Ballyteigue Bannow Water Management Unit Action Plan Name0000. Ballyteigue Bannow Water Management Unit Area 644 km 2 River Basin District South Eastern RBD Main Counties Wexford Protected Areas River Barrow and River Nore SAC, Ballyteigue Burrow SAC, Bannow Bay SAC, Tacumshin Lake SAC. Ballyteigue Burrow SPA, Bannow Bay SPA, Tacumshin Lake SPA. 2 drinking water abstractions from Owenduff River and stream at Haresmead. Duncannon Bathing water. Bannow Bay and Waterford Harbour Shellfish water. SectoralTotalPhosphorus Source (This does not im plyimpact) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 %

Ballyteigue Bannow Water Management Unit Action Plan Name0000. Ballyteigue Bannow Water Management Unit Area644 km 2 River Basin DistrictSouth Eastern

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Ballyteigue Bannow Water Management Unit Action Plan

Name0000.Ballyteigue Bannow Water Management Unit

Area 644 km2

River Basin District South Eastern RBD

Main Counties Wexford

Protected Areas

River Barrow and River Nore SAC, Ballyteigue Burrow SAC, Bannow Bay SAC, Tacumshin Lake SAC.Ballyteigue Burrow SPA, Bannow Bay SPA, Tacumshin Lake SPA.2 drinking water abstractions from Owenduff River and stream at Haresmead. Duncannon Bathing water.Bannow Bay and Waterford Harbour Shellfish water.

Sectoral Total Phosphorus Source (This does not imply impact)



Ballyteigue/Bannow Water Management Unit Action Plan


Overall status 36 RWB - 19 Good, 10 Moderate, 7 Poor. No lakes. 1 Coastal Waterbody - Bannow Bay

Status elements

Overall status dictated by Q-score, apart from 2 waterbodies, where Phys Chemical drives good status. Status for 22 WBs was extrapolated. Chemical Status passes in both monitored WBs - Owenduff and Duncormick Rivers.

Possible Impacts - EPA Water Quality 2004

BATTLESTOWN STREAM - SE_13_758, Status 2009 - Good (Based on Q value 4) –

Satisfactory following improvement since last study.

BEGERIN STREAM - (SE_13_215, Status 2009 - Good (Based on Q value 4)) – Satisfactory.

BRIDGETOWN, WEXFORD - (SE_13_692, Status 2009 - Good (Based on Q value 4))

Improvement in lower reaches with both locations satisfactory in 2007.

CLERISTOWN STREAM - (SE_13_145, Status 2009 - Good (Based on Q value 4)) –

Satisfactory with significant improvement since previous study.

COROCK - (SE_13_749, Status 2009 - Moderate (Based on Q value 3-4)) – Satisfactory at all but last location where faunal response indicated enrichment.

DUNCORMICK - (SE_13_745, Status 2009 - Poor (Based on Q value 3) - Satisfactory at all locations except downstream from Taghmon where moderately polluted.

MULMONTRY - (SE_13_394, Status 2009 - Poor (Based on Q value 3)) –Unsatisfactory at all three locations due to pollution. Deterioration at final location. Uppermost location is immediately upstream of the intake point for a public water supply.

OWENDUFF, WEXFORD - (SE_13_754, Status 2009 - Good (Based on Q value 4-5)) -

Satisfactory at both locations representing some improvement.

TINTERN ABBEY STREAM - (SE_13_756, Status 2009 - Poor (Based on Q value 3)) –

Unsatisfactory with a moderate degree of siltation.


Nutrient sources

91% of TP is Diffuse, 74% of which is from Agriculture

Point pressures

17 WWTPs: Adamstown, Ballycullane, Ballyhack, Barntown/Ballyhine, Bridgetown, Carrick-on-Bannow, Clongeen, Duncannon, Fethard-on-Sea, Foulkesmills, Kilmore Quay, Lady's Island, Taghmon, Tomhaggard (St. Annes), Tomhaggard (St. James), Newbaun, Tellarought.

3 WTPs: Aughnagroagh Bridge, Taylorstown, Mayglass.

45 Section 4s: Hotel/Restaurant, Nursing Home, 2 Hotels, Quarry, 2 Building Contractors, 2 Creameries, Supermarket, Photographer, Electrical Contractor, Retail Company, 32 Private Companies.

1 IPPC: Manufacturer.

Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) and Industrial Discharges

15 WWTP's At Risk: Adamstown, Arthurstown, Ballycullane, Bridgetown, Carrick-on-Bannow, Clongeen, Fethard-on-Sea WWTP, Foulkesmills, Taghmon, Duncormick ,Ballyhack, Kilmore Quay, Wellingtonbridge, Duncannon, Tomhaggard (St. Annes) – Refer to Measures table

WWTP – Upgrade proposed Tomhaggard(St. Annes) in WSIP 2007 - 2009

Quarries, Mines & Landfills

There are 9 quarries in this WMU

Agriculture The majority of the area of the WMU is at risk from Agriculture

On-site systems

There are 9984 septic tanks in this WMU, 1984 septic tanks in 5 river water bodies are posing a risk to water quality due to their density, location and unsuitable hydrogeological conditions.

Forestry No waterbodies at risk from forestry

Dangerous substances

No waterbodies at risk from Dangerous Substances.

