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DOCUMENT DATE [11 – JAN – 2013]



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Login Interface

The very primary to commence with Wealth Maker URL is http://bcl.wealthmaker.in/ .

At this point we need to enter User Name as business id and password received from HR and click on LOGIN.

Appearance of login page is given underneath:

Note: In cases you have forgot password just click on Forgot Password?

We need to enter Login ID, date of birth and click on Get Password. An instant message will received your mobile as mapped with HR.


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Role Selection

By default role assigned to the user is as SELF. Venue Operations need to select role Insurance Venue.

Note : In case user is new to the system then he/she necessitate to send the information in Role Activation format.


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Coupon Entry

Path for coupon entry: Transaction -> Coupon Entry

We have 3 options to enter the IPC Leads Data Entry, first one be Single Entry, Sheet Entry, Secondary data.

Single Entry: We require filling Name*, Marital Status*, Name*, DOB, Income, Phone no*, Mobile no*, Child Name* and selection of Data Collector Name,* Lead Collection Date*, Lead Source*. Yes and No selection necessitate to completing and finally click on Submit button a Coupon No is generated and appeared. All * Marked is mandatory..!

Sheet Entry: Through sheet entry we required to download Template and fill all the columns and where we have selection we always use the identical and then Browse the file from the specified location and click on upload.

Secondary Data: We need to select Secondary Data and download Sample template. This is for those data were we have only mobile no to upload in Wealth maker.


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Coupon View Page:

Path for coupon entry: Transaction -> Coupon View Page

Coupon View page is the form where we can select different Disposition. To confirm and fixed appointment we need to select 02-Confirmation. One pop window occurs where we need to enter Appointment time and Date. Kindly enter DOB in correct format (dd/mm/yyyy).


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Venue Booking Entry

Path for venue booking: TransactionVenue Booking Entry.

Venue Booking Entry is only for those clients who is directly walk-in Venues and here we have only 3 sources Direct, Directory, Re-presentation, and Staff Reference. We need to fill necessary details like name, mobile no, DOB, Income, Appointment Date and Time, selection of source, Disposition and remarks.

Venue Booking Search Entry

Path for Venue Booking Search Entry: TransactionVenue Search Booking Entry

In this section we can search our Guest based on Appointment Date. We can use to select Sales Employee name, Qualified, Sale and Type once all completed to finish we need to click on Update and equivalent time Guest Code generated through system. Once we click on Guest Code we directly reach on the page of Pitch Entry Form.


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Pitch Entry Form

Path for Pitch Entry Form: Transaction Pitch Book Entry.

We have search option for our Guest. Once we click on the search tool just beside Guest No there is pop up appear where we have search criteria of guest code, name, phone no, mobile, from and to date.

System will fetch all the information of guest from previous pages. In this section basically we will capture the Basic, Personal, Correspondence and Family information

By filling all the fields now we move to next page. On the very next page we capture the information related to Employment/Work, Children and personal information and then to end with through click on Print PAI.


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Client Reference Entry:

PathTransactionClient Reference Form

Through this form we gather 5 references from our clients. For that we need to click on Guest radio button, we require to enter guest code or we can search thorough search guest tool and finally we need to click on Add References. Fill client name, mobile no press on submit button.


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Recruitment Monitor:

Path HR Online Recruitment Monitor

Recruitment monitor assist us to track Manpower. To view the same we required to select region, zone and venue, output is Location, Type or category of employee, Designation, Entry Date, Status, Remarks if any and Join Date.

We have option of Manpower Tracking on the top right hand side.


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Online PD Form:

Path HR Online Employee ManagementOnline PD Form

PD form is the utility where HR people fill all the Personal Details of newly joined employee in Bajaj. We can be able to generate Tran ID / Business Code.

PD Detail:

Path HR Online Employee ManagementPD Details

PD details help us track on contents like Name, Location, Designation, PD updated or not, B Code, Generation Date, PD received at HO, Reason if any, DOB, DOJ, Docs Full, Missing Docs. ID Card Date, Visiting Card Date, Salary process, Uniform.


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IRDA Qualified:

Path HR Online Employee ManagementIRDA Qualified

Through this we can extract the list of IRDA Qualified employees in different locations. Reports contain Business Code, Name, Branch, Designation, and Qualification.

Glimps to ERP:

Path HR Online Employee Management Glimps to ERP

Glimps to ERP is the tool since where we can go into in ERP employee information.


