8/9/2019 Because the Innocent Creatures Cannot Scream http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/because-the-innocent-creatures-cannot-scream 1/8 Because the Innocent Creatures Cannot Scream. From www.growingintothemystery.com We, too, were once innocent. Unstaunched quantities of crude oil, and true disasters in which the real costs of unchecked corporate greed are laid bare, tend to take their toll. IF I MIGHT, I need go on the record to express my huge discontent with the current status of the BP Gulf Oil Catastrophe, thirty-three days deep into its black ruin. I have two questions that I’d like answered. My first is addressed to the government of the United States of America. 1

Because the Innocent Creatures Cannot Scream

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8/9/2019 Because the Innocent Creatures Cannot Scream

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Because the Innocent Creatures Cannot Scream.

From www.growingintothemystery.com

We, too, were once innocent. Unstaunched quantities of crude oil, and true disasters inwhich the real costs of unchecked corporate greed are laid bare, tend to take their toll.

IF I MIGHT, I need go on the record to express my huge discontent with thecurrent status of the BP Gulf Oil Catastrophe, thirty-three days deep into its black ruin.

I have two questions that I’d like answered. My first is addressed to thegovernment of the United States of America.


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WHY are BP Oil and the others involved still, even now, running theshow? They have lied, cheated, gambled and played fast and loose with the very

environmental soundness of our country. If the culpable parties were being ledaway in handcuffs, I could understand.

But for the love of God, must the term “dependence on oil” be followed so blindly? With the damage done by the BP Oil/ Transocean/ Deepwater Horizoncrew already well beyond measure, and the avoidability of the the entire incidentalready well documented, with the use of technology that have been not only available, but is currently in use by these same culpable parties in other jurisdictions as required by their laws,

how can this incident not be seen as an attack, even if perpetrated recklessly orthrough extreme negligence, upon our domestic health, safety, and well-being?


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Oil is forever. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37295069/ns/gulf_oil_spill/

BP and the others made a “business choice” here, and they either knew or should have known that, if the problematic situation occurred against which the specificequipment protected, they would be completely unable to begin to deal with it.


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So, why are we turning to them for help, or anything like leadership? Worse still, why did we turn away for those first critical weeks, for some reason feeling itnecessary to defer to their corporate plan for "damage control," allowing them tohide relevant information, video documentation, etc., behind a shield of the“proprietary,” even though the World that had already begun dying belongs to all

of us ?

And one last thing: why haven’t the American people to this day been given astraight-on, no “spin,” factual explanation of exactly what is now happening, and what is to be done? If your concern be not to disturb us, you can let that one go.Oil washing up on our beaches, as far as we can see, and watching the sea we solove quickly die, tends to upset us. A lot.

An act of terrorism, I realize, is not defined by the scope of the damage inflicted; but relates primarily to a certain specific intention. The corporate behavior hereseems more of the ordinary (though heinous) criminal sort, yet is most certainly no different in its devastation. The eleven lives lost, tragically, was but aharbinger of things to come: endless numbers of birds, sea creatures, and otheranimals to die broken, encased in tarry filth, entire micro-economies forever“shuttered,” and so forth.

And we’ve as of yet seen only the beginning of this epic tragedy.


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NASA Satellite, May 17, 2010


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My second question is honestly not so much that, as a SCREAM OF RAGEdirected to the criminally greedy group of BP Oil, tar-assed Dick Cheney and his“Deepwater” Division of Halliburton, and the “Responsible” “Next Generation” group at Transocean.


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That aside, and in a spirit of all sincerity, I have two messages: You are never,EVER to place responsibility or blame for your folly and the horrific scope of itsdamage upon the American People and our “insatiable demand for oil,” which of course you inevitably will.

I have given the matter some thought, and decided it fair and reasonable toaccept personal responsibility for your collective malfeasance to the exact extentthat I shared in your exorbitant profits, exacted as “blood money” right off the backs of the hardworking American People.

Which is to say, not one damn penny. So, don’t you dare go there.

Oh, really ?? “ Last Generation,” is More Like It.


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Finally, it’s been 33 days now. GET OFF YOUR FAT ASSES AND GETTHE JOB DONE,

or say “We can’t” and get THE HELL out of the way. The Earth is not yourmonopoly board. There is no “second game” to be played, and no availableproperties other than right here on this planet.

Details? Complications of ocean depth, etc. etc.? Hey: YOUR PROBLEM. Yougot us into this mess. Now, FIX IT.

We don’t have forever, you know.