BANYAN TREE SCHOOL, LODHI ROAD CLASS XI COMPILED SUMMER HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT(2019-20) SUBJECT: ENGLISH Q1. Write an article in about 250 words on, “Laws are never respected nor enforced in India”. Q2. “Are we to leave our successors a scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes and an ailing environment?” Discuss the given statement making use of real life examples. Q3. Write an essay in about 250 words on, “Overpopulation and it’s impact on everyday life”. SUBJECT: HISTORY Project Work: As discussed in class, students are requested to collect information and pictures related to their theme, organise these as per the instructions given in class and mail these as a soft copy to the subject teacher by 30 th June 2019. They are to submit the first draft of their project when the school reopens in July. This should include the following: a) Synopsis (Topic, Objectives of research, Methodology and activities planned) b) A detailed list of and an analysis of the sources used for research. c) Relevant map/s. d) A suitable timeline, and e) A power point presentation on the theme. SUBJECT: SOCIOLOGY Project Work: As discussed in class, students are supposed to collect information and pictures related to their social topic, organize these as per the instructions given in class. They are to submit the first draft of their project when the school reopens in July. The Title Page and Research Question page can also be prepared. A 4 sized sheets to be used to do this work only. This should include the following: 1. Certificate 2. Acknowledgement 3. Index 4. Introduction 5. Statement of Purpose


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Q1. Write an article in about 250 words on, “Laws are never respected nor enforced in


Q2. “Are we to leave our successors a scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished

landscapes and an ailing environment?” Discuss the given statement making use of real life


Q3. Write an essay in about 250 words on, “Overpopulation and it’s impact on everyday life”.


Project Work:

As discussed in class, students are requested to collect information and pictures related to

their theme, organise these as per the instructions given in class and mail these as a soft

copy to the subject teacher by 30th June 2019. They are to submit the first draft of their

project when the school reopens in July. This should include the following:

a) Synopsis (Topic, Objectives of research, Methodology and activities planned)

b) A detailed list of and an analysis of the sources used for research.

c) Relevant map/s.

d) A suitable timeline, and

e) A power point presentation on the theme.


Project Work:

As discussed in class, students are supposed to collect information and pictures related to

their social topic, organize these as per the instructions given in class. They are to submit

the first draft of their project when the school reopens in July. The Title Page and Research

Question page can also be prepared.

A – 4 sized sheets to be used to do this work only. This should include the following:

1. Certificate

2. Acknowledgement

3. Index

4. Introduction

5. Statement of Purpose

6. Methodology,

7. Presentation of Evidence


General Instructions: i) All Questions are compulsory.

ii) Questions from serial number 1 to 3 are very short answers. Each question carries 1 mark.

Answer should not exceed 20 words each.

iii) Questions from serial number 4 & 5 are very short answers. Each question carries 2 marks.

Answer should not exceed 40 words each.

iv) Questions from serial number 6-8 are short answers. Each question carries 4 marks.

Answer should not exceed 100 words each.

v) Question number 9 is passage based question carries 5 marks. Answer should not exceed

150 words each.

vi) Question number 10 is based question carries 6 marks. Answer should not exceed 150

words each.

Q1. Which of the following is a good reason to conclude that the authority of the constitution

is higher than that of the parliament?

(a) The constitution was framed before the parliament came into being (b) The constitution makers were more eminent leaders than the members of the parliament. (c) The constitution specifies how parliament is to be formed and what are its powers. (d) The constitution cannot be amended by the parliament.

Q2. Define Quo Warranto.

Q3. Which of the following statements are true/false about Political Theory?

(a) It discusses ideas that form the basis of political institutions.

(b) It explains the relationship between different religions.

(c) It explains the meanings of concepts like equality and freedom.

(d) It predicts the performance of political parties.

Q4. Define Political Theory.

Q5. State whether the following statements about a constitution are True or False.

(a) Constitutions are written documents about formation and power of the government.

(b) Constitutions exist and are required only in democratic countries. (c) Constitution is a legal document that does not deal with ideals and values. (d) A constitution gives its citizens a new identity.

Q6. Which of the Fundamental Rights is in your opinion the most important right?

Summarise its provisions and give arguments to show why it is most important.

Q7. The Japanese Constitution was made when the US occupation army was still in control

of Japan after its defeat in the Second World War. The Japanese constitution could not

have had any provision that the US government did not like. Do you see any problem in

this way of making the constitution? In which way was the Indian experience different

from this?

Q8. An activist working among the poor says that the poor don’t need Fundamental Rights.

What they need are Directive Principles to be made legally binding. Do you agree with

this? Give your reasons.

Q9. “A petition by a human rights group drew attention of the court to the condition of

starvation and hunger in the country. Over five crore tonnes of food grains was stored in

the godowns of the Food Corporation of India. Research shows that a large number of

ration cardholders do not know about the quantity of food grains they can purchase from

fair price shops. It requested the court to order the government to improve its public

distribution system”.

