Bates, K. T., and E. R. Schachner. 2011. Disparity and convergence in bipedal archosaur locomotion. Journal of the Royal Society Interface

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  • 8/3/2019 Bates, K. T., and E. R. Schachner. 2011. Disparity and convergence in bipedal archosaur locomotion. Journal of the


    Disparity and convergence in bipedalarchosaur locomotion

    K. T. Bates1,* and E. R. Schachner2,3

    1Department of Musculoskeletal Biology, Institute of Aging and Chronic Disease, Universityof Liverpool, Sherrington Buildings, Ashton Street, Liverpool L69 3GE, UK

    2Department of Biology, University of Utah, 257 South 1400 East, Salt Lake City,UT 84112, USA

    3Marmarth Research Foundation, Marmarth, ND 58643, USA

    This study aims to investigate functional disparity in the locomotor apparatus of bipedalarchosaurs. We use reconstructions of hindlimb myology of extant and extinct archosaurs to gen-erate musculoskeletal biomechanical models to test hypothesized convergence between bipedalcrocodile-line archosaurs and dinosaurs. Quantitative comparison of muscle leverage supportsthe inference that bipedal crocodile-line archosaurs and non-avian theropods had highly conver-gent hindlimb myology, suggesting similar muscular mechanics and neuromuscular control oflocomotion. While these groups independently evolved similar musculoskeletal solutions to thechallenges of parasagittally erect bipedalism, differences also clearly exist, particularly the dis-tinct hip and crurotarsal ankle morphology characteristic of many pseudosuchian archosaurs.Furthermore, comparative analyses of muscle design in extant archosaurs reveal that muscularparameters such as size and architecture are more highly adapted or optimized for habitual loco-motion than moment arms. The importance of these aspects of muscle design, which are notdirectly retrievable from fossils, warns against over-extrapolating the functional significance ofanatomical convergences. Nevertheless, links identified between posture, muscle moments andneural control in archosaur locomotion suggest that functional interpretations of osteologicalchanges in limb anatomy traditionally linked to postural evolution in Late Triassic archosaurscould be constrained through musculoskeletal modelling.

    Keywords: archosaur; locomotion; bipedalism; Poposaurus;convergence; modelling


    The clade Archosauria contains a staggering level ofmorphological, functional and ecological diversity thatincludes living birds and crocodilians, in addition toan array of enigmatic extinct forms such as dinosaursand pterosaurs [1,2]. Since Romers seminal work onlimb anatomy and myology [3,4], archosaur locomotionin particular has stood as a perpetual subject of interestand debate in vertebrate palaeontology and compara-tive biomechanics. Romers work on extant andextinct archosaurs was built upon in a series of influen-tial and widely cited studies examining the relationshipbetween osteological anatomy and limb posture in lepi-dosaurs, crocodilians and dinosaurs [5 7]. However, itwas not until formal recognition of living birds as thedirect descendants of Mesozoic theropod dinosaursthat the true magnitude of variation in archosaurlimb morphology and function was fully appreciatedwithin an evolutionary framework [8 11].

    Understanding this disparity requires a unified bio-mechanical and evolutionary perspective and, in recentyears, fossils have played a fundamental role in elucidat-ing aspects of avian biological and functional evolution[9]. Indeed, the study of formfunction evolution in themusculoskeletal system of avian-line (ornithodiran)archosaurs has reached real maturity, with the marryingof traditional anatomical studies with sophisticated

    mathematical computational approaches [913]. Byproviding an insight into the musculoskeletal mechan-isms used to achieve locomotion in extinct archosaurs,these functional analyses potentially offer a means tomore directly test hypotheses about the evolution of arch-osaur locomotion, selective pressures behind disparateand convergent morphologies, and their relationship toshifts in ecology and biodiversity through the Mesozoic[1,2,57,14 17].

    Work in this area has to date focused largely on formfunction evolution along the theropod-bird lineage [911]and on the engineering challenges of large multi-ton bodysize in animals such as Tyrannosaurus[12,13]. In contrast,

    extinct crocodile-line (pseudosuchian) archosaurs havereceived considerably less attention, particularly fromserious biomechanical analysis. This is highly surprising,given that the fossil record documents significant

    *Author for correspondence ([email protected]).

    Electronic supplementary material is available at or via

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    Received7 October 2011Accepted 2 November 2011 1 This journal is q 2011 The Royal Society

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    anatomical (and by inference functional) disparity intheir locomotor apparatus, particularly during the LateTriassic, a time of major shifts in biodiversity in terrestrialvertebrate communities [1,2,14]. During this period, pseu-dosuchian archosaurs underwent evolutionary shifts in

    locomotor posture, between both quadrupedalism andbipedalism and sprawling to more erect forms, andevolved body plans strikingly similar or convergent todinosaurs [1,2,1417]. As a result, locomotion has fea-tured prominently in the heated debate surroundingdiversification and extinction during the Late Triassic,and the rise of the dinosaurs [1,2,57,14]. However, thehypotheses of functional convergence and mechanical per-formance between pseudosuchians and dinosaurs (relatedto concepts of competition and superiority [1,2,57,14])that underpin this controversy remain untested.

    Herein, we aim to investigate the evolution of func-tional disparity in the locomotor apparatus of bipedal

    archosaurs. In particular, we provide a detailed bio-mechanical investigation of pelvic and hindlimb musclemechanics in a bipedal poposauroid (a sub-clade ofextinct pseudosuchian archosaurs that includes manybipedal taxa), with the aim of understanding the simi-larities and differences between the evolution of uprightbipedal posture and locomotion in non-dinosaurian arch-osaurs and the theropod lineage that gave rise to extantbirds (figure 1). Our analysis is facilitated by the discov-ery of a new, largely complete and articulated specimenof Poposaurus gracilis (YPM 57100; figure 1b), whichrepresents the most complete poposauroid skeletonknown to date, and is probably the most complete bipe-

    dal basal (non-ornithodiran) archosaur yet discovered[8,18]. The exceptional preservation of this specimenhas conserved the majority of the muscle attachmentsites on the pelvic and hindlimb skeletal elements,

    enabling a phylogenetically based reconstruction ofhindlimb myology [18] (figure 2a).

    Investigating functional disparity in bipedal archo-saur locomotion will be addressed through a numberof more specific questions. Reconstruction of the mus-

    culotendinous system of a number of archosaurs inthree-dimensional biomechanical models (figure 2)enables us to address our first two research questions:(i) how disparate are hindlimb muscle moment armsin bipedal archosaurs and (ii) how different are theirmuscle activation patterns? This is performed bycomparing three-dimensional muscle moment arms ina number of exemplar living and extinct archosaurs(figure 2be) using our modelling approach. By pro-viding estimates of muscle moment arms, thismethodology provides valid mechanical comparisonsbetween extinct and extant taxa, and as such, is particu-larly attractive in the study of fossil species for which

    other aspects of muscle design (e.g. muscle masses andarchitecture) are not available [9]. However, just howimportant is this unfossilized information on muscledesign, and what similarities and differences betweenbipedal archosaurs might be missed by simply restrictinganalyses of fossil taxa to basic mechanical parameterssuch as moment arms? To address this important issue,we therefore also tackle two further questions in thisstudy: (iii) to what extent are moment arms diagnosticof specific aspects of locomotion in archosaurs (such ashabitual posture and limb kinematics)? or alternatively(iv) are other aspects of muscle design (e.g. mass, archi-tecture, length, etc.) more diagnostic or optimized for

    habitual gait?In addition to modelling, we therefore also assemble

    quantitative muscle data from studies of extant archosaursto investigate correlations between muscle properties













