Banksia Grove Primary School Independent Public School United We Learn Kindergarten – Year 6 Information Booklet

Banksia Grove Primary School

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Banksia Grove Primary School Independent Public School

United We Learn

Kindergarten – Year 6

Information Booklet


School Ethos To create a school environment dedicated to preparing students to be successful in the global community of the 21st Century.

School Purpose Banksia Grove Primary School will provide a school community which develops, in all its students; the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for a balanced education within a caring environment.

Our Vision Banksia Grove Primary School will become a model school with a reputation for producing outstanding students and active citizens. All members of our school community will work together to ensure that there is a safe, caring and dynamic environment for our students to learn in. Our professional and dedicated staff will encourage and support all students in their pursuit of personal excellence. We will celebrate our successes and learn from our mistakes. We will provide our students with a positive and productive pathway to the future, wherever that may lead.

Banksia Grove Primary School Information

Postal Address: 14 Viridian Drive, BANKSIA GROVE, WA, 6031 Telephone Number 9404 6244 Facsimilie 9404 6544 Principal: Mr David Hall Deputy Principal: Mrs Helen Abbott Deputy Principal: Mr David Drabble Registrar: Mrs Veronica Essex School Officers: Mrs Amanda Wells Mrs Janet Sharp

Jump Rope for Heart is one of the successful programs coordinated by our Physical Education specialist.


The Viridian Drive car park is strictly for staff only. Parents are asked to park in the car park in Turquoise Loop. There are two marked bays on Viridian Drive which are set aside for “Kiss and Ride”. Students are supervised after school for parents to pull in and collect children who are waiting there.

School Dates 2016—Students

Term 1 Monday 1st February – Friday 8th April Term 2 Tuesday 26th April – Friday 1st July Term 3 Monday 18th July – Friday 23rd September Term 4 Monday 10th October – Thursday 15th December

Siren Times


RECESS 10.40am – 11.00am

LUNCH 1.00pm – 1.40pm CLOSE OF SCHOOL 3.00 pm Monday to Friday

School Arrival and Departure Children are encouraged to arrive at school no earlier than 8.35am. Supervision of children who arrive before this time will be conducted in the Library. There is a before and after school program run by Go Bananas. Contact details are available from the school office.

Kindergarten and Pre-Primary Students For reasons of safety and duty of care it would be appreciated if you could adhere to the following procedures: Children are to be delivered to school and collected promptly at the end of the day by an adult. You are asked to spend 5-10 minutes at the beginning of each day to settle your child by sharing an activity with them before you depart. Any adults who will collect your child must be listed on the child’s enrolment form as an emergency contact. No child will be permitted to leave the classroom unaccompanied or with a person other than his/her legal guardian or person on the emergency contact list, unless written permission is given to the office and the teacher has been notified accordingly.

Late Arrivals

Students arriving after the siren need to report to the office in order to get a late note for the teacher.

Early Departures Anyone picking up students before the close of school need to report to the office and complete an early release form.

School Contributions Voluntary contributions of $40 per child or $70.00 per family contribute to the purchase of resources such as stationery for the education of your children.

School Uniform Students are expected to wear the school uniform at all times. Hats are to be worn during recess and lunch times throughout the whole year. If a child chooses not to wear a hat, the Duty Teacher will instruct them to play in an appropriate shaded area. All items of clothing need to be labeled clearly with the child’s name.

Willetton Uniforms School Uniform Shop

The uniform shop is located in the undercover area and is open on Wednesday mornings from 8.00am to 10.30am. Alternatively orders can be made online at www.willettonuniforms.com.au

School Board

The Banksia Grove Primary School Board is a body of elected parents, teachers and community members who meet regularly to plan and then monitor the school’s Business Plan and its development of student potential, both academic and social.

Parents & Citizens Association The P & C Association provides an important link between school and parents. Parents are invited to be involved in the school by attending the P & C meetings. Meeting times and venue will be advised in the school newsletter.

Personal Possessions Students should not bring valued personal possessions to school as the safe keeping of these cannot be guaranteed (e.g. toys, jewellery and electronics).


Weekly newsletters are distributed on Thursdays each week, to the oldest student in each family.