(a) Which different rights does this case involve? How are these rights interlinked? (2)

(b) Should these rights form part of the right to life? (3)

Q10. In a discussion on the experience of the working of our Constitution, three speakers

took three different positions:

Harbans: The Indian Constitution has succeeded in giving us a framework of democratic


Neha: The Constitution made solemn promises of ensuring liberty, equality and

fraternity. Since this has not happened, the Constitution has failed.

Nazima: The Constitution has not failed us. We have failed the Constitution.

Do you agree with any of these positions? If yes, why? If not, what is your own position?



1. Name the states through which Tropic of Cancer passes. 2. Which is the southernmost point of Indian Union and when did it get submerged

under the sea water?

3. Which states of India have common frontiers with China? 4. Name the state which has the longest coastline. 5. Why do we need the Standard Meridian of India? Give two reasons. 6. Which ocean route links India with Europe? 7. How has strategic location of India contributed to exchange of ideas and

commodities? 8. Name the countries which are larger than India. 9. What is a sub-continent? Why India is called a sub-continent? 10. How do we calculate the time difference from Arunachal Pradesh to Gujarat? 11. Describe the location of India. 12. In spite of the time differences, how does India adopt a uniform time? 13. Describe the size of India. 14. ‘Unity in Diversity’of India is also apparent from her geographical features. Explain

this statement with examples. 15. India plays a vital role in South-East Asian region. Give your view points to

substantiate the statement. 16. On an outline map of India name and mark the following:

• The standard meridian of India and its degree.

• The southernmost latitude of India.

• The northern& southern extent of India.

• The island groups of India lying in the Arabian Sea& the Bay of Bengal.

• The countries constituting the Indian Subcontinent.

• The strait separating Sri Lanka from India.


1. Who first proposed the Nebular Hypothesis? 2. What is a nebula? 3. How was the solid crust of the earth formed? 4. Define solar system. 5. What is the meaning of angular momentum? 6. Name the gases that initially formed the earth’s atmosphere? 7. What is meant by the process of differentiation? 8. What are the stages considered in the development of planets? 9. Distinguish between Inner Planets and Outer Planets. 10. Describe the early theories of origin of the earth. 11. Explain the Big Bang Theory and illustrate your answer with a diagram. 12. List the stages in the evolution of the earth and explain each stage in brief. 13. Why are terrestrial planets rocky?


• Case Study on Cyclone Fani.


Practical File & Case Profile (30 Marks)

1. Practical File should be neatly written. 2. Case Profile is also hand written. 3. Don’t use red or pink ink pen. 4. Underline headings or use a different coloured pen (not red or pink). 5. A suggested format for writing a psychological testing report and case profile is given.

6. Administration and report preparation of two psychological tests would be done.


S. No. Topic Date of Submission Teacher’s Signature




• INTRODUCTION - Basic Concept - Brief Description of the Test

• METHODOLOGY a) Preliminaries b) Materials Required

• Procedure a) Rapport formation b) Instructions c) Precautions d) Introspective Report e) Scoring






EXPERIMENT- A carefully controlled scientific procedure conducted to determine whether certain variables manipulated by the experimenter have an effect on other variables HYPOTHESIS- A possible explanation for a behaviour being studied that can be\ answered by an experiment or a series of observation. It can also be defined as tentative answer to a problem. VARIABLES- Factors that can be varied and can assume more than one value. INDEPENDENT VARIABLE- A variable that is controlled by the experimenter and is applied to the participants to determine its effect. DEPENDENT VARIABLE- A measurable behaviour that is exhibited by a participant and is affected by the independent variable. CONTROL GROUP- The group in which participants are treated identically to participate in the experimental condition, except that the independent variable is not applied to them. EXPERIMENTAL GROUP- The group in which independent variable is introduced ADVANTAGES OF EXPERIMENTAL METHOD-

• It helps in discovering the causes of behaviour.

• It also helps in understanding cause and effect relationship. DISADVANTAGES OF EXPERIMENTAL METHOD

• It cannot be used to study all kinds of behaviour.

• The experiments may produce results that do not apply in real life situations.

• They have low external validity.

• It is difficult to know and control all the relevant variables. PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST- A psychological test is a standardized instrument designed to measure objectively, one or more aspects of total personality by means of verbal or non verbal responses. Standardization means the test is objective, reliable and valid. CHARACTERISTICS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST STANDARDIZATION- The procedures are specified precisely, so that different testers will follow the same procedures when they administer the same test to different subjects this means that test performance of different people or the same persons at different times or occasions can be compared directly. OBJECTIVITY- Objectivity refers to the fact that if two or more researchers administer a psychological test on the same group of people, both of them would come up with more or less the same values for each person in the group. The items convey the same meaning to everyone. Specific instructions and the procedure for administering the test are specified. The impact of personal bias is kept under control. RELIABILITY- It refers to the consistency of the scores obtained by an individual on the same test on two different occasions.

Types of Reliability

• Test Retest reliability- it is computed by finding co-efficient of correlation between the two sets of scores on the same set of persons. It indicates the temporal stability or stability of the test scores over time.