We required just selecting the checkbox. All information will fetch out throughout ERP.


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Employee Performance:

Path HR Online Employee Management Employee Performance

Employee performance report helps to track on target and Achievement of employee.

Apply ID / Visiting Card:

Path HR Online ID / Visiting Card Apply ID / Visiting Card

Through this form we can be able to apply for ID card or Visiting Card, for that we need to enter Business Code all respective details pop up from ERP and click on Apply.


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ID / Visiting Card Report:

Path HR Online ID / Visiting Card Report

This report contains Employee Name, Designation, Branch, Company, Email, Address, Landline, Mobile, Extn., Quantity, Logo and applied date.

Online Leave Application:

Path HR Online Online Leave Leave Application

From here we can apply for Leave Online. Enter Leave Applied / Taken From, reason, contact no during leave and click on submit.


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Venue Table Master:

Venue Table Master is the place from where we enter the count of tables for the venues.


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User Kind Sales

Name of Report Venue Productivity Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Business Report->Venue Productivity Report

Description From this report we can map out the venue productivity. We need to select region, zone, and venue from the drop down and then select from and to date.



Note From here we can view the Issued / Login for LI or GI (Annualized) figures.


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User Kind Sales

Name of Report Venue Goal Sheet

Path Report->Venue Report->Business Report-> Venue Goal Sheet

Description This report assist us to view the figure of LI and GI of AM, AM, RM and Sr. IPC Manager. Important figures be fond of Achievement, Incentive and Committed Target, Qualified, Colleted vs. Issued INAP for LI and GI both, Logged vs. issued NAP, SF Target vs. achievements, Renewal Target vs. Achievement, Closing %, Average Ticket Size and we can also observe the count of stars.




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User Kind Sales

Name of Report Actual Vs Reported

Path Report->Venue Report->Business Report-> Actual Vs Reported

Description In Actual Vs Reported report Reporting figures are based on SMS {Sent by Venue Managers daily on Server) and actual is based on the entries done by user in Wealth Maker. This report facilitates us to match out the figures reported to HO and entries made by Operations in BCL. Important fields in this report are Shows, Qualified, LI Deal, LI Vol., GI Deal, GI Vol., Total Deal, Total Volume and closing percentage.




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User Kind Sales

Name of Report Achievement Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Business Report-> Achievement Report


Achievement report assists us to analysis the performance channel and venue wise in the mode of monthly / yearly. Essential fields in this report are Target, Collected (%), Login (%), Issued (%) for Life Insurance as well as GI.




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User Kind Operations

Name of Report Issued Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Business Report-> Issued Report


Issued report is complete information for a solo transaction entered in Wealth Maker. This is especially handy for Operation since here we can view AR No, Entry Date, Branch, Issue Date, Application No, Policy no, Company Name, Plan, Q, Image, PPT, Premium, Frequency, NAP %, NAP, Shared nap (In case of Tele Sales), Insured Name, DOB, CRE (Sales), TO Manager, Sale Type, Check in HO ( Case is reconciled at HO or not), Status ( Extremely key column where we can scrutiny the client is satisfy or not ? As per the field incentive calculation take place in system), sub status and remark.




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User Kind Sales as well as Operations

Name of Report Status Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Business Report-> Status Report


Policy status is one of the repetitive reports used by Sales and Operations. This report brief us No of tables, no of team member, bookings, shows, Tele target, qualified including direct, count of cases, LI nap target, gross collected premium, cancelled cases, net collected premium/nap, collected mobile/venue business, logged in cases/collected premium/nap, issued cases collected premium/nap, net collected/logged/issued/ nap for General Insurance, Collected NAP/Logged/Issued Efficiency. Percentage is also defined in terms of Closing, Non-Medical ration, Issuance, Login, Closing (Issued/Qualified)




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User Kind Operations / HR / Sales

Name of Report Performance Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Business Report-> Performance Report


As name reflect Performance report help out us to produce presentation of Sales, Tele, Survey, and Team Leader Data Source. Grade and Grade Level is also with us.




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Note: Performance report support us to roadway on the performance related to Sales, Tele, Survey and Survey supervisors. We can view here venue wise, grade wise (National Level, Zonal Level), grade level (Grade A, Grade B, Grade C).


