Basics of Unix Shell Scripting

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  • 7/23/2019 Basics of Unix Shell Scripting



    Version 1.0

    January, 2013

    Sahil [email protected]

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  • 7/23/2019 Basics of Unix Shell Scripting


    Basics of UNIX SHELL SCRIPTING-1.0


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    Basics of UNIX SHELL SCRIPTING 1.0 This document is intended for beginners in UNIX

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    About this Document

    PurposeThis document helps to learn the basics of UNIX shell scripting.


    Participant must be a TCS employee.

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    Must be well versed with Basic UNIX commands.

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    BASICS OF SHELL SCRIPTING - INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 4

    READ STATEMENT .......................................................................................................................................... 5

    COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 6

    USE OF && AND || LOGICAL OPERATORS .................................................................................................... 8

    CONTROL CONSTRUCTS ................................................................................................................................. 9

    COMPUTATIONS USING EXPR ..................................................................................................................... 16

    SET AND SHIFT : MANIPULATION OF POSITIONAL PARAMETERS .............................................................. 17

    DEBUGGING SHELL SCRIPTS USING SET -X ............................................................................................... 18

    EXAMPLE : SCRIPT FOR MAKING A BASIC CALCULATOR ............................................................................ 20

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    The function of the shell in unix is not restricted to the command interpretation only. There

    are many internal commands in unix that when put together with some external

    commands can be used as a language. This language is called SHELL SCRIPTING in unix. In

    this guide we will discuss the scripting in reference to the lowest Bourne shell. The features

    of this shell scripting also applies to Korn and Bash shell but they have some additional

    features also. The C shell programming is totally different from these.

    A shell program is not compiled before execution as in a very common C language. It runs in

    an interpretive mode. It means shell interprets the commands in script in a sequential

    manner and then execute them. Each statement is loaded into the memory when it is to be

    executed. Shell scripts run slower than those written in high level languages. But speed is

    not always the concern as compared to functionality. Moreover a System Administrator

    must be a good shell programmer.

    (Note-It is possible to use different type of shell to run a script from your login shell using a

    interpreter line.)

    Suppose there are some commands that we use regularly. Rather than typing each and

    every command daily and executing them one by one, we should make a file of these

    commands and store this file. So from now whenever we want all those commands to be

    executed in the same sequence we will just execute that file. Thus this file itself is a shell

    program. Normally we use .sh extension for shell scripts.

    Lets write a very basic script.

    #!/bin/sh (interpreter line)

    # Name of the script (comment starting from #)

    echo My first shell program.

    To execute it we just need to write script name with shon the command prompt as:

    $ sh

    Here it is to be noted that the comments always start with # sign except for the first line

    where it is used with ! sign as an interpreter line. The interpreter line above tell the system

    that in what shell a user wants to execute his script. Here sh indicates a bourne shell.

    One thing to be noted here is that if you dont have the execute permissions for the file you

    wont be able to execute the script. So you have to change the permissions of the file as

    mentioned below:

    $ chmod +x

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    read STATEMENT

    The sample script written above dont ask for any input from the user when we execute this.

    In some cases like when a script performs calculations, it will ask for some input from the

    user on which it will perform calculations. For such cases read statement is used in the

    script. In other words, a read statement is used to make a script interactive.

    Here is the example of usage of read:



    The code above will display the lines of file flname containing the word pname.




    You can use a single read statement to enter multiple arguments as:

    readpname flname

    But if the number of arguments entered by the user are more than the number of

    arguments mentioned in the command line then the extra arguments will be assigned to the

    last variable mentioned in the command line. On the contrary if they are less than the

    number of mentioned variable then the leftover variables will remain unassigned.

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    Command line arguments

    Unix shell scripts can also be run non-intractively which means once you have written a

    command the script will not need the attention from user anymore to complete the task.

