Baas Crimes DAVIDSON

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As of July 14, 2010 and upon an Order handed down by Magistrate Elizabeth Mattingly, Hamilton County acknowledged lack of Jurisdictional Ability in these matters, and has only accepted jurisdiction over Melissa Davidson, and William Andrew Davidson regarding Divorce proceedings in these matters, at this date/time having constituted a bifurcated action, whereupon Hamilton County denies jurisdiction over Megan Davidson

CORRUPT ACTIVITY2923.01 [Effective Until 3/24/2011] Conspiracy.(A) No person, with purpose to commit or to promote or facilitate the commission of aggravated murder, murder, kidnapping, compelling prostitution, promoting prostitution, aggravated arson, arson, aggravated robbery, robbery, aggravated burglary, burglary, engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity, corrupting another with drugs, a felony drug trafficking, manufacturing, processing, or possession offense, theft of drugs, or illegal processing of drug documents, the commission of a felony offense of unauthorized use of a vehicle, illegally transmitting multiple commercial electronic mail messages or unauthorized access of a computer in violation of section 2923.421 of the Revised Code, or the commission of a violation of any provision of Chapter 3734. of the Revised Code, other than section 3734.18 of the Revised Code, that relates to hazardous wastes, shall do either of the following:

On March 11., 2010 William Andrew Davidson filed Motion/Affidavit for waiver of filing fees due to Indigent Status, acknowledged BY the court, by its action of allowing proceedings without fee from this point forth, THEN again on November 29., 2010 an entry by Judge Elizabeth Mattingly reaffirmed both party's states of Indigent status.

On March 30th, 2010 Patricia Baas did perpetrate Extortion, Intimidation, Criminal Coercion, within the action of Racketeering whereupon whilst HOLDING MEGAN DAVIDSON hostage by Legal Durress, and making Threats to William Andrew Davidson...Alluding allegations of neglect against William Andrew Davidson that are not subject matter, alluding that Megan is not happy with William Andrew Davidson, dominating the conversation in attempt to place W.A.D under duress...William Andrew Davidson Requests uncontested divorce, and attempts neutrality as to shared parenting, whereupon P.B. Requests he email her, rather than discussing the issue at hand, insuring the divide and conquer needed to complete her next schemes against this family. Offering William Andrew Davidson Supervised visitation, KNOWING he has done nothing wrong, in attempt to garner consent agreement by ALLUDING he has committed a crime, without a crime having been committed...within eight minutes, P.B. Begins making threats to William Andrew Davidson Whereupon she REMOVES his Parenting Time by threat placed upon him upon action of duress...then TELLS HIM, via threat, that he either AGREES or she will continue and he will NOT see his daughter, by action of extortion/blackmail/racketeering using MEGAN as HOSTAGE within what appears to be Piracy...corralling William Andrew Davidson Mentally into agreeing to her Pre-determined outcome, with a result of her original offer, with a sigh of relief that William Andrew Davidson is BEING ALLOWED to have ANY time with his daughter, after having been threatened with COMPLETE and

TOTAL loss of PARENTING TIME OR agreeing with said offer...THEN has the audacity to reprimand William Andrew Davidson For his use of audio and video devices to PROTECT him self from falling victim as Prey to this Predator, acting under Color of Law as an officer of This Court. On October 1, 2010 Patricia Baas did allow to occur a finding by the Court that William Andrew Davidson REFUSED to pay for Melissa Davidson's medical records, upon oral testimony of her self, although acting as attorney she is fully aware that when a party is Indigent, and there is a question of matter of fact, record, and or substance, that this be maintained at the expense of the State, as to the ability to maintain Justice, as well as the Ability of the court to function... On July 8, 2010 Patricia Baas USED her client, and maintained Melissa Davidson as defendant in a MOTION to DISMISS SANCTIONS whilst practicing BLATANT extortion with Retaliatory INTENT by also Motioning for Attorney Fees and Costs, related to Sanction ability, outside of this Courts Jurisdictional Ability, whereupon using Fraud upon the Court within Corrupt activity, she maintains in view of the Court that William Andrew Davidson upon Motion for Sanction (a non-attorney) has somehow having Abused Melissa with such Petition, once again, misimprisoning William Andrew Davidson as a vexatious litigent, without subject matter, and with Void Motion to dismiss sanctions against her...Again, practicing Collusion whereupon this very subject of Sanction was also HAND DELIVERED to the Cincinnati Bar Association, and has since mysteriously disappeared, and the only evidence, being this VOID order to dismiss Sanctions, under Action of Criminal Coercion the least of Offenses against Administration of Justice, within what appears to be a Racketeering scheme perpetrated by Patrick Baas. Going so far, in her motion to request Attorney fees on behalf of her client, constituting Solicitation of Improper Compensation, by action of Criminal Coercion (alluding to a crime having been committed by William Andrew Davidson and asking This Court to lay Contempt action upon an Innocent Victim of her Fraudulent Practice w.hereby the Court acted on said motion, lodged contempt against William Andrew Davidson, maintaining he was responsible for Attorney Fees and Costs, without having found him by Evidence other than her Fraudulent Testimony, and what appears to be a childish fit, without Subject Matter, ONLY LATER to be PARTIALLY rectified, whereupon Patricia Baas allowed once again, by FRAUD and Omission for another Entity to maintain responsibility for frees and costs, via findings of Indigent status of both parties, which laid the Costs of her Corrupt actions DIRECTLY upon this Court. On July 28th., 2010 Patricia Baas did allow her client to file an emergency ex parte motion, that was DENIED by Magistrate John T. Bruewer in Butler County On July 29th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file a Motion to Set Aside Magistrates Order in Butler County, rather than motion to reconsider, as is correct according to court procedure, creating vexatious litigation, and abuse of process. (now Implicating full KNOWLEDGE of her client's actions, regardless of attempt to employ Clean Hands Doctrine whilst making it appear that Melissa Davidson was the vexatious party, maintaining Inefficient Counsel, and allowing a suspected adult in need of services, and irresponsible Innocent as per crime of Complicity definition. Using sham legal process to extrapolate her own client, whilst obstructing Justice, and practicing what appears to be racketeering, whereupon Criminal Coercion is displayed by practice, using subtle threats, and innuendo to infer that William Andrew Davidson has committed a crime, where none exists. (the child in question, ONE was not under Jurisdiction of Hamilton County as of July 14, 2010, AND Megan Davidson was not set to

begin going to school until on or about August 23, 2010 (leaving another vexed question as to EMERGENCY motion, maintaining that the situation is one of EMERGENCY, implicating Abuse of Process, Criminal Contempt by impeding the ability of the court to function, as well as maintaining a pattern of Corrupt behavior so egregious whilst maintaining her own sick and twisted agenda, she is not only failing her client, failing this court, but she is failing ALL real victims of domestic violence that could otherwise be served by use of the Safety of this Court, and all legal Procedures maintained to SAVE them from befalling REAL perpetrators of Crimes against them, and or their children. Not to mention that due to Melissa Davidson's confirmed mental illnesses, which is at least REQUIRING her REPRESENTATION to work to the best of her ABILITY to PROTECT Melissa, Patricia Baas is seemingly on a quest to extort not only William Andrew Davidson via Abuse of Process, and all other Actions, but appears to be extorting an Adult in Need of Services, by fraudulent means, and actions, using their shared child as a pawn, held hostage by Fraud upon this court, and all parties involved, including Megan Davidson, whose wishes have been maintained on record to be done with this fiasco. Patricia Baas has maintained a pattern of Corrupt behavior whereby her client believes that William Andrew Davidson is responsible for the majority of Litigation, however, every Action besides ONE petition for CPO and the initial Divorce Petition has been in Defense against NUMEROUS fraudulent claims facilitated by Patricia Baas and her client, known to be mentally disabled, whereupon Melissa Davidson has gone from a wife/mother willing to attempt reconciliation with William Andrew Davidson, with William Andrew Davidson willing to work WITH Melissa Davidson and help her work through her mental disability to his own detriment having been assaulted, having had his teenage daughter from a previous marriage assaulted by Melissa during one of her episodes whereby she had failed to maintain her prescribed medications, and or therapy needed to maintain a healthy mental state, whereupon she IS capable of taking care of her self, and their shared child, HOWEVER, Patricia Baas has established a pattern of Victimizing her client to the extent that Melissa Davidson believes that all of her problems, and or mental disability hasve been Caused by William Andrew Davidson however, on RECORD with Hamilton County is the Initial child protection reports from 2005 whereupon Melissa was KNOWN by the Court, and her Representation to have had a long standing mental disability far at least that many years, and in FACT, during that horrific time for this family Melissa had shown a pattern of suicidal idealization, on at Least four occasions in the preceding two years, suggesting ongoing mental health issues, perhaps dating back to her childhood, whereupon she was made the victim of sexual abuse (as per her claims to her then Husband, William Andrew Davidson) , as well as suffering at the hands of bullies throughout high-school, whereupon she presents as a very shy, quiet, timid female without ability to realize her self, and her potential as a human being. When William Andrew Davidson met Melissa he felt endeared as her Protector of sorts, due to her shyness, but watched her grow whilst they were together into a slightly more assertive individual, until the incidents in 2005 which were preceded by the death of her biological father whom she had recently learned of, having been lied to by her mother and told that her Step-Father had been her biological father, which was traumatic enough to prompt a down-word turn as to Melissa's mental state, whilst William Andrew Davidson watched on, helpless, whilst she spun so far out of control, that she began having delusion as to having been the victim of assault so egregious she claimed he had broken her arm, then recanted, and was so delusional at one point, she made claims that her own mother, and or significant other (report states Megan's Maternal Grandparents) were making Megan and her self, eat and drink poison, after alleging that Megal had been physically, and sexually abused by Several family members...on this occasion Melissa was remanded for a 72 hour psychiatric hold.

