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Awakening the Wolf

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Awakening the Wolf, Noah McDowell 1 | P a g e

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Page 1: Awakening the Wolf

Awakening the Wolf, Noah McDowell

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Awakening the Wolf, Noah McDowell


The moon loomed overhead of me, forming into a full moon. A small percentage

of the people I know believes that when a full moon comes out, the wolf will be

awakened inside the ones bitten soul.

But that is surely not how our kind is, we're much more humble and controlling

than that. We can control our thoughts and protect our pack.

We're not harsh creatures like in the books and movies you may read or watch.

Those monsters are uncontrollable beasts and rip their loved ones to shreds.

They are the normal werewolves, but you may have heard of hi-breed vampires

that are half human and half vampire, well we're hi-breed werewolves.

Soul enemies of the vampires and the bird people that evolved from birds. We

never face the other werewolves known as lycans, they live in hidden pyramids in Egypt.

Us hi-breeds took over them and banished them because they could not control

themselves during a full moon and killed innocent humans. Then the next the police

thought a huge new species had murdered them.

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The normal werewolves really were nice kids but just couldn't control themselves.

Anyways I then lost my best friend Charity Todd who was also was banished. We were

the best of friends and knew everything about each other, only I could control her self

control, we kind of clicked like that.

After she left, I kind of grew a much more darker aura missing her deeply. I used

to be a fun guy and hung out with the pack, until she left me. Everyday I wonder if she is

still alive out there waiting for me to find her.

I wish I could but I have to follow the packs leader, Locke. I don't have any hatred

for the guy I mean we're like brothers and I would hate to see any of my brothers die. I

just wish he didn't have to banish the lycans we were all really good friends with, but

when Vlademire forget to take his pill to help him not go full wolf, he attacked the

innocent and Vlad is like a huge stalking werewolf so none of us could stop him. He

killed 10 innocent humans that night. Vlad is the biggest threat the lycan pack has to offer

him being the leader and all.

Vlad wears all black and has dark black hair, all of the lycans have dark brown

eyes. It's just everyday life for the lycans.

Our pack is not as dangerous as the lycans, as you can tell but we can take a fight.

We can change into a werewolf whenever we want and take charge of ourselves. We're

actually pretty big wolfs, way bigger than all of the other “real” wolves out there.

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Awakening the Wolf, Noah McDowell

Our pack is also pretty big as well, consisting of eight teenage wolfs and one elder

wolf named Ohmar. Ohmar has given up his werewolf powers and has grown very old,

one day he was a teenager but the next day when he gave his powers up he grew into a 83

year old man who was well ready to die.

Ohmar gets around on a wheelchair too weak to walk anymore, he has kept his

sanity though which has surprised the pack. Usually when you give up your powers your

ready to die. And I think ever since his wife Cecily died, he was ready to leave the pack

and die.

It's been three months ever since he gave up his powers, so one of the pack is

always by his side. Today it's my turn to watch him, right now he was resting. He has

short grayish blackish hair and many wrinkles and an after shave around his chin. He fell

asleep with a tomato and lettuce and cheese sandwich in his hand and a pair of

headphones in his ears. There was a stack of books mostly by Shakespeare from Romeo

and Juliet to Hamlet. That's what he's been doing for the last couple days reading, eating,

and sleeping. His wheelchair was beside his bed, it was my job to make sure nothing goes

wrong while he's sleeping.

This was a pretty boring afternoon until Alexandra Mays, Locke's sister walked in.

She has long wavy black hair and a pair of white sunglasses on that were on her forehead.

She was pretty tanned and was carrying a coffee cup. She wore a button up red velvet

shirt and a pair of jeans.

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We usually call her Alex for short. Her and I have a bunch of stuff in common,

both of our dear ones were banished. Alex was best friends with another lycan named

Allison. Allison had a mate named Trevor, the two of them were African American


They hung out with Alex a lot, they were like Alex's only two companions besides

Aila the only other girl in the pack. But she has a mate named Donny and Alex can not

stand Donny's guts.

They are mortal enemies, Locke try's not to put them together while we're

guarding our town from Vampires and the Bird People. Though they are so good together

when fighting a vampire or such. Alex and Donny have like twin telepathy and know

when the other is going to hit and then helps make things real faster.

Though they just can't get along which is kind of a problem for the pack having to

listen to them constantly arguing. I feel bad for Locke because he always has to work

things out for them.

That is why I never ever want to be the pack leader, so I hope Locke never dies.

Because I'm older than my brother Vincent and would surely be the next leader.

