Copyright 2009 Digital Enterprise Research Institute. All rights reserved Digital Enterprise Research Institute www.deri.i e Semantic Search for CMS IKS workshop Rome, 12/11/2009 joint work with: Stéphane Corlosquet, Jüregen Umbrich, Lindsay Clark, Stefan Decker Dr. Axel Polleres Axel Polleres

Axel Polleres

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Semantic Search for CMS IKS workshop Rome, 12/11/2009 joint work with: Stéphane Corlosquet, Jüregen Umbrich, Lindsay Clark, Stefan Decker Dr. Axel Polleres. Axel Polleres. Where are we in terms of Semantic Web for CMS? Good news! We already did it for you! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Axel Polleres

Copyright 2009 Digital Enterprise Research Institute. All rights reserved

Digital Enterprise Research Institute www.deri.ie

Semantic Search for CMSIKS workshop Rome, 12/11/2009

joint work with: Stéphane Corlosquet, Jüregen Umbrich, Lindsay Clark, Stefan Decker

Dr. Axel Polleres

Axel Polleres

Page 2: Axel Polleres

Digital Enterprise Research Institute www.deri.ie

Where are we in terms of Semantic Web for CMS?

Good news! We already did it for you!

Just install Drupal and get on board for free

… and use SWSE/Sindice which will do the search part for you!


Page 3: Axel Polleres

Digital Enterprise Research Institute www.deri.ie

Semantic Search for CMS

Goal: Inject machine readable data in Drupal

– Off-the shelf– Low entry barrier for site administrators

Make ANY Drupal site amenable to semantic Search engines (e.g. SWSE, Sindice)

– Reasoning, cross-site queries in SPARQL

“Stacked” approach for finding/integrating information from different sites in a certain domain.

– tailored SWSE engine – Find/query data if you wish, reintegrate it in you site


Page 4: Axel Polleres

Digital Enterprise Research Institute www.deri.ie


Semantic Search over CMS:


Page 5: Axel Polleres

Digital Enterprise Research Institute www.deri.ie


Semantic Search over CMS:

Page 6: Axel Polleres

Digital Enterprise Research Institute www.deri.ie


Our approach:

A. Produce & Consume Linked Data with Drupal1. Automatic Vocabulary creation from Site structure and

expose RDF off-the-shelf2. Mapping Content Models to existing ontologies3. Data endpoint for SPARQL querying4. Lazy loading of external data (data import)

B. Tailored crawl and search1. Configurable crawl depth, periodical crawls2. Optional OWL reasoning3. SPARQL/SWSE endpoint over specific sources

C. Applications on top1. Expert Finding2. VisiNav


Best in-Use


Page 7: Axel Polleres

Digital Enterprise Research Institute www.deri.ie


Demo time!

A. Produce & Consume Linked Data with Drupal (Axel)1. How to get RDF into Drupal CCK (demo live)2. Data endpoint for SPARQL querying (demo live)3. Import of external data (data import) (under construction)

B. Tailored crawl and search (Jürgen Umbrich, DERI)1. Configurable Search engine/crawler based ob SWSE2. Cross-site Queries with Reasoning

C. Applications on top (time allowed)1. Expert Finding (Paul Buitelaar, DERI)2. VisiNav (Andreas Harth, DERI/AIFB)




2 nd prize!

Page 8: Axel Polleres

Digital Enterprise Research Institute www.deri.ie


Availability of Part A:

Drupal 6 modules available for download: http://drupal.org/project/rdfcckhttp://drupal.org/project/evochttp://drupal.org/project/sparql_ep http://drupal.org/project/rdfproxy (under construction)

Online prototype: http://drupal.deri.ie/projectblogs/

Other users: Michael J Fox Foundation (Parkinson disease)

http://www.pdonlineresearch.org/ Stembook (Stem Cell articles and reviews)

http://www.stembook.org/ ISWC2010 web site (to come!)

Drupal 7 Core will have RDF functionality!!!! Currently more than 200.000* sites on Drupal 6 waiting to be upgraded!

Page 9: Axel Polleres

Digital Enterprise Research Institute www.deri.ie



Check some more detailed slides from our ISWC presentation:


Page 10: Axel Polleres

Digital Enterprise Research Institute www.deri.ie


PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>

SELECT * WHERE { ?s a foaf:Person; foaf:firstName ?fname; foaf:surname ?lname . OPTIONAL { ?s foaf:img ?pic} }

PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>

SELECT * WHERE { ?s a foaf:Person; foaf:firstName ?fname; foaf:surname ?lname . OPTIONAL { ?s foaf:img ?pic} }

Site SPARQL endpoint Example Query:

Show me persons, their names and optionally images of those persons

Page 11: Axel Polleres

Digital Enterprise Research Institute www.deri.ie


PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>

SELECT * WHERE { ?s a foaf:Person; foaf:firstName ?fname; foaf:surname ?lname . OPTIONAL { ?s foaf:depiction ?pic} }

PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>

SELECT * WHERE { ?s a foaf:Person; foaf:firstName ?fname; foaf:surname ?lname . OPTIONAL { ?s foaf:depiction ?pic} }

foaf:img rdfs:subPropertyOf foaf:depictionfoaf:img rdfs:subPropertyOf foaf:depiction

Site SPARQL endpoint Example Query:

Needs reasoning… cf. Jürgen’s demo later on

Show me persons, their names and optionally images of those persons

Page 12: Axel Polleres

Digital Enterprise Research Institute www.deri.ie


Lazy loading (caching) of distant RDF resources

Enables sharing data across sites/import remote Linked data sources

Like SPARQL endpoint module built on the PHP ARC2 library

Simply CONSTRUCT query to map distant schema to local schema

Import of distant RDF resources

Currently disabled on the demo site for maintainance… so, can’t demo today, sorry, need to show you on slides…

Page 13: Axel Polleres

Digital Enterprise Research Institute www.deri.ie


Page 14: Axel Polleres

Digital Enterprise Research Institute www.deri.ie



Use our Drupal modules! We’d be happy to collaborate/help on building similar

approaches for other CMS: E.g. WordPress (Lin Clark, DERI) Auto/semi-automatic export RDF ensuring LOD principles

Goal: Make ANY CMS site amenable to semantic search We plan to make customisable crawlers awailable open source

to accompany this! We can provide tailored search/query engines on top

(SWSE/Sindice)!! We are working on further applications integrating this data!