BEACON m LIGHTS · 1973. 2. 10. · inroads of crc-(aping. practical i~tl~c~isn~, \vr nl~~st \vatcI~ \\,it11 great c.iire o\er ollr cnrthly pleasures. Jol) \\.a, highl>- cnncc.rncxl

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    The Christian and Smoking


    Pullishcd mo:i;iily. cycept J u n e and A 1; g n s t CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: by the Frder:iCon o i Prori.stant Reformcd Yuu:iy I l l - i . Rialicrt H.irbac11. A::;;th:i T.trl>lier~. Dunnzt Pcople's Sociclies. V t,: L'nclL::, Jra:i~:c Gr:ttcr., Rev, G. L>~Vccrs.

    Ii;.tIi:- Uyl>m;l, Rzthcl Lulbcra, Vi Vandcn EXECUTIVE BOARD: 'Tc.j~.

    Ker. K w l r - President: Ed Karst-nc'yrr - \ - i c e - P ~ - ~ < i ? ~ n t : Slit- Terps[ :a - Srcrrt:!r); a 2 I . Ai-l i tznt Sci.r.c.tary; Jill1 --------3

    . \ l l - , i . : ; \ All material for publication should be oddressed Pr t? \tir


    Again the Criln I i ea~er ]ILL.; stnlck

    a~nonfi n h scythinq his denth and cI(.struction with iunaccustornctl \,icior~snc~ss. .I farnily

    has .;~~tl(lc~r~ly l o t anoth(.r \on, t l ~ e Church

    on earth has 1 0 s ~ iirlotl~rr stillwart 111vn1\>er.

    \\'e cannot help h r ~ t cry o111 \vh?.? \\']I?.

    ;:r~othrr young man, the t11ir.d in recent

    months, the sisth in just. over l\vo years?

    such ;I s~~ns(~l(:ss tlt.atl~'?

    ;\gain the Grill1 Reaper has s t r ~ ~ c k i111cl we are smallvr For it. I\'(, arc. one lt%ss, we

    arc rlln~eshed in grief, our Ilearls are lacer-

    ated with pain, for tllot~gl~ it is one falnily's loss, it is v e q really a loss for 11s all, for

    \ve are all knit as one. The Grim Reaper

    has stnlck and we are berpft.

    \\re art. bereft, we grieve, bllt Ilo\\. wr gric.ve and \vhy \ve grieve is \vhy we ;Ire

    knit as one. \\re ha\~e 1jec.n touchecl, we have been h~trt, 1 ~ 1 t riot smselcssly. No

    nelmlol~s Grim Reaper has mindlessly in-

    jurcd us. \Ve have heen tol~cllrd by the harrd of Cod, ;untl He has not taken part

    of 11s; He has transferred part of us to glory.

    P;~rt. of thc body of the Ch11rclr is not

    earth-houncl bul hen\.en-frrctl. The Cllurcll is grei~trr on earth I,ecalrsc* these younq

    .is ]oL sulfercd a courae bor11 of

    I\nr~\\-lrdreal)le faith, so n ~ ~ i s t we. \\'(a knot\ clur loss \\,as Cod's mill, in His eterr~al plar~ for IIis Church. \Ire knon. that \ve were

    tolrched for a \\,orthy purpose, for C;ucl's

    glor!., for otlr enricllment. Cod clitl r~ot

    se~~srle\sly takr unto himself livcs tl~at \rere at their peak, but lives \\,hose p111.-

    pose ~ I I cart11 was completetl, \\4losc. Ixittle

    \&-;-as fought. God took unto Himself young men ~vllose tinw \\,us time no longcr, hut

    rternih. Our loss was God's \\ill; llrrrr-

    fore, \ve face it \\it11 courage.

    11-e facc- our loss, too, \\,it11 something

    more than courage: T11a1kf11lnc.s~. 111 d(.;ltll

    \re must be thankfrrl for life. Our Christ, their Cl~rist, died on the cnlel tree of thr cross, went hrougll and co~rrluereti lrrll so

    \\.r migl~t ]lave life. 111 Christ'\ tleath, \ve lia\re lift c~temal, and the ho\vleclge of this for those \\rho have gone before rr~ust

    make 11s thunuul. So we face our 10s with tl~ankfulness and courage 11on1 of

    faith. We \veep, not as those \vl~o have no hope, but as earth-botmd saints longing

    for the joys of those \vho have alrc~acly thr blessing\ of etcmit~..

    men were Irrrca. T l i o ~ ~ g l ~ they ]lave gorlc .igairl Gocl has takrn from 11s young ~ C I I ahead lo glory tllry have left great gifts in \\,hiit \\-e tllo~rght \\,;IS tllc fulness of life. l~el~ind, gifts which years allrl a\vareness \Ye arc I ~ ~ l r t , \ve are bereft. God has taken can but lrrigllter~. ).ollnq men from us \\hen their lives \Sfr.re

    i n i,ef hc c ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ciunnot llelD hut c"~nplete, and tllcy have lrft 11s 111uc11. think of Job. Job gric\rrcl witll an un- Tllrougl1 lllesr young men \ve have glirnI)sed

    fathomable angllisl14 ~i~ paill was gre;lter lor)', allti along with the joyous yc;irs of

    thiin nlincl or hart colll,j hear. jol, s l l~ered tllrir Presc.11ce among us, they have left 11s

    illlme;~sural~ly. lqc. slI[lrred - lie sllr- 1'"()"\ in courage, lessons in thankfulness. ~ i \ ~ e t l . \\'e too, s~~fl'er, yrt \c.e sl1:1ll sun~ivr, C.R.

    for we s11Hr.r with couragr.


  • GEORGE KUIPS TI7mra l \ r -IPS, J H . June 14. 1930-Kov. S. 1972 April 31, 19SJanuary 13. 1973

    "Jelzocalz gate. and Jehouulz Itutl~ taken atccly: blcsscd be the nanze of Jehocuh" JOB l:?lb


  • VS. E R R O R


    Hopef ud iv€ c/c7siw tlltlt ('tl'.!~ 011(' of yofl i11(1y SIIOLC the stlnlcl t/i/igc~ilc.cp rrrlto the FII/~II>.\ 01 //0))c3

    c.l.c.11 to tlic. r.11~1. Heh. 6: 11. :\S\'

    I t \\-:I< I I o ~ ~ ~ ~ f 1 1 1 \vho h : ~ l \ v ~ r 11 .,(I (:l~riq- tian against :\tllei.st \vith. ''Crav. l1.0111 I~ im. my 11rotl1c.r. ; I I I ~ Irt 11s Ixdlit-\.(. to the saving or I I I ( ~ so111." JOIIII 13111i\.:lr1 g i \w a largc~ plact- lo the. hislory ;111rl ;~ulol~io- grapliy of 1 lol)cfuI, :IS ivcll as to tl~c. tloc- trine of 1101)~. It is \v(%11 \\rortl~ ;t ci~reful reading.