“Hey Vance, you still looking after old Ohmar?” Alex asked as she took a seat next to


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“Yeah, I'm kinda jealous of the dude he gets to lay in bed all day. It's so not fair!” I


Alex giggled, “Well at least you don't have to die. I'm gonna miss Ohmar he used

to be an awesome member of the pack.” Alex whispered, and I could feel things getting

tense. I truly felt bad for her she has gone through so much losing Allison and Trevor.

And now Ohmar it was really unfair.

“I'm so sorry Alex, I didn't understand really til' now but you know we all love you

and would die to take care of you. But we still have to live on, perhaps Allison and

Trevor will come back someday in the near future. This is our temporary home so we've

got to fight our hardest.” I tried to cheer her up.

It didn't look like I helped that I helped that much she had tears in the corners of

her lime green colored eyes. I reached out and grabbed her and gave her a hug. She

needed it and I think I did too, she was so much like a little sister. That always needs

protection, Locke has been trying but doesn't seem to understand what she needs. She

needs a friend and that's something that may be impossible.

We hugged it out and then it was Vincent's turn to watch over Ohmar. Alex stayed

in there with Vincent and nestled her head on his shoulder as they watched over the old

man in silence.

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I was planning to see how the boys were doing down at the packs car wash

business called, “The Wolf's Car Wash” This is something the pack loves to do, and hang

out at. Right now Locke, Tak, Donny, Jack and Aila were at. Today's a busy day for the

pack, cars are streaming in. Locke was collecting people's money, Tak was driving the

car through the wash since we haven't got one of those machines that rolls the car through

the wash yet. All of the others were either scraping the gunk that slide of the car down the

drainage or drying the car off. Placing special car cleaning stuff on it. Only three

members of the pack get off work at a time. Right now Tak is in my position, we usually

just switch out.

A customer was busy talking away on her smart phone while her expensive

500,000 dollar Porsche Carrera GT2 was being driven by Tak. And I personally think

Tak is having a fun time with this. And I bet he was just dieing to this baby on the road

and check out the speed of 205 miles per hour. But now he gets to enjoy the leather seats.

Locke was busy talking to an old friend from middle school he hadn't seen in

years. I guess I wasn't needed here though. I went inside the building and there are

windows where you can see your car going through the wash. I saw Tak staring at the

stereo and inspecting the automatic cup holders.

I purchased a Sun Drop at the coke machine and chugged it down and went to help

clean the Porsche. Aila and Donny were putting cleaning supplies on it, and when they

finished I dried it off and washed the tires, I was wearing khaki shorts and a tee-shirt. My

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curly long hair had tint of soap in it. We three joked around I dumped a bucket of water

on Donny, just because it looked like he a bath.

He put his finger over the hose and sprayed me down just because I looked like a

dirty doggie. Aila got into the fight and threw a sponge at Donny's face. Donny's face

grew red and all three of us laughed. We were having a good time until the rich lady

made us stop fooling around and wash her car.

We did just that and as she examined her car she smiled and payed us a tip. She

was probably not coming back, ah what a bummer, I used sarcasm in my head.

Locke made me leave the wash and stop “trying” to help, he knew I was just so

bored. Tomorrow I'll go to school, unless I decide to ditch it and then leave to head to

work in my truck. Vincent may decide to take a ride with me to the art club. Vincent is

my artist prodigy little brother, he gets off of work the most to go to art showings to show

off and sell his masterpieces.

He may not get much money from work but he surely gets loads of money for his

art pieces. His last piece sold for like 10,000 dollars, it was a portrait of a wolf with all of

the detail and everything, that wolf that he drew was me. He made me pose in the woods

so he could get every last detail of my fur and facial pictures. Vincent usually draws

wolfs to sell but in his bedroom he has every single member of the pack drawn in such

detail, he is now working on an updated picture of Ohmar.

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Vincent and me are brothers, sons of Elisha and Melissa Drake but in school the

whole packs last name is Wolfe. We're all siblings at school, but if you think of it

technically Locke and Alex Mays, Tak, Jack, and Donny Walter, Aila Hali, and Ohmar


But we all live in Wolfe Mansion on top of the hill in the middle of two other

empty mansions. Nobody else in this town could afford them. But we each have our own

room in the middle mansion so we decided it would be better for all of the family to live

in this one building.

