Somalia new PM Somalia parliament voted Mohamed Hussein Roble unanimously to become new Prime Minister of the nation. His predecessor, Hassan Ali Khaire, was ousted by parliament in July 2020 in a no- confidence vote tied directly to his failure to present a roadmap to holding democratic elec- tions due before February 2021. India-Denmark Green Strategic Partnership Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Denmark Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen participated in virtual bilat- eral summit on 28 September 2020. A joint statement was issued after the summit said that the new “green strategic partnership” will build on an existing Joint Commission for Cooperation, created in 2009, for cooperation in politics, economics and commerce, science and technology, energy, environment and education. Cargo Ferry to the Maldives The first-ever Cargo Ferry Service between India and the Maldives was launched on 21 September 2020. The Cargo Ferry Vessel MCP Linz operated by the Shipping Corporation of India that will connect Tuticorin and Cochin ports in India with Kulhudhuhfushi and Male ports in the Maldives. Class of Young Leaders for SDGs Udit Singhal, a teen from India has been named by the United Nations to the 2020 cohort of young leaders for the Sustainable Development Goals. He has been named to the 2020 Class of 17 Young Leaders for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Udit is the founder of Glass2Sand, a zero-waste ecosystem that addresses the growing menace of glass waste in Delhi. It is the highest-profile recognition opportunity at the world body for young- sters who are leading efforts to combat the world's most pressing issues. UNEP Ambassador Khushi Chindaliya, a 17-year-old girl from Surat appointed as Regional Ambassador for UN Environment Programme-Tunza Eco-Generation. The nature lover and passionate environmentalist, she invested a lot of time working on the environment, trying to understand the causes of degradation and looking for the plans to correct it. Khushi Chindaliya’s appointment will give a platform to spread aware- ness about the safeguard of environ- mental treasures and discuss India’s contribution to environmental conserva- tion. The influential people list Prime Minister Narendra Modi is one among the five Indians have been fea- tured in TIME Magazine’s annual list of the world’s 100 most influential people. This is fourth time for PM Modi to find the place in the list since he took office in 2014. He was named under the cat- egory of leaders along with US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Didi Bilkis, the 82-year-old grand- mother who relentlessly protested against the Citizenship Amendment ACT (CAA) at Delhi’s Shaheen Bagh, Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana, Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Ravindra Gupta, the professor of clinical microbiology at the Cambridge University is a doctor of Indian origin are other Indian origin found in the list. GH ñªëÅ]î¦ô¢Ù ÍÚÁdñô¢ª 7, 2020 n e-mail: [email protected] 17 Amara Veeraswamy Subject Expert Writer General Awareness BrahMos The new version of the extended range BrahMos supersonic cruise mis- sile which can hit a target of 400 Km range, blasted off and flew straight to its target successfully off the coast of Odisha. The BrahMos with its super- sonic speed of 2.8 Mach (almost 3,000 kmph) making it extremely difficult for enemy fighters to intercept and shoot- down. The missile has been developed as a joint venture between DRDO and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPO Mashinostroyenia (NPOM) of Russia. Parliament passed 3 bills Both houses of Parliament passed three labour code Bills for the welfare and protection of workers. The Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code 2020, seeks to amend the laws regulating the occupational safety, health and work- ing conditions of the persons employed in an establishment. The Industrial Relations Code 2020, aims at amend- ing the laws relating to Trade Unions, conditions of employment in industrial establishment or undertaking, investi- gation and settlement of industrial dis- putes. The Code on Social Security, 2020 seeks to amend the laws relating to the social security of the employees in the country. Institutions of National Importance Parliament passed the Indian Institutes of Information Technology Laws (Amendment) Bill 2020. The Bill seeks to declare five IIITs set up under the Public-private partnership (PPP) mode in Surat, Bhopal, Bhagalpur, Agartala, and Raichur as institutions of national importance. There are 25 IIITs in the country out of which 5 are pure- ly run by the central government and 15 operate under public private part- nership (PPP) mode. Major Port Authorities Bill-2020 On 23 September 2020, Lok Sabha passed the Major Port Authorities Bill, 2020. The Bill seeks to provide for reg- ulation, operation and planning of major ports in the country and provide greater autonomy to these ports. ABHYAS On 22 September 2020, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) conducted the successful flight test of ABHYAS-High- speed Expendable Aerial Target (HEAT). The flight test was done from the Interim Test Range, Balasore in Odisha. ABHYAS is designed and devel- oped by Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), DRDO ATGM Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully test-fired the indigenously-developed Laser-Guided Anti Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) from the Main Battle Tank (MBT) Arjun at KK Ranges in Ahmednagar in Maharashtra to enhance the armoured warfare capa- bilities. The missile was fired at a range of around 3 km in the test and success- fully took out a target. While the missile is currently being tested from the MBT Arjun, it has been designed so that it can be fired from other platforms too. International 1. Whose tenure has been extended by the central government as Deputy National Security Adviser? 1) Sunil Sethi 2) Narayanaswamy 3) Pankaj Saran 4) Archana Soreng 5) Shikha Sharma 2. Who heads the High-Level Task Force that constituted to improve the air quality in the National Capital Region of Delhi? 1) Amitabh Kant 2) Dr V K Paul 3) Dr. P. K. Mishra 4) Preeti Sudan 5) Kapil Mishra 3. Who had beaten Diego Schwartzman of Argentina to win his fifth Italian Tennis Open title? 1) Rafael Nadal 2) Alexander Zverev 3) Novak Djokovic 4) Dominic Thiem 5) Stefanos Tsitsipas 4. Which state introduced 'Moksha Kalash Yojana-2020' to allow free bus travel to two members of a fam- ily to immerse ashes of their loved ones in the Ganga in Haridwar? 1) MP 2) Rajasthan 3) Andhra Pradesh 4) Chhattisgarh 5) Tamil Nadu 5. Parliament passed the bill for the inclusion of Kashmiri …… and Hindi in the list of official languages in Jammu and Kashmir, in addition to the existing Urdu and English. 1) Dogri 2) Pashto 3) Punjabi 4) Nepali 5) Persian 6. International Day of Democracy observed on… 1) 30 September 2) 24 September 3) 28 September 4) 15 September 5) 29 September 7. Union Minister of State for Railways Suresh Angadi passed away. He represented which Loksabha con- stituency in Karnataka? 1) Belagavi 2) Kolar 3) Gulbarga 4) Hassan 5) Bijapur 8. India's first Coast Guard Academy will be established at.. 1) Kochi 2) Goa 3) Machilipatnam 4) Mangaluru 5) Chennai 9. Brookwater Golf Club women’s championship won by.. 1) Ko Jin-young 2) Ashleigh Barty 3) Nelly Korda 4) Danielle Kang 5) Brooke Henderson 'Moksha Kalash Yojana-2020' introduced by..? Model Questions National World Tourism Day World Tourism Day is commemorated each year on the 27th of September. The 2020 edition of World Tourism Day, with the theme of “Tourism and Rural Development”, celebrated the unique role that tourism plays in pro- viding opportunities outside of big cities and preserving cultural and natural heritage all around the world. UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organisation) revealed the data that 100 to 120 million direct tourism jobs are at risk due to COVID pandemic. On this eve, the Home Minister Amit Others Shah inaugurated the Destination North East 2020 on the occasion of world tourism day. For Destination North East 2020, the theme is "The Emerging Delightful Destinations". Golden Pen of Freedom Award The Golden Pen of Freedom, the annual press freedom award of the World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) was awarded to Colombian journalist, Jineth Bedoya Lima. The award conferred on Jineth for her tireless work in promoting and protecting the rights of women. She reported on the armed conflict in her native Colombia as well as drug traf- ficking and gender issues that nour- ished her journalistic work over the past two decades. International Translation Day International Translation Day is observed on September 30 to cele- brate the work of language translation professionals which facilitates dia- logue, understanding, and cooperation, contributing to the development and strengthening of world peace and security. The theme of International Translation Day 2020 is “Finding the words for a world in crisis”. 