    Allosaurus fragilis

    Struthiomimus sedens

    Struthio camelus

    Velociraptor monogoliensis

    Tyrannosaurus rex









    Poposaurus gracilis

    Sillosuchus longicervix


    Shuvosaurus inexpectatus

    Rauischus tiradentes

    Crocodylus niloticus il

    (i) (ii)



    Figure 1. (a) Simplified phylogeny for Archosauria modified from Nesbitt [16]. (b) Idealized diagrammatic illustration of thearticulated skeleton of Poposaurus gracilis (YPM 57100) in left lateral view, redrawn and modified from Gauthier et al. [8].(c) Diagram of the ornithodiran buttress erect hip in Tyrannosaurus rex (i), and the suchian pillar erect hip in Poposaurus(ii) in caudal view with the pubes and ischia removed; modified from Schachner et al. [18]. Fe, femur; il, ilium; sab,supra-acetabular buttress.

    2 Bipedal archosaur locomotion K. T. Bates and E. R. Schachner

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    (e.g. size and architecture) and overall locomotor style.Specifically,we compare living taxa withdiverselocomotorstrategies in terms of how muscle mass is functionallydistributed within their hindlimbs [1923], and usethe concept of muscle function space [21] to explorestructurefunction links in muscle design. Combiningknowledge of these parameters in extant taxa with datafrom our modelling analysis addresses two fundamentalquestions in evolutionary biomechanics: how are animalsadapted to the functions they perform and is this discern-able from fossil evidence? In the current context, this study

    provides a preliminary dataset to begin disentangling theevolutionary sequence of musculoskeletal changes associ-ated with the various postural shifts that occurred inextinct archosaurs.


    2.1. Three-dimensional muscle moment arms

    The moment arm, or leverage, of a muscletendon unitcan be defined as the shortest perpendicular distancefrom the joint centre of rotation to the muscles lineof action. Moment arms provide qualitative definitionof muscle function in terms of the direction of torquethey impart at joints, and are fundamental to quantify-ing how forces generated by muscles are convertedto torques at joints. Three-dimensional musculoskeletal

    models ofPoposaurus(YPM57100; figure 2b), Alligatormississippiensis and three ornithodiran bipeds(Allosaurus fragilis, MOR693; Struthiomimus sedens,BHI1266; and an extant paleognath bird, the ostrich,


    PIFE 2


    IT2 IT3 CFL












    (c) (d) (e)


    Figure 2. (a) Hindlimb myology of Poposaurus gracilis YPM 57100 (modified from Schachner et al. [18]) and the three-dimensional musculoskeletal models of (b) Poposaurus, (c) Alligator, (d) Allosaurus and (e) the ostrich in left lateral view(see table 1 for abbreviations). (Online version in colour.)

    Bipedal archosaur locomotion K. T. Bates and E. R. Schachner 3

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    Struthio camelus) were constructed in order to quanti-tatively compare locomotor anatomy by predictingpelvic and hindlimb muscle moment arms ( figure 2).These taxa were chosen specifically because theybelong to theropod sub-groups (carnosaurs (large-bodied tetanurans) and Ornithomimosauria) to whichbipedal pseudosuchians have been directly compared

    by previous researchers [1,2,14 17]. The ostrich andAlligator specimens were chosen because limb segmentlengths closely matched those of specimens for whichmuscle architecture and moment arms have beenpublished [19 21]. Information on digitization andmodel construction can be found in the electronicsupplementary material.

    Pelvic limb muscle attachments in Poposauruswerebased on Schachner et al. [18] (figure 2a), and the myol-ogies of the non-avian theropod models were derivedfrom previous reconstructions [10,12,13] (see electronicsupplementary material). In the absence of extensivesoft tissue preservation in fossils, the definition of

    muscle paths was guided by information from homolo-gous muscles in extant taxa and osteological correlatesof muscle origin and insertion sites [10,12,13]. Musclehomologies and abbreviations are listed in table 1. Bio-mechanical analyses of the models were carried out inGAITSYM [13]. Effective moment arms of each musclefor joint flexionextension at all major hindlimb joints, along with the abduction/adduction and long-axis rotation moment arms of muscles crossing the hip joint, were estimated. The flexion extension musclemoment arms in the ostrich model closely matchexperimentally measured values [18] (see electronic sup-plementary material), and we therefore infer that

    predicted abduction/adduction and long-axis rotationmoments are good estimates of values for this taxon.Additional data on flexionextension moment arms inTyrannosaurus and Velociraptor were extracted fromthe literature [12,24] to provide more complete phyloge-netic coverage of bipedal ornithodirans. Rather thandiscuss the relationship between posture and three-dimensional moments arms on a muscle-by-musclebasis (which would require comparison of over 200 indi-vidual muscles), we concentrate on muscle groups citedas key to three-dimensional control of the hip joint inarchosaurs [9,10,12,24 27] and gross comparisons ofmusclejoint mechanics by summing muscle moments

    for a given function (e.g. flexion, extension, etc.) ateach joint angle measured. Moment arms are normal-ized by the relevant segment length to account forsize differences.

    2.2. Archosaur muscle data

    Moment arms allow quantitative comparison of musclefunction, but gait is also determined by the size,architectural geometry and contractile properties ofmuscle tendon units (data not available for fossiltaxa). Rather than ignore these crucial aspects oflocomotor biology, we explore the disparity in hindlimb

    muscle parameters available in the literature for livingarchosaurs and lepidosaurs [1923]. First, we focus onhow muscle mass is functionally distributed within thelimbs of a number of taxa from these groups by

    calculating the percentage of hindlimb muscle capableof inducing specific directional torque at each joint (e.g.hip extension versus flexion, hip adduction versus abduc-tion, etc.). Second, we sought to investigate how grosssize and architectural properties of proximal hindlimbmusculature varied between an exemplar semi-erect,quadrupedal archosaur and an obligate bipedal archo-

    saur. For comparison, hip muscle fibre lengths (FLs)from Alligator [21] and ostriches [19] were normalized tobody mass0.33 and muscle physiological cross-sectionalareas (PCAs) to body mass0.67. Plotting FLs againstPCAs produces a muscle function space, providing abasic insight into the relative working range and force-generating capacity of muscles within and between taxa(see Allen et al. [21] for discussion). For example, muscleswith both relatively large PCAs and FLs are expected tobe designed for exerting comparatively high forces overlong contraction distances. Relatively smaller PCAs areconsidered indicative of lower force capability and shorterFLs of reduced contraction working range or distance

    [21]. In a study of Alligator muscle function, Allen et al.[21] conceptualized the distribution of locomotor musclesin this function space into a number of categories, whichare subsequently followed here. Specifically, muscles withrelatively large PCAs and FLs are considered high-powerspecialists, muscles with high PCAs but shorter fibresare considered force specialists and muscles with lowPCAs and relatively long fibres are considered displace-ment specialists. Other factors, such as contractionvelocity and moment arm, may exaggerate or mediatedifferences between muscles in this function space.Where appropriate we integrate moment arm data fromour three-dimensional musculoskeletal models to further

    inform our comparison of muscle function but, for thepurpose of this preliminary study, we make the simplifica-tion of assuming constant contraction velocity acrossmuscles [21].