    The scctitr~l clealinp \vith Hol)c>f111 and Chri.;tian olT.t.ts natural ant1 pr;ictic.il ; ~ t l ~ e - ism. Atllc,ist denies 111~ attril)~ltcss of Cod. 1.011 cilnnot I I ~ . ; I ~ llim off morr t l ~ ~ ) r o u d ~ l > - tlian by strl(1ying the attrillt~tr-s. Slrrl~ a study \\fill ;~ lsc~ llrlp ).on in yorrr \v;11!i and communion with Cod. Yo11 sl~or~ltl hr in the "Pink 1111 tlie a t t r i l ~ ~ ~ t c s of (:otl." Tlren yo11 \rill i~void that habit of I I I ( - I I O F the \\-orld. livir~r: \vithout Cod arlcl I x * c o ~ ~ ~ i n g more and inorc vstrangeci from Iiin~. SI;lk- ing such ;I seriolrs itudy \\.ill tnkc. you closer to hol t l i~~g the Scripture as rnorr to be drsir(*tl t l l i ~ r r go1cI. 011ly in tl~c* c;u~o~lic;il Scripturt*. (-iotl's o\vn reveliitio~~, (lo yo11 find His i~ttril)l~tc.s declared. h li111y l11oden1 prophets :~ntl l~rophetrsses. prctc>~itling ;in ehteem for (:od, if they (lo not Ilolcl IIis revelation it1 outright contenipt. (lo Iwlittle and 011sc11rc. it. 111 a11 their talk of (iotl the>- are not tlii~iking of tllr trii111e Ivhovalr. Also to guartl ;~y:;~inst the. inroads of crc-(aping. practical i ~ t l ~ c ~ i s n ~ , \vr n l ~ ~ s t \vatcI~ \\,it11 great

    c.iire o \er ollr cnrthly pleasures. Jol) \\.a, highl>- cnncc.rncxl. lest. \vllen hi\ chilclrc.f~rl's birthplace ant1 the scene of his e;~rly miin- hood. I Io l> (~f~~ l thrn h e \ v notlliny: 11cttc.r than rnercli;~rldi*ing of houses, Iiunds, trz~des. placcb, 11or1o1.s. l,rc~frrments, title., c

  • Forttrr~crs of 17igel tlescri1)rs this plilcc to- gether with some of its hoocllnr~~s, as Cheatly, Shrinm\vrll, I-Iacknn~ iincl Sclapc.-all. Sornr of its evils are descrihrtl. 'i-11~51-c "tile holy state of matrimony ( w ; ~ ) made I x ~ t a \fay-game, I)y \vllich divers family had been s~~bvrrtecl: brothcl houses much fre- cl~~ented, and even ~ w a t prrsons, prostit~~t- ing their bodies . . . to satisfy thrir lusts . . . in lascivio~~s appetites . . . hiuhls and rentlemen . . . rrlany of their Indics and daughters . . . prostituting their bodies in dl:irncsfi~l manner. Alehouses, clicing ho~~ses, titvc-TIIS. and places of iniquity . . . tlbountling . . . ."

    -it \'anit?- Fair, a real "live" sl~o\v 1vz.s al\vays going on, and Hopeful, "for frr.o," could see, and did ill-spend liis tillrr. wit- nessing thefts. murders, aclulteries, fnlsc- sxveairrs, jugqlings, cheats, games, plays, fools, apes, knaves and rogues of c\*erq. lii~ltl. Hopeful continued a great while deligllling in the treasures and pleasures of Lliis oncu. village of Sham\vell. I-Iopefd was illell kno\\11 as Sniike (Scot., Smaik, rascal), a11il spent his time in rioting, revelling, tlrir~ki~~p, sn7earing, lying, uncleanr~rss and Sa1)l);ttlt- breaking, until a new show sucldenly came to to\trn, the appearance of Christian ;u111 Faithful on the stage, \vliicli threw thc \\-hole town in an uproar. Through the wit- ness of Christian, and especially of Faith- ful, martyred for his faith and good living irl Vanity Fair, Hopefill \vas convertetl.

    \\'hen Christian escaped this sod or^^ i111c1 Bedlam, so did Hopeful, \vho then b e c ~ n ~ e bs constant companion. I17hen one diccl to be a Fa i t l~h~i \\itness to the truth, IIopeft~l arose out of his ashes to take l~ i s plac!r. There is a very cleti~iled account of his con~ing to tnie Faith ancl Hope. His con- version esperience is the resnlt of it tleep regeneration c.x~~erience. Christian asltecl him, in not the most accuratr te~rnirtology, "Could you at ;my time \\it11 mse g t c11F that puilt of sin?" which oft citnlr upon him. Of course, Christian referred to liis frequent s p ; ~ n ~ s of the pain of the guilt ol' sir1 dec-ply felt in an uneasy conscience. For nothing \vi11 get one off the guilt of sin hut the bloocl of the atoning sacrifice of Christ and faith in its power as our only plea for pardon. \\:it11 IIopeful, convcrsio~~ \\.;is not sudden. but a wonclerful change \\.hich came over him by slow de~wers.

    H r talks of the Father rr\ ,r;l l i~~g the

    tionirl vision, or a new aritl para-scriptural revcl;~lion, such a? a voice from hraven i~lfor~niop hirn that his sin3 \vcrc forciven. Ilopeful's faith and t.xperirnce were not fo111111erl on such treacherous and deceixing p l ~ r ~ l o r ~ ~ e n : ~ . He insisted, "I clicl not see Hi111 \vitl~ an?- boclily eyes, but \\.it11 the e).es of my i~nclerstanding." Christ canlr to h i n ~ as rc.\rc*irlrd in the Scriptures, 11ot appearing to his pl~),sical senses, In~t tn his rc~nr\vrd understanding. Gradually, he canw to see Christ ill t l ~ c fnlnrss of His glorious salva- tion, made nnto him \\-istIom, righteousnrss, sanclification and redrmption. This filled Ilim \\it11 all joy ; ~ n d pence in helie\ing. Me I>rc;lmc ;in apostle of the joy ~~nspeakal~lc and full of glon. \\'hen doa-[I in t l ~ r depths of t l ~ e clnngcon of the Giant Despair, none otllc:r. tlran Hopeful lecl Christian throi~gll l~is gloom and cleprcssion. Then while crossi~~g ovcr Jordan it wits Hoprful \\.ho kept his brother's hcsiicl above \vitter, and rncoi~ragetl him xvitli, "He of good cheer, my brotlrer; 1 feel the bottom; ancl it is gootl!" That ~ n e a ~ r t touchdown at last ovt5r on the goldc.~~ sllorc. IVith that gentle nudge from thr jutting point of Emminuel's Land, mint1 :ind lieart begin to sing, Home! Christian illso ill~~strates thr truth that t11o11gh faith, Irope iuld love are in exercise, it Krcrc9at horror of dei~tli may mornentaril>- take hold of the mi~~t l . KO one c;in cli~im spirituial comfort as his due. 9or can he ex-ect con~fort 011 ;1ny other bottom than the blootl and right- cousness of Christ and the free mere>- of God in Him. Hopeful in the Hiver is a great mainstay for the Christian.