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User Kind Operations

Name of Report Venue Transaction Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Business Report-> Venue Transaction Report


We can be able to filter this report with Status like All (With Out Login Awaited), Lapsed, Login Awaited, Issued, Pending, Cancel, Surrendered, Maturity Claim, Enforced.




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User Kind Sales

Name of Report Five Target System & Critical No Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Business Report-> Five Target System & Critical No Report


Five Target System & Critical No report is Venue Achievement report in this we can categorize Venue Incentive Target , Achievement Target, Collected NAP & %, Login NAP & %, Issued NAP & %, Subsequent fresh target & Achievement, Renewal Target & Achievement, Count of VM Star & VM , Sales star & Sales Exe. , Tele star & Tele Exec. , Survey Star & Survey Exec , TL Tele Star and TL Tele, TL Survey Star and TL Survey, TL Sales Star and TL Sales, and Critical No (Avg. Show rate, Closing Percentage of collected cases, Avg. Ticket Size, No of Reference entered in WM.




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User Kind Sales / Tele / Survey

Name of Report Pace Target Achievement Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Business Report-> Pace Target Achievement Report


Pace Target Achievement report is to find out who had ready his target in precise phase of the month. We have separated the month in the 5 conditions: Warm Up (1st to 5th), Pace Setter (6th to 10th), Mid Month (11th to 17th), 100% Point (18th to 15th), Bonus Builder (26th to 30th - 31st). Who has totaled his / her target as per specified conditions he or she is add up at the same time as STAR.

Path to view Pace Sheet = Tools Pace TargetView Target



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Resultant Report for Sales:

Report for Survey:

Report for Team Leader / AVM Sales and so on for Team Leader Data Sourcing/Team Lead Tele/Tele Executive/Venue Manager.


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User Kind Sales

Name of Report Venue Dashboard

Path Report->Venue Report->Business Report-> Venue Dashboard


Venue Dashboard is report where we measure up target & achievement between current and previous month in terms of Overall, Zone wise, Venue wise, Product wise, Company wise. To analysis we need to select region, zone, and branch category as [Insurance Venues], from and to date, type and based at very last click on show button. Important fields like Target, Pro Target, Achievement, % will replicate in report.



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User Kind Sales

Name of Report Venue Critical No Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Business Report-> Venue Critical-> Venue Critical No. Report


Venue Critical No report assist us to find out Avg. Show rate, Closing Percentage on collected, Ticket size as per Table track for venue.



List of show rate, closing percentage and ticket size as per table track..!


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User Kind Sales

Name of Report Daily Recap

Path Report->Venue Report->Business Report-> Daily Recap


Daily recap report assist us to match up daily and monthly figures and this report does not contains individuals venue where one person like Tele Manager, Tele Supervisor, Area Manager, Venue Manager not exist in system.




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User Kind Sales

Name of Report MRI Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Business Report-> MRI Report


This is a one pager, all in one Report, which includes 91 fields related to your IPC's Performance figures. This report be full of wide-ranging report which contains Critical Numbers; Leads collected and used, Shows and Qualified, Life Insurance Fresh, Life Insurance Renewal (Mon), General Insurance, Pace Target Stars winner no, Manpower, Revival Cases, Compliance calls. This report also shows a comparison of these figures with previous month's figures.




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User Kind Sales

Name of Report Company wise Policy Status

Path Report->Venue Report->Business Report-> Company wise Policy Status Report


This Report displays the Company wise-Venue Wise Policy Status i.e. Cases & Amount (in Lacs) under Login Awaited, Pending, Issued & Canceled Status & the reason for the respective status.




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User Kind Tele / Surveyor

Name of Report Tele Employee Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Tele Surveyor Report-> Tele Employee Report


Tele Employee Report assist us to view Tele Calling Up sheet where we identify Coupon date & time, guest name, age, income, mobile, source, surveyor, TME, CRE, status [Q/NQ], remarks[Sale/No Sale]. We have 6 options to view Tele reports Tele Calling Up sheet, Tele Caller, Tele Supervisor, Tele Manager, Surveyor, Business code wise Tele Caller.



Tele calling Up sheet:


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Tele Caller:

Tele Supervisor:

Tele Manager:



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User Kind Tele / Surveyor

Name of Report Tele Status Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Tele Surveyor Report->Tele Status Report


Tele Employee Report is the information where Tele In charge can view No of Tele caller, qualified target, qualified pro-rata target, Q achievement, Q Surveyor, Q Non Surveyors, Shows, Shows Q Ratio, Survey total leads collected.