On July 30, 2010 Patricia Baas did allow Melissa Davidson to file Petition for Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order (CPO) (after July 14, 2010 whereupon Hamilton County denied JURISDICTION over Megan Davidson , in ATTEMPT to fraudulently maintain jurisdiction over Megan Davidson in Hamilton County, in BLATANT disregard to Judicial Order, constituting Contempt of Court, Fraud upon the Court, whilst having KNOWLEDGE that upon impending expiration of a CPO one must motion for extension within fourteen days of expiration, HOWEVER Patricia Baas instead set out on a journey of Vexatious Litigation, practicing Abuse of Process, and a myriad of other Offenses Against Justice and Public Administration. On August 17, 2010 Patricia Baas did file motion for contempt against William Andrew Davidson for failure to comply with the ex parte TEMORARY CPO issued by the Court on July 30, 2010 in Hamilton County, again attempting to FORCE this court to maintain Jurisdiction after this Court had already denied jurisdiction over Megan Davidson, HAVING KNOWLEDGE that the hearing on August 16, 2010 , was taken UNDER ADVISEMENT, and no FULL CPO had been issued , although this is what she maintained in Hamilton County...although by this time, there had been one CPO denied in Butler County, by Judge Bruewer,

On August 25, 2010 Magistrate Bruewer issued order for Butler County Children's Services to facilitate a home/parenting evaluation (Social Summary) on both parties...which was completed on September 21, 2010 however, not given to either party until December, PROMPTING William Andrew Davidson not only to defend against Melissa's and Patricia Baas allegations, but to once again attempt to PROTECT their shared child, due to various OMMISSIONS within the report, failure of Patricia and her client to be forthcoming in regards to Melissa's mental disability, and once again, maintaining that William Andrew Davidson is the aggressor in this situation, whilst maintaining that her client is the Victim of Vexatious this time, William Andrew Davidson caused action of Subpoena whereupon Patricia Baas not only attempted to Quash said Subpoena at detriment to the child involved, and the REASON this Court (Butler County) is maintaining Jurisdiction and ORDERED aforementioned Evaluation of BOTH parents to insure Megan Davidson's safety...Patricia Baas went so far as to make WILLFUL contact by WRITTEN instrument to AT LEAST one WITNESS so subpoenaed, constituting yet again, Tampering With Evidence, Intimidation, Fraud upon the Court, Criminal Contempt, Obstruction of Justice, Obstructing Official Business, whilst using Sham Legal Process, and a myriad of other offenses, against this Court, the entire Legal Community, and general public at large within now, an extremely noticeable, and prevalent pattern of corrupt behavior not only unbecoming of an officer of this Court, but of ANY citizen within the realms of natural Society as a whole, making her an imminent, hostile, aggressive, contentious, malevolent, malignant and repugnant member of society, appearing to Prey upon the weakest and or most vulnerable members of our once believed to be quiet, safe, secure Hamlets prior to having been exposed to such a vile individual capable of such atrocities upon not only William Andrew, and Melissa Davidson, but upon an innocent child, now within the context of such aggression wrought by this Corrupt, soul-less being, forced to watch this play out, as Patricia Baas maintains her own client in a state of constant anxiety, mistrust, apprehension, causing such aggressive behavior as seen this past summer, whereupon back to back, there were numerous Fraudulent Emergency temporary CPOs sought by Melissa without cause, although likely caused by Constant reminder of Patricia Baas that Someone was out to get her, FORCING via Fraud, actions performed by an Innocent, Adult in Need of Services.

On August 18th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file an affidavit in HAMILTON COUNTY upon a Motion for ex parte emergency order regarding school placement On August 18th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file a motion for ex parte emergency order regarding school placement in BUTLER county, maintaining an allegation in a previous fraudulent ex parte CPO to obtain an exparte order of Butler County on emergency basis to enroll Megan Davidson in Melissa Davidson's district as a Protected Person, after a Consent agreement had expired, posing a vexed question, as well as Abuse of Process, using back to back emergency ex parte motions to facilitate this order, although the previous CPO motion had not been heard, and this was not included within the original motion...also alleging that William Andrew Davidson was in Contempt of that order, although an order did not yet exist, constituting Criminal Coercion, whereby Patricia Baas actions resulted in the laying of Coercive action upon William Andrew Davidson, and Megan Davidson was enrolled in Melissa's district, also maintaining Fraud upon the Court

On August 19 ., 2010 Judge Kathleen D. Romans entered Judgement/Entry on motion to set aside Magistrate's order, maintaining the motion is NOT well taken, and DENIED at 10:09 a.m. In Butler County, Ohio, regarding the CPO Motion on July 29, 2010 .

(August 19, 2010) THEN at 10:46 a.m. In Butler County, OH, Patricia Baas did allow Melissa Davidson to Motion for Emergency Ex Parte Order naming again, Megan Davidson as a VICTIM, having been DENIED CPO forty six minutes prior on the SAME claim, by Kathleen D. Romans, whereby Judge Breuewer Ordered temporary emergency orders upon yet another fraudulent claim, using Megan as a pawn in this game of extortion/intimidation/criminal coercion, and kidnapping by Fraud upon the court.

On August 23, 2010 Patricia Baas caused by her own Actions, pertaining to Criminal Contempt and Fraud upon this Court, Judge Kathleen Romans to INFER that an EMERGENCY existed regarding Megan Davidson, as a Protected Minor, through the use of NUMEROUS fraudulent Ex Parte EMERGENCY motions, whereupon Consensus Reality had been created to the extent that Judge Romans felt the need to protect Megan Davidson from her Father, without so noted, within the following incident, whereupon Magistrate Kathy King VACATES the CPO, DENYING the CPO, which is the final of the summer of hell Facilitated by the Actions of Patricia Baas, whereupon in action of Corruption, this Monster, perpetrating all manner of crime against this Family, including an adult in need of service, and a minor child, SUCCEEDED in fraudulently KIDNAPPING Megan Davidson, whilst also holding her Parents hostage in variant forms of duress, compulsion, and both blatant and subtle usage of extortion techniques, this family, now lies at the mercy of the steady hands of Law enforcement, in hopes that at last, Justice may be served, a child can be free from bonds of bail placed upon her and her family by Patricia Baas, and these two parents can again, enjoy their rights, maintained by Citizenship in this Great Country, KNOWN around the Globe for upholding Our Foundation, and Swiftly removing any and all forms of Corrupt Activity from our midst in Our Collective Quest to Maintain Liberty, and Justice for ALL. On August 25., 2010 Magistrate Kathy King enters a dismissal on the ex parte motion (vacating CPO, DENYING CPO) (res judicata {already been decided upon} in HAMILTON COUNTY

On August 25, 2010 Magistrate Bruewer issued order for Butler County Children's Services to facilitate a home/parenting evaluation (Social Summary) on both parties...which was completed on September 21, 2010 however, not given to either party until December, PROMPTING William Andrew Davidson not only to defend against Melissa's and Patricia Baas allegations, but to once again attempt to PROTECT their shared child, due to various OMMISSIONS within the report, failure of Patricia and her client to be forthcoming in regards to Melissa's mental disability, and once again, maintaining that William Andrew Davidson is the aggressor in this situation, whilst maintaining that her client is the Victim of Vexatious this time, William Andrew Davidson caused action of Subpoena whereupon Patricia Baas not only attempted to Quash said Subpoena at detriment to the child involved, and the REASON this Court (Butler County) is maintaining Jurisdiction and ORDERED aforementioned Evaluation of BOTH parents to insure Megan Davidson's safety...Patricia Baas went so far as to make WILLFUL contact by WRITTEN instrument to AT LEAST one WITNESS so subpoenaed, constituting yet again, Tampering With Evidence, Intimidation, Fraud upon the Court, Criminal Contempt, Obstruction of Justice, Obstructing Official Business, whilst using Sham Legal Process, and a myriad of other offenses, against this Court, the entire Legal Community, and general public at large within now, an extremely noticeable, and prevalent pattern of corrupt behavior not only unbecoming of an officer of this Court, but of ANY citizen within the realms of natural Society as a whole, making her an imminent, hostile, aggressive, contentious, malevolent, malignant and repugnant member of society, appearing to Prey upon the weakest and or most vulnerable members of our once believed to be quiet, safe, secure Hamlets prior to having been exposed to such a vile individual capable of such atrocities upon not only William Andrew, and Melissa Davidson, but upon an innocent child, now within the context of such aggression wrought by this Corrupt, soul-less being, forced to watch this play out, as Patricia Baas maintains her own client in a state of constant anxiety, mistrust, apprehension, causing such aggressive behavior as seen this past summer, whereupon back to back, there were numerous Fraudulent Emergency temporary CPOs sought by Melissa without cause, although likely caused by Constant reminder of Patricia Baas that Someone was out to get her, FORCING via Fraud, actions performed by an Innocent, Adult in Need of Services. Butler County Children's Services CLOSES their Investigation on September 27, default upon Action of BCCS , and DIRECTLY and indirectly due to Miss Baas' Corrupt Activities BCCS appears to be maintaining that Melissa is without mental disability, having not been provided any Pertinent mental health records, or diagnosis, and relying on yet another set of Actions set in motion by Patricia Baas, whereupon rather than the Original experts having been witness to Melissa's episodes and actual mental ability, Miss Baas appears to have handpicked within fraudulent practice a NEW set of experts having at best seen Melissa a handful of times, at the Convenience of Miss Baas, and outside of any Problematic mental state, whereupon all of a sudden Melissa Davidson is now with diagnosis to match Baas' coaching, inferring, promoting, insisting and otherwise grooming techniques, normally seen in the context of psychopathy within child sexual Predation practice, whereupon the Perpetrators of such atrocity, objectifies their victims to maintain material and equitable title as to states of Control, and subjugation of the most frail, meek, and requiring that Village mentality, whereupon it is Human nature to surround and Protect such members of our herd rather than pick them off for what appears to be some type of entertainment value, combined with the revenue being generated through Victim Compensation Funds, and the yet more sinister action of not only extorting this family in all facets, extorting not ONE disabled individual on limited income, but William Andrew Davidson is also receiving Social Security Disability due to having been a type 1 diabetic for 33 years of his life, without realizing what was the cause of such as the severe neuropathy and other adverse effects of having gone

