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Bangladesh hisory

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you can briefly know about the history of Bangladsh by studying the powerpoint slide

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  • Welcome to our presentation on Political and Economic history of Bangladesh (1971-1980)

  • Bangladesh and its back historycolonial Exploitation of 23 years from 1947 to 1971 a province of West Pakistan exploited everywhere in case of education, employment and development

  • Political history

    Liberation of war 1971

  • Liberation of war

  • Post Liberation Political history of Bangladesh

  • Ziaur Rahman, (1975-81)



  • Transportation System After Independence

    The internal transportation system was virtually destroyed during the war of independence. A severe cyclone hit its coastal areas and damaged transportation systemImportant bridges were destroyed by the freedom fighters Karnafuly channel was blocked by sank ship.Lack of budget to repair the roads.

  • Price level

    No stabilization in price level after Independence.As commodities are required to import from countries so price hike was a must.The flood during the war caused price rise up suddenly after the independence Moreover, the famine in 1974 gave a upper boost to priceLess diplomatic relation as a new born country

  • Influence of India on Bangladesh economyHelp was mainly provided to carry out Indias own interest .Pakistans very existence was not accepted by India.India gained an instant market for its many products in Bangladesh after independence.India made Bangladesh to vow to them alaways

  • Comparison between Pre-Liberation and Post-Liberation periodAchieved regional independence but not the economical independence.

    Extreme poverty evading life

    Extreme poverty prevailing everywhere

  • Sticking events influencing politics and economy of BangladeshAssassination of Mujib

    Assassination of Zia

    Flood and cyclone in 1971

    Famine in 1974