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Beach Body Plan - 6 Pack Abs Workout, Abs Training, Home · PDF file · 2017-02-23I used to be in the gym all the time, training clients, working out, giving spinning classes etc

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Due to the physical nature of the exercise regimes contained in the following presentation, it is highly recommended that anybody considering any exercise regime or diet plan consult a

doctor or physician before embarking on any workout, training or eating plan.

It is the responsibility of the individual to make sure that he or she is in good physical and mental condition before embarking on the following program.

Free6packworkouts.com, Sixpackfactory.com, Peter Carvell or the creators cannot be held or

accept any liability whatsoever by the public for injury that may occur whilst following instructions contained in this product.




Will happen until YOU Decide to make it




Table of Contents Introduction 7 The Workout 8 - 15 Log Files 16 Results Enhancing Success Tips 19



Now before I even start to talk about anything else I want to take the opportunity to congratulate you in making this decision and taking that first step to get your body back in shape. This is by far the most important and hardest part of this system and you should give yourself a pat on the back for coming this far already. Remember nothing will happen until you decide to make it happen and now you have made that decision! But making the decision to sculpt your ultimate body is not one that should be taken lightly. It will require some lifestyle changes, dedication and persistence from your side, but in return you will sculpt yourself an amazing looking body. It goes without saying that you will do things you have never done before, you will work harder than you have ever done before and there will come days when you want to quit, but remember this, you are not just working on creating a sexy new body, but also creating a wonderful new life in which you have more energy, more confidence and in which you will be more successful than ever before. In life some things are true, whether you believe in it right now or not, and the truth is that everyone has the ability to create a beautiful body. The potential is already there, all you have to do is use the right tools to sculpt your perfect body and in this manual we are going to empower you with these tools and this information. I feel honored that you are allowing me and my company to help you with this great quest you are about to undertake and it is going to by my pleasure to help you KICK START your weight loss journey by providing you with a complete 7 day quick start action plan to getting back in shape. Now a few years back I was over 34% body fat myself, some might even call this clinically obese. The sad thing was that I used to be a personal trainer and have been in the fitness industry pretty much all of my life so I knew exactly how bad it was for my health to be so greatly overweight. I used to be in the gym all the time, training clients, working out, giving spinning classes etc and had a great body. Then, I moved to a new town, a new job and all of a sudden day by day I started adding on the pounds. As many of you will know, when you see yourself in the mirror every day it is not as easy to recognize that you are getting fatter until one day you see a photo or an old friend who is amazed at how much weight you have put on. It’s only then when most people realize how they have allowed themselves to get out of



shape. The problem is that some people will, even when they know this and get to this point, continue to eat unhealthy and not exercise and it wont be until their doctors tell them they need to lose weight, or even worse when they have a heart attack, that they start to turn their lives around. Basically what I am trying to say is that anyone, no matter who you are, can lose a grip on their health and lifestyle and allow themselves to get out of shape. It just creeps up on you. I don’t believe that anyone ever decides to get out of shape. That anyone goes around telling everyone that he/she wants to know what it is like to be fat, out of breath, unhealthy etc and that he/she is going to eat all the worst foods on this planet and become overweight. NO!!!! I will never believe that any one human being would do something like that, well unless you are paid millions like a huge movie star! But the great news is that if you are reading this book you are READY to change!!! You are ready to take back control of your life and your body. The truth is I DON’T CARE what happened that made you out of shape and overweight; all I care about is that you have made that decision to regain your health and to sculpt a sexy new physique. So forget about your regrets, forget about how in shape you used to be when you where in school and forget about the PAST, because you can’t do anything about it! From here on, focus your emotions, energy and thoughts on the future and the things you can and will change. Remember, it is never too late to become what you were meant to be! SO let’s start by looking at the science of how to get Six Pack Abs and then I will send you on your way with a very powerful 7 day quick start plan that will make sure you get of on the best start possible! Your Coach and Friend

Peter Carvell Peter Carvell , Dip.FTSP, ITEC, IIHHT www.SixPackFactory.com www.free6packworkouts.com