undiagnosed for so long...But, all in all, one must constantly remained focused on Miss Baas' egregious actions, upon the child involved in this case...the SUBJECT of this case, seeking, through her Father, Protections offered by the Court, and finding nothing but Impediment after Impediment in perpetual, habitual, and malicious action by Patricia Baas, not only maintaining this fraud upon the Court, and Community at large, but by Actively and with viscous intent, and reprehensible and a moral actions have denied this child, not only her father, and a mentally healthy mother, but Justice, which is the Foundation of not only This Court, our Community, but our entire Nation....

2923.03 Complicity.(A) No person, acting with the kind of culpability required for the commission of an offense, shall do any of the following: (1) Solicit or procure another to commit the offense; (2) Aid or abet another in committing the offense; (3) Conspire with another to commit the offense in violation of section 2923.01 of the Revised Code; (4) Cause an innocent or irresponsible person to commit the offense.

On July 28th., 2010 Patricia Baas did allow her client to file an emergency ex parte motion, that was DENIED by Magistrate John T. Bruewer in Butler County

On July 30, 2010 Patricia Baas did allow Melissa Davidson to file Petition for Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order (CPO) (after July 14, 2010 whereupon Hamilton County denied JURISDICTION over Megan Davidson , in ATTEMPT to fraudulently maintain jurisdiction over Megan Davidson in Hamilton County, in BLATANT disregard to Judicial Order, constituting Contempt of Court, Fraud upon the Court, whilst having KNOWLEDGE that upon impending expiration of a CPO one must motion for extension within fourteen days of expiration, HOWEVER Patricia Baas instead set out on a journey of Vexatious Litigation, practicing Abuse of Process, and a myriad of other Offenses Against Justice and Public Administration.

On August 18th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file an affidavit in HAMILTON COUNTY upon a Motion for ex parte emergency order regarding school placement On August 18th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file a motion for ex parte emergency order regarding school placement in BUTLER county, maintaining an allegation in a previous fraudulent ex parte CPO to obtain an ex parte order of Butler County on emergency basis to enroll Megan Davidson in Melissa Davidson's district as a Protected Person, after a Consent agreement had expired, posing a vexed question, as well as Abuse of Process, using back to back emergency ex parte motions to facilitate this order, although the previous CPO motion had not been heard, and this was not included within the original motion...also alleging that William Andrew Davidson was in Contempt of that order, although an order did not yet exist, constituting Criminal Coercion, whereby Patricia Baas actions resulted in the laying of Coercive action upon William Andrew Davidson, and Megan Davidson was enrolled in

Melissa's district, also maintaining Fraud upon the Court

On August 19 ., 2010 Judge Kathleen D. Romans entered Judgement/Entry on motion to set aside Magistrate's order, maintaining the motion is NOT well taken, and DENIED at 10:09 a.m. In Butler County, Ohio, regarding the CPO Motion on July 29, 2010 .

THEN at 10:46 a.m. In Butler County, OH, Patricia Baas did allow Melissa Davidson to Motion for Emergency Ex Parte Order naming again, Megan Davidson as a VICTIM, having been DENIED CPO forty six minutes prior on the SAME claim, by Kathleen D. Romans, whereby Judge Breuewer Ordered temporary emergency orders upon yet another fraudulent claim, using Megan as a pawn in this game of extortion/intimidation/criminal coercion, and kidnapping by Fraud upon the court.

On August 25., 2010 Magistrate Kathy King enters a dismissal on the ex parte motion (vacating CPO, DENYING CPO)

On Autust 25, 2010 Magistrate Bruewer issued order for Butler County Children's Services to facilitate a home/parenting evaluation (Social Summary) on both parties...which was completed on September 21, 2010 however, not given to either party until December, PROMPTING William Andrew Davidson not only to defend against Melissa's and Patricia Baas allegations, but to once again attempt to PROTECT their shared child, due to various OMMISSIONS within the report, failure of Patricia and her client to be forthcoming in regards to Melissa's mental disability, and once again, maintaining that William Andrew Davidson is the aggressor in this situation, whilst maintaining that her client is the Victim of Vexatious this time, William Andrew Davidson caused action of Subpoena whereupon Patricia Baas not only attempted to Quash said Subpoena at detriment to the child involved, and the REASON this Court (Butler County) is maintaining Jurisdiction and ORDERED aforementioned Evaluation of BOTH parents to insure Megan Davidson's safety...Patricia Baas went so far as to make WILLFUL contact by WRITTEN instrument to AT LEAST one WITNESS so subpoenaed, constituting yet again, Tampering With Evidence, Intimidation, Fraud upon the Court, Criminal Contempt, Obstruction of Justice, Obstructing Official Business, whilst using Sham Legal Process, and a myriad of other offenses, against this Court, the entire Legal Community, and general public at large within now, an extremely noticeable, and prevalent pattern of corrupt behavior not only unbecoming of an officer of this Court, but of ANY citizen within the realms of natural Society as a whole, making her an imminent, hostile, aggressive, contentious, malevolent, malignant and repugnant member of society, appearing to Prey upon the weakest and or most vulnerable members of our once believed to be quiet, safe, secure Hamlets prior to having been exposed to such a vile individual capable of such atrocities upon not only William Andrew, and Melissa Davidson, but upon an innocent child, now within the context of such aggression wrought by this Corrupt, soul-less being, forced to watch this play out, as Patricia Baas maintains her own client in a state of constant anxiety, mistrust, apprehension, causing such aggressive behavior as seen this past summer, whereupon back to back, there were numerous Fraudulent Emergency temporary CPOs sought by Melissa without cause, although likely caused by Constant reminder of Patricia Baas that Someone was out to get her, FORCING via Fraud, actions performed by an Innocent, Adult in Need of Services.

Butler County Children's Services CLOSES their Investigation on September 27, default upon Action of BCCS , and DIRECTLY and indirectly due to Miss Baas' Corrupt Activities BCCS appears to be maintaining that Melissa is without mental disability, having not been provided any Pertinent mental health records, or diagnosis, and relying on yet another set of Actions set in motion by Patricia Baas, whereupon rather than the Original experts having been witness to Melissa's episodes and actual mental ability, Miss Baas appears to have handpicked within fraudulent practice a NEW set of experts having at best seen Melissa a handful of times, at the Convenience of Miss Baas, and outside of any Problematic mental state, whereupon all of a sudden Melissa Davidson is now with diagnosis to match Baas' coaching, inferring, promoting, insisting and otherwise grooming techniques, normally seen in the context of psychopathy within child sexual Predation practice, whereupon the Perpetrators of such atrocity, objectifies their victims to maintain material and equitable title as to states of Control, and subjugation of the most frail, meek, and requiring that Village mentality, whereupon it is Human nature to surround and Protect such members of our herd rather than pick them off for what appears to be some type of entertainment value, combined with the revenue being generated through Victim Compensation Funds, and the yet more sinister action of not only extorting this family in all facets, extorting not ONE disabled individual on limited income, but William Andrew Davidson is also receiving Social Security Disability due to having been a type 1 diabetic for 33 years of his life, without realizing what was the cause of such as the severe neuropathy and other adverse effects of having gone undiagnosed for so long...But, all in all, one must constantly remained focused on Miss Baas' egregious actions, upon the child involved in this case...the SUBJECT of this case, seeking, through her Father, Protections offered by the Court, and finding nothing but Impediment after Impediment in perpetual, habitual, and malicious action by Patricia Baas, not only maintaining this fraud upon the Court, and Community at large, but by Actively and with viscous intent, and reprehensible and a moral actions have denied this child, not only her father, and a mentally healthy mother, but Justice, which is the Foundation of not only This Court, our Community, but our entire Nation....

Chapter 2921: OFFENSES AGAINST JUSTICE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION2921.01 Offenses against justice and public administration general definitions.As used in sections 2921.01 to 2921.45 of the Revised Code:

2921.03 Intimidation.(A) No person, knowingly and by force, by unlawful threat of harm to any person or property, or by filing, recording, or otherwise using a materially false or fraudulent writing with malicious purpose, in bad faith, or in a wanton or reckless manner, shall attempt to influence, intimidate, or hinder a public servant , party official, or witness in the discharge of the persons duty. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of intimidation, a felony of the third degree.