• Split Half Reliability-It gives an indication about the degree of internal consistency of the test. The test is divided into two equal halves employing odd even method.

VALIDITY- It refers to the extent to which the test measures what it is suppose to measure. NORMS- Norm is an average score on a particular test made by a specific population. Reference to a test table of norms enables us to rank an individual’s performance relative to his own age group. USES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS

• These are used primarily for analysis and determination of individual differences in general intelligence, aptitude, personality traits etc.

• Psychological tests are also used for a variety of psychological, educational, cultural studies of groups as well as study of particular individuals.

• Test provides very useful information for educational and vocational guidance.

• In schools, tests can be used to identify students with low as well high intelligence.

• It helps in knowing the causes of behavioural problems.

• In clinics, psychological tests are used for individual diagnosis of factors associated with personal problems of learning, behaviour or specific interpersonal relations.

• In business and industry, tests are helpful in selecting and classifying personnel for placement in jobs.

OBSERVATION It is an effective method of describing behaviour. Witnessing an event and recording. STEPS OF OBSERVATION a) Selection- Psychologists select a particular behaviour for observation e.g. One may be interested to know how children behaviour behave on their first day in school. b) B) Recording- the researcher records the selected behaviour using different means such as marking tallies for behaviour, taking notes describing each activity in detail. c) Analysis of data- Psychologists analyzes whatever they have recorded to derive meaning out of it. TYPES OF OBSERVATION

• Naturalistic observation- This refers to observations done in natural and real life settings. The observer makes no effort to control or manipulate the situation. This type of observation is conducted in schools and hospitals.

• Controlled observation- this type of observation is doe in laboratory experiments.

• Participant observation- In this type of observation the observer becomes a part of the group being observed.

• Non- Participant Observation- In this type of observation, group or people are observed from a distance or through a camera.


• Researcher obtains a data about a truly natural behaviour rather than a behaviour that is reaction to experimental situation.


• It can be difficult and time consuming.

• Controls are lacking.

• Difficult to generalize results.

• Scientific objectivity is lost if experimenter interacts with the participants. SURVEY METHOD It is a technique for sampling a wide variety of behaviour and attitude e.g. finding out the attitude of people towards family planning. The survey research uses different techniques like interviews, questionnaires and observations etc. It can also be used to predict behaviour. Researcher must be careful in choosing the sample. Advantage- It enables researcher to describe the characteristics of relatively small sample and the generalize that information to a larger population INTERVIEW It refers to a face to face conversation with a purpose to derive factual information, opinions and attitudes etc. there can be two broad types of interviews- structured or standardized and unstructured or non-standardized. A structured interview is the one in where the questions in the schedule are written clearly in a sequence. In an unstructured interview the interviewer has the flexibility to take decisions about the questions to be asked; the wordings of the questions and the sequence in which the questions are to be asked. Questions can be either open ended or closed ended. Closed ended questions have specified responses. Open ended questions can be answered the way respondent wants to. CASE STUDY It refers to in-depth study of a particular case. The case can be an individual with distinguishing characteristics or a small group of individuals having some commonality among them, institutions and specific events. A case study employs multiple methods for collecting information such as interview, observation and psychological tests. It provides in depth information about a person’s life but at the same time validity in single case is quite challenging CORRELATION STUDIES Correlational studies are done to find relationships between variables for prediction purposes. The strength and direction of the relationship is determined by co-relational coefficient and its value can range from +1.0 to -1.0. The coefficient of correlation is of three types- positive, negative and zero. A positive correlation indicates that as the value of one variable increases, the value of other variable also increases. Negative correlation indicates as the value of one variable increases, the value of other variable decreases. Zero correlation indicates that there is no relationship between two variables. QUESTIONNAIRE It consists of predetermined set of questions. The respondent has to read the questions and mark the answers on the paper. Both open ended and closed ended questions can be used in the questionnaire. The questionnaire is mainly used for collecting background and demographic information, attitudes and opinions, knowledge about a particular topic. It is the most common, simple and low cost self report method of collecting information. FIELD EXPERIMENT AND QUASI EXPERIMENTS

In field experiment the researcher may go to the natural setting where the particular phenomenon actually exists. For example teaching one group by demonstration method and other group by lecture method and then comparing their performance. It is more time consuming and expensive. In quasi experiment the independent variable is selected rather than varied or manipulated by the experimenter for example in the experimental group we can have children who have lost their parents in the earthquake and in the control group who experience the earthquake but did not loose their parents. PERCENTILE RANK- An individual’s percentile rank on a test designates the percentage of cases or scores lying below it. E.g. P-20 means the individual is situated above 20 percent of the group fall below this persons rank. STANINE- According to this method the standard population is divided into 9 groups. Stanine 1 is the lowest and stanine 9 is the highest. STEN SCORES- Standard scores on a scale of ten STANDARD SCORES- It designated the individual’s position with respect to the total range and distribution of scores. The standard score indicates, in terms of standard deviation how far a particular score is removed from the mean of the distribution.

