BEFORE STATE SOU$ DlAKOTA · 2007-01-30 · such gross receipts received during the preGWinQ Cat@q

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Page 1: BEFORE STATE SOU$ DlAKOTA · 2007-01-30 · such gross receipts received during the preGWinQ Cat@q
Page 2: BEFORE STATE SOU$ DlAKOTA · 2007-01-30 · such gross receipts received during the preGWinQ Cat@q
Page 3: BEFORE STATE SOU$ DlAKOTA · 2007-01-30 · such gross receipts received during the preGWinQ Cat@q



S DC L 49-1 A-1 es tabtishes the Sou$ Oakof& Pu3fruc UB&lfr@s {:&@$!+%f&i~~

(Commission) Gross Receipts Tax Fmd 745i.s SriM w %MWI@ by sb&$%iB$hr & ~ B x @f @&% or $250, whichever 1s greater, an the anrrua! 1filrasf8ke gtd&dilrli c~~@a(pts t~G@ti".c"M by & ,&&i?$i from the company's customers within t h ~ state 6f %ab1h ID&kO'h&. '&k%$ f m f f G d @%@$ telecommunications companies submit on Sun% "f. each @I@F, B F@@%? of fWo W k ~ & i at such gross receipts received during the preGWinQ Cat@q<%&f yE33i $?TP@ 8W Mi penalty of 10% sf the tax is imposed far each menth "tf d@!iaQ~m~y

Despite reminder letters from the camrutl-ssrhn Ora %by 5 =%.. w& J ~ f y I& 2QaQ l-fome Owners Long Distance, tnc. (Ham@ &Wmfs; h&3 f$F!@d/ $9 &44$ && F&*&%~Q@ ?bg@T &WG$ pay the gross receipts tax.

Pursuant to SDCL 49-1 A&. the GomrBb50aofk m8g c~tla@% tbrS @%&$ by d@t%%% sale of any personai property of f)7d? wrnpa6li werbin !bul!r D&k@t% FPI@BQP% &I& Commissior: has t h e authority, under SDCL 49.-3.'f-3, IO su$ip*fid 3c f&t("@k& dh& c@@%6@di,a of authority granted to the company, assess a Gwrl fin@ BQ&i$k%t ih& G~2.6flWay $ta& %$4% $-1,000 under SDCL 49-31 -38; pr~rcseed kind~f $Oc% &9+3*$ -4it& 2 %% &$ld,% *,% 3 ta &tw E%@ company from transacting any future busirass9 an 8~%3$~ ri1$3&&k&% &f tOkO @&y @$P?@F enforcement acttons against the wmpa,T'y aiIo&%$ by Iw~

Home Owners shall appear 061 Novtssmbst f . Zw- &% $ Lb3 &A&5 {GSq $3 !f%% 6&tug Conference Room, State Capitof Buiirfing, 500 & C;'.s~kt@i. %Yf"eadfrgt. 8 a ~ h El&k@g&. t@ %&w cause why action should not be taken against 4he ammy F@~)li; f@ah'$@ e@rnp$y WJ$W ~ D C L Chapter 49-1 A. The bearing is being he!@ 'rtfpufsuan! 40 Garngt?@~m'% pdf!&&@f~@n Qydi~ f -

teiecornmunications companies found aP $Bet, Chaptafs dfG%3- 4@*% 47%%?W., ~64,d$&2 O specifically, 49-'1-7 1(4), 49-1 A-3, 49-?44, 4@-8&-9, ~ i 9 - l A ~ & ~ 4 4@ 3?:3, @fiQ AR$@ 20: 10:01:45.

The issue at the hearing is wh@ther the C ~ m n ~ ~ s r d n $k&fl O;m ~r %~j_f@@aB br" ~&?;$EQ

Horne Owners's Certificate of Awthorlt y, assass a ~ 4 ~ 4 Btng ,agatas%a $agfigjl~~?y. r % r ~ ; f ~ institute collection proceedings stgaiflsk tdarnrs f2S+dners fa fdiiuf@ f~ g%#,#,y ~;:@s$ .* f@$#$~@$$ t&&

The hear~ng shall be at? adversary praceabing cand~cfeti @td%~~&n$ $9 Satit. Chapter 1-26. All parties have the right tu l ; ~ pre5s:lt and B4 b& ~%gf@%*it"rt%3 && attorney. These rights and other due ptoclrss rrghta sb-ia218 b@ a'afl%rfsd l b MI &S$~~G$~$W a$ the hearing If you or your representative faif to appear at 1h& fsm% a@& @&e& $@f t $ ~ + hearing, the Final Decision vvili be based satety an t h ~ gestrmany L F T ~ e w i d ~ % ~ p$~'izgdh.i:$