(C) A person who violates this section is liable in a civil action to any person harmed by the violation for injury, death, or loss to person or property incurred as a result of the commission of the offense and for reasonable attorneys fees, court costs, and other expenses incurred as a result of prosecuting the civil action commenced under this division. A civil action under this division is not the exclusive remedy of a person who incurs injury, death, or loss to person or property as a result of a violation of this section.

On March 30th, 2010 Patricia Baas did perpetrate Extortion, Intimidation, Criminal Coercion, within the action of Racketeering whereupon whilst HOLDING MEGAN DAVIDSON hostage by Legal Durress, and making Threats to William Andrew Davidson...Alluding allegations of neglect against William Andrew Davidson that are not subject matter, alluding that Megan is not happy with William Andrew Davidson, dominating the conversation in attempt to place W.A.D under duress...William Andrew Davidson Requests uncontested divorce, and attempts neutrality as to shared parenting, whereupon P.B. Requests he email her, rather than discussing the issue at hand, insuring the divide and conquer needed to complete her next schemes against this family. Offering William Andrew Davidson Supervised visitation, KNOWING he has done nothing wrong, in attempt to garner consent agreement by ALLUDING he has committed a crime, without a crime having been committed...within eight minutes, P.B. Begins making threats to William Andrew Davidson Whereupon she REMOVES his Parenting Time by threat placed upon him upon action of duress...then TELLS HIM, via threat, that he either AGREES or she will continue and he will NOT see his daughter, by action of extortion/blackmail/racketeering using MEGAN as HOSTAGE within what appears to be Piracy...corralling William Andrew Davidson Mentally into agreeing to her Pre-determined outcome, with a result of her original offer, with a sigh of relief that William Andrew Davidson is BEING ALLOWED to have ANY time with his daughter, after having been threatened with COMPLETE and TOTAL loss of PARENTING TIME OR agreeing with said offer...THEN has the audacity to reprimand William Andrew Davidson For his use of audio and video devices to PROTECT him self from falling victim as Prey to this Predator, acting under Color of Law as an officer of This Court. On Autust 25, 2010 Magistrate Bruewer issued order for Butler County Children's Services to facilitate a home/parenting evaluation (Social Summary) on both parties...which was completed on September 21, 2010 however, not given to either party until December, PROMPTING William Andrew Davidson not only to defend against Melissa's and Patricia Baas allegations, but to once again attempt to PROTECT their shared child, due to various OMMISSIONS within the report, failure of Patricia and her client to be forthcoming in regards to Melissa's mental disability, and once again, maintaining that William Andrew Davidson is the aggressor in this situation, whilst maintaining that her client is the Victim of Vexatious this time, William Andrew Davidson caused action of Subpoena whereupon Patricia Baas not only attempted to Quash said Subpoena at detriment to the child involved, and the REASON this Court (Butler County) is maintaining Jurisdiction and ORDERED aforementioned Evaluation of BOTH parents to insure Megan Davidson's safety...Patricia Baas went so far as to make WILLFUL contact by WRITTEN instrument to AT LEAST one WITNESS so subpoenaed, constituting yet again, Tampering With Evidence, Intimidation, Fraud upon the Court, Criminal Contempt, Obstruction of Justice, Obstructing Official Business, whilst using Sham Legal Process, and a myriad of other offenses, against this Court, the entire Legal Community, and general public at large within now, an extremely noticeable, and prevalent pattern of corrupt behavior not only unbecoming of an officer of this Court, but of ANY citizen within the realms of natural Society as a

whole, making her an imminent, hostile, aggressive, contentious, malevolent, malignant and repugnant member of society, appearing to Prey upon the weakest and or most vulnerable members of our once believed to be quiet, safe, secure Hamlets prior to having been exposed to such a vile individual capable of such atrocities upon not only William Andrew, and Melissa Davidson, but upon an innocent child, now within the context of such aggression wrought by this Corrupt, soul-less being, forced to watch this play out, as Patricia Baas maintains her own client in a state of constant anxiety, mistrust, apprehension, causing such aggressive behavior as seen this past summer, whereupon back to back, there were numerous Fraudulent Emergency temporary CPOs sought by Melissa without cause, although likely caused by Constant reminder of Patricia Baas that Someone was out to get her, FORCING via Fraud, actions performed by an Innocent, Adult in Need of Services. On July 29th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file a Motion to Set Aside Magistrates Order in Butler County, rather than motion to reconsider, as is correct according to court procedure, creating vexatious litigation, and abuse of process. (now Implicating full KNOWLEDGE of her client's actions, regardless of attempt to employ Clean Hands Doctrine whilst making it appear that Melissa Davidson was the vexatious party, maintaining Inefficient Counsel, and allowing a suspected adult in need of services, and irresponsible Innocent as per crime of Complicity definition. Using sham legal process to extrapolate her own client, whilst obstructing Justice, and practicing what appears to be racketeering, whereupon Criminal Coercion is displayed by practice, using subtle threats, and innuendo to infer that William Andrew Davidson has committed a crime, where none exists. (the child in question, ONE was not under Jurisdiction of Hamilton County as of July 14, 2010, AND Megan Davidson was not set to begin going to school until on or about August 23, 2010 (leaving another vexed question as to EMERGENCY motion, maintaining that the situation is one of EMERGENCY, implicating Abuse of Process, Criminal Contempt by impeding the ability of the court to function, as well as maintaining a pattern of Corrupt behavior so egregious whilst maintaining her own sick and twisted agenda, she is not only failing her client, failing this court, but she is failing ALL real victims of domestic violence that could otherwise be served by use of the Safety of this Court, and all legal Procedures maintained to SAVE them from befalling REAL perpetrators of Crimes against them, and or their children. Not to mention that due to Melissa Davidson's confirmed mental illnesses, which is at least REQUIRING her REPRESENTATION to work to the best of her ABILITY to PROTECT Melissa, Patricia Baas is seemingly on a quest to extort not only William Andrew Davidson via Abuse of Process, and all other Actions, but appears to be extorting an Adult in Need of Services, by fraudulent means, and actions, using their shared child as a pawn, held hostage by Fraud upon this court, and all parties involved, including Megan Davidson, whose wishes have been maintained on record to be done with this fiasco. Patricia Baas has maintained a pattern of Corrupt behavior whereby her client believes that William Andrew Davidson is responsible for the majority of Litigation, however, every Action besides ONE petition for CPO and the initial Divorce Petition has been in Defense against NUMEROUS fraudulent claims facilitated by Patricia Baas and her client, known to be mentally disabled, whereupon Melissa Davidson has gone from a wife/mother willing to attempt reconciliation with William Andrew Davidson, with William Andrew Davidson willing to work WITH Melissa Davidson and help her work through her mental disability to his own detriment having been assaulted, having had his teenage daughter from a previous marriage assaulted by Melissa during one of her episodes whereby she had failed to maintain her prescribed medications, and or therapy needed to maintain a healthy mental state, whereupon she IS capable of taking care of her self, and their shared child, HOWEVER, Patricia Baas has established a pattern of Victimizing her client to the extent that Melissa Davidson believes that all of her problems, and or mental disability hasve been Caused by William Andrew Davidson however, on

RECORD with Hamilton County is the Initial child protection reports from 2005 whereupon Melissa was KNOWN by the Court, and her Representation to have had a long standing mental disability far at least that many years, and in FACT, during that horrific time for this family Melissa had shown a pattern of suicidal idealization, on at Least four occasions in the preceding two years, suggesting ongoing mental health issues, perhaps dating back to her childhood, whereupon she was made the victim of sexual abuse (as per her claims to her then Husband, William Andrew Davidson) , as well as suffering at the hands of bullies throughout high-school, whereupon she presents as a very shy, quiet, timid female without ability to realize her self, and her potential as a human being. When William Andrew Davidson met Melissa he felt endeared as her Protector of sorts, due to her shyness, but watched her grow whilst they were together into a slightly more assertive individual, until the incidents in 2005 which were preceded by the death of her biological father whom she had recently learned of, having been lied to by her mother and told that her Step-Father had been her biological father, which was traumatic enough to prompt a down-word turn as to Melissa's mental state, whilst William Andrew Davidson watched on, helpless, whilst she spun so far out of control, that she began having delusion as to having been the victim of assault so egregious she claimed he had broken her arm, then recanted, and was so delusional at one point, she made claims that her own mother, and or significant other (report states Megan's Maternal Grandparents) were making Megan and her self, eat and drink poison, after alleging that Megal had been physically, and sexually abused by Several family members...on this occasion Melissa was remanded for a 72 hour psychiatric hold. On July 30, 2010 Patricia Baas did allow Melissa Davidson to file Petition for Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order (CPO) (after July 14, 2010 whereupon Hamilton County denied JURISDICTION over Megan Davidson , in ATTEMPT to fraudulently maintain jurisdiction over Megan Davidson in Hamilton County, in BLATANT disregard to Judicial Order, constituting Contempt of Court, Fraud upon the Court, whilst having KNOWLEDGE that upon impending expiration of a CPO one must motion for extension within fourteen days of expiration, HOWEVER Patricia Baas instead set out on a journey of Vexatious Litigation, practicing Abuse of Process, and a myriad of other Offenses Against Justice and Public Administration.