Z= X-M ÷ SD

Where, X- individual score, M- Mean, SD- Standard deviation


It is standardized instrument used to measure intellectual and non intellectual characteristics of an individual through verbal or non verbal measures.

The researcher tries to manipulate the situation and tries to prove or disapprove a hypothesis.

It evaluates certain attributes of an individual.

It determines cause and effect relationship between variables.

It does not have an hypothesis It has a hypothesis.

It is standardized and has norms It does not have norms and is meant for verification of various principles.



Topic: Consumer’s Equilibrium & Demand

Answer the following questions: (Consumers Equilibrium)

1. Define a budget line. (1)

2. Define the slope of a budget line. (1)

3. What is the law of diminishing marginal utility? (1)

4. Explain the conditions of consumer’s equilibrium under indifference curve approach. (3)

5. Given the market price of a good, how does a consumer decide as to how many units of

that good to buy? (3)

6. Explain the meaning of diminishing MRS with the help of a numerical example. (3)

7. A consumer consumes only two goods. For the consumer to be in equilibrium, why must

MRS be equal to the ratio of prices of two goods. (6)

8. Explain the conditions of consumer’s equilibrium with the help of IC analysis & explain

the rationale behind these conditions. (6)

9. Explain the three properties of indifference curves. (6)

Answer the following questions: (Demand)

10. Define inferior goods. (1)

11. What does the rightward shift of the demand curve indicate? (1)

12. Give the meaning of market demand. (1)

13. Give three causes of the rightward shift of demand curve. (3)

14. ‘X’ & ‘Y’ are substitute goods. Explain the effect of a fall in the price of X on the demand

for Y. (3)

15. Distinguish between an inferior good and a normal good. Is a good which is inferior for

one consumer also inferior for all the consumers? Explain. (3)

16. What is market demand of a good? Name the factors determining market demand. (3)

17. Explain with the help of diagrams the effect of the following changes on the demand of a

commodity: (i) A fall in the price of substitute good. (ii) A favourable change in the taste

of the buyer. (6)

18. Distinguish between ‘change in demand’ & ‘change in quantity demanded’ (6)


1. (a)Name the four fundamental forces in nature and give the ratio of their strengths in decreasing order. (b) State two characteristics of the strongest fundamental force.

2. A rock under water is 1595 m deep. Find the time in which an ultrasonic signal returns after reflection from the rock. Given speed of ultrasonic waves in water = 1450 m/s. 3. Check the correctness of the relation from the following: (i) T2 = 4π2 a3/GM Where T – Time period, M- Mass and a = radius of the orbit (ii) V = πPr4 /8lη where V – rate of flow of liquid, r is the radius of the pipe, P/l – Pressure gradient and η – coefficient of viscosity.

4. A body of mass ‘m’ is moving in a circle of radius ‘r’ with angular velocity ‘ω’. Find the expression for centripetal force acting on it by the method of dimensions.

5. Using the method of dimensions, derive an expression for the energy of a body executing S.H.M; assuming this energy depends upon its mass ‘m’ , frequency ‘ ⱱ ‘ and amplitude of vibration ‘A’.

6. A planet moves around the Sun in nearly circular orbit. Its period of revolution ‘T’ depends upon radius of the orbit , Mass of the Sun and the gravitational Constant. Show that T2 α R3 .

7. By the method of dimensions, obtain the expression for the surface tension ‘S’ of a liquid rising in a capillary tube. Assume that the surface tension depends upon (i) mass ‘m’ of the liquid (ii) pressure ‘p’ of the liquid and (iii) radius ‘r’ of the capillary tube. Take K = ½.

8. E, m, l and G denote energy, mass, angular momentum and Gravitational constant respectively. Determine the dimensions of P = El2/m5G2

9. Find the value of 60 J per min on a system that has 100 g , 100 cm and 1 min as the base units.

10. The depth ‘x’ to which a bullet penetrates in a human body depends on coefficient of elasticity ( Y) and kinetic energy (E). Establish the relation between these quantities using the method of dimensions,

11. When 1m, 1Kg and 1 min are taken as the fundamental units, the magnitude of the force is 36 units. What will be the value of this force in CGS system?

12. If x = at + (½ )bt2 where x is the distance and t is time. Find the value of (a X b). 13. State the number of significant figures in the following:

(i)0.0064 (ii) 5.22 x 105 (iii) 7254.00 (iv) 962. 007 14. The radius of a solid sphere is measured to be 11.24 cm. Calculate the surface area of the sphere to approximate significant figures. 15.If linear momentum(p), area (A) and time (T) are taken as fundamental quantities, then find the dimensional formula of energy. Please Note:

1. The Homework to be done in Ruled sheets and to be submitted on 2nd July 2019. 2. Read the Chapter 3: Motion in a Straight line and practice the three equations of

motion and its applications,


Q1. Calculate the wavelength of the radiation emitted when an electron in a hydrogen atom

undergoes a transition from 4th energy level to the 2nd energy level. In which part of the EM

spectrum does this line lies?

