A csapat neve:______________________________________ Iskolátok: __________________________________________ Szerezhető pontszám: 100 pont Megszerzett pontszám: Beküldési határidő: 2016. április 18. Beküldési cím: Abacusan Stúdió, 1193 Budapest, Klapka u. 47. BÁBEL - A 4 KORSZAK 7-8. OSZTÁLY 2.FORDULÓ - KÖZÉPKOR

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A csapat neve: ______________________________________

Iskolátok: __________________________________________

Szerezhető pontszám: 100 pont

Megszerzett pontszám:

Beküldési határidő: 2016. április 18.

Beküldési cím: Abacusan Stúdió, 1193 Budapest, Klapka u. 47.




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Kedves Versenyzők!

Elérkeztünk a 2015/16. évi Bábel – A 4 korszak angol nyelvi verseny 2. fordulójához!

Kalauzotok továbbra is a korábbi fordulóban megismert család: az építész apuka, Adalbert,

biokémia kutató mama, Wilhelmina, bakfis korba lépett lányuk, Eufrozina, és a kisöccse,


Míg tavaly Eufrozina különleges iránytűjének köszönhetően a 4 égtáj épített és természeti

csodáival ismerkedhetett meg a család és a versenyzők, idén Martin kotnyeleskedő

csínytevéseinek köszönhető a kalandos időutazás.

A kis család derűsen töprengve ült a tengerparton.

„Mennyi érdekeset láttunk!” szólt Wilhelmina.

„Igen. Stonehenge… És a világ 7 csodája…! Jó, hogy erre játunk…”

tűnődött Adalbert.

Martin és Eufrozina eközben az időgépet szemlélgették.

„Nézd, Eufrozi, ezt a kallantyút eddig nem is vettem észre! Mi lenne, ha


„Jaj Martin, neee!”

A következő pillanatban Martin, Eufrozina, Adalbert és Wilhelmina egészen más tájon, más

időben találták magukat.

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Task 1 Design your own Coat of Arm with Medieval Symbols 7 p / __

You can use the design page to help you: http://www.mytribe101.com/crest/index.php

The Coat of Arms started in about the 12th Century. A knight dressed in armour from head

to foot could not be recognised by friends or enemies. This resulted in markings being

painted on knights’ shields, as it was the largest piece of equipment the knight had and as

the shield was easily seen from far away. Attach your work to the test.

Follow the stages below to create your own Coat of Arms:

1. NAME - Find a nice sounding family name for your group, being now a family. (you can look into the real

names for help - http://fantasynamegenerators.com/#realNames)

2. SHIELD – sections should include something about what you like to do (hobby, sport or other pastime

3. COLOURS - choose your favourite colours for the background of your shield it could even be more than

one colour, perhaps one or two for each section.

4. MOTTO - this appears at the bottom of the coat of arms and would normally be three words describing

why the knight would be a good ally. Think of three words that sum up your strengths, or one of your


Some colours, symbols and animals had special meaning when use on Coats of Arms.

more symbols here: https://www.fleurdelis.com/symbolism.htm

Bravery Red, Griffin (part eagle part lion), Unicorn, Lion, Tiger, Dragon, swords, horns, antlers

Kind Bear, Pelican

Loyal Blue, Dog, Wolf, Horse, Axe, Ring

Hard working Bees, Camel

Ambitious Snake

Enthusiasm Falcon, Hawk, Fire

Clever/ Wisdom Fox, Grasshopper, Cubes, Dice, Crescent

Leader Purple, Eagle, Crown, Bridge

Trustworthy Raven, Gold Circle

Peace & Harmony White, Silver, Stag, Elk, Deer, Moon

Grace Purple, Mermaid

Beauty Peacock, Butterfly

Honest/ Truthful Blue, Hand, Heart

Generous Yellow, Gold

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Task 2 Black Death 5p/__

Watch the power Point Presentation about the Black Death.