Page 4: BEFORE STATE SOU$ DlAKOTA · 2007-01-30 · such gross receipts received during the preGWinQ Cat@q

if any, during the hearing or a Final Decrsion may be tssu~dl by de4aug Qu~$F,L~OF %BGk- 1-26-20. After the hearing, the Cornrnissiari will consider ail/ Gvrderr", st74 t@$fjWrsy fma was presented at the hearing. The Cornmisstan wiit tt"~erri; eater %rf;rdangs i,f foe{, Conclusions of Law, and a Final Decisicn regarding this mattikr A& a res~kI ~f the h & ~ ~ e f i ~ _ the Commission shall determine whether to fine, or suspend t=lr revoke O-befio O3m@i"9+3 Cert~fimte of Authority, assess a civil fine against the canparny- aordiar tnslifuts wil@~k~li@ proceedings against Home Bw~nters for faili.~re to pay gross relmipts fax. The Csrnmt%~ta~'$ Final Decision nay be appealed by the parties to tho sta~:e @tfcufi C ~ u f i &P& skers Supreme Court as provided by law. It is thorefare

ORDERED, that a show cause hearing in the rnait@r at Hame QWO@PS $hail be Mi6 on November I , 2000, at 900 A.M. (CST) in the Cactus Cat?fei.st.sce P ; Q G ~ - 8t~ t& ca~gf0k Building, 500 E. Capitol, Pierre, South Dakota. Antj tf i$

FURTHER ORDERED, that, in the event Wame Owr*ter;% %&%ti RFe abPa a@prrs@f:,sre report and pay the delinquent grass receipts tax, inciudiiurg &GI ? P A OBWIP~ YOk ~ Q F R of delinquency, the hearing and actions meMiafled hamif8 shehi fiat be held oe kakm, otherwise this order shall remain in effect.

Pursuant to the Americans with Disablkrtiss Act, "z%i& haasrn~ Being ti@@ M k& physically accessible location. Please contad !ha Ftibirc Ut/?iti@~ C@t~missrsa st t *8W- 332-1 782 at least 48 hours prior to the hearing i f @rr haye apecra! DB$& %a 01~8g@m&flt% can be made to accommodate you,

Dated at Pierre, South Dakota, this 5th day af 066biet, ZQOO


I The undersrgned hereby certifies that this document has been served today upon all parties of record rn thrs docket, as lrsted on tlie docket servlce I~st, by facs~rnrle or by firs1 class mall, In properly

Page 5: BEFORE STATE SOU$ DlAKOTA · 2007-01-30 · such gross receipts received during the preGWinQ Cat@q

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Page 6: BEFORE STATE SOU$ DlAKOTA · 2007-01-30 · such gross receipts received during the preGWinQ Cat@q

South Dakota Publip: Utilifiss G@ri"~ii%d&@lOn

VtBEEKLY FlkfHGS For the Period at October 5,2000 fitr~~ugh (Q~-;t@b&r 93, 2-

If you need a complete copy sf a filing faxed, sti$+"rrt_gh? &~x@zei$s+~@ @ -%4$@$ B ytY(3 ~ ~ E S S R contact Delaine Kalbo witmn $.a& busr?@sx ddyg bi: i'-,&lp -

Phone: 885-773-3705 Fax- ~O$?2$.1~@~Q

Eh00-029 In the M Ex pecde Customers.

An application by Xcel Energy, Inc. for appr0'1slt17 3 %&@af&fidurn &f &fiQ%VS2&~-cd#$ %%rMt w%& provide benefits to its customers and sew~ca :a.mfar$ %+a % Fil~d && ~5~e Cas9m*%@3~ Grtg44 Energy, Inc. proposes to provide an aeditionet anti"fibu5~~ iG $ 4 ~ Q L ~ W & ~em%4miQ QPY~&D~B@: investment within its service letritory for a lir~rit@d f2ma a%! 8%58 B@v&@% 2 &M&F%&&>~%& $&%%I moratorium until May 1, 2004, The ag#eement, is ba.rn@ of!&r&;BSb f& /pf~ti28@ :,Y@ &&$&% &tp@G%w$ benefits of the recent merger betwen NQr"tben"r Stsf@% ~ ~ v & r G ~ ~ r n p o ~ y B&&@@W &fi%~w Energies Company.