Q2. The mass of an electron is 9.1x10-31 kg. If its KE is 3.0x10-25J, calculate the wavelength.

Q3. If an electron is moving with a velocity 600m/s which is accurate upto 0.005% then calculate the

uncertainty in its position. (h=6.6x10-34 js, mass of electron= 9.1x10-31 kg)

Q4. What is common between dxy and dx2-y2 orbitals?

What is the angle between the lobes of the above two orbitals?

Q5. Which out of Cu2+ , Fe2+ and Cr3+ has highest paramagnetism and why?

Q6. How many neutrons and protons are there in the following nuclei? C, O, Mg, Fe, Sr

Q7. Using s, p, d, notations, describe the orbital with the following quantum no’s

a)n=1, l=0 b) n=2, l=1 and c) n=4, l=3

Q8. Give the no of electron in the species H2+, O2+ and H2

Q9. Explain giving reasons, which of the following sets of quantum no.s are not possible?

a) N=0, l=0, ml= 0, ms=+1/2

b) N=1, l=0, ml=0, ms=-1/2

Q10. What are the values of n, l and m for 2px and 3px orbitals?

Q11. What is the mole fraction of a solute in 2.5m aqueous solution?

Q12. Calculate the molality of a sulphuric acid solution in which the mole fraction of water is 0.85.

Q13. Find the molarity and molality of a 15% solution of H2SO4 (density of H2SO4 = 1.020g/cm3).

(Atomic mass H= 1, O= 16, S= 32 amu)

Q14. 50 kg of N2 g and 10 kg of H2 g are mixed to produce NH3 g. Calculate the NH3 g formed.

Identify the limiting reagent in the production of NH3 in this solution.

Q15. Explain

Aufbau principle, pauli exclusion principle and hunds rule of maximum multiplicity

Q16. Write down configuration from atomic no. 1 to 30

Q17. Prepare concept note on chapter Environmental chemistry.

Q18. Prepare outline for chemistry project.


Ionisation energy



Q20. Explain Hybridisation with example.


1. Differentiate between Data and Information

2. Explain IPO Cycle with diagram.

3. Explain the Functional Components of a Computer System with Diagram.

4. Explain RAM and ROM.

5. Draw the Communication Bus System and explain all types of Buses.

6. Explain Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter.

7. Explain the use of Libraries in programming

8. Draw the truth table and circuit diagram of AND, OR, NOT gates.

9. Verify De Morgan Theorem with truth table.

10. Convert the following:

a. Decimal into binary

• 62

• 25

b. Hexadecimal into Decimal

• 13B

• 271

c. Binary into Decimal

• 10111

• 111101

11. Make a PPT on “Cyber Safety” with minimum 15 slides. The same will be presented

on joining back after summer vacations.


Q1. If U = {a, b, c, d, e, f} find the complement of the following.

(a) A = { } (b) B = {c, d, f} (c) D = {a, b, c, d, e, f} (d) C = {a, b, d}

(e) E = {b, c} (f) F = {a, c, f}

Q2. In the adjoining Venn diagrams, find

(a) A U B (b) A ∩ B

Q3. Draw the Venn diagrams to show the following relations.

(a) P ⊆ Q (b) P ⊆ Q ⊆ ξ (c) P ∩ Q = P (d) P ∪ Q = Q (e) P ∩ Q = ∅ (f) (P ∩ Q)' = ξ

Q4. From the adjoining Venn diagram, find

(a) A ∪ B (b) B' ∪ A (c) A – B (d) B ∪ A' (e) A' (f) (A ∪ B)'

g) Is (A ∩ B)' = A' ∪ B'?

Q5. Write the following sets in Set-Builder Form:

(i) A = {1, 3 5, 7, 9}

(ii) B = {16, 25, 36, 49, 64}

(iii) C = {a, e, i, o, u}

(iv) D = {violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red}

(v) E = {January, March, May, July, August, October, December}

Q6. How many elements are there in power set if

(a) A = {ϕ} (b) B = {a, b} (c) C = {l, m, n} (d) D = {4, 9}

Q7. State, giving reasons, which of the following pairs of sets are disjoint sets:

(i) A = {Girls with ages below 15 years} and

B = {Girls with ages above 15 years}

(ii) A = {Boys with ages above 20 years} and

B = {Boys with ages above 27 years}

Q8. By induction prove that 3n - 1 is divisible by 2 is true for all positive integers.

Q9. By induction prove that n2 - 3n + 4 is even and it is true for all positive integers.

Q10. Using the principle if mathematical induction, prove that (7n – 3n) is divisible by 4 for all n ∈ N.

Q11. Using the principle if mathematical induction, prove that (2 ∙ 7n + 3 ∙ 5n - 5) is divisible by 24 for all n ∈ N.

Q12 Using the principle of mathematical induction, prove that (n² + n) is even for all n ∈ N.

