Thursday, November 11, 2010 Correspondents The Brownsville States-Graphic pageB4 By Denise Phillips Wellwood/Zion News Crestview News By Vicki Williams Hillville - Eurekaton News Perk up with informative news articles on current events, travel, dining and entertainment when you subscribe to Brownsville States-Graphic. Subscribe today to receive home delivery and full website access for the low yearly cost of Haywood County $35; In-state $42; Out-of-state $49 To subscribe, call 772-1172 Brownsville STATES-GRAPHIC Thank you volunteers for coming last week: Christ Temple ladies, Reverend Charles Bates, First Assembly of God Church ladies, Mrs. Ann Nuckolls, Community Temple of the Living Church ladies, Mrs. Mary Barkens, bingo ladies, and Mrs. Jeanette Rogers. Thank you to Mrs. Dora Mann for all the fresh bananas she donated for bingo prizes. The patients always love bananas. Our patients always enjoy the monthly birthday party. Last Thursday, our dining room was filled with family and friends all helping to celebrate our patients’ birthday. Thank you to Wal- Mart Bakery for the delicious cake, to the First Baptist Deaconess Board for all the lovely birthday gifts. Thank you to all of you! Also, thank you to those who sent birthday cards: Oakview Baptist Church, First Baptist Deaconess, Brad and Friends at Amphram Pharmacy, Brownsville Baptist Church Baptist Women on Mission, and Westside Church of Christ. Our sympathy goes to the family of Mr. Neil Herbert. He will be truly missed. November patient of the month is Mrs. Pearline Jones. Congratulations Mrs. Pearline! Thought for the week: There’s no limit to the amount of good you can do, if you don’t care who gets the credit. Are you rich? As I attended Zion Baptist Church Sunday morning I did not feel very wealthy, but when Brother Mark finished his sermon I realized just how rich I truly was! Using Ephesians and various other NT Scriptures, he showed us “blessings we have through God the Father, blessings we have through God the Son, and blessings we have through God the Holy Spirit”. Thanks to daughter Hannah for helping her Dad with his sermon. Thanks to Brother Mark for reminding us of our many blessings! After Church Alice Elrod (mama) traveled to Stanton with the Siler’s to have lunch with Donna’s parents, Charles and Ernestine Tinsley. She really enjoyed herself while Norma enjoyed lunch with Melanie Thomas and family. Norma then went to Gibson to pick up Chris and Deana’s kids, except Matthew who was sick and could not come, to attend church Sunday night. They stopped by our house on the way and played for awhile with Jacob and Lillie. Jimmy and Jason had to haul my truck home from Brownsville Sunday afternoon. It wouldn’t start after the Fall Festival at East Side School Saturday, so I left it there and caught a ride home with Justin and Jason after they came to check it out. It turns out I needed a fuel pump and now it’s up and going again. Thanks to my brother Tommy Elrod and Jason for helping Jimmy with the repairs. Scottie Morris reported eighteen men attended the prayer breakfast Thursday morning with Bill Kendrick delivering the devotion. Thanks guys for gathering each week to pray for various requests. Happy belated birthday wishes to Rachel Stewart who turned another year older last Wednesday. She was supposed to have a hayride with the youth and a dinner following, but Rex Barnes spent the night in the hospital. Since he was the driver, those plans were cancelled. Rex suffered a heart attack, but was back in church Sunday morning helping with the breakfast. It was good to see Frank Fawcett back at Zion Sunday morning. He has been helping with the music at the Braden Church. He said he helps as needed. I know that others have also helped from our community, so thanks to all of you for helping with this magnificent ministry. Alice Elrod (mama) came over Friday night and we went to the Olympic in Bells to eat. She loves to eat the many vegetables on the buffet, but doesn’t like to go alone. She wanted to go Thursday night, but Jimmy had made a big pot of vegetable- beef soup so we had that instead. However, Friday night Jimmy and I enjoyed taking her and having dinner with her! November is here, so mark your calendars for the 23rd when ZBC will host the annual community Thanksgiving service. This year, instead of a fellowship meal, each person is to bring a canned good that will be donated to the Mustard Seed. Pray for those who are sick, our military personnel and their families, the shut-ins, those who have lost loved ones, and the leaders of our country. Call me at 772-4257 if you have news. People want to know! “Look for ways to speak of your faith to those around you.” This is our Thought for the Week as published in the Upper Room Devotional by Robert Delaney of Missouri. God is always working, and every day offers opportunities to proclaim the Good News. Doors of opportunity open for every believer, and many people need to hear of God’s grace. Who is willing