Staff Analyst: Dave Jacobson Staff Attorney: Karen Crernet Date Docketed: 10!10/00 Intervention Deadline: NA

TC00-146 In the Matter of ACC Natisnal Dhglr~10 C&1'w@@ti@@ #&k& %%& International Communit=atians4 P&iCut& 9@ %u&~4! 4 &@@fi $,&&g B&4 Receipts Tax,

TC80-147 In the Matter of AGCU~Q~, GzsTRw~uP~~$~@o@~~ !Re,*& $@$4~a 4O $M@B& & &@m%- and Pay the Gross Re~ei@t")?t~ Tax,

TCOB-148 in the Matter af ACOMM, lns,'s Fa'ltrarg t@ B~bfiyri% R%p@sian La$# P&y $&Q ammi Receipts Tax,

TC00-q49 In the Matter of Atlantic Tstlephons Campany.. i-t$o,b Faifgrn tul! $~XYmit a Repart and Pay the Gra$s Rec&ipSr; Tax,

TC00-I50 In the Matter of ClearPoin? Commtr~lrica~ia~s, jnc,"~ & & ~ u w $96 3.li~bmg & Raprig@ and Pay the Gmss Receipts 'Tax*

YC00-151 In the Matter of Coiurnbja 'TelacnmmunS~a6iana~ !#e :,&f& &Xeg@&+% F&93~q& Submit a Report and Pay kbs Gross SCecsk@;s, Tax.

TC00-'is2 On the WCafAer of ConnectAmerica, frsc, dfhh I='asx"tn&ci U9' %&il~~m 89 $irbmtil& Report and Pay the G r o s s Receipts Tax=

TCOB-153 In t h e Matter of CanQuest OperaaDr S@mices $psrpdFa P%tBur% .i@ h~&mi-5 c Report and Pay the Gross Receipts Tax-

Page 7: BEFORE STATE SOU$ DlAKOTA · 2007-01-30 · such gross receipts received during the preGWinQ Cat@q

TCOD-154 in the Matter of Federal TransTel, Inc.'s Failtrro t d ~ $bb#;zit & RCBDI~? a w %pF

the Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of Home Owners Long Qistance, Irlc-'.s Faih.rm t~ ?kiin'bi~ie~%~ @ Report and Pay the Gross Receipts Tax,

f n the Matter of IdeaIDial Corporation's Failure 50 S~ltsn~rtS; ;I Repr;sw the Gross Receipts Tax.

in the- Matter of Inacorn Communications, Inc.'s fai lu~e ts %bibmR @ %&I@$&#$

and Pay the Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of Inmark, Inc. dlbla Preferred Billing's Failurtg t& 84%Bm~f Report and Pay the Gross Receipts Tax,

In the Matter of International Telecomrnunicationts C',orp, D$s@@@t% Direct Dialing's Failure to Submit a Repart and Pdiy tbra Grt"d$% %$s9g% Ym

in the Matter of Legends Communicatiarrs, Ilnc.'s FaiFura tB %u$m$t & R$@$$% and Pay the Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of Long Distance America, 1nc~'s Failcrror ta 9ubmR B R@@q@ l ~ $ Pay the Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of NeTel, Inc. dlbla TEL3's Failure ta Subrrrlt ly l"bwfl &fiS@ gV&$ the Gross Receipts Tax.

Pn the Matter of Nor Communications, Inc.'s Ffiillnrn ta Suf*dr~i\t & R&p$A &$%I$ Pay the Gross Receipts Tax.

TCW-154 In the Matter of Qcc Incorporated's Failure to Submit a Wgap~rt a@& Fb%i# 8!$@ Gross Receipts Tax.

TGOQ-165 in the Matter of Quest Telecornmunicatic~ns, Inc. d/b/a QTY% $&i\@~* t@ @M&F$$? a Report and Pay the Grass Receipts Tax.

f GOO-365 In t he Matter of SBR, inc.'s Failure to Submit a Report and Pa-y tiY@ @F%&% Receipts Tax.

TC00-167 In the Matter of USBG, Inc.'s Failure to Submit a Repart an4 Pay bh@ Bt@.;& Receipts Tax.

The above cumpanies shall appear on November 1, 2000, at 9:QU a m. Irr ihpt Cr;rct& G,ri:~e:+n-*,$

Room, State Capital Building, Pierre, SD, to show cause why act~on s h ~ ~ ~ l d 331 b& i&b+~?+ d/k94&j,126

',fie cacnpany for failure to corriply with SDCL Chapter 49-1A.