    Bu1 to truly appreciate this clear Hope- ful, 111u\t !.no\\, what l~opr is. LLI the country of Javan he \\,as knon-n as Elpic.. T l ~ e word is known in that hc.athrn 1:md. Tlirre it has sorne\~~hat of a n e ~ ~ t r a l \*oice, cle~loting mere expectation, \vI~e~her of good or evil pol-t'rlt. Tl~is rnakes hope a mixed emotion. a sinking fear and a rising to the oH"c1iance of the apprarance of good. Kevrr is tlre \vord so ~mdrrstood in thr Sew l'estitmenl. .il\vays it is t11r.r~. used in a gootl sense, ancl as "the joyful ;ind confi- dent e q ~ c c t a t i o ~ ~ of good," \tiz., of eternal snlvi~tion. It is not just an rspectation of good, hut a ioyfrrl and co~zficir~l caxpecta- tion of it. IIope is trcrsi! Hope therefore

  • risrs :1l1ovc to : I I ~ c~l>jcct I>eyoncl self; it is that to wl~icll o~lc. Ilres for rc'f~~ge. (l'l~e Cod of I.lopc~.) \\'IICII tllc. word is 11sc.c1 in its worltlly :111t1 C O I I I I I I O I ~ collocl~~ial sense to express c l o ~ ~ l ~ t ; t ~ ~ t l t~~lcc'r lni~~ly, ;IS in, "\\*e \vill so or^ I)e (1111 01 the \vo~cIs, I l1o~e!", thtbn yo11 [lo 110t 11i1\lc$ ~ I I C . l)il~lici~l concept, not gospcl I~opc,. 'l'lic, g~lcicrus hope of the gospel i\ not :I Ilop.-so gollcl in the sense that yo11 t l ~ i r ~ k yo11 ilre ;I Cl i r i s t i ;~~~, \\.ishi115 so, but not stlriL, or i ~ t Ici~st not sure whether yo11 \vill rcn1;1i11 one. Sc*ither iz it a mark of humility or t r ~ ~ r spirituality to insert in the s;tlr~t;~tiol~ of ;I Irltcr such an address as. "Dear fricntl: ( I I~opc)," ant1 in thr com- plirnrntory close- to sig11 off \vith ''In Christ, I hope." Sue11 I ; ~ n g ~ ~ a g e suggests that tile writer is not sllrt. t l ~ r i~tltlrc.sxc.c* i.; a friend, nor tlri~t 11c. is i l l Christ! This is not the I)il)liciil hol)ca, no Illorc tlii~n \vhc.n say, "I holw it tloc.s~~'t rain to~uor~.o\\~." I t \voultL l ~ c I)cttor to \vrilc, "l)c.;~r rric-nd: - (I trust!)" i ~ r ~ c l "111 Cl~rii t , - (I trust!)." But hecau\e I~ildic:~l Iropc. is ;I ioyful nllil cor~fider~t ex- p rc t i~ t io~~ , I \\po~~ltl prcfer t o \vrite, "llcar Brothcr: ..\I~~.II!" i ~ ~ l t l clo\c. tvillr "In Christ. Anii:~~." 13111 111i1rk ot it! F r ~ ~ ~ ~ l ji~gglings, :1ptandeth, if it make your 1,rother to ollt.11~1. The hope tllat yon xhall entrr in tlrrot~gl~ the cates into the tit).. ant1 I~nvc. rigl~t to the trce of life, \\,ill lead yo11 to (lo his co~ni~~al~drnc.nts \vitll lo\,ing c;rrc.

    z\nd it is IIopeft~l \\.ho s;~ys to yot~ that the tro~~bltts and tlistrrs\c*s ~ O I I j i r , t h r o u d ~ are I I V sign that (;od Ili~s forsi~litb~r ~ I I , but ;ire sent to lest you, wlic!tl~~!r \\ill call to mintl th:~t hcretoforc yo11 11;1v(. receivetl of His goodness, i~ntl lives 1111011 IIim in your cli\trrsses.


    "And Ye Shall Be Hated" DAVE LOOY ENGA

    Cl1)o11 ca~~ter i l~s illto 111t. \vcrrlc!, Protrstant Iieforn~etl yo1111g pcoplr I I I I I E ~ rt.alize that tllry ;ircB not goir~g to I)(* itcccpted and to \omt. e\tcn( \\,ill Ile dcspisc.d. In the first Epi\tle of Jolln 3: 13, Jolin \\'l.ites, "\ lane1 not, tny I>rc.tlrrt~~l, if t h r \\'orld Irates you.*' Ileri* \v(- ;Ircb Iwi~ig tnltl not to I,(* \~~q)risc.d if \vc arc tlcxl~isc.tl by t l ~ r \\.orltl. After one se~nc~stcr ; ~ t :I J ~ ~ n i o r College 1 have been i~l)lc to t~~pc.rience ;I littlr of this hate and realize t l ~ i ~ t l)ctc~;~~~sc I am 1'rotest;ult Re- for~nctl, I itlso urn trc;rtecI dilrerr~~tly.

    One cluc.stio~l o l ' t c ~ ~ ;lsketl I~et\vec~n stu- d(.r~ts is, "\V11itt high scl~ool clitl you :1ttr11d2" hli~liy , t ~ ~ ( l e ~ i t s i ~ r ~ st~rlxised to Ire:~r tllnt Covelli~l)l is 11~1 ii C;~t l~ol ic school. They S ~ Y * I I I i111(8rcstcd in tl~c. I~istory, size

    and a fr\v other facts of our I ~ i g l ~ scl~ool. 1 w n ~ r o t dixcuss tloctrine hcca~tse 111iiny do not have this I lack~~ount l . l ' l~c \~~l) jec t tunls to movies, tlnl~cing, pliys, ~ t c . . . . and 111,- \ie\\,s arc stated. Besitlcs tlisl)rlief man>- h d not only my ideas .\tr;~nge 1,111 me as well.

    Student\ \\it11 ;I Chri>ti;~n Ilt.fornlc.cl backcro~md find Prote\tant 1lefonnc.d catl~ic\ particularly strange. l 'hry know i1II ; I ~ > O I I ~ \\.hat \\.r can i~ntl cannot (lo. Ttlcy too f i ~ ~ c l our sturd on nov vie i~ttendancc. vc.ry stri~ngc.. To m y surl~risc. 111;1ny have ncvrr llci~rtl of the split in 192.1 or of conlmon ~ G I C C . , and are surprisr-d that the Protc.st;~r~t Iloforlnc~tl Ch~rrch carne out of the Chr is t in~~ Hc.for111ct1 C1111rch.