to talk about the wonderful grace of Jesus Christ? If you and I don’t tell them, who will? Here’s a couple of community events scheduled for this weekend. Please make plans to come out to the “M” Club Friday, November 12, to a White Bean Supper and Singing. Donations will be accepted with all proceeds benefiting the final funeral expenses for the late Mary Martin. To make a donation or for more information, please contact Lavada Martin at 780-5014, Becky Burge at 780-6588 or Wilma Campbell at 780-1256. What a great way for the community to come together as a whole and celebrate. Come out and count your blessings with your neighbor. There will be a Community Thanksgiving Dinner at the “M” Club (Old Central School) Saturday, November 13. Dinner will be served at 5 p.m. Donnie Elrod and Beulahland will perform at 6 p.m. Please bring a dish and come and enjoy a wonderful time of fellowship. Donations will be accepted for the upkeep of the building. For more information, contact Opal Watson at 254- 9295 or Aleta Bradford at 772-1234. The Mt. Pleasant UMW met Wednesday, November 3 in the fellowship hall. Those in attendance were Peggy Lewis, Deborah Lewis, Hope Cannon, Sue Goodman, Barbara Hayes and I. Hope Cannon conducted the pledge service. Since Thursday, November 11 is Veterans Day, Mt. Pleasant recognized the Veterans in our congregation Sunday, November 7. Those recognized were Bobby Cannon, Billy Edmonds, Eugene Kirkland, Barney Garrett and Brother Jerry Wilson. Please take the time to thank a veteran for the freedom we have today. These brave men and women of the military give up so much so that we may have our freedom. Happy birthday wishes this week to Lee Cannon, my nephew Tyler Watson, Chasity Campbell Williams, Marilyn Hammers, Vicki Austin, Dallas Elrod, Esther Bendush, Courtney Freels and Logan Wilburn. Those to be lifted in prayer this week are Herbert Hayes, Kathy Watson Doering, Barbara and Boyce Wilson, James Elrod, Jim and Jane Carvin, Carol Wilson, Mae Simpson, Leah Scallions, Prentice Elrod, Bobby Hayes, Barbara Milam, Peggy Lewis, Luther and Edna Austin, Enid Powell, Kate Jordan, Darlene Rossen, Fletcher Lewis, Dorothy Bruce, Earline Benard, Shirley Morgan, Kirk Boullion, Carol and Jordan Bruce, Frances Elrod, The Military, The Nation and the Community. Sympathy is extended to the families of Mr. Larry Washington, Jr., Mr. Amuel Barnes, Mr. Jeff Mulherin and Mr. Neil Herbert in the loss of their loved ones. If you have news to share, please call me at 772-1885 after 5 p.m. Until next week God Bless. Genealogy Genie We who volunteer to help others with their genealogy sometimes let our own family history slide for lack of time. I am no exception. Although we have our genealogy nice and organized (for the most part), there are still those loose ends we would like to finish up. Many times this may be a brick wall we ran up against many years ago and now have new resources which may help us get over, around or under that wall. When I started my own genealogy, I had an aunt who was working on my paternal side so I focused on my maternal lines while she did the other side of the family. However, this aunt has since had a stroke and even though her mind is still good, she cannot communicate. I miss her dearly as I do not get to visit her often. So I have attempted to pick up where she left off and been in touch with those with which she was working. At the time I decided to pursue this, DNA research had become more popular and I did not know a lot about it. I decided it was a good time to learn! Since I have no brothers, my dad took the paternal test for me. This Y-DNA test has linked me with others with the same surname. It can be quite confusing, but rewarding at the same time. Now, that surname I decided to pursue happens to be Taylor and I know there is a huge Taylor clan in this area. My ancestor and the ancestor of the Haywood County Taylor clan just happen to show up in the same area near Nashville at the same time, so I feel sure they are connected in some way. Another of our Genies is a descendent of the Haywood County Taylor clan. With all the requests we have, the two of us have not had time to focus much on tying these two Taylors together! But with the DNA results, I am hoping to find out exactly how they connect. If all the Taylors we know would have their DNA tests run, we could reconstruct the entire family! So I guess it’s appropriate that I ended up in Haywood County for this reason as well. My Taylor clan ended up in Arkansas via a trip to Texas during the mid 1800’s. It is hard to believe people traveled that far away 150 years ago but they in fact did, just as the Native American population before them! Hopefully someday we’ll find time to piece together where and when my branch of the Taylor family split from the family of Howell Taylor (the Haywood County Taylor clan). Below is a photo of my Grandfather, Clarence Cleveland Taylor, his wife Margie and their children. From the Genie Room.