"wepwty Executive Director: Sue Cichos $:sf$ Attorney Karen Cremer D2!e D~ske:ed: 10105/00 ;ieil.nng Date: ? 1101/00

"F00-jGb3 in the Matter of the Application of IDT America, Carp, for a Ga~trS"iaa~& td Authority to Provide Telecomln~~nications Services in 8 ~ u t h D&k@t&-

Page 8: BEFORE STATE SOU$ DlAKOTA · 2007-01-30 · such gross receipts received during the preGWinQ Cat@q

IDT America, Corp. 1s seek~ng a Certtficata of AulEtarbpy :a pti$"lir@& u & r p g t ~ ~ 4 . % % ~ & telecommunication services in South Dakota, The app$r@fil[ is a ~@z&thr gR. f 4&yt3+~3,4 g2- ;,$Q? 5 = MTS, I OIXXXX, prepaid calltng card. fat1 free. and f$k;s~aa"gei;i& &j%rpipca?& sz$&~mz F% &-is ?:i.?~

all points within South Dakota.

Staff Analyst: Keith Senger Date Docketed: 10/05100 Intervention Deadline: 10127,'00

TC00-I 69 In the Matter of the Filing fcrs Apprsv&l af % Reiah A~w&m&fit b e m e Corporation and FIatef, Lnc-

A Resale Interconnection Agreement behwen Qwest C Q ~ ' D & {Q~Y"LZSP! m d ~ & $ & $z% 'sr~Q9 filed with the Commission for approval, The agreement fs a Beg$ti&t98 tji@@m@f~% %%iC% 98% forth the terms, conditions and prices under which Qwes &ill$ p$~vfd@ 'hIY6 U?"ib&*+%e@ N@PWQJ"K Element Platform and/or services for resafe fo Ffatel tha ]pfavk%i~rr- of famf $a$ra+d~@ %&rdu,$Os Any party wishing to corsm-ient on the agreement msy C$Q SQ by Qlmg &6ze@$? @%~J&QTP wtkW %@ Comniission and the parties to the agreement na later hsb 'rDctabbr 2s. @~fiis% $3 E3%

agreement may file written responses 20 the cammcrtts AB I~ I~QF:%~Q B V G ~ V 1%- $14 service of the initial comments.

Staff Attorney: Karen Cremer Date Docketed: 10106100 Initial Comments Due: 10126100

TC00-170 In the Matter of the Applicaliozt rclf 3E;ONatworks jt;$8Af iW, f@l XI^ C&t*Slwt& @f Authority Po Provide Locaf ExbharrgQ $@rufc&% i m SaMb b k ~ t 4 ,

360networks (USA) inc. is seeking a Cettificate bf 62uthQsty ilQ ptGqrdB $$%at4 @r"rd fidtGi$&!%s*6>2~1*$ local exchange service in South Dakota, ln~liaily, the 3ppgm1~1 ~ u l l gf&vi@:! fiQ$'c.~%~v1t::&df$ dedicated and private line, high capacity fiber aptre trann3?is!t;iafi ~iap~gtfy a&& &m@%% S&~YI.G&$ and will eventually expect to offer a braad range r3;% V;JIQEZ B ~ S S d9'i$Iac;;a! axa&fIg@ fG%t.c,ls :D business and residential customers throughout the $late

Staff Analyst: Heather Forney Date Docketed: 1011 0100 lntervention Deadline: 10/27/00

You may receive this listing and other PUG pubiieatronu via toot rpp@bti?,% M?~$B iat/t~%t: m ~ 4 , You may subscribe or unsubscribe to tho PtiC rrwiiifig Oiat;b at Xt&fg:~~'w4skta&J~11g%B4y~&S

Page 9: BEFORE STATE SOU$ DlAKOTA · 2007-01-30 · such gross receipts received during the preGWinQ Cat@q



5 QRBER Z Tern*-% S!!i

On October 5,2000, the Oulsiic tltrfttres G@mrw3sistiofi IG~~I~%G%F!&W~ i%sgwz & &iisl&4 BF et-+$ Notice of Show Cause Heanng against Horn& X3m~& Q B ~ Os&eg~,~& ifih," jtyk$w~ -*-bi"sb +R

lo submit an annual report acd pay !he gcass T@CE+~!S fax %%@I rf~e&@trl~ >fi~%& 2% gt$%&%dte ( 3 ~ November 1, 2000, at 9:00 A.M,, in the Gaaua C~mf&rene@ R3ik@+w &t;%f& Ga@@@$&~t&q+ %&%7 @ Capitol, Pierre, South Dakota The rsasorti for ~lse haanng ru9i*a,% ZBI g i ~ ~ HKW*& L%vm &- @&mt%g~~r;t~

