Bacolod Golf and Country Club

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  • 8/9/2019 Bacolod Golf and Country Club


    Bacolod Golf and Country Club

  • 8/9/2019 Bacolod Golf and Country Club



    Distance from Bacolod:16.5 kilometers

    Land Area:2!"55.## $ectares

    Classification:1st Class

    %o. of Baran&ays:15 Baran&aysPo'ulation:5(!)5 *+ay 1! 2###, - 62! *2##5 Pro/ection,

    Lan&ua&e:0ili&aynonlon&&o3n&lis$ is s'oken and understood


    Con4er&ence of t$e %ort$ and out$ and $ere 3ast meets 7est! +urcia is fast becomin& an

    alternati4e site for residential de4elo'ment in %e&ros. 8raffic and 'ollution free! t$e 'lace boasts of an

    abundant ater and 'oer su''ly. +urcia9s transformation from 'redominantly a&ricultural ton to an

    economic one reflects t$e local &o4ernment9s effort in re'licatin& t$e industrialiation boom in +etro

    +anila! La&una! Ca4ite and ubic areas. 8$ese are made 'ossible it$ t$e establis$ment of road

    netorks! brid&es and ot$er infrastructure 'ro/ects connectin& +urcia to %e&ros9 ca'ital city! Bacolod.

    ;rom aterfalls to ri4er resorts! +urcia is $ome to t$e 'ro4ince9s fla&s$i' tourism attraction! t$e

    scenic and romantic +ambukal ummer $ost to t$e %ort$ %e&ros

    Geot$ermal Pro/ect of t$e P$ili''ine %ational ?il Com'any>3ner&y De4elo'ment Cor'oration! t$at

    ould 'ro4ide t$e electricity needs of t$e 'ro4ince in t$e comin& years. +urcia is &uaranteed 'riority

    in t$e use of &eot$ermal 'oer.

    ;ounded in 16# by Au&ustinian $ectare rollin& terrain in 0da. Binitin. 8$e narro

    fairays are bounded by eucaly'tus trees and ?B stakes t$at are clearly 4isible. 8$e 'lace isdubbed as &olfer friendly and assures &olf ent$usiasts of t$e most en/oyable e'erience.


  • 8/9/2019 Bacolod Golf and Country Club