And plus humans would be concerned how we can afford three mansions, so all

eight of us live and enjoy it in this mansion. I transformed into wolf form and ran to the

mansion and up the hill. Once I made it to the garage I transformed back. And you may

be wondering if I'm naked but that's the thing with hi-breed werewolves the clothes is

under the fur, I still don't know why it doesn't tear to pieces but it doesn't and I'm a wide


I ran up the stairs from the garage to the kitchen, and saw my mom was baking

spaghetti and meat balls. Melissa, my mom is like the mother to all of us, she and dad are

basically in the pack too but never go on the vampire or bird people watches they stay at

home while we're out of the house all the time. Mom is a doctor and my dad is a lawyer.

We're quite a happy family too, we have a huge family room where we all can just hang

out and discuss life.

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I worked on an essay about Black History Month, while the rest of the pack got

home. When I finished that I carelessly strummed on my guitar, my favorite song to play

on there was a tie between Sweet Home Alabama and a song I wrote called “Wake up

and Live” I sang the lyrics flawlessly hitting every tune, and got everything right on the


Mom and Dad don't want me to sing in public because a producer could find me

and make me famous, and nobody would forget the kid with the perfect voice. And then

they'll notice the fact I don't age and figure out something is weird. And then the FBI or

some kind of secret organization will hunt me and my family down and our secret will be

out. The council of the mythical creatures will be furious and probably make the human

race extinct. So all that because I sang in public.

Before real late I heard the pack howl their home coming howl. It was time to go

on guard, well that's what I thought until Vincent rushed in.

“Somebody is moving into the mansion next door!” Vincent screamed. I got alert,

who could buy that mansion? It's like two million or plus dollars! I followed Vincent

down the steps and rushed out of the house. The moving truck hadn't got there yet, but

something was wrong with this scenario.

Alex ran out to grab Locke's arm she was nervous. Alex had a power that she

knew when something big was going to happen. This was one of her sensations. Aila and

Donny had not made it home yet.

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Two set's of paws came into perspective, and two black wolves strutted up. Aila

was the first one to transform. She was out of breath, they must have been running for a

long time. Donny transformed next, and as the moving truck pulled up into the mansion

to their right, the pack knew what was going on they could smell it.

Aila breathed out, “They are vampires....”


This was way over rated, there could not possibly being be moving into this small

town of Wolf Town. Vampires just don't move to where werewolves live it's just not

comprehensible. My heart rate was rising, if they touch their fingers on just one human, I

don't care if it is just one human, it's war. Vampires verse the werewolves and I think I

know whose gonna win. Us we're gonna rip them apart.

“Guys tomorrow morning I'll arrange a treaty with them that they can't harm

humans while they're living here. You guys need to just go to bed, we've got school in the

morning.” Locke announced.

I just then recognized that all ten of us were all out on the lawn besides Ohmar, he

was inside. I looked up in his window and he was sitting there in his wheelchair shaking

his head. Ohmar has always had a problem with vampires he has just despised them.

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None of us know why though, I think he has some childhood secret, because he

wasn't always with our pack, he came here by himself and asked to be in the pack. And of

course we said yes, I mean we wouldn't turn down a helpless werewolf teenager.

That night I didn't sleep a second, I thought about all the possibilities that could

happen could, we lose any of the pack if there's a war? Will they eat any of our friends at

school? No that would be non-sense, vampires don't eat them they suck their blood till

they are so pale and lifeless.

I didn't remember when I fell asleep the next day, I woke up confused and still

tired. I got some shorts and a tee-shirt on. I could hear mumbling from down stairs, and

then I smelt the recent smell I had last night. There were dirty rotten lifeless vampires in

our house, I sure hope Locke was making some kind of arrangement with them.

I headed downstairs and came into contact with the most gorgeous people in the

world, their pale skin and how perfect their hair, was a sight. And then I saw the most

beautifulest one there, she had wavy, brown hair that glistened from the near by window

the sun pouring in. She has dark brown eyes, a toboggan nested on her head, a cup of

coffee in her hand, plaid button up shirt, and a plaid skirt, with checkered converses.

I felt like an idiot, while I abruptly stopped in the middle of the staircase and

stared at her for a whole minute or so. Then I noticed the other vampires in the room

besides her, but she didn't smell like a vampire, she smelled human. Could she be a

human, but I was sure I smelt other vampires in the room.

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I looked around and saw a middle aged vampire who had black hair, a pair of

shades and dark brown eyes. He wore an unbuttoned shirt, that had a white tee-shirt

underneath. He had jeans and a pair of dress shoes on. And then I noticed that he had a

necklace on, it said the words BEN&IZZY.

And then a young teenager, who also didn't smell like a vampire. He had curly

brown hair, blue eyes, a scarf, and a blue jacket over a tee shirt, he had on a pair of jeans,

and running shoes. The weird thing about him, was that a small golden retriever was

behind him. The dog had blue eyes and resembled the teenager.