    3. RESULTS

    3.1. Muscle moment arms

    Muscle moment arm polarities and joint angle relation-ships in key hip muscle groups [10] are generallyconservative despite the shifts in skeletal architecture,posture, body size and locomotor behaviour covered by

    our sample taxa ( figure 3; see electronic supplementarymaterial for full data). This suggests that muscle originsand insertions remained relatively stable with respect tothe hip joint across Archosauria. However, a number ofinteresting differences and trends are present in thedata. CFB abducts the femur in Poposaurus, but isan adductor in all other taxa (figure 3b). The cranialportion of the IF group has a much larger medial rotationmoment arm in the ostrich (figure 3d). PIFE1 (figure 3e)and 2 extend the hip and rotate the femur laterally in theostrich, but are hip flexors and medial rotators in allother taxa. Abductionadduction and long-axis rota-tion moment arms are consistently low in Poposaurus,

    whereas adduction moment arms are generally low inthe ostrich but high in Alligator (figures 3 and 4).

    Much of the above is reflected in the summed momentarm data (figure 4). The sum of hip extensor moment

    4 Bipedal archosaur locomotion K. T. Bates and E. R. Schachner

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    arms in all taxa vary considerably with joint angle, butall peak at similar moderately flexed joint angles, and

    decrease with hip flexion and extension ( figure 4a). Alli-gatorand Poposaurushave summed flexor moment armslower than ornithodiran taxa (figure 4b). Both hip abduc-tion (figure 4c) and adduction (figure 4d) moment arms

    also show a clear taxonomic signal in their relative mag-nitudes. Poposaurus has the lowest summed moment

    arms for abduction and adduction, followed by non-avian theropods. The ostrich has extremely high valuesfor hip abduction but values equally as low as Poposaurusfor hip adduction ( figure 4c,d). Alligator has similar

    Table 1. Homologies and abbreviations of the pelvic and hindlimb muscles in select extant diapsids. There is some variationwithin the different groups with respect to muscle presence and morphology, so the condition listed is representative of theinferred plesiomorphic state for the group. Not all pedal muscles are included (based on earlier studies [8,15]).

    squamata crocodylia aves

    muscles from the pelvis

    M. iliotibialis (IT) M. iliotibialis 1 (IT 1) M. iliotibialis cranialis (IC)

    M. iliotibialis 2 (IT 2) M. iliotibialis lateralis (IL) M. iliotibialis 3 (IT 3) M. iliotibialis lateralis (IL)M. ambiens (AMB) M. ambiens 1 (AMB 1) M. ambiens (AMB) M. ambiens 2 (AMB 2) M. femorotibialis (FT) M. femorotibialis externus (FMTE) M. femorotibialis lateralis (FMTL) M. femorotibialis internus (FMTI) M. femorotibialis intermedius (FMT) M. femorotibialis medialis (FMT)M. iliofibularis (ILFB) M. iliofibularis (ILFB) M. iliofibularis (ILFB)M. iliofemoralis (IFM) M. iliofemoralis (IFM) M. iliofemoralis externus (IFM) M. iliotrochantericus caudalis (ITC)M. puboischiofemoralis internus 1

    (PIFI)M. puboischiofemoralis internus 1

    (PIFI 1)M. iliofemoralis internus (IFI)

    M. puboischiofemoralis internus 2(PIFI)

    M. iliotrochantericus medialis (ITM)

    M. puboischiofemoralis internus 3(PIFI) M. puboischiofemoralis internus 2(PIFI 2) M. iliotrochantericus cranialis (ITCR)

    M. pubotibialis (PT) M. puboischiotibialis (PIT) M. puboischiotibialis (PIT) M. flexor tibialis internus 1 (FTI) M. flexor tibialis internus 1 (FTI) M. flexor tibialis internus 2 (FTI) M. flexor tibialis internus 2 (FTI) M. flexor tibialis internus 3 (FTI) M. flexor cruris medius (FCM) M. flexor tibialis internus 4 (FTI) M. flexor tibialis externus (FTE) M. flexor tibialis externus (FTE) M. flexor cruris lateralis pars pelvica

    (FCL)M. adductor (ADD) M. adductor 1 (ADD 1) M. puboischiofemoralis pars medialis

    (PIFM) M. adductor 2 (ADD 1) M. puboischiofemoralis pars lateralis


    M. puboischiofemoralis externus(PIFE) M. puboischiofemoralis externus 1(PIFE 1) M. obturatorius lateralis (OL)

    M. puboischiofemoralis externus 2(PIFE 2)

    M. obturatorius medialis (OM)

    M. puboischiofemoralis externus 3(PIFE 3)

    M. ischiotrochantericus (ISTR) M. ischiotrochantericus (ISTR) M. ischiofemoralis (ISF)M. caudofemoralis brevis (CFB) M. caudofemoralis brevis (CFB) M. caudofemoralis pars pelvica (CFP)M. caudofemoralis longus (CFL) M. caudofemoralis longus (CFL) M. caudofemoralis pars caudalis (CFC)

    muscles to the pes

    M. gastrocnemius lateralis (G) M. gastrocnemius externus (G) M. gastrocnemius pars lateralis (G) M. gastrocnemius pars intermedia

    M. gastrocnemius medialis (G) M. gastrocnemius internus (G) M. gastrocnemius pars medialis (G)M. tibialis anterior (TA) M. tibialis anterior (TA) M. tibialis cranialis (TA)

    M. popliteus M. popliteus M. popliteusM. peroneus longus (PL) M. peroneus longus (PL) M. fibularis longus (FL)M. peroneus brevis (PB) M. peroneus brevis (PB) M. fibularis brevis (FB)M. extensor digitorum longus (EDL) M. extensor digitorum longus (EDL) M. extensor digitorum longus (EDL)M. extensor digitorum brevis (EDB) M. extensor digitorum brevis (EDB) M. flexor digitorum longus (FDL) M. flexor digitorum longus (FDL) M. flexor digitorum longus (FDL)M. flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) M. flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) M. extensor hallucis longus (EHL) M. extensor hallucis longus (EHL) M. extensor hallucis longus (EHL)M. flexor hallucis longus (FHL) M. flexor hallucis longus (FHL) M. flexor hallucis longus (FHL)

    Bipedal archosaur locomotion K. T. Bates and E. R. Schachner 5

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    overall leverage for abduction as non-avian theropods(figure 4c), but has by far the highest summed adductionmoment arms (figure 4d). Predictions for both medialand lateral femoral long-axis rotation produce a similar

    pattern; Poposaurus has the lowest moment arms, withmoderately higher magnitudes for non-avian theropodsand Alligator, and significantly higher magnitudes forthe ostrich.