  • Rejection has also come from the ad- mi~listration. Somr professors sceni to Irn\,e somrtl1i11g against Christian schools. \l;lrly of these professors arr not or11y n.illi~rp Ixt proud to she\\- their prc.judiws. They will point o:it to the class \\~hich stuclents \vert to Christian hi& schools and personall; try to degrade those. st~idents. Once \vlic:n :I particularly Irard qi~estion was raisrcl ;I professor \\,;is prompted to respc~r~rl, "\lr. Looyens yo11 must have recei\~rd a far superior eclucation at Cove~l;cnt Cl~rislia~r, I imagine you h o \ v the answer to tllat question." -4gai11 at another time, ''.\'IT. Loo>-enga, if yo11 do~l't know tlic. itnswrr to that question, your fatl~er dicl riot get his ~noncy's worth."

    \\-hrn aur lech~res concerned the origin or life, ;ill aspects of evolution ancl creation \\,ere discossed. The Age-Day theory of creation \vhich states that tht. (lays [IF

    crCation lasted many years WIS taught i~long \vitli the literal creation. 'I'he profes- sor asked if there \\.as anyone be- lievet1 in creation. Five s t i ~ d ~ ~ l ~ l s raised their hnncl. Then the professor asked if Ihrrr was anyone \vho believed in 111:. literal t\vcanty-four hour six day creation. Only one hancl remained extended. 'l'he profes- sor smiled sy~npathetically a ~ l d said, "I clicln't kno\v \\.r Ilad any of your kind left."

    Thesr are just a fe\v examples of ho\v thr \vorld c;ul despisc the. Chiircl~. The CIIII~CII as a nrholc is not h:itecl or clr\pi\ed to hie rstent of persecutiorr. I-Io\vevcr, thrrr \\rill he a time when this hatred xvill \\,orsen ;rid the \vholr Clu~rcli \\?ill I)e prr- sccl~tecl (:\:ell unto deatlr. In cont:lr~sion, I t l ~ ~ o t e Christ's \rrords stated in \I;lrl; 13: 13, "And ye shall be hated of oll men for my name's sake: but he that shiiU endure unto ilre r11t1, the same shall be siived."

    Value of P.R. Education DAWN DE JONG

    "Books! Books! And more Books! Stupid Rules! Unreasonable teachers! Too much home\vork! \Vhy in the \vorld clo I hilvr to go here an)x7ay? I can get this in any school." These are solne typical re~llarlts made by many of thr sttidents in our own Christian .;chools tod:~);. 1'11 aclrnit 1 too lised to cluestion why I attrrrdrcl a Prot- estar~t Reforn~ecl school. People gave me various answers but I didn't really under- stand these explaliitions. It took a \vorlclly school to h ~ l y give Inc the ;rns\ver to this question. Then I \\,;is finally ahlc. to grasp the importiince of my Protoslarlt llt.Corrnc~l education.

    \Iy first inlpression of college wilb onc irk \\-hie11 I felt completely alone. For some reason I felt completely different fro111 the majority of the other studrrlts. It soon Ile- camr apparent that thc rc*ason for this fechlg \\,as my faith. There \x7erc: btit ;c few that I~~l ieved like me. I founcl it sn hard to undersla~ld that iitost of the S ~ L I - dents could actually believe such things as that man has a part in his own salvatio~~. \Vhnt a changr! In our o\\n schools I l i ; ~ r l held a colnmon bond the other stir-

    dents. \\'e all professed to bclir.ve the same thiup. \Vr frlt a senses of 11nity in being Protestant Iic.formrd.

    Thr rolleye teachers \vcLre also com- pIc*tely dilrercnt. They viet\*ed their shl- clc~~ts not as indi\iduals, but instead as just one of the class. They cared very little if a student passed or flunked. Teach- inq to the111 \

  • ful fclr t l ~ c Christian c~ducation I have re- to me 1)). \vorltlly sti~clrnts ant1 te:~cllcars. cei\,ed in our scl~ools. \\'itliout it I realize 'l'hih Protest;tnt Reforrncd rducation ennbles Ilo\v easy it would be to be lead astray tls lae to \\,ithst;~nd t l ~ e \xickednrss ancl pol- various \vickecl and r\;il idvils i~ttroduced lution in such a worldly institutioo today.


    CRITIQUE ' Privileged


    KO matter \\*h;~l yoltr at;rlio~~ in lire. it Do yo11 f c c . 1 privilececl \vl~c.n yorlr rxirents sc*c.m\ there are al\\.ay> a "privile~ccl fc*\v." cvant to kilo\v \vl~ere yo11 arc' ~_'oi~ty? God- In grade school tllosc privilegetl ones are LIlc ones who gc-t Lo I~elp tlie teachcr Ilsrlcl nut papers ant1 rlo those speciill cllort.5. In his11 \chool the pri\,ile,cetl OIIC.\ nlakc, the team, get into choir and just gcst rcscom~ition ill ec.~ter;?l. Upo11 t;lkiitg yo111. pli~ct. ill till* workin? \vorltl. one finds ihat tl~c. "priv- ileged onrs" grt the raise. thc ~ > r o ~ i ~ o t i o n i:nd tlw crc.tlit.

    I\.l~:!t allout tlre mt~jorily of pcop!e. " cammo~~ Jocss," n41o arrn't so privilejied'? \\'rll. t l ~ c y prol~ably just sit I):lck anrl feel like t l ~ r y I I ~ I I T it prett!. r(o11g11, t l~c). iwver pet a Ilrrak. Little I)!; litilv, jcaloi~sy creep>

    fc;~ri~r.i ~ ~ a r e n t s are a gift f ron~ (God ;rnd arrn: - have a s 1 11po11 them ;I cre;:t re- ipo~lsillility to rear thrir cliildretl in tll' fear of the Lord, and thry are a t ten~pt i i~g to fulfill this duty \vhen the!. ask you \\?hr.re !ou arc goi11g. C;od chow >.ou to be I~rouplht into a Christian Ilortrc - clo not detest t1i:lt privileqc~, thcn. hut bz qI;~d that Ccld g;n.e yo11 Cl~ri-tian parents \\.]lo a r e ant1 love C ~ I C I .

    Do > . ~ I I f r r l privilegeti \vhrn someone a k s !,our church affiliiition? Are yo11 tliankfl~l to Cod t11;~t >.oil can proless LO belong to n churcll \vlic.re the \Vord of

    irr. Cod reign> supreme? \\.e :ire privilcgecl to Souncl famili:lr? A natural I ~ l ~ c ~ ~ ~ o i ~ i c n o n ? attcancl our place of ~vorhhip t\\-icc e\.ery

    X'o, not for t11t. child of God. Nol)otl\; is Sundii!- and call :ittrnd catecllisn~ u i ~ d r r "l)rivileqcd" comparc~tl to the elect - for the instn~ction of a shepllertl of Chiist in we. the elect, are trrorc. privil(.gcd tlian we a ch~r rc l~ \vhic.h stresses that the youth eve-r ;~clniit to ot~rsc.l\res or allo\v anyone else learn the Truth. yet \ve never cotlsider Ll~is to sets. a pri\,ilezc. \\'e are almost rrnbnrriissetl LO

    Do yon feel privileged? Chcl chose us to be His people- IL .~ . \vitli no merit i r ~ us \vl~atsorver. IIe cl~ose in his sovereigrr coun- cil ;i particular peol~l(* from out anlong ;ill t l ~ c people of tllr r ;~r th . For 11s Lo choose Christ \voi~ld no1 l ~ c such n pri\rilege, Ilut for tltr all po\verf~ll Cotl to choose us! 111- deed! \\'hat ;I privilrge!

    say \re are Protestant 13efonnccl beca~rsc .d' it's so sni;ill." Tllc. most pri\ilegrd crr:l- t u r r of God ashamed of their pri\rilcge! "SIy I,rethrcn. these things alight not so lo 11e" (Jarr~r\ 3:lO).