Q13. State whether the following relations are functions or not. If it is not a function, state why?

(i) If A = {a, b, c} and f = {(a, c), (b, c), (c, b)}; (f : A → A).

(ii) If X = {x, y, z} and f = {(x, y), (x, z), (z, x)}; (f : X → X).

Q14. The weight of the muscles of a man is a function of his body weight x and can be expressed as W(x) = 0.35x. Determine the domain of this function.

Q15. Write the values of ‘f’ at −3, 5, 2,−1, 0 if


Accounting Equations Worksheet

1. Prepare accounting equation from the following: (a) Started business with Cash Rs2,00,000. (b)Purchased goods for Cash Rs60,000 and on Credit Rs1,50,000.

(c) Sold goods for Cash costing Rs40,000 at a profit of 20% and on Credit costing Rs72,000 at a profit of 25%.

(d) Paid for rent Rs 5,000. 2. What will be the effect of the following on the Accounting Equation (a) Harish started business with cash Rs1,80,000. (b) Purchased goods for cash Rs60,000 and on credit Rs30,000. (c) Sold goods for cash Rs40,000; costing Rs24,000. (d) Rent paid Rs5,000; and rent outstanding Rs2,000. (e) Sold goods on credit Rs50,000 (costing Rs38,000). (f) Salary paid in advance Rs3,000. 3. Prepare Accounting Equation from the following:-

(a) Started business with cash Rs75,000 and goods Rs 25,000. (b) Paid for rent Rs2,000. (c) Bought goods for cash Rs30,000 and on credit for Rs 44,000. (d) Goods costing Rs 50,000 sold at a profit of 25% out of which Rs 27,500 received in

cash. (e) Purchased a Motor-cycle for personal use Rs20,000.

4. Prepare Accounting Equation from the following and also prepare a Balance Sheet:- (a) Raghu started business with cash Rs1,50,000. (b) Bought goods for cash Rs80,000 and on credit for Rs40,00.

(c) Goods costing 75,000 sold at a profit of 331

3%. Half the payment received in cash.

(d) Goods costing Rs10,000 sold for Rs12,000 on credit. (e) Paid for rent Rs2,000 and for salaries Rs4,000. (f) Goods costing Rs20,000 sold for Rs18,500 for cash. 5. A commenced his cloth business on 1st April,2011 with a capital of Rs3,00,000.On 31st March,2012 his assets were worth Rs5,00,000 and liabilities Rs1,00,000.Find out his closing capital and profits earned during the year. 6. Yogesh commenced business on 1st April,2011 with a capital of Rs5,00,000 and a loan

of Rs1,00,000 borrowed from citibank.On 31stMarch,2012,his assets were Rs 8,00,000.Calculate his closing capital and profits earned during the year.

7. If in the above case, the proprietor had introduced fresh capital of Rs 40,000 and had

withdrawn Rs10,000 for personal purposes, calculate his profits. 8. Prepare the Accounting Equation on the basis of the following: (a)Started business with cash Rs1,40,000 and Stock Rs2,50,000. (b) Sold goods (costing Rs50,000) at a profit of 25% on cost. (c) Deposited into bank account Rs1,80,000. (d) Purchased goods from Mohan Rs80,000.

9. Prepare the Accounting Equation from the following: (a)Started business with cash Rs50,000 and goods Rs30,000. (b)Purchased goods for cash Rs30,000 and on credit from Karan Rs20,000.

(c) Goods costing Rs40,000 were sold for Rs55,000 for cash. (d)Withdrew cash for personal use Rs10,000. (e) Rent outstanding Rs2,000.

10. Show the accounting equation on the basis of the following and also show the Balance sheet: (a) Started business with cash Rs60,000 and goods Rs30,000.

(b) Purchased goods for cash Rs40,000 and on credit Rs25,000.

(c) Goods costing Rs48,000 sold at a profit of 331

3%.Three-fourth payment received in

cash. (d) Goods costing Rs20,000 sold at a loss of 5%, out of which Rs12,000 received in cash. (e) Paid rent Rs4,000 and salary Rs6,000. (f) Received cash from debtors Rs15,000. (g) Paid telephone bill amounting to Rs800.

11. X started a business on 1st April,2013 with a Capital of Rs1,00,000 and a loan of Rs50,000 from the bank. On 31st March,2014, his assets were Rs1,75,000.Find out his Capital as on 31st March, 2014 and profit earned during the year 2013-14.

12. Y started a business on 1st April,2013 with a Capital of Rs2,00,000 and a loan of Rs75,000 from the bank. During the year, he had introduced additional capital of Rs60,000 and had withdrawn Rs36,000 for personal purposes. On 31st March, 2014 his assets were Rs3,80,000. Find out his capital as on 31st March,2014 and profit earned during the year 2013-14. 13.What do you mean by owner’s equity? 14.Give the formula for computing owner’s equity at the end of the year. SUBJECT: BUSINESS STUDIES

The course in Business Studies is introduced at Senior School level to provide students with

a sound understanding of the principles and practices bearing in business (trade and

industry) as well as their relationship with the society.

