BEESTON WEST END CONSERVATION AREA A BRIEF HISTORICAL DACKGROl/ND Bceston West End C om·ervilfion /\rea was designated in 1'/Td, the first to be in the town <md fourth in fheBorough. II i.Hifwleddirecl/y south of Bees/on luwn a:nlrt· and at its north-west boundary, od;oins /he recently Jesign.iteJ StJuhn (irove ConseNahon Area. n,e area dt!•pl<Jy!; J range of hisfvn'c buildings and includ- ing some afthe towns oldest properties, many ofwhich .1re included in the for lhdr Jrrh1/ectura/ or histon·c merit (see b.u:l< pd.fie). The GmservationAre.i cont.iin.,·ilsubst;:mfialproportion of community uses.. as well d.S re.\1Clenlial propcrffo;. These include two lht• Manor po/in.· slalionandd publichou:;e. Thi: n·sidenliiJIuccommod.:itwn IS /argdy low demi/y Jevc/upmen/, dS in l11d wJJert• listed buJ/dings lit· bd1iuJsfreicht':::ofhigh, old brick wall. 011 tht• of lht• former Town !-lt.1111.mnexe, Dovecole llmc, lhe Borough Cuuncil "The h1//ows: proL'iding shelteredaci:ammvdation. The IA/illvw:> won a Do£ iiWdrd fur its hi9h dt:sign und rt.11re . .;t..•nt.; (1 aaoJ ':Xilmplco! how modem be successfully fitkd mto a Conservation !ielting. Thi· wide lilnge of building loge/her wllh /he Jred 's naffow :.-/reefs, old bn'ck walls ilnd mafufl: frees create a villiJ..11e-/ike atmo:.pherc. It is this chdruder which the Com·t·rvation /\reu _.;cefu to protect Overle.if1s a map showing lht: extent of the C onservalion Ah'd luge/her with a bnt>ldescnpf/on of flu: key buildings. <;uidann.· on deve/opmcnf,.md listed buildinps on 1111: bad ptJge. WHAT/SA CONSERVATION AREA I Areas hive been in existence nationally sinn• I "161 ,mJ cum..·nl ft>uMafion undt.·r the Pl.mning (LMi!d Buildings ilnd Conservdfion /\n:tJ..•J /\rt 1990 imposes i1 duty on the council lo, .. from lm11. : lo time detemune which pa1ts of their area i1le areas ofspecial Jrchiledural or hisf()n'C interest, the charucferof which ii is desirable lo prese1Ve cJr ef}hance .. There Jn? currently 14 Conservation .l\reilS' in Broxtowe cownna approximately 4% ofthe Boroughs urbiln areas. Each area is com-fdered by the Coundl tu haw spedal qwlihes of locdl imporfilnce. EFFECTS OF CONSERVATION AREAS un ifs speaal qualiticr. II ls hoped lhJf this wl11 in him, encourage individuals und groups lo lake a 5ensih've ilpprruch to iJny proposals for development. nu: cle:.·ignation of a Com;ervalion .l\rea limits the amount ;.md fyp£" ofiillerdhons and extensions which can be undertdken without the need for plt7nnin9 permission. Withm gardens any new of over 1 O cubic metres in volume will neecl con. .;enl. Any application for development which d!lc.•cts the ConserVr.JNon Amt ci !her within orudjact•ni to it will be !JIVt'n CJreful consideration by the .b'orough Council to dclcnnine how it wuuld affect the character of the are.J. foch p/Jrmina uppliCillion for development within !he Con;·e1Vdlion.l\rea will beddverfl:,·edin the 10Ci11 pr&: anJ i1 notice will be al the sJfe. /\nyone Ciln make their vit'W>' about lht• proposal known lo the Borough Ccwncil. Trees Conservdlion An·a 11/I trees within the boundary from toppinfl, lopping or felling by requinng owners to give the Borough Counctf weeks nofio.., of lht'ir mien/ion to runy out any such free works. The Council will inspect /he treeconcemedanddecide whether " Tree Order menkd to em;ure the free)· long lenn future. Advice on work..: to trees erm beobf.:imed from the Council's Liindscape Dcsi9n Officer. lkmolition Conservdlion Area Con.:;ent is required /or the demolition or partial demolition ofmost buildings within the d/'ed. Cladding on Extemal Wa/L'i l-Vil/11n Conservation /vru.s, plt.Jnnmg permiss10n1srequired to dad the out:.ide walls of any house in stone, artihdal slom•, limber, pl.J.Slic or A LARGE PRINT VERSION OF TI-IlS LEAFLET IS AVAILABLE FROM BROXTOWE BOROUGH COUNCIL ON REQUEST, tel 0115-925-4891ex4482 One of a Series of Conservation Area Guides published by BROXTOWE BOROUGH COUNCIL '(. "

