Bcs newsletter2013

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Page 1: Bcs newsletter2013

Our DepartmentsI would like to welcome you all to the Division of Building Science and Technology.The Division of Building Science and Technology (BST), which you are aaching to is one of the academic The Division of Building Science and Technology (BST), which you are aaching to is one of the academic departments of the College of Science and Engineering. It offers top quality Associate Degree education tailored made to prepare you to work as a professional or to pursue further studies. The Division has a very dedicated team of well qualied and caring staff. Being a new student or even if you are progressing to Year-2, I would strongly encourage you to get to know a few of your teachers beer so that they can be your advisors/mentors and provide the best guidance to you.At BST, we also emphasize whole person development. Apart from focusing on your academic achievement, At BST, we also emphasize whole person development. Apart from focusing on your academic achievement, do get yourself involved in many of the out-of-class activities, such as site visits, study tours, student exchange, student mentoring scheme etc, organized by the Division or those organized by the Student Development Services of the University. If you want to master your English language skills, enroll yourself in some of the English Language Support activities offered by the English Language Centre. You can also consider joining the Cultural and Language Immersion Scheme, travelling to one of the native English speaking countries to enhance your language skills and study their cultures at the same time. speaking countries to enhance your language skills and study their cultures at the same time. Self-discipline, hard work and commitment are all essential to effective learning. I am sure you all will do your best to transform yourselves into professionals and able to contribute what you have learnt to the industry and society. I am condent that you will nd the 2 years at BST a satisfying and rewarding expe-rience.

Professor C M TamHeadDivision of Building Science and TechnologyOctober 2013

Contact method:General Office: AC1 5410Tel: 3442-7089Fax: 3442-9716Website: www6.cityu.edu.hk/bst/Email:Email: bsinfo@cityu.edu.hk----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Design and Computer Studios Room (P5803) information:Room No. of Seats RemarksProject Studio 1 (P5806) 82 with benches and seatsProject Studio 2 (P5816) 24 with 8 PCsProject Studio 3A (P5801) 24 with benches and seatsPProject Studio 3B (P5800)PProject Studio 3B (P5800) 24 with benches and seatsComputer Studio 1 (P5813) 33 with 33 PCsComputer Studio 2 (P5817) 54 with 54 PCsComputer Studio 3 (P5827) 48 with 48 PCsDesign Studio 1 (P5810) 40 with 36 drafting tablesDesign Studio 2 (P5829) 39 with 39 drafting tables

Source from: www6.cityu.edu.hk/bst/

Our DepartmentsOur Departments

The Department is unique in Hong Kong for its multidisciplinary faculty that includes spe-cialists in civil and structural engineering, architecture, surveying, building services engi-neering, construction engineering and management, urban design and regional planning all within one academic unit.Our undergraduate programmes are enhancing students’ innovation and exploration of new ideas and aim to serve the construction community by preparing graduates with up-to-date necessary skills and knowledge to contribute towards a beer development of the built environment. Our research and consultancy activities encompass broadly the full range of areas in Built Our research and consultancy activities encompass broadly the full range of areas in Built Environment including Civil and Environmental Engineering, Structure and Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation, Hydrology, Building Servicing Engineering, Construction Management, Surveying, Architecture, Urban Design and Planning. These are supported by excellent departmental facilities. It is our belief that these activities underpin and enhance the academic programmes.

Undergraduate-degree (full-time) programmes :•• 4-year-curriculum:Engineering in Construction Engineering and Management Engineering in Building Services EngineeringEngineering in Civil and Structural EngineeringScience in Surveying• Self Financing:Science in Architectural Studies

Contact Methods:Contact Methods:General Office: AC1 B6322(Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering)Tel: 3442 7609Fax: 3442 0427Website: www.ca.cityu.edu.hkEmail: [email protected]

Source from:www.ca.cityu.edu.hk

Page 2: Bcs newsletter2013

大家知道什麼是營造師嗎?他的職能是什麼呢?而香港營造師學會(Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers – HKICM)又為業界做了些什麼呢?讓我在這裡為大家簡單介紹。


自一九九七年成立以來,香港營造師學會一直從各方面促進營造業管理的優質化與專業化自一九九七年成立以來,香港營造師學會一直從各方面促進營造業管理的優質化與專業化發展。通過舉辦學術會議、專題研討會、工地及廠房考察等活動,把最新的專業資訊帶給會員和業界友好,幫助業界與時並進,提高專業質素。作為Young Member Committee – 青年會員委員會 (簡稱YMC) 的主席,我深切地感受到,年輕人的加入,對建造業界的重要性。不論你是修讀任何與建造有關的學科,將來都有可能成為管理人員,對建造業有關的各個專業有一定程度認識,必能令你在管理的位置上得心應手!我們YMC是為年青會員而成立,旨在給各同學多一些機會接觸建造業的資訊,早一步為自己的事業作好準備!更可在過程中,得到前輩的提點和建立堅實的人際網絡。期待著你們的參與,讓我們一起更可在過程中,得到前輩的提點和建立堅實的人際網絡。期待著你們的參與,讓我們一起努力!貢獻香港的建造業!

