Band Hajimemashita Drama CD Translations

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  • 7/29/2019 Band Hajimemashita Drama CD Translations


    Band Hajimemashita

    I am finally done with "Band Hajimemashita" translations! If you don't have the

    tracks yet, you can download them here. Please support the series by buying the originals once they are

    available in your country! Or you can order them with the 1st episode of the anime from Amazon Japan

    for DVD or Blu-Ray.

    It was harder than I expected to translate every single word so precisely. There are around 3 phrases

    which I am not sure about because I can't hear it very clearly. They didn't sound like anything I heard

    before either but I'll check with my boyfriend tonight. I will keep working on this translation until every

    single word is translated so don't worry about that! Enjoy it for now, you will be able to get the gist of it

    since more than 95% are translated anyway.

    Disclaimer: This is my first attempt in translations so they are not 100% accurate, but I try my best to

    stay as close to the original meaning and nuances.

    Tomoe: Recently, people are getting restless around the school.

    Mizuki: Lively, isnt it! Nanami-chan also hurries away with her classmates to talk somewhere during

    recess. I wonder what this school festival is.

    Tomoe: No idea. Anyway, Mizuki, what are you doing in school? You went as far as wearing the school

    uniform too. What about the shrine?

    Mizuki: Dont talk about difficult things, Tomoe-kun. Isnt it fine? School is fun~ anyway, what is a

    "meido cafe"? It looks like its for the school festival though.

    Tomoe: Meido (Tomoe mistaken it as the underworld/hell/Hades since the reading sounds the same as

    "maid" in Japanese) is the world where the dead go, isn't it? Cafe is.. that, a shop where you drink tea

    and rest or something.

    Mizuki: I wonder if there are any other shops. Everyone sure is talking about important things. Besides,

    it looks so fun as well.

    Tomoe: I don't really understand how the humans think.

    Kurama: Let me explain to both of you clueless people what a school festival is.

    Mizuki: Tengu-kun!

    Kurama: A school festival is like a shrine festival held at school.

    Mizuki: Eh? Well.. I guess that is how it is.

    Kurama: Snake.. You thought I was an idiot, didn't you?

    Mizuki: Something like that.. I did though.

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    Kurama: Huh! This festival is different from the shrine festivals. School data, knowledge, experience are

    evaluated. Thats what it is, a school festival.

    Mizuki: Eh~?

    Kurama: Unlike both of you, I have been living among the humans for a long time.

    Tomoe: Wait, what do you mean by "both of you"? Unlike him, I have been coming to school properly.

    Mizuki: Just as an excuse to slack off.

    Tomoe: As a familiar, of course fulfilling my duties have to take precedence!

    Kurama: This is why Nanami asked for my favour.

    Mizuki: Eh?!

    Tomoe: Nanami did?

    Mizuki: What is the favour?

    Kurama: Heh. You know how Nanami is one of school festival committee member. After a meeting the

    other day, she approached me about something related to the school festival. She asked me if I will sing

    for the festival.

    Mizuki: So it's a favour from the artiste Kurama?

    Kurama: Of course. (Not sure, something about the office) I am thinking of accepting the request.

    Ah, that's right. Since it's the school festival, Ill feel awkward to stand out by myself (Thats a lie). Do

    both of you want to join me on the stage together?

    Tomoe: Together?

    Kurama: Yes. You guys dont have to do anything. It's enough to just stand behind me and play the

    tambourine or castanets. Ill try to be nice, but there is no need for gratitude.

    Mizuki: Eh~! It sounds fun, I'll do it! Ill hit the hand drums.

    Tomoe: Ridiculous and worthless.

    Kurama: Ah, I forget to mention.

    Tomoe & Mizuki: Nn?!

    Kurama: Nanami is the one who suggested we create a band together.

    Tomoe: What?!

    Kurama: She said "Tomoe is always so indifferent at school, never socializing much with others.. I am

    worried. It would be great if he can get along well with everyone during the school festival".

    Tomoe: Who the hell is that..

    Mizuki: Making your master worried like that.. Do you still consider yourself a familiar, Tomoe-kun?!

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    -Tomoe indignant-

    Mizuki: You have no rights to reject the plan that Nanami painstakingly thought up for you, Tomoe-kun!

    Kurama: Alright, it's decided!

    Tomoe: ..I understand.

    -Bell rings-

    Kurama: First of all, we should decide on the unit name.

    Tomoe: Why do we have to go out of our way to talk behind the school building? Is the classroom not

    good enough?

    Kurama: You really dont understand, fox. All eyes are on me anywhere I go. I can't think up of an idea

    when so many eyes are on me.

    Since both of you don't know, let me tell you. All important talks are always held behind the school

    buildings. (LOL, so typical)

    Mizuki: Eh~ Anyway, what is a unit name?