Imagine that you run an Apothecary shop in London. In your book, design an advert on a poster for wealthy

customers, advertising some of your remedies or prevention techniques.


What you know about real cures

What people thought caused the plague

What you know about the ingredients used in medieval medicine.

Task 3 Crusades 10p/__

Open the BBC link and do the activity. Click on the answers then follow the next slide.

After understanding and reading the glossary answer the questions below:


1. What was the aim of the Crusades?

a. try to conquer the Holy Land and Jerusalem.

b. try to convert Muslims to Christianity.

c. discover unknown lands.

2.Where was the Muslim religion founded?

a. India

b. Spain

c. Arabia

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3.Who founded the Muslim religion?

a. prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

b. Pope Urban II

c. Richard of England

4.What did Pope Urban II want the Crusaders to do?

a. win back Jerusalem for Christianity.

b. Establishing a trading company.

c. Return Jerusalem to the Muslims.

5.When did the streets run with blood?

a. when the Muslims massacred the Crusaders in Jerusalem in 1099.

b. when the Crusaders massacred the Muslims in Jerusalem in 1099.

c. when Louis VII of France invaded the Holy Land.

6. What provoked the Third Crusade?

a. 1090s Muslim Turks made it more difficult for Christian pilgrims to visit Jerusalem.

b. 1187, the Muslim ruler Saladin recaptured Jerusalem.

c. 1189, Richard I became King of England.

7.What happened to Richard I on the way home from the Third Crusade?

a. became ill.

b. was kidnapped

c. was murdered.

8.How many Crusades were there in total?

a. 10

b. 9

c. 8

9.The Crusaders learned about many things from the Muslims. Which of the following was NOT learned from the


a. numbers

b. printing

c. science and medicine

10.What did the Crusaders bring back with them?

a. sugar

b. tea

c. coffee

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Task 4 Architecture – Castles 15p / __

A. Explore the castle and all its rooms on the interactive map! Then find the names of the rooms and fill in

the gaps:


1. There's a lookout on the castle _____________________ 24 hours a day, keeping an eye out for

any unwelcome 'visitors' heading his way.


2. Soldiers with ______________________ and those with _________________________ (which

can be fired twenty times faster) and - in times of attack - there are even men with forked poles,

ready to push away any enemy ladders thrown up against the walls.


3. They are the owners of the castle. Their rooms are in the ______________ part but are

nonetheless very________________________ .


4. Here the butter is churned and cheese made.


5. The _________________ is baked in the bread ovens. The bread baking is very important

because not only does everybody eat a lot of it but special ________________ of stale bread

called 'trenchers' are used to eat off instead of plates. The trenchers soak up the

__________________ and if not eaten with the meal are given to the poor or thrown to the



6. Here live the pages: Thomas, Lucan, Mark and Edwin. When they are old enough

they will become __________________.


7. Here are the feasts for special occasions such as Christmas and Harvest Thanksgiving

are held. Lord and Lady Sherwood sit at the top of the hall, the

____________________ , squires and other members of the _______________ sit on benches at long tables.


8. When the King is touring the Midlands of England he often visits Kids' Castle.

Apartments have been built specially for him in the latest ___________________

and with the best amenities. The huge ____________________ fill the rooms with

light and there is even water on tap


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9. This is Harold the Jailer. He guards the dungeon.


10. The soldiers who guard the castle live here.



1. Who is Swift who lives close to the building that houses the hawks and falcons?


2. Who are Edgar, Baldwin, Sigmund and Robert? They are all hoping to be knights

one day.


3. Who are Sir Tristram, Sir Geoffrey, Sir Basil and Sir Clifford. They all fight in the

name of Lord Sherwood.


4. Who is Sir Hugo? He is in charge of the proceedings. The young pages serve the

food at the top table so that they will learn good manners.