Attendance of students Parents/Caregivers will be informed by an automated mobile phone SMS each time their child is absent when an explanation has not already been provided. Parents can send an SMS notifying of an absence 24 hours a day. Please add this number to your contacts – Banksia Grove Primary Absences – 0437 055 503. School attendance is compulsory. If a student is absent from school please call the school office or send an SMS before 8.50am. Upon their return to school, if no absence reason has been given, please supply a note or complete a “Reason for Absence slip” obtained from the school office explaining their absence. The Department of Education categorizes more than 5 days absence per term as putting a student’s learning ‘at risk.’ More than 10 days is considered to be ‘at moderate risk’ and more than 20 days is ‘at severe risk’.

Medical Services Basic first aid is available at the school and parents will be contacted to pick up and take home a sick child. It is important that parents provide a number of alternate emergency contact numbers in case of an emergency. These numbers should be people who will answer their phone during the school day. Changes of address or phone numbers need to be reported to the school’s office so that records may be updated.

The Community Health Nurse provides a screening service for Kindergarten and Pre Primary students, testing both vision and hearing. Some students may be referred for further specialist attention.

A complete emergency action plan is required for all students with anaphylaxis or any other serious medical condition. Please note that parents should inform the school of any medical condition or treatment which may require a modified educational program.

School Support School Chaplain The school has the part time services of a Chaplain. Parents/Carers wishing to make contact with the Chaplain can do so through the school office. Dental This service is free for primary school children. Dental checks are carried out once a year. The school dentist is located at: Wanneroo Dental Therapy Centre, c/- Wanneroo Primary School, 15 Shaw Road Wanneroo. They are open Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm and can be contacted on 9405 3178 School Psychologist A school psychologist visits the school between 8.30am – 3pm. Referrals can be discussed with your child’s teacher.

School Nurse A registered community nurse visits the school regularly during the year to carry out routine developmental checks. Parents may request school nurse involvement through the class teacher or school office.


At our school we have students with life threatening allergies to nuts and for this reason we request that students do not bring nuts/muesli bars etc. to school. Lunches are provided by the Neerabup Deli on Mondays and Fridays and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from the school’s canteen operated by volunteers from the school community. Menus for the canteen and the deli are available from the school office. Only items listed on the menu will be supplied. Lunch orders must be enclosed in a lunch bag with your child’s full name, lunch order and teacher’s name, then placed in the classroom lunch basket. (Lunch bags can be purchased from the Deli and Canteen.)

Wet Weather/Too Hot Policy The Principal will notify teachers if a particular day is declared 'wet' or ‘too hot’ for children to be playing outside. Children will return to their classrooms and be supervised by a teacher on roster during these times..

Library Each week students will have the opportunity of borrowing a book. They will need a library bag to keep the book safe and should return the book the following week.

Mobile Phones The school recognises the need for students to have mobile phones for safety purposes. Parents and students will need to sign a consent form that outlines correct procedures before being allowed to bring one to school. Please collect the form from the office. Phones are to be handed to the class teacher for secure storage at the start of each day.

Homework Teachers in the school may set homework for children, either on a regular basis or on occasions when the teacher feels it is necessary. Reading, conducting research, investigating, playing board games and discussing world events are all valuable activities that parents can do with their children on a nightly basis.

Mother’s Day proved a big hit in participating classes.

Assemblies Banksia Grove Primary School prides itself on providing opportunities for the school community to share the talents and work of our students through school assemblies • 9.00am, every second Friday - Undercover Area. • Dates will be advised at the commencement of each term.

• Individual classrooms will host assemblies throughout the year – this will involve

the presentation of a small item such as a song or poem or a class report about the work they have been doing over the term.

Accidents Accidents at school or during excursions will be reported to the Principal or Registrar. Dependent upon the seriousness of the injury, the parent/guardian will be notified.

Playground Access and Procedures The playground areas are under the direct supervision of the teachers on duty. These teachers wear a fluorescent vest and have a duty file with all the appropriate forms required for playground supervision. The safety of every student is always a priority

Conflict Resolution Despite having students with a high standard of behaviour there may be times when a student will act in an inappropriate manner. Banksia Grove Primary School has a number of procedures in place to resolve such incidents. Each incident is treated on its merits and a number of factors, such as where it happened, the severity of the action, intent, background circumstances and the age of the student will be taken into account before a consequence is implemented. Banksia Grove Primary School does not tolerate inappropriate behaviour such as bullying. It strives to deal with such incidents in a respectful and fair manner to quickly resolve any issues. If the incident is serious enough, parents will be immediately notified by either telephone or letter. In some circumstances, parents may be asked to come to the school to help support the school in resolving the problem.