On August 18th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file a motion for ex parte emergency order regarding school placement in BUTLER county, maintaining an allegation in a previous fraudulent ex parte CPO to obtain an exparte order of Butler County on emergency basis to enroll Megan Davidson in Melissa Davidson's district as a Protected Person, after a Consent agreement had expired, posing a vexed question, as well as Abuse of Process, using back to back emergency ex parte motions to facilitate this order, although the previous CPO motion had not been heard, and this was not included within the original motion...also alleging that William Andrew Davidson was in Contempt of that order, although an order did not yet exist, constituting Criminal Coercion, whereby Patricia Baas actions resulted in the laying of Coercive action upon William Andrew Davidson, and Megan Davidson was enrolled in Melissa's district, also maintaining Fraud upon the Court

On August 19 ., 2010 Judge Kathleen D. Romans entered Judgment/Entry on motion to set aside Magistrate's order, maintaining the motion is NOT well taken, and DENIED at 10:09 a.m. In Butler County, Ohio, regarding the CPO Motion on July 29, 2010 .

THEN at 10:46 a.m. In Butler County, OH, Patricia Baas did allow Melissa Davidson to Motion for Emergency Ex Parte Order naming again, Megan Davidson as a VICTIM, having been DENIED CPO forty six minutes prior on the SAME claim, by Kathleen D. Romans, whereby Judge Breuewer Ordered temporary emergency orders upon yet another fraudulent claim, using Megan as a pawn in this game of extortion/intimidation/criminal coercion, and kidnapping by Fraud upon the court. On Autust 25, 2010 Magistrate Bruewer issued order for Butler County Children's Services to facilitate a home/parenting evaluation (Social Summary) on both parties...which was completed on September 21, 2010 however, not given to either party until December, PROMPTING William Andrew Davidson not only to defend against Melissa's and Patricia Baas allegations, but to once again attempt to PROTECT their shared child, due to various OMMISSIONS within the report, failure of Patricia and her client to be forthcoming in regards to Melissa's mental disability, and once again, maintaining that William Andrew Davidson is the aggressor in this situation, whilst maintaining that her client is the Victim of Vexatious this time, William Andrew Davidson caused action of Subpoena whereupon Patricia Baas not only attempted to Quash said Subpoena at detriment to the child involved, and the REASON this Court (Butler County) is maintaining Jurisdiction and ORDERED aforementioned Evaluation of BOTH parents to insure Megan Davidson's safety...Patricia Baas went so far as to make WILLFUL contact by WRITTEN instrument to AT LEAST one WITNESS so subpoenaed, constituting yet again, Tampering With Evidence, Intimidation, Fraud upon the Court, Criminal Contempt, Obstruction of Justice, Obstructing Official Business, whilst using Sham Legal Process, and a myriad of other offenses, against this Court, the entire Legal Community, and general public at large within now, an extremely noticeable, and prevalent pattern of corrupt behavior not only unbecoming of an officer of this Court, but of ANY citizen within the realms of natural Society as a whole, making her an imminent, hostile, aggressive, contentious, malevolent, malignant and repugnant member of society, appearing to Prey upon the weakest and or most vulnerable members of our once believed to be quiet, safe, secure Hamlets prior to having been exposed to such a vile individual capable of such atrocities upon not only William Andrew, and Melissa Davidson, but upon an innocent child, now within the context of such aggression wrought by this Corrupt, soul-less being, forced to watch this play out, as Patricia Baas maintains her own client in a state of constant anxiety, mistrust, apprehension, causing such aggressive behavior as seen this past summer, whereupon back to back, there were numerous Fraudulent Emergency temporary CPOs sought by Melissa without cause, although likely caused by Constant reminder of Patricia Baas that Someone was out to get her, FORCING via Fraud, actions performed upon this Innocent, Adult in Need of Services.

2921.11 Perjury.(A) No person, in any official proceeding, shall knowingly make a false statement under oath or affirmation, or knowingly swear or affirm the truth of a false statement previously made, when either statement is material. (B) A falsification is material, regardless of its admissibility in evidence, if it can affect the course or outcome of the proceeding. It is no defense to a charge under this section that the offender mistakenly believed a falsification to be immaterial. (C) It is no defense to a charge under this section that the oath or affirmation was administered or taken in an irregular manner. (D) Where contradictory statements relating to the same material fact are made by the offender under oath or affirmation and within the period of the statute of limitations for perjury, it is not necessary for

the prosecution to prove which statement was false, but only that one or the other was false. (E) No person shall be convicted of a violation of this section where proof of falsity rests solely upon contradiction by testimony of one person other than the defendant. (F) Whoever violates this section is guilty of perjury, a felony of the third degree. Effective Date: 01-01-1974

On March 11., 2010 William Andrew Davidson filed Motion/Affidavit for waiver of filing fees due to Indigent Status, acknowledged BY the court, by its action of allowing proceedings without fee from this point forth, THEN again on November 29., 2010 an entry by Judge Elizabeth Mattingly reaffirmed both party's states of Indigent status. On October 1, 2010 Patricia Baas did allow to occur a finding by the Court that William Andrew Davidson REFUSED to pay for Melissa Davidson's medical records, upon oral testimony of her self, although acting as attorney she is fully aware that when a party is Indigent, and there is a question of matter of fact, record, and or substance, that this be maintained at the expense of the State, as to the ability to maintain Justice, as well as the Ability of the court to function...

On July 28th., 2010 Patricia Baas did allow her client to file an emergency ex parte motion, that was DENIED by Magistrate John T. Bruewer in Butler County On July 29th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file a Motion to Set Aside Magistrate's order in Butler County On August 18th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file an affidavi in HAMILTON COUNTY upon a Motion for ex parte emergency order regarding school placement On July 30, 2010 Patricia Baas did allow Melissa Davidson to file Petition for Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order (CPO) in Hamilton County (after July 14, 2010 whereupon Hamilton County denied JURISDICTION over Megan Davidson , in ATTEMPT to fraudulently maintain jurisdiction over Megan Davidson in Hamilton County, in BLATANT disregard to a Judicial Order, constituting Contempt of Court, Fraud upon the Court, whilst having KNOWLEDGE that upon impending expiration of a CPO one must motion for extension within fourteen days of expiration, HOWEVER Patricia Baas instead set out on a journey of Vexatious Litigation, practicing Abuse of Process, and a myriad of other Offenses Against Justice and Public Administration.

On August 18th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file a motion for ex parte emergency order regarding school placement in BUTLER county, maintaining an allegation in a previous fraudulent ex parte CPO to obtain an exparte order of Butler County on emergency basis to enroll Megan Davidson in Melissa Davidson's district as a Protected Person, after a Consent agreement had expired, posing a vexed question, as well as Abuse of Process, using back to back emergency ex parte motions to facilitate this order, although the previous CPO motion had not been heard, and this was not included within the original motion...also alleging that William Andrew Davidson was in Contempt of that order, although an order did not yet exist, constituting Criminal Coercion, whereby Patricia Baas actions resulted in the laying of Coercive action upon William Andrew Davidson, and Megan Davidson was enrolled in Melissa's district, also maintaining Fraud upon the Court.

On August 19 ., 2010 Judge Kathleen D. Romans entered Judgement/Entry on motion to set aside Magistrate's order, maintaining the motion is NOT well taken, and DENIED at 10:09 a.m. In Butler County, Ohio, regarding the CPO Motion on July 29, 2010 .

THEN at 10:46 a.m. In Butler County, OH, Patricia Baas did allow Melissa Davidson to Motion for Emergency Ex Parte Order naming again, Megan Davidson as a VICTIM, having been DENIED CPO forty six minutes prior on the SAME claim, by Kathleen D. Romans, whereby Judge Breuewer Ordered temporary emergency orders upon yet another fraudulent claim, using Megan as a pawn in this game of extortion/intimidation/criminal coercion, and kidnapping by Fraud upon the court.

On August 25., 2010 Magistrate Kathy King enters a dismissal on the ex parte motion (vacating CPO, DENYING CPO)

Butler County Children's Services CLOSES their Investigation on September 27, default upon Action of BCCS , and DIRECTLY and indirectly due to Miss Baas' Corrupt Activities BCCS appears to be maintaining that Melissa is without mental disability, having not been provided any Pertinent mental health records, or diagnosis, and relying on yet another set of Actions set in motion by Patricia Baas, whereupon rather than the Original experts having been witness to Melissa's episodes and actual mental ability, Miss Baas appears to have handpicked within fraudulent practice a NEW set of experts having at best seen Melissa a handful of times, at the Convenience of Miss Baas, and outside of any Problematic mental state, whereupon all of a sudden Melissa Davidson is now with diagnosis to match Baas' coaching, inferring, promoting, insisting and otherwise grooming techniques, normally seen in the context of psychopathy within child sexual Predation practice, whereupon the Perpetrators of such atrocity, objectifies their victims to maintain material and equitable title as to states of Control, and subjugation of the most frail, meek, and requiring that Village mentality, whereupon it is Human nature to surround and Protect such members of our herd rather than pick them off for what appears to be some type of entertainment value, combined with the revenue being generated through Victim Compensation Funds, and the yet more sinister action of not only extorting this family in all facets, extorting not ONE disabled individual on limited income, but William Andrew Davidson is also receiving Social Security Disability due to having been a type 1 diabetic for 33 years of his life, without realizing what was the cause of such as the severe neuropathy and other adverse effects of having gone undiagnosed for so long...But, all in all, one must constantly remained focused on Miss Baas' egregious actions, upon the child involved in this case...the SUBJECT of this case, seeking, through her Father, Protections offered by the Court, and finding nothing but Impediment after Impediment in perpetual, habitual, and malicious action by Patricia Baas, not only maintaining this fraud upon the Court, and Community at large, but by Actively and with viscous intent, and reprehensible and a moral actions have denied this child, not only her father, and a mentally healthy mother, but Justice, which is the Foundation of not only This Court, our Community, but our entire Nation....

