Basketball The presentation. Prepared- Uch 8th grade Kosolapov.M

Basketball The presentation. Prepared-Uch 8th grade Kosolapov.M

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Page 1: Basketball The presentation. Prepared-Uch 8th grade Kosolapov.M


The presentation. Prepared-Uch 8th grade Kosolapov.M

Page 2: Basketball The presentation. Prepared-Uch 8th grade Kosolapov.M

Explain why you chose this sport?

I enjoy : when deceiving the enemy,when effectively ends our combination when push


Page 3: Basketball The presentation. Prepared-Uch 8th grade Kosolapov.M

Basketball originated in the deep in 1861 by James Naismith, a regular teacher of physical culture in school who couldn't figure out how to take his disciples. Naismith was a good teacher, who wanted to create a game, excluding brute force. The point of this game in

those years was the fact that throwing the stone is small, he had to hit the height of another stone, a little more still. After some time, due to weather conditions this sport is smoothly moved in enclosed spaces. The first game was played in Springfield soccer ball,

instead of rings were suspended normal basket, then the team played with a funny for our time score 1 - 0, to get the ball in the basket has been the only player that already seemed

to be a breakthrough in this great game. Basketball spread very quickly, as students, before leaving on vacation, told all my friends about this game. It took about a year, and

the basketball was distributed to the huge popularity across the United States. At the beginning of its birth, the basketball was not as spectacular as in our time, as the ball was missing, players only throw the ball to each other standing on the ground, and then both hands from the bottom or from the breast, and tried to throw it in the trash. Over time the game is changed all the time, two halves dlis for 15 minutes and most of the games had a score to 20 points. Naismith all the time he improved his game and finally brought

the five basic principles of basketball:for basketball need was great and easy ball that easily fits in your hand; -to run with the

ball in his hands is prohibited; - the ball may have a player of any team; - physical contact is forbidden, but allowed the accumulation of players in any part of the site; - the ring is at

a high distance from the players.

Page 4: Basketball The presentation. Prepared-Uch 8th grade Kosolapov.M

The first official basketball game occurred in 1896, when the team from new York was to sell tickets for their match, and the first Association of professional

basketball teams, appeared 1898, it lasted about five years, and later broke up into several separate leagues. Rules of those years would allow players to sign contracts with teams in every game, so one player could play for a championship in almost all

the teams that paid more. The best player earned in one contract a considerable sum of money, not paying attention to bruising injury.

Later in the basketball introduced a few minor innovations, one of them is a cutout in the bottom of the baskets, and later found that it is easier to get the ball into the

ring with a rebound from the shield. The most serious disputes broke out around dribbling, and not deciding on this issue, different League held their matches by

their own rules.In 1931, due to the great Depression Championships ended, but basketball has not entirely disappeared, it has just moved to another plan, after some time due to an

unexpected jump in this game. Across the country began to emerge teams that moved from town to town and played matches between themselves. In 1927, was created by a team of basketball of the circus, which had millions of fans around the

globe, combining circus with basketball tricks than were forced to look at a basketball with the other hand. Another incentive survival basketball became his

unexpected development in colleges and universities.

Page 5: Basketball The presentation. Prepared-Uch 8th grade Kosolapov.M

A new branch in the history of basketball was his appearance at the Olympic games. They were bringing the game of basketball known to us in our days the game. Was

held in January to one of the University games, where for the first time in the history of basketball student made a shooting with one hand, then most of the players began to follow this example, and the game took on a whole new look. Another event for the development of basketball was the rule cancellation throw the ball in the centre circle after each capture ring. Due to this rule the game of basketball has become faster and

more spectacular. Since 1938 began a sharp rise in popularity of basketball, but all have hopes had to be postponed until better times due to the entry of the United States of America during world war II and in 1946 officially born one of the largest

sports enterprises in the NBA. All five seasons in the NBA, the undisputed leader was the team the Lakers, and in 1951, lost in the final of the club Rochester Royals".

Page 6: Basketball The presentation. Prepared-Uch 8th grade Kosolapov.M

One of the greatest and most memorable players in the history of basketball is Michael Jordan in the team the Chicago bulls. Every year its

fantastic career was marked by new achievements. Six times "Chicagoblues" in the finals with a great help Jordan.

Now at sites dominated by a new generation. But it only stirs up passions around this great game, forcing millions of fans with great

interest to observe the most interesting games of the great basketball masters one of the most popular games of our time.

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