Locke was talking to Ben constantly, they were talking about how the two groups

of vampires and the other group of werewolves were going to survive together, with so

many differences. Ben then glanced at me, finally noting my arrival. “Hello, and you

must be Vance. My name is Ben, and these two teens are hi-breed vampires. His name is,

Tray, and this wonderful lady is Delilah.” Ben gestured toward me.

Tray walked up to me and reached out his hand, I gave him a firm handshake,

“Hello, it's been a pleasure to meet you.” Tray said politely. Then Delilah came up and

shook my hand also.

The three remarkably beautiful vampires were standing in my living room, I would

never thought that would happen. We usually hunt down the vampires in this area, but

now we're neighbors.

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Locke interfered a little, “They are all vegetarian vampires Vance, they don't eat

humans so you can relax. It was like he was reading my mind, I slumped down on the


“Well I'll guess we'll leave you three alone now. Locke and I need to go and make

sure that Walt understands he is not allowed to eat humans. He is the new vampire in our

coven and is not used to our vegetarian society.”Ben said.

And Delilah, Tray and me were alone. “So your a hi-breed werewolf like a hi-

breed vampire. So we're similar right?” Tray asked.

“Yes, we all are. Have you not seen one of us before?” I asked, really not

concerned at all just making conversation.

“Hmm, we've met a clan of lycans in Egypt but that's the only kind of werewolves

we've ever interfered with. Tell me Vance, have you ever seen a tribe of merfolk?” Tray

asked. Now I was interested, I've always had a liking for learning about different species.

And I've never heard of merfolk, my guess is that they are like mermaids or such.

“No I have never met, a species called merfolk. What are they exactly?” I asked,

curious now.

“Well we ran into a whole tribe of them while we were coming here, but they are

really like half human and half fish. They walk around like humans but have gills as

sideburns, and gills on their hands, ankles, and back of their neck. They are really

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complex creatures, but they only accept four people as guests to their village at once.

Delilah, Claire, Anna Mari, and I stayed there. The rest had to go and head on to here, it

wasn't really a choice for us to stay there or not, we had a to because they would find it


So these merfolk, gave us a room to stay in and fed us, well Anna Mari didn't eat

she's a vampire but us three ate. Claire is mine and Delilah's sister she decided to stay at

home and unack all her stuff. Anna was in misery there having nobody to talk to at night

with us three snoozing.

So after that experience, I wanted to bring Delilah back there again, she quite

enjoyed it. So we were wondering if you and another member of your pack would like to

come along with us?” Tray finished. Boy God did give this boy a mouth!

I couldn't turn this opportunity down and I knew who I was going to take, Alex.

She needed some time away from the pack and life, perhaps she'll like it there. “Sure I'll

bring Alex, she's been depressed lately and I think she needs some time in the sun.” I


“Vance I'm not depressed, and I would like to tell you it's 81 degrees outside, I just

went to the car wash. And of course I'll go to see the merfolk” Alex just walked in.

Delilah and Tray grinned at me. “So it's settled we'll go tomorrow morning” Tray perked.

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The four of us are going to see the merfolk, that was settled. And then my cell

phone rang, it was Donny. He was calling me because I was late for work at the car wash.

Which reminded me, I haven't even ate any breakfast yet, I figured I would just

make myself a breakfast burrito with eggs, cheese, ham, and such and eat it on the ride to

work. Alex stayed behind, Vincent took worked in her place instead.

My job in the car wash is that me and Donny dry off the cars and put cleaning

materials on them. It’s quite boring actually but Donny and I crack jokes and such. Locke

is a good boss, he doesn't really make us work hard, we do that by ourselves.

Once I got off work, Donny and I went to get a coffee. “So you and Alex are actually

traveling with those vampire scumbags to see some lame merfolk?” Donny asked.

“They are not scumbags; some of them are actually really nice.” I defended the

vampires, which I never thought I would ever have to do that.

“Well then, make sure Alex gets home safely, and you be safe bro too. We're like

family and we cannot lose either of you.” Donny said. This is also surprising because he

hates Alex’s guts.

“I will try to, but if something happens it's beyond my control.” I replied and

glimpsed over at the two vampires sitting at a coffee table, they were both African

American vamps. The girl had wavy black hair, and the boy had short black hair with a

blue toboggan on.

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“Well then make it your control, and take a risk we can't have anything happen.”

Donny still won't get off this subject!