The Science of Getting Six Pack Abs There are as many theories and myths about how to get six pack abs as there are book in this world. To be honest I don’t blame anyone for being completely confused about how you really get ripped. You ask one trainer and he will tell you something completely different then the next. Not to mention all the self proclaimed experts in and around gyms these days. BUT today all of that is going to change. Today I am going to give you that FACT’s. We are going to leave opinions out of this chapter as I want to give you the truth, the information that will help you understand once and for all what it takes to get 6 pack abs FAST! So let’s start at the beginning. Which muscle makes up your so called 6 pack abs then? Without going into too much detail and without throwing technical and biological terms at you we can see if we look at the graphic below that your abdominal area in mainly divided into 3 sections. Upper abs, Lower Abs and Oblique’s or Side Abs. It is mainly the upper and lower abs that provides you with that 6 pack abs that you are after. This does not mean you should avoid your side abs completes as training them will actually enhance the look of the upper and lower abs. This first thing you need to realize is that WE ALL have six pack abs. Well we all have the muscles that makes up your soon to materialize six pack abs. So what is the problem? THAT large amount of fat on top of them is the problem. That layers of lard that covers your abdominal area is actually covering up your six pack abs. Well that is easy enough then right? I get rid of the fat and Wolla! I have a super sexy midsection! Well yes, in theory it really is that simple but the problem comes in learning how to get rid of the fat and also how to develop your abdominal muscles so that you get the Six Pack Abs effect! So what is the best and fastest way of doing this then?



The Plan! The fastest way to get 6 pack abs is to try and do both things I just mentioned together and not to focus on just one or the other. At the end of the day you need to get your body fat % down low enough so that your abs will SHINE through. However if you abs are not very well developed you will need to get your body fat % down extremely low to even see a hint of those abs of yours. BUT if your abs are developed then your body fat % does not need to be as low and you are more likely to actually achieve your goal of getting ripped. So the goal is simple, drop your body fat by doing the right amount or type of cardio, weight training and abdominal training and then build up your abdominal muscles by focusing on workouts that will force your abs to grow bigger, faster. And that my friends is the simple science of how you get 6 pack abs quickly. So why don’t we all have ripped midsections then, if it really is this simple. There are two main reasons. No:1 people don’t or don’t have the workouts that will help them achieve the above. They don’t know how to train their abs to make them grow. And they have no idea on what the best type of weight training and cardio is to help them lose fat and build muscle. Secondly they don’t know how to eat to get ripped. Even if you are on the right workout program and you are training your abs in the right way, if you are not eating correctly you will never get rid of that layer of fat that is covering up your six pack abs. Now in this quick start guide we are not going to be able to cover everything in detail about how you should train and what you should eat to get 6 pack abs ( pop over to http://www.sixpackfactory.com for more in-depth and FREE info on how to get 6 pack abs ). What I did want to do with this manual is to give you a better understand on what you need to do to get 6 pack abs and then to also provide you with a kick start to send you on your way to getting ripped sooner rather than later. So what follows is your complete quick start 7 day workout program that will get you going right away. Then I have also added some diet tips and even some motivational tricks that will keep you going way pass the 7 days you will embark on today. Once you have complete your 7 day program you will be ready to join The Workout Club at http://www.free6packworkouts.com where I provide you with FREE monthly workouts that will get your results fast! Let’s start by looking at how you will use this 7 day workout program.



I do not want to put you off working out within the first 7 days but we are also not here to waste each other time so expect to work hard but also to have enough time to recover. Your workout program is going to be divided into two sections. Cardio and weight training. You are going to do weight training 3 times this week with one day rest in-between each day. So let’s work on a normal 7 day cycle starting on Monday. So Monday, Wednesday and Friday you are going to do the weight training. Then on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ( Yes you will be working out on a Saturday ) you are going to do cardio for me. Let’s first look at the weight training workout.

Weight Training It is vital to get your muscles back in action quickly. The more muscle you have the more calories you will burn and the faster you will lose fat. Doing weight training will also increase your metabolic rate all day long which will have you r burn fat long after you have stopped your actual workout. The weight training will consist of body weight exercises. You are going to do 2 sets of 4 exercises. One upper body, One lower body, One Abdominal and then one short cardio exercise. The workout structure is as follows: Warm-up 5 minutes of cardio. This can be walking around the block, doing Jumping Jacks or even sitting on a spinning bike. But I don’t just want you to sit there and waste your time, OH NO! I want you to increase the speed or resistance every 60 seconds. So you will start if nice and slow and by the time you get to your last minute you will be going pretty fast ( around 80 to 90 % of your maximum effort ). Once you are done with this you move straight onto the first exercise of the weight training. Weight training set one Do each of these exercises for 30 seconds. (Do as many as you can during that time but feel free to stop and take a rest if you are just starting out and feel the need to take it easy.) Do all 4 exercises without any rest in-between. Quick Crunch Forward Lunges Wide Grip Push-up Jumping Jacks



Rest 1 minute and the move onto the second set of exercises. Follow the same strcure as with the first set: Leg Raises Reverse Lunges Narrow Grip Push-up Jumping Jacks or Line Jumps Rest 1 minute and then go back to the first set of exercises. Do 4 sets of the complete weight training section. After your 4

th set you can then either do a nice stretching session or go for another 5 minutes of

cardio but this time just perform the cardio slowly for 5 minutes at around 50% of the maximum effort.