Break times are staggered into two

sessions to allow the students to safely participate in a wide variety of activities.

Parent Contact Parents are encouraged to make regular contact with the school.

If it is a minor issue, an informal chat with the teacher after school is normally fine. Before school is not a suitable time as this is when teachers are preparing for the day ahead. If the issue is a little more serious or you wish to have some feedback about your child’s progress then please arrange a time for a parent-teacher meeting via the school office. If it is a major issue that affects the whole school or the issue hasn’t been resolved at a class level or the issue relates to something that happened before or after school, then please contact a member of the administration. Mr Hall is available on 9404 6244 between 7.00am and 4.00pm.

Remember, how you resolve problems will be a model for your child.

Behavioral Expectations

As a member of the Banksia Grove Primary School community you will be expected to:

Strive to do your best. Take responsibility for your actions. Act safely. Respect others, yourself and the environment. Support and encourage others. We expect all of our students to make strong choices about their learning and behaviour. The school has a behaviour management plan that is aligned to the Education Department’s Policy. A copy of this plan is available from the office on request or our website. Teachers will outline their classroom management plan to their students and parents at the start of the year. It is the school’s plan to keep parents informed as to the behaviour of their child, both positive and negative. If you have any queries, please see either your child’s teacher or administration.

EARLY CHILDHOOD INFORMATION Parent Roster Your class may have a roster or a “drop in” policy. Please check with your child’s teacher. Visiting the classroom is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the program, spend time with your child and lend a hand. You may be asked to read stories, help students with puzzles, talk with the children, join in their play or assist in activities. We would appreciate families helping at least once a term. If you have any special interests or skills that you would like to share with the children, please let us know. A reminder that anyone who is not a parent and who would like to help out in the centre, must have current “Working with Children” check before entering the school. Clothing Please ensure your child has a change of clothes (suited to the season) in his/her bag at all times during the year in case of “accidents”. Paint Stains Should the LIQUICRYL paints that we use be spilt on clothes, please follow the manufacturer’s instructions to remove stains; 1. Soak garment overnight in cold water. 2. Rub stained area with laundry soap. 3. Wash as normal in washing machine. Morning Tea and Lunch Kindergarten and pre-primary students need to bring a small snack for recess. Please also send one piece of fruit daily to share with the class; OR other healthy substitutes such as cheese, sultanas, celery, tomato, polony, dried fruit or crackers. Students are expected to bring a water bottle to school. We do not allow fizzy drinks, including flavoured mineral water. Lunch is eaten at 1.00pm, please pack only what you expect your child will manage to eat. See Healthy Food & Drink Choices Brochure for some suggestions. Birthdays Your child’s birthday is an important occasion and you can help make it special by coming along to school and spending the morning with him/her. You may wish to send individual treats for your child to give to their classmates at the end of the day. Toys Please support the school by not allowing your child to bring toys or valuables to school. Toys break, get mislaid and cause disruption. Library Reading is vital for children’s language development. Please provide a labelled book bag for your Pre Primary student to ensure the protection of borrowed books from the school’s library. Laundry Roster Volunteers will be sought in order to make up a roster for laundry needs. If you can help out in this matter, please inform staff at the beginning of the year.

Early Childhood Information Continued Display Display your child’s work at home. This gives the child a sense of importance and models pride and value in what is done at school. The Educational Program The educational program provided at our school focuses on the social, physical, language, creative and intellectual development of the child. There is provision for both free choice and structured formal group activities. This is a time for learning in an environment that encourages children to make their own choices and discoveries that are meaningful to them. It is a time for creative thinking, problem solving, decision making, socialising, self-control, independence and many other important skills learnt through valuable play activities. During indoor activities, the child learns to: Direct him/herself from one activity to another. Make choices and decisions. Find out the consequences and outcomes of these choices and decisions. Develop essential skills in literacy and numeracy. Develop skills in interacting appropriately with adults and peers. Develop skills in art/craft, modelling, block building, handling books, outdoor play, dramatic play. Experiment with and explore the indoor and outdoor environments. Share, take turns, respect the right of others, and care for their own belongings and the equipment in the school. Formal group times, such as mat, music, story time and news telling, assist the child to: Develop his/her concentration. Adapt to participate in group situations. Feel confident in front of an audience. Increase language skills and turn taking. Health We request that parents keep their sick child at home, especially if he/she was sick the night before or they suspect that it is an infectious disease. Students should only return when fully recovered. Please inform the school if your child will be absent. If children require the administration of medication at school you will need to complete a Health Care Authorisation Form which can be obtained from the school office. The Department of Education guidelines state that medication sent to school must be in the original packaging with the pharmacy instructions. Medication which is not accompanied with the correct authorisation form, available from the office, and in the original packaging can not be accepted. If you have any queries about the medication policy, please discuss these with your child’s teacher. Parents are welcome to come to school in order to administer any medication. If your child requires the administration of medication for asthma, allergies, etc during school time, an action plan will need to be completed (available from school office).