“Um, dude lets get home and make sure everything is prepared for tomorrow.” We

drove in his Mercedes Sudan. We rode home in silence, occasionally making small talk

about the weather.

When we arrived in the kitchen when you first walk in, I saw two bags packed

with everything, Alex and I would need to make the trip go smoothly.

That night I spent dreaming about what could happen tomorrow, at the merfolk

kingdom. And then I dreamed about something unusual, the vampire Delilah. We were

having a picnic. There were dark stalking trees everywhere, and then the spot we were

sitting had light green gorgeous grass, and sunflowers everywhere in sight.

A nice plaid blanket was laid out, Delilah was smiling at me and I was somehow

smiling at her. “Hey Vance, what’s up?” the dream Delilah whispered.

I was breathless, because I could see something behind her that she couldn't see it

was a scaly creature, and was truly a huge monster. It grabbed Delilah and closed her

mouth and pulled her. She was kicking and screaming there was nothing I could do, and

then I noticed a wounded Alex in my arms.

“Vance help me!!” Delilah yelled, in agony. Though I wanted to set Alex down

and help her. But I couldn't I was stunned, I couldn't do anything. It was the worst feeling

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in my entire life and I hated it. Why can't I move? I yelled and screamed, I saw Tray in

the background being strangled by a large serpent like merfolk.

Alex was crying, and the harder she cried I screamed louder and louder. Having

the disease of being able to do nothing kills you, its like ripping a whole piece of you that

you can't live without. This was beyond imaginable, am I really this troubled inside that I

place myself in a dream where I am forced to do absolutely nothing?

I could hear a familiar voice on the outside, it was Vincent's voice. “Vance wake

up! Vance come on wake up!” Vincent screamed. Delilah vanished in the pits of

darkness, Tray was gone, and Alex was not cradled in my arms any longer.

I sat up on my bed and wriggled my fingers just to make sure they were working,

and I stared up into Vincent's worried face and said, “I had a nightmare.”

For some reason I started laughing, hysterically. Now I know I'm crazy, laughing

at the worst feeling of my life. Vincent stared at me with a confused look on his face.

Then I noticed that there were more people in the room, Alex, Donny, Aila, Jack, Locke,

Melissa, Elisha, and Tak were all there watching me.

“What you guys in here for?” I asked. Aila wrapped herself around Donny so she

could lay her head on his shoulder.

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“It's just that you were screaming in your sleep, and you mentioned Delilah in

your sleep, and something about Tray. And you whispered Alexandra at the end, and then

you woke up laughing for no reason, it was quite creepy.”Aila basically covered it.

“If you’re not well for tomorrow morning, you don't have to go if you don't want

to.” Donny whispered. Something told me that Donny didn't want me to go.

“No I'm going, I already told them yes and besides I'll be fine.” I pleaded,for no

reason because I knew I was gonna get what I want.

“Ok, then honey you be careful tomorrow.”mom told me, “Alex you watch over

him, besides you both need to watch over each other. Will you do that for me? I'll feel a

little bit more comfortable if you do.” mom whispered. This is mostly mom's way of

saying 'Don't Go, please I'm begging you!'

“Yes mom” Alex and I said in unison. I'm pretty sure Alex is really excited about

the trip. She doesn't hide it too well, Alex tries to show little affection for anything.

Locke made his way to his little sister and hugged her and gave her a kiss on her cheek,

whispering something in her ear, I couldn't hear it.

“Well good night kids and please don't wake me up again!” Tak teased and

everybody filed out, before Alex left she turned her head to see if I was okay.

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The rest of the night I slept like a toddler snuggled to his mom. I prayed to myself

that the dream that I had wasn't true and meant something bad was going to happen

tomorrow, I guess we'll just have to figure out.

Morning came quicker than I thought it would, and put on a pair of running shoes

and a bright yellow sweat shirt, and a pair of old ragged jeans. I walked down to the

kitchen and saw that Alex was ready to go, even Delilah and Tray were packed waiting

for me.

“Are you sure you want to go?” Tray asked, he must have been told about the

incident last night.

“Yes I'm positive I want to go, now lets get a move on, I want to be there before

nightfall.” I said. Something about that sentence made the two of them confused as they

stared at me like I was an idiot. “What?”

“No it's just that we'll probably be there in and hour if we run, and you

werewolves run pretty fast, right?” Delilah said. Sometime I forget I'm a werewolf, it's

just my second nature I guess.