    In the rotary crurotarsal ankle joint, the astragalus isfixed to the distal end of the tibia and fibula. The calca-neum rotates about a peg-like, laterally directed processon the astragalus, bringing about flexion and extension

    of the ankle. Without preservation of any soft tissuesaround the ankle, the range of motion possible at thejoint between the calcaneum and metatarsals in Popo-saurus is unclear, and so we present moment arm data














































    0.180 65 50 35 20

    hip joint angle ()

    5 10

    Alligator Poposaurus Allosaurus Tyrannosaurus Struthiomimus Velociraptor ostrich

    25 4 0 80 65 50 35 20

    hip joint angle ()

    5 10 25 40 80 65 50 35 20

    hip joint angle ()

    5 10 25 40











    Figure 3. Predicted pelvic muscle moment arms for hip flexionextension (left), abductionadduction (centre) and long-axisrotation (right) in key muscle groups (a) ADD1, (b) CFB, (c) CFL, (d) IF, (e) PIFE1, (f ) PIFI2 and (g) PIT over a rangeof hip joint flexionextension angles. See table 1 for abbreviations. All data normalized by femoral length. Only flexionextension data are available for Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor from previous studies [12,24], while PIT is present only inPoposaurus and Alligator, having been lost in ornithodirans (see text for discussion). (Online version in colour.)

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    for both the astragalo-calcaneal and calcaneo-metatarsaljoints separately, and in the former case over a wide rangeof joint angles that likely exceeds maximum flexion poss-ible at this joint. At both joints, significantly higher ankleextensor leverage is predicted for Poposaurus relative toornithodiran bipeds and Alligator (figure 5) as a directresult of the enlarged calcaneal tuber, which displacesthe gastrocnemius and digital flexor muscles caudallywith respect to the ankle joints (figure 2a). If ankle exten-

    sors are allowed to pass through the tuber in thePoposaurus digital model to artificially mimic the pas-sage of the ankle extensor tendons along the caudalsurface of the astragalus as in ornithodiran taxa, then

    ankle extensor moment arms are reduced to broadlysimilar magnitudes (figure 5).

    3.2. Extant archosaur muscle distributionand function

    The relative contribution to total hindlimb muscle massof muscles with predominantly hip extension and medialrotation moment arms varies considerably between

    sampled taxa (figure 6a). Lateral rotators are also some-what varied, though they have a noticeably highercontribution in Alligator than in other taxa ( figure 6a).However, most other categories show at least moderate


    (a) (b)















































    80 60 40 20 0 20 40

    65 50 35

    hip joint angle ()

    20 5 10 25 40 80 65 50 35

    hip joint angle ()

    20 5 10 25 40


    Alligator Poposaurus Allosaurus Tyrannosaurus StruthiomimusVelociraptor ostrich

    Figure 4. Sum of (a) hip extensor, (b) hip flexor, (c) hip abduction, (d) adduction, (e) lateral femoral rotation and (f ) medialfemoral rotation muscle moment arms normalized by segment length for Poposaurus, Alligator and ornithodiran bipeds (forfurther comparisons, see electronic supplementary material). All data normalized by femoral length. Only flexionextension

    data are available for Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptorfrom previous studies [12,24]. (Online version in colour.)

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    distinction between more basal, quadrupedal crocodi-lians and lepidosaurs and derived avian bipeds in oursample. Hip flexors and adductors show the greatest dis-parity, with crocodilians and lepidosaurs having muchhigher proportion of muscle mass dedicated to thesemuscles than birds (figure 6a). Conversely, abductors

    tend to be relatively larger in Gallus and the ostrichthan those of crocodilians and lepidosaurs. A clear dis-tinction at distal joints is also evident (figure 6b). Inmore basal quadrupedal taxa, the ratio of flexor to exten-sor muscle mass is more equal, whereas bipedal birdsinvest a significantly higher proportion of distal limbmuscle mass in extensors than flexors (figure 6b).

    The normalized plot of muscle PCA against FLreveals that overall Alligator and the ostrich share clo-sely aligned or overlapping total muscle functionspace, but vary somewhat in the relative distributionof muscles within this space ( figure 6c). In Alligator,the most power-specialized hip muscles are large extrin-

    sic muscles, namely CFL and PIFI2, and also FTE(figure 6c). By contrast, ILFB appears to be the onlypower-specialist hip muscle in the ostrich (figure 6c).Two muscles in the ostrich, IC and FCL, plot in theextreme displacement-specialist region of functionspace. Although with shorter fibres than IC and FCLin the ostrich, Alligator has a relatively greaternumber of hip muscles plotting in the displacement-specialist region (IT1, FTI4, ILFB, PIT, ADD1,ADD2, FTI2; figure 6c). Neither taxon appears tohave highly force-specialized hip muscles, perhaps con-sistent with the observation that muscles operatingacross distal joints, rather than proximal joints, tend

    to have relatively large PCAs and short fibres [21].The homologous muscles of the iliotibialis group (IT2in Alligator, IL in the ostrich) are moderately forcespecialist (figure 6c). The remainder of muscles in

    both taxa plot towards lower left extremity of functionspace and therefore range from weak displacement- toweak force-specialist (figure 6c).


    In this discussion, we address our four research questionsin two separate sections. First, we evaluate the momentarm estimates from our musculoskeletal models of extinctand extant archosaurs to address the questions of dis-parity and convergence in muscle moment arms andneuromuscular control of the hip in bipedal archosaurs(questions (i) and (ii) mentioned earlier). In the secondsection, we use model data, together with muscle datafrom the literature, to assess whether moment armsor other aspects of muscle design (specifically size andarchitecture) are more optimized (hence predictive) ofhabitual gait in living archosaurs (questions (iii) and(iv) mentioned earlier).

    4.1. Moment arms and neuromuscular controlof locomotion in bipedal archosaurs

    Predicting three-dimensional muscle moment arms inextinct taxa involves a degree of subjectivity. Whilemany muscles have well-constrained origins and inser-tions in extinct taxa and conserved paths amongliving archosaurs, others are clearly poorly constrainedby fossilized osteology (see Hutchinson et al. [12] for dis-cussion). While these uncertainties must always beacknowledged when reconstructing soft tissues inextinct taxa, homologous muscles in this study were

    reconstructed with a consistent set of osteological corre-lates [10,12,13,18] (table 1) and identical geometricalconstraints in each model (e.g. position and number ofvia points defining muscle paths), and each model was

    2.1(a) (b)









    040 20 0 20

    astragalo-calcaneal joint angle (Poposaurus)

    calcaneo-metatarsal joint (Alligator/ornithodirans)


    40 60 80 0 10 20 30 40calcaneo-metatarsal joint angle ()

    50 60 70 80













    Figure 5. The sum of ankle extensor moment arms normalized by segment length across a range of ankle flexionextension jointangles in our sample of taxa. (a) Extensor moment arms of Poposaurus about the crus calcaneum joint versus the calcaneummetatarsal joint in other taxa and (b) extensor moment arms across the calcaneummetatarsal joint in all taxa. The enlargedcalcaneal tuber ofPoposaurus gives its ankle extensor muscles significantly greater moment arms, particularly at extended jointpostures. If ankle extensors are allowed to pass through the calcaneal tuber in the model, then moment arms are more similar toAlligator and the ornithodiran bipeds. All data normalized by length of the metatarsal segment. (Online version in colour.)

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    generated with the same methodology. When differencesin osteology support clear differences in muscle momentarms, then genuine functional differences in muscular joint control can be safely inferred [10,12,13]. Giventhese caveats, what are the implications for (i) disparityin hindlimb muscle moments and (ii) neuromuscularcontrol of the hip in bipedal archosaurs?

