Basu S Patagundi Marshall University IMBA 2010 Orientation Programme Bhav an Mysore, 13 Sept 2010

Basu Orientation Creativity

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Basu S Patagundi

Marshall University IMBA 2010

Orientation Programme

Bhavan Mysore, 13 Sept 2010

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Concept of  Cr eativity

Cr eativity @ work

Cr eativity iny Ar t

y Audio Visuals

Br ain Teaser s

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Concept of Creativity

Who is the most cr eative human being?

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Individual Creativity

Ping-Pong Ball Exper iment at MIT Lab

4 equally sided Tr iangles using 6 matchsticks

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Myths of Creativity

1. Smar ter you ar e, the mor e cr eative you ar e.

2. The young ar e mor e cr eative than the old.

3. Cr eativity is r eser ved for  the f ew- thef lamboyant r isk taker s.

4. Cr eativity is a solitar y act.

5. You cannot manage cr eativity.

Source: Harvard Business Essentials,

Managing Creativity and Innovation

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then what is Creativity?

Is this a tr ait possessed by Minor  


Does an individual get this by bir th or  lear ns


Is this r estr icted to only science and ar t

domains? Scientif ic Study: Right Vs Lef t Br ain


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«. Cr eativity is a process of developing and

expr essing novel ideas for solving problems



ying needs«.

Def ining Cr eativity is diff icult though«.

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Cr eativity has cer tain level of  or iginality

Lear ning without pr econceived notions

Br ain is tr ained to think in a specif icpatter n

Thinking beyond what we know and

exper ienced.

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What you Per ceive

What is in action/r eality

New idea gener ation/per spective

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Vivekananda says:y If you do not come across any problems in a day

then you have not perfor med anything. 

Dar e to exper iment and explor e new ±

lear ning something new

 Ability to lear n & unlear n

Have Passion in what you do

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Or der 

Str uctur e


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Thr ee components of  Cr eativity- P

rof .Te

r esa Amabile, HBS




Cr eative


Exper tise


Expertise: It is in

knowledge- technical,

procedur al &


Motivation: Intr insic , inner  

passion to solve the problem

Creative Thinking

Skills: Flexibility and

imaginative skills

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Videos on Individual Creativity

Indian Innovator s

Sandf atasy

Str ength in poland

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Creativity in the Organization

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Creativity in the Organization

Managing components of creativity

Getting the r ight match

Giving fr eedom

Providing suff icient time and r esour ces

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Creativity in Organisation

Tap Ideas from top to bottomy Google, Computer gr aphics company

Encour age and Enable collabor ation

y ³lone inventor  tr uth´, Diego Rodr iguezy Role of networking - Innocentive, wikipedia

y Identif y ³Super star s´ in the or ganisation

Open the or ganisation to diver se

per spectivesy Asian Amer icans

y Women Engineer s

Indian Fusion Video

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Process Or ientation Vs Cr eativity Managing commer cialisation of  Cr eative


Filter ing mechanisms

Cr eativity for Manager  or  or ganisation

 Accept the Failur es

What r eally motivates people?

y Progr ess in work

Cour age to Innovate

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Explore Creativity«

Eye for details

Obser ving contr adictor y patter ns and str uctur e



between your 

per cepti


r ealityand the gap

Gener ate new idea and implement it

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Creative Ads

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Video Ads

y How to be cr eative in adver tising


y Global War ming

y Canar a Bank

y Surf Ad

Cr eativity Failur ey Per manent marker ad

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Creativity in Movies

Clippings from movie Dr . Zhivago

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You have a fox, a chicken and a sack of  gr ain. You must cross a r iver with only

one of  them at a time. If you leave the

fox with the chicken he will eat it; if you

leave the chicken with the gr ain he will

eat it. How can you get all thr ee across

saf ely?

Brain Teasers


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You have two thr eads, they ar e uneven. 

Each thr ead r equir es exactly 1 hour  to 

bur n. You have unlimited matchstickswith you. You need measur e the time of  

45 mts. How will you do it?


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9 mar bles look identical. Yet one is ver y

slightly heavier  than the other s. You

have a balance scale, and ar e per mitted

to make only 2 measur ements. How will

you deter mine exactly which is the

heavy ma

r ble?


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 4 person A, B, C, & D have to cross a

bridge. Only 2 can cross at once. A

need 10mins, b 5mins, c 2mins, d1min to cross it. They have only 1

torch, whose battery can last upto 17

mins. How will they cross the bridge

within 17 mins???


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What is special about the following


number s?

8 5 4 9 1 7 6 10 3 2 0


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You have two buckets - one holds exactly 5 ltr s

and the other  3 ltr s. How can you measur e 4ltr s of water  into the 5 ltr s bucket?


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Measur e 100 ltr s of water  from 3 vesselswith capacity of  21 ltr s, 127 ltr s and 3 

ltr s


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Measur e 30 ltr s of water  from 3 vesselswith capacity of  22 ltr s, 82 ltr s and 15 

ltr s


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You ar e the bus dr iver . At your  f ir st stop, you pick 

up 29 people. On your second stop, 18 of  those

29 people get off , and at the same time 10 newpassenger s arr ive. At your next stop, 3 of  those

10 passenger s get off , and 13 new passenger s

come on. On your  four th stop 4 of  the r emaining

10 passenger s get off , 6 of  those new 13 

passenger s get off as well, then 17 new

passenger s get on. What is the color  of  the bus

dr iver's eyes?Solution

Solution is in the question

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 An Ar ab sheikh tells his two sons to r ace

their camels to a distant city to see who 

will inher it his for tune. The one whosecamel is slower will win. The brother s,

af ter wander ing aimlessly for days, ask 

a wise man for advise. Af ter  hear ing the

advice they jump on the camels and

r ace as f ast as they can to the city. What

does the wise man say?


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Tom's mother  has thr ee childr en. One is

named Apr il, one is named May. What is

the thir d one named?


Solution is in the question

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What seven-letter wor d has hundr eds of  

letter s in it?


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Videos on Attitude

Har sha Bogle

Hot Chocolate

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 Enjoy Learning at Marshall for the next two years



Be Creative, Be Professional