“Oh right, I knew that.” I covered up my error. Delilah just stared at me with one

of those faces like she didn't believe me. (smart girl)

Before I knew it we were all outside running, Delilah and Tray held our bags since

we're wolves and can't really hold them very well. Delilah was faster than she looked, she

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was ahead of everybody else. I pushed ahead to make it up to her speed. Delilah and Tray

kept a rhythm the whole way there. The hour was over before we knew it and a huge

kingdom came into view, Delilah grinned at my face full of amazement...


The kingdom was magnificent, and engraved so well with a beuatiful moat with

lilies and flowers of all sorts surrounding it. I could see some merfolk in the water, they

looked like young merfolk playing.

The kids would swim under and not come up for another five minutes or longer

giggling and playing games. It was a fun scenery so I knew that the inside of the kingdom

would be awesome. Alex strolled over to the edge of the pond and leaned over to get a

glimpse of the lilies.

That was when I saw a shark fin merging from the water and was swimming

awfully close to Alex. I jumped into the water fully clothed, it was shallow water. I went

wolf form and attacked the shark. “Vance wait! No!” Delilah screamed.

I looked to see what she was talking about, and then I looked at the shark I was

beating up. Then I realized it wasn't a shark, it had a kid face and was crying hysterically.

“Oops.” I breathed.

Then I quickly went human again and smiled at Alex who had a confused look on

her face. I let the crying kid swim along to his momma. Once I got out of the water and

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made it to the others, Alex punched me in the shoulder. “That's what you get for beating

up and little kid, I thought we trained you better.” she joked. I winked at her, and she

laughed at me trying not to be so stupid.

“I forgot to tell you that some of the merfolk are mixed breeded, like that one was

breeded with a great white shark. The momma won't be so excited if she ever gets to meet

a child abuser like you...” Tray laughed at me.

“Merfolk can talk to sea creatures, smart one.”Delilah giggled.

I growled at them and started to head for the kingdom, they followed peacefully. I

could see the baby shark that I beat up paddling in the water, he was fine. Sheesh people

can be so legalistic, 'Don't beat up kids.' well I really don't care; that kid needed me to

reorganize his face. He should be the one thanking me. I joked to myself.

Tray had made it to the front door and somebody welcomed him in, Delilah and

Alex followed after. I made my way after Alex.

Inside the ceiling was so high and the chandeliers were made out of what looked

like whale bones. We were standing on a very medieval rug, everything was medieval in

some way in this room. Then I saw two guards standing by a huge thrown that held what

looked like a very old man he was like a bigger version of Yoda.

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The guards had armor on and were talking to each other in a hushed tone, they

both stared at us like we were big threats and they were almost scared of us. I couldn't see

why we were scary although they may have seen the incident at the moat. (I hope not)

Or they had another idea in mind, they probably haven't seen hi-breed werewolves

like us before.

The old man boosted himself up with his cane and walked to us. “Hmmm, two hi-

breed werewolves. Jasper and Keith bring the girl wolf in for questioning.” the old man

motioned for his two guards.

“Why do you need her for questioning, Luke?” Tray asked concerned. I was

confused was he talking about Delilah or Alex?

Jasper and Keith each came and grabbed both of Alex's arms, she shrieked and

managed to smack Jasper. “That's what you get for grabbing me, you oversized salmon!”

She growled. They snarled at her.

“Hey let her down! We came here for a visit not for you to harass us!” I yelled at

the old man.

He whacked me with his cane and said. “Stupid boy you will respect your elders

or face the consequences!”

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“And what will be the consequences master Yoda?” I yelled. They had already

brought Alex out of the room. I was pretty nervous about what they were doing to Alex

but she's the toughest girl I know she can handle it.

“Call me by my appropriate name or I will have to kill you myself, scumbag!” the

little Yoda threatened. That was it, I went wolf and held the jerk between my jaws. My

razor sharp teeth were barely in his skin.

The old man screeched, and a young blond merfolk woman ran in. She was a six

foot beast that, she kicked me off of Yoda and hissed at me. “Vance you better back off,

we didn't come for a fight.” Delilah begged.

I stared at the beast and then obediently backed off. This was not over, I knew it. I

went human again,and stood next to Tray. Alex came back soon enough with Jasper and

Keith,they released her and she ran to us. “She and her pack are innocent” they informed

Yoda as he pushed himself up off the ground with his cane.

“That is disappointing, but since we can't kill them they can still stay in the

dungeon. Except Tray and Delilah will stay and eat dinner with us.

Though we haven't been introduced with our new guests. Tray who are these

werewolves?” Luke asked.

“Well this is Vance, and this is Alex they are our new neighbors and we thought

we would have a short little visit with you guys.” Tray introduced us.