1-3 2-3 3-3 4-2 5-1 6-4 7-1 8-4 9-2. ÷ªJÙêŸ ú£÷«à¦ô¢Ù û¶æ¨ êμõÙÞ¥é ú£Ù#ÚÛö˺... Key Udit Singhal 4 Marks Questions Q: Draw labelled diagram of the V.S. of Kidney. Q: Explain micturition. A: Micturition is the process of sending out the urine. The neural mechanism involved is called "micturition reflex". Urine formed by the nephrons is ultimately carried to the uri- nary bladder where it is stored till a voluntary signal is given by CNS. The signal is initiat- ed by the stretching to the urinary bladder as it gets filled with urine. In response, the stretch receptors on the walls of the bladder send signals to to the CNS. Then CNS sends motor messages to initiate the con- traction of smooth muscles of the bladder and simultaneous relaxation of the urethral sphincter, causing the release of urine. An adult human excretes 1 to 2 litres of urine per day on an average and 25-30 gr. of urea is excreted with it. 2 Marks Questions Q: What is juxta glomerular apparatus? A: The juxta glomerular apparatus (JGA) is the region in each nephron where the afferent arteriole comes into contact with DCT. The crowded cells of DCT in this region is macu- la densa. Modified smooth muscle cells in the wall of afferent renal arteriole are JG cells. Macula densa together with JG cells form JGA. It responds to decrease in blood pressure and volume. Q: Distinguish between the enzymes renin and rennin. A: Renin enzyme (angiotensinogenase) is secreted by Juxta glomerular cells, when there is a fall in glomerular blood pressure. It initiates RAAS mechanism. Enzyme rennin is a proteolytic enzyme pre- vent in the gastric juice of infants. It is secreted by chief cells or peptic cells of gastric glands. It converts casein (milk protein) into calcium para- caseinate in presence of calcium ions. Rennin Casein Calcium paracaseinate Ca ++ (curd) Q: Define Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR). A: The amount of filtrate formed in all the renal corpuscles of both the kidneys per minute is called as Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR). In a healthy person it is approximately 125 ml. per minute i,e. 180 litres per day. Q: Name the blood vessels that enter and exit the kidney. A: The blood vessel that enters the kidney is renal artery where as the blood vessel that comes out of the kidney is renal vein. Q: What are column of Bertin? A: The projection of renal cortex that extend between renal pyramids in the kidney are called Renal columns or columns of Bertin. 2 Marks Questions Q: What is meant by chloride shift? A: Chloride shift occurs during the transport of CO2. During this Cl - ions move from plasma into RBC and HCO - 3 ions move from RBC into plasma. It facilitates more transport of CO 2 as bicarbonates by blood plasma. It is also called Hamburger's phenomenon. Q: What is the effect of PCO 2 on oxygen transport? A: The effect of partial pressure of CO 2 (PCO 2 ) and H + ions on the oxygen carrying capacity of haemoglobin is called Bohr effect. Decrease in pH, increase in H + concentra- tion and increase in CO 2 (in tissues) results in reduction is the affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen. Q: What are conchae? A: Conchae or turbinals are thin, twisted bony plates present in the respiratory parts of nasal chambers. They are involved in condi- tioning the temperature of inhaled air. 2 Marks Questions Q: What is a 'motor unit' with reference to mus- cle and nerve? A: A motor neuron and the set of muscle fibres innervated by all its telodendrites is a motor unit. The junction between a motor neuron and the sarcolemma of a muscle fibre is called motor end plate or neuromuscular junction. Q: Distinguish between red muscle fibres and white muscle fibres? A: Q: Human skull is described as dicondylic skull. Give the reason. A: In human skull two occipital condyles are present one on each side of the foramen magnum. Hence it is dicondylic type of skull. Q: What is triad system? A: In a striated muscle fibre/ cell, sarcolemma invaginates at the junction of A and I bands to form T-tubule or transverse tubules. Terminal cisternae formed from sarcoplasmic reticulum on either side of T-tubule. T-tuble and two terminal cisternae on its sides form triad system. Calcium ions required for mus- cle contraction are stored in the cisternae. Q: Name the cranial sutures and their locations. A: The skull bones are joined by sutures. Coronal suture joins parietal bones with frontal bone (fore head bone). Lambdoid suture joins parietal bones posteriorly to the oceipital bone. 4 Marks Questions Q: What is Cori’s cycle - explain the process. A: Cori cycle was proposed by cori and cori who got nobel prize. it occurs in the muscles and liver. During rapid contraction of skeletal muscles under low oxygen availability (gly- colysis) pyruvic acid is formed and it is con- verted into lactic acid or laetate in the cytosol. It leads to muscle fatigue. Lactic acid is released into blood and carried to the liver. liver converts it into pyruvic acid or pyruvate. It is then converted to glucose through gluconeogenesis. The glucose mol- ecules are then released into blood circula- tion and they are absorbed by skeletal mus- cle fibres. It is used immediately if required or else, used to rebuild there glycogem reserves. This shuffling of lactate to the liver and glucose back to muscle cells is called the coricycle. Q: Write short notes on the ribs of human being. A: Human chest consists of 12 pairs of ribs. Each rib is a thin, flat bone connected dor- sally to vertebral column and ventrally to the sternum. It has two articulating surfaces as dorsal end for attachment to thoralic verte- brae. Hence these are bicephalic ribs. First seven pairs of ribs are true ribs or vertebro sternal ribs as they are attached dorsally to thoralic vertebral and vertrally to sternum with the help of hyaline cartilages. Pairs 8,9,10 are false ribs or vertebro chondral ribs and are attached indirectly to sternum by means of cartilages with sternal part of 7th rib. Last two pairs (11th and 12th) of ribs are floating ribs or vertebral ribs as they are not connected vertrally either to the sternum or to the anterior ribs. The thoralic vertebrae, ribs and sternum together form the rib case. Breathing and exchange of gases Musculoskeletal System ZOOLOGY Dr. M.R. Prasad Subject Expert Writer What is meant by chloride shift? Excretory products and their elimination 2 Marks Questions Q: Why the arteries are more elastic than veins? A: Arteries are more elastic due to the pres- ence of two elastic laminae one each on either side of middle layer tunica media which is relatively thicker than in veins. Veins have thin tunica media and only one elastic lamina on the inner side of tunica media. This feature helps in pressure flow of blood in arteries. Q: Where is the valve of Thebesius in the heart of man? A: Thebesius valve is present at the opening of coronary sinus into the right atrium of the heart. It collects the blood from the myocardium (wall of heart) into the right atri- um. Q: Name the aortic arches arising from the ventricles of the heart of man? A: Pulmonary arch is the aortic arch that arises from the left anterior angle of the right ven- tricle. Left systemic arch is the aortic arch that arises from the left ventricle. 4 Marks Questions Q: Explain the mechanism of clotting of blood. A: Clotting of blood (haemostasis) is a complex cascade of enzymatic reactions that occur in plasma, when a blood vessel is damaged. It occurs in 3 steps. H Step 1: Formation of prothrombin activator occurs in it by the interaction of clotting fac- tors present in the blood. It is formed by cas- cade of chemical reactions, that occur in two pathways. a) Intrinsic pathway: It takes place when the blood comes into contact with the collagen of injured endothelium of blood vessel. It activates factor XII (Hageman's factor) and as a result of cascade reactions, the final product prothrombin activator is formed. b) Extrinsic pathway: It begins with chemicals that are outside the blood when there is a severe damage in the vascular wall and when extra vascular tissue is exposed to the blood. This activates the release of the tis- sue thromboplastin (factor III) from the dam- aged tissue. It activates factor VII (Proconvertin or stable factor). Due to these cascade reactions, the final product pro- thrombin activator is formed. H Step 2: The prothrombin activator, in the presence of sufficient amount of ionic ca ++ , causes the conversion of inactive prothrom- bin protein of plasma to active thrombin. H Step 3: Thrombin causes the conversion of soluble plasma protein fibrinogen into solu- ble fibrin monomers which are weakly bond- ed with each other by hydrogen bonds. Factor XIII (fibrin stabilizing factor) released from the platelets forms a 'mesh work' by replacing hydrogen bonds with covalent bonds and cross links the fibres. The insolu- ble mesh work of fibrin fibres spreading in all directions adhere to the damaged surfaces and trap the blood cells and platelets. This strengthens the clot. After clot is formed, it begins to condense into a more compact structure by the process called clot retraction. The fluid that is squeezed out of clot during clot retraction is serum (Plasma without fibrinogen). Body fluids and circulation Red muscle fibers 1. Content of myo- globin, a red coloured oxygen storing pigment is high in these fibres. 2. Mitochondria are plenty. 3. These are aerobic muscles as they depend on aerobic process for release of energy. White muscle fibers 1. These muscle fibres possess a very less quantity of myoglobin and so appear pale or whitish. 2. Mitochondria are few in number. 3. These are anaero- bic muscles as they depend on anaero- bic process for energy release.