    D o !.air make the most of your privilegc~ hy attending society regularly and taking an active part? Hy takinc a healthy in- terest in cliurch ;~ff;iirs? Bj. living out yolir pri\ ilege among your friends?

    Slost of us ha\(. gone to a Christi.~n "We tcislt to L I ~ C ~ ~ O I I I C \ T i 1 0 0111. .\t(lff (IS

    of rrgrl[,~, et{itorr of . cCr i f i c,l , e,m ~ - I ~ I I c I ~ lor t\vcl\~e )ears - for \ome of u\

    Slzc presmlfly \frr(Jolt ~ ~ l [ ~ ~ ~ . t l~at Ira\ been ccnrenant, P r o t e ~ t ~ ~ r ~ t Re-


  • formed education! Such a pri\*ilege for a by Cod thc Father will count through chiltl of God - to learn in an cm~ironrnci~t ctrrility! \\'hat an unfathomablr wonder to of other Christians - and we like to over- be thankiul for! Live, thrn, as one \\,11o is look it: just not mention where t v r go to "privilegecl" and rememhcr: "Bc! rrady al- school to -ave our "name." Certainly, if \vr ways to give an answer to every lnan that conhidered thii a pri\-ilegc, ure \vo~~ld not ask\ you a reason for the hopr that is in Ex: afraid to speak of it! you" (I Peter 3:15).

    The "pri\rilege" of bring ;In elert cliosen

    Scholarships NONA MIERSMA

    The Protestant Reforn~ed Scholarsllip Conl~nittee is now going on its eight11 ~ C I I I - seci~tive year. \\'e are preparing to o~lcc. again recri\.r appliwtions for scllolarsl~i~,~ fro111 our young people \vho havc c l ~ o s c ~ ~ ~ to I>ccome a Protestant Refonntd tenchcr or minister.

    \\11en the committee first started atvarcl- in!: scholarships, there were o ~ d y a few applicants. Now I'm happy to ;urrlouncr that more interest is being shown arrtl riiclrr are applying. In the past two years, follr- teen have applied and all rcc,rivccl scholi1~- ships.

    AAs you probably know, applicants for scholarships are required to write an essay. -Although granlmar and fonn are important, the committee doesn't pick "\\+nners" fro111 great \\forks of art, but rather uses it to give them an idea of how much sincerity imd c o ~ ~ v i c t i o ~ ~ you have for the topic as- signed.

    In the past we requirrtl a note fro111 your physician c~r~cerrfing your 11c.altll From now on this \\ill not be recluirtul since the college of your choicc* rrc111irc.s a physical examination before you are nc- ceptrd as a \h~dent.

    Rules which apply to Scholar\hip\ me as follo\vs:

    1. An applicimt must be u pm\pecti\c minister or trachcr.

    2. r\n applicant \vill he judgcd on sin- cerity, ability mtd need.

    3. .in applicant must be a hal>tizrtl or confessing memher of a P~otc*\(;lnt liefor~l~ed Church.

    4. Each applicant must fill out .in ap- plication forn~ and bitbmit it to the com~llittee by \lay 1.

    5. Thr cholarship \\,ill ;~pply to tuition only.

    6. Applicants shdl promise in \criting to repa), in full should they refuse to teacll or preach in our Protestant Hc.formed Schools or Cht~rcl~es. (This docs not apply to those who do 11ot fir~ish school, ch;~nge their course nf stt~dy, or arc unable to preach or teach when they finish school.)

    If yokt wish to apply for a scholarship, you can contact your society secretary or the committee secretary, Xliss Gle~lcla Doczema, 4 1 9 Leonarcl, N. E., 49505.

    The committrc ;isks for your continued A~~uncial and spiritual support of this pro- gram. Let us remember &it onr churcl~es ant1 sd~ools are the supporting framework of our denomination.


    The Federation Board would like to thank Jan Lubbers for her work as a member of the Public Relations Staff.

    We also welcome a new department editor, Vi Van Den Top from our Doon Church and the new assistant secretary, Mary Lou Ophoff, to the Beacon Lights Staff.

    The Beacon Lights wishes to thank Ken Koole, the president of the Fed- eration Board for his services as Finance Manager. Taking over his duties i s Tom Van Overloop of our Hudsonville church.



    -- -



    "110 yo11 11ot k11o\\1 that yoilr 11otly is a tc*lnplv of t l ~ c Holy Spirit \\,ithi11 you? . . . : oil arc not your (I\\,II; yo11 were bouqht \vitl~ ;I prict*. So clorify C;otl in yotlr bocly."

    I Cor. 6:19 and 20

    'I'l~ir vt.r.;tB \\-l~iclt 1';tul \\.rote to the Cl~ri\tin~r. ill Corintlr de;~ls \\.it11 fornication. !311t it is \o lo;~tlc.ti \\pith t n ~ t h and principle that Cltri\ti;rtr ~ t r i~~i>ters and teachers ha\-i. often ;~pplietl it to all of the other thinr, tlr;ct I~ave ;in effrrl on ollr I,:~tlie> to drag racing. I \voulcl likr to 11sc it in tlr;~ling \vith smoking.

    For t l ~ e p rob lc~~ t of inloking ib onc iIrcb;l in \ \d~ic l~ t l~c r r ltils h e n little said in our c l r~~rcl~r . \ . I'c-rhaps that i > brcat~se it i\

    Yo11 we. \ ~ ~ ~ o l . i i ~ g i\ n 1nig11ty popular thing. 'fhou.;;tritl\ I I ~ ~ I I t l ~o~~ra~ lc l s , ~r~ill ior~c ill)ntl t~ t i l l i o~~s of peoplt' snroke. Not all for tl~c. >:lint! rtb;ison. to \,I. selrc.. bttt they all tlo SII I I I~C. . 511 \\ll~t*n proplt. in tl~c. cl~t~rc!l~ tokc. kc., t11c.y ft.t.1 rig111 at Iio~lle. T11c.y dc111'1 \t;11rc1 n111; 1Iri.y l111.11cl right in \\,it11 v\,tary- 0 1 1 c ~ caluc. .l'l~;~t'c on', reason \vhv me don't i c~* l so g ~ ~ i l t y tloi~tg it . . . everyone els.: clr~c.s. too. But Scripture tells 11s not to be likc. r\?c3ryonr ~1st.. Script~~rt- tells 11s to 1)s "tranifor~nrtl." T l ~ i ~ t i\ ;I ~ r ~ i u l ~ t y I)iu irlel to ~u~tl'rstnnd. \\'c n ~ t ~ > t strive to 11c tiif- frrrrtt. llo\v str;tngcS, ho\v \vo~tclcrful. T ~ P non-Christi;rtt must look at us ant1 src somr- thing cliffrrent in I I ~ . He n1115t bee in 11s A "nc-\\. cre;ttion."

