Balanced Growth

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The Doctrine of Balanced Growth has been advocated by Rosentein Rodan, Ragnar Nurkse, and Arthur Lweis. The thoery of balanced growth, states that there should be simulateneous and harmonious development of different sectors of the economy so that all the sectors grow in unison. According to Nurkse, vicious circles of poverty are at work in underdeveloped countries which retard economic development. If however, they are broken, economic development will follow. The vicious circles operate both on the supply side and demand side. On the supply side: Low savings-Low Income- Low Productivity--Deficiency of capital--- Low capacity to save. On the Demand side: Low Investment- Low Demand--

The Doctrine of Balanced Growth has been advocated by Ragnar Nurkse.

The thoery of balanced growth, states that there should be simulateneous and harmonious development of different sectors of the economy so that all the sectors grow in unison.

According to Nurkse, vicious circles of poverty are at work in underdeveloped countries which retard economic development. If however, they are broken, economic development will follow. The vicious circles operate both on the supply side and demand side.

On the supply side: Low savings-Low Income- Low Productivity--Deficiency of capital--- Low capacity to save.

On the Demand side: Low Investment- Low Demand-- Low level of Income- Low capital - Small size of the market-- Limited productivity-- Thus the Vicious Circle of Poverty.

How to Break these Vicious Circles: individual investments cannot solve the problem. More or less synchronised aplplication of capital to a wide range of different sectors.

Every increase of production, if distributed without miscalculation among all kinds of produce in the proportion which private interest would dictate, create, or rather constitutes its own demand.

A Frontal attack of this sort a wave of capital investments in a number of different industries--- has been called by Nurkse, Balanced growth.

The doctrine of Balanced growth requires a balance between different sectors of the economy during the process of economic growth. There should be balance between investment in agriculture and industry. Agriculture and industry are complementary. An increase in industrial ouptut requires an expansion of agricultural output.

Balance also requred between the domestic and foreign sector. Export revenue is an important source for financing development: imports rise as production and employment expand and demestic trade itself requires increasing imports of necessary materials and equipment.

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