    Many Late Triassic pseudosuchians, such as Popo-saurus and Postosuchus kirkpatricki, were previouslyerroneously identified as ancestral dinosaurs or evenas basal members of the Dinosauria [14]. This has ledto categorization of these basal archosaurs as carno-saur-like (e.g. Postosuchus) [17] and ornithomimid-

    like (e.g. Effigia) [15,16] and the suggestion thatthese forms were exploiting similar ecological niches[1,14]. Whether erect posture evolved once at the baseof Archosauria or independently in dinosaurs and

    basal pseuoduchians is currently unclear. However,bipedal pseudosuchians developed a ventrally project-ing acetabulum, or pillar erect hip, in contrast to thelaterally projecting acetabulum, or buttress erect hipmorphology of ornithodiran bipeds ( figure 1).

    The three-dimensional model quantitatively demon-strates that the acetabular osteology of Poposaurus, andby inference that of other pillar-erect pseudosuchians,is clearly synchronized with a configuration of muscleleverage significantly geared towards limb protractionretraction rather than either abduction adduction orlong-axis rotation (figures 3 and 4). This contrasts sharplywith Alligator(and by inference other sprawling to semi-

    erect quadrupedal archosauromorphs) in which highadduction and rotational moment arms aid in producinglarge arcs of non-parasagittal motion in abducted, rotarygaits (see later text). Bipedal poposauroids possess a

    70(a) (b)



    %knee extensor

    %ankle extensor

    %ankle flexor

    %knee flexor





















































    FCL IC





    IF OL


    0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05


    0.06 0.07 0.08

























    Figure 6. Muscle mass and architecture in extant lepidosaurs and archosaurs [19,2123]. (a) Percentage of hindlimb muscle masscapable of exerting torque in specific directions at the hip, specifically flexion versus extension, abduction versus adduction andmedial versus lateral long-axis rotation. (b) Percentage of hindlimb muscle mass capable of extension versus flexion at the kneeand ankle joints. (c) Muscle function space plot (normalized PCA against normalized fascicle length) for hip muscles of Alligator(filled diamonds) and the ostrich (open squares). See table 1 for abbreviations. (Online version in colour.)

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    deep, perforate ventrally facing acetabulum as well as ver-tically orientated ilia, and lacks an offset femoral head(figures 1 and 2). Furthermore, in poposauroids thefemoral head forms a rounded bulge with only slight devi-ation from the proximal shaft and lacks the significantmedial offset achieved by the distinct neck present in dino-saurs [25,28]. The femoral head inserts tightly and

    ventrally into the acetabulum, and abduction adductionand long-axis rotation are tightly constrained by the pro-minent supra-acetabular crest in this pillar erectconfiguration (figure 1c). As a result, muscle insertions onthe femora are situated close to both their pelvic originsand the hip joint in the mediolateral plane, producingrelatively low moment arms for hip abductionadduction and long-axis rotation (figures 3cf and4cf ). This configuration has a slightly lesser effect onhip adduction moment arms in Poposaurus (figures 3dand 4d) owing to the more distal insertions of adductormuscles (distal femoral and tibial insertions) and thefact that the femoral shaft is somewhat laterally inclined

    when articulated properly with the acetabulum. In teta-nuran theropods, the enlarged barrel-like femoral headand neck laterally offset the proximal femur ( figure 1c)and its associated muscle insertions from the mediolateralplane of the hip joint and pelvic muscle origins, therebyrelatively enhancing their abduction and long-axisrotation moment arms (figures 3c,e,f and 4c,e,f ).The dorsoventrally taller ilia and enlarged and laterallysituated femoral trochanters of tetanuran theropodsfurther increase the moment arms of proximal musclesfor abduction and long-axis rotation [25] relativeto poposauroids.

    When three-dimensional hip moments are considered,

    Poposaurus differs from both Alligator and non-aviantheropods. Indeed, in most aspects of muscle leve-rage (particularly abductionadduction and long-axisrotation moment arms), large-bodied tetanurans (carno-saurs [17]) and ornithomimids are shown to bemore similar to each other than either is to Poposaurus(figures 3 and 4). Furthermore, differences in specificmuscles are also evident in Poposaurus, notably theadductor group (ADD1 and 2) and CFB. A raised processmidway down the caudal aspect of the femoral shaft anda vertically oriented ridge that extends distally from thisprocess are reconstructed as the insertion sites of ADD1and 2 in Poposaurus [18]. These insertion sites of the

    adductor complex in Poposaurus are significantly largerthan those in any other archosaur, extinct or extant(see electronic supplementary material). Also, Nesbitt[2] and Brusatte et al. [1] note that the large ventrallydirected fossa present on the posteroventral surface ofthe ilium of poposauroids (e.g. Poposaurus, Effigia andShuvosaurus) is likely analogous to the brevis fossa pre-sent in dinosaurs and subsequently reconstruct CFBorigins on this surface, as we do in our models [ 18]. How-ever, this example of convergent osteology is not matchedin functional predictions for the associated CFB. In non-avian theropods, this muscle passes posteroventrally tothe hip joint centre, producing a weak adduction

    moment arm, while in Poposaurus CFB originates andpasses dorsolateral to the joint centre, yielding a weakabduction moment arm (figure 3b). Poposaurus alsoretains PIT, a muscle hypothesized to have been lost in

    ornithodiran archosaurs [12], which would likely havebeen a major contributor to hip extension and limbretraction during stance, as in living Alligator [26] (seelater text). Understanding the functional significance oflower leverage for non-sagittal rotation and differencesin individual muscles is not straightforward (see below),but clearly these differences suggest some limit to the

    functional convergence of basal tetanuran theropodsand bipedal pseudosuchians.Nevertheless, obligate pseudosuchian bipeds still

    faced the same fundamental constraints on stability asornithodirans, namely the need to balance a net adduc-tion moment at the hip during limb support. During thesupport phase, bipedal animals typically place the footbeneath the body medial to the hip, incurring an adduc-tion moment at the hip joint. In basal theropods,Hutchinson & Gatesy [10] proposed that stance phasehip stability was achieved through a counteractive abduc-tion moment created by activation of the IF musclesplaced dorsal to the hip joint ( figure 2). In extant birds,

    the IF group has shifted its origin cranially, increasingits moment arm for medial rotation ( figure 3d). Stancephase activation of the IF group is retained, but medialrotation of the femora is employed to counter the adduc-tion moment of the ground reaction force (GRF). Pubicretroversion in birds also shifts the origins of the PIFEgroup caudal to the hip joint, switching its functionfrom hip flexion and medial rotation to extension andlateral rotation (figure 3e).

    Hutchinson & Gatesy [10] inferred a stepwise evol-ution from the abductor-based mode of limb support inbasal bipedal Dinosauriformes to the long-axis rotationalmechanism in crown-group birds. Although our phyloge-

    netic coverage across Theropoda is not sufficient to detailthe timing and specific nature of this transition, it is clearthat muscle leverage for both medial and lateral femorallong-axis rotation is much higher in the ostrich relative tobasal tetanurans, Poposaurus and Alligator (figures 3e,fand 4e,f). Our models, therefore, support Hutchinson &Gatesys [10] hypothesis that rotational moment armsincreased along the line to birds, and further suggestthat this occurred in groups more derived than basaltetanurans (e.g. Maniraptora). Adduction momentarms are also greatly reduced in the ostrich (figure 4d),resulting largely from pubic and ischial retroversionand caudolateral expansion of the pelvis, which moved

    muscle origins close, and in some postures lateral, tothe hip joint (switching their function to hip abductionand lateral rotation). Together with the cranial expan-sion of the preacetabular ilium, this explains themaintenance of relatively high abduction moment armsin the ostrich (figure 4c).

