Barcelona targets : where do we stand? Main findings of the European Commission report Muriel Bissières, Gender Equality Unit, DG Justice 29 April 2013,

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Barcelona targets : where do we stand? Main findings of the European Commission report Muriel Bissires, Gender Equality Unit, DG Justice 29 April 2013, Dublin Slide 2 Barcelona targets : where do we stand? 1.Context / why achieving the Barcelona targets? 2.State of play 3.EU action to support the achievement of the Barcelona targets Slide 3 1 Context Slide 4 2002 European council in Barcelona Provide childcare for 33% of children up to 3 and 90% of children from 3 to compulsory school age by 2010 European pact for gender equality 2011-2020 renewed commitment Slide 5 Why achieving the Barcelona targets? To reach EU2020 goals Employment Poverty School drop out To reach gender equality Slide 6 Relation between the employment rates of women 20-49 with youngest child below 6 years old and share of children in formal childcare (2010) Source: EU-SILC and Labour Force Survey Slide 7 Source: OECD Family Database 2012; OECD Database on Earnings Distribution. Relation between the gender pay gap and share of children in formal childcare (2008) Slide 8 2 State of Play Slide 9 Proportion of children up to 3 years cared for by formal arrangements 2010 Slide 10 Proportion of children from 3 years to mandatory school age cared for by formal arrangements 2010 Slide 11 Around one quarter of women working part-time or inactive due to care responsibilities (15-64 y) declare they cant work more because of unsuitable childcare facilities Slide 12 Barriers preventing parents from using childcare services Figure refers to EU-27 (without DK and SE) women 15-64 not working or working part-time for reasons linked with childcare. Source: EU-LFS 2010 AHM Slide 13 Components of net childcare costs in 2008 for dual-earner couple family Source: OECD (2011), Doing Better for Families, Figure 4.A2.1 A. Notes: *Where the partner earns the average wage and the female partner earns 50% of the average wage. Slide 14 Formal care use by income quintiles, households with a child