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“The rest of our village will be very worried to hear that two hi-breed werewolves

are in our realm, so I suggest Jasper and Keith go and show you to the dungeon. It'll be

very comfortable for our guests.” Luke ordered.

Jasper grabbed my arm and Keith grabbed Alex's and brought us down a flight of

stairs. Alex glared at me, the typical glare someone gives you when you've done

something wrong. Jasper opened the ancient door and then shoved me in, soon followed

by Alex.

“Ugghh, why did we even have to come and see these stupid merfolk people. I bet Tray

and Delilah knew that they were going to do this to us. We should never trust vampires,

they only lead us into trouble. I can't wait to get the heck out of here tomorrow.” Alex


“We'll live Alex, but what I want to know is what did they want when they took

you away?” I asked Alex.

“Well they kinda just asked about some war between the merfolk and the hi-breed

werewolves and if we knew anything about it, so of course I had no clue. They then let

me go back, it was very confusing.” Alex replied.

I nodded my head and looked around the room for a way out and then I felt

something along the edge of my sneakers. I looked down and there was water on the

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bottom of my sneakers. I looked at the walls and there in one corner was a faucet pouring

out with water.

There was water faucets in each corner of the room and in each minute the water

got higher. “We've got to get out of here, Alex.” I whispered.

“Ughh they are trying to drown us. But why?” Alex asked.

“They could still be mad about the past war when we isolated them here, but we

came from a whole different generation. That war was way before our time, it doesn't

make since!” I said. The water was up to my ankles.

I looked at Alex for help, but she was just as scared as I was. “We need to get

Delilah and Tray to hear us. TRAY!!!” she screamed.

I joined her, “DELILAH!!!” we screamed but the water got higher and there was

no response...


Thirty Minutes later... The water was up to our shoulders, we were near the top

of the ceiling kicking our legs to stay up. “Alex don't cry Tray and Delilah will be here

any second now.” I cheered Alex up.

“But Vance what if we don't make it? What if we drown here, as fools trusting

filthy vampires and merfolk? I don't want to die that way, Vance.” Alex whispered.

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“You’re not going to die, we've got to have hope. Now let’s think, what is the

happiest moment in your entire life?” I whispered the water was up to our neck now.

“Well, I guess it was that day when we had the family portrait of the entire family.

That was when me and Locke's mother was alive. She was gorgeous, and loved each of

us just for who we were. She taught us to be care worthy and loving, she taught us to

never let people tell us what we can't do and that we should stand up for ourselves. And

that day when the was whole pack was there, and everybody was having a good time.

Trevor and Allison were there too.

That was when you were crazy about Charity.” Alex laughed a dyeing laugh that

didn't last for long. The water was above us now.

It was drowning us now and Alex was staring at me under water, she was smiling

at the good memory she was having. This was not how I thought I was going to die, this

was not right it felt like heaven.

I stared at Alex underwater, her black hair was floating outwards. I could feel

myself losing it, with no air I lost control.

My hand slipped away from Alex's she smiled at me and then her eyes closed. My

brain was soon wiped out as well as I fell into a conscience state waiting to die. My life

would soon be over as soon as my heart stops.

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And then I felt the air the water was going down, but my lungs were filled with

water I still was dying. Then water was soon gone, and I was soaked head to toe.

A cold presence was over me banging on my heart, saying “Come on you can't die

now, we need you!” a girl's voice spoke. I believe it was Delilah's voice, but you can

never be so sure when you’re about to die.

She closed my nose and did mouth to mouth on me; it wouldn't work so she hit on

my heart again. That was when I spurted out water that was clogging my throat. I could

hear three beating hearts, Alex was okay.

I got up coughing my lungs out; I looked into my rescuers eyes. They were

beautiful; they were a nice light shade of brown that was content and everlasting. She

blushed and so did I, (awkward silence)

I never thought vampires could be trustworthy until now, I looked over at Tray

who looked like he was about to explode. “We've got to go, we only held off the merfolk

for a little while, they'll be back.”Tray urged.

“What do you mean?” Alex stammered.

“I mean that once we heard you screaming we tried to overtake them and come

and save you guys. So they got p'oed at us and I killed the little leader of theirs. Now that

we got away they are coming to kill us. So let’s get a move on before we're

cornered!”Tray urged us and pulled Alex on her feet.

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Delilah helped me up and the four of us ran to the nearest exit. At that exit I could

smell something awful in my canine sensitive nose. Alex foolishly pushed the door open,

and there staring us down was a huge six legged sea serpent.

