Basketball History, Impact players, Changes.

Basketball History, Impact players, Changes. NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon

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  • Basketball History, Impact players, Changes.
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  • NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. History of Basketball Basketball was invented in the year 1891 in Springfield Massachusetts by James Naismith James Naismith was teaching a youth class and was told to invent a new game which eventually turned into basketball. The first basketball game was played in December of 1891 and was used with a soccer ball and peach baskets. There was no 3 point line and the rules were very different.
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  • Basketball as a Discourse Community. Common goal is for the team to win basketball games and play well Players communicate on the court as well as before the game and after. Lexis Basketball and players use specific words on and off the court. Ex: Screen and roll (meaning a player blocks another player while the player with the ball dribble straight forward. Ex2: Cut to the basket This is when a player is told to run a straight line to the basket and expect a pass from another player. New Members New members are accepted if they know how to play basketball and have somewhat of a skill set.
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  • Who is This?
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  • MICHAEL JORDAN Considered by many as the best basketball player in History. First player to wear shorts that went to the knee. First player to jump from beyond the free throw line and dunk the ball https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUz3ZYfoNxo Created a large brand Impacted the game in ways nobody else at the time could
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  • The truth about basketball Public thought A lot of people do not get hurt playing basketball. It is a soft sport. Being a basketball player is easier than any other sport. Truth Over 60% of players have suffered serious ankle injuries. 20% have also suffered an ACL tear. Basketball takes a lot of practice and hard work and is very difficult to learn.
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  • Analysis and Methods 90% of participants in the interview started playing basketball because parents signed them up. 90% also said that they started playing basketball at the age of 6- 8 All people interviewed said they followed basketball on Tv The way I found my data was by conducting face to face interviews. The general fact I found was that since most players who still play competitively now started at a young age. This is important because basketball is hard to learn so the earlier you learn the better the person will be.
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  • The X Factor The x factor is that basketball is growing not only in America, but around the world as well. I did not know that many people over seas who are non American also follow basketball. But according to my research many of them do. There is proof is growing because. The National Basketball Association has lined up a nine-year television contrast with Walt Disney and Time Warner totaling $24bn more than three times the previous deals value (Blitz, Roger, Garrahan).
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  • Conclusion Basketball is growing in the United States and the entire world Serious injuries do occur Basketball is tough to learn Players who start at a young age are usually more successful and play longer than those who start playing late. Michael Jordan changed the game forever.
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  • References Arias-Estero, Jose L. "Opportunities for and Success in Dribbling, Passing, Receiving, and Shooting in Youth Basketball." International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 8.4 (2013): n. pag. SPORTDiscus with Full Text. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.. Blitz, Roger, and Matthew Garrahan. "Basketball League Nets $24bn TV Deal Renewal." The Financial Times [London] 7 Oct. 2014: n. pag. Print Gordon, Abby I., Lindsay J. DiStefano, Craig R. Deneger, Rosemary B. Ragle, Jermey R. Norman, and Scott Cheatham. "College and Professional Womens Basketball Players Lower Extremity Injuries: A Survey of Career Incidence." International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training 19.5 (2011): 259. SPORTDiscus with Full Text. Web. 23 Feb. 2015..