    "\\'sit n ~ n i n ~ ~ t e , I);~ck up," sonleorre it; \ir)irig. "Yo11 are itssurni~~g that snroki~~g is \vrong. *l'h;~t's j ~ ~ r n p i ~ ~ c r tcl conclusions migh- ty cluick. 1 set. nothing \\,rony with it."

    \\'ell, I guess I (lid dra\\. ;L conr lus io~~ to:] \eon. I'erhnps \ve should es;~minc. srrtokinlr first, ;tntl then pass judgment on it. Let's -ec \\here its place is in tlrc life of a Christi;ttr. For n Christi311'a lifr olusl 1,r. f~r l l of tltings \\vorki~tg together to the honor and g l o n of our Gocl. In \\,orking to\\-art1 that go:iI, cvc.nthing w e do must fit into the scltetnv of ;I godly life.

    \\'hat (1ot.s sntoking accomplish? Docs it

    provide our Ijodiec \\.it11 ~ ~ ~ l t r i t i o ~ t ? S o , I think it is ol,vior~s that it tlocs 1101 pro\'ide nt~lrition. Docs it senre to (*;IS(. pi~in, ;rs aspirin, perl~ap\? NII. it tl~)t~sn't tlo that eitlirr. Dor~s it have i ~ r ~ y 111ctlicin;il llse \vhatsoevcr? Sone. Docs sr~roking 11;1vc, any constructive v;tli~r to t I ~ ( e I)otly ;rt ;ill? So. I t l~ink r~tlt.

    T l ~ c only retison that ~ ~ c o p l c smoke cigarrttes is that it is sc~~nc.l~o\v t.r~joy;tblr to them. Yet not all 5rnokc.r C;III ' v c ~ ~ a.crre n i th \\hat it i\ alwut s ~ ~ t o k i ~ t g that the). enjoy. Sonre s~nokers say ~ I I ; I I i t t;tstea good, some say t l ~ a t it dors not. Some. say that ii frels good, some 11isitgr1.1. wit11 tltilt. .-\I any r;~tt-. pl:tin enjoynrc.nt is ir p t~or rc;rson to sn:oke if it is tl~c. or~ly I-mson t t ~ do so. And I ant afr;~itl t l ~ i ~ t il is the only reason.

    KO\$-, on t l ~ v c~ t l~e r Iritntl, \\'I)!' \ \ ,o~~ltl 1 cSvctr .;ay that it i\ \vrollg t r ~ hmt)kc.? First of itII, Irt ~r te deal \\pit11 t l ~ t . c ~ s t r r ~ ~ ; ~ l s . To hrgin \vith, l,roplc* \vho s~~ tok t* I~:t\,r the stcnc*h nf smoke. on tl~cbir I)otlit.s, ltirir, clothes, and I,rc~atlr. ant1 to ~lc~~~-slrtokcra these people cti~rk I,i.cat~st. of i t . Also, tlrt. >IIIOIr~rns the eyes of t11o ~)i~rlilker ant1 :ill thost- ne;lr him. 'I'llr cigarc.tlc oftc~r bum holes i r ~ carpeting, ~ ~ ~ I ~ o I s t ( . r y , clotl~t~s illld so on.

    It is rather sad th;~t somc~tl~i~rg its snt:rll as a cigarette, \\ith as littlt. vul~~c. as it has, ancl \\*it11 so rn:ury un1)erornitrg char- actrristics as it possesses >l~oultl control 111c~ lives of so In:tny people. :\ncl it dors rnn- trol thrir lives. That is apparcbnt \vhen thry try to stop.

    Bttt out of all ttti, t:dk itl,ot~t \ntoking come thc epostle'c \vortl\, "your I)otly is .I te~rrplr of the Holy Spirit." 'I'he Holy Spirit! That sheds a clifferc~rt light on th r mattcr. That rn;lkes it mantl;rtory that \\.c are careful with our bodirs. For l'i1111 .IIW says in l i o m a ~ s 19:1, ". . . I'rcscnt your bodies a li\*inp sacrifiru., I~oly, ircccptal)le rlnto Cod." Can the s ~ ~ r o k i ~ ~ g Cl~ristian (lo that as \\~.11 as a n u n - s ~ ~ ~ o k i ~ t g Clrristiat~? Ko. \\Thy? Because of thr t r r~c ~liih~rc. of smoki~lg; \\vl~edrer cignrc-ttcss, cigars, or it


  • -Aep~a(saA s , ~ law03 ~ a h a u .s$aqz~od palpuny e sey Aep e I I ! M M O J J O W O ~ > I U ! ~ J noA uayM isnr 'urayr u ! ~ n d 0 4 y3nw sey auo uaqM

    .as!rr~o.~tI ~uil) jo ~ [ O L I J ~ V ) .\\OK .[>as!uioid 2! )I!I[J. 'rlGua4s lerp s11 a,\!S [I!.\\ J!J!~S aq) '8n!yoiur alum -Js>*\O 0) @ll.>l~S dt[l lo$ Ip!Vj II! ..\l!al aH 's.ic< q)~)~oCT~! a ~ p l l , ' a ~ ~ ! . ~ ~ ~ ! ~ Xu!,%![ I! j~.>s.ruo.i J I I~S.LI , I , , .s.wllrraqulllp s! 11 ' . < l l t l ) ) l l ~ ~ SL $1 '1Sll[ S! $1 '~U!IP ~l~C~!.lJt>l I! s! [>o:) ~o . ~ ~ I K I . J ) ~ 1 1 1 ju a s u ~ d s a .11[1 ~c I! jo allis~.>[tf .)r(l ioj loll! aqows 0.1.

    'SIII!!~S!JI[~ an! ,>[doad asat[) jo ,~UI?LII ptrv . J ~ U L U S [[gs J I ~ O J ~ )llC[ 'lllll .lSlllOJ $0 i..,:)NINH\?,ii,, '['.lOj%\ at11 ,1;?~lcll!J.\\ 4114 Ill1 ~).)111111:1s 1ll!l[ JI!l[l 1l!LLl

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    .slloiaulnu 3.11: Yu! -you~s j11 s.1.1311vl1 arI.1, 'III.)~(J ;;n!z,ile.~~!tl .i(l

    S3([lll [t!!tp>LIOlt[ CI ,ily~!111) J ~ O I I I II! S ~ J I uo!l>.)jul 'papag~! s! .ipoq .i[oq.\\ ~ar1.L

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    Sue Terpstra

    ri pilgrint tcrrlkirtg do~cri Life's ~tcrtlt S~XJII t t t~ t rrr~otlter trocelirtp tltc.rc.. I lc trr~s (1 \fr~tig

  • \v;~lk :rllcl r011111 t11(* strtscts t1re1.e is ;I grind ;~nt l rrc111c11 T I , I ) ~ I tlu. gl;~sr I I I I ~ I ~ I . tlncir fret. \le\.\y I I O I I I ~ > F i11r11 strcSc~Ls g r o ~ c o n t i ~ r ~ r ~ l l y \vorsca \vl~ilt, I I I I I . stancls ; I I I [ I looks in :it this sipl~t of F I I ~ I I tlisortlc~r ill111 I I I I ( : S ~ ~ O I I S how these 1 1 c ~ l ) l c - c:~n s ~ ~ w i v e . Tllc.rc. is also thr c~ntlless sc.rr.i~~~~in!: of cl1ilclrc.11, figllting. arltl tl~ro\vir~g of glass ;und rocks 11c;lrd.