BEESTON WESTEND CONSERVATIONAREA · BEESTON WESTEND CONSERVATIONAREA . A BRIEF HISTORICAL DACKGROl/ND . nu~ Bceston West End C om·ervilfion/\rea was designated . in 1'/Td, the first

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Page 1: BEESTON WESTEND CONSERVATIONAREA · BEESTON WESTEND CONSERVATIONAREA . A BRIEF HISTORICAL DACKGROl/ND . nu~ Bceston West End C om·ervilfion/\rea was designated . in 1'/Td, the first



nu~Bceston West End C om·ervilfion/\rea was designated in 1'/Td, the first to be ~1ublished in the town <md fourth in fheBorough. IIi.Hifwleddirecl/ysouth ofBees/on luwn a:nlrt·and atitsnorth-westboundary, od;oins/he recently Jesign.iteJStJuhn ~· (irove ConseNahon Area. n,earea dt!•pl<Jy!; J range ofhisfvn'c buildingsandstructure~- includ­ingsomeafthetownsoldestproperties, manyofwhich .1re included in the ~t.Jlulory /J~1 for lhdr Jrrh1/ectura/ or histon·c merit (see b.u:l< pd.fie).

The GmservationAre.i cont.iin.,·ilsubst;:mfialproportion of community uses.. as well d.S re.\1Clenlial propcrffo;. These include two churrho~ lht• Manor Surg~ry, lh~ po/in.· slalionandd publichou:;e. Thi: n·sidenliiJIuccommod.:itwn IS /argdy low demi/y Jevc/upmen/, dS in We~·f l11d wJJert• listedbuJ/dingslit· bd1iuJ sfreicht':::ofhigh, old brick wall.

011 tht• ~1te oflht• former Town !-lt.1111.mnexe, Dovecole llmc, lhe Borough Cuuncil h~·devdoped "The h1//ows: proL'idingshelteredaci:ammvdation. The IA/illvw:> won a Do£ iiWdrd fur its hi9h dt:sign .~·tandards und rt.11re..;t..•nt.; (1

aaoJ ':Xilmplco!howmodem building~·can besuccessfully fitkd mto a Conservation /\r~a !ielting.

Thi· wide lilnge ofbuilding use:.~ loge/her wllh /he Jred 's naffow :.-/reefs, old bn'ck walls ilnd mafufl: frees create a villiJ..11e-/ike atmo:.pherc. It is this chdruder which the Com·t·rvation /\reu _.;cefu to protect

Overle.if1s a map showing lht: extentofthe C onservalion Ah'd luge/her with a bnt>ldescnpf/on offlu: key buildings. <;uidann.· on deve/opmcnf,.md listed buildinps dppedt~ on 1111: bad ptJge.


Cons~rvation Areas hive been in existence nationally sinn• I "161 ,mJ cum..·nl ft>uMafion undt.·r the Pl.mning (LMi!d Buildings ilnd Conservdfion /\n:tJ..•J /\rt 1990 imposes i1 duty on the council lo, ~ .. from lm11.: lo time detemune which pa1ts of their area i1le areas ofspecial

Jrchiledural orhisf()n'Cinterest, the charucferof which ii is desirable lo prese1Ve cJr ef}hance.. ~ There Jn? currently 14 Conservation .l\reilS' in Broxtowe cownna approximately 4%ofthe Boroughs urbiln areas. Each area iscom-fderedby the Coundl tu haw spedal qwlihes oflocdl imporfilnce.



un ifsspeaal qualiticr. II ls hoped lhJf this wl11 in him, encourage individuals und groups lo lake a 5ensih've ilpprruch to iJny proposals for development. nu: cle:.·ignation of a Com;ervalion .l\rea limits the amount ;.md fyp£" ofiillerdhons andextensions which can be undertdken without the need for plt7nnin9 permission. Withm gardens any new ~wctureofover 1 O cubicmetres in volume will neecl con..;enl. Any application for development which d!lc.•cts the ConserVr.JNon Amt ci !her within orudjact•ni to it willbe !JIVt'n CJreful consideration by the .b'orough Council to dclcnnine how it wuuld affect the character ofthe are.J. foch p/Jrmina uppliCillion for development within !he Con;·e1Vdlion.l\rea will beddverfl:,·edin the 10Ci11pr&: anJ i1 notice will be dl~pldyed al the sJfe. /\nyone Ciln make their vit'W>' about lht• proposal known lo the Borough Ccwncil.