Business is a dynamic process that brings together technology, natural resources and

human initiative in a constantly changing global environment. CBSE has introduced Project

Work in the Business to help them understand the framework within which a business

operates, and its interaction with the social, economic, technological and legal environment..

By means of Project Work the students are exposed to life beyond textbooks giving them

opportunities to refer materials, gather information, analyze it further to obtain relevant

information and decide what matter to keep

Project : Field Visit

OBJECTIVE -The objective of this project is to give a first hand experience to students

regarding the different types of business units operating in their surroundings, to observe

their features and activities and relate them to the theoretical knowledge given in their text


You are supposed to follow the steps mentioned below:

STEP 1 : The students should select a place of field visit from the following

1. Visit to a Handicraft unit.

2. Visit to an Industry.

3. Visit to a Whole sale market (vegetables, fruits, flowers, grains, garments, etc.)

4. Visit to a Departmental store.

5. Visit to a Mall.

Step 2 : The students are required to visit the place chosen by them and Prepare a project

report on the same.

1. Visit to a Handicraft Unit - The purpose of visiting a Handicraft unit is to understand

nature and scope of its business, stake holders involved and other aspects as outlined below

➢ The raw material and the processes used in the business: People /parties/firms from

which they obtain their raw material.

➢ The market, the buyers, the middlemen, and the areas covered.

➢ The countries to which exports are made.

➢ Mode of payment to workers, suppliers etc.

➢ Working conditions.

➢ Modernization of the process over a period of time.

➢ Facilities, security and training for the staff and workers.

➢ Subsidies available/ availed

2. Visit to an Industry -The students are required to observe the following:

➢ Nature of the business organisation.

➢ Determinants for location of business unit.

➢ Form of business enterprise: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Undivided Hindu

Family, Joint Stock Company (a Multinational Company).

➢ Different stages of production/process

➢ Auxiliaries involved in the process.

➢ Workers employed, method of wage payment, training programmes and facilities


➢ Social responsibilities discharged towards workers, investors, society, environment

and government. h) Levels of management.

➢ Code of conduct for employers and employees.

➢ Capital structure employed- borrowed v/s owned.

➢ Quality control, recycling of defective goods.

➢ Subsidies available/availed.

➢ Safety Measures employed.

➢ Working conditions for labour in observation of Labour Laws.

➢ Storage of raw material and finished goods.

➢ Transport management for employees, raw material and finished goods.

➢ Functioning of various departments and coordination among them (Production,

Human Resource, Finance and Marketing)

➢ Waste Management.

➢ Any other observation.

3. Visit to a whole sale market: vegetables/fruits/flowers/grains/garments etc. - The

students are required to observe the following:

➢ Sources of merchandise.

➢ Local market practices.

➢ Any linked up businesses like transporters, packagers, money lenders, agents,


➢ Nature of the goods dealt in.

➢ Types of buyers and sellers.

➢ Mode of the goods dispersed, minimum quantity sold, types of packaging


➢ Factors determining the price fluctuations.

➢ Seasonal factors (if any) affecting the business.

➢ Weekly/ monthly non-working days.

➢ Strikes, if any- causes thereof.

➢ Mode of payments.

➢ Wastage and disposal of dead stock.

➢ Nature of price fluctuations, reason thereof.

➢ Warehousing facilities available\availed.

➢ Any other aspect.

4. Visit to a Departmental store - The students are required to observe the following:

➢ Different departments and their lay out.

➢ Nature of products offered for sale.

➢ Display of fresh arrivals.

➢ Promotional campaigns.

➢ Spaces and advertisements.

➢ Assistance by Sales Personnel.

➢ Billing counter at store – Cash, Credit Card/ Debit Card, swipe facility. Added

attractions and facilities at the counter.

➢ Additional facilities offered to customers

➢ Any other relevant aspect.

5. Visit to a Mall. - The students are required to observe the following:

➢ Number of floors, shops occupied and unoccupied.

➢ Nature of shops, their ownership status

➢ Nature of goods dealt in: local brands, international brands,

➢ Service business shops- Spas, gym, saloons etc.

➢ Rented spaces, owned spaces,

➢ Different types of promotional schemes.

➢ Most visited shops.

➢ Special attractions of the Mall- Food court, Gaming zone or Cinema etc.

➢ Innovative facilities.

➢ Parking facilities


Each student will prepare and submit his/her project report.

Following essentials are required to be fulfilled for its preparation and submission.

1. The total project will be in a file format 2. The project will be handwritten. 3. The project will be presented in a neat folder. 4. The project report will be developed in the following sequence-

➢ Cover page should include project the title, student information, school and year.