5. Who is Arthur, who makes the bows and arrows, works nearby.


Task 5 VIKINGS 10p / __

Look at the following video with subtitles:



Fill in the gaps and answer the questions:

1. The Vikings were groups of warriors from _______________ .

2. Between the 8th and 11th centuries left their homes -in order to __________________ in Europe,

Asia and the North Atlantic

3. The Vikings were master ______________.

4. Their ships were called _____________________________.

5. The Vikings were ______________________ , which made the unprotected monasteries in Northern

England and Scotland popular targets, and got Christian Europe quite upset.

6. Vikings, who were known in East Europe as _________ –formed the basis for the kingdom of Rus-

siaIn France, the Vikings who were known as ____________ established the duchy of Normandy

7. What did the unique design of their ships enable them?

8. List a few of their fearsome warriors!

9. Where did they establish settlements?

10. When was the “Viking Age” over?

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Task 6 Tudors 12p / __

Go to the BBC webpage read the revision part and do the activities then answer

the following questions:


1. Which dynasty did Henry VII establish?

a. The Normans

b. The Tudors

c. The Stuarts

2. How many wives did Henry VIII have?

a. One

b. 3

c. 6

3. What was the 'Field of the Cloth of Gold'?

a. A battlefield in the AngloFrench war of 1512-1514.

b. Treaty negotiations between England and France in 1520.

c. The celebrations when Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn in 1533.

4. Why did Henry VIII want to divorce Catherine of Aragon?

a. He wanted a male heir.

b. They had no children.

c. Catherine of Aragon was a Protestant.

5. Who did Henry VIII want to marry instead of Catherine of Aragon?

a. Anne Boleyn

b. Anne of Cleves

c. Jane Seymour

6. What was the Valor Ecclesiasticus?

a. A medal for bravery.

b. A survey of the monasteries.

c. An act to make priests and monks swear that Henry was head of the Church.

7. What did the Statute of Proclamations (1539) do?

a. It gave Parliament the right to make laws.

b. It gave the government the duty to publicise laws.

c. It gave Henry the power to make laws.

8. Who were the gentry?

a. Nobles

b. Small local landowners

c. Shopkeepers

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9. What is an Act of Succession?

a. An act of Parliament rewarding someone's success

b. An act of Parliament stating who is the monarch's heir to the throne

c. The second act in a play

10. Why is the Act in Restraint of Appeals so important?

a. It made Henry, not the Pope, the supreme head of the Church in England

b. It declared that England is a sovereign state, subject only to its own government

c. It outlawed Protestant beliefs

11. What were changes that started the modern England:

a. ____________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________

d. ____________________________________________________________

e. ____________________________________________________________

f. ____________________________________________________________

Task 7 Charlemagne 15p / __

Watch the video with subtitles and interactive transcript under the Options button!



1. Between the ancient Roman world and the modern world, between the ancient Roman emperors

and Napoleon, there was really only one ______________ that controlled most of Western Europe:

Charlemagne or ________________________ or Carolus Magnus.

2. On Christmas Day, in the year _______ exactly, Charlemagne is _____________ emperor by the

Pope in Rome.

3. The Western Roman Empire basically ____________________ . What we see beginning especially in

the _________________ is the dissolution of the institutions of the Roman Empire.

4. We have to recognize the pressure from a series of ______________ from people that the Romans

thought of as ___________________.

5. These are a people who migrated into the lands that were part of the Roman Empire. You might

know them as the ____________________________________________________________. The

Lombards were often _____________________________ what was the heart of the old Roman

Empire, and that was Rome, the Papal States.

6. We think about the Pope as a _________________________ , but the Pope was also a political leader

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7. Charlemagne, early in his career, had been _____________________ by the Pope at the time, Pope

Hadrian, to protect him and the papal lands. Charlemagne was _______________________________

and actually Charlemagne became king of the Lombards.

8. We have the ___________________________ in the East. We have the ____________ ruling from

Rome over the Papal States in Central Italy .We have ________________, who's the king of the

Franks, ruling over a very large area encompassing largely what is now France, what is now Germany,

and Northern Italy.