    Kurama: HUH! Is that it? It's a team name for three of us. I already thought up of something.

    Tomoe: What is it?

    Kurama: Fox and Snake, featuring Kurama, how is that?

    Tomoe: Unsophisticated.

    Mizuki: That's too unsophisticated. Tengu-kun, are you really an artiste?

    Kurama: What did you say?! Are you questioning top artiste Kurama's sense?!

    Mizuki: If it's for a team, it will be better if it's easily understood. An unforgettable name which you'll

    remember after one time.. Hmm.. Ah, I know! Let's make it the "Demon Group"!

    Tomoe: What are you going to do if your true identity is known?!

    Mizuki: Is that no good?

    Tomoe: It can't be good, isn't it?!

    Mizuki: Then Tomoe-kun, what kind of name will be good?

    Kurama: Since "Karasu Tengu" is out of the question, I'd really like to hear what you got.

    Tomoe: I... "Mikage Shrine Band".

    Kurama: HUH!

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    Mizuki: Eh?

    Kurama: I have nothing to do with Mikage Shrine.

    Tomoe: What are you dissatisfied with? It's simple and easily understood.

    Mizuki: Don't you think it lacks taste and appeal?

    Kurama: If you don't make it more appealing, the audience won't come.

    Mizuki: Isn't it? If this goes on, I don't think anyone will want to listen.

    Kurama: Your level really takes a back seat.

    Tomoe: Then, "Mikage Shrine representative featuring Demons" combination is okay, isn't it? I already

    included everyones ideas.

    Mizuki: Wa-, whos with whose combination is that!

    Kurama: Now that I think about it, it was wrong to put in "featuring"! And that's not a combination.

    Tomoe: Shut up!


    Shut up!

    Think again!

    -Bell rings-

    Kurama: Anyway, the team name will consist of everyone's first initials, K.M.T. Everyone has no

    complaints, right?

    Mizuki: Well, it's unoriginal but there's no helping it.

    Tomoe: Just bear with it. I am tired from thinking about it.

    Kurama: What are you talking about? We still have things to decide.

    Tomoe: What did you say?

    Kurama: The song we'll be singing on the stage.

    Tomoe: Understood. Before that, I have a question. Why do we have to go out of our way to talk at the

    science lab? Is the classroom not good enough?

    Mizuki: Ah, I was wondering about that too.

    Kurama: You guys really dont understand, fox and snake. Everyone will hear it if we're in the classroom,

    isn't it? The surprise I am planning for will be ruined.

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    Mizuki: Is this a surprise?

    Kurama: The impact will be better if it's big, isn't it? Girls sensitivity, commotion among the guys, all of

    that with my tasteful figure standing at the center of the stage, with the spotlight on me.. It thrills me

    just to think about it.

    Mizuki: Tengu-kun, you're really a narcissist.

    Kurama: What would an artiste do if he doesn't praise himself?

    Tomoe: Even disturbances from the tanukos (raccoon ladies) alone are noisy to me.

    Kurama: Huh! Then just be quiet when I sing my Fallen Angel and other songs.

    Mizuki: No way. Tengu-kun's songs, be it Fallen Angel, Atonement or Regret, they are all so


    Kurama: D-deliberate?!

    Mizuki: Lets go pan and pan with things that make a sound in a lively and nonchalant way.

    Tomoe: Wait, wasn't that a program from the hot springs inn?

    Mizuki: If you have any objections then offer some suggestions, Tomoe-kun. What would be good?

    -Tomoe flinches-

    Mizuki: Besides, what are you going to sing?

    -Tomoe flinches-

    Mizuki: Don't tell me you're tone-deaf..!

    Ah, I am right.

    Kurama: That might be it.

    Tomoe: Anyway!

    Mizuki: Anyway?!

    Tomoe: I can't understand how you can sing thoughtlessly in front of people. Isn't it embarrassing?!

    Mizuki: Not at all.

    Kurama: Just this much.

    -Tomoe indignant-

    Mizuki: Tomoe-kun, if you don't want to sing then it's fine to not sing.

    Kurama: I'll let Nanami know, that you said no and rejected the idea.

    Tomoe: Wait! I didn't say no. As a familiar, I can't be hesitant to carry out my duty.

    Mizuki: Eh~?

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    Tomoe: If Nanami asked for a favour, it can't be helped. She is the Land God of Mikage Shrine.

    Kurama: Whatever you say. Either way, the song must definitely be rock. It cant be anything but rock.

    Mizuki: Why? It would be better if the audience can get lively.

    Kurama: My songs can be lively!

    Tomoe: Really?!

    Kurama: Who do you think I am? I am the one and only Kurama. All of my concerts are lively!

    Mizuki: My absolute requirement is for the audience to feel good and become lively!

    Kurama: It must be nothing but rock then.

    Tomoe: If you don't become too self-absorbed then I am fine with anything.