Trees Conservdlion An·a d~ignaffon profed~ 11/I trees within the boundary from toppinfl, lopping or felling by requinng owners to give the Borough Counctf ~"Ix weeks nofio.., of lht'ir mien/ion to runy out any such free works. The Council will inspect /he treeconcemedanddecide whether " Tree Pre~;ervalion Order 1~ menkd to em;ure the free)· long lenn future. Adviceon work..:to trees erm beobf.:imed from the Council's Liindscape Dcsi9n Officer.

lkmolition Conservdlion Area Con.:;ent is required/or the demolition orpartial demolition ofmost buildings within the d/'ed.

Cladding on Extemal Wa/L'i l-Vil/11n Conservation/vru.s, plt.Jnnmgpermiss10n1srequired to dad the out:.ide walls ofany house in stone, artihdal slom•, limber, pl.J.Slic or Me:.~


One of a Series of Conservation Area Guides published by


'(. ~.,.,..~-l'W

" ~

Page 2: BEESTON WESTEND CONSERVATIONAREA · BEESTON WESTEND CONSERVATIONAREA . A BRIEF HISTORICAL DACKGROl/ND . nu~ Bceston West End C om·ervilfion/\rea was designated . in 1'/Td, the first


1. The Crown lmt Churrh Str.-.·t

ThcCrown1s11cot1.iactypebuiltlmgconst11Klt'vmlhc01rly 19th Cmtury .mtl i:, "nc of Bet-,.1.m '.< u/Jmpublic hous • .,. /ls closeprwcimily lo lhf' 1·hurrh would>Ui/!1•""11/.> ongm.il purpose w.z; to brrw the church Jlt'. Ont' o/ //1t' b.irs ronli11ns ii range ofo/J bJr /itlmg$. More n:cml/y the mn would hJve prov11JeJ.icruchingpl.ict'J.flht• Joorw.iy, now l0>wrcd mtl1c.it~· The IMt-d slJ/u; of this but/Jing .ilso includes udjilcent stilblt»:

£. 9 John lht R,1plisl"s Chu1d1. Church 9n•e/

ThePfl'><'lll bu/ldmt1 wJs.<ub.<tt1nli11l/yrl.'bui/tin 184J by!>ii Qllbert Scot/ on the ,·11t· ol th1· twlier rhurcht":i fmm wl11d1 lhere11n:rcmn.mlslnsi<k not.JblylhL' font bowl J.itin9 from about 1£JO. The HfiJVt:>1om:> ht1vi: been n:posJ/1onetl urounJ the c/1u1rhy,mlpenmelc•r lo frJfm Jn 111/r.i11iw JffJ ofopenSpiJrt' in lh1· n•nlfl'ofBt·c::;tun. The churdiy.irdulsu contains a mtored Crimc•un W.irM1•mof1.il.Jndth1· ftJrmcr plaguehole which the p.irfsh rr<orrb· rr:vt•.i/ w<1>U>eUto bury 1J8 Bubonic p/ilJIUC vid1ms belwl:m 1!J9:f t1nJ 1594, when the JfeJ 5 lot.JI popul.ilion WJ> .iboul only ~O<J. /The Chutrh is illoslraled on /he bJdc p.Jge).

J. Thi! OIJ Vill.i.11e Ctoo. Churrh St11~el

Si twit-cl opposite /he churchy.irJ on the .-JSI;iJeofChurch StreetstJnJ, lhf' rJld vill.i.I/( crv» whichJJ/o from the 14/h Century. It w.z; urigm.illy posil1onetlne.ir the w.ir memo­n.il on Middle Sfre,·t, but wa> rcmuveJin th.: 1850s iJnJ w.:z..·l.iterd1.-cowrt•Jembt-c/J,..Jin the w.Jll>"'M.JnorloJ11e byii loe<1Ihi>t<Jnlln. /I1,;/J()>:ilble lhJI there rould havr b«n 11 small miJrl.tl ne.uby JS iJ>1rtlch ufMiJdlt• Strrel neJr the Mi1nor !louse w.u c.illi:J M.Jrl<el Strt-cl in /h.: e.irly 19/h Century.