You can see a video of this workout here:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBZCFRKIC08 Let’s look at all the exercises individually.



Leg Raises This exercise is for middle lower abs. How to Do it: 1. Lie on the floor and place hands on the floor next to you or under your buttocks. 2. Straighten your legs and lift them just a little so that they are not touching the floor. 3. Contract the abs to bring your legs up to point straight into the air or a 90 degrees angle. 4. Now lower it again to the starting position but make sure you do not touch the ground. 5. Continue until you 30 seconds is finished.

Fast Crunches This exercise is for the whole abdominal area. How to Do it: 1. Lie on the floor and place your hand on your upper thighs or behind your head. 2. Contract your abdominals to bring your full upper body off the floor, crunch it as hard as you can and hold it for the count of 2 seconds. Now move back down but not all the way so that your shoulders as still off the floor and so you keep the tension on you abs. 3. If you put your hand behind you head, make sure you do not pull on your head and that you only use your abs to do the crunch. 4. Continue until you 30 seconds is finished.




This exercise is for your legs and upper thighs. How to Do it: 1. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart and your hand on your hips. 2. Now take a nice big step straight forward in front of you. 3. Once you are in that position you can move your back knee down towards the floor and then push back with your front leg to go back to the starting position.. 4. Make sure that when you take the stride forward your front knee does not move pass your toes. In other words, make sure you can always see your toes of the leg that is moving forward. 5. Once you move back to the starting position, switch legs. You will switch legs every time you come up so that you are training both legs for the 30 seconds. 6. Eventually after 30 days or so you should hold a weight in your hands as you do this exercise to increase the intensity. 7. Continue until you 30 seconds is finished.



Close grip Push ups This exercise is for upper body and arms. How to Do it: 1. Start by lying face down on the floor. 2. Place you hands just 6 inches apart from each other straight under your chest. 3. Now push up until your arms are straight. Make sure you keep your whole body straight and don’t arch your back as you move up and down. 4. Move back down but make sure your upper body does not touch the ground, and then push back up. 5. If you can’t continue for the full 30 seconds you can take short rest periods until you feel you can continue. However these rest periods must be in a push position. This means that when you want to rest, don’t go and fall on the floor, push yourself up to the top position of the exercise with your arms straight and rest in that position until you feel you can continue. 6. If you are a beginner or female you may also drop down to your knees if the exercise is too hard or you get tired towards the end. See the bottom photo for this position. 7. Continue until you 30 seconds is finished.



Reverse Lunges This exercise is for your lower body specifically your hamstring and buttocks. 1. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart and your hands on your hips. 2. Now take a nice big step straight backwards. 3. Once you are in the correct position you can move your knee down to the floor, almost touching it. 4. Now push yourself back up using both your back leg and your front leg to support you. 5. Once you move back to the starting position, switch legs. You will switch legs every time you come up so that you are training both legs for the 30 seconds. 6. Eventually after 30 days or so you should hold a weight in your hands as you do this exercise to increase the intensity. 7. Continue until you 30 seconds is finished.



Wide push-ups This exercise is for your lower body including your less, hamstring and buttocks. How to Do it: 1. Start by lying face down on the floor. 2. Place you hands just shoulder width apart in line with your chest. 3. Now push up until your arms are straight. Make sure you keep your whole body straight and don’t arch your back as you move up and down. 4. Move back down but make sure your upper body (chest) does not touch the ground, and then push back up. 5. If you can’t continue for the full 30 seconds you can take short rest periods until you feel you can continue. However these rest periods must be in a push up position. This means that when you want to rest, don’t go and fall on the floor, push yourself up to the top position of the exercise with your arms straight and rest in that position until you feel you can continue. 6. If you are a beginner or female you may also drop down to your knees if the exercise is too hard or you get tired towards the end. See the bottom photo for this position. 7. Continue until you 30 seconds is finished.



Wide push-ups This is a cardio exercise. How to Do it: 1.Start with your hand and feet together. Then quickly explode and move your hands about shoulder high and your feet shoulder width. 2.Once in that position brings your hand and feet back together and repeat the movement an steady rhythm. 3.Continue until you 30 seconds is finished.