2921.12 Tampering with evidence.(A) No person, knowing that an official proceeding or investigation is in progress, or is about to be or

likely to be instituted, shall do any of the following: (1) Alter, destroy, conceal, or remove any record, document, or thing, with purpose to impair its value or availability as evidence in such proceeding or investigation; (2) Make, present, or use any record, document, or thing, knowing it to be false and with purpose to mislead a public official who is or may be engaged in such proceeding or investigation, or with purpose to corrupt the outcome of any such proceeding or investigation. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of tampering with evidence, a felony of the third degree. Effective Date: 01-01-1974

Regarding NUMEROUS attempts by Patricia Baas to RESTRAIN release of Melissa's mental health records, REQUIRED to insure the safety of not only her client, but the child involved in these proceedings, of material, substantive, and factual nature, as required in a Court of Justice On July 29th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file a Motion to Set Aside Magistrates Order in Butler County, rather than motion to reconsider, as is correct according to court procedure, creating vexatious litigation, and abuse of process. (now Implicating full KNOWLEDGE of her client's actions, regardless of attempt to employ Clean Hands Doctrine whilst making it appear that Melissa Davidson was the vexatious party, maintaining Inefficient Counsel, and allowing a suspected adult in need of services, and irresponsible Innocent as per crime of Complicity definition. Using sham legal process to extrapolate her own client, whilst obstructing Justice, and practicing what appears to be racketeering, whereupon Criminal Coercion is displayed by practice, using subtle threats, and innuendo to infer that William Andrew Davidson has committed a crime, where none exists. (the child in question, ONE was not under Jurisdiction of Hamilton County as of July 14, 2010, AND Megan Davidson was not set to begin going to school until on or about August 23, 2010 (leaving another vexed question as to EMERGENCY motion, maintaining that the situation is one of EMERGENCY, implicating Abuse of Process, Criminal Contempt by impeding the ability of the court to function, as well as maintaining a pattern of Corrupt behavior so egregious whilst maintaining her own sick and twisted agenda, she is not only failing her client, failing this court, but she is failing ALL real victims of domestic violence that could otherwise be served by use of the Safety of this Court, and all legal Procedures maintained to SAVE them from befalling REAL perpetrators of Crimes against them, and or their children. Not to mention that due to Melissa Davidson's confirmed mental illnesses, which is at least REQUIRING her REPRESENTATION to work to the best of her ABILITY to PROTECT Melissa, Patricia Baas is seemingly on a quest to extort not only William Andrew Davidson via Abuse of Process, and all other Actions, but appears to be extorting an Adult in Need of Services, by fraudulent means, and actions, using their shared child as a pawn, held hostage by Fraud upon this court, and all parties involved, including Megan Davidson, whose wishes have been maintained on record to be done with this fiasco. Patricia Baas has maintained a pattern of Corrupt behavior whereby her client believes that William Andrew Davidson is responsible for the majority of Litigation, however, every Action besides ONE petition for CPO and the initial Divorce Petition has been in Defense against NUMEROUS fraudulent claims facilitated by Patricia Baas and her client, known to be mentally disabled, whereupon Melissa Davidson has gone from a wife/mother willing to attempt reconciliation with William Andrew Davidson, with William Andrew Davidson willing to work WITH Melissa Davidson and help her work through her mental disability to his own detriment having been assaulted, having had his teenage daughter from a previous marriage assaulted by Melissa during one of her episodes whereby she had failed to maintain her prescribed medications, and or therapy needed to maintain a healthy mental state, whereupon she IS capable of taking care of her self, and their shared child, HOWEVER, Patricia Baas

has established a pattern of Victimizing her client to the extent that Melissa Davidson believes that all of her problems, and or mental disability hasve been Caused by William Andrew Davidson however, on RECORD with Hamilton County is the Initial child protection reports from 2005 whereupon Melissa was KNOWN by the Court, and her Representation to have had a long standing mental disability far at least that many years, and in FACT, during that horrific time for this family Melissa had shown a pattern of suicidal idealization, on at Least four occasions in the preceding two years, suggesting ongoing mental health issues, perhaps dating back to her childhood, whereupon she was made the victim of sexual abuse (as per her claims to her then Husband, William Andrew Davidson) , as well as suffering at the hands of bullies throughout high-school, whereupon she presents as a very shy, quiet, timid female without ability to realize her self, and her potential as a human being. When William Andrew Davidson met Melissa he felt endeared as her Protector of sorts, due to her shyness, but watched her grow whilst they were together into a slightly more assertive individual, until the incidents in 2005 which were preceded by the death of her biological father whom she had recently learned of, having been lied to by her mother and told that her Step-Father had been her biological father, which was traumatic enough to prompt a down-word turn as to Melissa's mental state, whilst William Andrew Davidson watched on, helpless, whilst she spun so far out of control, that she began having delusion as to having been the victim of assault so egregious she claimed he had broken her arm, then recanted, and was so delusional at one point, she made claims that her own mother, and or significant other (report states Megan's Maternal Grandparents) were making Megan and her self, eat and drink poison, after alleging that Megal had been physically, and sexually abused by Several family members...on this occasion Melissa was remanded for a 72 hour psychiatric hold.

On August 19 ., 2010 Judge Kathleen D. Romans entered Judgment/Entry on motion to set aside Magistrate's order, maintaining the motion is NOT well taken, and DENIED at 10:09 a.m. In Butler County, Ohio, regarding the CPO Motion on July 29, 2010 .

THEN at 10:46 a.m. In Butler County, OH, Patricia Baas did allow Melissa Davidson to Motion for Emergency Ex Parte Order naming again, Megan Davidson as a VICTIM, having been DENIED CPO forty six minutes prior on the SAME claim, by Kathleen D. Romans, whereby Judge Breuewer Ordered temporary emergency orders upon yet another fraudulent claim, using Megan as a pawn in this game of extortion/intimidation/criminal coercion, and kidnapping by Fraud upon the court. On Autust 25, 2010 Magistrate Bruewer issued order for Butler County Children's Services to facilitate a home/parenting evaluation (Social Summary) on both parties...which was completed on September 21, 2010 however, not given to either party until December, PROMPTING William Andrew Davidson not only to defend against Melissa's and Patricia Baas allegations, but to once again attempt to PROTECT their shared child, due to various OMMISSIONS within the report, failure of Patricia and her client to be forthcoming in regards to Melissa's mental disability, and once again, maintaining that William Andrew Davidson is the aggressor in this situation, whilst maintaining that her client is the Victim of Vexatious this time, William Andrew Davidson caused action of Subpoena whereupon Patricia Baas not only attempted to Quash said Subpoena at detriment to the child involved, and the REASON this Court (Butler County) is maintaining Jurisdiction and ORDERED aforementioned Evaluation of BOTH parents to insure Megan Davidson's safety...Patricia Baas went so far as to make WILLFUL contact by WRITTEN instrument to AT LEAST one WITNESS so subpoenaed, constituting yet again, Tampering With Evidence, Intimidation, Fraud upon the Court,

Criminal Contempt, Obstruction of Justice, Obstructing Official Business, whilst using Sham Legal Process, and a myriad of other offenses, against this Court, the entire Legal Community, and general public at large within now, an extremely noticeable, and prevalent pattern of corrupt behavior not only unbecoming of an officer of this Court, but of ANY citizen within the realms of natural Society as a whole, making her an imminent, hostile, aggressive, contentious, malevolent, malignant and repugnant member of society, appearing to Prey upon the weakest and or most vulnerable members of our once believed to be quiet, safe, secure Hamlets prior to having been exposed to such a vile individual capable of such atrocities upon not only William Andrew, and Melissa Davidson, but upon an innocent child, now within the context of such aggression wrought by this Corrupt, soul-less being, forced to watch this play out, as Patricia Baas maintains her own client in a state of constant anxiety, mistrust, apprehension, causing such aggressive behavior as seen this past summer, whereupon back to back, there were numerous Fraudulent Emergency temporary CPOs sought by Melissa without cause, although likely caused by Constant reminder of Patricia Baas that Someone was out to get her, FORCING via Fraud, actions performed by an Innocent, Adult in Need of Services.

Butler County Children's Services CLOSES their Investigation on September 27, default upon Action of BCCS , and DIRECTLY and indirectly due to Miss Baas' Corrupt Activities BCCS appears to be maintaining that Melissa is without mental disability, having not been provided any Pertinent mental health records, or diagnosis, and relying on yet another set of Actions set in motion by Patricia Baas, whereupon rather than the Original experts having been witness to Melissa's episodes and actual mental ability, Miss Baas appears to have handpicked within fraudulent practice a NEW set of experts having at best seen Melissa a handful of times, at the Convenience of Miss Baas, and outside of any Problematic mental state, whereupon all of a sudden Melissa Davidson is now with diagnosis to match Baas' coaching, inferring, promoting, insisting and otherwise grooming techniques, normally seen in the context of psychopathy within child sexual Predation practice, whereupon the Perpetrators of such atrocity, objectifies their victims to maintain material and equitable title as to states of Control, and subjugation of the most frail, meek, and requiring that Village mentality, whereupon it is Human nature to surround and Protect such members of our herd rather than pick them off for what appears to be some type of entertainment value, combined with the revenue being generated through Victim Compensation Funds, and the yet more sinister action of not only extorting this family in all facets, extorting not ONE disabled individual on limited income, but William Andrew Davidson is also receiving Social Security Disability due to having been a type 1 diabetic for 33 years of his life, without realizing what was the cause of such as the severe neuropathy and other adverse effects of having gone undiagnosed for so long...But, all in all, one must constantly remained focused on Miss Baas' egregious actions, upon the child involved in this case...the SUBJECT of this case, seeking, through her Father, Protections offered by the Court, and finding nothing but Impediment after Impediment in perpetual, habitual, and malicious action by Patricia Baas, not only maintaining this fraud upon the Court, and Community at large, but by Actively and with viscous intent, and reprehensible and a moral actions have denied this child, not only her father, and a mentally healthy mother, but Justice, which is the Foundation of not only This Court, our Community, but our entire Nation....