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772-1172 By Vicki Williams By Denise Phillips Thursday, November 11, 2010 The Brownsville States-Graphic Thank you volunteers for coming last week: Christ Temple ladies, Reverend Charles Bates, First Assembly of God Church ladies, Mrs. Ann Nuckolls, Community Temple of the Living Church ladies, Mrs. Mary Barkens, bingo ladies, and Mrs. Jeanette Rogers. Thank you to Mrs. Dora Mann for all the fresh bananas she donated for bingo prizes. The patients always love bananas. Our patients always

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Thursday, November 11, 2010Correspondents

The Brownsville States-Graphic


By Denise Phillips

Wellwood/Zion NewsBy Denise PhillipsBy Denise PhillipsBy Denise PhillipsBy Denise PhillipsBy Denise PhillipsBy Denise PhillipsBy Denise PhillipsBy Denise PhillipsBy Denise PhillipsBy Denise PhillipsBy Denise Phillips

Wellwood/Zion News

Crestview NewsBy Vicki Williams

Hillville - Eurekaton News

By Vicki Williams

Hillville - Eurekaton News

Perk up with informative news articles on current events, travel, dining and entertainment when you subscribe to Brownsville States-Graphic.

Subscribe today to receive home delivery and full website access for thelow yearly cost of Haywood County $35; In-state $42; Out-of-state $49

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Thank you volunteers for coming last week: Christ Temple ladies, Reverend Charles Bates, First Assembly of God Church ladies, Mrs. Ann Nuckolls, Community Temple of the Living Church ladies, Mrs. Mary Barkens, bingo ladies, and Mrs. Jeanette Rogers.

Thank you to Mrs. Dora Mann for all the fresh bananas she donated for bingo prizes. The patients always love bananas.

Our patients always

enjoy the monthly birthday party. Last Thursday, our dining room was filled with family and friends all helping to celebrate our patients’ birthday. Thank you to Wal-Mart Bakery for the delicious cake, to the First Baptist Deaconess Board for all the lovely birthday gifts. Thank you to all of you!

Also, thank you to those who sent birthday cards: Oakview Baptist Church, First Baptist Deaconess, Brad and Friends at Amphram

Pharmacy, Brownsville Baptist Church Baptist Women on Mission, and Westside Church of Christ.

Our sympathy goes to the family of Mr. Neil Herbert. He will be truly missed.

November patient of the month is Mrs. Pearline Jones. Congratulations Mrs. Pearline!

Thought for the week: There’s no limit to the amount of good you can do, if you don’t care who gets the credit.

Are you rich? As I attended Zion

Baptist Church Sunday morning I did not feel very wealthy, but when Brother Mark finished his sermon I realized just how rich I truly was! Using Ephesians and various other NT Scriptures, he showed us “blessings we have through God the Father, blessings we have through God the Son, and blessings we have through God the Holy Spirit”. Thanks to daughter Hannah for helping her Dad with his sermon. Thanks to Brother Mark for reminding us of our many blessings!

After Church Alice Elrod (mama) traveled to Stanton with the Siler’s to have lunch with Donna’s parents, Charles and Ernestine Tinsley. She really enjoyed herself while Norma enjoyed lunch with Melanie Thomas and family. Norma then went to Gibson to pick up Chris and Deana’s kids, except Matthew who was sick and could not come, to attend church Sunday night. They stopped by our house on the way and played for awhile with Jacob and Lillie.

Jimmy and Jason had to haul my truck home from Brownsville Sunday afternoon. It wouldn’t start after the Fall Festival at East Side School Saturday, so I left it there and caught a ride home with Justin and Jason after they came to check it out. It turns out I needed a fuel pump and now it’s up and going again. Thanks to my brother Tommy Elrod and Jason for helping

Jimmy with the repairs.Scottie Morris reported

eighteen men attended the prayer breakfast Thursday morning with Bill Kendrick delivering the devotion. Thanks guys for gathering each week to pray for various requests.

Happy belated birthday wishes to Rachel Stewart who turned another year older last Wednesday. She was supposed to have a hayride with the youth and a dinner following, but Rex Barnes spent the night in the hospital. Since he was the driver, those plans were cancelled. Rex suffered a heart attack, but was back in church Sunday morning helping with the breakfast.

It was good to see Frank Fawcett back at Zion Sunday morning. He has been helping with the music at the Braden Church. He said he helps as needed. I know that others have also helped from our community, so thanks to all of you for helping with this magnificent ministry.

Alice Elrod (mama) came over Friday night and we went to the Olympic in Bells to eat. She loves to eat the many vegetables on the buffet, but doesn’t like to go alone. She wanted to go Thursday night, but Jimmy had made a big pot of vegetable-beef soup so we had that instead. However, Friday night Jimmy and I enjoyed taking her and having dinner with her!

November is here, so mark your calendars for the 23rd when ZBC will host the

annual community Thanksgiving service. This year, instead of a fellowship meal, each person is to bring a canned good that will be donated to the Mustard Seed.

Pray for those who are sick, our military personnel and their families, the shut-ins, those who have lost loved ones, and the leaders of our country.

Call me at 772-4257 if you have news. People want to know!