Line Jumps This is a cardio exercise. How to Do it: 1) Imagine you have a line or rope next to you. Now you will quickly jump from the one side of the rope to the other and back again. 2) Continue until you 30 seconds is finished.



Cardio Cardio makes up the second part of your 7 day quick start workout program. Now if you do not know anything about High Intensity Interval Training ( HIIT ) type cardio you can pop over to http://www.sixpackfactory.com to learn more about this in detail. For now all you need to know is that it is by far the most powerful type of cardio and it will help you get results much faster then any other kind of cardio. Secondly is that as the name suggests it is a type of cardio where you will work in intervals. One interval will be high intensity and then the next interval will be a lower intensity. Let me explain this using a spinning bike. Let’s say you were going to do 10 minutes of HIIT. In this example you are going to work in 30 second intervals. So for 30 seconds you will then go FLAT out, as fast as you can, then for the next 30 seconds you will recover and go about 50% as fast as you were in your high intensity interval. As soon as you hit 30 seconds again you go flat out again and so you continue until your 10 minutes is up. Now in this quick start guide I want you to focus on doing around 15 to 20 minutes and we are going to use the following structure. NOTE: You can use this cardio structure with any kind of equipment e.g. treadmill, spinning bike etc or even without any equipment e.g. running, walking, jumping jacks etc Warm-up ( 0 - 5min) You are once again going to warm up for 5 minutes. You are going to use progressive interval training to warm-up which is the same as the warm-up for the weight training. You are going to start nice and slow and then every minute you will go faster and faster until you are flat out for the last minute. Cardio Workout ( 5 – 15/20min) You are going to work on 30 seconds high intensity and 60 seconds low intensity intervals. So as soon as you are done with the first 5 minutes I want you to bring your pace ( no matter what cardio you doing ) back down to 50% of your maximum effort for 60 seconds. Then once you get to 6 minutes you up the pace and go flat out for 30 seconds. Once you get to 6.30 minutes you go back to 50% and you will then continue this interval until you get to 15 or 20 minutes. Cool Down ( 5 min ) I want you to cool down for 5 minutes starting at around 70% of your maximum effort and then every minute slow it down until you stand still at the end of 5 minutes. You can now go for a nice stretching session!



Eating Tips Let’s look at a few general quick tips to make your eating plan and diet more affective. 1. Eat five-six small meals a day.

• Eat regularly - every three hours. This will provide you with sustained energy throughout your day and will help prevent any cravings you might have.

2. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day 3. Make sure your meals are balanced and you have a portion of good carbs, protein and fat

with every meal.

4. Avoid highly processed foods such as Table sugar, white bread, white pasta, white rice, white flour and their products.

5. Avoid trans or hydrogenated and saturated fats: 6. Reduce the amount of dairy consumed especially with you are intolerant to dairy, suffer

from bloating or have respiratory and sinus problems. If dairy is consumed it must be fat-free and eaten in small quantities.

7. Avoid all alcohol. Alcohol is extremely high in calories and consumption will interfere with

your metabolic processes for approximately 48 hours afterwards.

8. Avoid high sugar and high fat condiments and sauces like tomato sauce, basting sauces and especially mayonnaise or salad creams.

9. Be wary of Restaurant food and take-away’s. Rather prepare your own meals if possible.

10. Planning and prepare your meals in advance and keep a food diary.

11. Plan your grocery list so that you stock only the correct foods in your home and at work

that cannot lead to temptation.

12. Choose one day a week and be more relaxed on your eating plan – Cheat day



Your Complete 7 Day Schedule

Together with your workout program I am going to give you a 7 day food elimination guide. Rather than giving you an exact, eat this and not that type diet I sometimes feel it is better to start slowly and just begin to get rid of the things that is actually keeping you from losing weight rather than to start right away and do everything by the book which can be overwhelming. So try a follow this elimination guide together with the eating tip and work program and you will be well on your way to a better body by the end of the next 7 days!

Day 1 Workout: Weight Training Elimination tip: Eliminate all sugars (in beverages first). Do not consume soft drinks, fruit juices and no milk in tea and coffee. Eliminate alcohol completely.

Day 2 Workout: Cardio Elimination tip: Eliminate all sugars in food eaten. Do not consume sweets, chocolate, pastries, desserts, cake, and bagels.

Day 3 Workout: Weight Training Elimination tip: Eliminate all white refined foods.