.J. Tht• (iran9e, Chi/well ROJJ

But/I111 tlrf lute Cit'OrJltJn •1Y'" 111 lht: e.Jrlypurl u/ the I Pih crnlury. nu: !;range w.ts thr home ut tvtr FH Qi/I who owned d 01/k 1111/I flu· silt• llldY p!t'viQU>/y hdve been occupit:cl by .i larac lilht• b.:Jm. Tr.iJ.iy lht! buildtnfl form.< pJrf oft/r,• po/ftt' >1dltOn.

5. The MilnorH(JIJSe. £ Muldle .\Ired

HeyonJ lht 1-Wr Memorial on Middle Slr«I s/Jnd> the MJI1<X HOUSI'., ongiml/y built by Nirhol<JS~lrty, J ytmnJn krmer from <:;re.Ney in around 1560. Th,· ~lone plmlh 1JRXJnJ the prr:scnl building ·~1.< I/id/ hi' mJy h.Jvr conslrudttl J limber lram.V hou.T. The prr>enl bullJm9 J.ites from the mid 17/h Ct:nlury wh•·n Nichd~ Strey Ill .indhi.-;onfohnrcbudttheproperly. /\ncJ>11t11n11wJ•f<1fcr ilddetl Jnd rrbuill in the 18/h Century. /\n in>-enlorydr.Jwn up in 1697 forprob.Jle purpo:;es cJn bt· «ttn 111 lht• rounly t1.'CfXdoffi,-pgiv1119 Jt'/.iil.-oflh.: y;mou; room~ lhrirfit/mg.• .ind fumishinf1$..

6. No.19 [)ow(ofe lane

SilwteJontheromerofM.inor/lvrnue.inJ!>ovrxotel.int· lfll"s properly diJles from ill le.is/ 1790 illld wJ.; prrv/uU$/y uscJ<1s.ipublichouseknown.islhe(itJ.1llnn. W11rn1tw.is bull/ ii was lht ldSI /rou;e on Dovecote lane which hJd il<Ces> via fields lo the rivtr. W11en the Heeston C.inJI w.is wlin 1796, a lo& keepers house wil.> buJ/I. The lo&kccp.:r Wil>'givrn 11 blunderbu>Sto firr1n theewnlof/rouble loJlert lht11('C11fJ3nls ofThe {itAJI Inn. whd wDUldromt• lo hit.i1d This blunderbussand the lo& kupt•rs cvlld» CJn br;em In the runul museum JI Stoke HIVfme. NorthJmplomh1re.

7. The OldManorlfousr, J Wo-1 End

The prrsvil building was bur11 Jround 1680on11in.JflyM11 f.J11T1h~. IIwJSn~rdM.JnorH0tnt and h.Jvin11 bttn bUJlld/" '8terdiile thJn the M.mor H<NA• (£Middle Strut). therr is SIOITle conluRon ovrrhow1/ derivedif; flJmt. n,,. plot m.iy h.Jvr bttn lhe site ofd former hotM buJft on the ldndoflhr: ltllymondlcy Pn'ory Esl.ile. /\n J/tr,,cflve btidc s/Jble bloclt /Jes within /h.: 11round> ilnd bJdcs onto Wol End.

8. We$! End HOU><:, ~VotEnJ

Built iJrounJ 1j6J w,._,., EnJ House i:o Geesfuf/ 's oldt•:;f house.indIi~·dos.: lo th<'junrlion wrlh H.i/I Crvlf ftJ111•fh,•1 with lhtolherlisted builJmp 011 ~Vo/[nJ. /I1.; ltfrly thJI l/J1s pro~rty was onginJl/y 11 /Jrmhouse w1/11 ,If lt•J>I fwr .im:s ofl11nd. More rccenl/y /his bui/J11111 w.J> USt'J u> J sd1ool.