B theirelimination What is meant by chloride shift?

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Somalia new PM

Somalia parliament voted Mohamed

Hussein Roble unanimously to become

new Prime Minister of the nation.

His predecessor, Hassan Ali

Khaire, was ousted by parliament in

July 2020 in a no- confidence vote tied

directly to his failure to present a

roadmap to holding democratic elec-

tions due before February 2021.

India-Denmark Green StrategicPartnership

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and

Denmark Prime Minister Mette

Frederiksen participated in virtual bilat-

eral summit on 28 September 2020.

A joint statement was issued

after the summit said that the new

“green strategic partnership” will build

on an existing Joint Commission

for Cooperation, created in 2009, for

cooperation in politics, economics

and commerce, science and

technology, energy, environment and


Cargo Ferry to the Maldives

The first-ever Cargo Ferry Service

between India and the Maldives was

launched on 21 September 2020. The

Cargo Ferry Vessel MCP Linz operated

by the Shipping Corporation of India

that will connect Tuticorin and Cochin

ports in India with Kulhudhuhfushi and

Male ports in the Maldives.

Class of Young Leaders for SDGs

Udit Singhal, a teen from India has

been named by the United Nations to

the 2020 cohort of young leaders for

the Sustainable Development Goals.

He has been named to the 2020

Class of 17 Young Leaders for the

Sustainable Development Goals

(SDGs). Udit is the founder of

Glass2Sand, a zero-waste ecosystem

that addresses the growing menace of

glass waste in Delhi.

It is the highest-profile recognition

opportunity at the world body for young-

sters who are leading efforts to combat

the world's most pressing issues.

UNEP Ambassador

Khushi Chindaliya, a 17-year-old girl

from Surat appointed as Regional

Ambassador for UN Environment

Programme-Tunza Eco-Generation.

The nature lover and passionate

environmentalist, she invested a lot of

time working on the environment, trying

to understand the causes of degradation

and looking for the plans to correct it.

Khushi Chindaliya’s appointment

will give a platform to spread aware-

ness about the safeguard of environ-

mental treasures and discuss India’s

contribution to environmental conserva-


The influential people list

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is one

among the five Indians have been fea-

tured in TIME Magazine’s annual list of

the world’s 100 most influential people.

This is fourth time for PM Modi to find

the place in the list since he took office

in 2014. He was named under the cat-

egory of leaders along with US

President Donald Trump and Chinese

President Xi Jinping.

Didi Bilkis, the 82-year-old grand-

mother who relentlessly protested

against the Citizenship Amendment

ACT (CAA) at Delhi’s Shaheen Bagh,

Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana,

Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar

Pichai, Ravindra Gupta, the professor

of clinical microbiology at the

Cambridge University is a doctor of

Indian origin are other Indian origin

found in the list.