2921.14 Making or causing false report of child abuse or neglect.(A) No person shall knowingly make or cause another person to make a false report under division (B) of section 2151.421 of the Revised Code alleging that any person has committed an act or omission that resulted in a child being an abused child as defined in section 2151.031 of the Revised Code or a neglected child as defined in section 2151.03 of the Revised Code. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of making or causing a false report of child abuse or child neglect, a misdemeanor of the first degree. Effective Date: 04-11-1991

On July 28th., 2010 Patricia Baas did allow her client to file an emergency ex parte motion, that was DENIED by Magistrate John T. Bruewer in Butler County On July 29th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file a Motion to Set Aside Magistrates Order in Butler County On August 18th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file an affidavi in HAMILTON COUNTY upon a Motion for ex parte emergency order regarding school placement

On July 30, 2010 Patricia Baas did allow Melissa Davidson to file Petition for Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order (CPO) (after July 14, 2010 whereupon Hamilton County denied JURISDICTION over Megan Davidson , in ATTEMPT to fraudulently maintain jurisdiction over Megan Davidson in Hamilton County, in BLATANT disregard to Judicial Order, constituting Contempt of Court, Fraud upon the Court, whilst having KNOWLEDGE that upon impending expiration of a CPO one must motion for extension within fourteen days of expiration, HOWEVER Patricia Baas instead set out on a journey of Vexatious Litigation, practicing Abuse of Process, and a myriad of other Offenses Against Justice and Public Administration. On August 18th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file a motion for ex parte emergency order regarding school placement in BUTLER county, maintaining an allegation in a previous fraudulent ex parte CPO to obtain an exparte order of Butler County on emergency basis to enroll Megan Davidson in Melissa Davidson's district as a Protected Person, after a Consent agreement had expired, posing a vexed question, as well as Abuse of Process, using back to back emergency ex parte motions to facilitate this order, although the previous CPO motion had not been heard, and this was not included within the original motion...also alleging that William Andrew Davidson was in Contempt of that order, although an order did not yet exist, constituting Criminal Coercion, whereby Patricia Baas actions resulted in the laying of Coercive action upon William Andrew Davidson, and Megan Davidson was enrolled in Melissa's district, also maintaining Fraud upon the Court

On August 19 ., 2010 Judge Kathleen D. Romans entered Judgement/Entry on motion to set aside Magistrate's order, maintaining the motion is NOT well taken, and DENIED at 10:09 a.m. In Butler County, Ohio, regarding the CPO Motion on July 29, 2010 .

THEN at 10:46 a.m. In Butler County, OH, Patricia Baas did allow Melissa Davidson to Motion for Emergency Ex Parte Order naming again, Megan Davidson as a VICTIM, having been DENIED CPO

forty six minutes prior on the SAME claim, by Kathleen D. Romans, whereby Judge Breuewer Ordered temporary emergency orders upon yet another fraudulent claim, using Megan as a pawn in this game of extortion/intimidation/criminal coercion, and kidnapping by Fraud upon the court.

On August 25., 2010 Magistrate Kathy King enters a dismissal on the ex parte motion (vacating CPO, DENYING CPO)

Butler County Children's Services CLOSES their Investigation on September 27, default upon Action of BCCS , and DIRECTLY and indirectly due to Miss Baas' Corrupt Activities BCCS appears to be maintaining that Melissa is without mental disability, having not been provided any Pertinent mental health records, or diagnosis, and relying on yet another set of Actions set in motion by Patricia Baas, whereupon rather than the Original experts having been witness to Melissa's episodes and actual mental ability, Miss Baas appears to have handpicked within fraudulent practice a NEW set of experts having at best seen Melissa a handful of times, at the Convenience of Miss Baas, and outside of any Problematic mental state, whereupon all of a sudden Melissa Davidson is now with diagnosis to match Baas' coaching, inferring, promoting, insisting and otherwise grooming techniques, normally seen in the context of psychopathy within child sexual Predation practice, whereupon the Perpetrators of such atrocity, objectifies their victims to maintain material and equitable title as to states of Control, and subjugation of the most frail, meek, and requiring that Village mentality, whereupon it is Human nature to surround and Protect such members of our herd rather than pick them off for what appears to be some type of entertainment value, combined with the revenue being generated through Victim Compensation Funds, and the yet more sinister action of not only extorting this family in all facets, extorting not ONE disabled individual on limited income, but William Andrew Davidson is also receiving Social Security Disability due to having been a type 1 diabetic for 33 years of his life, without realizing what was the cause of such as the severe neuropathy and other adverse effects of having gone undiagnosed for so long...But, all in all, one must constantly remained focused on Miss Baas' egregious actions, upon the child involved in this case...the SUBJECT of this case, seeking, through her Father, Protections offered by the Court, and finding nothing but Impediment after Impediment in perpetual, habitual, and malicious action by Patricia Baas, not only maintaining this fraud upon the Court, and Community at large, but by Actively and with viscous intent, and reprehensible and a moral actions have denied this child, not only her father, and a mentally healthy mother, but Justice, which is the Foundation of not only This Court, our Community, but our entire Nation....

2921.31 Obstructing official business.(A) No person, without privilege to do so and with purpose to prevent, obstruct, or delay the performance by a public official of any authorized act within the public officials official capacity, shall do any act that hampers or impedes a public official in the performance of the public officials lawful duties. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of obstructing official business. Except as otherwise provided in this division, obstructing official business is a misdemeanor of the second degree. If a violation of this section creates a risk of physical harm to any person, obstructing official business is a felony of the fifth degree. Effective Date: 03-10-2000

On March 11., 2010 William Andrew Davidson filed Motion/Affidavit for waiver of filing fees due to Indigent Status, acknowledged BY the court, by its action of allowing proceedings without fee from this point forth, THEN again on November 29., 2010 an entry by Judge Elizabeth Mattingly reaffirmed both party's states of Indigent status. On October 1, 2010 Patricia Baas did allow to occur a finding by the Court that William Andrew Davidson REFUSED to pay for Melissa Davidson's medical records, upon oral testimony of her self, although acting as attorney she is fully aware that when a party is Indigent, and there is a question of matter of fact, record, and or substance, that this be maintained at the expense of the State, as to the ability to maintain Justice, as well as the Ability of the court to function... On March 30th, 2010 Patricia Baas did perpetrate Extortion, Intimidation, Criminal Coercion, within the action of Racketeering whereupon whilst HOLDING MEGAN DAVIDSON hostage by Legal Durress, and making Threats to William Andrew Davidson...Alluding allegations of neglect against William Andrew Davidson that are not subject matter, alluding that Megan is not happy with William Andrew Davidson, dominating the conversation in attempt to place W.A.D under duress...William Andrew Davidson Requests uncontested divorce, and attempts neutrality as to shared parenting, whereupon P.B. Requests he email her, rather than discussing the issue at hand, insuring the divide and conquer needed to complete her next schemes against this family. Offering William Andrew Davidson Supervised visitation, KNOWING he has done nothing wrong, in attempt to garner consent agreement by ALLUDING he has committed a crime, without a crime having been committed...within eight minutes, P.B. Begins making threats to William Andrew Davidson Whereupon she REMOVES his Parenting Time by threat placed upon him upon action of duress...then TELLS HIM, via threat, that he either AGREES or she will continue and he will NOT see his daughter, by action of extortion/blackmail/racketeering using MEGAN as HOSTAGE within what appears to be Piracy...corralling William Andrew Davidson Mentally into agreeing to her Pre-determined outcome, with a result of her original offer, with a sigh of relief that William Andrew Davidson is BEING ALLOWED to have ANY time with his daughter, after having been threatened with COMPLETE and TOTAL loss of PARENTING TIME OR agreeing with said offer...THEN has the audacity to reprimand William Andrew Davidson For his use of audio and video devices to PROTECT him self from falling victim as Prey to this Predator, acting under Color of Law as an officer of This Court. On July 28th., 2010 Patricia Baas did allow her client to file an emergency ex parte motion, that was DENIED by Magistrate John T. Bruewer in Butler County On July 29th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file a Motion to Set Aside Magistrate's order in Butler County On July 29th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file a Motion to Set Aside Magistrates Order in Butler County, rather than motion to reconsider, as is correct according to court procedure, creating vexatious litigation, and abuse of process. (now Implicating full KNOWLEDGE of her client's actions, regardless of attempt to employ Clean Hands Doctrine whilst making it appear that Melissa Davidson was the vexatious party, maintaining Inefficient Counsel, and allowing a suspected adult in need of services,

