantly declare that the conclusion can indeed be deduced from thethree premises. This declaration is shown in Figure 5. Notice specifically that nowSlate has presented an encouraging 3; this signals that the proposed deduction isindeed valid in FOL. Of course, you don’t yet know exactly what the funny symbolsthat you now see in the figure mean; that understanding will come. You will simplyhave to trust us at this early point that Slate is indeed right that the deduction is valid,on the strength of its automated reasoning power. Later, after you’ve learned someformal logic, you will yourself be able to prove that Slate is indeed correct. And aftergaining a facility to verify that Slate is right when it issues an oracular declaration,

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Figure 4: An Argument for Mutual Liking Between Larry and Lucy

you will come to see that Slate is pretty close to infallible. Slate has considerableintelligence, and as we said above, in our modern approach to learning logic, thestudent learns by interacting with a machine “being” that itself has sub-human butnonetheless considerable — and helpful — intelligence.

Figure 5: Slate Confirms Mutual Liking Between Larry and Lucy

Notice that in the course of our discussion, the third property on the list above,that is graphical workspaces, has been used. Well, even if you haven’t had anyformal logic before, it’s a good bet that you have been exposed to arguments andproofs that are both textual and linear in form, rather than what you have seen inFigures 4 and 5. In this old, linear, purely textual style, one sees things like this:

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(1) Llamas don’t like themselves.(2) Larry is a llama.

© (3) Larry doesn’t like himself. (from (1) & (2)

We have already said that when you inspect the notebooks of sophisticatedhuman problem solvers, you rarely find anything as stark and one-dimensionalas this kind of sterile progression. In general, line-by-line textual proofs reflect aslavish conformity to formats sometimes seen in computer science, where the oldand venerable schemes for understanding the essence of computation do includesuch rigid ones at the Turing machine,36 and where a finished computer programoften does take exactly the form of a line-by-line progression of text. In addition,there is a longstanding tradition in the teaching of elementary, formal logic to askstudents to proceed in rigid, line-by-line form, using indentation when necessaryto indicate sub-proofs. But in learning logic in this day and age we shouldn’t belimited by such straight-jackets. And fortunately, with Slate to help us, we aren’t.In fact, the great news is that it can be proved that Slate is powerful enough toexpress any of the old-fashioned line-by-line proofs, should anyone want to workin the antiquated style. (It can also be proved that other graph-based formats fordescribing deduction can also be expressed in Slate.37) In the chapters to come, alot more will be said about, and done in, Slate’s workspaces.

What about the remaining attributes in the quintet? Well, in our little examplewe have in fact seen in action, at least implicitly, the fourth and fifth attributes.The ability to translate the English statements contained within the nodes of thegraph shown in Figure 4 into the formulas shown in the nodes of the graph shownin Figure 5 was of course required. You don’t yet have this ability, but cognitivescience tells us that that ability can indeed be cultivated, and of course the adventureyou are about to take is designed to achieve exactly that cultivation. And what ofthe fifth attribute? Here you will have to trust us for the time being that anyoneable to move from Figure 4 to Figure 5 in Slate has indeed conformed to our deepunderlying mathematical theory of problem solving (which, as you’ll recall, is atleast intuitively encapsulated in Figure 3). That said, we do now briefly describe onealgorithm that we executed in order to convert the English version of PREMISE3 tosome of the symbolization in PREMISE3’. We conceive of the algorithm as receivingarguments as input, and producing values as outputs. The particular algorithm inquestion receives an English statement s of the form “Name is an R”; and it runs asfollows.

1. Convert Name to a constant c in the logic in question. (In this case, thelogic is FOL.)

2. Convert R to a relation symbol R in the logic in question. (In this case, thelogic, again, is FOL.)

3. Assemble the formula R(c) from the results of 1. and 2.; and return thisformula.

36Introduced by Turing (1937), and thereafter named in his honor. These machines are briefly describedin Chapter 1.

37E.g., in § it’s shown that so-called resolution graphs, which use resolution inference schemata,can be easily and accurately expressed as Slate hypergraphical proofs.

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Of course, this is only one “building-block” algorithm that we ran in order to producethe symbolization shown in Figure 5 from the raw English shown in Figure 4, butthis is after all only the Preface, and we thus rest content with your having but anintuitive sense of what’s involved in moving from all of the English shown in theformer figure to all of the logical notation shown in the latter one.

We anticipate this from the alert reader: “Ok, but what about the ninth propertyof a modern approach to deductive logic?” In what sense and in what way is theLAMA paradigm reflective of your claim that formal logic is the basis of even rigorousphysical and natural science? Good question. At this point you will need to take usat our word, and trust us that logic is the steadily emerging universal language ofscientific rigor. (Hence, if you perceive scientific rigor where no logic is used, youare misperceiving.) We will provide the evidence in due course. We will also providein due course the material you must master to speak this universal language.

Finally, we humbly acknowledge in gratitude those devoted and brilliant in-telligence analysts who, in the embryonic days of the LAMA paradigm and Slate,provided helpful comments and insights; and also the many RPI students who havelikewise provided then, and indeed still provide — in connection with a more matureversion of the LAMA paradigm and its technologies — now, valuable feedback.

Selmer BringsjordNaveen Sundar G.

Joshua Taylor