“Look for ways to speak of your faith to those around you.” This is our Thought for the Week as published in the Upper Room Devotional by Robert Delaney of Missouri. God is always working, and every day offers opportunities to proclaim the Good News. Doors of opportunity open for every believer, and many people need to hear of God’s grace. Who is willing to talk about the wonderful grace of Jesus Christ? If you and I don’t tell them, who will?

Here’s a couple of community events scheduled for this weekend. Please make plans to come out to the “M” Club Friday, November 12, to a White Bean Supper and Singing. Donations will be accepted with all proceeds benefiting the final funeral expenses for the late Mary Martin. To make a donation or for more information, please contact Lavada Martin at 780-5014, Becky Burge at 780-6588 or Wilma Campbell at 780-1256. What a great way for the community to come together as a whole and celebrate. Come out and count your blessings with your neighbor.

There will be a Community Thanksgiving Dinner at the “M” Club (Old Central School) Saturday, November 13. Dinner will be served at 5 p.m. Donnie Elrod and Beulahland will perform at 6 p.m. Please bring a dish and come and enjoy a wonderful time of fellowship. Donations will be accepted for the upkeep of the building. For more information, contact Opal Watson at 254-9295 or Aleta Bradford at 772-1234.

The Mt. Pleasant UMW met Wednesday, November 3 in the fellowship hall. Those in attendance were Peggy Lewis, Deborah Lewis, Hope Cannon, Sue Goodman, Barbara Hayes and I. Hope Cannon conducted the pledge service.

Since Thursday, November 11 is Veterans Day, Mt. Pleasant recognized the Veterans in our congregation Sunday, November 7. Those recognized were Bobby Cannon, Billy Edmonds, Eugene Kirkland, Barney Garrett and Brother Jerry Wilson. Please take the time to thank a veteran for the freedom we have today. These brave men and women of

the military give up so much so that we may have our freedom.

Happy birthday wishes this week to Lee Cannon, my nephew Tyler Watson, Chasity Campbell Williams, Marilyn Hammers, Vicki Austin, Dallas Elrod, Esther Bendush, Courtney Freels and Logan Wilburn.

Those to be lifted in prayer this week are Herbert Hayes, Kathy Watson Doering, Barbara and Boyce Wilson, James Elrod, Jim and Jane Carvin, Carol Wilson, Mae Simpson, Leah Scallions, Prentice Elrod, Bobby Hayes, Barbara Milam, Peggy Lewis, Luther and Edna Austin, Enid Powell, Kate Jordan, Darlene Rossen, Fletcher Lewis, Dorothy Bruce, Earline Benard, Shirley Morgan, Kirk Boullion, Carol and Jordan Bruce, Frances Elrod, The Military, The Nation and the Community.

Sympathy is extended to the families of Mr. Larry Washington, Jr., Mr. Amuel Barnes, Mr. Jeff Mulherin and Mr. Neil Herbert in the loss of their loved ones.

If you have news to share, please call me at 772-1885 after 5 p.m.

Until next week God Bless.

Genealogy Genie

We who volunteer to help others with their genealogy sometimes let our own family history slide for lack of time. I am no exception. Although we have our genealogy nice and organized (for the most part), there are still those loose ends we would like to finish up. Many times this may be a brick wall we ran up against many years ago and now have new resources which may help us get over, around or under that wall.

When I started my own genealogy, I had an aunt who was working on my paternal side so I focused on my maternal lines while she did the other side of the family. However, this aunt has since had a stroke and even though her mind is still good, she cannot communicate. I miss her dearly as I do not get to visit her often.

So I have attempted to pick up where she left off and been in touch with those with which she was working. At the time I decided to pursue this, DNA research had become more popular

and I did not know a lot about it. I decided it was a good time to learn! Since I have no brothers, my dad took the paternal test for me. This Y-DNA test has linked me with others with the same surname. It can be quite confusing, but rewarding at the same time.

Now, that surname I decided to pursue happens to be Taylor and I know there is a huge Taylor clan in this area. My ancestor and the ancestor of the Haywood County Taylor clan just happen to show up in the same area near Nashville at the same time, so I feel sure they are connected in some way.

Another of our Genies is a descendent of the Haywood County Taylor clan. With all the requests we have, the two of us have not had time to focus much on tying these two Taylors together!

But with the DNA results, I am hoping to find out exactly how they connect. If all the Taylors we know would have their DNA tests run, we could reconstruct the entire

family! So I guess it’s

appropriate that I ended up in Haywood County for this reason as well. My Taylor clan ended up in Arkansas via a trip to Texas during the mid 1800’s. It is hard to believe people traveled that far away 150 years ago but they in fact did, just as the Native American population before them!

Hopefully someday we’ll find time to piece together where and when my branch of the Taylor family split from the family of Howell Taylor (the Haywood County Taylor clan).

Below is a photo of my Grandfather, Clarence Cleveland Taylor, his wife Margie and their children.

From the Genie Room.