    This can be done using command line arguments. As the name suggests, these are the

    arguments which will be passed to the script by writing them in the command line. If you

    have read the above section of read statement carefully there will be a question in your

    mind that how and what will replace the function of pname and flname then. So here is

    the answer, variables called positional parameters are there for this work. In other words

    we can say that the command line arguments will be automatically assigned to the

    positional parameters in the sequence they are mentioned in the command line. These

    parameters are denoted as $1,$2,$3 and so on. One thing to be noted here is that there

    is $0 also which will contain the program name or command name always. A few special

    parameters are:-

    $* - It stores the complete set of positional parameters as a single string.

    $#- It stores the total number of arguments passed.

    Lets write the same example as above using the command line arguments:



    To run the above script a user will write command like this:

    $ sh sahildhuria employees.txt # two arguments are passed as

    command line arguments




    You can clearly see that the arguments mentioned in the command line are stored in the

    positional parameters $1,$2 respectively.

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    To see whether a command has run successfully or not we can use a shell parameter $?.

    The value returned by this parameter tell the user whether the command has been runsuccessfully or not.

    Lets check this out:



    1 in the output shows the failure to open the file.

    If the file would have been opened, it would have returned 0.

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    Use of && and || logical operators

    These are used to run two commands when the execution of one of the command depends

    upon the result of other command. For example:

    cmd1 && cmd2 (cmd2 will execute only if cmd1 has successfully run)

    cmd1 || cmd2 (cmd2 will execute only if cmd1 has failed to run)

    The || operator is very useful when we want to terminate a script if the execution of the

    desired command fails, e.g,

    grep $1 $2 || exit 1

    Here if there is no match of $1(sahildhuria) in $2(employees.txt) the script will be

    terminated because then exit 1 will get executed.

    These operators are very useful when making very simple decisions. When complex

    decisions are to be made then if statement have to be used as explained ahead.

    Command Substitution

    Command substitution allows the output of a command to be substituted in place of the

    command name itself. This can be done in two ways as shown below:

    $(Command) or Command

    The command will be executed in a sub-shell environment and the standard output of the

    shell will replace the command substitution when the command completes.

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    Control Constructs

    The flow of control within shell script is done via four main constructs viz.;

    if...then...elif..else, do...while, for and case. These are discussed one by one as below:


    if command is successful


    execute this command


    execute this command



    The generic forms of this control construct is as:


    if command is successful


    execute this command



    if command is successful


    execute this command

    elif command is successful


    execute this command


    execute this command


    A few things that should be always keep in mind while using if construct are:

    - The fi is necessary to end the if construct.

    - Then is also necessary after every if or else to execute the following







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    As we know grep will return an exit status, the if construct use this exit status to proceedfurther in the code block. In the above code if the returned status is 0,means grep executed

    successfully. And then Pattern found will be displayed. If the returned status is other than

    0 then Pattern not found will be displayed.

    Use of test and []

    In case of expressions if cant handle the true or false status returned by expressions.

    Because if decides flow of execution on the basis of numerical (0 or 1) exit status of the

    command. But in the case of expressions exit status is returned as either true or false. So

    here test statement comes in operation. A test statement evaluates the expression and

    returns 0 or 1 on the basis of true or false returned by the expression. test actually doesnt

    display 0 or 1 after evaluation, but is sets a parameter $?. In the following example we willsee this.


    $ set x=1; y=3 ; z=5

    $ test $x eq $y ; echo $?

    1 (means the result was false and these are not equal)

    $ test $x -lt $y ; echo $?

    0 (means x is less than y and result was true)

    The numerical operators used for comparison are different from those used in other

    languages. Here is the list of operators used by test:


    -eq Equal to

    -ne Not equal to

    -gt Greater than

    -ge Greater than or equal to

    -lt Less than

    -le Less than or equal to

    The [] is a shorthand for test. For example,

    test $x -eq $y can be written as [ $x -eq $y ].


    Do..While Loop

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    Loops are used to repeat a set of instructions. Previously we rectified a faulty response using

    if but there was no provision of doing the same things until a certain condition remains true.

    Loops are used for such situations. There are three types of loops: while,until and for.