Morphology 3 Waterbodies at risk due to channelisation -SE_13_2, SE_13_254 and SE_13_245 - Ballyteigue Bannow Drainage Scheme

Abstractions 14 abstractions; 1 waterbody at risk - SE_13_754


River Status






Yet to be determined

Ballyteigue/Bannow Water Management Unit Action Plan


Restore/Protect 2015

26 water bodies

Alternative Objectives

Extended Deadlines – 10 water bodies with 2021 deadlines

New Modifications or Development – none requiring alternative objectives at present.

HMWB/AWB - none

SELECTED ACTION PROGRAMMENB All relevant basic measures, general supplementary measures and SEA mitigation measures apply

Point Sources WWTP - See Point Source Discharge Table to the right.

INDUSTRY - Examine the terms of discharge authorisations to determine whether they require review for the purpose of compliance with water body objectives including protected area objectives and environmental quality standards.

Diffuse Sources Good Agricultural Practice Regulations and Enforcement.

ON-SITE SYSTEMS - The 1984 at risk septic tanks are to be prioritised for inspections. Subsequent upgrade or connection to municipal systems depends on inspection and economics tests.

Other MORPHOLOGY - All 3 waterbodies at risk will require investigation to determine impact of channelisation

ABSTRACTIONS - Protection of drinking water, abstraction control and future licensing.

Measures included in Shellfish Pollution Reduction Programmes under the Shellfish


Local Authority Needs Assessment (2007 -2009) identified the following upgrades - Kilmore Quay, Curracloe, Duncormick Sewerage Scheme, Arthurstown Sewerage Scheme and Taghmon WWTP.


Future Pressures and Developments

Throughout the river basin management cycle future pressures and developments will need to be managed to ensure compliance with the objectives of the Water Framework Directive and the Programme of Measures will need to be developed to ensure issues associated with these new pressures are addressed.

Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure (Capital Works)

Taghmon WWTP Wexford 1 Increase capacity of treatment plant.

Taghmon WWTP Wexford 2 Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall.

Arthurstown Wexford 1 Increase capacity of treatment plant.Ballyhack Wexford 1 Increase capacity of treatment plant.Duncannon Wexford 1 Increase capacity of treatment plant.Wellington Bridge Wexford 1 Increase capacity of treatment plant.

Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure (Investigation before Capital Works)

Ballycullane Wexford 3Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant.

Clongeen Wexford 2Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant.

Duncormick Wexford2

Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant.

Fetherd-on-Sea WWTP Wexford 3Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant.

Kilmore Quay Wexford 2Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant.

Tomhaggard(St. Annes) Wexford 2Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant.

Point Source Discharge County Priority MeasureArthurstown Wexford 1 Commence implementation of the Pollution

Reduction Programme for Shellfish watersBallyhack Wexford 1 Commence implementation of the Pollution

Reduction Programme for Shellfish watersDuncannon Wexford 1 Commence implementation of the Pollution

Reduction Programme for Shellfish watersWellingtonbridge Wexford 1 Commence implementation of the Pollution

Reduction Programme for Shellfish watersPoint Source Discharge County Priority Measure

Adamstown Wexford 1 Implement an appropriate performance management system

Bridgetown, Wexford Wexford 1 Implement an appropriate performance management system

Carrick-on-Bannow Wexford 1 Implement an appropriate performance management system

Point Source Discharge County Priority MeasureFoulkesmills Wexford 3 Investigation of CSO's

Point Source Discharge County Priority MeasureAdamstown Wexford 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not Carrick-on-Bannow Wexford 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not

River Data Ballyteigue/Bannow Water Management Unit Action Plan

Member State Code


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SE_13_118 N SE_12_1305 M GES 2015

SE_13_145 Y G G GES 2009

SE_13_164 N SE_13_166 G GES 2009

SE_13_166 Y G H G GES 2009

SE_13_2 Y G G GES 2009

SE_13_215 Y G G GES 2009

SE_13_242 N SE_13_758 G Y GES 2009

SE_13_243 N SE_13_758 G Y GES 2009

SE_13_245 N SE_13_254 G Y Y GES 2009

SE_13_251 N SE_12_1305 M Y Y GES 2015

SE_13_254 Y G G Y GES 2009

SE_13_259 N SE_12_1305 M Y GES 2015

SE_13_285 N SE_13_166 G GES 2009

SE_13_394 Y P G P Y GES 2021

SE_13_397 Y G H G GES 2009

SE_13_407 N SE_12_2385 G GES 2009

SE_13_410 N SE_13_394 P GES 2021

SE_13_438 N SE_13_145 G GES 2009

SE_13_504 N SE_12_1305 M GES 2021

SE_13_511 N SE_12_1305 M GES 2015

SE_13_516 N SE_12_2385 G GES 2009

SE_13_547 Y M H M GES 2021

SE_13_613 N SE_13_547 M GES 2021

SE_13_646 N SE_13_215 G GES 2009

SE_13_662 N SE_13_756 P GES 2021

SE_13_671 N SE_12_2385 G GES 2009

SE_13_675 N SE_13_756 P GES 2021

SE_13_676 N SE_12_1305 M GES 2015

SE_13_692 Y G G G GES 2009

SE_13_703 N SE_12_1305 M GES 2015

SE_13_745 Y P H M P G GES 2021

SE_13_749 Y M M Y GES 2015

SE_13_754 Y G H H H G G Y GES 2009

SE_13_756 Y P H P GES 2021

SE_13_758 Y G G Y GES 2009

SE_13_762 N SE_13_756 P GES 2021


Biological Elements Supporting Elements Protected Areas

This table outlines water body information including status and a breakdown of its elements, protected areas, objectives and timescales.