    While noting differences in the magnitude of muscleleverage (figures 3 and 4), we infer that stance phase lat-eral limb stability in bipedal suchians was achieved in thesame manner as inferred for basal theropods, specificallya support phase abduction moment generated by the IFgroup (figure 7), represented by IFM in Poposaurus[18].Given the triradiate arrangement of the pelvis, and the

    likely more upright posture and caudofemoralis-drivenlimb retraction, it is likely that femoral abduction predo-minantly countered the adduction GRF moment inPoposaurus, rather than medial rotation as in extant

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    birds [10], which is greatly aided by enhanced muscle

    leverage for this action (figures 3 and 4). In Poposaurus,the IF group maintains higher moment arms for abduc-tion and a position dorsal to the hip joint, consistentwith the morphology and hip abduction mode of laterallimb support proposed for non-avian theropods [10](figures 3d and 4). The long slender femur of bipedalsuchians is poorly suited to resisting bending andtorsional stresses incurred under a flexed avian-like pos-ture and a rotational-based system of muscular support[25]. Thus we infer the same shift in neural control ofthe IF group from swing phase abduction and protraction(in basal quadrupedal archosaurs and Alligator) to stancephase abduction as hypothesized by Hutchinson &

    Gatesy [10] for basal Dinosauriformes (figure 6). If thesehypotheses of multiple independent shifts in motor con-trol of the IF group are correct, then this functional andneurological adaptation may be ubiquitously associatedwith the evolution of bipedalism in archosaurs.

    Gatesy [26] showed that femoral protraction wasachieved through swing phase activation of the PIFIgroup and PIFE1 and 2 in Alligator, while the CFLretracts the femur during stance, helping in controllingabduction of the lower limb (figure 3c) [26]. ADD1and 2 and PITalso activate during early stance to preventcollapse by resisting femoral abduction (figure 3a) [26].Major femoral protractor (e.g. PIFI1 and 2, PIFE1 and

    2) moment arms in Poposaurus are similar to Alligator,and it is likely that swing phase activation of the PIFIgroup and PIFE1 and 2 was present in Poposaurus(figure 7a), as in extant archosaurs [10]. Thus, the plesio-morphic archosaurian stance phase activation of thesemuscles was likely maintained in bipedal pseudosuchians,as in quadrupedal Alligator, despite their change inposture (figure 7b).

    4.2. Muscle design and locomotion in livingarchosaurs: how redundant is fossilevidence?

    By integrating moment arm predictions from three-

    dimensional musculoskeletal reconstructions withmuscle activation patterns measured in living taxa, itis possible to constrain aspects of limb control andhabitual locomotion in extinct bipeds such as

    Poposaurus and non-avian theropods. On the basis of

    this data, an abductor-based mode of stance phaselimb support mediated by the IF group is supportedfor bipedal pseudosuchians, as previously suggestedfor non-avian theropods [10], and it is likely that bothgroups used a predominantly hip-based system of limbretraction, in contrast to flexed postures and predomi-nantly knee-based limb retraction observed in extantbirds [10,25,27]. Musculoskeletal models also producetrends that appear to reflect differences in limb controland habitual locomotion in living archosaurs, notablythe high leverage for hip adduction in Alligator impor-tant for large arcs of femoral rotation and resistinglateral limb collapse during stance in abducted postures

    [26]. The ostrich also has relatively high values forfemoral long-axis rotation but very low hip adductionmoment arms, consistent with relatively adducted pos-ture and a rotational-based system of lateral limbsupport [10] (figure 4c,d).

    Our first three research questions asked how disparateare muscle moment arms in archosaurs and to whatextent do they appear optimized for habitual loco-motion? Qualitative and quantitative disparity inmuscle moment arms estimates do appear to differen-tiate major functional categories in terms of locomotormechanics, specifically animals with quadrupedal rotatorgaits from parasagittal bipeds, and bipeds with abduc-

    tor-based versus rotation-based mechanisms of laterallimb support. However, it is clear that beyond thesebroad functional dichotomies, muscle moment armsalone are unable to provide clear insight into aspects oflocomotion such as habitual kinematics and maximalperformance. For example, hip extensor moment armsin Alligator are extremely similar (quantitatively andqualitatively; figures 3 and 4a) to the ostrich despitesignificant differences in the habitual limb motion andlocomotor ability (e.g. running ability) of these taxa(see below). Indeed, summed leverage for hip extensionis both similar in magnitude and its angular dependencyin extinct and extant taxa modelled here (figure 4). This

    has been observed despite numerous anatomical andfunctional changes, such as the retention of PIT andfive flexor cruris muscles in pseudosuchians (FTI1 2and 4 are lost in neornithine birds) [10], and pubic








    (a) (b)

    Figure 7. Hindlimb muscles hypothesized to be active during the (a) swing and (b) stance phase of locomotion in Poposaurus.See table 1 for abbreviations. (Online version in colour.)

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    retroversion in birds switching the function of PIFE1and 2 from flexion to extension ( figure 3 and also seeelectronic supplementary material). Furthermore,where disparity in moment arms exists, it is importantto remember that this may be balanced by compensatorydifferences in muscle mass or architecture. For example,Alligator is predicted to have relatively low overall lever-

    age for hip flexion, but muscle data suggest that this maybe compensated for by the relatively high mass of hipflexor muscles (figure 6a).

    Analyses of muscle size and architecture in living arch-osaurs (addressing our fourth research question) stronglysuggest that these unfossilized traits are more indicativeor optimized for habitual gait (figure 6). Even in slowrunning gaits (approx. 3.3 m s21), ostriches have beenshown to maintain a relatively flexed hip between 2488and 608 [29], whereas in fast walking (approx.0.62 m s21), Alligator retracts the femur from around2408 hip flexion to approximately 608 hip extension[30]. This is a considerable difference in joint excursion

    and one that cannot be diagnosed from moment armsalone (figures 3 and 4). Experimental studies haveshown CFL and PIFI2 to be the prime retractors(CFL) and protractors (PIFI2) of the limb in Alligator[26,27]. Our results suggest that CFL and PIFI2 do nothave the highest flexionextension moment arms in Alli-gator, nor are their moment arms substantially larger inAlligator than the ostrich (figure 3c,f). CFL inserts onthe proximal femur and tibia and is active duringstance to retract the entire limb, generating much ofthe power required for acceleration and gravitational sup-port [26,27,30]. PIFI2 originates in front of hip and isactive during swing to protract the limb. As noted by

    Allen et al. [21], CFL and PIFI2 are the largest musclesin the Alligatorhindlimb, both of these extrinsic musclesplotting in the power-specialized region of muscle func-tion space (figure 6c). The long FLs and high PCAs(especially CFL) of these muscles make them ideallysuited for generating high forces across the large workingrange habitually used by Alligator in terrestriallocomotion [26,30].