ñªëÅ]î¦ô¢Ù ÍÚÁdñô¢ª 7, 2020 n e-mail: [email protected]


Amara Veeraswamy

Subject Expert





The new version of the extended

range BrahMos supersonic cruise mis-

sile which can hit a target of 400 Km

range, blasted off and flew straight to

its target successfully off the coast of

Odisha. The BrahMos with its super-

sonic speed of 2.8 Mach (almost 3,000

kmph) making it extremely difficult for

enemy fighters to intercept and shoot-

down. The missile has been developed

as a joint venture between DRDO and

the Federal State Unitary Enterprise

NPO Mashinostroyenia (NPOM) of


Parliament passed 3 bills

Both houses of Parliament passed

three labour code Bills for the welfare

and protection of workers.

The Occupational Safety, Health

and Working Conditions Code 2020,

seeks to amend the laws regulating the

occupational safety, health and work-

ing conditions of the persons employed

in an establishment. The Industrial

Relations Code 2020, aims at amend-

ing the laws relating to Trade Unions,

conditions of employment in industrial

establishment or undertaking, investi-

gation and settlement of industrial dis-

putes. The Code on Social Security,

2020 seeks to amend the laws relating

to the social security of the employees

in the country.

Institutions of National Importance

Parliament passed the Indian Institutes

of Information Technology Laws

(Amendment) Bill 2020. The Bill seeks

to declare five IIITs set up under the

Public-private partnership (PPP)

mode in Surat, Bhopal, Bhagalpur,

Agartala, and Raichur as institutions of

national importance. There are 25 IIITs

in the country out of which 5 are pure-

ly run by the central government and

15 operate under public private part-

nership (PPP) mode.

Major Port Authorities Bill-2020

On 23 September 2020, Lok Sabha

passed the Major Port Authorities Bill,

2020. The Bill seeks to provide for reg-

ulation, operation and planning of

major ports in the country and provide

greater autonomy to these ports.


On 22 September 2020, the Defence

Research and Development

Organisation (DRDO) conducted the

successful flight test of ABHYAS-High-

speed Expendable Aerial Target

(HEAT). The flight test was done from

the Interim Test Range, Balasore in


ABHYAS is designed and devel-

oped by Aeronautical Development

Establishment (ADE), DRDO


Defence Research and Development

Organisation (DRDO) successfully

test-fired the indigenously-developed

Laser-Guided Anti Tank Guided

Missile (ATGM) from the Main Battle

Tank (MBT) Arjun at KK Ranges in

Ahmednagar in Maharashtra to

enhance the armoured warfare capa-


The missile was fired at a range of

around 3 km in the test and success-

fully took out a target. While the missile

is currently being tested from the MBT

Arjun, it has been designed so that it

can be fired from other platforms too.


1. Whose tenure has been extended

by the central government as

Deputy National Security Adviser?

1) Sunil Sethi

2) Narayanaswamy

3) Pankaj Saran

4) Archana Soreng

5) Shikha Sharma

2. Who heads the High-Level Task

Force that constituted to improve

the air quality in the National

Capital Region of Delhi?

1) Amitabh Kant 2) Dr V K Paul

3) Dr. P. K. Mishra 4) Preeti Sudan

5) Kapil Mishra

3. Who had beaten Diego

Schwartzman of Argentina to win

his fifth Italian Tennis Open title?

1) Rafael Nadal

2) Alexander Zverev

3) Novak Djokovic

4) Dominic Thiem

5) Stefanos Tsitsipas

4. Which state introduced 'Moksha

Kalash Yojana-2020' to allow free

bus travel to two members of a fam-

ily to immerse ashes of their loved

ones in the Ganga in Haridwar?

1) MP 2) Rajasthan

3) Andhra Pradesh

4) Chhattisgarh 5) Tamil Nadu

5. Parliament passed the bill for the

inclusion of Kashmiri …… and

Hindi in the list of official languages

in Jammu and Kashmir, in addition

to the existing Urdu and English.

1) Dogri 2) Pashto 3) Punjabi

4) Nepali 5) Persian

6. International Day of Democracy

observed on…

1) 30 September 2) 24 September

3) 28 September 4) 15 September

5) 29 September

7. Union Minister of State for Railways

Suresh Angadi passed away. He

represented which Loksabha con-

stituency in Karnataka?

1) Belagavi 2) Kolar 3) Gulbarga

4) Hassan 5) Bijapur

8. India's first Coast Guard Academy

will be established at..

1) Kochi 2) Goa

3) Machilipatnam 4) Mangaluru

5) Chennai

9. Brookwater Golf Club women’s

championship won by..

1) Ko Jin-young 2) Ashleigh Barty

3) Nelly Korda 4) Danielle Kang

5) Brooke Henderson

'Moksha Kalash Yojana-2020'

introduced by..?

Model Questions


World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day is commemorated

each year on the 27th of September.

The 2020 edition of World Tourism

Day, with the theme of “Tourism and

Rural Development”, celebrated the

unique role that tourism plays in pro-

viding opportunities outside of big cities

and preserving cultural and natural

heritage all around the world.

UNWTO (United Nations World

Tourism Organisation) revealed the

data that 100 to 120 million direct

tourism jobs are at risk due to COVID


On this eve, the Home Minister Amit


Shah inaugurated the Destination

North East 2020 on the occasion of

world tourism day. For Destination

North East 2020, the theme is "The

Emerging Delightful Destinations".

Golden Pen of Freedom Award

The Golden Pen of Freedom, the

annual press freedom award of the

World Association of News Publishers

(WAN-IFRA) was awarded to

Colombian journalist, Jineth Bedoya

Lima. The award conferred on Jineth

for her tireless work in promoting and

protecting the rights of women. She

reported on the armed conflict in her

native Colombia as well as drug traf-

ficking and gender issues that nour-

ished her journalistic work over the

past two decades.

International Translation Day

International Translation Day is

observed on September 30 to cele-

brate the work of language translation

professionals which facilitates dia-

logue, understanding, and cooperation,

contributing to the development and

strengthening of world peace and

security. The theme of International

Translation Day 2020 is “Finding the

words for a world in crisis”.

1-3 2-3 3-3 4-2 5-1 6-4

7-1 8-4 9-2.

÷ªJÙêŸ ú£÷«à¦ô¢Ù û¶æ̈ êµõÙÞ¥é ú£Ù#ÚÛö˺...


Udit Singhal

4 Marks Questions

Q: Draw labelled diagram of the V.S. of Kidney.

Q: Explain micturition.

