Barcelona Meeting Point 2005 - Gaspar Lino

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Article featured in the Barcelona Meeting point about the Spanish Property Market.

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    Carrafiel pours optimism and

    strength. His opinions about the real

    estate market are considered bullish

    (aggressive). The Spanish real estate

    and economic boom makes sense and

    it is not unique. It follows the U.S. model.

    In the U.S. we have always believed that

    ownership of a home is an engine for

    personal ambi t ion . That i s why

    ownership has grown at the same pace

    as large immigrations in modern history.

    And Spain is experimenting its first major

    immigration movement in modern history.

    Carrafiell differs from those who

    foresee all types of problems for the

    Spanish economy. He believes that the

    real estate sector makes the economy

    stronger and not weaker. The investments

    in the Spanish real estate sector have

    created wealth for the medium class.

    By increasing the value of their homes,

    owners have consumed at a rate not

    seen even in Germany. Most of Germans

    live in rented houses and they fear the

    future, so they save instead of consuming.

    Meanwhile, Spanish feel more secure

    every day and some even mortgage

    their houses to obtain cheap money

    for consumption.

    The possibility of a real estate

    bubble burst and the volatilization of

    this new wealth is rejected by this young

    financier who is convinced that interest

    rates will stay low in the coming years.

    Regarding the price stability, you must

    know that all major American investments

    banks have a 6% of its reserves invested

    in real estate. Moreover, our purpose

    is to increase this percentage up to a

    10%. This means billions and billions of

    dollars that will be invested in Europe.

    The demand in Spain grows and i t wi l l keep growing. Millions of North Europeans save to buy a house in Spain and retire there

    The demand in Spain grows and

    it will keep growing. In the U.K., Germany,

    Holland or Scandinavia there are full

    newspaper sec t ions exc lus i ve ly

    dedicated to explain their citizens how

    to move to Spain. Millions of these

    North Europeans save to buy a house

    in Spain and retire there.

    John CarrafiellT h e P h i l o s o p h e r o f P r o s p e r i t y


    The immigration is for Mr. Carrafiell

    one key factor for the Spanish real estate

    boom: Spain has a capacity to absorb

    immigrants for the next ten years. Spain

    is still cheap; the average price for a

    home is 300.000,00. This is not much

    comparing to the rest of the euro zone.

    That is why Spanish boom has space to

    grow. The high immigration rate

    explains why despite the low birth rate,

    the real estat demand is still robust.