9. Leo III did not come from one of the _______________________ powerful aristocratic families in

Rome. Two men, officials in the church, ______________________ Pope Leo III of very serious


10. Pope Leo III _____________________ his innocence on an oath. The people who

_________________________ him were exiled. Leo III was established, legitimately, on the throne of

St. Peter's as Pope.

11. When Charlemagne ___________________ into St. Peter's Basilica on Christmas Day in the year 800

and Pope Leo III puts the crown of the emperor on his head, we know that everybody is getting a


12. The king of the Franks has become an ___________________ and, of course, Leo is cementing his

_________________ with his protector.

13. __________________ , the two men needed each other. In fact, Leo III, when he was first made

Pope a few years earlier, sent Charlemagne the keys to the relics of St. Peter and the

_______________of the city of Rome.

14. All of Europe was being _________________________ .Now the capital of the Empire was no ta

Mediterranean city, it was now in the North ,it was now in the city of ___________________ .

15. Charlemagne was not just a ________________________________ and politician, but also was a

very serious ____________________ and began what some historians call the Carolingian


Task 8 INVENTIONS 10p / __

What do you think is the coolest invention from the Middle Ages?


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1. Longbow with massed, disciplined archery (13th) - The Longbow was powerful, accurate and contributed

to the eventual demise of the medieval knight class. It was used by the English against the French during

the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453).

2. Heavy plough (5th - 8th) - The heavy wheeled plough first appeared in Slavic lands before it came to

Northern Italy (the Po Valley). By the 8th century it was used in the Rhineland. The Heavy Plough was

important in cultivation of the rich, heavy, often wet soils of Northern Europe.

3. Artesian well (1126) - A thin rod with a hard iron cutting edge is placed in a bore hole and repeatedly

struck with a hammer. Underground water pressure forces the water up the hole without pumping.

Artesian wells are named for Artois in France, where the first was drilled by Carthusian monks in 1126.

4. Wheelbarrow (1170s) - Useful in construction, mining, and farming. Wheelbarrows appeared in stories

and pictures between 1170 and 1250 in North-western Europe. First depiction in a drawing in the 13th


5. Hourglass (1338) - A dependable, affordable and accurate measure of time. The instrument isn't liable to

freeze as other time measurements systems of the time did. Hourglasses are a medieval innovation first

documented in Siena, Italy.

6. Mechanical clocks (13th -14th) - A European innovation, these weight-driven clocks were used primarily in

clock towers.

7. Spectacles (1280s) - From Florence, Italy, convex lenses to help far-sighted people. Concave lenses fro

near-sighted people weren't developed before the 15th century.

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8. Mirrors (1180) - First mention of a mirror was made in 1180 by Alexander Neckham who said "Take away

the lead which is behind the glass and there will be no image of the one looking in."

9. Oil paint (ca. 1410) - As early as the 13th century by Flemish painter Jan van Eyck around 1410 who

introduced a stable oil mixture. Oil was used to add details to tempera paintings.

10. Quarantine (1377) - Initially a 40-day-period, the Quarantine was introduced by the Republic of Ragusa to

prevent the spreading of diseases like the Black Death. Venice began quarantines, then the practice

spread around in Europe

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Task 9 Middle Ages - Review 6p / __


Europe entered a dark age after the fall of the Roman Empire while the Middle East and China were making

discoveries in math and science. What do you know about the Middle Ages? Give short ideas.

1. Why do you think Europe experienced a dark age?

2. Why do you think the church was so integrated into the lives of Europeans?

3. Why was the Middle East and China different?

Task 10 The middle ages – creative task 10p / __

Shoot a 2 minute video about one of these topics:

- King Arthur and the knights of the round table

- Robin Hood

- The theatre of Shakespeare

Evaluation criteria:

- complexity and production value of the video

- amount and quality of dialogue

- grammatical correctness and pronunciation

The finished video should be sent to [email protected]