古頌慧香港營造師學會青年會員委員會主席P.S. 有意成為學生會員的同學,可在本會網站下載表格,費用全免。

HONG KONG INSTITUTE OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGERSGEeneral Office: Room 801-2, 8/F, On Lok Yuen Building, 25 DesVoeux Road Central, Hong KongTel: (852) 2523 2081Fax: (852) 2845 4749Email: [email protected] http: http://www.hkicm.org.hk/

香港建造業議會青年會是香港建造業議會的子機構,致力服務新一代正在就讀建築學相關學科的大專生。成立於二零一零年,宗旨是培訓年輕學生成為建造業的菁年領袖,短短數年間,會員人數己經有數千人。我們舉辦的活動十分多元化。學術方面,我們會有工地探訪,讓同學了解最新的設備和建築方法;和立法會議員對話,讓同學從不同方向思考有關建築的問題;以及在暑假為會員提供一些實習的機會。玩樂方面,每年會舉辦交流團,以特惠的價錢習的機會。玩樂方面,每年會舉辦交流團,以特惠的價錢到其他國家交流,深受會員歡迎;年度晚宴提供一個機員讓會員互相認識。亦會不定期舉行文娛的活動,例如不久前完滿結束的Art jamming part。為了讓會員更方便接觸我們,我們亦加入了Facebook,名為Hkca Yms, Facebook page 是HKCA YMS,快快加為朋友了解我們最新消息啦!若未成為會員的,可以到ww-w.yms.com.hk加入成為會員。

一般而言,本會大部份會員均須完成專業評核試計劃才可成為會員。申請人須取得認可學歷,然後加入本會成為見習測量師,及參加有關組別的專業評核試;此外,視乎個別組別的要求,見習測量師須通過為期最少24個月的訓練,及須符合其他有關評估,其入會的申請才會獲得考慮。 詳見下圖。

青年組(YSG)是香港測量師學會其中一個組別 ,為香港測量師學會內較年輕的成員,代表了會內年青會員的聲音,確保年青會員的意見和利益受到重視。

青年組每年舉辦不同組別之講座及持續進修課程(CPD)及實地考察, 並聯同其他組別舉辦一系列之準測量師結構學習課程 (PQSL), 為成為正式專業測量師打好基礎。 每年更舉辦交流團考察, 與各地測量師交流專業知識, 另會協辦專題研討會及講座。

一般為政府機構包括屋宇署, 房屋署, 建築署, 差餉物業估價署 , 規劃署及地政署等, 私人顧問公司, 發展商及建造商均有聘請測量專業人才。

所有測量學及相關認可課程之大學學生均可申請成為學生會員, 只要到香港測量師學會網站下載及填妥相關表格, 經其學科部門主管簽署認可並連同港幣60元正劃線支票交回香港測量師學會,經批核後便成為我們學生會員。鍾敏慧香港測量師學會青年組主席




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香港建築師學會前身──香港建築師公會(The Hong Kong So-ciety of Architects)由27位建築師於1956年組成,成立旨在提昇建築設計、促進和輔助各種相關藝術及科技知識的汲取。除此之外,提高會員的專業服務水準。後來香港建築師學會更獲英國皇家建築師學會(Royal Institute of British Architects)認可。1972年,正式改名為香港建築師學會。



每年,有志人士可通過學會安排的專業考試獲取建築師專業資格每年,有志人士可通過學會安排的專業考試獲取建築師專業資格。通過考核者之建築師專業資格不僅獲香港承認,並可獲英國、美國、澳大利亞、加拿大及其他 國家之認可。參加會員的建築師需要參加並而通過九項專業測試才能合資格成會會員。


Contact:Office: 19/F, One Hysan Avenue, Causeway BayTelephone:Telephone: (852) 2511 6323Fax: (852) 2519 6011, (852) 2519 3364Website: http://www.hkia.net/en/Home/Index.htm


The Engineering Society of Hong Kong was founded in 1947 with the aim of bringing together engineers of different Disciplines for their common good. The Society flourished and as a result the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (the HKIE), was incorporated under the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Ordinance, Chapter 1105 of the Laws of Hong Kong in 1975. Adapting to the needs of engineers in Hong Kong, the Institution continues to develop and expand.expand.

The mission of the HKIE is to promote the advancement of engi-neering and to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas; to provide a broad range of services to members, to assist them in developing their careers and to play their full role in contributing to society; and to maintain a high standard of the profession, and to raise the standing and visibility of engineers. The core values of the institution has established this session which are Sustainability, Professionalism, Integrity, Excellence and Continuous Improvement.Professionalism, Integrity, Excellence and Continuous Improvement.

The Young Members Committee (YMC) has established in 1985 and is responsible to the Learned Society Board of the HKIE for the promulgation of activities of a technical and social nature for the Registered Young Members (RYMs), defined as members of the In-stitution who are at or below the age of 35 and registered under YMC.

In session 2012/13, our RYMs stood at over 5,000 which is the largest society among young engineers’ bodies. We have attracted 20 committees and over 100 helpers and organized over a hun-dred events for our members including technical seminars, site visits, workshops, career talks, delegations and etc. Our aims are nurture young engineers to become future leader in the industry, society and international. Beside, we encourage our member to participant in community service. There is more information in YMC participant in community service. There is more information in YMC webpage at http://ymc.hkie.org.hk.Office Location: 1 Great George Street, Causeway BayWebsite http://ymc.hkie.org.hk/



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