    'There arc I I O \ ~ \omr 2.5 111illio11 .IIIIC~- icans Ii\'ing i r r ~ ) l~l>l ic 11011sing projects in thc* Inr~c, citicss. 111 1953 .'(iC; of the 400,000 farnilirs in l>crl>lic I~ousing \\,ere g r t t i n . ~ \vc.lf:rrr. 'Ten years Intcr it \ u s 60% and totl;~y ill somca 11l;1cc!s it is '3OC:. 'To these ~ ) top l r . ecl~~c;~tion clocs not spell success and therefore. jobs c:~nnot be found. .rl~r crime rate in these ;lrc*;ls is unI~eliev:~l>lc and robI~*rI'c~s, thrfts, ;in(] rapes are daily oc- ~ I I ~ : I I I C C - S . \';u~tl;~lism ancl jurvcnile delin- I I I I C I I C ~ is i ~ r c r ~ c l i l ~ l ~ mltl has i~lmost be- come a \v;~y of life to tlnr I)orrtl t e e n a g boy. :is cl~iltlrrn grow u p ill this situation, the first f(v*li~rg (of succc5ss t l~nt is learned is ho\v to S I I C C ~ I . S S F I I I I ~ fight.

    I I I .;l)itc. ol 111,. c~stablishetl ho11si11g proj- ect, tirnc, 11;~s provc!rr 111;11 the project is 1101 vcnry s~~cccss l '~~ l . Alany still arc3 un- ahlr to l'rc-(. I l~c~~~~sc~lvcfis l ' r o ~ ~ ~ po\- r~ty . The hrlp is not c~stc.~~sivc~ cnoc~gl~ to i~ll'ecl the prol>lc.m of tlc~\~c~lol>ing t l~ci r ilttitl~dr or cl~ar;~ctor. In ordcsr to reacl~ tllc got11 of 11c.ll)itrg t l l r r gl~ottocs : ~ r ~ r l S ~ I I I I I S , liousinp projccts I I I I I S ~ 1o11cl1 1111. rnany othcr aspects of tlnrir lift. \vlricl~ ttrr so s;~clly t~ncler- clrvelopetl ; I I I I I \\lnrpt.d. As one of tlre housing oflici;~l.; II:IS s t ~ ~ t e d , "YOII cannot isolatc l ~ o ~ ~ s i ~ ~ g iuntl try to solvr it by itself." Ur~l(~ss tlrc* ;lrca;ls arc rr;~cltcd where they ore nc.r.tlrtl, they \\.ill rem:tin a stawing people.

    T l ~ r no st conlnron family sitr~ations for~ncl in the gl~cttoes and ~ I I I I I I S has the mother ;lctinp :IS 11e.utl of the home with fathers h;~rtlIy, if :rt ;ill, kno\vn by their chiltlren. Tl~cry ~ n i ~ i ~ ~ t n i n little discipline or orclrr ;mtl tlicrc is no teaelling of ;my kind. E\.cryonc* runs ;~l>or~t trying to makc, it for himsclf. \\'hilt is so c .x t r r~~~ely drcadful nhor~t all this is tlwt tl~cbse piwple clie never receiving or givin!: in life that \\41ich is free - ;~ntl is to I>lnme? 'l'hert. is littlr rcnlizntiorr of \v11;1t it rnvans to give pit) or to I>r piticbtl, to ;tldc to sit s i l r ~ ~ t l y in tr;u-s : I I I ~ I ) ( ! i~l)lc to lee1 concrl.11 \vithout 11;1\ri11g to scrc,:~~n, Ihrow stones, c)r p111l ic

    Lnifr. .l 'l~ry I I ~ ~ I A I I live \vit111111t ; I I I ~ 1111c1car- >balding of pc;lcC \\.ithin tl~c~ms~.lvos or ever src*i~~:_: it in n not her pcsrson. 'I'l~c.rc i ~ r ~ . fe\v rstal~lirhecl feelings I>et\vc~1~11 I > ; I ~ ~ ! I I ~ tincl clnilcl. brothcr ant1 sister, or I - V ~ ~ I I h r tn~een friend and friend. Irci!ir~ to untler\t;untl \\dry (thou@h it is evident to all that I ro~~s i t~g projects have failed t l~ei r p~~rpo.;c. ant1 that the Iynited StatcAs is the \vorltl's \vc~;~lthie.\t nation) more consideration is Liven to t l~at which is less irnl,ortar~t t11:11r to t11c lives of people \vho make up part of the linited States itself.

    Perhaps 11ln11y concernetl : \meric;~~~s II;I\SC yivrn up their fight against this horril>lv prohlrrn of poverty :~nd broken li\,c.s :~ntl homes. Pcrl~aps t l~ is is \vhy rnilliorrs of dollars ore no\v spcsnt on sucl~ tlni~~gs :IS space progr;ims \ ~ ~ I i r ~ r e man can i~n~nc-tli;~lc.ly see the power iund succrss of t l~c~~~rsc . l \~~s . Americans rv(.ry\vl~c~re are b c g i ~ ~ n i ~ ~ g to see that mere dr~llnrs arrd cents calr~lot l1c-:11 the deep wounds of I ) r o k r ~ ~ lives, I)c~t 1l1t.1-ct IIIILS~ b e given ;I nnnch prwter 11c'I1) L I I : L ~ leads even unto the clrepcst, ycbt smi~llc.~t spot i11 t l ~ r lleart of man.

    T h e Beacon Lights e x p r e s s e s its apprecia t ion t o t h e fo l lowing congre- ga t ions a n d ind iv idua l s f o r thei r gifts:

    Hope (Walker) $1 0 2 . 2 5 Kalamazoo 17.75 Martha Ladies' Society (Hull) 48.61

    Hudsonvil le 69.37 South East 32.81

    Loveland 34.01

    Richard Kreuzer 1 2 . 0 0

    David O n d e r s m a 7.00 Henry Zands t r a 5.00 David M o e l k e r 5.00 Dwight M o n s m a 5.00


  • NEWS from, tor, and about our churches JEANNE GRITTERS From our Hudsonville Church: 11c-r %. 'flrey \\.ent caroling first and then

    rrtr~rnetl to the church for the. party. Slr. and Slrs. .\lark llihlhcirn rejoice in

    thr birth of a [laughter. Christine Elilirle, 1)orn Tuesday, January 2.