    While loop repeatedly performs a set of commands until the control command returns a

    true exit status. The generic syntax is:

    While condition is true




    Lets use a while loop along with a test statement,






    One of the good applications of the while loops is that we can make the system to pause

    until certain condition is met. In the following example system goes to sleep (remains

    paused) until a.lst file is created and becomes readable. And when it becomes readable it

    displays a message,


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    This program will check after every 30 second if the file a.lst has been created and readable.

    If its created and readable then it will display the message The file is created.


    It is just reverse of the while loop, means it will execute the body of the loop until the

    condition remains false. As soon as the condition becomes true it comes out of the loop.

    for loop

    The syntax for the for loop is as follows:

    for variable in list




    Its different from the while loop in the sense that its executed a specific number of times.

    Whereas in while loop it waits for the condition to become false to stop the loop, in for loop

    the same applies but with a predefined limitation as shown in the syntax. So, here the

    commands get executed until the words from the list gets assigned to variable in turn. It will

    be more clear from the following example.


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    forloop is the most commonly used loop in the unix system. The list can consist of different

    kind of expressions. For example, list from variables, list from command substitution, list

    from wild-cards, list from positional parameters are the few examples. These can be learned

    during advanced shell programming.

    case first matches the expression with pattern1. If the match is found then it executes

    command1, if not then it continues in same manner to fine the match. Each command list is

    terminated with a pair of semicolons except for the last command list where its optional.

    Lets demonstrate caseconditional with an example.

    case conditional

    The syntax of the case conditional is:

    case expression in

    pattern1) command1 ;;

    pattern2) command2 ;;

    pattern3) command3 ;;



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    Matching Multiple Patterns

    Case can also be used for matching multiple patterns. It is very usual when we have to check

    for responses as y and Y both. In such cases case becomes useful as shown below:


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    Here if the user has entered n or N or anything else, the program will be stopped and control

    will be returned to the prompt. Even if the user has entered y or Y. the same will happen butwith a little delay that is not noticeable here. You can check the script by echoing something

    like your name then the script will exit but after displaying your name on the screen.

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    Computations using expr

    The bourne shell itself cant perform numeric computations. It has to rely on the external

    expr command these functions. Other than numeric computations expr can be used for

    manipulating string.

    Expr can perform basic four arithmetic operations and also the modulus(remainder) function

    as well.



    The operators should have whitespace on both of their side. expr also be used to assign a

    value to a variable as:

    $x = 5

    $x = expr $x + 1

    $ echo $x

    Anwer is 6.

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    set and shift : Manipulation of positional parameters

    set is used to set the value of positional parameters. The arguments given to the set

    command gets assigned to $1,$2 and so on in the same order as they are mentioned in the

    argument list. The value of $* and $# is also automatically get set. The following example

    shows this.




    shift command is used to shift the positional parameters to one position left. It will be more

    clear after the following example.



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    Debugging shell scripts Using set -x

    Apart from assigning values to the positional parameters, set also serves as a debugging tool

    for the shell scripts. Usingx options with set in the beginning of the script or even at the

    shell prompt displays every statement of the script when it gets executed.It is displayed with

    a + sign in the beginning. Since now you can see the executed statement of the script, you

    can make some modifications in the script if you want. To turn off the functionality of the

    set x use set +x right after you you have written set x. It will nullify the usage of set x in

    the script but it will display the set +xin the output. It is because set x is executed before

    set +x, so first set +xis displayed and then it gets executed and nullify the effect of set x.

    Lets demonstrate the usage of theset xcommand using the same example as we used in

    the command line arguments topic above. There we executed the script as :


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    Using set +x



    This is an ideal tool to use if you have problems finding why your scripts dont work in the

    manner as they are expected.

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    Example : Script for making a basic CALCULATOR

    In this example code, there is a script to make a basic calculator that can perform four basic

    arithmetic operations viz, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. A code snippet

    for the same is as shown below:



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    In the above code there is a whileloop in which there is a casestatement that performs

    arithmetic operations based on the users choice. Initially a true condition is set to enter in

    the whileloop and then inside the loop there is an option whether the user wants to

    continue with the more calculations or he wants to exit from the calculator. Based on his

    choice further operations are performed. The Output of the above code is displayed as




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