to show cause why the Commission sbr;srld fiat fev-$k~ 131% Cv~ii%id~s%te &f&@m%y$ QF @%FT S@&e~f$&f$ actions, for failure to submit i;n annu86 regM &% r&qg:f&d $\;li.RG& 29 $& & &P $&$r%@ p p ~ s receipts fax as required by SDCL 49-2 A- 3 C ~ ~ O B E ~ S $ ~ & @ F % &~i'fg, &+&gw~%!~~ %@% present. Also present were Karen E, C r e r n ~ r ~ C ~ m m r ~ a ~ ~ e SttlE &i$#rtqZw f&&@&~ g%$4g?a Executive Director ior the C~lmm1~5bn Ra i&@T&t%&n!&~t?@ 08 &!&4% om$& &g%#wa & :&&-~%Mt?q After hearing the testimony, the Camrnissr~a I~"zx-?& 96~.%&@1w~&ff-# @d@%@ %$P,E &@f@jl;i% GLC%~~~T~&I~ of Authority for failure to pay the grass ssC@rpt% I&x

The Commission, having heard rha fs$iirna&f @es#+je~ IH ?$c $T%&A~%@ .., 8~&&9 !L@@ $ + ~ ~ ~ ~ v L + ~ ~ Q

Findings of Facl and Conciusiorrs of t&&,

1 Home Owners w a tetet=omm~kn~a&Q@% Crn~@Vy &LW%P@ P C@E&4&1& &? ~ M ~ R O ~ I . P # , ~~29sce@ by this Commission, to provide teteso*munrraT;aGl"r-f Mx"li*C%@ a& $&%,PSR D@h~t&"

2. Sue Cichos, D&pttty Exewlrva O ~ ~ t t l i ~ f%' ih& GM!wJ~~c$%~c~ *WT$ W$i%r% %@ ~ 3 1 4 @ % ~ ~ $:$WY+T$ on May 5, 2000, and July 18, 2000, rsqerestcoQ p;;$ytA@P4 igf%%o m$&~@$:& ?&I& &% ~ $ % % ~ A W C % L&

SDCi 49-1A-1, She testified t h ~ t f4ante &+rssr's R&$@k @&4Te$&dk ~!Y$B% f$i:;&tgfjh i&=

3. A corn of the Grder for and N68ich. as Sbaw G@a%0 ?r.f.$&t+~jg %&4 $&ctf fgp ;~kg~% l ~ ~ , r ~ t . t tsj-, Home Owners an October 5, 2000

4. No represent;; ttve of W~me i % * ~ f l ~ b % $%@pea?&@ ot :rr& % c & ~ P z $ ~ ~ ~2 %fi$w $&it$r::* .&$E+# 'i.@s Cornmisston should not revoke its Ceeifr~,fik& @f r&ukb~t~tg

1. The Commission has junsrJic3l1on &h--htr@ r%?&l~&t~ pgt34atsfii.i: 3- ?:if%:& 3 t 5 ~ Fa& 3 .$& $4 *t 49-1A-5, 49-?A-6, and 49-31-3,

2. Pursuant to 49-1A-3 the Gan;mt$ua:a ~jsse%$e% a t,~.? &s :Jg.,-$ 3Z;;Pw mqct~q,v. L r ,

greater, on the annual intrastate grass teGUrprs recd~v81: *q L $@4@c&~?i~fm~i~t~tgg~sh,c T $ S _ F ~ ~ % # B F ~ ~ F ~ : FF++

cornpanys customers withtn the state of Snrrfh D%Cxrt& PG$%C$&B; $43 &?$ :A,& f ~ e zX&t gIk6% #?*, eL.p-% first of each year

Page 10: BEFORE STATE SOU$ DlAKOTA · 2007-01-30 · such gross receipts received during the preGWinQ Cat@q

3. Home Owners has failed to pay the grass reSr;ipt% tax,

4. The Commission has the authority, anGBI" S K t 4%%5-3, f& 2&2pWQ at -%%%kt% a Certificate of Authority granted to a company for a wtttfuli ~@!8t&fi ;if :&& Qf &%$ st&& &%W on the failure of Home Owners to pay the gross recmpcs tax t@ v~&Z&tl@e ~rf4%$&-!& ?We h%~~3*a f i J revokes Home Owners' Certificate of Aulharity

Based on the foregoing Findings a: Fact and C ~ n ~ f c j ~ i a n ~ @f Law. 4 5% F&FCFGW

ORDERED, thaf the Certificate of Authority gtkwkt@d to 4s&rndt Q~%&F% &$ &@% G Q ~ ~ ~ W W hereby revoked and shall be returned to the Carrrrnisi;ion walh~t :b&y fa@) r&y% ;am$% @:& 4&@ @E%BG$ Order.


PLEASE TAKE NOTI 2000. Pursuant to SDCL 1- failure to accept delivery of the