A: Micturition is the process of sending out the

urine. The neural mechanism involved is

called "micturition reflex". Urine formed by

the nephrons is ultimately carried to the uri-

nary bladder where it is stored till a voluntary

signal is given by CNS. The signal is initiat-

ed by the stretching to the urinary bladder as

it gets filled with urine. In response, the

stretch receptors on the walls of the bladder

send signals to to the CNS. Then CNS

sends motor messages to initiate the con-

traction of smooth muscles of the bladder

and simultaneous relaxation of the urethral

sphincter, causing the release of urine. An

adult human excretes 1 to 2 litres of urine

per day on an average and 25-30 gr. of urea

is excreted with it.

2 Marks Questions

Q: What is juxta glomerular apparatus?

A: The juxta glomerular apparatus (JGA) is the

region in each nephron where the afferent

arteriole comes into contact with DCT. The

crowded cells of DCT in this region is macu-

la densa. Modified smooth muscle cells in

the wall of afferent renal arteriole are JG

cells. Macula densa together with JG cells

form JGA. It responds to decrease in blood

pressure and volume.

Q: Distinguish between the enzymes renin and


A: Renin enzyme (angiotensinogenase) is

secreted by Juxta glomerular cells, when

there is a fall in glomerular blood pressure. It

initiates RAAS mechanism.

Enzyme rennin is a proteolytic enzyme pre-

vent in the gastric juice of infants. It is secreted

by chief cells or peptic cells of gastric glands. It

converts casein (milk protein) into calcium para-

caseinate in presence of calcium ions.

RenninCasein → Calcium paracaseinate



Q: Define Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR).

A: The amount of filtrate formed in all the renal

corpuscles of both the kidneys per minute is

called as Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR).

In a healthy person it is approximately 125

ml. per minute i,e. 180 litres per day.

Q: Name the blood vessels that enter and exit

the kidney.

A: The blood vessel that enters the kidney is

renal artery where as the blood vessel that

comes out of the kidney is renal vein.

Q: What are column of Bertin?

A: The projection of renal cortex that extend

between renal pyramids in the kidney are

called Renal columns or columns of Bertin.

2 Marks Questions

Q: What is meant by chloride shift?

A: Chloride shift occurs during the transport

of CO2. During this Cl− ions move from

plasma into RBC and HCO−

3 ions move from

RBC into plasma. It facilitates more transport

of CO2 as bicarbonates by blood plasma.

It is also called Hamburger's phenomenon.

Q: What is the effect of PCO2 on oxygen


A: The effect of partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2)

and H+ ions on the oxygen carrying capacity

of haemoglobin is called Bohr effect.

Decrease in pH, increase in H+ concentra-

tion and increase in CO2 (in tissues) results

in reduction is the affinity of haemoglobin for


Q: What are conchae?

A: Conchae or turbinals are thin, twisted bony

plates present in the respiratory parts of

nasal chambers. They are involved in condi-

tioning the temperature of inhaled air.

2 Marks Questions

Q: What is a 'motor unit' with reference to mus-

cle and nerve?

A: A motor neuron and the set of muscle fibres

innervated by all its telodendrites is a motor

unit. The junction between a motor neuron

and the sarcolemma of a muscle fibre is

called motor end plate or neuromuscular


Q: Distinguish between red muscle fibres and

white muscle fibres?


Q: Human skull is described as dicondylic skull.

Give the reason.

A: In human skull two occipital condyles are

present one on each side of the foramen

magnum. Hence it is dicondylic type of skull.

Q: What is triad system?

A: In a striated muscle fibre/ cell, sarcolemma

invaginates at the junction of A and I bands

to form T-tubule or transverse tubules.

Terminal cisternae formed from sarcoplasmic

reticulum on either side of T-tubule. T-tuble

and two terminal cisternae on its sides form

triad system. Calcium ions required for mus-

cle contraction are stored in the cisternae.

Q: Name the cranial sutures and their locations.

A: The skull bones are joined by sutures.

Coronal suture joins parietal bones with

frontal bone (fore head bone). Lambdoid

suture joins parietal bones posteriorly to the

oceipital bone.

4 Marks Questions

Q: What is Cori’s cycle - explain the process.

A: Cori cycle was proposed by cori and cori

who got nobel prize. it occurs in the muscles

and liver. During rapid contraction of skeletal

muscles under low oxygen availability (gly-

colysis) pyruvic acid is formed and it is con-

verted into lactic acid or laetate in the

cytosol. It leads to muscle fatigue. Lactic

acid is released into blood and carried to the

liver. liver converts it into pyruvic acid or

pyruvate. It is then converted to glucose

through gluconeogenesis. The glucose mol-

ecules are then released into blood circula-

tion and they are absorbed by skeletal mus-

cle fibres. It is used immediately if required

or else, used to rebuild there glycogem

reserves. This shuffling of lactate to the liver

and glucose back to muscle cells is called

the coricycle.

Q: Write short notes on the ribs of human


A: Human chest consists of 12 pairs of ribs.

Each rib is a thin, flat bone connected dor-

sally to vertebral column and ventrally to the

sternum. It has two articulating surfaces as

dorsal end for attachment to thoralic verte-

brae. Hence these are bicephalic ribs. First

seven pairs of ribs are true ribs or vertebro

sternal ribs as they are attached dorsally to

thoralic vertebral and vertrally to sternum

with the help of hyaline cartilages. Pairs

8,9,10 are false ribs or vertebro chondral ribs

and are attached indirectly to sternum by

means of cartilages with sternal part of 7th

rib. Last two pairs (11th and 12th) of ribs are

floating ribs or vertebral ribs as they are not

connected vertrally either to the sternum or

to the anterior ribs. The thoralic vertebrae,

ribs and sternum together form the rib case.

Breathing and exchange of gases

Musculoskeletal System


Dr. M.R. Prasad

Subject Expert


What is meant by chloride shift?Excretory products and

their elimination

2 Marks Questions

Q: Why the arteries are more elastic than


A: Arteries are more elastic due to the pres-

ence of two elastic laminae one each on

either side of middle layer tunica media

which is relatively thicker than in veins.

Veins have thin tunica media and only one

elastic lamina on the inner side of tunica

media. This feature helps in pressure flow of

blood in arteries.

Q: Where is the valve of Thebesius in the heart

of man?

A: Thebesius valve is present at the opening

of coronary sinus into the right atrium of the

heart. It collects the blood from the

myocardium (wall of heart) into the right atri-


Q: Name the aortic arches arising from the

ventricles of the heart of man?

A: Pulmonary arch is the aortic arch that arises

from the left anterior angle of the right ven-

tricle. Left systemic arch is the aortic arch

that arises from the left ventricle.

4 Marks Questions

Q: Explain the mechanism of clotting of blood.

A: Clotting of blood (haemostasis) is a complex

cascade of enzymatic reactions that occur in

plasma, when a blood vessel is damaged. It

occurs in 3 steps.

