Baby Booties.pdf

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  • 7/28/2019 Baby Booties.pdf


    Designed by: Edith Murphy

    : ne sze 6 mon s

    Finished Measurement: 4" (foot length)


    ena ssance y ass c e woo ;

    gram hank = approx 110 yards)

    1 hank Main Color (MC) 7135 Celery

    1 hank Color A 7138 Espresso

    an o or o o rape

    1 hank Color C 7102 Sicilian Sun


    One pair size US 6 (4 mm)

    Or size to obtain gauge

    Two double pointed needles (dpn) size US6 (4 mm)

    : 22 sts and 28 rows = 4" in Fair Isle

    Stockinette St (St st). Take time to save time,

    heck your gauge.


    2tog: Knit 2 sts together (1 st decreased).

    ssk: (slip, slip, knit) Slip 2 sts, one at a time,

    n w se o e r g - an nee e; re urn s s

    to left-hand needle in turned position and

    knit them together through the back loops.

    (1 st decreased)


    1 x 1 Rib: (multiple of 2 sts + 1)

    Row 1: K1 *p1, k1; rep from * across.

    Row 2: Knit the knit sts and purl the purl sts as

    they face you.

    Rep Row 2 for 1 x 1 Rib.

    Stockinette Stitch (St st): Knit on RS, purl on WS.

    Garter Stitch (Gtr st): Knit every row.

    2 x 2 Check: (multiple of 4 sts +2)

    See Chart.

    rc es a ern: s pane

    ee ar .

    Three Needle Bind Off Method: Slip the sts

    on o eac o ou e po n e nee es;

    with the RS of garment pieces together (to

    form ridge on inside of garment), hold the

    needles parallel. With a third needle knit the

    rs s o ron an ac nee es oge er,

    knit next st from each needle together, (2 sts

    on right-hand needle), BO one st; rep from *

    until all sts are BO.

    Classic Elite YarnsRena ssance Baby Booties

    2007Classic Elite Yarn 122 Western Avenue Lowell, MA 01851This pattern is specifically for private use only. All commercial uses involving reproduction of this pattern or duplication of this garment isprohibited unless specifically licensed in writing by copyright owner.


    u : s ng o or , s s oosey.

    Change to MC and Begin 1 x 1 Rib; workeven for 18 rows, end WS row. Change to St

    t: (RS) Work 4 rows, and at the same time

    inc 1 st at center of first row 28 sts. ns ep:

    Row 1: K19, turn. Row 2: P10. Row 3: K10. Rep

    Rows 2 and 3 once, work row 2 once, end WS

    row. (RS) Begin Arches Pattern; work 8 rows.

    ape oe: (RS) K1, ssk, k4, k2tog, k1 8 sts

    rem. Break yarn. Foot: With RS facing, rejoin

    yarn at Cuff edge and knit 9 Cuff sts, pick

    up an n s s a ong r g e ge o ns ep,

    knit 8 Toe sts, pick up and knit 12 sts along left

    edge of instep, knit 9 Cuff sts 50 sts. Change

    o Color A; (WS) Purl 2 rows. (WS) Begin 2

    x ec ; wor rows, en row. o e:

    Change to Color A; (WS) purl 1 row. Changeo Gtr St: (RS) Row 1: K1, ssk, k18, k2tog, k4,

    sk, k18, k2tog, k1 46 sts rem. Row 2 and all

    rows: n . ow : , ss , 6, og, ,

    sk, k16, k2tog, k1 42 sts rem. Row 5: K1, ssk,

    k14, k2tog, k4, ssk, k14, k2tog, k138 sts rem.

    Row 7: K1, ssk, k12, k2tog, k4, ssk, k12, k2tog,

    s s rem. ow : n .


    Divide sts evenly onto two dpn; hold right sides

    together and join using Three Needle Bind

    Off Method. Sew up back of Bootie, keep-

    ing in mind that the Cuff will be folded over.

    Sample knit by Edith Murphy.


    approx approximately

    n o

    CO cast on

    dpn double pointed needles

    r s Garter Stitch

    inc increase

    k knit

    og see Special Terms

    MC main color

    p pur

    rem remain(ning)

    ep repeat

    r g s e

    ssk see Special Terms

    st(s) stitch(es)

    s Stockinette Stitch

    WS wrong side

    Work all sts in Fair Isle Stockinette Stitch

    Main Color (MC) 7135 Celery

    Color B 7124 Giotto Grape

    Color C7102 Sicilian Sun


    2 x 2 Check Chart

    (multiple of 4 sts + 2; 2 rows)

    4 st rep

    6 5 4 3 2 1

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1








    Arches Chart

    (10 st panel; 8 rows)