and irresponsible Innocent as per crime of Complicity definition. Using sham legal process to extrapolate her own client, whilst obstructing Justice, and practicing what appears to be racketeering, whereupon Criminal Coercion is displayed by practice, using subtle threats, and innuendo to infer that William Andrew Davidson has committed a crime, where none exists. (the child in question, ONE was not under Jurisdiction of Hamilton County as of July 14, 2010, AND Megan Davidson was not set to begin going to school until on or about August 23, 2010 (leaving another vexed question as to EMERGENCY motion, maintaining that the situation is one of EMERGENCY, implicating Abuse of Process, Criminal Contempt by impeding the ability of the court to function, as well as maintaining a pattern of Corrupt behavior so egregious whilst maintaining her own sick and twisted agenda, she is not only failing her client, failing this court, but she is failing ALL real victims of domestic violence that could otherwise be served by use of the Safety of this Court, and all legal Procedures maintained to SAVE them from befalling REAL perpetrators of Crimes against them, and or their children. Not to mention that due to Melissa Davidson's confirmed mental illnesses, which is at least REQUIRING her REPRESENTATION to work to the best of her ABILITY to PROTECT Melissa, Patricia Baas is seemingly on a quest to extort not only William Andrew Davidson via Abuse of Process, and all other Actions, but appears to be extorting an Adult in Need of Services, by fraudulent means, and actions, using their shared child as a pawn, held hostage by Fraud upon this court, and all parties involved, including Megan Davidson, whose wishes have been maintained on record to be done with this fiasco. Patricia Baas has maintained a pattern of Corrupt behavior whereby her client believes that William Andrew Davidson is responsible for the majority of Litigation, however, every Action besides ONE petition for CPO and the initial Divorce Petition has been in Defense against NUMEROUS fraudulent claims facilitated by Patricia Baas and her client, known to be mentally disabled, whereupon Melissa Davidson has gone from a wife/mother willing to attempt reconciliation with William Andrew Davidson, with William Andrew Davidson willing to work WITH Melissa Davidson and help her work through her mental disability to his own detriment having been assaulted, having had his teenage daughter from a previous marriage assaulted by Melissa during one of her episodes whereby she had failed to maintain her prescribed medications, and or therapy needed to maintain a healthy mental state, whereupon she IS capable of taking care of her self, and their shared child, HOWEVER, Patricia Baas has established a pattern of Victimizing her client to the extent that Melissa Davidson believes that all of her problems, and or mental disability hasve been Caused by William Andrew Davidson however, on RECORD with Hamilton County is the Initial child protection reports from 2005 whereupon Melissa was KNOWN by the Court, and her Representation to have had a long standing mental disability far at least that many years, and in FACT, during that horrific time for this family Melissa had shown a pattern of suicidal idealization, on at Least four occasions in the preceding two years, suggesting ongoing mental health issues, perhaps dating back to her childhood, whereupon she was made the victim of sexual abuse (as per her claims to her then Husband, William Andrew Davidson) , as well as suffering at the hands of bullies throughout high-school, whereupon she presents as a very shy, quiet, timid female without ability to realize her self, and her potential as a human being. When William Andrew Davidson met Melissa he felt endeared as her Protector of sorts, due to her shyness, but watched her grow whilst they were together into a slightly more assertive individual, until the incidents in 2005 which were preceded by the death of her biological father whom she had recently learned of, having been lied to by her mother and told that her Step-Father had been her biological father, which was traumatic enough to prompt a down-word turn as to Melissa's mental state, whilst William Andrew Davidson watched on, helpless, whilst she spun so far out of control, that she began having delusion as to having been the victim of assault so egregious she claimed he had broken her arm, then recanted, and was so delusional at one point, she made claims that her own mother, and or significant other (report

states Megan's Maternal Grandparents) were making Megan and her self, eat and drink poison, after alleging that Megal had been physically, and sexually abused by Several family members...on this occasion Melissa was remanded for a 72 hour psychiatric hold. On August 18th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file an affidavi in HAMILTON COUNTY upon a Motion for ex parte emergency order regarding school placement On August 18th., 2010 Patricia Baas did file a motion for ex parte emergency order regarding school placement in BUTLER county, maintaining an allegation in a previous fraudulent ex parte CPO to obtain an exparte order of Butler County on emergency basis to enroll Megan Davidson in Melissa Davidson's district as a Protected Person, after a Consent agreement had expired, posing a vexed question, as well as Abuse of Process, using back to back emergency ex parte motions to facilitate this order, although the previous CPO motion had not been heard, and this was not included within the original motion...also alleging that William Andrew Davidson was in Contempt of that order, although an order did not yet exist, constituting Criminal Coercion, whereby Patricia Baas actions resulted in the laying of Coercive action upon William Andrew Davidson, and Megan Davidson was enrolled in Melissa's district, also maintaining Fraud upon the Court On August 19 ., 2010 Judge Kathleen D. Romans entered Judgement/Entry on motion to set aside Magistrate's order, maintaining the motion is NOT well taken, and DENIED at 10:09 a.m. In Butler County, Ohio, regarding the CPO Motion on July 29, 2010 .

THEN at 10:46 a.m. In Butler County, OH, Patricia Baas did allow Melissa Davidson to Motion for Emergency Ex Parte Order naming again, Megan Davidson as a VICTIM, having been DENIED CPO forty six minutes prior on the SAME claim, by Kathleen D. Romans, whereby Judge Breuewer Ordered temporary emergency orders upon yet another fraudulent claim, using Megan as a pawn in this game of extortion/intimidation/criminal coercion, and kidnapping by Fraud upon the court.

On August 25., 2010 Magistrate Kathy King enters a decision Vacating the CPO, DENYING request for CPO On Autust 25, 2010 Magistrate Bruewer issued order for Butler County Children's Services to facilitate a home/parenting evaluation (Social Summary) on both parties...which was completed on September 21, 2010 however, not given to either party until December, PROMPTING William Andrew Davidson not only to defend against Melissa's and Patricia Baas allegations, but to once again attempt to PROTECT their shared child, due to various OMMISSIONS within the report, failure of Patricia and her client to be forthcoming in regards to Melissa's mental disability, and once again, maintaining that William Andrew Davidson is the aggressor in this situation, whilst maintaining that her client is the Victim of Vexatious this time, William Andrew Davidson caused action of Subpoena whereupon Patricia Baas not only attempted to Quash said Subpoena at detriment to the child involved, and the REASON this Court (Butler County) is maintaining Jurisdiction and ORDERED aforementioned Evaluation of BOTH parents to insure Megan Davidson's safety...Patricia Baas went so far as to make WILLFUL contact by WRITTEN instrument to AT LEAST one WITNESS so

subpoenaed, constituting yet again, Tampering With Evidence, Intimidation, Fraud upon the Court, Criminal Contempt, Obstruction of Justice, Obstructing Official Business, whilst using Sham Legal Process, and a myriad of other offenses, against this Court, the entire Legal Community, and general public at large within now, an extremely noticeable, and prevalent pattern of corrupt behavior not only unbecoming of an officer of this Court, but of ANY citizen within the realms of natural Society as a whole, making her an imminent, hostile, aggressive, contentious, malevolent, malignant and repugnant member of society, appearing to Prey upon the weakest and or most vulnerable members of our once believed to be quiet, safe, secure Hamlets prior to having been exposed to such a vile individual capable of such atrocities upon not only William Andrew, and Melissa Davidson, but upon an innocent child, now within the context of such aggression wrought by this Corrupt, soul-less being, forced to watch this play out, as Patricia Baas maintains her own client in a state of constant anxiety, mistrust, apprehension, causing such aggressive behavior as seen this past summer, whereupon back to back, there were numerous Fraudulent Emergency temporary CPOs sought by Melissa without cause, although likely caused by Constant reminder of Patricia Baas that Someone was out to get her, FORCING via Fraud, actions performed by an Innocent, Adult in Need of Services.

Butler County Children's Services CLOSES their Investigation on September 27, default upon Action of BCCS , and DIRECTLY and indirectly due to Miss Baas' Corrupt Activities BCCS appears to be maintaining that Melissa is without mental disability, having not been provided any Pertinent mental health records, or diagnosis, and relying on yet another set of Actions set in motion by Patricia Baas, whereupon rather than the Original experts having been witness to Melissa's episodes and actual mental ability, Miss Baas appears to have handpicked within fraudulent practice a NEW set of experts having at best seen Melissa a handful of times, at the Convenience of Miss Baas, and outside of any Problematic mental state, whereupon all of a sudden Melissa Davidson is now with diagnosis to match Baas' coaching, inferring, promoting, insisting and otherwise grooming techniques, normally seen in the context of psychopathy within child sexual Predation practice, whereupon the Perpetrators of such atrocity, objectifies their victims to maintain material and equitable title as to states of Control, and subjugation of the most frail, meek, and requiring that Village mentality, whereupon it is Human nature to surround and Protect such members of our herd rather than pick them off for what appears to be some type of entertainment value, combined with the revenue being generated through Victim Compensation Funds, and the yet more sinister action of not only extorting this family in all facets, extorting not ONE disabled individual on limited income, but William Andrew Davidson is also receiving Social Security Disability due to having been a type 1 diabetic for 33 years of his life, without realizing what was the cause of such as the severe neuropathy and other adverse effects of having gone undiagnosed for so long...But, all in all, one must constantly remained focused on Miss Baas' egregious actions, upon the child involved in this case...the SUBJECT of this case, seeking, through her Father, Protections offered by the C