H Step 1: Formation of prothrombin activator

occurs in it by the interaction of clotting fac-

tors present in the blood. It is formed by cas-

cade of chemical reactions, that occur in two


a) Intrinsic pathway: It takes place when the

blood comes into contact with the collagen

of injured endothelium of blood vessel. It

activates factor XII (Hageman's factor) and

as a result of cascade reactions, the final

product prothrombin activator is formed.

b) Extrinsic pathway: It begins with chemicals

that are outside the blood when there is a

severe damage in the vascular wall and

when extra vascular tissue is exposed to the

blood. This activates the release of the tis-

sue thromboplastin (factor III) from the dam-

aged tissue. It activates factor VII

(Proconvertin or stable factor). Due to these

cascade reactions, the final product pro-

thrombin activator is formed.

H Step 2: The prothrombin activator, in the

presence of sufficient amount of ionic ca++,

causes the conversion of inactive prothrom-

bin protein of plasma to active thrombin.

H Step 3: Thrombin causes the conversion of

soluble plasma protein fibrinogen into solu-

ble fibrin monomers which are weakly bond-

ed with each other by hydrogen bonds.

Factor XIII (fibrin stabilizing factor) released

from the platelets forms a 'mesh work' by

replacing hydrogen bonds with covalent

bonds and cross links the fibres. The insolu-

ble mesh work of fibrin fibres spreading in all

directions adhere to the damaged surfaces

and trap the blood cells and platelets. This

strengthens the clot.

After clot is formed, it begins to condense

into a more compact structure by the process

called clot retraction. The fluid that is squeezed

out of clot during clot retraction is serum

(Plasma without fibrinogen).

Body fluids and circulationRed muscle fibers

1. Content of myo-

globin, a red

coloured oxygen

storing pigment is

high in these


2. Mitochondria are


3. These are aerobic

muscles as they

depend on aerobic

process for

release of energy.

White muscle fibers

1. These muscle

fibres possess a

very less quantity

of myoglobin and

so appear pale or


2. Mitochondria are

few in number.

3. These are anaero-

bic muscles as they

depend on anaero-

bic process for

energy release.

Page 2: B theirelimination What is meant by chloride shift?


Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugu-

rated Vaishvik Bhartiya Vaigyanik

(VAIBHAV) Summit on 2 October 2020

through video conference. The Summit

is a global virtual summit of overseas

and resident Indian researchers and


Over 3000 overseas Indian origin

academicians and scientists from 55

countries and more than 10000 resi-

dent academicians and scientists are

taking part in this summit. It will con-

clude on 31 October 2020.

The summit aims to bring Indian

origin luminaries in academic institutes

and Research and Development orga-

nizations across the world and resident

counterparts on a single platform to

debate upon collaboration mechanisms

to strengthen academic and Science

and Technology based in India for glob-

al development.

Global Climate Summit

United Nations and Britain will co-host

a global climate summit on 12

December 2020.

National governments will be invit-

ed to present more ambitious and high-

quality climate plans at the summit,

which would involve government lead-

ers as well as the private sector and

civil society. The December summit is

intended to increase momentum ahead

of the U.N. Climate Change

Conference (COP 26) to be held in

Glasgow in November 2021.

PM address in UNGA

On 26 September 2020, Prime Minister

Narendra Modi virtually addressed the

75th session of the United Nations

General Assembly (UNGA) in Hindi.

He focused on reforming the United

Nations Security Council (UNSC). In

his pre-recorded video statement PM

questioned for how long will India, the

world’s largest democracy and home to

130 crore people, be kept out of the

decision-making structures of the

United Nations, asserting that reform in

the responses, processes and the very

character of the global body is the

“need of the hour”.

The event was held under the theme

“The Future We Want, the UN We

Need: Reaffirming our Collective

Commitment to Multilateralism”.

‘Declaration on the Commemoration

of the 75th Anniversary of the United

Nations' was adopted at the high-level

meeting of the 193-member Assembly.

25th Anniversary of the Fourth

World Conference on Women

Union Minister for Women and Child

Development Smriti Irani participated in

the 25th Anniversary of the Fourth

World Conference on Women virtually

and said that India recognises the cen-

trality of gender equality and women's

empowerment in all aspects in the

developmental agenda.

On this eve, the UN Women

Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo

Ngcuka called for big and bold steps to

accelerate progress towards gender


G4 Nations meeting

On the eve of 75th session of the

United Nations General Assembly, the

Foreign Ministers of the G4 countries -

India, Brazil, Japan, and Germany met

virtually and highlighted the urgency of

reforming the United Nations and

updating its main decision-making bod-

ies to better reflect contemporary reali-


Broader membership of the Security

Council will allow it to preserve its cred-

ibility and create the political backing

needed for the peaceful resolution of

today’s international crises.


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Amara Veeraswamy

Subject Expert

Writer General


Ghar Tak Fibre

On 21 September 2020, Prime

Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated

nine highway projects and the ‘Ghar

Tak Fibre’ scheme via video-confer-

ence in Bihar.

‘Ghar Tak Fibre’ scheme will con-

nect all 45,945 villages of Bihar

through optical fibre internet service

brings a “digital revolution” to reach the

state’s remotest corner”. The project

will include setting up of Wi-Fi and free

connections at government institutions

such as primary schools, Anganwadi

centres, Aasha workers, Jeevika Didi.

The highway projects inaugurated

cover a road length of about 350 kilo-

metres and will be completed at a cost

of Rs. 14,258 crore.

Ambedkar Social InnovationIncubation Mission

Union Minister of Social Justice and

Empowerment Thaawarchand Gehlot

launched a programme named

‘Ambedkar Social Innovation

Incubation Mission’ (ASIIM) on 30

September 2020, to promote innova-

tion and entrepreneurship among

Scheduled Caste (SC) students in the

higher education campuses.

The programme helps the SC

techies refine a raw startup idea in the

best technological facilities and take it

to commercial launch, to create 1,000

SC startups over three years.

ASIIM will run for 3 years with a

total budget of Rs. 308.8 crore. The

funds will be routed through the social

justice ministry’s “Venture Capital

Fund for SCs” which is managed by

the IFCI Venture Capital Fund Limited.

Atal Tunnel

On 3 October 2020, Prime Minister

Narendra Modi inaugurated the strate-

gically important, all-weather Atal

Tunnel at Rohtang in Himachal

Pradesh. It connects Manali to the

Lahaul-Spiti valley and reduces travel

time to Leh in the Union Territory of

Ladakh by five hours.

The Border Roads Organisation

(BRO) completed the construction of

the tunnel within its estimated cost of


The tunnel is built with ultra-mod-

ern specifications in the Pir Panjal

range of Himalayas at an altitude of

3,000 metres (10,000 feet) from the

Mean Sea Level (MSL).