    In the ostrich, the most powerful hip extensor isILFB (figure 6c), a two-joint muscle that also exerts aflexor moment at the knee. The hip extension momentarm for ILFB is considerably higher in the ostrichthan Alligator (electronic supplementary material,

    figure S4i), consistent with the idea that synchronouship extensor and knee flexor moments may be impor-tant during late swing and early stance in birds whilethe GRF passes cranial to the knee joint (see Gatesy[31] and below for discussion). Thus, differences inboth architectural design and the moment arm ofILFB appear consistent with the contrasting limbsegment movements in Alligator and the ostrich. Inthe ostrich, a larger PCA and extensor moment armenable significant contribution to early stance anti-gravity support at the hip, while relatively long fibresallow force to be generated for knee flexion over awider working range ( figure 6c). In Alligator, ILFB is

    active near the stanceswing transition, contributingto knee flexion and femoral abduction [26], which mayrequire less force over a shorter range of joint anglesrelative to the ostrich.

    Homologous single-joint hip extensors in Alligatorand the ostrich are generally consistent with their rela-tive locomotor styles and the magnitude of hip jointexcursions. Muscles of the adductor femoris group(ADD1 and 2 in Alligatorand PIFM and PIFL in theostrich) are noticeably more displacement specialist inAlligator, while the caudofemoralis of the ostrich is sig-

    nificantly reduced in terms of both force (PCA) andworking range (FL). Pubic retroversion means thatOM and OL in the ostrich (homologues of PIFE1 and2 in Alligator) are single-joint hip extensors, and OMplots in force-specialized function space, though OL ismoderately displacement specialized (figure 6c).Single-joint hip flexors (IFI, ITCR) in the ostrich alsoshow reduced FLs and PCA compared with Alligator(PIFI12) again reflecting lesser joint excursion at thehip in birds (figure 6c).

    Consistent with conceptualization of their locomotionas hip-based and knee-based, the relative magnitudeof joint excursion at the hip is reversed at the knee;

    Alligatorexhibits less than 208

    flexionextension at theknee [30] versus 50558 in the ostrich [29]. Knee exten-sors in the ostrich are spread across a wide range offunction space, including those capable of generatingforce over larger working ranges (notably IC and IL;figure 6c) and large PCA, short-fibred force-specialistmuscles (e.g. femorotibial group muscles; figure 6c).By contrast, two-joint (figure 6c) and one-joint kneeextensors [21] in Alligator are predominantly force-specialist (e.g. IT2) or weakly specialized for force ordisplacement (i.e. more generalist; IT3, IT1, AMB),and therefore less well suited to generating force over alarge working range.

    The architecture of knee flexors is best understood interms of their role in three-dimensional control of thehindlimb. In Alligator, members of the flexor crurisgroup are responsible for adducting the limb during lateswing and into the stance phase [26], and indeed manyknee flexors plot close to other limb adductors (e.g.ADD1 and 2) in moderately displacement-specialistfunction space (figure 6c). Hamstring muscles withmoderately longer fibres may therefore reflect the useof relatively large adduction arcs in Alligator (approx.35408 at the hip [30]). FTE is active in stance inAlligator [26] and it is possible that this moderatelypower-specialist muscle (figure 6c) principally assists

    with hip extension and anti-gravity support. Ostricheshabitually rotate their femora through much smallerarcs of abduction adduction (approx. 108 [29]), andduring stance they exert a medial rotation moment atthe hip to resist limb collapse through adduction(rather abduction as in Alligator). PIT, FTI12 andFTI4 were lost during avian evolution [10] and it is note-worthy that birds retain flexor cruris muscles with thelargest moment arms for hip extension (also importantduring stance) [31] and that the adduction leverage ofthese muscles (and others; figure 4) is reduced owing tolateral expansion of the pelvis, at least in our ostrichmodel, relative to Alligator (figures 3 and 4; electronic

    supplementary material).This comparative analysis of Alligator and the

    ostrich emphasizes that muscular parameters such assize and architecture (figure 6) are highly adapted to

    12 Bipedal archosaur locomotion K. T. Bates and E. R. Schachner

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    their usage and loading during habitual locomotion.This has a number of important implications for evol-utionary biomechanics. In itself, it is an importantformfunction finding that muscles appear to be opti-mized more in terms of size and architecture ratherthan moment arms. These data suggest that locomotoradaptations in archosaurs have been largely achieved by

    selection of these traits rather than by alterationof moment arms. By emphasizing the importance ofaspects of muscle design that are not directly retrie-vable from fossil animals, this analysis illustrates thedifficulty of discerning detailed measures of gait andperformance in extinct taxa.

    Sophisticated computational simulations are nowcommonly used to study detailed muscle dynamics andlocomotion in living animals, and recently some of theseapproaches have been used to explore aspects of gaitand performance in fossil species [3234]. The challengefacing palaeobiologists and biomechanicists attemptingto construct these models for extinct archosaurs clearly

    lies in defining muscle properties (inputs into biomecha-nical models) in a meaningful and objective way. It ishighly unlikely that either living crocodilians or birdsprovide good analogues for muscle properties in non-avian dinosaurs and bipedal pseudosuchians. It maytherefore be more appropriate to employ a wider func-tional bracket approach [33] to quantitative musclereconstruction in extinct archosaurs. For example,muscle FLs in Alligator and the ostrich appear to corre-late well with habitual joint excursions, perhapssuggesting FLs might be more precisely constrained orestimated as a proportion of length change over thelikely range of joint motion in extinct taxa.

    Where attempts have been made to simulate loco-motion in extinct archosaurs, redundancies in muscleinput values have been addressed using sensitivity ana-lyses; plausible ranges for input values, rather thansingle values, are tested resulting in a spectrum of gaitpredictions [33,34]. Where fossilized osteology is similar,along with estimatable parameters such as musclemoment arms, as we have shown to be the case withbipedal pseudosuchians and non-avian theropods(figures 3 and 4), then more detailed tests of functionaldisparity and convergence may be extremely difficultowing to large (hence overlapping) error bars on predic-tions [9,34]. However, where gross anatomy differs more

    considerably, then functional disparity may be morerobustly established. We illustrate this using a simpleanalysis of muscle moments at the ankle joint in oursample of archosaurs.

    4.3. Archosaur ankle mechanics

    Ouranalysis of muscle momentarms andmass distributionwithin the hindlimbs of extant lepidosaurs and archosaursreveals a dichotomy in the ratio of muscle mass devotedto joint extensors versus flexors (figure 6a,b). Bipedalitynaturally requires greater limb joint extension capacitybecause only two limbs are supporting the body against

    gravity (versus four in quadupedality). This represents agreater constraint during locomotion, and particularlyrunning with an aerial phase when a single limb must sup-port the body, versus multiple limbs in a quadruped. In

    archosaurs, functional disparity appears to be the greatestat the ankle joint, where skeletal morphology and momentarms also differ significantly. Pseudosuchians(andparticu-larly Poposaurus; figure 5) have relatively higher ankleextensor moment arms, while crown-group birds have amuch higher proportion of hindlimb muscle mass (andbody mass) as ankle extensor musculature than more

    basal quadrupedal taxa (figure 6b). The latter is particu-larly true of extant ratites such as the ostrich, a trait thatunderpins its ability to generate high muscle torques atthe ankle [19,20].