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User Kind Operations/Tele / Surveyor

Name of Report Print PAI Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Others->PAI Print


Print PAI /FIRE Report facilitate us to get to know in count of PAI we have issued to our Guest, This report contains Master Policy No, Certificate No, Bajaj Code, Risk Commencement from and to Date, Name of the investor, Gender, Address, Sum Insured, PIN, DOB, Mobile, Assignee details, Assignee relationship, Print Date.




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User Kind Operations

Name of Report Non – Reco Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Others->Non – Reco Report


Non Reconcile report is the statement where we can fetch those transactions which are issued but the case is not reconciled / checked at Head Office. This is specifically shaped for Head Office Operations.




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User Kind Operations

Name of Report Pending & Login Awaited Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Others->Pending & Login Awaited Report


Pending and Login Awaited report apply to track up for cash cases entered in system among Venues. Reports contain AR Date, Client Name, Application No, Policy no, Company, Plan name, Premium, Status, Login Date, Reason, Remarks, Status Date, No of days, Frequency, Pay Mode, Policy Issue Date.




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User Kind Sales

Name of Report Bonus Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Others->Bonus Report


Bonus Report is the report from where we view Bonus for Area Manager, Zonal Manager, and Regional Manager. This report contains the field like Business Code, Name, Designation, Level, Target, Ach, Ach %, Over Achievement, Bonus, Deduction, and Net Pay.




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User Kind Operations

Name of Report PDR Status Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Others->PDR Status Report


PDR Status report classifies us that the PDR image is uploaded against the AR No..! This report contains Venue Name, AR NO, PDR No, PDR Date, Application No, Policy No, Name, Company, Plan, Status, Premium, INAP, PDR Image Status {Uploaded / Not Uploaded}.




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User Kind Operations

Name of Report Venue Inc. Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Others-> Venue Inc. Report


Venue Incentive Report facilitates us to view the Incentive for difference designation category Tele, Sales, Survey, Team Leader Data Sourcing, Team Leader FP & AVM FP.



Team Leader FP & AVM FP:


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Tele Manger Incentive Report:

Surveyor Incentive Report:

Sales Incentive Report:


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Tele Incentive Report:

User Kind Operations

Path AccountsOnline Voucher Voucher Entry

Voucher Entry is the form where we enter staff API Expense, expensed related to Venues. If Business code shown invalid in that cases mail you Business Code, Emp Name, Date of Joining, Designation to Navlesh Kumar at HO Accounts Department.


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User Kind Operations

Path AccountsOnline Voucher Voucher Entry Report

This report contains Voucher No, Voucher Date, Business Code, Department, Expense related to, Amount and description.


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User Kind Operations/Sales

Name of Report Payment Mode Tracking Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Others-> Payment Mode Tracking


This Report displays the No. of Sales per Venue under different Payment mode i.e. Cash, Credit Card, Cheque, DD & ECS for the month & parallel for the complete financial Year.




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User Kind Operations/Tele

Name of Report Dynamic Venue Booking Report

Path Report->Venue Report->Others-> Dynamic Venue Booking Report


This is a new Report which displays Venue wise count of total coupon uploaded for a month, total coupons assigned to the tele callers, count of total disposition saved in that month under different Disposition category i.e. Already Attendant Seminar, Call Again, Confirmation, Not Available, Not Contactable, Not in use, Not Interested, Not Reachable, NQ, Out of Station, Ringing, Switched off & Wrong No.




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User Kind Operations

Name of Report Sales Service Report

Path Report->Dialer Calling Report->Sales Service Report


There are 6 campaigns for calling from HO to IPC's clients. These are:

1. Compliance Campaign (Welcome sales Clients) where calls to new clients acquired by IPC is made the very next day. This Report shows the total cases for the month vs. the satisfied clients in that month.

2. LI SF & LI Renewal Campaign: displays the Total Due vs. Total Paid in the month & its percentage achieved in terms of cases & Premium.

3. GI Renewal Campaign: displays the Total Due vs. Total Paid in the month & its percentage achieved in terms of cases & Premium.

4. Cancellation Campaign: It displays the Total cases canceled in the month vs. Cases Revived in that month.

5. Feedback Campaign: It displays the total No sales data vs. the Sales made by the Tele calling team by converting it into a lead.




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