➢ List of contents. ➢ Acknowledgements ➢ Certificate ➢ Introduction -Topic with suitable heading. ➢ Planning and activities done during the project, if any. ➢ Observations and findings while conducting the project. ➢ Appendix


1. Cover page including the title of the project, students information, school and the session.

2. list of contents

S.NO. TOPIC Teacher’s sig. and Remarks

3. Acknowledgement


I am very thankful to my Teacher (Name of the teacher), school for their continuous

support and guidance in the preparation and completion of my project on (Name of

the project). It was an amazing experience which has helped me to understand the

various concepts, analyze and relate them with the reality.

This project is submitted as a part of Practical Examination included in the

curriculum of CBSE for All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination.

I also would like to thank CBSE for providing us such an interesting opportunity to

see the practical approach and applicability of the concepts learnt by us in the class

room. I could clear many doubts and understand the application of concepts while

collecting and analyzing the data. This exercise created greater interest in the


Name of the student:

Roll. No.:


School Name and Address:

4. Certificate

Format for the Certificate of Authenticity

This is to certify that_________________________________________________ bearing

Roll Number_______________________________ is a student of Class XI of Banyan Tree School.

She/he has successfully completed her/his project under my guidance and supervision towards the fulfillment of the practical examination in Business Studies conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education for the academic year 2019-20..

Name of Subject Teacher:

Teacher’s Signature:

5. Introduction – Write about the place which you have decided to visit.

6. Observations

7 Appendix - It will include:

• Books Referred To, Including your Text Book

• Websites Referred to

• Persons/Firms Consulted




Introduction - The Entrepreneurship students of Class XI will be given this opportunity to

understand the ethnic and traditional handicraft work of every state. Detailed below are

complete guidelines to proceed with the project and the expected outcome thereof.

Objective –

• To find the out the traditional handicraft of every state.

• To understand the intricacy involved in the traditional handicraft work.

• To find out the reasons for success/failure of the handicraft.

• To find out innovative ways in which the product could be enhanced to be made

more popular.

• To look into various ways to market the handicraft.

• To make entrepreneurship seem do-able.

• To excite the students about entrepreneurship.

• To understand business concepts - planning, organizing, staffing, marketing.

• Survey and analyze the market to understand customer needs.

• To understand the importance of earning/profits.

• To understand the importance of sales and turnover.

• Value the craft, appreciate and respect the effort put into generating it.


• Given below are a list of states: Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Sikkim,


Assam, Meghalaya, Jharkhand, Jammu and Kashmir, Chattisgarh, Telengana,

Uttrakhand or any

other state.

• The Class will be divided into groups of 2 members each .

• Student groups to select a particular state.

• Then they have to research and find out the traditional handicrafts of that particular


• They will Make a list of all the traditional handicrafts present in that state.

• Select one particular handicraft which is not very popular amongst people.

• Give a complete history of the handicraft-raw materials needed for it, process of

making it,

number of years since when this handicraft is being done.

• Suggest an innovative way to popularize the product - fore.g. it can an innovative

way to enhance the values of the product itself ,innovative ways to market the


Expected Learning Outcomes from the Project:

• Presence of mind

• Team work

• Various options to start a business venture

• Quality of the product matters much in the market

• Understanding the needs of the customer

• Any idea can be innovative if its in accordance to people's need

• Marketing strategies

Project Report

Students need to submit a detailed report according to the guidelines mentioned below:

• Introduction - State chosen, reasons for selecting that state

• List of handicrafts in that state

• Selection of a particular handicraft-process, craftsman involved in it, photographs of

the process, if possible attach sample of the work

• If possible interview with the craftsman

• Innovative suggestion to enhance the value of the product.

Contents For The Project File

1. cover page including the title of the project, students information, school and the


2. list of contents

S.NO. TOPIC Teacher’s sig. and Remarks

3. Acknowledgement


I am very thankful to my Teacher (Name of the teacher), school for their continuous

support and guidance in the preparation and completion of my project on (Name of

the project). It was an amazing experience which has helped me to understand the

various concepts, analyze and relate them with the reality.

This project is submitted as a part of Practical Examination included in the

curriculum of CBSE for All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination.

I also would like to thank CBSE for providing us such an interesting opportunity to

see the practical approach and applicability of the concepts learnt by us in the class

room. I could clear many doubts and understand the application of concepts while

collecting and analyzing the data. This exercise created greater interest in the


Name of the student:

Roll. No.:


School Name and Address:

4. Certificate

Format for the Certificate of Authenticity

This is to certify that_________________________________________________ bearing

Roll Number_______________________________ is a student of Class XI of Banyan Tree School.

She/he has successfully completed her/his project under my guidance and supervision towards the fulfillment of the practical examination in ENTREPRENEURSHIP conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education for the academic year 2019-20..

Name of Subject Teacher:

Teacher’s Signature:

5. Introduction - State chosen, reasons for selecting that state

6. List of handicrafts in that state

7. Particular handicraft-process, craftsman involved in it, photographs of the

process, if possible attach sample of the work

8. interview with the craftsman

9. Innovative suggestion to enhance the value of the product.

10. Appendix - It will include:

• Books Referred To, Including your Text Book

• Websites Referred to

• Persons/Firms Consulted