The 9.02 km-long longest highway

tunnel in the world is a horseshoe-

shaped built at a cost of about Rs.

3,300 crore. The tunnel has a tele-

phone facility at every 150 metre, a fire

hydrant every 60 metre, emergency

exits every 500 metre, a turning cavern

every 2.2 km, air quality monitors every

1 km, broadcasting system and auto-

matic incident detection system with

CCTV cameras every 250 metre.

The central government decided to

name the Rohtang Tunnel as Atal

Tunnel in December 2019.


1. Who is appointed as the first

Chairman of the National Medical


1) Randeep Guleria

2) Balram Bhargava

3) Suresh Chandra Sharma

4) Soumya Swaminathan

5) Lav Agarwal

2. Sheikh Nawaf Al Ahmad Al Sabah

became the emir of ….

1) UAE 2) Saudi Arabia

3) Qatar 4) Kuwait 5) Oman

3. Who is appointed as the new chief

of National Technical Research

Organisation (NTRO)?

1) Usha Padhee 2) Aveek Sarkar

3) Anil Dhasmana

4) Subhash Kamath

5) Rajat Sud

4. 'Ganga Avalokan', the first muse-

um on Ganga aimed at showcasing

the culture, biodiversity and rejuve-

nation activities done in the river

inaugurated by PM Narendra Modi

in …

1) UP 2) Uttarakhand

3) West Bengal 4) Bihar

5) Jharkhand

5. What is the theme of the

International Day of Peace 2020

that observed on 21 September?

1) Peace from Carona

2) Peace for SDG

3) Shaping Peace Together

4) Peace for 21st Century

5) Achieving the Peace

6. Which company won the contract

to build new parliament building for

Rs. 861.9 crores?

1) L & T 2) Lodha Group

3) TATA projects

4) Shapoorji Pallonji & Co Ltd

5) GMR Group

7. Rashtriya Raksha University will be

established in…

1) Rajasthan 2) Gujrat

3) Telangana 4) Odisha

5) Kerala

8. Russian Grand Prix 2020 won by..

1) Lewis Hamilton

2) Max Verstappen

3) Valtteri Bottas

4) Daniel Ricciardo

5) Charles Leclerc

9. ‘Jeevani’, a health drink aimed at

enhancing the immunity levels of

people launched by which state

Agriculture University?

1) Andhra Pradesh 2) Telangana

3) Karnataka 4) Bihar 5) Kerala

'Ganga Avalokan'

located in which state?

Model Questions


Swachh Bharat Awards-2020

On 2 October 2020, Union Jal Shakti

Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat

conferred the Swachh Bharat Awards-

2020 to States, Districts, Blocks and

Village Panchayats.

The awards were given particularly

under the drinking water and cleanli-

ness categories.

The government of India had earli-

er launched three missions under

Swachh Sundar Samudayik

Shouchalaya, Samudayik

Shouchalaya Abhiyan and Gandagi

Mukth Bharat. Under the Swachh

Sundar Samudayik Shouchalaya cat-


egory, Gujarat bagged the first posi-

tion at state level whereas Tirunelveli

in Tamil Nadu got the award for

cleanliness at District Level.

Khachrod block in Ujjain district in

Madhya Pradesh was awarded the

first position and Chinnanur Village in

Tamil Nadu bagged the top slot at

Gram Panchayat level.

Under the Samudayik Shouchalaya

Abhiyan, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh

were awarded as the best performing

states whereas Prayagraj and Bareilly

got it for being the best performing dis-

tricts. Under the Gandagi Mukth Bharat

Mission, Haryana and Telangana were

awarded the top slot.

SDG Special HumanitarianAction Award

Veteran actor Sonu Sood was con-

ferred with the prestigious SDG

Special Humanitarian Action Award

by the United Nations Development

Programme (UNDP) on 28

September 2020 during a virtual cer-


He tirelessly worked to help stranded

migrant workers get to their homes dur-

ing the lockdown and often dubbed as

the “messiah of migrants”.

1-3 2-4 3-3 4-2 5-3 6-3

7-2 8-3 9-5

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4 Marks Questions

Q: Draw labelled diagram of the V.S. of Kidney.

Q: Explain micturition.

A: Micturition is the process of sending out the

urine. The neural mechanism involved is

called "micturition reflex". Urine formed by

the nephrons is ultimately carried to the uri-

nary bladder where it is stored till a voluntary

signal is given by CNS. The signal is initiat-

ed by the stretching to the urinary bladder as

it gets filled with urine. In response, the

stretch receptors on the walls of the bladder

send signals to to the CNS. Then CNS

sends motor messages to initiate the con-

traction of smooth muscles of the bladder

and simultaneous relaxation of the urethral

sphincter, causing the release of urine. An

adult human excretes 1 to 2 litres of urine

per day on an average and 25-30 gr. of urea

is excreted with it.

2 Marks Questions

Q: What is juxta glomerular apparatus?

A: The juxta glomerular apparatus (JGA) is the

region in each nephron where the afferent

arteriole comes into contact with DCT. The

crowded cells of DCT in this region is macu-

la densa. Modified smooth muscle cells in

the wall of afferent renal arteriole are JG

cells. Macula densa together with JG cells

form JGA. It responds to decrease in blood

pressure and volume.

Q: Distinguish between the enzymes renin and


A: Renin enzyme (angiotensinogenase) is

secreted by Juxta glomerular cells, when

there is a fall in glomerular blood pressure. It

initiates RAAS mechanism.

Enzyme rennin is a proteolytic enzyme pre-

vent in the gastric juice of infants. It is secreted

by chief cells or peptic cells of gastric glands. It

converts casein (milk protein) into calcium para-

caseinate in presence of calcium ions.

RenninCasein → Calcium paracaseinate



Q: Define Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR).

A: The amount of filtrate formed in all the renal

corpuscles of both the kidneys per minute is

called as Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR).

In a healthy person it is approximately 125

ml. per minute i,e. 180 litres per day.

Q: Name the blood vessels that enter and exit

the kidney.

A: The blood vessel that enters the kidney is

renal artery where as the blood vessel that

comes out of the kidney is renal vein.

Q: What are column of Bertin?

A: The projection of renal cortex that extend

between renal pyramids in the kidney are

called Renal columns or columns of Bertin.

2 Marks Questions

Q: What is meant by chloride shift?

A: Chloride shift occurs during the transport

of CO2. During this Cl− ions move from

plasma into RBC and HCO−

3 ions move from

RBC into plasma. It facilitates more transport

of CO2 as bicarbonates by blood plasma.

It is also called Hamburger's phenomenon.