A blue shark breed merfolk was sitting on his back armed with a spear and armor.

The merfolk spoke some kind of different language because he was screaming gibberish

and yelling at us.

He might have been speaking to the snake because he lunged at us and with one of

his long six legs he picked Alex up by her leg. She screamed a painstakingly felt scream

of misery. The serpent must have been holding her tight.

Tray flashed to the behind of the serpent. Delilah jumped up on one of the serpents

legs, I went wolf and headed to the side of the snake.

Alex was screaming at the merfolk, “Tell the beast to let me down or face the

wrath of me and my friends.” after that the snake slammed her against his side.

Tray climbed up the back of the snake and dug into his back, the snake hissed and

whirled around all over accidentally knocking his master off.

The gibberish speaking merfolk landed next to me, I quickly jumped on his chest

and bared his neck in my snout and growled showing him I meant buisness. But the weird

part was he started crying. “Please don't kill me... I have a daughter named Wanita she's

very ill and I only took this job to pay for her medical bills. I'll give you anything, I don't

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have much but you can have anything you want but please spare my life. I begging you!”

the man begged.

I roughly let him free, and the man ran off out of this place. Alex was still

screaming out for help.

The serpent used Alex as ammo and threw her right on me. I was knocked down

and she rolled off to my right side.

The serpent was attacking Delilah and Tray it was a full out battle. Tray was

drawing blood from the beast seriously injuring the monster. Delilah was working at the

first leg trying to cut it off.

She hissed when the beast threw her off to his side and hit the wall, Tray scratched

at the snake’s neck. The snake’s tail came up behind Tray and twisted around him. Tray

was completely unaware of the blind side, and was too late he couldn’t get loose from the


Then two merfolk walked in through a camouflaged door in the wall. The serpent

handed Tray to the merfolk. Delilah glanced at her brother, then attacked the serpent with

a furious look on her face.

The snake grabbed her; I got up and tried to run to her rescue. Delilah looked up at

me, “Vance you have to leave. Alex is hurt and you two can’t fight off the rest of these


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“No Delilah. I can’t leave you and Tray behind!” I stammered.

“LEAVE NOW!!” Delilah yelled then the snake slithered into the door and she

was gone. Alex was holding her ankle crying because it hurt so much, it was surely


I lifted her up on my muscular shoulder her black hair covered her pretty face. I

could hear her still whimpering behind my back. I went back through the door we came

in and went through the only other door in the room.

It led to the main hall and I could see an old widow or maybe his wife crying over

little Luke. The woman held her face in her hands as she kneeled over Luke’s lifeless

body. She then noticed us and hissed and started rushing toward me.

Any mans instinct would tell them to get the heck out of there, Alex grabbed on

and I ran to the exit. Where two guards were standing there armed, I just can’t get a break

around here!

The one merfolk had an axe ready and aimed it at my neck which I quickly

dodged, grabbed the axe and decapitated the merfolk. The other one was a wimp and ran


That was when I just ran, and ran here was nobody else to stop us. I stopped in a

clearing where I was about two miles away. I then set Alex down on the ground carefully

not wanting to injure her anymore than she is now.

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Alex looked up and whispered, “Call the others.” She then nestled her head down.

I went wolf, and guarded her to make sure I couldn’t hear anyone coming near, there was

nobody close. Then I howled aloud to the pack, a few seconds later I heard a response


Something you don’t know about me is that, I do have a special ability of my own.

Some mythical creatures do have powers, but most of the time they get looked down


Mostly because of jealousy, but my ability is that I can tell when ever somebody is

coming or where they are. Though there are limits to this, I can only tell from a mile


It really helps in situations when we’re guarding our town from vampires or bird

people, maybe wizards on an occasion. Wizards usually lurk near the council, the

mythological council. The council wants specimens that are talented, in the council.

They’re really picky about who’s in it and who’s not.

I know that there was a werewolf that was once in our pack, named Danil he was

recruited by the council. This thought brought back memories, it turned out that Vincent

and I had another brother named Danil.

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He was our brother but an evil brother he was, betraying us by leaving us all alone

when we needed a big brother. We had just lost the lycans, and I had lost Charity, my

best friend.

He has always wanted to be on the council, so when the lycans were moving to

Egypt, of course they interfered with the transaction. Nothing gets past the council, I’m

sure that they had to talk with the vampire’s coven when they moved here. So then they

figured out that he had a special talent, Danil could read the future.

Danil had once been a good brother but now he is not. End of Discussion.

But I sensed running fee coming our way from a mile away, and they were not the packs.


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