Day 4 Workout: Cardio Elimination tip: Eliminate all fatty foods and oils. Do not use butter, margarine or shortening.

Day 5 Workout: Weight Training Elimination tip: Eliminate fast food, take-away’s and pre-packaged food.

Day 6 Workout: Cardio Elimination tip: Stop using salt and high calorie sauces to flavor foods.

Day 7 Workout: Rest Day – Go to http://www.free6packworkouts.com to get workouts to continue. Elimination tip: Have a break BUT be careful, only have ONE cheat meal, not a whole day. So decide on one meal and then have whatever you want.



Motivation Often anyone beginning some kind of weight loss program fails to succeed due to a lack of motivation, the driving force. Ever try to drag yourself out of bed at 4am in winter, or sprint lightening fast on the treadmill after a long day’s work? Didn’t think so!! However, helpful strategies follow below: 1. Think of the end product. What you will look like and how you will feel in the weeks and

months from now. 2. Focus on the glory of victory, the prize or reward you have selected at the completion of

the program. 3. Measure your percent body fat loss and muscle mass gain every two weeks. This is very

encouraging and knowing that you are being measured at regular intervals keeps your efforts consistent. Monitor your progress by taking weekly or monthly photos.

4. Get a training partner. Someone who can push you that little bit further during each

workout can make all the difference and hold you accountable. 5. Mix things up. Change your diet food choices, abdominal exercise selection and workout

regimes every four weeks. If you continue with the same regime week after week you will soon plateau and your results will dramatically drop. Change your training environment, or training time. Go to an exclusive gym just for the day.

6. Keep things fresh, the new stimulus will trigger new results. 7. Challenge yourself by setting yourself fun playful targets. Make yourself work harder, the

results will be spectacular. Think of it as a childhood game. 8. Action creates motivation. Movement will trigger your body and mind to become

motivated. Just start the workout, no matter how slowly, once you get going you will get more into it and before you know it you feel motivated and energized to push harder.



Results Enhancing Workout Tips Drink Water Make sure you have water bottle with you before you start the workout. You have to keep drinking water throughout the workout to make sure you don’t get dehydrated and so can’t work out properly. By keep hydrated you will be able to work harder for long and so burn more calories and get better results faster. MHR Now what is my maximum heart rate some of you might ask? Well let’s quickly look at how you can calculate you MHR and also your target hear rate zones. Now there are few ways of arriving at this figure but one of the simplest ways is as follows.

• First you take 220 minus your age. This will be your MHR.

• To determine your target heart rate which is the zone you want to work in most of the time, you simply multiply your MHR by .60 and .85. This will give you the upper and lower end of the target zone you should be working within.

So let’s look at an example of someone who is 40 years old His MHR will be 180 beats per minutes (BPM). 85% of his MHR will be 153 BPM and 60% of his MHR will be a 108 BPM. So when he is doing his interval session he will work at about 108 BPM during his low intensity interval bouts and at 153 BPM when his doing his high intensity section. Wear lose fitting comfortable clothes Workout out is already hard work, so why make it even harder by wearing heave uncomfortable clothes. Make sure you wear clothes that allows you to easily do all the movements. By wearing light and comfortable clothes that allows your body to breath you will keep cool and you workouts will be much more fun. Wear good supportive trainers Now you will be doing a lot of moments with your feet, legs and whole body. It is vitally important that you get yourself some good supportive trainers to make sure you don’t get injured because you trainers did not support your ankle or was not cushioned enough. If you are going to by anything, make sure it’s a good pair or trainers. Stretch properly after each workout session Stretching is not a just a good way of cooling down but it will increase your recovery rate and give you better results too. For a good stretching routine you can go to http://www.sixpackfactory.com where you will find many good resources.



Stay focused and only rest for the time specified during the exercise. It is going to be thought in the beginning, which is normal. But every workout you must try and get closer and closer to doing the complete workout routine exactly as stated it here in the manual. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is by resting to long because by keeping to the resting periods as stated in the manual you will keep you heart rate elevated and keep momentum which will allow you to burn even more calories. So make sure you try and improve with every workout. Get a friend to do it with you It has been proven over and over that by working out with a partner you can get much better results. So get a friend or family member that has similar goals as you and commit to workout out every week. Make sure you also get someone that will keep pushing you and that will keep you to your commitment of workout out every week. Now if you don’t know anyone, then go to the gym and workout around other people as this will have a similar positive effect on your results.

If you are ready to take things a step up then join The Workout Club FREE at :


FREE Monthly workouts that will get you results fast!