Q: What is the effect of PCO2 on oxygen


A: The effect of partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2)

and H+ ions on the oxygen carrying capacity

of haemoglobin is called Bohr effect.

Decrease in pH, increase in H+ concentra-

tion and increase in CO2 (in tissues) results

in reduction is the affinity of haemoglobin for


Q: What are conchae?

A: Conchae or turbinals are thin, twisted bony

plates present in the respiratory parts of

nasal chambers. They are involved in condi-

tioning the temperature of inhaled air.

2 Marks Questions

Q: What is a 'motor unit' with reference to mus-

cle and nerve?

A: A motor neuron and the set of muscle fibres

innervated by all its telodendrites is a motor

unit. The junction between a motor neuron

and the sarcolemma of a muscle fibre is

called motor end plate or neuromuscular


Q: Distinguish between red muscle fibres and

white muscle fibres?


Q: Human skull is described as dicondylic skull.

Give the reason.

A: In human skull two occipital condyles are

present one on each side of the foramen

magnum. Hence it is dicondylic type of skull.

Q: What is triad system?

A: In a striated muscle fibre/ cell, sarcolemma

invaginates at the junction of A and I bands

to form T-tubule or transverse tubules.

Terminal cisternae formed from sarcoplasmic

reticulum on either side of T-tubule. T-tuble

and two terminal cisternae on its sides form

triad system. Calcium ions required for mus-

cle contraction are stored in the cisternae.

Q: Name the cranial sutures and their locations.

A: The skull bones are joined by sutures.

Coronal suture joins parietal bones with

frontal bone (fore head bone). Lambdoid

suture joins parietal bones posteriorly to the

oceipital bone.

4 Marks Questions

Q: What is Cori’s cycle - explain the process.

A: Cori cycle was proposed by cori and cori

who got nobel prize. it occurs in the muscles

and liver. During rapid contraction of skeletal

muscles under low oxygen availability (gly-

colysis) pyruvic acid is formed and it is con-

verted into lactic acid or laetate in the

cytosol. It leads to muscle fatigue. Lactic

acid is released into blood and carried to the

liver. liver converts it into pyruvic acid or

pyruvate. It is then converted to glucose

through gluconeogenesis. The glucose mol-

ecules are then released into blood circula-

tion and they are absorbed by skeletal mus-

cle fibres. It is used immediately if required

or else, used to rebuild there glycogem

reserves. This shuffling of lactate to the liver

and glucose back to muscle cells is called

the coricycle.

Q: Write short notes on the ribs of human


A: Human chest consists of 12 pairs of ribs.

Each rib is a thin, flat bone connected dor-

sally to vertebral column and ventrally to the

sternum. It has two articulating surfaces as

dorsal end for attachment to thoralic verte-

brae. Hence these are bicephalic ribs. First

seven pairs of ribs are true ribs or vertebro

sternal ribs as they are attached dorsally to

thoralic vertebral and vertrally to sternum

with the help of hyaline cartilages. Pairs

8,9,10 are false ribs or vertebro chondral ribs

and are attached indirectly to sternum by

means of cartilages with sternal part of 7th

rib. Last two pairs (11th and 12th) of ribs are

floating ribs or vertebral ribs as they are not

connected vertrally either to the sternum or

to the anterior ribs. The thoralic vertebrae,

ribs and sternum together form the rib case.

Breathing and exchange of gases

Musculoskeletal System


Dr. M.R. Prasad

Subject Expert


What is meant by chloride shift?Excretory products and

their elimination

2 Marks Questions

Q: Why the arteries are more elastic than


A: Arteries are more elastic due to the pres-

ence of two elastic laminae one each on

either side of middle layer tunica media

which is relatively thicker than in veins.

Veins have thin tunica media and only one

elastic lamina on the inner side of tunica

media. This feature helps in pressure flow of

blood in arteries.

Q: Where is the valve of Thebesius in the heart

of man?

A: Thebesius valve is present at the opening

of coronary sinus into the right atrium of the

heart. It collects the blood from the

myocardium (wall of heart) into the right atri-


Q: Name the aortic arches arising from the

ventricles of the heart of man?

A: Pulmonary arch is the aortic arch that arises

from the left anterior angle of the right ven-

tricle. Left systemic arch is the aortic arch

that arises from the left ventricle.

4 Marks Questions

Q: Explain the mechanism of clotting of blood.

A: Clotting of blood (haemostasis) is a complex

cascade of enzymatic reactions that occur in

plasma, when a blood vessel is damaged. It

occurs in 3 steps.

H Step 1: Formation of prothrombin activator

occurs in it by the interaction of clotting fac-

tors present in the blood. It is formed by cas-

cade of chemical reactions, that occur in two


a) Intrinsic pathway: It takes place when the

blood comes into contact with the collagen

of injured endothelium of blood vessel. It

activates factor XII (Hageman's factor) and

as a result of cascade reactions, the final

product prothrombin activator is formed.

b) Extrinsic pathway: It begins with chemicals

that are outside the blood when there is a

severe damage in the vascular wall and

when extra vascular tissue is exposed to the

blood. This activates the release of the tis-

sue thromboplastin (factor III) from the dam-

aged tissue. It activates factor VII

(Proconvertin or stable factor). Due to these

cascade reactions, the final product pro-

thrombin activator is formed.

H Step 2: The prothrombin activator, in the

presence of sufficient amount of ionic ca++,

causes the conversion of inactive prothrom-

bin protein of plasma to active thrombin.

H Step 3: Thrombin causes the conversion of

soluble plasma protein fibrinogen into solu-

ble fibrin monomers which are weakly bond-

ed with each other by hydrogen bonds.

Factor XIII (fibrin stabilizing factor) released

from the platelets forms a 'mesh work' by

replacing hydrogen bonds with covalent

bonds and cross links the fibres. The insolu-

ble mesh work of fibrin fibres spreading in all

directions adhere to the damaged surfaces

and trap the blood cells and platelets. This

strengthens the clot.

After clot is formed, it begins to condense

into a more compact structure by the process

called clot retraction. The fluid that is squeezed

out of clot during clot retraction is serum

(Plasma without fibrinogen).

Body fluids and circulationRed muscle fibers

1. Content of myo-

globin, a red

coloured oxygen

storing pigment is

high in these


2. Mitochondria are


3. These are aerobic

muscles as they

depend on aerobic

process for

release of energy.

White muscle fibers

1. These muscle

fibres possess a

very less quantity

of myoglobin and

so appear pale or


2. Mitochondria are

few in number.

3. These are anaero-

bic muscles as they

depend on anaero-

bic process for

energy release.

Sheikh Nawaf Al Ahmad Al Sabah
