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Avoid making these interview blunders

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Avoid Making These Interview Blunders

Making mistakes is human. We all make mistakes and learn from them. However, when it comes to interview, there is no second chance. There are some mistakes which may prove fatal for the interview process, no matter how fit for the job you are. While some mistakes can be corrected if the interviewer or jobseeker is willing, some can be disastrous.

Here are some of the biggest interview blunders which you should try to avoid in all circumstances:

Not Showing Up

Quite obviously, if you do not show up for the interview it significantly reduces your chances of getting the job. If there are some unavoidable circumstances you are stuck in, you must call the concerned person and explain them the situation. You can request them to re-schedule the interview in case that is possible. Simply missing the interview without any notification almost completely eliminates your chances of getting the job.

It is also about how accountable you are. If you said you will call, you should call. You should show up in meeting and avoid doing last minute cancellations.

Not Researching About the Company

You may be confident about your qualifications and skills, but it does not mean that you fail to do research about the employer and his company. Not all interviewer ask questions about their company but some surely do. Some questions can be very specific and extremely easy if you have done proper research.

Failure to do relevant research about the company and the job profile shows your lack of interest for the role.

Blaming or Insulting a Previous Employer

Even when you are unhappy with your previous employer or you have grudges with your ex-manager, blaming or insulting them during an interview is a bad idea. Bad-mouthing your employer shows lack of maturity. Some interviewer may also assume you as a person who blame others for his mistakes.

Looking Disinterested

This is the worst thing you can do during an interview. Even though you are not too enthusiastic about the interview, you should at least behave and look interested. A person who looks engaged during the interview is far more likely to get the offer than a person who look lost and disinterested.

Page 2: Avoid making these interview blunders

Talking about the Salary too early

Of course money is important. However, there are many other things such as job profile, company reputation, working hours, etc. that are more important than salary. Bringing up money too early in an interview process is a bad idea.

Salary negotiations are generally done while finalizing the offer. You should wait for the interviewer to extend an offer and bring on the topic of salary.