The One Question That Can Triple The Response Of Your Automotive Marketing Recently, we have a tendency to listened to a twenty seven hour-long selling seminar recorded back in 2000 that reminded us of a very important, nonetheless extremely overlooked car dealer marketing strategy that could literally mean the difference between going into the red and record-breaking sales for your store this year. At this seminar they were solely scr atching the surface of this idea… because in 2000 the technology wasn’t as cheap or simply accessible as it is now. However today it is essential, and if you aren’t doing this one issue, you need to start immediately if you would like to see more leads, prospects and referrals coming back into your store. So what are we talking regarding that may quickly and effectively maximize your dealership’s marketing efforts and ultimately your bottom line? We're talking about systematically collecting contact information for every prospect or customer that deals along with your store. Most people who market on-line understand this concept. In fact, it’s how they create a living. But so many tiny dealers we encounter don't get the power of this. You need to be actively creating & using a database. You’re database is GOLD! In fact, it’s higher than Gold--- it’s like acres of diamonds just waiting to be mined by somebody who knows the potential of what’s hidden in the planet beneath him. I’d say 50% of dealerships collect contact info when a customer buys something…and maybe 15% do nice job at keeping it current and in a usable state. Nevertheless the sad part is that only 2% collect any data from prospects and leads before the sale…that may be a HUGE mistake on the dealer’s part.

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The One Question That Can Triple The

Response Of Your Automotive Marketing

Recently, we have a tendency to listened to a twenty seven hour-long selling

seminar recorded back in 2000 that reminded us of a very important, nonetheless

extremely overlooked car dealer marketing strategy that could literally mean

the difference between going into the red and record-breaking sales for your

store this year.

At this seminar they were solely scratching the surface of this idea… because in

2000 the technology wasn’t as cheap or simply accessible as it is now. However

today it is essential, and if you aren’t doing this one issue, you need to start

immediately if you would like to see more leads, prospects and referrals coming

back into your store.

So what are we talking regarding that may quickly and effectively maximize your

dealership’s marketing efforts and ultimately your bottom line?

We're talking about systematically collecting contact information for every

prospect or customer that deals along with your store.

Most people who market on-line understand this concept. In fact, it’s how they

create a living. But so many tiny dealers we encounter don't get the power of this.

You need to be actively creating & using a database. You’re database is GOLD! In

fact, it’s higher than Gold--- it’s like acres of diamonds just waiting to be mined by

somebody who knows the potential of what’s hidden in the planet beneath him.

I’d say 50% of dealerships collect contact info when a customer buys

something…and maybe 15% do nice job at keeping it current and in a usable

state. Nevertheless the sad part is that only 2% collect any data from prospects

and leads before the sale…that may be a HUGE mistake on the dealer’s part.

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The power is during the follow-up. Yes, it’s great to have the contact info of

consumers who purchased from your store to remind them of referral

opportunities or future deals…but what concerning the power to consistently and

regularly follow up with those inquiring regarding or maybe considering shopping

for a car from you?

The chance is priceless.

But again, we’re not talking about catching a client’s contact data on the fly or

just when it comes to your attention. No, we’re talking about having a full blown

automated system that’s used consistently and without fail to confirm contact

data is being collected from leads, prospects and customers 100% of the time.

At the very least you would like a possibility’s email address and their permission

to send stuff in the future. It's imperative, will quadruple the effectiveness of

your marketing and significantly impact your bottom-line. At best, you want full

contact information so you mail, email and phone them.

So here’s the large query…

How do you get all that information?

Easy. You incentivize the exchange. You offer something of value in return. And

I’m not talking about a magnet or a t-shirt or something that is of worth to YOU.

No, this desires to be one thing of high price to the client if you expect them to

fork over the goods their personal contact information) and really welcome

communication from you within the future.

And let me be perfectly honest in saying that while there might be an initial time

or cash investment on your half in making this “item of value”, giving the

customer one thing they need in exchange for an email address could be a deal

HEAVILY skewed in your favor.

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That’s because you’ve now gotten their permission to make relationships and

woo them into changing into customers for life. That’s how raving fans are born

who suggest and talk regarding you to others. That’s how you get a lot of referrals

then you'll handle and that’s how you can harness the ability of that each one

elusive, best-marketing-on-the-planet-because-it’s-free Word Of Mouth


But it all starts with aggressively pursuing and making it a TOP priority to gather

the contact info (especially email) of all the prospects you encounter each day.

With email you can market to them free in the future…and what sort of marketing

is healthier than free?