    Mizuki: So I guess its a deal for now.

    Kurama: Lively rock, eh?

    Tomoe: Well, I guess it is fine.

    -Bell rings-

    Kurama: Anyway, we're done with the song selection. Let's decide what costume to wear now.

    Tomoe: Why do we have to go out of our way to talk on the rooftop? Isn't the classroom enough?

    Kurama: You still don't understand, fox. Wherever I go, I will be surrounded by a group of girls. For me

    to be stirring up the hearts of the girls, what a sin. Besides, I like the rooftop because I can spread my

    wings out. KURAMA WING!

    Tomoe: Since we dont have a budget, everyday clothes should be fine. It'll be easy to move around in a


    Mizuki: Youre really unimaginative. Hakama is good but at least wear a *haori.

    Kurama: I have leftover costumes so I'll wear those. Can't you guys just wear a jersey or something?

    Mizuki: Jer-sey?

    Tomoe: Enough with the hakama. How about an outerwear?

    Kurama: Anyway, fox. How do you wear clothes with that tail of yours?

    Tomoe: It doesn't matter, does it? That kind of matter.

    Mizuki: Now I am interested! Does it go into a hole?

    Tomoe: Its a top secret you shouldnt reveal to anyone. I am not going to say it.

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    Mizuki: How about Tengu-kun's wings as well?

    Kurama: It may not seem like it but there is a gap where I can hide it.

    Tomoe: What?!

    Mizuki: Eh?!

    Kurama: That's possible because all my clothes are order-made.

    Mizuki: You're rich!

    Tomoe: As for the clothes, anything is fine as long as its clean and properly folded.

    -Bell rings-

    Kurama: Anyway, we'll have to decide on the role and position next. Since its a unit, we should decideon the various themes and assign a character on each of us.

    Tomoe: Why do we have to go out of our way to talk about this in the toilets?


    Tomoe: Why are you flushing? Stop wasting water, Mizuki.

    Mizuki: I hate cramped places~

    Kurama: You guys really don't get it. After school, I get ambushed by girls who go Please let us listen to

    Love & Hate! and get dragged behind the school building or rooftop. I stand out no matter where I go,

    what a profound sin.

    Tomoe: Anyway, what's up with the roles?

    Kurama: It's about how you move on the stage. Is being on the right alright for you guys? Or the left?

    Which one?

    Mizuki: On the right? What's that?

    Kurama: The positions behind me on the stage.

    Mizuki: Eh?! Behind you?!

    Kurama: Both of you can just be the back dancers.

    Tomoe: Huh?

    Kurama: The girls are going to pay attention on me anyway. If youre not confident with dancing then

    pick up an instrument and play it.

    Mizuki: Bass is good for me.

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    Tomoe & Kurama: Bass?!

    Mizuki: Isnt bass cool? It looks convenient too.

    Kurama: Then I am definitely the guitar and vocals. I will probably steal away all the attention with the

    guitar.. Well, I dont dislike that.

    Tomoe: Ill..

    Kurama: Ah, you'll take the drum then.

    Tomoe: Drum?

    Mizuki: He doesn't look like one to play drums. Maybe a mouth organ or a double-reeded instrument?

    Tomoe: What kind of look is that?

    Mizuki: Maybe an embarassing look?

    Tomoe: Then a 3-string banjo (from Okinawa) will suit you well, wont it? Good for sticking your snake

    face onto it as well.

    Mizuki: That's mean! Resorting to such delicate insults..

    Kurama: Whatever. Since we got this far, you guys should be able to play instruments well.

    Mizuki: Eh? I dont play any.

    Tomoe: Are you an idiot, Tengu?! Nobody said anything about the bass or drums.

    Kurama: It has nothing to do with your intentions!

    Tomoe: Don't step on my foot!

    Kurama: It's not even me!

    Mizuki: I want to go back! It's cramped!

    Tomoe: Didnt I tell you to not step on my foot!

    Mizuki: Is Nanami-chan gone?

    Tomoe: Ah, she went to the school for the festival preparations although its a Sunday.

    Kurama: Arent you glad that I prepared the stage?

    Tomoe: Youre not the only one to prepare the stage. We all did.

    Kurama: I suppose, Ill let you say it like that.

    Mizuki: I am really excited about doing this!

    Kurama: Is that something a person who does not know how many strings a bass has should say?

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    Mizuki: Then lets hurry up and practice! Especially Tomoe-kun.

    Tomoe: What? Why are you pointing your finger at me now?

    Mizuki: Because were worried about you the most, Tomoe-kun.

    Kurama: Thats right.

    -Tomoe indignant-

    Kurama: Youre the one who has a problem in lacking technique and soul in the performance, fox.

    Tomoe: Did you say soul?

    Kurama: Thats right, its not Korea (Seoul). Soul. Heart. Spirits. These are the feelings for rock music.