    Unless basal taxa were very poor runners, these datastrongly suggest that the evolution of bipedalism inornithodirans was likely coupled with a notable increasein ankle extensor muscle mass relative to basal, quadrupe-dal archosaurs, possibly reaching masses proportionallysimilar to those in extant terrestrial birds. This phyloge-netic and functional pattern clearly emphasizes thecrucial role of the calcaneal tuber in bipedal pseudosu-chian locomotion. By increasing ankle extensor moment

    arms, retention of the calcaneal tuber (plesiomorphicfor Archosauria) may have eliminated the need forhigher ankle extensor muscle masses hypothesized forornithodiran bipeds. Ankle extensors in the ostrich arenoticeably more power-specialized (i.e. higher PCA,longer FL) than those of Alligator, suggesting a highercapacity to contribute to limb acceleration and support[1921]. These different strategies for ankle joint controlmay have had further consequences elsewhere in the hind-limb, particularly as most large ankle extensors also crossthe knee joint in archosaurs (figure 2). Stance phase acti-vation of ankle extensors would have synchronouslyimparted a flexor moment at the knee, which was prob-

    ably undesirable given knee extension was likelyrequired to contribute to straightening the limb duringthe second half of stance. By increasing ankle extensormoment arms in bipedal pseudosuchians, the enlargedcalcaneal tuber may have produced larger muscle torquesdistally in the limb, without major impacts at theknee that might be incurred purely from an increasedankle extensor muscle mass. The potential for disparityin relative ankle extensor muscle masses, moment armsand lengths in pseudosuchians versus ornithodirans(figures 5 and 6) highlights this joint as a key area forfuture biomechanical studies of disparity in archosaurlocomotor evolution.


    This quantitative analysis supports inferences that bipe-dal suchians were generally similar to large-bodied basaltetanurans (carnosaurs) [7,17] and ornithomimids[15,16] in their basic hindlimb muscular mechanics andneuromuscular control of locomotion. These groups inde-pendentlyevolved similar musculoskeletal solutions to thechallenges of parasagittally erect bipedalism. Homologousmuscles responsible for femoral protraction and retractionretained plesiomorphic activation patterns. However, the

    IF musculature, responsible for swing phase abduction inbasal quadrupedal archosaurs and Alligator, retained itsmoment arm but switched to stance phase activation toprovide lateral limb stability in an adducted bipedal

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    posture in both bipedal pseudosuchians and non-aviantheropods.

    Musculoskeletal models also produce moment armestimates that appear to reflect some general differencesin hindlimb control and habitual locomotion in livingarchosaurs. Notably, the high leverage for hip adduc-tion in Alligator appears consistent with the need to

    adduct the limb and counteract abduction momentsin rotary gaits, while high values for femoral long-axisrotation moment arms in the ostrich help facilitatethe rotation-based mode of lateral stance phase supportpresent in birds [10]. These findings support a linkbetween posture, muscle moment arms and neural con-trol in archosaur locomotion, and perhaps suggest thatinterpretations of osteological changes in pelvic andhindlimb morphology and links to postural evolutionin Late Triassic pseudosuchians [1,2,5 7,14 17] couldbe appropriately constrained through the quantitativereconstruction of muscle moment arms, as we havecarried out here.

    While analyses such as these provide a quantitativemeasure of the convergence and disparity in musculo-skeletal bauplans and their relationships to posturalevolution, it is important to emphasize that they do nottest directly for similarities or differences in gait. Musclesfunction to convert metabolic energy to mechanicalwork, and it is the rate of contraction and the amountof work performed in a single contraction extensioncycle that is the crucial muscular determinant of gaitand performance. Muscle dynamics are dictated primar-ily by their mass, architecture and contractile properties[35], and a more sophisticated analysis is required to testfor disparity and convergence beyond the resolution of

    the broadest functional categories (e.g. quadrupedalrotator gaits versus parasagittal gaits, bipeds withabductor-based versus rotation-based mechanisms of lat-eral limb support). This clearly limits our ability to evenqualitatively assess how the walking and running gaits ofbipedal pseudosuchians and ornithodirans may have dif-fered dynamically in biomechanical terms. We thereforeurge that our conclusions regarding comparative muscu-loskeletal anatomy are not over-extrapolated to makebiomechanical speculations about similarities in loco-motor performance in extinct taxa, and subsequently tosupport or reject macroevolutionary hypotheses regard-ing, for example, pseudosuchian and dinosaur diversity

    during the Late Triassic [1,2,57,14 17]. Analysingfunctional convergence and mechanical performance(related to concepts of competition and superiority[57,14]) from purely osteological characterswhetherthat be through structurefunction analogies [57,17]or statistical measures of disparity [14] as previouslyattemptedignores many important causative factorsunderlying formfunction relationships and at best pro-vides an abstract picture of animal locomotion.Musculoskeletal models, and their insights into func-tional anatomy, provide a firm foundation for furtherbiomechanical studies to test notions of functionalconvergence and dominance more directly.

    The authors thank W. Sellers for support with GAITSYM;P. Manning for laboratory space at the University ofManchester; J. Gauthier, C. Norris, M. Fox, D. Brinkman,

    W. Joyce and T. Lyson for access to specimens at the YalePeabody Museum, and L. Bryant, S. Foss and A. Titus(Bureau of Land Management); R. Whilhite, D. Connor(, J. Atterholt, NationalGeographic, and NHNZ for archosaur specimens; P. Dodsonand B. Grandstaff for dissection assistance; C. Farmer andK. Sanders for access to CT data on A. mississippiensis;and S. Gilbert and B. Pinder for laboratory space at

    Swarthmore College. This work was partially supportedunder a National Science Foundation grant to S. Gilbert(RUI-0740508). Funding was also provided by the SVPStudent Member Travel Grant, Palaeontological AssociationSylvester-Bradley Award, Paleontological Society StephenJ. Gould Student Research Grant, the University ofPennsylvania Summer Stipend in Paleontology and theTeece Dissertation Research Fellowship. For information onE.R.S.s illustrations, see Commentsand suggestions from S. Brusatte, C. Sullivan, C. Sarrazin,S. Maidment and an anonymous reviewer greatly improvedthe manuscript.


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  • 8/3/2019 Bates, K. T., and E. R. Schachner. 2011. Disparity and convergence in bipedal archosaur locomotion. Journal of the


    Electronic Supplementary Material1


    Disparity and convergence in bipedal archosaur locomotion3


    Bates, K.T. & Schachner, E.R.



    Institutional Abbreviations used in main text and supplementary data:7

    BHI, Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, Hill City, South Dakota, USA; MOR, Museum of the8

    Rockies, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, USA; YMP, Yale Peabody Museum of9

    Natural History, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.10


    2. MATERIAL AND METHODS12(a)Musculoskeletal model construction13Full description of model construction methods can be found in Bates et al. (in press), but are14

    repeated here for completeness. For comparison to the 3D model ofPoposaurusgracilis (YMP15

    57100), the specimens ofAllosaurusfragilis (MOR 693) and Struthiomimussedens (BHI 1266) were16

    chosen because they represent the most complete and well preserved pelvic and hindlimb17

    osteologies within their respective theropod sub-clades. These taxa were chosen specifically18

    because they belong to theropod sub-groups (carnosaurs [large bodied tetanurans] and19

    Ornithomimosauria) to which bipedal pseudosuchians have been directly compared by previous20

    researchers (e.g., Bonaparte 1984; Chatterjee 1985; Nesbitt 2007; Nesbitt and Norell 2006). The21

    ostrich specimen (BB.3462) mounted at the Manchester Museum (UK) was chosen because mass22

  • 8/3/2019 Bates, K. T., and E. R. Schachner.