Page 3: BEESTON WESTEND CONSERVATIONAREA · BEESTON WESTEND CONSERVATIONAREA . A BRIEF HISTORICAL DACKGROl/ND . nu~ Bceston West End C om·ervilfion/\rea was designated . in 1'/Td, the first

West End House View north·eastWdrr1s along West End

Page 4: BEESTON WESTEND CONSERVATIONAREA · BEESTON WESTEND CONSERVATIONAREA . A BRIEF HISTORICAL DACKGROl/ND . nu~ Bceston West End C om·ervilfion/\rea was designated . in 1'/Td, the first



Ifyou dre considerin.1; ,my proposals for development in the Lonsi.:rv.Jtion A recJ the followinggenera/ points will help you lo assess whether they art' appropriate. The Borough Council'splanning <Jfficers wdl alsu welcome discussions on anypropos.:ilatan early st<18c. They can be- conf<7Cled by phoning lht• Council on Nottingham 9254891, ask lo spedk IV the planner on call

"' Any proposed change of use of Jny property shouldnot a/tu its appe.1r.mce .md largL· busint'SS signs willnot be acceptable. Olht'f ,1dvertising signs should bt• kepi Jo a minimum within the Conservation Arca.

• Extmsions to properties should rc>pecl the scalt:, charJcterandard1ilecturalslylr· t.Jf!he onginal buildmg

ttV'her.: extenswnsilrc acceptable·, tbey should bt' mnstructedin mJ/cri.Jls lo ma/eh the existinP,. Some of these materials may be difficult to find, however, by consulting J wideran1Jeofsuppli1.>rsan acci?plabk match should be possible. Often reclaimed facing lmcks and roofing m.Jleri.ils wUIprovide lht>mostacceptablesolution 11nJ will not m•cessan'/y be .m expensive option. It shouldalso be noted Iha/ rese.1rrh has shown thJ/ ,wer .1 30ye.armortgageperiodl/Jt• rehabl1itafian ;mJ regul.Jr maintenance of timber windows wJ11 be a more cost­elfective approach than replacing wilh m<Jre modern a/ft•mative..;;.

" Any development should avoid the removal of front boundarirs and rxfstin}'J !dndscaping.


The Department of the Environment desigm.1/es lists of bwldin,qs of:."Peeial .1rchiledllral or historic imporlann.>, which are the subject ofseparate feglslation. These IL•led bw1dinp,s ,1rr: im lmporta11t part ofthis Counll)I 's herifa.flt~ and should be respected

Consent 1s 1t•quireJ from !he Oo1C1ugh Council for demol1t1on of whole 01 part ofa listed bU11dingl or any structurrwilhin itsmrf!1age, andfor,my worh·ofallerat10n. extension, rcp.1inting or repair which would liffecl its spt.-c1~1I intere.st. It is a cnmfn.11 t1ffc:nce lo cany out any such works without consent. Anyone wishing lo undcrtJkeany work lo l~·tedbu1ldmps is.ulvisedto rheck w//h lht· Council 's planning officers.

All worJ.: lo listed buildings !J·hvuld .um to rrf,1in or(qinal ft.'dtures~ ;mdH'here repaln.· .Jreneces.>.uy, sfmilarmaterials should be used to those lu..>ing replaced. Occ<l!>·io11;il/y gr.wt aid may be available for rt.>rlain Jppropriate .md t.•ssentf;il rep.1ir work.

n1elisft•dbU11di'n.11s {.11/ (/riideII) within lht• Ctin.r;ervJtion Area 11re:­

- No.P The Old CottJgc:. West End No.3 OIJ Maflor Hoo:;t> andStablt>s, ~ Vt-,-t Ernl

~ No. J The (/ms ,;nJ oJ<]/: 1'Vt1ft•r l'ump .fSfJbks. l t1t•sf Emf - N().6 Wt'.•'I End J loose. We,-/ EnJ - No';· J) .mJ £A 7711~ MJnor Hqusr, i11duilln9 bowKJJry wall dml

~wsb hou...""t, Mu/d/(' .'>In-et l.V.ir t\·lrmorf.il C..rt1>'>, lvliddle Street

• l11utrh t)/ SUolm t/~ &ph;l Chun:h S/n'L'I - Crimt.in i Vdr!Ytemonul. ~IJ..ilm flu• 8.1plM :.· C/unrh, Clturr/J St

Vill.11.••· Cru».. Church Sim:/ • No's 18.inJ£0 Thi• Crown Inn i1nd adfucen/ sfJb/i:;, Chu1rh St - The Cjrange f.11ilwdl i«'ldd

View ofSt John the B..1plists C'JJU1ch from the east