Please notify the school if your child has any of the following: CONJUNCTIVITIS – Notifiable: A common, acute, viral or bacterial infection of the eyes. Symptoms include, sore, itchy eyes and discharge. Exclude from school until discharge from eyes has ceased. Medical treatment should be sought. Contacts: Do not exclude. CHICKEN POX – Notifiable: A common, acute, viral infection. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, and a generalized rash characterised by small vesicles (blisters) that rupture to form crusts. Exclude from school for at least 5 days after the rash appears and until vesicles have formed crusts. Medical treatment should be sought. Contacts: Refer any immunosuppressed children (eg. Leukaemia patients) to their doctor. Do not exclude other contacts. DIPTHERIA—Notifiable: Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, Giardia. A range of common infections of the intestines. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Exclude from school until diarrhea has ceased, for 24 hours. Medical treatment should be sought. Contacts: Do not exclude. GERMAN MEASLES (RUBELLA) - Exclude from school for 4 days after onset of rash. Medical treatment should be sought. Contacts: Do not exclude. Refer pregnant women to contact to their doctor. HEPATITIS INFECTION - Exclude from school for 14 days after onset of illness (if not jaundiced) or 7 days after jaundice appears. Medical treatment should be sought. Contacts: Do not exclude. Contact management will be coordinated by Department of Health Staff. IMPETIGO OR SCHOOL SORES - Exclude for 24 hours after antibiotic treatment commenced. Lesions on exposed skin surfaces should be covered with a waterproof dressing. Medical treatment should be sought. Contacts: Do not exclude. MEASLES - Exclude from school 4 days after rash appears. Contacts: Do not exclude vaccinated or previously infected contacts. All other contacts should be excluded until 14 days after the onset of the rash in the last case. If susceptible contacts are vaccinated within 72 hours of their first contact with the first case or NHIG within 7 days of exposure, then they may return to school following vaccination. Contact management will be coordinated by Department of Health staff. Medical treatment should be sought. MENINGOCOCCAL DISEASE - Exclude until antibiotic treatment has been completed. Contacts: Contact management will be coordinated by Department of Health staff. Treatment: Hospitalisation is usually required. Contacts: Do not exclude.

MUMPS - Exclude from school for 9 days after the onset of symptoms. Medical treatment should be sought. Contacts: Do not exclude. PEDICULOSIS (HEAD LICE AND NITS) – Exclude from school until the day after treatment has commenced. The most effective way of preventing Head Lice is to:

> Brush hair twice a day – this injures lice and deters them from breeding.

> Tie long hair back. > Do not share hats, hair brushes, hair bands.

> Treat only if Head Lice are present. Treatments are available from the pharmacy or ask at the office for the directions for the hair conditioner treatment.

> Removal of all eggs on the hair shaft is vital. > Check the hair weekly throughout the year. It is a parental responsibility to ensure children’s hair are free from Head Lice and a coordinated approach within the community will help to control the problem. Head Lice pamphlets are available from the school office. SCABIES - Exclude until day after treatment has commenced. Contacts: Family contacts should be treated. Medical treatment should be sought. Bed linen, towels and clothing used in the previous 5 days should be washed in hot water. TINEA CORPORUS (RINGWORM OF THE BODY) - Exclude until person has received antibiotic treatment for 24 hours. Treatment: Antifungal treatment available—refer to doctor. Bed linen, towels and clothing should be washed in hot water. Cats/dogs should be examined and treated as necessary. Contacts: Do not exclude. WHOOPING COUGH - Exclude from school for 21 days from the onset of cough or for 5 days after starting antibiotic treatment. Medical treatment should be sought. Contacts: Contact management will be coordinated by Department of Health staff. * Contacts - meaning other members of the family or resident of the household.