    From our Hope Church:

    T l ~ e I ~ a p t i m papers of hlr. H e \ Dodde From our Holland Church: have becn r t ~ c i \ r d from the Knapp Strcvt

    =llr young --\clult socleQ \rrrnt clr rl\tmns It"+orlncxti Chllrcll of Grand Rcl~ids. carolinl: on the. c\eninq of Dec'nlbrr 19, and aftmnvards met togrt1lc.r for refreh- rnents From our Southwest Church:

    \lr. ant1 \ I n . Calvin 1-onkcr wcsrc. I~lrssed \\-it11 tlic, I)irtl~ of a dnunhter on k'rida),, Jarl~ritry 1.3.

    From our South Holland Church:

    P~tblic confession of faith \\.as mncle 1)). Carl Haak on j a n ~ ~ a r y 7.

    From our Hull Church:

    At his rccluc.st, dismissal papcrs 11;ive I)errl sent to l l r . Peter Hoekstra at his 110111c~ in California.

    The Young People's Society h ;~d their Christmas party on Tuesday night., Ileceni-

    A 11al)y girl \\,as born to lIrs. Ruth Kol~el on \lollday. December 4.

    Puldic confession of faith \tr:ls rnadr by Randy Boonr, Kathy claw so^^, ant1 Gerald De \\'itt on Januan- 21.

    From our Loveland Church:

    Ou the morning of Deccr11l)c.r 31, public confession of faith was rr~adc b. Steve Ezing;~, H c n n Kuiper, nil1 Lanting and Ceorpr Lanting. Bill ;tnd Cic~orge come from our church in Edgerton, hlilmesota.

    Tllc Yoling People's Socicty had a prog- rc-ssivc. dinner outing on hlonclay night, J )ccenll)er IS.

    Extra copies of this and other issues

    are available from the editor at

    30# a copy while supply lasts.

    Fotrrteen BEACON LIGHTS


    Article Author

    A Look at the Christian Scientist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K.B. And Ye Shall Bc IIicted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.L. Arc? You St'mtng? ............................................ I>.K. Atl~cist .......................................................................... ..R.R. H. A \\'or~tlerfnl Thing ....................................................... C.lI., EDIT . A \\rt)rltl of Inicluity .................................................. D.V.U. Bcl~irlrl the Bamhoo Curtain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.L. Better Living through Christ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.R. Ch;mgeless Pltrpose in a Changing \Yorld .................. R.R.11. Christiitn and Smoking, T l ~ e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K.K. Christi~tn Faces \Vnr. Tlic ......................................................... S.T. Chi~rclr's Outlook 011 I I IC Earthly F~tLurc, The ....................... H.R.X'l. Ct)ncc.rrling the Convc*lltion ................................. Lovelantl Y.P.S. C o ~ ~ v c ~ ~ t i o n Re\.ic\v . . . . . . . . C.D. and S.T. De;~ t l~ of the \\'ark Ethic, 'l'lie ..... . . C.R., EDIT . Discovering Your 1)ilfcrences ....... . . . . 11.1 .. Discussion C r o ~ ~ p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ lI.D ..\ I. I>isl~lrl>ing Nc*\vs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A.l >. Ellcct of 'I+.\'. \!i~:wil~g, 'I'lle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J.H. Ev~~ugcliam Tlrrust - Arc \\re Callcd to Senre? ... K.F. "Evc!rybody Dors It" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J.K. Facing the Issues ......... ....... I..H. Fvrt-\va.hing (Pcncliln~~il~m) . . . . . . 1i.C.L. First Sllcphercl, TIII! - Kl~o\vlcdge .................................. H.R.H. F1attcrc.r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1I.H.H. F o ~ ~ r t h Shepherd, 'I'l~c - Sincere ................................... R.R.11. Cr;tcl~~;~tion Address ....................................................... ANOS . Guitlcd by tllc \\'ortl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K.B. C ~ ~ i l t y ..... ................. ~ . . . . . . . D.\'.U. 1It:Ip or Hi~~clancc ............ .......... R.L. ''I Ic.111 Tho~t .\lint. Ul~l~t.liel" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.C. - 1 o 1 1 l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R.R.11. IIunlility - Cotl's IZlc~vntor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J.K. 1gpor;rnce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R.R.H. In I'rilis~ of l1othr.r. .................................................. J.L. J;~maic;in Journeyings ......................................... \\ .. K. Jeho\~i~h's \\'ibesses - Part I1 - Of htan ........................ S.T. Jeslls' Quick Coming .............................................................. R.D.K. Joy! .............................................. ... .............................. 11.1,. Kecbping Perspective ....................................................... ..ll.C,. L. Kingsl~ip of Christ and Secular Govcrnmcnt, The . . . . . . . . . . . T.P. Lcssons in Courage, Lcssons In Thankfulness .............. C.R., EDIT .

    ..... Littlin-Faith .......................................... 13.lI.H. living in Christ .................................................................... K.K. X1i1r1's .%I, ility to \\'rite ........................................................... .A.l hlercy Killing ill Rc.l;~lion to the

    Ca l l i~~g of a Christian Nurse ...................................... hl.\'.H. Kot Only a Season ................................................................ ..R. L. "Only Fear the Lortl" ........................................ R.C. One 1l;tn's Ston 7 ................................................................... H.L. On the Dance ............................................................................. C.D.J. Opc11 .\ 1y Eyes ...................................................................... K.B.

    Issuc No . Page 7 12

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    10 10 9 9 (i 8 3 - 7 6 . 7 1 . 1 5 14 I) 6 3 S 5 1 . . 1 1

    G 1 1 . 13 3 3 1 4 8 7 4 . 9 3 11 1 . 13 4 7

    10 12 3 15

    1 0 3 I 1 . 3 3 9 1 5 3 1 . 5 6 4 1 6 1 2 1 . 7

    10 1 . 1 9 4 4 .5 8


  • I'ilmin~\ ant1 Str;~nfrrs Even Unto Death ILC. Hcadinp . . . .A Lost Art ASOS. I1C.i and CHC \leet for "Unity" T;rlk\ -1.L. lZe\v.~rcL of Lc.~dinc Young I'~.oplc'\ Socieb V.H. l'rivileged \i.ll.T. 5.unt.s Life of \\'.kiting for tllr Lord. The R.R.D. Scl~olarship\ S.\I. srcor~ci Sh~.~)hc.rtl, The - E\~)c.ric.nce R.R.11. Sill~ouettes of the Cross lI.R.H. S p r a h i g Up D.L. Spring R.C.11. 5uccessful Church Libraries C.H., EDIT. "Tempted of Ciod" H.C.H. "The Lord

  • XI.1i.H. - 51rb. R . Reitsma S.'I'. - SII? 'I'eqistra G.\'.S. - Gary Vandcr S c l ~ ~ a l U.\'.I1. - Donn;~ Van L-ffelen N.h1. - Kona SIiersma I ) . I ) . J . - L);i\~n De Jong V.U.T. - V i ['an Den Top

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