    Originally, rock music is born from the rebellious feelings towards life. The dissatisfaction, hatred,

    sadness towards this world and frustration towards yourself (when having difficulty expressing oneself),

    feeling helpless, love, strength of your heart and pain. Rock sings about these.

    Mizuki: Thats so troublesome!

    -Kurama indignant-

    Kurama: I am burning up in the rock spirits and the one thing you have to say is its troublesome?!

    Tomoe: It is very troublesome.

    Mizuki: And noisy as well, really.

    -Tomoe agrees-

    Kurama: N-no-noisy. You two are the only ones in this world to say that I am noisy! Girls from all around

    the world, no, even the guys, have tears streaming down their faces when they hear me sing. You guys..!

    You guys!

    Tomoe: Yeah, yeah. If you have the free time to ramble on, we should practice instead.

    Kurama: I am not free at all! Fox! Who do you think I am?!

    Mizuki: Well, well, its fine. (Not sure, something about Tomoe)

    Kurama: I wont be singing anything but rock music!

    Mizuki: Well keep that promise, Tengu-kun.

    Kurama: Hngh, thats right.

    Tomoe: Werent both of you just arguing moments ago?

    Mizuki: Who did?

    Kurama: With whom?

    Tomoe: Slick bastards..

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    Mizuki: Anyway, you cant have a good relationship if you dont quarrel at first.

    Kurama: Thats right.

    Kurama: Its finally K.M.T. We practiced for 2 whole weeks until we vomited blood. You guys better not

    let me down.

    Mizuki: We vomited blood because we were beaten up by Tomoe-kun..

    Tomoe: As promised, I didnt aim for your face. I delivered all the blows to your stomach.

    Mizuki: Eh? You look pale, Tomoe-kun.

    Tomoe: ..Theres nothing like that.

    Mizuki: Really? I thought Tomoe-kun will become nervous for sure.

    Tomoe: N-nervous..? Theres no way that could happen, isnt it?

    Mizuki: Isnt it? Theres no way a familiar like Tomoe-kun will get nervous, right?

    Tomoe: A..Ah!

    -Feet Tapping-

    Mizuki: Ah, wait a minute, Tomoe-kun. Stop tapping your foot. As I thought, youre nervous right?

    Tomoe: T-this is.. Practice for bass and drum.

    -Fingers Tapping-

    Mizuki: Is that so? Then those fingers which are tapping on the table as well..

    Tomoe: I am revising the tempo!

    Mizuki: Isnt it good, Tengu-kun?

    Kurama: Hmm?

    Mizuki: Tomoe-kun is so enthusiastic!

    Kurama: Of course. Its thanks to me that you can get on stage, be grateful.

    Tomoe: Gratitude? Dont get ahead of yourself. I did it because I had no choice.

    Mizuki: Tomoe-kun, you can stop if you dont want to do it.

    Tomoe: Huh?

    Mizuki: Then Tengu-kun and I will both do it.. To tell the truth, I dont need Tengu-kun as well too.

    Kurama: What did you say?

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    Mizuki: I have the confidence to do well by myself anyway.

    Kurama: I am the one who doesnt need you. You should think of yourself as an extra, just a snake, an

    unnecessary one at that.

    Mizuki: Thats mean. A person who says something like that wont have any fans.

    Kurama: Shut up! Youre the one who started it!

    Mizuki: Its sarcasm!

    Kurama: Are you a sarcastic snake?!

    Tomoe: Wait.

    Mizuki: What is it?

    Kurama: What?

    Tomoe: I think our team name, KMT, can also be read as Kamisama wo Taskeru (Help the God).

    Kurama: What about it? Its not the time to be concluding.

    Tomoe: No, it means to help Nanami, so I thought it might fit perfectly.

    Mizuki: Help Nanami-chan huh..

    Kurama: Well, it definitely is her request to start with.

    Tomoe: I cant help going onto the stage. Although I cant help it but since I decided to do it, I will do so


    Mizuki: I understand, lets do it properly.

    Kurama: You dont even need to mention that. Lets go.

    Tomoe & Mizuki: Ah!

    Tomoe, Mizuki & Kurama: Kamisama Help!


    Wikipedia link to Hakama

    Wikipedia link to Haori (Small section from Kimono)

    These are some of the words which cannot be exactly translated into an English word. The description is

    a bit too long to be included in the translation as well. You'll lose track of what they are saying.

  • 7/29/2019 Band Hajimemashita Drama CD Translations


    "Kami to Shinshi no Keiyaku" translations up next! This will take a while since I just accepted a paid

    translation project and it will take precedence over my personal projects. I have more assignments from

    school too. Sorry about that! I will make sure to have the whole thing up within a week so don't worry

    about it. I can do a summary and post the translations part by part every 2 days.